▼ aten | |
► src | |
► ATen | |
► core | |
► dispatch | |
Dispatcher.cpp | |
Dispatcher.h | |
DispatchTable.h | |
KernelCache.h | |
KernelFunction.h | |
KernelRegistration.h | |
OpSchemaRegistration.h | |
alias_info.h | |
aten_interned_strings.h | |
ATenGeneral.cpp | |
ATenGeneral.h | |
Backtrace.h | |
blob.cpp | |
blob.h | |
context_base.cpp | |
context_base.h | |
DimVector.h | |
Formatting.cpp | |
Formatting.h | |
function_schema.h | |
functional.h | |
Generator.h | |
interned_strings.cpp | |
interned_strings.h | |
interned_strings_class.h | |
ivalue.cpp | |
ivalue.h | |
jit_type.h | |
LegacyDeviceTypeInit.cpp | |
LegacyDeviceTypeInit.h | |
LegacyTypeDispatch.cpp | |
LegacyTypeDispatch.h | |
Macros.h | |
Range.cpp | |
Range.h | |
Reduction.h | |
register_symbols.cpp | |
Scalar.h | |
ScalarType.h | |
SparseTensorRef.h | |
stack.h | |
Tensor.cpp | |
Tensor.h | |
TensorAccessor.h | |
TensorImpl_test.cpp | |
TensorMethods.h | |
type.cpp | |
Type.h | |
typeid.h | |
UndefinedTensorImpl.h | |
VariableHooksInterface.cpp | |
VariableHooksInterface.h | |
► cpu | |
► vec256 | |
functional.h | |
intrinsics.h | |
vec256.h | |
vec256_base.h | |
vec256_double.h | |
vec256_float.h | |
vec256_int.h | |
FlushDenormal.cpp | |
FlushDenormal.h | |
vml.h | |
► cuda | |
► detail | |
CUDAHooks.cpp | |
CUDAHooks.h | |
KernelUtils.h | |
_curand_mtgp32_host.h | |
Array.h | |
ATenCUDAGeneral.h | |
CUDAConfig.h | |
CUDAContext.cpp | |
CUDAContext.h | |
CUDADevice.h | |
CUDAEvent.h | |
CUDAGenerator.cpp | |
CUDAMultiStreamGuard.h | |
CUDATypeDefault.cpp | |
CUDATypeDefault.h | |
CUDAUtils.h | |
Exceptions.h | |
PinnedMemoryAllocator.cpp | |
PinnedMemoryAllocator.h | |
► cudnn | |
cudnn-wrapper.h | |
Descriptors.cpp | |
Descriptors.h | |
Exceptions.h | |
Handle.cpp | |
Handle.h | |
Handles.h | |
Types.cpp | |
Types.h | |
Utils.h | |
► detail | |
ComplexHooksInterface.cpp | |
ComplexHooksInterface.h | |
CPUGuardImpl.cpp | |
CPUGuardImpl.h | |
CUDAHooksInterface.cpp | |
CUDAHooksInterface.h | |
FunctionTraits.h | |
HIPHooksInterface.cpp | |
HIPHooksInterface.h | |
ScalarTypeConversions.h | |
► hip | |
► impl | |
HIPAllocatorMasqueradingAsCUDA.h | |
HIPCachingAllocatorMasqueradingAsCUDA.cpp | |
HIPCachingAllocatorMasqueradingAsCUDA.h | |
HIPGuardImplMasqueradingAsCUDA.cpp | |
HIPGuardImplMasqueradingAsCUDA.h | |
HIPStreamMasqueradingAsCUDA.h | |
► miopen | |
Descriptors.cpp | |
Descriptors.h | |
Exceptions.h | |
Handle.cpp | |
Handle.h | |
miopen-wrapper.h | |
Types.cpp | |
Types.h | |
Utils.h | |
► mkl | |
Descriptors.h | |
Exceptions.h | |
Limits.h | |
► mkldnn | |
Runtime.cpp | |
Runtime.h | |
► native | |
► cpu | |
Activation.cpp | |
avx_mathfun.h | |
BinaryOpsKernel.cpp | |
CopyKernel.cpp | |
CopyKernel.h | |
DistanceOpsKernel.cpp | |
GridSamplerKernel.cpp | |
GridSamplerKernel.h | |
IndexKernel.cpp | |
Intrinsics.h | |
Loops.h | |
Reduce.h | |
ReduceOpsKernel.cpp | |
SoftMaxKernel.cpp | |
SoftmaxKernel.h | |
TensorCompareKernel.cpp | |
TensorCompareKernel.h | |
UnaryOpsKernel.cpp | |
UnaryOpsKernel.h | |
► cuda | |
CUDAUnaryOps.cpp | |
CuFFTPlanCache.h | |
CuFFTUtils.h | |
MiscUtils.h | |
► cudnn | |
AffineGridGenerator.cpp | |
BatchNorm.cpp | |
Conv.cpp | |
GridSampler.cpp | |
LossCTC.cpp | |
RNN.cpp | |
► miopen | |
BatchNorm_miopen.cpp | |
Conv_miopen.cpp | |
► mkl | |
LinearAlgebra.cpp | |
SpectralOps.cpp | |
► mkldnn | |
Conv.cpp | |
► sparse | |
► cuda | |
SparseCUDATensor.cpp | |
SparseTensor.cpp | |
SparseTensorMath.cpp | |
► utils | |
ParamsHash.h | |
Activation.cpp | |
Activation.h | |
AdaptiveAveragePooling.cpp | |
AffineGridGenerator.cpp | |
BatchLinearAlgebra.cpp | |
BinaryOps.cpp | |
BinaryOps.h | |
ConstantPadNd.cpp | |
Convolution.cpp | |
ConvolutionTBC.cpp | |
Copy.cpp | |
Copy.h | |
DispatchStub.cpp | |
DispatchStub.h | |
Distance.cpp | |
Distance.h | |
Distributions.cpp | |
Distributions.h | |
Dropout.cpp | |
Embedding.cpp | |
EmbeddingBag.cpp | |
FractionalMaxPool2d.cpp | |
FractionalMaxPool3d.cpp | |
GridSampler.cpp | |
GridSampler.h | |
Indexing.cpp | |
Indexing.h | |
Itertools.cpp | |
LegacyBridge.cpp | |
LegacyDefinitions.cpp | |
LegacyNNDefinitions.cpp | |
Lerp.cpp | |
Linear.cpp | |
LinearAlgebra.cpp | |
LinearAlgebraUtils.h | |
Loss.cpp | |
LossCTC.cpp | |
Memory.cpp | |
NNPACK.cpp | |
Normalization.cpp | |
Onehot.cpp | |
PackedSequence.cpp | |
PixelShuffle.cpp | |
Pooling.cpp | |
QuantizedLinear.cpp | |
RangeFactories.cpp | |
ReduceOps.cpp | |
ReduceOps.h | |
ReduceOpsUtils.h | |
ReflectionPad.cpp | |
ReplicationPadding.cpp | |
Resize.cpp | |
Resize.h | |
RNN.cpp | |
RNN.h | |
Scalar.cpp | |
SharedReduceOps.h | |
SoftMax.cpp | |
Sorting.cpp | |
SortingUtils.h | |
SpectralOps.cpp | |
SpectralOpsUtils.h | |
SummaryOps.cpp | |
TensorCompare.cpp | |
TensorConversions.cpp | |
TensorFactories.cpp | |
TensorFactories.h | |
TensorIterator.cpp | |
TensorIterator.h | |
TensorIteratorReduce.cpp | |
TensorProperties.cpp | |
TensorShape.cpp | |
TensorTransformations.cpp | |
TensorTransformations.h | |
TypeProperties.cpp | |
UnaryOps.cpp | |
Unique.cpp | |
WeightNorm.cpp | |
► stub | |
CombinedStub.cpp | |
► templates | |
ExtensionBackendRegistration.h | |
Functions.h | |
GeneratorDerived.h | |
LegacyTHDispatcher.cpp | |
LegacyTHDispatcher.h | |
LegacyTHDispatcherDerived.cpp | |
LegacyTHDispatcherDerived.h | |
LegacyTHFunctions.h | |
NativeFunctions.h | |
RegisterCPU.cpp | |
RegisterCPU.h | |
RegisterCUDA.cpp | |
RegisterCUDA.h | |
SparseTypeDerived.cpp | |
Tensor.h | |
TensorMethods.h | |
Type.h | |
TypeDefault.cpp | |
TypeDefault.h | |
TypeDerived.cpp | |
TypeDerived.h | |
TypeExtendedInterface.h | |
TypeExtension.cpp | |
TypeExtension.h | |
TypeExtensionDerived.cpp | |
TypeExtensionDerived.h | |
► test | |
► test_install | |
main.cpp | |
apply_utils_test.cpp | |
atest.cpp | |
basic.cpp | |
broadcast_test.cpp | |
cuda_apply_test.cpp | |
cuda_cudnn_test.cpp | |
cuda_rng_test.cpp | |
cuda_stream_test.cpp | |
cuda_tensor_interop_test.cpp | |
dlconvertor_test.cpp | |
extension_backend_test.cpp | |
half_test.cpp | |
native_test.cpp | |
scalar_tensor_test.cpp | |
scalar_test.cpp | |
tbb_init_test.cpp | |
tensor_interop_test.cpp | |
test_assert.h | |
test_parallel.cpp | |
undefined_tensor_test.cpp | |
verify_api_visibility.cpp | |
weakref_test.cpp | |
wrapdim_test.cpp | |
xla_tensor_test.cpp | |
AccumulateType.h | |
ArrayRef.h | |
ATen.h | |
Backend.h | |
Backtrace.h | |
CheckGenerator.h | |
Config.h | |
Context.cpp | |
Context.h | |
CPUApplyUtils.h | |
CPUFixedAllocator.h | |
CPUGeneral.cpp | |
CPUGeneral.h | |
CPUGenerator.cpp | |
CPUTypeDefault.cpp | |
CPUTypeDefault.h | |
Device.h | |
DeviceGuard.h | |
DimVector.h | |
Dispatch.h | |
div_rtn.h | |
DLConvertor.cpp | |
DLConvertor.h | |
dlpack.h | The common header of DLPack |
ExpandUtils.cpp | |
ExpandUtils.h | |
Formatting.h | |
Generator.h | |
InferSize.h | |
InitialTensorOptions.h | |
Layout.h | |
LegacyTHDispatch.cpp | |
LegacyTHDispatch.h | |
MatrixRef.h | |
MemoryOverlap.cpp | |
MemoryOverlap.h | |
NumericUtils.h | |
Parallel.h | |
Scalar.h | |
ScalarOps.h | |
ScalarType.h | |
SmallVector.h | |
SparseTensorImpl.cpp | |
SparseTensorImpl.h | |
SparseTensorUtils.h | |
Storage.h | |
Tensor.h | |
TensorAccessor.h | |
TensorGeometry.cpp | |
TensorGeometry.h | |
TensorOperators.h | |
TensorOptions.h | |
TensorUtils.cpp | |
TensorUtils.h | |
Type.h | |
UndefinedType.cpp | |
UndefinedType.h | |
Utils.cpp | |
Utils.h | |
WrapDimUtils.h | |
WrapDimUtilsMulti.h | |
► TH | |
► generic | |
THBlas.cpp | |
THBlas.h | |
THLapack.cpp | |
THLapack.h | |
THStorage.cpp | |
THStorage.h | |
THStorageCopy.cpp | |
THStorageCopy.h | |
THTensor.cpp | |
THTensor.h | |
THTensorConv.cpp | |
THTensorConv.h | |
THTensorEvenMoreMath.cpp | |
THTensorFill.cpp | |
THTensorFill.h | |
THTensorLapack.cpp | |
THTensorLapack.h | |
THTensorMath.cpp | |
THTensorMath.h | |
THTensorMoreMath.cpp | |
THTensorRandom.cpp | |
THTensorRandom.h | |
THVector.h | |
THVectorDefault.cpp | |
THVectorDispatch.cpp | |
► vector | |
AVX.cpp | |
AVX.h | |
AVX2.cpp | |
AVX2.h | |
NEON.cpp | |
simd.h | |
VSX.cpp | |
TH.h | |
THAllocator.cpp | |
THAllocator.h | |
THBlas.cpp | |
THBlas.h | |
THBlasUtils.h | |
THDiskFile.cpp | |
THDiskFile.h | |
THFile.cpp | |
THFile.h | |
THFilePrivate.h | |
THGeneral.cpp | |
THGenerateAllTypes.h | |
THGenerateBoolType.h | |
THGenerateByteType.h | |
THGenerateCharType.h | |
THGenerateDoubleType.h | |
THGenerateFloatType.h | |
THGenerateFloatTypes.h | |
THGenerateHalfType.h | |
THGenerateIntType.h | |
THGenerateIntTypes.h | |
THGenerateLongType.h | |
THGenerateShortType.h | |
THHalf.h | |
THLapack.cpp | |
THLapack.h | |
THLogAdd.cpp | |
THLogAdd.h | |
THMath.h | |
THMemoryFile.cpp | |
THMemoryFile.h | |
THRandom.cpp | |
THRandom.h | |
THSize.cpp | |
THSize.h | |
THStorage.h | |
THStorageFunctions.cpp | |
THStorageFunctions.h | |
THTensor.cpp | |
THTensor.h | |
THTensorApply.h | |
THTensorConv.cpp | |
THTensorDimApply.h | |
THTensorEvenMoreMath.cpp | |
THTensorFill.cpp | |
THTensorLapack.cpp | |
THTensorMath.cpp | |
THTensorMoreMath.cpp | |
THTensorRandom.cpp | |
THVector.cpp | |
THVector.h | |
► THC | |
► generic | |
THCStorage.cpp | |
THCStorage.h | |
THCStorageCopy.cpp | |
THCStorageCopy.h | |
THCTensor.cpp | |
THCTensor.h | |
THCTensorCopy.h | |
THCTensorIndex.h | |
THCTensorMasked.h | |
THCTensorMath.h | |
THCTensorMathBlas.h | |
THCTensorMathCompare.h | |
THCTensorMathCompareT.h | |
THCTensorMathMagma.h | |
THCTensorMathPairwise.h | |
THCTensorMathPointwise.h | |
THCTensorMathReduce.h | |
THCTensorMathScan.h | |
THCTensorMode.h | |
THCTensorRandom.h | |
THCTensorScatterGather.h | |
THCTensorSort.h | |
THCTensorTopK.h | |
THC.h | |
THCAllocator.cpp | |
THCAllocator.h | |
THCBlas.h | |
THCCachingHostAllocator.cpp | |
THCCachingHostAllocator.h | |
THCGeneral.cpp | |
THCGenerateAllTypes.h | |
THCGenerateBoolType.h | |
THCGenerateByteType.h | |
THCGenerateCharType.h | |
THCGenerateDoubleType.h | |
THCGenerateFloatType.h | |
THCGenerateFloatTypes.h | |
THCGenerateHalfType.h | |
THCGenerateIntType.h | |
THCGenerateLongType.h | |
THCGenerateShortType.h | |
THCSleep.h | |
THCStorage.cpp | |
THCStorage.h | |
THCStorageCopy.cpp | |
THCStorageCopy.h | |
THCStream.cpp | |
THCTensor.cpp | |
THCTensor.h | |
THCTensorCopy.h | |
THCTensorMath.h | |
THCTensorRandom.cpp | |
THCTensorRandom.h | |
THCThreadLocal.cpp | |
THCThreadLocal.h | |
► THCUNN | |
► generic | |
pooling_shape.h | |
THCUNN.h | |
common.h | |
im2col.h | |
row2col.h | |
THCUNN.h | |
upsampling.h | |
vol2col.h | |
► THNN | |
► generic | |
AbsCriterion.c | |
BCECriterion.c | |
ClassNLLCriterion.c | |
Col2Im.c | |
ELU.c | |
FeatureLPPooling.c | |
GatedLinearUnit.c | |
HardTanh.c | |
Im2Col.c | |
IndexLinear.c | |
LeakyReLU.c | |
LogSigmoid.c | |
MSECriterion.c | |
MultiLabelMarginCriterion.c | |
MultiMarginCriterion.c | |
pooling_shape.h | |
RReLU.c | |
Sigmoid.c | |
SmoothL1Criterion.c | |
SoftMarginCriterion.c | |
SoftPlus.c | |
SoftShrink.c | |
SpatialAdaptiveMaxPooling.c | |
SpatialAveragePooling.c | |
SpatialClassNLLCriterion.c | |
SpatialConvolutionMM.c | |
SpatialDilatedConvolution.c | |
SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.c | |
SpatialFullDilatedConvolution.c | |
SpatialMaxUnpooling.c | |
SpatialUpSamplingBicubic.c | |
SpatialUpSamplingBilinear.c | |
SpatialUpSamplingNearest.c | |
Tanh.c | |
TemporalRowConvolution.c | |
TemporalUpSamplingLinear.c | |
TemporalUpSamplingNearest.c | |
THNN.h | |
unfold.c | |
upsampling.h | |
VolumetricAdaptiveAveragePooling.c | |
VolumetricAdaptiveMaxPooling.c | |
VolumetricAveragePooling.c | |
VolumetricConvolutionMM.c | |
VolumetricDilatedConvolution.c | |
VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.c | |
VolumetricFullDilatedConvolution.c | |
VolumetricMaxUnpooling.c | |
VolumetricUpSamplingNearest.c | |
VolumetricUpSamplingTrilinear.c | |
init.cpp | |
THNN.h | |
▼ binaries | |
benchmark_args.h | |
benchmark_helper.cc | |
benchmark_helper.h | |
caffe2_benchmark.cc | |
convert_and_benchmark.cc | |
convert_caffe_image_db.cc | |
convert_db.cc | |
convert_encoded_to_raw_leveldb.cc | |
convert_image_to_tensor.cc | |
core_overhead_benchmark_gpu.cc | |
db_throughput.cc | |
inspect_gpu.cc | |
make_cifar_db.cc | |
make_image_db.cc | |
make_mnist_db.cc | |
predictor_verifier.cc | |
print_core_object_sizes_gpu.cc | |
print_registered_core_operators.cc | |
run_plan.cc | |
run_plan_mpi.cc | |
speed_benchmark.cc | |
split_db.cc | |
tsv_2_proto.cc | |
tutorial_blob.cc | |
zmq_feeder.cc | |
▼ c10 | |
► core | |
► impl | |
DeviceGuardImplInterface.cpp | |
DeviceGuardImplInterface.h | |
FakeGuardImpl.h | |
InlineDeviceGuard.h | |
InlineStreamGuard.h | |
VirtualGuardImpl.h | |
Allocator.cpp | |
Allocator.h | |
Backend.h | |
CopyBytes.cpp | |
CopyBytes.h | |
CPUAllocator.cpp | |
CPUAllocator.h | |
DefaultDtype.cpp | |
DefaultDtype.h | |
DefaultTensorOptions.h | |
Device.cpp | |
Device.h | |
DeviceGuard.h | |
DeviceType.cpp | |
DeviceType.h | |
Layout.h | |
Scalar.cpp | |
Scalar.h | |
ScalarType.h | |
Storage.cpp | |
Storage.h | |
StorageImpl.cpp | |
StorageImpl.h | |
Stream.cpp | |
Stream.h | |
StreamGuard.h | |
Tensor.h | |
TensorImpl.cpp | |
TensorImpl.h | |
TensorOptions.cpp | |
TensorOptions.h | |
TensorTypeId.cpp | |
TensorTypeId.h | |
TensorTypeIdRegistration.cpp | |
TensorTypeIdRegistration.h | |
thread_pool.cpp | |
thread_pool.h | |
UndefinedTensorImpl.cpp | |
UndefinedTensorImpl.h | |
WrapDimMinimal.h | |
► cuda | |
► impl | |
CUDAGuardImpl.cpp | |
CUDAGuardImpl.h | |
CUDATest.cpp | |
CUDATest.h | |
► test | |
► impl | |
CUDATest.cpp | |
CUDACachingAllocator.cpp | |
CUDACachingAllocator.h | |
CUDAException.h | |
CUDAFunctions.h | |
CUDAGuard.h | |
CUDAMacros.h | |
CUDAMathCompat.h | |
CUDAStream.cpp | |
CUDAStream.h | |
► macros | |
Export.h | |
Macros.h | |
► test | |
► core | |
► impl | |
InlineDeviceGuard_test.cpp | |
InlineStreamGuard_test.cpp | |
DeviceGuard_test.cpp | |
StreamGuard_test.cpp | |
TensorTypeId_test.cpp | |
► util | |
Array_test.cpp | |
flags_test.cpp | |
Half_test.cpp | |
intrusive_ptr_test.cpp | |
LeftRight_test.cpp | |
logging_test.cpp | |
Metaprogramming_test.cpp | |
registry_test.cpp | |
tempfile_test.cpp | |
typeid_test.cpp | |
TypeList_test.cpp | |
TypeTraits_test.cpp | |
► util | |
AlignOf.h | |
Array.cpp | |
Array.h | |
ArrayRef.h | |
Backtrace.cpp | |
Backtrace.h | |
C++17.cpp | |
C++17.h | |
Deprecated.h | |
Exception.cpp | |
Exception.h | |
Flags.h | |
flags_use_gflags.cpp | |
flags_use_no_gflags.cpp | |
flat_hash_map.h | |
Half-inl.h | |
Half.cpp | |
Half.h | |
IdWrapper.h | |
intrusive_ptr.cpp | |
intrusive_ptr.h | |
LeftRight.cpp | |
LeftRight.h | |
Logging.cpp | |
Logging.h | |
logging_is_google_glog.h | |
logging_is_not_google_glog.h | |
Metaprogramming.cpp | |
Metaprogramming.h | |
numa.cpp | |
numa.h | |
Optional.cpp | |
Optional.h | |
Registry.h | |
SmallVector.cpp | |
SmallVector.h | |
string_utils.h | |
StringUtil.cpp | |
StringUtil.h | |
tempfile.h | |
thread_name.cpp | |
thread_name.h | |
Type.cpp | |
Type.h | |
typeid.cpp | |
typeid.h | |
TypeList.cpp | |
TypeList.h | |
TypeTraits.cpp | |
TypeTraits.h | |
UniqueVoidPtr.cpp | |
UniqueVoidPtr.h | |
▼ caffe2 | |
► core | |
► hip | |
common_miopen.h | |
miopen_wrapper.h | |
► nomnigraph | |
► include | |
► nomnigraph | |
► Converters | |
Dot.h | |
► Generated | |
OpClasses.h | |
OpEnum.h | |
OpNames.h | |
► Graph | |
Algorithms.h | |
BinaryMatchImpl.h | |
Graph.h | |
TarjansImpl.h | |
TopoSort.h | |
► Representations | |
Compiler.h | |
ControlFlow.h | |
NeuralNet.h | |
► Support | |
Casting.h | |
Common.h | |
Pointer.h | |
► Transformations | |
Match.h | |
SubgraphMatcher.h | |
► Representations | |
NeuralNet.cc | |
► tests | |
AlgorithmsTest.cc | |
BinaryMatchImplTest.cc | |
GraphTest.cc | |
MatchTest.cc | |
NeuralNetTest.cc | |
SubgraphMatcherTest.cc | |
TarjansImplTest.cc | |
test_util.cc | |
test_util.h | |
TopoSortTest.cc | |
allocator.cc | |
allocator.h | |
asan.h | |
blob.h | |
blob_serialization.cc | |
blob_serialization.h | |
blob_serialization_gpu.cc | |
blob_serializer_base.h | |
blob_stats.cc | |
blob_stats.h | |
c10_operator.h | |
common.cc | |
common.h | |
common_cudnn.cc | |
common_cudnn.h | |
common_gpu.cc | |
common_gpu.h | |
common_omp.h | |
context.cc | |
context.h | |
context_base.cc | |
context_base.h | |
context_gpu.h | |
cudnn_wrappers.h | |
db.cc | |
db.h | |
event.cc | |
event.h | |
event_cpu.h | |
event_gpu.cc | |
flags.h | |
graph.cc | |
graph.h | |
init.cc | |
init.h | |
init_denormals.cc | |
init_intrinsics_check.cc | |
init_omp.cc | |
int8_serialization.cc | |
logging.h | |
macros.h | |
memonger.cc | |
memonger.h | |
module.cc | |
module.h | |
net.cc | |
net.h | |
net_async_base.cc | |
net_async_base.h | |
net_async_scheduling.cc | |
net_async_scheduling.h | |
net_async_task.cc | |
net_async_task.h | |
net_async_task_future.cc | |
net_async_task_future.h | |
net_async_task_graph.cc | |
net_async_task_graph.h | |
net_async_tracing.cc | |
net_async_tracing.h | |
net_dag_utils.cc | |
net_dag_utils.h | |
net_parallel.cc | |
net_parallel.h | |
net_simple.cc | |
net_simple.h | |
net_simple_refcount.cc | |
net_simple_refcount.h | |
numa.cc | |
numa.h | |
observer.h | |
operator.cc | |
operator.h | |
operator_c10wrapper.cc | |
operator_c10wrapper.h | |
operator_gradient.h | |
operator_schema.cc | |
operator_schema.h | |
plan_executor.cc | |
plan_executor.h | |
prof_dag_counters.cc | |
prof_dag_counters.h | |
qtensor.cc | |
qtensor.h | |
qtensor_serialization.cc | |
qtensor_serialization.h | |
scope_guard.h | |
static_tracepoint.h | |
static_tracepoint_elfx86.h | |
stats.cc | |
stats.h | |
storage.h | |
tensor.cc | |
tensor.h | |
tensor_impl.h | |
tensor_int8.cc | |
tensor_int8.h | |
test_utils.cc | |
test_utils.h | |
timer.h | |
transform.cc | |
transform.h | |
types.cc | |
types.h | |
workspace.cc | |
workspace.h | |
► cuda_rtc | |
common_rtc.h | |
elemenntwise_rtc_gpu.cc | |
pool_op_rtc_gpu.cc | |
► db | |
create_db_op.cc | |
create_db_op.h | |
create_db_op_gpu.cc | |
leveldb.cc | |
lmdb.cc | |
protodb.cc | |
zmqdb.cc | |
► distributed | |
file_store_handler.cc | |
file_store_handler.h | |
file_store_handler_op.cc | |
file_store_handler_op.h | |
file_store_handler_op_gpu.cc | |
py_export.cc | |
redis_store_handler.cc | |
redis_store_handler.h | |
redis_store_handler_op.cc | |
redis_store_handler_op.h | |
redis_store_handler_op_gpu.cc | |
store_handler.cc | |
store_handler.h | |
store_ops.cc | |
store_ops.h | |
► experiments | |
► operators | |
fully_connected_op_decomposition.cc | |
fully_connected_op_decomposition.h | |
fully_connected_op_decomposition_gpu.cc | |
fully_connected_op_prune.cc | |
fully_connected_op_prune.h | |
fully_connected_op_sparse.cc | |
fully_connected_op_sparse.h | |
funhash_op.cc | |
funhash_op.h | |
sparse_funhash_op.cc | |
sparse_funhash_op.h | |
sparse_matrix_reshape_op.cc | |
sparse_matrix_reshape_op.h | |
tt_contraction_op.cc | |
tt_contraction_op.h | |
tt_contraction_op_gpu.cc | |
tt_pad_op.cc | |
tt_pad_op.h | |
► ideep | |
► operators | |
adam_op.cc | |
channel_shuffle_op.cc | |
concat_split_op.cc | |
conv_fusion_op.cc | |
conv_op.cc | |
conv_pool_base_op.h | |
conv_transpose_op.cc | |
conv_transpose_unpool_base_op.h | |
dropout_op.cc | |
elementwise_sum_op.cc | |
expand_squeeze_dims_op.cc | |
fully_connected_op.cc | |
local_response_normalization_op.cc | |
momentum_sgd_op.cc | |
operator_fallback_ideep.cc | |
operator_fallback_ideep.h | |
pool_op.cc | |
queue_ops.cc | |
relu_op.cc | |
reshape_op.cc | |
shape_op.cc | |
sigmoid_op.cc | |
spatial_batch_norm_op.cc | |
utility_ops.cc | |
► utils | |
ideep_context.h | |
ideep_operator.h | |
ideep_register.cc | |
ideep_utils.h | |
► image | |
image_input_op.cc | |
image_input_op.h | |
image_input_op_gpu.cc | |
transform_gpu.h | |
► mobile | |
► contrib | |
► ios | |
► mpscnn | |
mpscnn.h | |
mpscnn_context.h | |
mpscnn_graph_mask.h | |
mpscnn_kernels.h | |
mpscnn_test.h | |
ios_caffe.cc | |
ios_caffe.h | |
ios_caffe_defines.h | |
ios_caffe_predictor.cc | |
ios_caffe_predictor.h | |
► libopencl-stub | |
► include | |
► CL | |
cl.h | |
cl_ext.h | |
cl_gl.h | |
cl_gl_ext.h | |
cl_platform.h | |
opencl.h | |
libopencl.h | |
► src | |
libopencl.c | |
► libvulkan-stub | |
► include | |
► vulkan | |
vk_platform.h | |
vulkan.h | |
libvulkan-stub.h | |
► src | |
libvulkan-stub.c | |
► nnapi | |
dlnnapi.c | |
dlnnapi.h | |
NeuralNetworks.h | |
nnapi.cc | |
nnapi.h | |
nnapi_benchmark.cc | |
► snpe | |
snpe_ffi.cc | |
snpe_ffi.h | |
snpe_globals.cc | |
snpe_op.cc | |
snpe_op_benchmark.cc | |
► ulp2 | |
ulp.cc | |
ulp.h | |
ulp_neon.cc | |
ulp_neon.h | |
► mpi | |
mpi_common.cc | |
mpi_common.h | |
► observers | |
operator_attaching_net_observer.h | |
profile_observer.cc | |
profile_observer.h | |
runcnt_observer.cc | |
runcnt_observer.h | |
time_observer.cc | |
time_observer.h | |
► onnx | |
► torch_ops | |
constants.h | |
defs.cc | |
operator_sets.h | |
schema.cc | |
schema.h | |
backend.cc | |
backend.h | |
backend_rep.cc | |
backend_rep.h | |
device.cc | |
device.h | |
helper.cc | |
helper.h | |
onnx_exporter.cc | |
onnx_exporter.h | |
onnxifi_graph_info.cc | |
onnxifi_graph_info.h | |
onnxifi_init.cc | |
onnxifi_init.h | |
► operators | |
► experimental | |
► c10 | |
► cpu | |
add_cpu.cc | |
averaged_loss_cpu.cc | |
batch_gather_cpu.cc | |
batch_matmul_cpu.cc | |
cast_cpu.cc | |
concat_cpu.cc | |
enforce_finite_cpu.cc | |
expand_dims_cpu.cc | |
fc_cpu.cc | |
filler_cpu.cc | |
flatten_cpu.cc | |
mul_cpu.cc | |
relu_cpu.cc | |
sigmoid_cpu.cc | |
sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_cpu.cc | |
sparse_lengths_sum_cpu.cc | |
stop_gradient_cpu.cc | |
► schemas | |
add.cc | |
add.h | |
averaged_loss.cc | |
averaged_loss.h | |
batch_gather.cc | |
batch_gather.h | |
batch_matmul.cc | |
batch_matmul.h | |
cast.cc | |
cast.h | |
concat.cc | |
concat.h | |
enforce_finite.cc | |
enforce_finite.h | |
expand_dims.cc | |
expand_dims.h | |
fc.cc | |
fc.h | |
filler.cc | |
filler.h | |
flatten.cc | |
flatten.h | |
mul.cc | |
mul.h | |
relu.cc | |
relu.h | |
sigmoid.cc | |
sigmoid.h | |
sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits.cc | |
sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits.h | |
sparse_lengths_sum.cc | |
sparse_lengths_sum.h | |
stop_gradient.cc | |
stop_gradient.h | |
► hip | |
activation_ops_miopen.h | |
► quantized | |
init_qnnpack.cc | |
int8_add_op.cc | |
int8_add_op.h | |
int8_average_pool_op.cc | |
int8_average_pool_op.h | |
int8_channel_shuffle_op.cc | |
int8_channel_shuffle_op.h | |
int8_concat_op.cc | |
int8_concat_op.h | |
int8_conv_op.cc | |
int8_conv_op.h | |
int8_conv_op_relu.cc | |
int8_conv_transpose_op.cc | |
int8_conv_transpose_op.h | |
int8_dequantize_op.cc | |
int8_dequantize_op.h | |
int8_fc_op.cc | |
int8_fc_op.h | |
int8_flatten_op.cc | |
int8_flatten_op.h | |
int8_given_tensor_fill_op.cc | |
int8_given_tensor_fill_op.h | |
int8_leaky_relu_op.cc | |
int8_leaky_relu_op.h | |
int8_max_pool_op.cc | |
int8_max_pool_op.h | |
int8_quantize_op.cc | |
int8_quantize_op.h | |
int8_relu_op.cc | |
int8_relu_op.h | |
int8_reshape_op.cc | |
int8_reshape_op.h | |
int8_resize_nearest_op.cc | |
int8_resize_nearest_op.h | |
int8_roi_align_op.cc | |
int8_roi_align_op.h | |
int8_sigmoid_op.cc | |
int8_sigmoid_op.h | |
int8_simd.h | |
int8_slice_op.cc | |
int8_slice_op.h | |
int8_softmax_op.cc | |
int8_softmax_op.h | |
int8_test_utils.h | |
int8_utils.h | |
► rnn | |
► hip | |
recurrent_op_miopen.h | |
recurrent_network_blob_fetcher_op.cc | |
recurrent_network_blob_fetcher_op.h | |
recurrent_network_blob_fetcher_op_gpu.cc | |
recurrent_network_executor.cc | |
recurrent_network_executor.h | |
recurrent_network_executor_gpu.cc | |
recurrent_network_executor_gpu.h | |
recurrent_network_executor_incl.h | |
recurrent_network_op.cc | |
recurrent_network_op.h | |
recurrent_op_cudnn.cc | |
recurrent_op_cudnn.h | |
abs_op.cc | |
abs_op.h | |
accumulate_op.cc | |
accumulate_op.h | |
accuracy_op.cc | |
accuracy_op.h | |
acos_op.cc | |
acos_op.h | |
activation_ops_cudnn.h | |
adjust_batch_op.cc | |
adjust_batch_op.h | |
affine_channel_op.cc | |
affine_channel_op.h | |
apmeter_op.cc | |
apmeter_op.h | |
arg_ops.cc | |
arg_ops.h | |
asin_op.cc | |
asin_op.h | |
assert_op.cc | |
assert_op.h | |
atan_op.cc | |
atan_op.h | |
atomic_ops.cc | |
batch_box_cox_op.cc | |
batch_box_cox_op.h | |
batch_bucketize_op.cc | |
batch_bucketize_op.h | |
batch_gather_ops.cc | |
batch_gather_ops.h | |
batch_matmul_op.cc | |
batch_matmul_op.h | |
batch_moments_op.cc | |
batch_moments_op.h | |
batch_sparse_to_dense_op.cc | |
batch_sparse_to_dense_op.h | |
bbox_transform_op.cc | |
bbox_transform_op.h | |
bisect_percentile_op.cc | |
bisect_percentile_op.h | |
boolean_mask_ops.cc | |
boolean_mask_ops.h | |
boolean_unmask_ops.cc | |
boolean_unmask_ops.h | |
box_with_nms_limit_op.cc | |
box_with_nms_limit_op.h | |
byte_weight_dequant_op.cc | |
byte_weight_dequant_op.h | |
cast_op.cc | |
cast_op.h | |
cbrt_op.cc | |
cbrt_op.h | |
ceil_op.cc | |
ceil_op.h | |
channel_backprop_stats_op.cc | |
channel_backprop_stats_op.h | |
channel_shuffle_op.cc | |
channel_shuffle_op.h | |
channel_stats_op.cc | |
channel_stats_op.h | |
clip_op.cc | |
clip_op.h | |
collect_and_distribute_fpn_rpn_proposals_op.cc | |
collect_and_distribute_fpn_rpn_proposals_op.h | |
communicator_op.cc | |
communicator_op_gpu.cc | |
concat_split_op.cc | |
concat_split_op.h | |
concat_split_op_gpu.cc | |
conditional_op.cc | |
conditional_op.h | |
conv_gradient_op.cc | |
conv_op.cc | |
conv_op.h | |
conv_op_cache_cudnn.cc | |
conv_op_cache_cudnn.h | |
conv_op_cudnn.cc | |
conv_op_eigen.cc | |
conv_op_gpu.cc | |
conv_op_impl.h | |
conv_op_shared.cc | |
conv_op_shared.h | |
conv_op_shared_gpu.cc | |
conv_pool_op_base.h | |
conv_transpose_gradient_op.cc | |
conv_transpose_op.cc | |
conv_transpose_op.h | |
conv_transpose_op_cudnn.cc | |
conv_transpose_op_gpu.cc | |
conv_transpose_op_impl.h | |
conv_transpose_op_mobile.cc | |
conv_transpose_op_mobile.h | |
conv_transpose_op_mobile_impl.h | |
conv_transpose_unpool_op_base.h | |
copy_op.cc | |
copy_op.h | |
cos_op.cc | |
cos_op.h | |
cosh_op.cc | |
cosh_op.h | |
cosine_embedding_criterion_op.cc | |
cosine_embedding_criterion_op.h | |
counter_ops.cc | |
counter_ops.h | |
counter_ops_gpu.cc | |
create_scope_op.cc | |
create_scope_op.h | |
crf_viterbi_op.cc | |
cross_entropy_op.cc | |
cross_entropy_op.h | |
ctc_beam_search_decoder_op.cc | |
ctc_beam_search_decoder_op.h | |
ctc_greedy_decoder_op.cc | |
ctc_greedy_decoder_op.h | |
cube_op.cc | |
cube_op.h | |
data_couple.cc | |
data_couple.h | |
dataset_ops.cc | |
dataset_ops.h | |
deform_conv_gradient_op.cc | |
deform_conv_op.cc | |
deform_conv_op.h | |
deform_conv_op_impl.h | |
dense_vector_to_id_list_op.cc | |
dense_vector_to_id_list_op.h | |
distance_op.cc | |
distance_op.h | |
do_op.cc | |
do_op.h | |
do_op_gpu.cc | |
dropout_op.cc | |
dropout_op.h | |
dropout_op_cudnn.cc | |
elementwise_add_gradient_op.cc | |
elementwise_add_op.cc | |
elementwise_add_op.h | |
elementwise_add_op_gpu.cc | |
elementwise_div_gradient_op.cc | |
elementwise_div_op.cc | |
elementwise_div_op.h | |
elementwise_linear_op.cc | |
elementwise_linear_op.h | |
elementwise_logical_ops.cc | |
elementwise_logical_ops.h | |
elementwise_mul_gradient_op.cc | |
elementwise_mul_op.cc | |
elementwise_mul_op.h | |
elementwise_op_test.h | |
elementwise_ops.cc | |
elementwise_ops.h | |
elementwise_ops_schema.cc | |
elementwise_ops_utils.cc | |
elementwise_ops_utils.h | |
elementwise_sub_gradient_op.cc | |
elementwise_sub_op.cc | |
elementwise_sub_op.h | |
elementwise_sub_op_gpu.cc | |
elementwise_sum_op.cc | |
elu_op.cc | |
elu_op.h | |
elu_op_cudnn.cc | |
enforce_finite_op.cc | |
enforce_finite_op.h | |
ensure_clipped_op.cc | |
ensure_clipped_op.h | |
ensure_cpu_output_op.cc | |
ensure_cpu_output_op.h | |
erf_op.cc | |
erf_op.h | |
exp_op.cc | |
exp_op.h | |
exp_op_gpu.cc | |
expand_op.cc | |
expand_op.h | |
expand_op_gpu.cc | |
expand_squeeze_dims_op.cc | |
expand_squeeze_dims_op.h | |
expand_squeeze_dims_op_gpu.cc | |
fc_inference.cc | |
fc_inference.h | |
feature_maps_ops.cc | |
feature_maps_ops.h | |
feed_blob_op.cc | |
feed_blob_op.h | |
filler_op.cc | |
filler_op.h | |
find_duplicate_elements_op.cc | |
find_duplicate_elements_op.h | |
find_op.cc | |
find_op.h | |
flatten_op.cc | |
flatten_op.h | |
flexible_top_k.cc | |
flexible_top_k.h | |
floor_op.cc | |
floor_op.h | |
free_op.cc | |
free_op.h | |
free_op_gpu.cc | |
fully_connected_op.cc | |
fully_connected_op.h | |
fully_connected_op_gpu.cc | |
fused_rowwise_8bit_conversion_ops.cc | |
fused_rowwise_8bit_conversion_ops.h | |
fused_rowwise_random_quantization_ops.cc | |
fused_rowwise_random_quantization_ops.h | |
gather_fused_8bit_rowwise_op.cc | |
gather_fused_8bit_rowwise_op.h | |
gather_op.cc | |
gather_op.h | |
gather_ranges_to_dense_op.cc | |
gather_ranges_to_dense_op.h | |
generate_proposals_op.cc | |
generate_proposals_op.h | |
generate_proposals_op_util_boxes.h | |
generate_proposals_op_util_nms.h | |
generate_proposals_op_util_nms_gpu.h | |
given_tensor_byte_string_to_uint8_fill_op.cc | |
given_tensor_byte_string_to_uint8_fill_op.h | |
given_tensor_fill_op.cc | |
given_tensor_fill_op.h | |
glu_op.cc | |
glu_op.h | |
group_norm_op.cc | |
group_norm_op.h | |
gru_unit_op.cc | |
gru_unit_op.h | |
h_softmax_op.cc | |
h_softmax_op.h | |
half_float_ops.cc | |
half_float_ops.h | |
hard_sigmoid_op.cc | |
hard_sigmoid_op.h | |
heatmap_max_keypoint_op.cc | |
heatmap_max_keypoint_op.h | |
if_op.cc | |
if_op.h | |
if_op_gpu.cc | |
im2col_op.cc | |
im2col_op.h | |
im2col_op_gpu.cc | |
index_hash_ops.cc | |
index_hash_ops.h | |
index_ops.cc | |
index_ops.h | |
inference_lstm_op.cc | |
inference_lstm_op.h | |
instance_norm_gradient_op.cc | |
instance_norm_op.cc | |
instance_norm_op.h | |
integral_image_op.cc | |
integral_image_op.h | |
is_empty_op.cc | |
is_empty_op.h | |
jsd_op.cc | |
jsd_op.h | |
key_split_ops.cc | |
key_split_ops.h | |
last_n_window_collector.cc | |
layer_norm_op.cc | |
layer_norm_op.h | |
leaky_relu_op.cc | |
leaky_relu_op.h | |
length_split_op.cc | |
length_split_op.h | |
lengths_pad_op.cc | |
lengths_pad_op.h | |
lengths_reducer_fused_8bit_rowwise_ops.cc | |
lengths_reducer_fused_8bit_rowwise_ops.h | |
lengths_reducer_ops.cc | |
lengths_reducer_ops.h | |
lengths_reducer_rowwise_8bit_ops.cc | |
lengths_reducer_rowwise_8bit_ops.h | |
lengths_tile_op.cc | |
lengths_tile_op.h | |
lengths_top_k_op.cc | |
lengths_top_k_op.h | |
listwise_l2r_op.cc | |
listwise_l2r_op.h | |
load_save_op.cc | |
load_save_op.h | |
load_save_op_gpu.cc | |
local_response_normalization_op.cc | |
local_response_normalization_op.h | |
local_response_normalization_op_cudnn.cc | |
locally_connected_op.cc | |
locally_connected_op.h | |
locally_connected_op_gpu.cc | |
locally_connected_op_impl.h | |
locally_connected_op_util.cc | |
locally_connected_op_util.h | |
log_op.cc | |
log_op.h | |
log_op_gpu.cc | |
logit_op.cc | |
logit_op.h | |
loss_op.cc | |
loss_op.h | |
lp_pool_op.cc | |
lpnorm_op.cc | |
lpnorm_op.h | |
lstm_unit_op.cc | |
lstm_unit_op.h | |
lstm_utils.h | |
map_ops.cc | |
map_ops.h | |
margin_ranking_criterion_op.cc | |
margin_ranking_criterion_op.h | |
matmul_op.cc | |
matmul_op.h | |
matmul_op_gpu.cc | |
max_pool_with_index_gpu.h | |
mean_op.cc | |
mean_op.h | |
merge_id_lists_op.cc | |
merge_id_lists_op.h | |
minmax_gradient_ops.cc | |
minmax_ops.cc | |
minmax_ops.h | |
mod_op.cc | |
mod_op.h | |
moments_op.cc | |
moments_op.h | |
multi_class_accuracy_op.cc | |
multi_class_accuracy_op.h | |
negate_gradient_op.cc | |
negate_gradient_op.h | |
negate_gradient_op_gpu.cc | |
negative_op.cc | |
negative_op.h | |
negative_op_gpu.cc | |
ngram_ops.cc | |
ngram_ops.h | |
no_default_engine_op.h | |
norm_planar_yuv_op.cc | |
normalize_l1_op.cc | |
normalize_l1_op.h | |
normalize_op.cc | |
normalize_op.h | |
numpy_tile_op.cc | |
numpy_tile_op.h | |
one_hot_ops.cc | |
one_hot_ops.h | |
onnx_while_op.cc | |
onnx_while_op.h | |
onnxifi_op.cc | |
onnxifi_op.h | |
op_utils_cudnn.h | |
operator_fallback_gpu.h | |
order_switch_ops.cc | |
order_switch_ops.h | |
order_switch_ops_cudnn.cc | |
order_switch_ops_gpu.cc | |
pack_rnn_sequence_op.cc | |
pack_rnn_sequence_op.h | |
pack_segments.cc | |
pack_segments.h | |
pad_op.cc | |
pad_op.h | |
partition_ops.cc | |
partition_ops.h | |
percentile_op.cc | |
percentile_op.h | |
perplexity_op.cc | |
perplexity_op.h | |
piecewise_linear_transform_op.cc | |
piecewise_linear_transform_op.h | |
pool_gradient_op.cc | |
pool_op.cc | |
pool_op.h | |
pool_op_cudnn.cc | |
pool_op_util.cc | |
pool_op_util.h | |
pow_op.cc | |
pow_op.h | |
prefetch_op.h | |
prelu_op.cc | |
prelu_op.h | |
prepend_dim_op.cc | |
prepend_dim_op.h | |
prepend_dim_op_gpu.cc | |
quant_decode_op.cc | |
quant_decode_op.h | |
rank_loss_op.cc | |
rank_loss_op.h | |
reciprocal_gradient_op.cc | |
reciprocal_op.cc | |
reciprocal_op.h | |
reduce_front_back_max_ops.cc | |
reduce_front_back_max_ops.h | |
reduce_front_back_mean_ops.cc | |
reduce_front_back_sum_mean_ops.h | |
reduce_front_back_sum_ops.cc | |
reduce_ops.cc | |
reduce_ops.h | |
reducer_functors.h | |
reduction_ops.cc | |
reduction_ops.h | |
relu_n_op.cc | |
relu_n_op.h | |
relu_op.cc | |
relu_op.h | |
relu_op_cudnn.cc | |
remove_data_blocks_op.cc | |
remove_data_blocks_op.h | |
replace_nan_op.cc | |
replace_nan_op.h | |
reservoir_sampling.cc | |
reshape_op.cc | |
reshape_op.h | |
reshape_op_gpu.cc | |
resize_op.cc | |
resize_op.h | |
reverse_packed_segs_op.cc | |
reverse_packed_segs_op.h | |
rmac_regions_op.cc | |
rmac_regions_op.h | |
roi_align_gradient_op.cc | |
roi_align_gradient_op.h | |
roi_align_op.cc | |
roi_align_op.h | |
roi_align_rotated_gradient_op.cc | |
roi_align_rotated_gradient_op.h | |
roi_align_rotated_op.cc | |
roi_align_rotated_op.h | |
roi_pool_op.cc | |
roi_pool_op.h | |
rowmul_op.cc | |
rowmul_op.h | |
rsqrt_op.cc | |
rsqrt_op.h | |
scale_op.cc | |
scale_op.h | |
scale_op_gpu.cc | |
segment_reduction_op.cc | |
segment_reduction_op.h | |
selu_op.cc | |
selu_op.h | |
sequence_ops.cc | |
sequence_ops.h | |
shape_op.cc | |
shape_op.h | |
shape_op_gpu.cc | |
sigmoid_gradient_op.cc | |
sigmoid_op.cc | |
sigmoid_op.h | |
sigmoid_op_cudnn.cc | |
sin_op.cc | |
sin_op.h | |
sinh_op.cc | |
sinh_op.h | |
sinusoid_position_encoding_op.cc | |
sinusoid_position_encoding_op.h | |
slice_op.cc | |
slice_op.h | |
softmax_op.cc | |
softmax_op.h | |
softmax_op_cudnn.cc | |
softmax_shared.cc | |
softmax_shared.h | |
softmax_with_loss_op.cc | |
softmax_with_loss_op.h | |
softplus_op.cc | |
softplus_op.h | |
softsign_op.cc | |
softsign_op.h | |
space_batch_op.cc | |
space_batch_op.h | |
sparse_normalize_op.cc | |
sparse_normalize_op.h | |
sparse_to_dense_mask_op.cc | |
sparse_to_dense_mask_op.h | |
sparse_to_dense_op.cc | |
sparse_to_dense_op.h | |
spatial_batch_norm_gradient_op.cc | |
spatial_batch_norm_op.cc | |
spatial_batch_norm_op.h | |
spatial_softmax_with_loss_op.cc | |
spatial_softmax_with_loss_op.h | |
sqr_op.cc | |
sqr_op.h | |
sqr_op_gpu.cc | |
sqrt_op.cc | |
sqrt_op.h | |
sqrt_op_gpu.cc | |
square_root_divide_op.cc | |
square_root_divide_op.h | |
stats_ops.cc | |
stats_put_ops.cc | |
stats_put_ops.h | |
stop_gradient.cc | |
stop_gradient.h | |
stop_gradient_gpu.cc | |
string_ops.cc | |
string_ops.h | |
stump_func_op.cc | |
stump_func_op.h | |
stylizer_ops.cc | |
summarize_op.cc | |
summarize_op.h | |
swish_op.cc | |
swish_op.h | |
tan_op.cc | |
tan_op.h | |
tanh_gradient_op.cc | |
tanh_op.cc | |
tanh_op.h | |
tanh_op_cudnn.cc | |
tensor_protos_db_input.cc | |
tensor_protos_db_input.h | |
tensor_protos_db_input_gpu.cc | |
text_file_reader.cc | |
text_file_reader_utils.cc | |
text_file_reader_utils.h | |
thresholded_relu_op.cc | |
thresholded_relu_op.h | |
tile_op.cc | |
tile_op.h | |
top_k.cc | |
top_k.h | |
transpose_op.cc | |
transpose_op.h | |
transpose_op_cudnn.cc | |
tt_linear_op.cc | |
tt_linear_op.h | |
unique_ops.cc | |
unique_ops.h | |
upsample_op.cc | |
upsample_op.h | |
utility_ops.cc | |
utility_ops.h | |
utility_ops_cudnn.cc | |
variable_length_sequence_padding.cc | |
variable_length_sequence_padding.h | |
weighted_multi_sampling_op.cc | |
weighted_multi_sampling_op.h | |
weighted_sample_op.cc | |
weighted_sample_op.h | |
while_op.cc | |
while_op.h | |
while_op_gpu.cc | |
workspace_ops.cc | |
zero_gradient_op.cc | |
zero_gradient_op.h | |
zero_gradient_op_gpu.cc | |
► opt | |
annotations.cc | |
annotations.h | |
backend_cutting.cc | |
backend_cutting.h | |
backend_transformer_base.cc | |
backend_transformer_base.h | |
bound_shape_inferencer.cc | |
bound_shape_inferencer.h | |
converter.cc | |
converter.h | |
dead_code_elim.cc | |
device.cc | |
device.h | |
distributed.cc | |
distributed.h | |
distributed_converter.cc | |
fusion.cc | |
fusion.h | |
mobile.cc | |
mobile.h | |
onnx_convert.h | |
onnxifi_transformer.cc | |
onnxifi_transformer.h | |
optimize_ideep.cc | |
optimize_ideep.h | |
optimizer.cc | |
optimizer.h | |
passes.cc | |
passes.h | |
shape_info.cc | |
shape_info.h | |
► perfkernels | |
adagrad.cc | |
adagrad.h | |
adagrad_avx.cc | |
common.h | |
common_avx.cc | |
common_avx2.cc | |
common_avx512.cc | |
cvtsh_ss_bugfix.h | |
embedding_lookup.cc | |
embedding_lookup.h | |
embedding_lookup_avx2.cc | |
embedding_lookup_fused_8bit_rowwise_avx2.cc | |
fused_8bit_rowwise_embedding_lookup.cc | |
fused_8bit_rowwise_embedding_lookup.h | |
math.h | |
math_cpu_avx2.cc | |
math_cpu_base.cc | |
typed_axpy.cc | |
typed_axpy.h | |
typed_axpy_avx.cc | |
typed_axpy_avx2.cc | |
► predictor | |
► emulator | |
benchmark.cc | |
benchmark.h | |
data_filler.cc | |
data_filler.h | |
emulator.h | |
net_supplier.h | |
output_formatter.h | |
profiler.h | |
std_output_formatter.h | |
time_profiler.h | |
utils.h | |
predictor.cc | |
predictor.h | |
predictor_config.cc | |
predictor_config.h | |
predictor_utils.cc | |
predictor_utils.h | |
► proto | |
caffe2_pb.h | |
torch_pb.h | |
► quantization | |
► server | |
activation_distribution_observer.cc | |
activation_distribution_observer.h | |
batch_matmul_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
batch_matmul_dnnlowp_op.h | |
batch_permutation_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
batch_permutation_dnnlowp_op.h | |
caffe2_dnnlowp_utils.cc | |
caffe2_dnnlowp_utils.h | |
channel_shuffle_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
channel_shuffle_dnnlowp_op.h | |
concat_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
concat_dnnlowp_op.h | |
conv_dnnlowp_acc16_op.cc | |
conv_dnnlowp_acc16_op.h | |
conv_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
conv_dnnlowp_op.h | |
conv_pool_dnnlowp_op_base.h | |
conv_relu_op.cc | |
conv_relu_op.h | |
dequantize_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
dequantize_dnnlowp_op.h | |
dnnlowp.cc | |
dnnlowp.h | |
dnnlowp_op.h | |
dnnlowp_partition.cc | |
dnnlowp_partition.h | |
dynamic_histogram.cc | |
dynamic_histogram.h | |
elementwise_add_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
elementwise_dnnlowp_op.h | |
elementwise_linear_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
elementwise_linear_dnnlowp_op.h | |
elementwise_mul_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
elementwise_sum_benchmark.cc | |
elementwise_sum_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
elementwise_sum_dnnlowp_op_avx2.cc | |
elementwise_sum_relu_op.cc | |
fbgemm_pack_blob.h | |
fbgemm_pack_matrix_cache.cc | |
fbgemm_pack_matrix_cache.h | |
fbgemm_pack_op.cc | |
fbgemm_pack_op.h | |
fully_connected_dnnlowp_acc16_op.cc | |
fully_connected_dnnlowp_acc16_op.h | |
fully_connected_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
fully_connected_dnnlowp_op.h | |
fully_connected_fake_lowp_op.cc | |
fully_connected_fake_lowp_op.h | |
fully_connected_fake_lowp_op_avx2.cc | |
group_norm_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
group_norm_dnnlowp_op.h | |
group_norm_dnnlowp_op_avx2.cc | |
im2col_dnnlowp.h | |
kl_minimization.cc | |
kl_minimization.h | |
kl_minimization_example.cc | |
l1_minimization_example.cc | |
l2_minimization.h | |
l2_minimization_approx_example.cc | |
l2_minimization_example.cc | |
lstm_unit_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
lstm_unit_dnnlowp_op.h | |
mmio.h | |
norm_minimization.cc | |
norm_minimization_avx2.cc | |
op_wrapper.h | |
p99.cc | |
p99_example.cc | |
pool_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
pool_dnnlowp_op_avx2.cc | |
pool_dnnlowp_op_avx2.h | |
pybind.cc | |
quantization_error_minimization.h | |
quantize_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
quantize_dnnlowp_op.h | |
relu_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
relu_dnnlowp_op.h | |
relu_dnnlowp_op_avx2.cc | |
resize_nearest_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
resize_nearest_dnnlowp_op.h | |
sigmoid.cc | |
sigmoid.h | |
sigmoid_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
spatial_batch_norm_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
spatial_batch_norm_dnnlowp_op.h | |
tanh.cc | |
tanh.h | |
tanh_dnnlowp_op.cc | |
transpose.cc | |
transpose.h | |
utility_dnnlowp_ops.cc | |
utility_dnnlowp_ops.h | |
► queue | |
blobs_queue.cc | |
blobs_queue.h | |
blobs_queue_db.cc | |
blobs_queue_db.h | |
queue_ops.cc | |
queue_ops.h | |
queue_ops_gpu.cc | |
rebatching_queue.cc | |
rebatching_queue.h | |
rebatching_queue_ops.cc | |
rebatching_queue_ops.h | |
► serialize | |
file_adapter.cc | |
file_adapter.h | |
inline_container.cc | |
inline_container.h | |
istream_adapter.cc | |
istream_adapter.h | |
read_adapter_interface.cc | |
read_adapter_interface.h | |
► sgd | |
adadelta_op.cc | |
adadelta_op.h | |
adagrad_op.cc | |
adagrad_op.h | |
adam_op.cc | |
adam_op.h | |
clip_tensor_op.cc | |
clip_tensor_op.h | |
fp16_momentum_sgd_op.h | |
fp32_momentum_sgd_op.h | |
ftrl_op.cc | |
ftrl_op.h | |
gftrl_op.cc | |
gftrl_op.h | |
iter_op.cc | |
iter_op.h | |
iter_op_gpu.cc | |
lars_op.cc | |
lars_op.h | |
learning_rate_adaption_op.cc | |
learning_rate_adaption_op.h | |
learning_rate_functors.h | |
learning_rate_op.cc | |
learning_rate_op.h | |
learning_rate_op_gpu.cc | |
momentum_sgd_op.cc | |
momentum_sgd_op.h | |
rmsprop_op.cc | |
rmsprop_op.h | |
wngrad_op.cc | |
wngrad_op.h | |
yellowfin_op.cc | |
yellowfin_op.h | |
► share | |
► contrib | |
► depthwise | |
depthwise3x3_conv_op.cc | |
► nnpack | |
conv_op.cc | |
► zstd | |
quant_decomp_zstd_op.cc | |
quant_decomp_zstd_op.h | |
► transforms | |
common_subexpression_elimination.cc | |
common_subexpression_elimination.h | |
conv_to_nnpack_transform.cc | |
conv_to_nnpack_transform.h | |
pattern_net_transform.cc | |
pattern_net_transform.h | |
single_op_transform.cc | |
single_op_transform.h | |
► utils | |
► math | |
broadcast.cc | |
broadcast.h | |
elementwise.cc | |
elementwise.h | |
half_utils.h | |
reduce.cc | |
reduce.h | |
transpose.cc | |
transpose.h | |
utils.cc | |
utils.h | |
► threadpool | |
pthreadpool.cc | |
pthreadpool.h | |
pthreadpool_impl.cc | |
ThreadPool.cc | |
ThreadPool.h | |
ThreadPoolCommon.h | |
WorkersPool.h | |
bench_utils.cc | |
bench_utils.h | |
cast.h | |
cblas.h | |
conversions.h | |
cpu_neon.h | |
cpuid.cc | |
cpuid.h | |
eigen_utils.h | |
filler.h | |
fixed_divisor.h | |
map_utils.h | |
math-detail.h | |
math.h | |
math_cpu.cc | |
murmur_hash3.cc | |
murmur_hash3.h | |
proto_convert.cc | |
proto_convert.h | |
proto_utils.cc | |
proto_utils.h | |
proto_wrap.cc | |
proto_wrap.h | |
signal_handler.cc | |
signal_handler.h | |
simple_queue.h | |
smart_tensor_printer.cc | |
smart_tensor_printer.h | |
string_utils.cc | |
string_utils.h | |
zmq_helper.h | |
► video | |
optical_flow.cc | |
optical_flow.h | |
video_decoder.cc | |
video_decoder.h | |
video_input_op.cc | |
video_input_op.h | |
video_input_op_gpu.cc | |
video_io.cc | |
video_io.h | |
▼ modules | |
► detectron | |
batch_permutation_op.cc | |
batch_permutation_op.h | |
group_spatial_softmax_op.cc | |
group_spatial_softmax_op.h | |
ps_roi_pool_op.cc | |
ps_roi_pool_op.h | |
roi_pool_f_op.cc | |
roi_pool_f_op.h | |
sample_as_op.cc | |
sample_as_op.h | |
select_smooth_l1_loss_op.cc | |
select_smooth_l1_loss_op.h | |
sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_op.cc | |
sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_op.h | |
sigmoid_focal_loss_op.cc | |
sigmoid_focal_loss_op.h | |
smooth_l1_loss_op.cc | |
smooth_l1_loss_op.h | |
softmax_focal_loss_op.cc | |
softmax_focal_loss_op.h | |
spatial_narrow_as_op.cc | |
spatial_narrow_as_op.h | |
upsample_nearest_op.cc | |
upsample_nearest_op.h | |
► module_test | |
module_test_dynamic.cc | |
► observers | |
macros.h | |
net_observer_reporter.h | |
net_observer_reporter_print.cc | |
net_observer_reporter_print.h | |
observer_config.cc | |
observer_config.h | |
perf_observer.cc | |
perf_observer.h | |
► rocksdb | |
rocksdb.cc | |
▼ test | |
► cpp | |
► api | |
any.cpp | |
dataloader.cpp | |
expanding-array.cpp | |
init.cpp | |
init_baseline.h | |
integration.cpp | |
jit.cpp | |
memory.cpp | |
misc.cpp | |
module.cpp | |
modules.cpp | |
optim.cpp | |
optim_baseline.h | |
ordered_dict.cpp | |
parallel.cpp | |
rnn.cpp | |
sequential.cpp | |
serialize.cpp | |
static.cpp | |
support.h | |
tensor.cpp | |
tensor_cuda.cpp | |
tensor_options.cpp | |
tensor_options_cuda.cpp | |
► common | |
main.cpp | |
support.h | |
► jit | |
test.cpp | |
test_alias_analysis.h | |
test_argument_spec.h | |
test_autodiff.h | |
test_base.h | |
test_class_parser.h | |
test_code_template.h | |
test_constant_pooling.h | |
test_create_autodiff_subgraphs.h | |
test_custom_operators.h | |
test_dynamic_dag.h | |
test_fuser.h | |
test_graph_executor.h | |
test_interpreter.h | |
test_ir.h | |
test_irparser.h | |
test_ivalue.h | |
test_misc.h | |
test_netdef_converter.h | |
test_subgraph_utils.h | |
test_utils.h | |
► cpp_extensions | |
► no_python_abi_suffix_test | |
no_python_abi_suffix_test.cpp | |
complex_registration_extension.cpp | |
cpp_frontend_extension.cpp | |
cuda_extension.cpp | |
cudnn_extension.cpp | |
doubler.h | |
extension.cpp | |
jit_extension.cpp | |
jit_extension2.cpp | |
msnpu_extension.cpp | |
► custom_operator | |
op.cpp | |
op.h | |
test_custom_ops.cpp | |
► ffi | |
► src | |
► cpu | |
lib.h | |
lib1.c | |
lib2.c | |
► cuda | |
cudalib.c | |
cudalib.h | |
lib.h | |
▼ tools | |
► autograd | |
► templates | |
Functions.cpp | |
Functions.h | |
python_functions.cpp | |
python_functions.h | |
python_nn_functions.cpp | |
python_nn_functions.h | |
python_nn_functions_dispatch.h | |
python_torch_functions.cpp | |
python_torch_functions_dispatch.h | |
python_variable_methods.cpp | |
python_variable_methods_dispatch.h | |
variable_factories.h | |
VariableType.cpp | |
VariableType.h | |
► cwrap | |
► plugins | |
► templates | |
nn_tail.cpp | |
► jit | |
► templates | |
aten_interned_strings.h | |
aten_schema_declarations.cpp | |
register_aten_ops.cpp | |
▼ torch | |
► csrc | |
► api | |
► include | |
► torch | |
► data | |
► dataloader | |
base.h | |
stateful.h | |
stateless.h | |
► datasets | |
base.h | |
chunk.h | |
map.h | |
mnist.h | |
shared.h | |
stateful.h | |
tensor.h | |
► detail | |
data_shuttle.h | |
queue.h | |
sequencers.h | |
► samplers | |
base.h | |
custom_batch_request.h | |
distributed.h | |
random.h | |
sequential.h | |
serialize.h | |
stream.h | |
► transforms | |
base.h | |
collate.h | |
lambda.h | |
stack.h | |
tensor.h | |
dataloader.h | |
dataloader_options.h | |
datasets.h | |
example.h | |
iterator.h | |
samplers.h | |
transforms.h | |
worker_exception.h | |
► detail | |
static.h | |
► nn | |
► modules | |
any.h | |
batchnorm.h | |
conv.h | |
dropout.h | |
embedding.h | |
functional.h | |
linear.h | |
rnn.h | |
sequential.h | |
► parallel | |
data_parallel.h | |
cloneable.h | |
init.h | |
module.h | |
modules.h | |
pimpl-inl.h | |
pimpl.h | |
► optim | |
adagrad.h | |
adam.h | |
lbfgs.h | |
optimizer.h | |
rmsprop.h | |
serialize.h | |
sgd.h | |
► python | |
init.h | |
► serialize | |
archive.h | |
input-archive.h | |
output-archive.h | |
tensor.h | |
all.h | |
arg.h | |
cuda.h | |
data.h | |
expanding_array.h | |
jit.h | |
nn.h | |
optim.h | |
ordered_dict.h | |
python.h | |
serialize.h | |
torch.h | |
types.h | |
utils.h | |
► src | |
► data | |
► datasets | |
mnist.cpp | |
► samplers | |
distributed.cpp | |
random.cpp | |
sequential.cpp | |
stream.cpp | |
► nn | |
► modules | |
batchnorm.cpp | |
conv.cpp | |
dropout.cpp | |
embedding.cpp | |
functional.cpp | |
linear.cpp | |
rnn.cpp | |
init.cpp | |
module.cpp | |
► optim | |
adagrad.cpp | |
adam.cpp | |
lbfgs.cpp | |
optimizer.cpp | |
rmsprop.cpp | |
serialize.cpp | |
sgd.cpp | |
► python | |
init.cpp | |
► serialize | |
input-archive.cpp | |
output-archive.cpp | |
cuda.cpp | |
jit.cpp | |
► autograd | |
► functions | |
accumulate_grad.cpp | |
accumulate_grad.h | |
basic_ops.cpp | |
basic_ops.h | |
comm.cpp | |
comm.h | |
init.cpp | |
pybind.h | |
tensor.cpp | |
tensor.h | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
► utils | |
python_arg_parsing.h | |
python_error_messages.h | |
wrap_outputs.h | |
anomaly_mode.cpp | |
anomaly_mode.h | |
autograd.h | |
edge.h | |
engine.cpp | |
engine.h | |
function.cpp | |
function.h | |
function_hook.h | |
grad_mode.cpp | |
grad_mode.h | |
init.cpp | |
input_buffer.cpp | |
input_buffer.h | |
input_metadata.h | |
profiler.cpp | |
profiler.h | |
profiler_cuda.cpp | |
python_anomaly_mode.cpp | |
python_anomaly_mode.h | |
python_cpp_function.cpp | |
python_cpp_function.h | |
python_engine.cpp | |
python_engine.h | |
python_function.cpp | |
python_function.h | |
python_hook.cpp | |
python_hook.h | |
python_legacy_variable.cpp | |
python_legacy_variable.h | |
python_variable.cpp | |
python_variable.h | |
python_variable_indexing.cpp | |
python_variable_indexing.h | |
saved_variable.cpp | |
saved_variable.h | |
symbolic.h | |
type_and_shape.h | |
variable.cpp | |
variable.h | |
variable_version.h | |
VariableTypeManual.cpp | |
VariableTypeUtils.h | |
► cuda | |
comm.cpp | |
comm.h | |
device_set.h | |
Event.cpp | |
Event.h | |
Module.cpp | |
Module.h | |
nccl.cpp | |
nccl.h | |
override_macros.h | |
python_comm.cpp | |
python_comm.h | |
python_nccl.cpp | |
python_nccl.h | |
restore_macros.h | |
serialization.cpp | |
serialization.h | |
Storage.cpp | |
Storage.h | |
Stream.cpp | |
Stream.h | |
Tensor.cpp | |
THCP.h | |
undef_macros.h | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
► distributed | |
► c10d | |
c10d.h | |
ddp.cpp | |
ddp.h | |
init.cpp | |
Module.cpp | |
THDP.h | |
► generic | |
serialization.cpp | |
serialization.h | |
Storage.cpp | |
Storage.h | |
StorageMethods.cpp | |
StorageSharing.cpp | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
► jit | |
► batched | |
BatchTensor.cpp | |
BatchTensor.h | |
► fuser | |
► cpu | |
dynamic_library.h | |
dynamic_library_unix.cpp | |
dynamic_library_win.cpp | |
fused_kernel.cpp | |
fused_kernel.h | |
resource_strings.h | |
temp_file.h | |
► cuda | |
fused_kernel.cpp | |
fused_kernel.h | |
resource_strings.h | |
thnvrtc.cpp | |
thnvrtc.h | |
arg_spec.h | |
codegen.cpp | |
codegen.h | |
compiler.cpp | |
compiler.h | |
executor.cpp | |
executor.h | |
fallback.cpp | |
fallback.h | |
fused_kernel.h | |
interface.cpp | |
interface.h | |
kernel_cache.cpp | |
kernel_cache.h | |
kernel_spec.h | |
partition_desc.h | |
tensor_desc.h | |
tensor_info.h | |
► passes | |
► onnx | |
fixup_onnx_loop.cpp | |
fixup_onnx_loop.h | |
peephole.cpp | |
peephole.h | |
prepare_division_for_onnx.cpp | |
prepare_division_for_onnx.h | |
► utils | |
check_alias_annotation.cpp | |
check_alias_annotation.h | |
memory_dag.cpp | |
memory_dag.h | |
subgraph_utils.cpp | |
subgraph_utils.h | |
alias_analysis.cpp | |
alias_analysis.h | |
batch_mm.cpp | |
batch_mm.h | |
canonicalize.cpp | |
canonicalize.h | |
canonicalize_ops.cpp | |
canonicalize_ops.h | |
common_subexpression_elimination.cpp | |
common_subexpression_elimination.h | |
constant_pooling.cpp | |
constant_pooling.h | |
constant_propagation.cpp | |
constant_propagation.h | |
create_autodiff_subgraphs.cpp | |
create_autodiff_subgraphs.h | |
dead_code_elimination.cpp | |
dead_code_elimination.h | |
erase_fork_wait.h | |
erase_number_types.cpp | |
erase_number_types.h | |
graph_fuser.cpp | |
graph_fuser.h | |
inline_autodiff_subgraphs.cpp | |
inline_autodiff_subgraphs.h | |
inline_fork_wait.cpp | |
inline_fork_wait.h | |
inplace_check.cpp | |
inplace_check.h | |
loop_unrolling.cpp | |
loop_unrolling.h | |
lower_grad_of.cpp | |
lower_grad_of.h | |
lower_tuples.cpp | |
lower_tuples.h | |
onnx.cpp | |
onnx.h | |
peephole.cpp | |
peephole.h | |
python_print.cpp | |
python_print.h | |
remove_expands.cpp | |
remove_expands.h | |
remove_inplace_ops.cpp | |
remove_inplace_ops.h | |
requires_grad_analysis.cpp | |
requires_grad_analysis.h | |
shape_analysis.cpp | |
shape_analysis.h | |
specialize_autogradzero.cpp | |
specialize_autogradzero.h | |
to_batch.cpp | |
to_batch.h | |
► script | |
builtin_functions.cpp | |
builtin_functions.h | |
class_type.cpp | |
compiler.cpp | |
compiler.h | |
edit_distance.cpp | |
edit_distance.h | |
error_report.h | |
file_check.cpp | |
final_returns.cpp | |
final_returns.h | |
init.cpp | |
init.h | |
jit_exception.h | |
lexer.cpp | |
lexer.h | |
module.cpp | |
module.h | |
parse_string_literal.h | |
parser.cpp | |
parser.h | |
python_tree_views.cpp | |
python_tree_views.h | |
schema_matching.cpp | |
schema_matching.h | |
schema_type_parser.cpp | |
schema_type_parser.h | |
script_type_parser.cpp | |
script_type_parser.h | |
sugared_value.cpp | |
sugared_value.h | |
tree.h | |
tree_views.h | |
► testing | |
file_check.cpp | |
file_check.h | |
alias_info.h | |
argument_spec.h | |
attributes.cpp | |
attributes.h | |
autodiff.cpp | |
autodiff.h | |
code_template.h | |
constants.cpp | |
constants.h | |
custom_operator.h | |
dynamic_dag.h | |
export.cpp | |
export.h | |
graph_executor.cpp | |
graph_executor.h | |
graph_node_list.h | |
hooks_for_testing.cpp | |
hooks_for_testing.h | |
import.cpp | |
import.h | |
import_source.cpp | |
import_source.h | |
init.cpp | |
init.h | |
interned_strings_class.h | |
interpreter.cpp | |
interpreter.h | |
ir.cpp | |
ir.h | |
ir_views.h | |
irparser.cpp | |
irparser.h | |
named_value.h | |
netdef_converter.cpp | |
netdef_converter.h | |
node_hashing.cpp | |
node_hashing.h | |
operator.cpp | |
operator.h | |
pickler.cpp | |
pickler.h | |
pybind.h | |
pybind_utils.h | |
python_arg_flatten.cpp | |
python_arg_flatten.h | |
python_interpreter.cpp | |
python_ir.cpp | |
python_ir.h | |
python_tracer.cpp | |
python_tracer.h | |
register_c10_ops.cpp | |
register_prim_ops.cpp | |
register_special_ops.cpp | |
resource_guard.h | |
scope.cpp | |
scope.h | |
source_location.h | |
source_range.h | |
symbolic_script.cpp | |
symbolic_script.h | |
symbolic_variable.h | |
tracer.cpp | |
tracer.h | |
tracing_state.h | |
variable_tensor_list.h | |
► multiprocessing | |
init.cpp | |
init.h | |
► nn | |
type_checks.h | |
► onnx | |
init.cpp | |
init.h | |
onnx.h | |
► tensor | |
python_tensor.cpp | |
python_tensor.h | |
► utils | |
auto_gil.h | |
cuda_enabled.h | |
cuda_lazy_init.cpp | |
cuda_lazy_init.h | |
disallow_copy.h | |
hash.h | |
invalid_arguments.cpp | |
invalid_arguments.h | |
memory.h | |
numpy_stub.h | |
object_ptr.cpp | |
object_ptr.h | |
pybind.h | |
python_arg_parser.cpp | |
python_arg_parser.h | |
python_compat.h | |
python_numbers.h | |
python_scalars.h | |
python_strings.h | |
python_stub.h | |
python_tuples.h | |
six.h | |
structseq.cpp | |
structseq.h | |
tensor_apply.cpp | |
tensor_apply.h | |
tensor_dtypes.cpp | |
tensor_dtypes.h | |
tensor_flatten.cpp | |
tensor_flatten.h | |
tensor_layouts.cpp | |
tensor_layouts.h | |
tensor_list.cpp | |
tensor_list.h | |
tensor_new.cpp | |
tensor_new.h | |
tensor_numpy.cpp | |
tensor_numpy.h | |
tensor_types.cpp | |
tensor_types.h | |
tuple_parser.cpp | |
tuple_parser.h | |
variadic.cpp | |
variadic.h | |
byte_order.cpp | |
byte_order.h | |
copy_utils.h | |
DataLoader.cpp | |
DataLoader.h | |
Device.cpp | |
Device.h | |
dl.c | |
Dtype.cpp | |
Dtype.h | |
DynamicTypes.cpp | |
DynamicTypes.h | |
Exceptions.cpp | |
Exceptions.h | |
Generator.cpp | |
Generator.h | |
Layout.cpp | |
Layout.h | |
Module.cpp | |
Module.h | |
PtrWrapper.cpp | |
PtrWrapper.h | |
python_headers.h | |
PythonTypes.h | |
serialization.cpp | |
serialization.h | |
Size.cpp | |
Size.h | |
Storage.cpp | |
Storage.h | |
StorageDefs.h | |
stub.cpp | |
THP.h | |
THP_export.h | |
TypeInfo.cpp | |
TypeInfo.h | |
Types.h | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
WindowsTorchApiMacro.h | |
► lib | |
► c10d | |
► example | |
allreduce.cpp | |
► test | |
FileStoreTest.cpp | |
ProcessGroupGlooAsyncTest.cpp | |
ProcessGroupGlooTest.cpp | |
ProcessGroupMPITest.cpp | |
ProcessGroupNCCLTest.cpp | |
TCPStoreTest.cpp | |
FileStore.cpp | |
PrefixStore.cpp | |
ProcessGroup.cpp | |
ProcessGroupGloo.cpp | |
ProcessGroupMPI.cpp | |
ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp | |
Store.cpp | |
TCPStore.cpp | |
Utils.cpp | |
► libshm | |
alloc_info.h | |
core.cpp | |
err.h | |
libshm.h | |
manager.cpp | |
socket.h | |
► libshm_windows | |
core.cpp | |
libshm.h | |
► THD | |
► base | |
► data_channels | |
DataChannelGloo.cpp | |
DataChannelMPI.cpp | |
DataChannelNccl.cpp | |
DataChannelTCP.cpp | |
Store.cpp | |
► init_methods | |
InitMethod.cpp | |
InitMethodEnv.cpp | |
InitMethodFile.cpp | |
InitMethodTCP.cpp | |
InitMethodUtils.cpp | |
ChannelType.h | |
ChannelUtils.cpp | |
Cuda.cpp | |
Cuda.h | |
DataChannel.cpp | |
DataChannel.h | |
DataChannelRequest.cpp | |
DataChannelRequest.h | |
RPCType.cpp | |
TensorDescriptor.h | |
THDGenerateAllTypes.h | |
► process_group | |
Collectives.cpp | |
Collectives.h | |
General.cpp | |
General.h | |
► test | |
data_channel_collectives.cpp | |
data_channel_gloo_cache.cpp | |
data_channel_mpi_smoke.cpp | |
data_channel_tcp_accept_timeout.cpp | |
data_channel_tcp_slow_master.cpp | |
data_channel_tcp_smoke.cpp | |
tensor_smoke.cpp | |
THD.h | |
abi-check.cpp | |
extension.h | |
script.h | |