Caffe2 - Python API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 # Module caffe2.python.examples.resnet50_trainer
2 from __future__ import absolute_import
3 from __future__ import division
4 from __future__ import print_function
5 from __future__ import unicode_literals
7 import argparse
8 import logging
9 import numpy as np
10 import time
11 import os
13 from caffe2.python import core, workspace, experiment_util, data_parallel_model
14 from caffe2.python import dyndep, optimizer
15 from caffe2.python import timeout_guard, model_helper, brew
16 from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2
18 import caffe2.python.models.resnet as resnet
19 from caffe2.python.modeling.initializers import Initializer, PseudoFP16Initializer
22 from caffe2.python.predictor_constants import predictor_constants as predictor_constants
24 '''
25 Parallelized multi-GPU distributed trainer for Resne(X)t.
26 Can be used to train on imagenet data, for example.
27 The default parameters can train a standard Resnet-50 (1x64d), and parameters
28 can be provided to train ResNe(X)t models (e.g., ResNeXt-101 32x4d).
30 To run the trainer in single-machine multi-gpu mode by setting num_shards = 1.
32 To run the trainer in multi-machine multi-gpu mode with M machines,
33 run the same program on all machines, specifying num_shards = M, and
34 shard_id = a unique integer in the set [0, M-1].
36 For rendezvous (the trainer processes have to know about each other),
37 you can either use a directory path that is visible to all processes
38 (e.g. NFS directory), or use a Redis instance. Use the former by
39 passing the `file_store_path` argument. Use the latter by passing the
40 `redis_host` and `redis_port` arguments.
41 '''
43 logging.basicConfig()
44 log = logging.getLogger("ResNe(X)t_trainer")
45 log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
47 dyndep.InitOpsLibrary('@/caffe2/caffe2/distributed:file_store_handler_ops')
48 dyndep.InitOpsLibrary('@/caffe2/caffe2/distributed:redis_store_handler_ops')
51 def AddImageInput(
52  model,
53  reader,
54  batch_size,
55  img_size,
56  dtype,
57  is_test,
58  mean_per_channel=None,
59  std_per_channel=None,
60 ):
61  '''
62  The image input operator loads image and label data from the reader and
63  applies transformations to the images (random cropping, mirroring, ...).
64  '''
65  data, label = brew.image_input(
66  model,
67  reader, ["data", "label"],
68  batch_size=batch_size,
69  output_type=dtype,
70  use_gpu_transform=True if core.IsGPUDeviceType(model._device_type) else False,
71  use_caffe_datum=True,
72  mean_per_channel=mean_per_channel,
73  std_per_channel=std_per_channel,
74  # mean_per_channel takes precedence over mean
75  mean=128.,
76  std=128.,
77  scale=256,
78  crop=img_size,
79  mirror=1,
80  is_test=is_test,
81  )
83  data = model.StopGradient(data, data)
86 def AddNullInput(model, reader, batch_size, img_size, dtype):
87  '''
88  The null input function uses a gaussian fill operator to emulate real image
89  input. A label blob is hardcoded to a single value. This is useful if you
90  want to test compute throughput or don't have a dataset available.
91  '''
92  suffix = "_fp16" if dtype == "float16" else ""
93  model.param_init_net.GaussianFill(
94  [],
95  ["data" + suffix],
96  shape=[batch_size, 3, img_size, img_size],
97  )
98  if dtype == "float16":
99  model.param_init_net.FloatToHalf("data" + suffix, "data")
101  model.param_init_net.ConstantFill(
102  [],
103  ["label"],
104  shape=[batch_size],
105  value=1,
106  dtype=core.DataType.INT32,
107  )
110 def SaveModel(args, train_model, epoch, use_ideep):
111  prefix = "[]_{}".format(train_model._device_prefix, train_model._devices[0])
112  predictor_export_meta = pred_exp.PredictorExportMeta(
114  parameters=data_parallel_model.GetCheckpointParams(train_model),
115  inputs=[prefix + "/data"],
116  outputs=[prefix + "/softmax"],
117  shapes={
118  prefix + "/softmax": (1, args.num_labels),
119  prefix + "/data": (args.num_channels, args.image_size, args.image_size)
120  }
121  )
123  # save the train_model for the current epoch
124  model_path = "%s/%s_%d.mdl" % (
125  args.file_store_path,
126  args.save_model_name,
127  epoch,
128  )
130  # set db_type to be "minidb" instead of "log_file_db", which breaks
131  # the serialization in save_to_db. Need to switch back to log_file_db
132  # after migration
133  pred_exp.save_to_db(
134  db_type="minidb",
135  db_destination=model_path,
136  predictor_export_meta=predictor_export_meta,
137  use_ideep = use_ideep
138  )
141 def LoadModel(path, model, use_ideep):
142  '''
143  Load pretrained model from file
144  '''
145"Loading path: {}".format(path))
146  meta_net_def = pred_exp.load_from_db(path, 'minidb')
147  init_net = core.Net(pred_utils.GetNet(
148  meta_net_def, predictor_constants.GLOBAL_INIT_NET_TYPE))
149  predict_init_net = core.Net(pred_utils.GetNet(
150  meta_net_def, predictor_constants.PREDICT_INIT_NET_TYPE))
152  if use_ideep:
153  predict_init_net.RunAllOnIDEEP()
154  else:
155  predict_init_net.RunAllOnGPU()
156  if use_ideep:
157  init_net.RunAllOnIDEEP()
158  else:
159  init_net.RunAllOnGPU()
161  assert workspace.RunNetOnce(predict_init_net)
162  assert workspace.RunNetOnce(init_net)
164  # Hack: fix iteration counter which is in CUDA context after load model
165  itercnt = workspace.FetchBlob("optimizer_iteration")
166  workspace.FeedBlob(
167  "optimizer_iteration",
168  itercnt,
169  device_option=core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CPU, 0)
170  )
173 def RunEpoch(
174  args,
175  epoch,
176  train_model,
177  test_model,
178  total_batch_size,
179  num_shards,
180  expname,
181  explog,
182 ):
183  '''
184  Run one epoch of the trainer.
185  TODO: add checkpointing here.
186  '''
187  # TODO: add loading from checkpoint
188"Starting epoch {}/{}".format(epoch, args.num_epochs))
189  epoch_iters = int(args.epoch_size / total_batch_size / num_shards)
190  test_epoch_iters = int(args.test_epoch_size / total_batch_size / num_shards)
191  for i in range(epoch_iters):
192  # This timeout is required (temporarily) since CUDA-NCCL
193  # operators might deadlock when synchronizing between GPUs.
194  timeout = args.first_iter_timeout if i == 0 else args.timeout
195  with timeout_guard.CompleteInTimeOrDie(timeout):
196  t1 = time.time()
197  workspace.RunNet(
198  t2 = time.time()
199  dt = t2 - t1
201  fmt = "Finished iteration {}/{} of epoch {} ({:.2f} images/sec)"
202 + 1, epoch_iters, epoch, total_batch_size / dt))
203  prefix = "{}_{}".format(
204  train_model._device_prefix,
205  train_model._devices[0])
206  accuracy = workspace.FetchBlob(prefix + '/accuracy')
207  loss = workspace.FetchBlob(prefix + '/loss')
208  train_fmt = "Training loss: {}, accuracy: {}"
209, accuracy))
211  num_images = epoch * epoch_iters * total_batch_size
212  prefix = "{}_{}".format(train_model._device_prefix, train_model._devices[0])
213  accuracy = workspace.FetchBlob(prefix + '/accuracy')
214  loss = workspace.FetchBlob(prefix + '/loss')
215  learning_rate = workspace.FetchBlob(
216  data_parallel_model.GetLearningRateBlobNames(train_model)[0]
217  )
218  test_accuracy = 0
219  test_accuracy_top5 = 0
220  if test_model is not None:
221  # Run 100 iters of testing
222  ntests = 0
223  for _ in range(test_epoch_iters):
224  workspace.RunNet(
225  for g in test_model._devices:
226  test_accuracy += np.asscalar(workspace.FetchBlob(
227  "{}_{}".format(test_model._device_prefix, g) + '/accuracy'
228  ))
229  test_accuracy_top5 += np.asscalar(workspace.FetchBlob(
230  "{}_{}".format(test_model._device_prefix, g) + '/accuracy_top5'
231  ))
232  ntests += 1
233  test_accuracy /= ntests
234  test_accuracy_top5 /= ntests
235  else:
236  test_accuracy = (-1)
237  test_accuracy_top5 = (-1)
239  explog.log(
240  input_count=num_images,
241  batch_count=(i + epoch * epoch_iters),
242  additional_values={
243  'accuracy': accuracy,
244  'loss': loss,
245  'learning_rate': learning_rate,
246  'epoch': epoch,
247  'top1_test_accuracy': test_accuracy,
248  'top5_test_accuracy': test_accuracy_top5,
249  }
250  )
251  assert loss < 40, "Exploded gradients :("
253  # TODO: add checkpointing
254  return epoch + 1
257 def Train(args):
258  # Either use specified device list or generate one
259  if args.gpus is not None:
260  gpus = [int(x) for x in args.gpus.split(',')]
261  num_gpus = len(gpus)
262  else:
263  gpus = list(range(args.num_gpus))
264  num_gpus = args.num_gpus
266"Running on GPUs: {}".format(gpus))
268  # Verify valid batch size
269  total_batch_size = args.batch_size
270  batch_per_device = total_batch_size // num_gpus
271  assert \
272  total_batch_size % num_gpus == 0, \
273  "Number of GPUs must divide batch size"
275  # Verify valid image mean/std per channel
276  if args.image_mean_per_channel:
277  assert \
278  len(args.image_mean_per_channel) == args.num_channels, \
279  "The number of channels of image mean doesn't match input"
281  if args.image_std_per_channel:
282  assert \
283  len(args.image_std_per_channel) == args.num_channels, \
284  "The number of channels of image std doesn't match input"
286  # Round down epoch size to closest multiple of batch size across machines
287  global_batch_size = total_batch_size * args.num_shards
288  epoch_iters = int(args.epoch_size / global_batch_size)
290  assert \
291  epoch_iters > 0, \
292  "Epoch size must be larger than batch size times shard count"
294  args.epoch_size = epoch_iters * global_batch_size
295"Using epoch size: {}".format(args.epoch_size))
297  # Create ModelHelper object
298  if args.use_ideep:
299  train_arg_scope = {
300  'use_cudnn': False,
301  'cudnn_exhaustive_search': False,
302  'training_mode': 1
303  }
304  else:
305  train_arg_scope = {
306  'order': 'NCHW',
307  'use_cudnn': True,
308  'cudnn_exhaustive_search': True,
309  'ws_nbytes_limit': (args.cudnn_workspace_limit_mb * 1024 * 1024),
310  }
311  train_model = model_helper.ModelHelper(
312  name='resnext' + str(args.num_layers), arg_scope=train_arg_scope
313  )
315  num_shards = args.num_shards
316  shard_id = args.shard_id
318  # Expect interfaces to be comma separated.
319  # Use of multiple network interfaces is not yet complete,
320  # so simply use the first one in the list.
321  interfaces = args.distributed_interfaces.split(",")
323  # Rendezvous using MPI when run with mpirun
324  if os.getenv("OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE") is not None:
325  num_shards = int(os.getenv("OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE", 1))
326  shard_id = int(os.getenv("OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK", 0))
327  if num_shards > 1:
328  rendezvous = dict(
329  kv_handler=None,
330  num_shards=num_shards,
331  shard_id=shard_id,
332  engine="GLOO",
333  transport=args.distributed_transport,
334  interface=interfaces[0],
335  mpi_rendezvous=True,
336  exit_nets=None)
338  elif num_shards > 1:
339  # Create rendezvous for distributed computation
340  store_handler = "store_handler"
341  if args.redis_host is not None:
342  # Use Redis for rendezvous if Redis host is specified
343  workspace.RunOperatorOnce(
344  core.CreateOperator(
345  "RedisStoreHandlerCreate", [], [store_handler],
346  host=args.redis_host,
347  port=args.redis_port,
348  prefix=args.run_id,
349  )
350  )
351  else:
352  # Use filesystem for rendezvous otherwise
353  workspace.RunOperatorOnce(
354  core.CreateOperator(
355  "FileStoreHandlerCreate", [], [store_handler],
356  path=args.file_store_path,
357  prefix=args.run_id,
358  )
359  )
361  rendezvous = dict(
362  kv_handler=store_handler,
363  shard_id=shard_id,
364  num_shards=num_shards,
365  engine="GLOO",
366  transport=args.distributed_transport,
367  interface=interfaces[0],
368  exit_nets=None)
370  else:
371  rendezvous = None
373  # Model building functions
374  def create_resnext_model_ops(model, loss_scale):
375  initializer = (PseudoFP16Initializer if args.dtype == 'float16'
376  else Initializer)
378  with brew.arg_scope([brew.conv, brew.fc],
379  WeightInitializer=initializer,
380  BiasInitializer=initializer,
381  enable_tensor_core=args.enable_tensor_core,
382  float16_compute=args.float16_compute):
383  pred = resnet.create_resnext(
384  model,
385  "data",
386  num_input_channels=args.num_channels,
387  num_labels=args.num_labels,
388  num_layers=args.num_layers,
389  num_groups=args.resnext_num_groups,
390  num_width_per_group=args.resnext_width_per_group,
391  no_bias=True,
392  no_loss=True,
393  )
395  if args.dtype == 'float16':
396  pred =, pred + '_fp32')
398  softmax, loss = model.SoftmaxWithLoss([pred, 'label'],
399  ['softmax', 'loss'])
400  loss = model.Scale(loss, scale=loss_scale)
401  brew.accuracy(model, [softmax, "label"], "accuracy", top_k=1)
402  brew.accuracy(model, [softmax, "label"], "accuracy_top5", top_k=5)
403  return [loss]
405  def add_optimizer(model):
406  stepsz = int(30 * args.epoch_size / total_batch_size / num_shards)
408  if args.float16_compute:
409  # TODO: merge with multi-prceision optimizer
410  opt = optimizer.build_fp16_sgd(
411  model,
412  args.base_learning_rate,
413  momentum=0.9,
414  nesterov=1,
415  weight_decay=args.weight_decay, # weight decay included
416  policy="step",
417  stepsize=stepsz,
418  gamma=0.1
419  )
420  else:
421  optimizer.add_weight_decay(model, args.weight_decay)
422  opt = optimizer.build_multi_precision_sgd(
423  model,
424  args.base_learning_rate,
425  momentum=0.9,
426  nesterov=1,
427  policy="step",
428  stepsize=stepsz,
429  gamma=0.1
430  )
431  return opt
433  # Define add_image_input function.
434  # Depends on the "train_data" argument.
435  # Note that the reader will be shared with between all GPUS.
436  if args.train_data == "null":
437  def add_image_input(model):
438  AddNullInput(
439  model,
440  None,
441  batch_size=batch_per_device,
442  img_size=args.image_size,
443  dtype=args.dtype,
444  )
445  else:
446  reader = train_model.CreateDB(
447  "reader",
448  db=args.train_data,
449  db_type=args.db_type,
450  num_shards=num_shards,
451  shard_id=shard_id,
452  )
454  def add_image_input(model):
455  AddImageInput(
456  model,
457  reader,
458  batch_size=batch_per_device,
459  img_size=args.image_size,
460  dtype=args.dtype,
461  is_test=False,
462  mean_per_channel=args.image_mean_per_channel,
463  std_per_channel=args.image_std_per_channel,
464  )
466  def add_post_sync_ops(model):
467  """Add ops applied after initial parameter sync."""
468  for param_info in model.GetOptimizationParamInfo(model.GetParams()):
469  if param_info.blob_copy is not None:
470  model.param_init_net.HalfToFloat(
471  param_info.blob,
472  param_info.blob_copy[core.DataType.FLOAT]
473  )
475  # Create parallelized model
476  data_parallel_model.Parallelize(
477  train_model,
478  input_builder_fun=add_image_input,
479  forward_pass_builder_fun=create_resnext_model_ops,
480  optimizer_builder_fun=add_optimizer,
481  post_sync_builder_fun=add_post_sync_ops,
482  devices=gpus,
483  rendezvous=rendezvous,
484  optimize_gradient_memory=False,
485  cpu_device=args.use_cpu,
486  ideep=args.use_ideep,
487  shared_model=args.use_cpu,
488  combine_spatial_bn=args.use_cpu,
489  )
491  data_parallel_model.OptimizeGradientMemory(train_model, {}, set(), False)
493  workspace.RunNetOnce(train_model.param_init_net)
494  workspace.CreateNet(
496  # Add test model, if specified
497  test_model = None
498  if (args.test_data is not None):
499"----- Create test net ----")
500  if args.use_ideep:
501  test_arg_scope = {
502  'use_cudnn': False,
503  'cudnn_exhaustive_search': False,
504  }
505  else:
506  test_arg_scope = {
507  'order': "NCHW",
508  'use_cudnn': True,
509  'cudnn_exhaustive_search': True,
510  }
511  test_model = model_helper.ModelHelper(
512  name='resnext' + str(args.num_layers) + "_test",
513  arg_scope=test_arg_scope,
514  init_params=False,
515  )
517  test_reader = test_model.CreateDB(
518  "test_reader",
519  db=args.test_data,
520  db_type=args.db_type,
521  )
523  def test_input_fn(model):
524  AddImageInput(
525  model,
526  test_reader,
527  batch_size=batch_per_device,
528  img_size=args.image_size,
529  dtype=args.dtype,
530  is_test=True,
531  mean_per_channel=args.image_mean_per_channel,
532  std_per_channel=args.image_std_per_channel,
533  )
535  data_parallel_model.Parallelize(
536  test_model,
537  input_builder_fun=test_input_fn,
538  forward_pass_builder_fun=create_resnext_model_ops,
539  post_sync_builder_fun=add_post_sync_ops,
540  param_update_builder_fun=None,
541  devices=gpus,
542  cpu_device=args.use_cpu,
543  )
544  workspace.RunNetOnce(test_model.param_init_net)
545  workspace.CreateNet(
547  epoch = 0
548  # load the pre-trained model and reset epoch
549  if args.load_model_path is not None:
550  LoadModel(args.load_model_path, train_model, args.use_ideep)
552  # Sync the model params
553  data_parallel_model.FinalizeAfterCheckpoint(train_model)
555  # reset epoch. load_model_path should end with *_X.mdl,
556  # where X is the epoch number
557  last_str = args.load_model_path.split('_')[-1]
558  if last_str.endswith('.mdl'):
559  epoch = int(last_str[:-4])
560"Reset epoch to {}".format(epoch))
561  else:
562  log.warning("The format of load_model_path doesn't match!")
564  expname = "resnext_%d_gpu%d_b%d_L%d_lr%.2f_v2" % (
565  args.num_layers,
566  args.num_gpus,
567  total_batch_size,
568  args.num_labels,
569  args.base_learning_rate,
570  )
572  explog = experiment_util.ModelTrainerLog(expname, args)
574  # Run the training one epoch a time
575  while epoch < args.num_epochs:
576  epoch = RunEpoch(
577  args,
578  epoch,
579  train_model,
580  test_model,
581  total_batch_size,
582  num_shards,
583  expname,
584  explog
585  )
587  # Save the model for each epoch
588  SaveModel(args, train_model, epoch, args.use_ideep)
590  model_path = "%s/%s_" % (
591  args.file_store_path,
592  args.save_model_name
593  )
594  # remove the saved model from the previous epoch if it exists
595  if os.path.isfile(model_path + str(epoch - 1) + ".mdl"):
596  os.remove(model_path + str(epoch - 1) + ".mdl")
599 def main():
600  # TODO: use argv
601  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
602  description="Caffe2: ResNe(X)t training"
603  )
604  parser.add_argument("--train_data", type=str, default=None, required=True,
605  help="Path to training data (or 'null' to simulate)")
606  parser.add_argument("--num_layers", type=int, default=50,
607  help="The number of layers in ResNe(X)t model")
608  parser.add_argument("--resnext_num_groups", type=int, default=1,
609  help="The cardinality of resnext")
610  parser.add_argument("--resnext_width_per_group", type=int, default=64,
611  help="The cardinality of resnext")
612  parser.add_argument("--test_data", type=str, default=None,
613  help="Path to test data")
614  parser.add_argument("--image_mean_per_channel", type=float, nargs='+',
615  help="The per channel mean for the images")
616  parser.add_argument("--image_std_per_channel", type=float, nargs='+',
617  help="The per channel standard deviation for the images")
618  parser.add_argument("--test_epoch_size", type=int, default=50000,
619  help="Number of test images")
620  parser.add_argument("--db_type", type=str, default="lmdb",
621  help="Database type (such as lmdb or leveldb)")
622  parser.add_argument("--gpus", type=str,
623  help="Comma separated list of GPU devices to use")
624  parser.add_argument("--num_gpus", type=int, default=1,
625  help="Number of GPU devices (instead of --gpus)")
626  parser.add_argument("--num_channels", type=int, default=3,
627  help="Number of color channels")
628  parser.add_argument("--image_size", type=int, default=224,
629  help="Input image size (to crop to)")
630  parser.add_argument("--num_labels", type=int, default=1000,
631  help="Number of labels")
632  parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=32,
633  help="Batch size, total over all GPUs")
634  parser.add_argument("--epoch_size", type=int, default=1500000,
635  help="Number of images/epoch, total over all machines")
636  parser.add_argument("--num_epochs", type=int, default=1000,
637  help="Num epochs.")
638  parser.add_argument("--base_learning_rate", type=float, default=0.1,
639  help="Initial learning rate.")
640  parser.add_argument("--weight_decay", type=float, default=1e-4,
641  help="Weight decay (L2 regularization)")
642  parser.add_argument("--cudnn_workspace_limit_mb", type=int, default=64,
643  help="CuDNN workspace limit in MBs")
644  parser.add_argument("--num_shards", type=int, default=1,
645  help="Number of machines in distributed run")
646  parser.add_argument("--shard_id", type=int, default=0,
647  help="Shard id.")
648  parser.add_argument("--run_id", type=str,
649  help="Unique run identifier (e.g. uuid)")
650  parser.add_argument("--redis_host", type=str,
651  help="Host of Redis server (for rendezvous)")
652  parser.add_argument("--redis_port", type=int, default=6379,
653  help="Port of Redis server (for rendezvous)")
654  parser.add_argument("--file_store_path", type=str, default="/tmp",
655  help="Path to directory to use for rendezvous")
656  parser.add_argument("--save_model_name", type=str, default="resnext_model",
657  help="Save the trained model to a given name")
658  parser.add_argument("--load_model_path", type=str, default=None,
659  help="Load previously saved model to continue training")
660  parser.add_argument("--use_cpu", type=bool, default=False,
661  help="Use CPU instead of GPU")
662  parser.add_argument("--use_ideep", type=bool, default=False,
663  help="Use ideep")
664  parser.add_argument('--dtype', default='float',
665  choices=['float', 'float16'],
666  help='Data type used for training')
667  parser.add_argument('--float16_compute', action='store_true',
668  help="Use float 16 compute, if available")
669  parser.add_argument('--enable_tensor_core', action='store_true',
670  help='Enable Tensor Core math for Conv and FC ops')
671  parser.add_argument("--distributed_transport", type=str, default="tcp",
672  help="Transport to use for distributed run [tcp|ibverbs]")
673  parser.add_argument("--distributed_interfaces", type=str, default="",
674  help="Network interfaces to use for distributed run")
676  parser.add_argument("--first_iter_timeout", type=int, default=600,
677  help="Timeout (secs) of the first iteration "
678  "(default: %(default)s)")
679  parser.add_argument("--timeout", type=int, default=60,
680  help="Timeout (secs) of each (except the first) iteration "
681  "(default: %(default)s)")
683  args = parser.parse_args()
685  Train(args)
688 if __name__ == '__main__':
689  workspace.GlobalInit(['caffe2', '--caffe2_log_level=2'])
690  main()