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test_jit.TestEndToEndHybridFrontendModels Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for test_jit.TestEndToEndHybridFrontendModels:
test_jit.JitTestCase common_utils.TestCase expecttest.TestCase

Public Member Functions

def test_dcgan_models (self)
def test_dcgan_models_cuda (self)
def test_neural_style (self)
def test_neural_style_cuda (self)
def test_mnist (self)
def test_mnist_cuda (self)
def test_mnist_training_leaks_no_memory_cuda (self)
def test_reinforcement_learning (self)
def test_reinforcement_learning_cuda (self)
def test_snli (self)
def test_snli_quantized (self)
def test_snli_cuda (self)
def test_super_resolution (self)
def test_super_resolution_cuda (self)
def test_time_sequence_prediction (self)
def test_vae (self)
def test_vae_quantized (self)
def test_vae_cuda (self)
- Public Member Functions inherited from test_jit.JitTestCase
def setUp (self)
def tearDown (self)
def disableModuleHook (self)
def emitModuleHook (self, module)
def getExportImportCopy (self, m, also_test_file=True, map_location=None)
def getExportImportCopyWithPacking (self, m, also_test_file=True, map_location=None)
def assertGraphContains (self, graph, kind)
def assertGraphContainsExactly (self, graph, kind, num_kind_nodes, consider_subgraphs=False)
def assertExpectedONNXGraph (self, trace, args, kwargs)
def assertExpectedGraph (self, trace, args, kwargs)
def run_pass (self, name, trace)
def checkScript (self, script, inputs, optimize=True, outputs=None, name='func', capture_output=False, frames_up=1, check_expected=False)
def checkTrace (self, func, reference_tensors, input_tensors=None, optimize=True, drop=None, allow_unused=False, verbose=False, inputs_require_grads=True, check_tolerance=1e-5, export_import=True, _force_outplace=False)
def createScriptModuleFromGraph (self, trace)
def assertExportImport (self, trace, inputs)
def assertExportImportModule (self, m, inputs)
def runAndSaveRNG (self, func, inputs, kwargs=None)
- Public Member Functions inherited from common_utils.TestCase
def __init__ (self, method_name='runTest')
def assertLeaksNoCudaTensors (self, name=None)
def wrap_with_cuda_memory_check (self, method)
def setUp (self)
def assertTensorsSlowEqual (self, x, y, prec=None, message='')
def genSparseTensor (self, size, sparse_dim, nnz, is_uncoalesced, device='cpu')
def safeToDense (self, t)
def safeCoalesce (self, t)
def assertEqual (self, x, y, prec=None, message='', allow_inf=False)
def assertAlmostEqual (self, x, y, places=None, msg=None, delta=None, allow_inf=None)
def assertNotEqual (self, x, y, prec=None, message='')
def assertObjectIn (self, obj, iterable)
def assertExpectedRaises (self, exc_type, callable, args, kwargs)
def assertWarns (self, callable, msg='')
def assertWarnsRegex (self, callable, regex, msg='')
def assertExpected (self, s, subname=None)
- Public Member Functions inherited from expecttest.TestCase
def assertExpectedInline (self, actual, expect, skip=0)

Public Attributes


Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from common_utils.TestCase
int precision = 1
 maxDiff = None
 assertRegex = unittest.TestCase.assertRegexpMatches
 assertRaisesRegex = unittest.TestCase.assertRaisesRegexp
- Static Public Attributes inherited from expecttest.TestCase
bool longMessage = True

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10936 of file

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