Caffe2 - Python API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 ## @package control_ops_grad
2 # Module caffe2.python.control_ops_grad
3 from __future__ import absolute_import
4 from __future__ import division
5 from __future__ import print_function
6 from __future__ import unicode_literals
8 from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2
11 def gen_do_gradient(op, g_output):
12  """
13  Generates gradient Do operator, given forward Do op and a list
14  of gradient blobs corresponding to forward op's outputs
15  Returns a gradient op and a list of blobs corresponding to input gradients
16  """
17  from caffe2.python.core import BlobReference
18  subnet, outer_to_inner_map, inner_to_outer_map, workspace_blob_name = \
19  _do_op_sanity_check_and_process(op)
21  assert len(g_output) == len(op.output), \
22  "Different number of gradient blobs and Do op outputs"
24  grad_ops, deduped_g_output = dedupe_g_output(op, g_output)
25  g_output = deduped_g_output
27  # From the outer net point of view:
28  # Do is an operator that has some number of inputs and outputs;
29  # we have to generate a gradient operator that writes into
30  # corresponding input gradient blobs and has access to inputs, outputs
31  # and gradient output blobs
32  # From the inner net point of view:
33  # Do is an operator with a subnet and blob bindings,
34  # we need to forward Do's output blob gradients into inner workspace,
35  # use them to run backward pass generation and forward Do's input blob
36  # gradients back into outer workspace
38  op_output = [str(o) for o in op.output]
39  op_output = op_output[:-1] # remove workspace pointer blob
40  op_input = [str(i) for i in op.input]
41  op_input = op_input[:-1] # remove workspace pointer blob
43  ordered_inner_output_blob_names = [outer_to_inner_map[o] for o in op_output]
45  backward_pass_initial_grad_map = {}
46  initial_grad_map = {}
47  for inner_output_name, outer_grad_output_name in \
48  zip(ordered_inner_output_blob_names, g_output):
49  # link inner_output_name to corresponding inner_grad_output_name for
50  # backward pass generation;
51  if outer_grad_output_name:
52  inner_grad_output_name = inner_output_name + "/_DO_OPERATOR_INNER_GRAD_"
53  backward_pass_initial_grad_map[BlobReference(inner_output_name)] = \
54  BlobReference(inner_grad_output_name)
55  initial_grad_map[inner_grad_output_name] = str(outer_grad_output_name)
56  assert len(initial_grad_map) > 0, "Empty initial gradient map for Do op"
58  inner_grad_ops, inner_grad_names_map = _gen_subgradient_pass(
59  subnet, backward_pass_initial_grad_map)
61  if len(inner_grad_ops) == 0:
62  return [], []
64  grad_copy_ops = []
65  g_input = []
66  new_op_outputs = []
67  new_blob_bindings = {}
68  for outer_input_name in op_input:
69  inner_input_name = outer_to_inner_map[outer_input_name]
70  if inner_input_name in inner_grad_names_map:
71  inner_grad_input_name = inner_grad_names_map[inner_input_name]
72  outer_grad_input_name = outer_input_name + "_grad"
74  # It is possible that inner_grad_input_name will need to be
75  # linked to another outer blob. For example:
76  #
77  # // y - param initialized in init_net
78  # x = ...
79  # z = ...
80  # with ops.IfNet(...):
81  # ops.Add([z, x], y) # inner Do block
82  # loss = f(..., y, ...)
83  #
84  # In this case x, y and z are external for the inner Do block,
85  # the inputs of the Do block are z and x and the output is y.
86  # When computing the gradient of input x given the gradient
87  # of output y it's easy to see that they are equal.
88  # During the generation of gradient Do operator, we link
89  # external gradient y (y_grad) to the internal name
90  # (y/_DO_OPERATOR_INNER_GRAD_) and generate the backward pass
91  # for the internal Do net. As a result we get gradient operators
92  # for the gradient Do and gradient map that maps internal Do
93  # blobs to their computed gradients.
94  # In this example, gradient map may have blob x linked to
95  # gradient blob y/_DO_OPERATOR_INNER_GRAD_.
96  # We should export gradient for x outside of Do, so
97  # we add a blob mapping from inner gradient blob
98  # (y/_DO_OPERATOR_INNER_GRAD_) to a new outer name (x_grad).
99  #
100  # (Note: since we use transparent blob mapping between outer and
101  # inner (Do's) workspace, these operations do not involve copying
102  # but are merely using blobs in outer workspace in the Do's operator
103  # workspace under (possibly) different names)
104  #
105  # At the same time, we need to add a blob mapping from inner name
106  # y/_DO_OPERATOR_INNER_GRAD_ to the outer blob y_grad
107  # Hence in this case, we cannot use existing blob mapping scheme
108  # that requires a bijection between subset of inner blob names and
109  # a set of all (Do's input and output) outer blob names
111  # TODO(iliacher): Remove unnecessary blob copying
113  new_inner_grad_input_name = \
114  inner_input_name + "/_DO_OPERATOR_INNER_GRAD_COPY_"
115  grad_copy_ops.append(_prepare_blob_copy_op(
116  inner_grad_input_name, new_inner_grad_input_name))
118  new_blob_bindings[new_inner_grad_input_name] = outer_grad_input_name
119  new_op_outputs.append(outer_grad_input_name)
120  g_input.append(outer_grad_input_name)
121  else:
122  g_input.append(None)
124  new_op_inputs = []
125  overwritten_names = set()
126  saved_local_blob_names = set()
127  for grad_op in inner_grad_ops:
128  grad_op_input = [str(i) for i in grad_op.input]
129  grad_op_output = [str(o) for o in grad_op.output]
130  for grad_op_input_name in grad_op_input:
131  if grad_op_input_name in overwritten_names:
132  continue
133  # check if this is an external blob
134  outer_name = inner_to_outer_map.get(grad_op_input_name, None)
135  if not outer_name:
136  # check if this is an external gradient blob
137  outer_name = initial_grad_map.get(grad_op_input_name, None)
138  if outer_name:
139  outer_name = str(outer_name)
140  if outer_name not in new_op_inputs:
141  new_op_inputs.append(outer_name)
143  new_blob_bindings[grad_op_input_name] = outer_name
144  else:
145  # this is a local blob, we'll get it's value from
146  # a saved forward op workspace
147  saved_local_blob_names.add(grad_op_input_name)
148  overwritten_names.update(grad_op_output)
150  # add inner gradient copy ops
151  inner_grad_ops += grad_copy_ops
153  gradient_do_def = _prepare_gradient_do_op(
154  fwd_op=op,
155  fwd_net=subnet,
156  grad_ops=inner_grad_ops,
157  inputs=new_op_inputs,
158  outputs=new_op_outputs,
159  blob_bindings=new_blob_bindings,
160  saved_fwd_blobs=saved_local_blob_names,
161  workspace_blob_name=workspace_blob_name)
162  grad_ops.append(gradient_do_def)
164  _do_op_sanity_check_and_process(gradient_do_def)
166  return grad_ops, g_input
169 def dedupe_g_output(op, g_output):
170  # When generation a gradient op it's possible to receive the same gradient
171  # blob corresponding to different forward op output blobs, Do operator
172  # requires a bijection between inner and outer names, make sure we do
173  # deduplication
174  grad_ops = []
175  deduped_g_output = []
176  init_grad_map = {}
177  for output_name, grad_name in zip(op.output, g_output):
178  if not grad_name:
179  deduped_g_output.append(grad_name)
180  continue
182  if output_name in init_grad_map:
183  deduped_g_output.append(init_grad_map[output_name])
184  else:
185  if grad_name not in init_grad_map.values():
186  init_grad_map[output_name] = grad_name
187  deduped_g_output.append(grad_name)
188  else:
189  deduped_grad_name = output_name + "_" + grad_name + "_DEDUP"
190  assert deduped_grad_name not in init_grad_map.values()
191  grad_copy_op = caffe2_pb2.OperatorDef()
192  grad_copy_op.type = "Copy"
193  grad_copy_op.input.extend([grad_name])
194  grad_copy_op.output.extend([deduped_grad_name])
195  grad_ops.append(grad_copy_op)
196  deduped_g_output.append(deduped_grad_name)
197  init_grad_map[output_name] = deduped_grad_name
198  return grad_ops, deduped_g_output
201 def gen_while_gradient(op, g_output):
202  """
203  Generates gradient While operator
204  """
205  from caffe2.python.core import BlobReference
206  assert op.type == "While", "Expected While op"
207  assert len(op.input) > 0, "Expected at least one input in While op"
209  assert len(op.output) == len(g_output), \
210  "Different number of gradient blobs and While op outputs"
212  grad_ops, deduped_g_output = dedupe_g_output(op, g_output)
213  g_output = deduped_g_output
215  init_grad_map = {}
216  op_output = [str(o) for o in op.output]
217  for output_name, grad_output_name in zip(op_output, g_output):
218  if grad_output_name:
219  init_grad_map[BlobReference(output_name)] = \
220  BlobReference(grad_output_name)
221  assert len(init_grad_map) > 0, "Empty initial gradient map for While op"
223  loop_net = _get_net_argument(op, "loop_net")
224  assert loop_net, "Expected loop subnet in While op"
225  assert len(loop_net.op) == 1 and loop_net.op[0].type == "Do", \
226  "Gradient While op requires single Do op as a loop body"
227  do_op = loop_net.op[0]
228  do_args = _get_do_arguments(do_op)
229  assert "reuse_workspace" not in do_args or not do_args["reuse_workspace"], \
230  "Gradient While op requires Do loop body op without reuse_workspace set"
232  assert len(do_op.output) > 0, "Expected Do op with at least one output"
233  workspace_blob = do_op.output[-1]
235  loop_grad_net, loop_grad_map, loop_input_names, loop_output_names = \
236  _gen_subnet_gradient(loop_net, init_grad_map)
237  assert loop_grad_net, "Failed to get gradient net for loop body in While op"
239  grad_ops += _prepare_gradient_while_ops(
240  fwd_op=op,
241  input_names=loop_input_names,
242  output_names=loop_output_names,
243  loop_grad_net=loop_grad_net,
244  workspace_blob=workspace_blob,
245  init_grad_map=init_grad_map,
246  loop_grad_map=loop_grad_map)
248  op_input = [str(i) for i in op.input]
249  g_input = [loop_grad_map.get(i, None) for i in op_input]
250  return grad_ops, g_input
253 # Constructs gradient While op, arguments:
254 # fwd_op - forward While op
255 # input_names - input blob names for a gradient op
256 # output_names - output blob names for a gradient op
257 # loop_grad_net - gradient loop body net
258 # workspace_blob - blob that holds forward workspaces stack
259 # init_grad_map - initial gradient to forward blob map
260 # loop_grad_map - gradient blob map for loop's body
261 def _prepare_gradient_while_ops(
262  fwd_op, input_names, output_names, loop_grad_net, workspace_blob,
263  init_grad_map, loop_grad_map):
264  gradient_while_def = caffe2_pb2.OperatorDef()
265  gradient_while_def.CopyFrom(fwd_op)
266  if
267 += "_grad"
269  loop_net_arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
270 = "loop_net"
271  loop_net_arg.n.CopyFrom(loop_grad_net)
273  cond_net_arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
274 = "cond_net"
275  from caffe2.python.core import Net, BlobReference
276  # Construct condition net - check that there're still forward workspaces
277  # left using HasScope op
278  cond_net = Net('gradient_loop_cond_net')
279  cond_init_net = Net('gradient_loop_cond_net_init')
280  cond_blob = cond_net.NextScopedBlob(cond_net.Name() + '/cond')
281  cond_init_net.HasScope(workspace_blob, cond_blob)
282  cond_net.HasScope(workspace_blob, cond_blob)
283  for blob, init_grad_blob in init_grad_map.items():
284  blob_name = str(blob)
285  init_grad_blob_name = str(init_grad_blob)
286  if blob_name in loop_grad_map and \
287  loop_grad_map[blob_name] != init_grad_blob_name:
288  cond_net.Copy(
289  BlobReference(loop_grad_map[blob_name]), init_grad_blob)
290  cond_init_net.Copy(
291  init_grad_blob, BlobReference(loop_grad_map[blob_name]))
292  cond_net_arg.n.CopyFrom(cond_net.Proto())
294  del gradient_while_def.arg[:]
295  gradient_while_def.arg.extend([loop_net_arg, cond_net_arg])
297  del gradient_while_def.control_input[:]
298  del gradient_while_def.input[:]
299  gradient_while_def.input.extend(
300  [str(cond_blob).encode('utf-8')] + list(input_names))
301  del gradient_while_def.output[:]
302  gradient_while_def.output.extend(output_names)
303  gradient_while_def.is_gradient_op = True
304  return [o for o in cond_init_net.Proto().op] + [gradient_while_def]
307 def _get_do_arguments(do_op):
308  assert do_op.type == "Do", "Expected Do op"
309  args = {}
310  for arg in do_op.arg:
311  if not
312  continue
313  if == "net":
314  assert arg.n, "Expected non empty net argument"
315  args["net"] = arg.n
316  elif == "reuse_workspace":
317  assert arg.i, "Expected non empty reuse_workspace argument"
318  args["reuse_workspace"] = bool(arg.i)
319  elif == "inner_blobs":
320  assert arg.strings, "Expected non empty inner_blobs argument"
321  args["inner_blobs"] = arg.strings
322  elif == "outer_blobs_idx":
323  assert arg.ints, "Expected non empty outer_blobs_idx argument"
324  args["outer_blobs_idx"] = arg.ints
325  return args
328 def gen_if_gradient(op, g_output):
329  """
330  Generates gradient If operator, given forward If op and a list
331  of gradient blobs corresponding to forward op's outputs
332  Returns a gradient op and a list of blobs corresponding to input gradients
333  """
334  from caffe2.python.core import BlobReference
335  assert op.type == "If", "Expected If op"
336  # first input is the condition blob
337  assert len(op.input) > 0, "Expected at least one input in If op"
339  assert len(op.output) == len(g_output), \
340  "Different number of gradient blobs and If op outputs"
342  grad_ops, deduped_g_output = dedupe_g_output(op, g_output)
343  g_output = deduped_g_output
345  init_grad_map = {} # map from if's output blob to output gradient blob
346  op_input = [str(i) for i in op.input]
347  op_output = [str(o) for o in op.output]
348  for output_name, grad_output_name in zip(op_output, g_output):
349  if grad_output_name:
350  init_grad_map[BlobReference(output_name)] = \
351  BlobReference(grad_output_name)
352  # shouldn't call without at least one output gradient available
353  assert len(init_grad_map) > 0, "Empty initial gradient map for If op"
355  grad_map = {} # map from blob to gradient blob
356  then_net = _get_net_argument(op, "then_net")
357  assert then_net, "Expected then subnet in If op"
358  then_grad_net, then_grad_map, then_input_names, then_output_names = \
359  _gen_subnet_gradient(then_net, init_grad_map)
360  assert then_grad_net, "Failed to get gradient net for then in If op"
361  grad_map.update(then_grad_map)
363  else_input_names = set()
364  else_output_names = set()
365  else_grad_map = {}
366  else_grad_net = None
367  else_net = _get_net_argument(op, "else_net")
368  if else_net:
369  else_grad_net, else_grad_map, else_input_names, else_output_names = \
370  _gen_subnet_gradient(else_net, init_grad_map)
371  assert else_grad_net, "Failed to get gradient net for else in If op"
372  # consider case: else doesn't update blob's gradient and keeps original
373  # from init_grad_map, but then updates the gradient
374  for else_blob, else_grad_blob in else_grad_map.items():
375  if else_blob in then_grad_map:
376  then_grad_blob = then_grad_map[else_blob]
377  # if both then and else branches have grad blob name for the same
378  # blob and grad names are different, then one of the branches
379  # doesn't use blob and has original grad blob name in it's grad map,
380  # and another branch uses blob and has <blob_name>_grad name
381  # in it's grad map (might be different from original grad blob)
382  if then_grad_blob != else_grad_blob:
383  init_grad_name = init_grad_map[else_blob] \
384  if else_blob in init_grad_map else None
386  if then_grad_blob == init_grad_name:
387  grad_map[else_blob] = else_grad_blob
388  elif else_grad_blob == init_grad_name:
389  grad_map[else_blob] = then_grad_blob
390  else:
391  raise "Unexpected grad blob name " + else_blob + ", " + \
392  else_grad_blob + ", " + then_grad_blob
393  else:
394  grad_map[else_blob] = else_grad_blob
396  # make sure gradients of blobs that were not computed
397  # by the selected if's branch are initialized with zeros
398  then_other_output_names = \
399  then_output_names - (then_output_names & else_output_names)
400  then_other_grad_output_names = set(
401  [o for o in then_other_output_names if o in then_grad_map.values()])
402  zero_then = _gen_grad_zero_init_ops(
403  init_grad_map, then_grad_map, then_other_grad_output_names)
404  if else_grad_net:
405  else_grad_net.op.extend(zero_then)
406  elif len(zero_then) > 0:
407  else_grad_net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
408  else_grad_net.CopyFrom(then_grad_net)
409  if
410 += "_auto_else_zero_blobs_"
411  del else_grad_net.op[:]
412  else_grad_net.op.extend(zero_then)
413  del else_grad_net.external_input[:]
414  del else_grad_net.external_output[:]
416  else_other_output_names = \
417  else_output_names - (then_output_names & else_output_names)
418  else_other_grad_output_names = set(
419  [o for o in else_other_output_names if o in else_grad_map.values()])
420  zero_else = _gen_grad_zero_init_ops(
421  init_grad_map, else_grad_map, else_other_grad_output_names)
422  then_grad_net.op.extend(zero_else)
424  output_names = list(then_output_names | else_output_names)
425  input_names = then_input_names | else_input_names
426  # make sure condition blob is the first in the list
427  input_names = [op_input[0]] + list(input_names - set(op_input[0]))
428  gradient_if_def = _prepare_gradient_if_op(
429  fwd_op=op,
430  input_names=input_names,
431  output_names=output_names,
432  then_grad_net=then_grad_net,
433  else_grad_net=else_grad_net)
434  g_input = [grad_map.get(i, None) for i in op_input]
435  return grad_ops + [gradient_if_def], g_input
438 def _gen_subnet_gradient(subnet, init_grad):
439  grad_ops, grad_names_map = _gen_subgradient_pass(
440  subnet, init_grad)
442  output_names = set()
443  input_names = set()
444  for grad_op in grad_ops:
445  for grad_op_input in grad_op.input:
446  if str(grad_op_input) not in output_names:
447  input_names.add(str(grad_op_input))
448  for grad_op_output in grad_op.output:
449  output_names.add(str(grad_op_output))
451  gradient_net_def = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
452  gradient_net_def.CopyFrom(subnet)
453  if
454 += "_grad"
455  del gradient_net_def.op[:]
456  gradient_net_def.op.extend(grad_ops)
457  del gradient_net_def.external_input[:]
458  del gradient_net_def.external_output[:]
460  return gradient_net_def, grad_names_map, input_names, output_names
463 def _get_net_argument(op, net_name):
464  for arg in op.arg:
465  if and == net_name:
466  assert arg.n, "Expected non empty net argument " + net_name
467  return arg.n
468  return None
471 def getNetArgument(op, net_name):
472  """A wrapper for external call"""
473  return _get_net_argument(op, net_name)
476 def _gen_subgradient_pass(subnet, init_grad):
477  from caffe2.python.core import IR
478  subnet_ir = IR(subnet.op)
479  grad_ops, grad_blob_map = \
480  subnet_ir.GetBackwardPass(init_grad)
481  grad_names_map = {}
482  for b, g in grad_blob_map.items():
483  grad_names_map[str(b)] = str(g)
484  return grad_ops, grad_names_map
487 def _do_op_sanity_check_and_process(op):
488  assert op.type == "Do", "Expected Do op"
490  subnet = _get_net_argument(op, "net")
491  assert subnet, "No net argument found in Do op"
493  inner_blobs = None
494  outer_blobs_idx = None
495  for arg in op.arg:
496  if and == "inner_blobs":
497  assert not inner_blobs, "inner_blobs redefinition"
498  assert arg.strings and len(arg.strings) > 0, \
499  "Empty inner_blobs argument in Do op"
500  inner_blobs = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in arg.strings]
501  if and == "outer_blobs_idx":
502  assert not outer_blobs_idx, "outer_blobs_idx redefinition"
503  assert arg.ints and len(arg.ints) > 0, \
504  "Empty outer_blobs_idx argument in Do op"
505  outer_blobs_idx = arg.ints
506  if inner_blobs and outer_blobs_idx:
507  break
509  assert inner_blobs, "No inner_blobs argument found in Do op"
510  assert outer_blobs_idx, "No outer_blobs_idx argument found in Do op"
512  assert len(inner_blobs) == len(outer_blobs_idx), \
513  "Arguments inner_blobs and outer_blobs_idx of different length in Do op"
515  all_inner_blobs = set(inner_blobs)
516  assert len(all_inner_blobs) == len(inner_blobs), \
517  "Found duplicates in inner_blobs in Do op"
519  op_input = [str(i) for i in op.input]
520  assert len(op_input) > 0, "Expected at least one input blob"
521  # remove last input blob that holds pointer to workspace
522  input_workspace_blob_name = op_input[-1]
523  op_input = op_input[:-1]
525  op_output = [str(o) for o in op.output]
526  assert len(op_output) > 0, "Expected at least one output blob"
527  # remove last output blob that holds pointer to workspace
528  workspace_blob_name = op_output[-1]
529  assert input_workspace_blob_name == workspace_blob_name, \
530  "Expected same input/output workspace blob"
531  op_output = op_output[:-1]
533  all_op_input_blob_names = set(op_input)
534  assert len(all_op_input_blob_names) == len(op_input), \
535  "Found duplicates in Do op inputs"
536  all_op_output_blob_names = set(op_output)
537  assert len(all_op_output_blob_names) == len(op_output), \
538  "Found duplicates in Do op outputs"
540  ordered_outer_blob_names = op_input + op_output
541  all_outer_blob_names = set(ordered_outer_blob_names)
542  used_outer_blob_names = set()
543  outer_to_inner_map = {}
544  inner_to_outer_map = {}
545  for inner_name, outer_blob_idx in zip(inner_blobs, outer_blobs_idx):
546  assert outer_blob_idx >= 0 and \
547  outer_blob_idx < len(ordered_outer_blob_names), \
548  "Outer blob index is out of bounds in Do op"
549  outer_name = ordered_outer_blob_names[outer_blob_idx]
550  assert outer_name not in used_outer_blob_names, \
551  "Reusage of outer blob name " + outer_name + " in Do op"
552  used_outer_blob_names.add(outer_name)
553  outer_to_inner_map[outer_name] = inner_name
554  inner_to_outer_map[inner_name] = outer_name
556  assert len(used_outer_blob_names) == len(all_outer_blob_names), \
557  "Not all outer blob names are used in blob bindings in Do op"
559  return subnet, outer_to_inner_map, inner_to_outer_map, workspace_blob_name
562 def _prepare_blob_copy_op(from_name, to_name):
563  copy_op_def = caffe2_pb2.OperatorDef()
564  copy_op_def.type = "Copy"
565  copy_op_def.input.extend([from_name])
566  copy_op_def.output.extend([to_name])
567  return copy_op_def
570 def _prepare_gradient_do_op(
571  fwd_op, fwd_net, grad_ops, inputs, outputs, blob_bindings, saved_fwd_blobs,
572  workspace_blob_name):
573  gradient_net_def = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
574  gradient_net_def.CopyFrom(fwd_net)
575  if
576 += "_grad"
577  del gradient_net_def.op[:]
578  gradient_net_def.op.extend(grad_ops)
579  del gradient_net_def.external_input[:]
580  del gradient_net_def.external_output[:]
582  gradient_do_def = caffe2_pb2.OperatorDef()
583  gradient_do_def.CopyFrom(fwd_op)
584  if and len( > 0:
585 += "_grad"
587  del gradient_do_def.input[:]
588  gradient_do_def.input.extend(inputs)
589  # workspace pointer blob
590  gradient_do_def.input.append(workspace_blob_name)
591  del gradient_do_def.output[:]
592  gradient_do_def.output.extend(outputs)
593  # workspace pointer blob
594  gradient_do_def.output.append(workspace_blob_name)
596  net_arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
597 = "net"
598  net_arg.n.CopyFrom(gradient_net_def)
600  ordered_new_outer_names = inputs + outputs
601  inner_blobs = blob_bindings.keys()
602  new_outer_blobs_idx = [ordered_new_outer_names.index(blob_bindings[b])
603  for b in inner_blobs]
605  inner_blobs_arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
606 = "inner_blobs"
607  inner_blobs_arg.strings.extend([b.encode('utf-8') for b in inner_blobs])
609  outer_blobs_idx_arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
610 = "outer_blobs_idx"
611  outer_blobs_idx_arg.ints.extend(new_outer_blobs_idx)
613  saved_blobs_arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
614 = "saved_fwd_blobs"
615  saved_blobs_arg.strings.extend(
616  [b.encode('utf-8') for b in saved_fwd_blobs])
618  del gradient_do_def.arg[:]
619  gradient_do_def.arg.extend([
620  net_arg, inner_blobs_arg, outer_blobs_idx_arg, saved_blobs_arg])
621  del gradient_do_def.control_input[:]
623  gradient_do_def.is_gradient_op = True
625  return gradient_do_def
628 def _gen_grad_zero_init_ops(init_grad_map, grad_map, grad_output_names):
629  grad_init_ops = []
630  for grad_output in grad_output_names:
631  # get the corresponding output name blob and use it in ConstantFill
632  # so that grad_output has the same shape
633  output_name = None
634  for o, g in grad_map.items():
635  if g == grad_output:
636  output_name = o
637  break
638  assert output_name, "Unknown gradient output " + grad_output
640  grad_init_op = None
641  # make sure that we do not overwrite existing gradients with zeros
642  if output_name in init_grad_map:
643  init_grad_name = init_grad_map[output_name]
644  # in case we use a different gradient blob name, copy gradient
645  if init_grad_name != grad_output:
646  grad_init_op = caffe2_pb2.OperatorDef()
647  grad_init_op.type = "Copy"
648  grad_init_op.input.extend([str(init_grad_name)])
649  grad_init_op.output.extend([str(grad_output)])
650  else:
651  grad_init_op = caffe2_pb2.OperatorDef()
652  grad_init_op.type = "ConstantFill"
653  grad_init_op.input.extend([output_name])
654  grad_init_op.output.extend([grad_output])
655  value_arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
656 = "value"
657  value_arg.f = 0.0
658  grad_init_op.arg.extend([value_arg])
660  if grad_init_op:
661  grad_init_ops.append(grad_init_op)
662  return grad_init_ops
665 def _prepare_gradient_if_op(
666  fwd_op, input_names, output_names, then_grad_net, else_grad_net):
667  gradient_if_def = caffe2_pb2.OperatorDef()
668  gradient_if_def.CopyFrom(fwd_op)
669  del gradient_if_def.input[:]
670  gradient_if_def.input.extend(input_names)
671  del gradient_if_def.output[:]
672  gradient_if_def.output.extend(output_names)
674  then_net_arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
675 = "then_net"
676  then_net_arg.n.CopyFrom(then_grad_net)
677  gradient_args = [then_net_arg]
678  if else_grad_net:
679  else_net_arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
680 = "else_net"
681  else_net_arg.n.CopyFrom(else_grad_net)
682  gradient_args.append(else_net_arg)
684  del gradient_if_def.arg[:]
685  gradient_if_def.arg.extend(gradient_args)
686  if
687 += "_grad"
688  del gradient_if_def.control_input[:]
689  gradient_if_def.is_gradient_op = True
690  return gradient_if_def
693 def disambiguate_grad_if_op_output(grad_op, idx, new_grad_output):
694  then_net = _get_net_argument(grad_op, "then_net")
695  old_grad_out_match = grad_op.output[idx]
696  for op in then_net.op:
697  for i, out in enumerate(op.output):
698  if out == old_grad_out_match:
699  op.output[i] = new_grad_output
700  else_net = _get_net_argument(grad_op, "else_net")
701  if else_net:
702  for op in else_net.op:
703  for i, out in enumerate(op.output):
704  if out == old_grad_out_match:
705  op.output[i] = new_grad_output
706  grad_op.output[idx] = new_grad_output