Caffe2 - Python API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 ## @package conv
2 # Module caffe2.python.helpers.conv
3 from __future__ import absolute_import
4 from __future__ import division
5 from __future__ import print_function
6 from __future__ import unicode_literals
8 from caffe2.python import core
9 from caffe2.python.modeling import initializers
10 from caffe2.python.modeling.parameter_info import ParameterTags
12 def _ConvBase(
13  model,
14  is_nd,
15  blob_in,
16  blob_out,
17  dim_in,
18  dim_out,
19  kernel,
20  weight_init=None,
21  bias_init=None,
22  WeightInitializer=None,
23  BiasInitializer=None,
24  group=1,
25  transform_inputs=None,
26  use_cudnn=False,
27  order="NCHW",
28  cudnn_exhaustive_search=False,
29  ws_nbytes_limit=None,
30  float16_compute=False,
31  **kwargs
32 ):
33  kernels = []
34  if is_nd:
35  if not isinstance(kernel, list):
36  kernels = [kernel]
37  else:
38  kernels = kernel
39  else:
40  if isinstance(kernel, list):
41  assert len(kernel) == 2, "Conv support only a 2D kernel."
42  kernels = kernel
43  else:
44  kernels = [kernel] * 2
46  requested_engine = kwargs.get('engine')
47  if requested_engine is not None:
48  if use_cudnn and requested_engine != 'CUDNN':
49  raise ValueError(
50  'When use_cudnn=True, the only engine you can specify is '
51  '"CUDNN"')
52  elif not use_cudnn and requested_engine == 'CUDNN':
53  raise ValueError(
54  'When use_cudnn=False, the only engine you can specify is '
55  '""')
57  if use_cudnn:
58  kwargs['engine'] = 'CUDNN'
59  kwargs['exhaustive_search'] = cudnn_exhaustive_search
60  if ws_nbytes_limit:
61  kwargs['ws_nbytes_limit'] = ws_nbytes_limit
63  use_bias =\
64  False if ("no_bias" in kwargs and kwargs["no_bias"]) else True
65  blob_out = blob_out or
66  weight_shape = [dim_out]
67  if order == "NCHW":
68  weight_shape.append(int(dim_in / group))
69  weight_shape.extend(kernels)
70  else:
71  weight_shape.extend(kernels)
72  weight_shape.append(int(dim_in / group))
74  WeightInitializer = initializers.update_initializer(
75  WeightInitializer, weight_init, ("XavierFill", {})
76  )
77  BiasInitializer = initializers.update_initializer(
78  BiasInitializer, bias_init, ("ConstantFill", {})
79  )
80  if not model.init_params:
81  WeightInitializer = initializers.ExternalInitializer()
82  BiasInitializer = initializers.ExternalInitializer()
84  weight = model.create_param(
85  param_name=blob_out + '_w',
86  shape=weight_shape,
87  initializer=WeightInitializer,
88  tags=ParameterTags.WEIGHT
89  )
90  if use_bias:
91  bias = model.create_param(
92  param_name=blob_out + '_b',
93  shape=[dim_out, ],
94  initializer=BiasInitializer,
95  tags=ParameterTags.BIAS
96  )
98  if use_bias:
99  inputs = [blob_in, weight, bias]
100  else:
101  inputs = [blob_in, weight]
103  if transform_inputs is not None:
104  transform_inputs(model, blob_out, inputs)
106  # Enable float 16 compute kernel (relevant for CUDA)
107  if float16_compute:
108  kwargs['float16_compute'] = True
110  # For the operator, we no longer need to provide the no_bias field
111  # because it can automatically figure this out from the number of
112  # inputs.
113  if 'no_bias' in kwargs:
114  del kwargs['no_bias']
115  if group != 1:
116  kwargs['group'] = group
117  if is_nd:
118  return
119  inputs,
120  blob_out,
121  kernels=kernels,
122  order=order,
123  **kwargs)
124  else:
125  if isinstance(kernel, list):
126  return
127  inputs,
128  blob_out,
129  kernel_h=kernel[0],
130  kernel_w=kernel[1],
131  order=order,
132  **kwargs)
133  else:
134  return
135  inputs,
136  blob_out,
137  kernel=kernel,
138  order=order,
139  **kwargs)
143 def conv_nd(
144  model,
145  blob_in,
146  blob_out,
147  dim_in,
148  dim_out,
149  kernel,
150  weight_init=None,
151  bias_init=None,
152  WeightInitializer=None,
153  BiasInitializer=None,
154  group=1,
155  transform_inputs=None,
156  order="NCHW",
157  **kwargs
158 ):
159  """N-dimensional convolution for inputs with NCHW storage order.
160  """
161  assert order == "NCHW", "ConvNd only supported for NCHW storage."
162  return _ConvBase(model, True, blob_in, blob_out, dim_in, dim_out, kernel,
163  weight_init, bias_init, WeightInitializer, BiasInitializer,
164  group, transform_inputs, order=order, **kwargs)
167 def conv(
168  model,
169  blob_in,
170  blob_out,
171  dim_in,
172  dim_out,
173  kernel,
174  weight_init=None,
175  bias_init=None,
176  WeightInitializer=None,
177  BiasInitializer=None,
178  group=1,
179  transform_inputs=None,
180  **kwargs
181 ):
182  """2-dimensional convolution.
183  """
184  return _ConvBase(model, False, blob_in, blob_out, dim_in, dim_out, kernel,
185  weight_init, bias_init, WeightInitializer, BiasInitializer,
186  group, transform_inputs, **kwargs)
189 def conv_transpose(
190  model,
191  blob_in,
192  blob_out,
193  dim_in,
194  dim_out,
195  kernel,
196  weight_init=None,
197  bias_init=None,
198  use_cudnn=False,
199  order="NCHW",
200  cudnn_exhaustive_search=False,
201  ws_nbytes_limit=None,
202  **kwargs
203 ):
204  """ConvTranspose.
205  """
206  weight_init = weight_init if weight_init else ('XavierFill', {})
207  bias_init = bias_init if bias_init else ('ConstantFill', {})
208  blob_out = blob_out or
209  weight_shape = (
210  [dim_in, dim_out, kernel, kernel]
211  if order == "NCHW" else [dim_in, kernel, kernel, dim_out]
212  )
213  if model.init_params:
214  weight = model.param_init_net.__getattr__(weight_init[0])(
215  [],
216  blob_out + '_w',
217  shape=weight_shape,
218  **weight_init[1]
219  )
220  bias = model.param_init_net.__getattr__(bias_init[0])(
221  [],
222  blob_out + '_b',
223  shape=[dim_out, ],
224  **bias_init[1]
225  )
226  else:
227  weight = core.ScopedBlobReference(
228  blob_out + '_w', model.param_init_net)
229  bias = core.ScopedBlobReference(
230  blob_out + '_b', model.param_init_net)
231  model.AddParameter(weight, ParameterTags.WEIGHT)
232  model.AddParameter(bias, ParameterTags.BIAS)
233  if use_cudnn:
234  kwargs['engine'] = 'CUDNN'
235  kwargs['exhaustive_search'] = cudnn_exhaustive_search
236  if ws_nbytes_limit:
237  kwargs['ws_nbytes_limit'] = ws_nbytes_limit
238  return
239  [blob_in, weight, bias],
240  blob_out,
241  kernel=kernel,
242  order=order,
243  **kwargs
244  )
247 def group_conv(
248  model,
249  blob_in,
250  blob_out,
251  dim_in,
252  dim_out,
253  kernel,
254  weight_init=None,
255  bias_init=None,
256  group=1,
257  **kwargs
258 ):
259  """Group Convolution.
261  This is essentially the same as Conv with a group argument passed in.
262  We specialize this for backward interface compatibility.
263  """
264  return conv(model, blob_in, blob_out, dim_in, dim_out, kernel,
265  weight_init=weight_init, bias_init=bias_init,
266  group=group, **kwargs)
269 def group_conv_deprecated(
270  model,
271  blob_in,
272  blob_out,
273  dim_in,
274  dim_out,
275  kernel,
276  weight_init=None,
277  bias_init=None,
278  group=1,
279  use_cudnn=False,
280  order="NCHW",
281  cudnn_exhaustive_search=False,
282  ws_nbytes_limit=None,
283  **kwargs
284 ):
285  """GroupConvolution's deprecated interface.
287  This is used to simulate a group convolution via split and concat. You
288  should always use the new group convolution in your new code.
289  """
290  weight_init = weight_init if weight_init else ('XavierFill', {})
291  bias_init = bias_init if bias_init else ('ConstantFill', {})
292  use_bias = False if ("no_bias" in kwargs and kwargs["no_bias"]) else True
293  if use_cudnn:
294  kwargs['engine'] = 'CUDNN'
295  kwargs['exhaustive_search'] = cudnn_exhaustive_search
296  if ws_nbytes_limit:
297  kwargs['ws_nbytes_limit'] = ws_nbytes_limit
298  if dim_in % group:
299  raise ValueError("dim_in should be divisible by group.")
300  if dim_out % group:
301  raise ValueError("dim_out should be divisible by group.")
302  splitted_blobs =
303  blob_in,
304  ['_' + blob_out + '_gconv_split_' + str(i) for i in range(group)],
305  dimensions=[int(dim_in / group) for i in range(group)],
306  order=order
307  )
308  weight_shape = (
309  [dim_out / group, dim_in / group, kernel, kernel]
310  if order == "NCHW" else
311  [dim_out / group, kernel, kernel, dim_in / group]
312  )
313  # Make sure that the shapes are of int format. Especially for py3 where
314  # int division gives float output.
315  weight_shape = [int(v) for v in weight_shape]
316  conv_blobs = []
317  for i in range(group):
318  if model.init_params:
319  weight = model.param_init_net.__getattr__(weight_init[0])(
320  [],
321  blob_out + '_gconv_%d_w' % i,
322  shape=weight_shape,
323  **weight_init[1]
324  )
325  if use_bias:
326  bias = model.param_init_net.__getattr__(bias_init[0])(
327  [],
328  blob_out + '_gconv_%d_b' % i,
329  shape=[int(dim_out / group)],
330  **bias_init[1]
331  )
332  else:
333  weight = core.ScopedBlobReference(
334  blob_out + '_gconv_%d_w' % i, model.param_init_net)
335  if use_bias:
336  bias = core.ScopedBlobReference(
337  blob_out + '_gconv_%d_b' % i, model.param_init_net)
338  model.AddParameter(weight, ParameterTags.WEIGHT)
339  if use_bias:
340  model.AddParameter(bias, ParameterTags.BIAS)
341  if use_bias:
342  inputs = [weight, bias]
343  else:
344  inputs = [weight]
345  if 'no_bias' in kwargs:
346  del kwargs['no_bias']
347  conv_blobs.append(
348  splitted_blobs[i].Conv(
349  inputs,
350  blob_out + '_gconv_%d' % i,
351  kernel=kernel,
352  order=order,
353  **kwargs
354  )
355  )
356  concat, concat_dims =
357  conv_blobs,
358  [blob_out,
359  "_" + blob_out + "_concat_dims"],
360  order=order
361  )
362  return concat
Module caffe2.python.helpers.conv.