Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
2 #define TH_GENERIC_FILE "TH/generic/THTensorRandom.cpp"
3 #else
5 #include <cmath>
7 #ifdef _OPENMP
8 #include <omp.h>
9 #endif
11 #include <cpuinfo.h>
13 #include <TH/THGenerator.hpp>
15 void THTensor_(random)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator)
16 {
17  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
18 #if defined(TH_REAL_IS_BYTE)
19  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (uint8_t)(THRandom_random(_generator) % (UINT8_MAX + 1)););
20 #elif defined(TH_REAL_IS_CHAR)
21  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (int8_t)(THRandom_random(_generator) % (INT8_MAX + 1)););
22 #elif defined(TH_REAL_IS_SHORT)
23  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (int16_t)(THRandom_random(_generator) % (INT16_MAX + 1)););
24 #elif defined(TH_REAL_IS_INT)
25  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (int32_t)(THRandom_random(_generator) % (INT32_MAX + 1UL)););
26 #elif defined(TH_REAL_IS_LONG)
27  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (uint64_t)(THRandom_random64(_generator) % (LONG_MAX + 1ULL)););
28 #elif defined(TH_REAL_IS_FLOAT)
29  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (float)(THRandom_random(_generator) % ((1ULL << FLT_MANT_DIG) + 1)););
30 #elif defined(TH_REAL_IS_DOUBLE)
31  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (double)(THRandom_random64(_generator) % ((1ULL << DBL_MANT_DIG) + 1)););
32 #elif defined(TH_REAL_IS_BOOL)
33  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (bool)(THRandom_random(_generator) % 2););
34 #else
35 #error "Unknown type"
36 #endif
38 }
40 void THTensor_(clampedRandom)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, int64_t min, int64_t max) {
41  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
42  THArgCheck(max > min, 2, "max must be greater than min, but got: min = %lld, max = %lld", min, max);
43  uint64_t range = max - min;
44 #if defined(TH_REAL_IS_LONG) || defined(TH_REAL_IS_FLOAT) || defined(TH_REAL_IS_DOUBLE)
45  if (range >= 1ULL << 32) {
46  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = static_cast<scalar_t>(static_cast<int64_t>((THRandom_random64(_generator) % range) + min));)
47  return;
48  }
49 #endif
50  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = static_cast<scalar_t>(static_cast<int64_t>((THRandom_random(_generator) % range) + min));)
51 }
53 void THTensor_(cappedRandom)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, int64_t max) {
54  THArgCheck(max > 0, 1, "max must be positive, but got: max = %lld", max);
55  THTensor_(clampedRandom)(self, _generator, 0, max);
56 }
58 void THTensor_(geometric)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, double p)
59 {
60  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
61  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (scalar_t)THRandom_geometric(_generator, p););
62 }
64 #if defined(TH_REAL_IS_FLOAT) || defined(TH_REAL_IS_DOUBLE)
66 #if defined(TH_REAL_IS_FLOAT)
67 #define TH_REAL_MIN FLT_MIN
68 #elif defined(TH_REAL_IS_DOUBLE)
69 #define TH_REAL_MIN DBL_MIN
70 #endif
72 void THTensor_(uniform)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, double a, double b)
73 {
74  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
75  #if defined(TH_REAL_IS_FLOAT)
76  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data =
77  (scalar_t)THRandom_uniformFloat(_generator, (scalar_t)a, (scalar_t)b););
78  #else
79  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data =
80  (scalar_t)THRandom_uniform(_generator, a, b););
81  #endif
82 }
84 void THTensor_(normal)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, double mean, double stddev)
85 {
86  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
87  const int64_t size = THTensor_(numel)(self);
88  if (size >= 16 && THTensor_(isContiguous)(self)) {
89  THVector_(normal_fill)(THStorage_(data)(THTensor_getStoragePtr(self)) + self->storage_offset(), size, _generator, mean, stddev);
90  } else {
91  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (scalar_t)THRandom_normal(_generator, mean, stddev););
92  }
93 }
95 void THTensor_(normal_means)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *gen, THTensor *means, double stddev)
96 {
97  THTensor_(resizeAs)(self, means);
98  THTensor_(normal)(self, gen, 0, stddev);
99  THTensor_(cadd)(self, self, 1, means);
100 }
102 void THTensor_(normal_stddevs)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *gen, double mean, THTensor *stddevs)
103 {
104  THTensor_(resizeAs)(self, stddevs);
105  THTensor_(normal)(self, gen, 0, 1);
106  THTensor_(cmul)(self, self, stddevs);
107  THTensor_(add)(self, self, mean);
108 }
110 void THTensor_(normal_means_stddevs)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *gen, THTensor *means, THTensor *stddevs)
111 {
112  THTensor_(resizeAs)(self, means);
113  THTensor_(normal)(self, gen, 0, 1);
114  THTensor_(cmul)(self, self, stddevs);
115  THTensor_(cadd)(self, self, 1, means);
116 }
118 void THTensor_(exponential)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, double lambda)
119 {
120  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
121  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (scalar_t)THRandom_exponential(_generator, lambda););
122 }
124 #undef TH_REAL_MIN
126 void THTensor_(cauchy)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, double median, double sigma)
127 {
128  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
129  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (scalar_t)THRandom_cauchy(_generator, median, sigma););
130 }
132 void THTensor_(logNormal)(THTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, double mean, double stdv)
133 {
134  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
135  TH_TENSOR_APPLY(scalar_t, self, *self_data = (scalar_t)THRandom_logNormal(_generator, mean, stdv););
136 }
138 void THTensor_(multinomialAliasSetup)(THTensor *probs, THLongTensor *J, THTensor *q)
139 {
140  int64_t inputsize = THTensor_(nElement)(probs);
141  int64_t i = 0;
142  THLongTensor *smaller = THLongTensor_newWithSize1d(inputsize);
143  THLongTensor *larger = THLongTensor_newWithSize1d(inputsize);
144  int64_t small_c = 0;
145  int64_t large_c = 0;
146  THLongTensor_resize1d(J, inputsize);
147  THTensor_(resize1d)(q, inputsize);
148  scalar_t *q_data = q->data<scalar_t>();
149  int64_t *J_data = THLongTensor_data(J);
151  for (i = 0; i < inputsize; i++)
152  {
153  THLongTensor_fastSet1d(J, i, 0L);
154  scalar_t val = THTensor_(fastGet1d)(probs, i);
155  THTensor_(fastSet1d)(q, i, inputsize*val);
157  if (inputsize * val < 1.0)
158  {
159  THLongTensor_fastSet1d(smaller, small_c, i);
160  small_c += 1;
161  }
162  else
163  {
164  THLongTensor_fastSet1d(larger, large_c, i);
165  large_c += 1;
166  }
167  }
169  // Loop through and create little binary mixtures that
170  // appropriately allocate the larger outcomes over the
171  // overall uniform mixture.
172  int64_t large, small;
173  while (small_c > 0 && large_c > 0)
174  {
175  large = THLongTensor_fastGet1d(larger, large_c-1);
176  small = THLongTensor_fastGet1d(smaller, small_c-1);
178  THLongTensor_fastSet1d(J, small, large);
179  q_data[large * q->stride(0)] -= 1.0 - THTensor_(fastGet1d)(q, small);
181  if(q_data[large * q->stride(0)] < 1.0)
182  {
183  THLongTensor_fastSet1d(smaller, small_c-1, large);
184  large_c -= 1;
185  }
186  else
187  {
188  THLongTensor_fastSet1d(larger, large_c-1, large);
189  small_c -= 1;
190  }
191  }
193  scalar_t q_min = THTensor_(fastGet1d)(q, inputsize-1);
194  scalar_t q_max = q_min;
195  scalar_t q_temp;
196  for (i=0; i < inputsize; i++)
197  {
198  q_temp = THTensor_(fastGet1d)(q, i);
199  if (q_temp < q_min)
200  q_min = q_temp;
201  else if (q_temp > q_max)
202  q_max = q_temp;
203  }
204  THArgCheckWithCleanup((q_min > 0),
205  THCleanup(THLongTensor_free(smaller); THLongTensor_free(larger);), 2,
206  "q_min is less than 0");
208  if (q_max > 1)
209  {
210  for (i=0; i < inputsize; i++)
211  {
212  q_data[i*q->stride(0)] /= q_max;
213  }
214  }
215  for (i=0; i < inputsize; i++)
216  {
217  // sometimes an large index isn't added to J.
218  // fix it by making the probability 1 so that J isn't indexed.
219  if(J_data[i] <= 0)
220  q_data[i] = 1.0;
221  }
222  THLongTensor_free(smaller);
223  THLongTensor_free(larger);
224 }
225 void THTensor_(multinomialAliasDraw)(THLongTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, THLongTensor *J, THTensor *q)
226 {
227  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
228  int64_t K = THLongTensor_nElement(J);
229  int64_t output_nelem = THLongTensor_nElement(self);
230  int64_t i = 0, _mask=0;
231  scalar_t _q;
232  int64_t rand_ind, sample_idx, J_sample;
234  for (i=0; i < output_nelem; i++)
235  {
236  rand_ind = THRandom_uniform(_generator, 0, K);
238  _q = THTensor_(fastGet1d)(q, rand_ind);
240  _mask = THRandom_bernoulli(_generator, _q);
242  J_sample = THLongTensor_fastGet1d(J, rand_ind);
244  sample_idx = J_sample*(1 -_mask) + (rand_ind+1L) * _mask;
246  THLongTensor_fastSet1d(self, i, sample_idx-1L);
247  }
248 }
249 void THTensor_(multinomial)(THLongTensor *self, THGenerator *_generator, THTensor *prob_dist, int n_sample, int with_replacement)
250 {
251  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
252  int64_t start_dim = THTensor_(nDimensionLegacyAll)(prob_dist);
253  int64_t n_dist;
254  int64_t n_categories;
255  THDoubleTensor* cum_dist;
256  int64_t i,j,k;
258  if (start_dim == 1)
259  {
260  THTensor_(unsqueeze1d)(prob_dist, prob_dist, 0);
261  }
263  n_dist = THTensor_(size)(prob_dist, 0);
264  n_categories = THTensor_(size)(prob_dist, 1);
266  THArgCheckWithCleanup(n_sample > 0,
267  THCleanup(if (start_dim == 1) THTensor_(squeeze1d)(prob_dist, prob_dist, 0);),
268  2,
269  "cannot sample n_sample <= 0 samples");
271  if (!with_replacement)
272  {
273  THArgCheckWithCleanup((!with_replacement) && (n_sample <= n_categories),
274  THCleanup(if (start_dim == 1) THTensor_(squeeze1d)(prob_dist, prob_dist, 0);),
275  2,
276  "cannot sample n_sample > prob_dist.size(1) samples without replacement");
277  }
279  /* cumulative probability distribution vector */
280  cum_dist = THDoubleTensor_newWithSize1d(n_categories);
282  /* will contain multinomial samples (category indices to be returned) */
283  THLongTensor_resize2d(self, n_dist , n_sample);
285  auto prod_dist_storage = THTensor_getStoragePtr(prob_dist);
286  auto cum_dist_storage = THTensor_getStoragePtr(cum_dist);
287  auto self_storage = THTensor_getStoragePtr(self);
289  auto prod_dist_offset = prob_dist->storage_offset();
290  auto prod_dist_stride_0 = prob_dist->stride(0);
291  auto prod_dist_stride_1 = prob_dist->stride(1);
293  auto cum_dist_offset = cum_dist->storage_offset();
294  auto cum_dist_stride_0 = cum_dist->stride(0);
296  auto self_dist_offset = self->storage_offset();
297  auto self_dist_stride_0 = self->stride(0);
298  auto self_dist_stride_1 = self->stride(1);
300  for (i=0; i<n_dist; i++)
301  {
302  /* Get normalized cumulative distribution from prob distribution */
303  double sum = 0;
304  double val;
305  int n_zeros = 0;
306  for (j=0; j<n_categories; j++)
307  {
308  val = THStorage_(get)( \
309  prod_dist_storage, \
310  prod_dist_offset+i*prod_dist_stride_0+j*prod_dist_stride_1 \
311  );
312  THArgCheckWithCleanup((val >= 0),
313  THCleanup(THDoubleTensor_free(cum_dist); if (start_dim == 1) THTensor_(squeeze1d)(prob_dist, prob_dist, 0);),
314  2,
315  "invalid multinomial distribution (encountering probability entry < 0)");
316  THArgCheckWithCleanup((std::isfinite(val)),
317  THCleanup(THDoubleTensor_free(cum_dist); if (start_dim == 1) THTensor_(squeeze1d)(prob_dist, prob_dist, 0);),
318  2,
319  "invalid multinomial distribution (encountering probability entry = infinity or NaN)");
320  sum += val;
321  if (val == 0) {
322  n_zeros += 1;
323  }
324  THDoubleStorage_set(
325  cum_dist_storage, \
326  cum_dist_offset+j*cum_dist_stride_0, \
327  sum \
328  );
329  }
330  THArgCheckWithCleanup((sum > 0),
331  THCleanup(THDoubleTensor_free(cum_dist); if (start_dim == 1) THTensor_(squeeze1d)(prob_dist, prob_dist, 0);),
332  2,
333  "invalid multinomial distribution (sum of probabilities <= 0)");
334  THArgCheckWithCleanup((with_replacement || (n_categories - n_zeros >= n_sample)),
335  THCleanup(THDoubleTensor_free(cum_dist); if (start_dim == 1) THTensor_(squeeze1d)(prob_dist, prob_dist, 0);),
336  2,
337  "invalid multinomial distribution (with replacement=False, not enough non-negative category to sample)");
338  /* normalize cumulative probability distribution so that last val is 1
339  i.e. doesn't assume original prob_dist row sums to one */
340  if ( (sum > 0) || ( ( sum < 1.00001) && (sum > 0.99999) ) )
341  {
342  for (j=0; j<n_categories; j++)
343  {
344  THDoubleTensor_data(cum_dist)[j*cum_dist_stride_0] /= sum;
345  }
346  }
348  for (j=0; j<n_sample; j++)
349  {
350  /* sample a probability mass from a uniform distribution */
351  double uniform_sample = THRandom_uniform(_generator, 0, 1);
352  /* Do a binary search for the slot in which the prob falls
353  ie cum_dist[row][slot-1] < uniform_prob < cum_distr[row][slot] */
354  int left_pointer = 0;
355  int right_pointer = n_categories;
356  int mid_pointer;
357  double cum_prob;
358  int sample_idx;
359  /* Make sure the last cumulative distribution bucket sums to 1 */
360  THDoubleTensor_data(cum_dist)[(n_categories-1)*cum_dist_stride_0] = 1;
362  while(right_pointer - left_pointer > 0)
363  {
364  mid_pointer = left_pointer + (right_pointer - left_pointer) / 2;
365  cum_prob = THDoubleStorage_get( \
366  cum_dist_storage, \
367  cum_dist_offset+mid_pointer*cum_dist_stride_0 \
368  );
369  if (cum_prob < uniform_sample)
370  {
371  left_pointer = mid_pointer + 1;
372  }
373  else
374  {
375  right_pointer = mid_pointer;
376  }
377  }
378  sample_idx = left_pointer;
380  /* store in result tensor (will be incremented for lua compat by wrapper) */
381  THLongStorage_set( \
382  self_storage, \
383  self_dist_offset+i*self_dist_stride_0+j*self_dist_stride_1, \
384  sample_idx \
385  );
387  /* Once a sample is drawn, it cannot be drawn again. ie sample without replacement */
388  if (!with_replacement && j < n_sample - 1)
389  {
390  /* update cumulative distribution so that sample cannot be drawn again */
391  double diff;
392  double new_val = 0;
393  double sum;
395  if (sample_idx != 0)
396  {
397  new_val = THDoubleStorage_get( \
398  cum_dist_storage, \
399  cum_dist_offset+(sample_idx-1)*cum_dist_stride_0 \
400  );
401  }
402  /* marginal cumulative mass (i.e. original probability) of sample */
403  diff = THDoubleStorage_get( \
404  cum_dist_storage, \
405  cum_dist_offset+sample_idx*cum_dist_stride_0 \
406  ) - new_val;
407  /* new sum of marginals is not one anymore... */
408  sum = 1.0 - diff;
409  for (k=0; k<n_categories; k++)
410  {
411  new_val = THDoubleStorage_get( \
412  cum_dist_storage, \
413  cum_dist_offset+k*cum_dist_stride_0 \
414  );
415  if (k >= sample_idx)
416  {
417  /* remove sampled probability mass from later cumulative probabilities */
418  new_val -= diff;
419  }
420  /* make total marginals sum to one */
421  new_val /= sum;
422  THDoubleStorage_set( \
423  cum_dist_storage, \
424  cum_dist_offset+k*cum_dist_stride_0, \
425  new_val \
426  );
427  }
428  }
429  }
430  }
432  THDoubleTensor_free(cum_dist);
434  if (start_dim == 1)
435  {
436  THLongTensor_resize1d(self, n_sample);
437  THTensor_(squeeze1d)(prob_dist, prob_dist, 0);
438  }
439 }
440 #endif
442 #if defined(TH_REAL_IS_BYTE)
443 void THTensor_(getRNGState)(THGenerator *_generator, THTensor *self)
444 {
445  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
446  static const size_t size = sizeof(THGeneratorState);
447  THGeneratorState *rng_state;
448  THTensor_(resize1d)(self, size);
449  THArgCheck(THTensor_(nElement)(self) == size, 1, "RNG state is wrong size");
450  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(self), 1, "RNG state needs to be contiguous");
451  rng_state = (THGeneratorState *)self->data<scalar_t>();
452  THGeneratorState_copy(rng_state, &_generator->gen_state);
453 }
455 void THTensor_(setRNGState)(THGenerator *_generator, THTensor *self)
456 {
457  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_generator->mutex);
458  static const size_t size = sizeof(THGeneratorState);
459  THGeneratorState *rng_state;
460  THArgCheck(THTensor_(nElement)(self) == size, 1, "RNG state is wrong size");
461  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(self), 1, "RNG state needs to be contiguous");
462  rng_state = (THGeneratorState *)self->data<scalar_t>();
463  THArgCheck(THGeneratorState_isValid(rng_state), 1, "Invalid RNG state");
464  THGeneratorState_copy(&_generator->gen_state, rng_state);
465 }
466 #endif
467 #endif