Caffe2 - Python API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 ## @package mobile_exporter
2 # Module caffe2.python.mobile_exporter
4 from __future__ import absolute_import
5 from __future__ import division
6 from __future__ import print_function
7 from __future__ import unicode_literals
8 from caffe2.python import core, utils
9 from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2
10 import numpy as np
13 def add_tensor(net, name, blob):
14  ''' Create an operator to store the tensor 'blob',
15  run the operator to put the blob to workspace.
16  uint8 is stored as an array of string with one element.
17  '''
18  kTypeNameMapper = {
19  np.dtype('float32'): "GivenTensorFill",
20  np.dtype('int32'): "GivenTensorIntFill",
21  np.dtype('int64'): "GivenTensorInt64Fill",
22  np.dtype('uint8'): "GivenTensorByteStringToUInt8Fill",
23  np.dtype('O'): "GivenTensorStringFill"
24  }
26  shape = blob.shape
27  values = blob
28  # pass array of uint8 as a string to save storage
29  # storing uint8_t has a large overhead for now
30  if blob.dtype == np.dtype('uint8'):
31  shape = blob.shape
32  values = [blob.tobytes()]
33  # Only allow string arrays as objects.
34  # The only intended use case for this is to store arrays of strings in the
35  # model which can be used for post processing results in subsequent ops.
36  if blob.dtype == np.dtype('O'):
37  for blob_val in blob:
38  assert(isinstance(blob_val, bytes))
40  op = core.CreateOperator(
41  kTypeNameMapper[blob.dtype],
42  [], [name],
43  arg=[
44  utils.MakeArgument("shape", shape),
45  utils.MakeArgument("values", values),
46  ]
47  )
48  net.op.extend([op])
51 def Export(workspace, net, params):
52  """Returns init_net and predict_net suitable for writing to disk
53  and loading into a Predictor"""
54  proto = net if isinstance(net, caffe2_pb2.NetDef) else net.Proto()
55  predict_net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
56  predict_net.CopyFrom(proto)
57  init_net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
58  # Populate the init_net.
59  ssa, blob_versions = core.get_ssa(net)
60  inputs = []
61  for versioned_inputs, _ in ssa:
62  inputs += [name for name, _ in versioned_inputs]
64  input_blobs = [blob_name for blob_name, version in
65  blob_versions.items()
66  if version == 0 and blob_name not in params]
67  # Blobs that are never used as an input to another layer,
68  # i.e. strictly output blobs.
69  output_blobs = [blob_name for blob_name, version in
70  blob_versions.items()
71  if version != 0 and blob_name not in inputs]
73  for blob_ref in params:
74  blob_name = str(blob_ref)
75  blob = workspace.FetchBlob(blob_name)
76  add_tensor(init_net, blob_name, blob)
77  # We have to make sure the blob exists in the namespace
78  # and we can do so with fake data. (Which is immediately overwritten
79  # by any typical usage)
80  for blob_name in input_blobs:
81  init_net.op.extend(
82  [
83  core.CreateOperator(
84  "GivenTensorFill", [], [blob_name],
85  arg=[
86  utils.MakeArgument("shape", [1, 1]),
87  utils.MakeArgument("values", [0.0])
88  ]
89  )
90  ]
91  )
93  # Now we make input/output_blobs line up with what Predictor expects.
94  del predict_net.external_input[:]
96  new_external_inputs = input_blobs
97  for external_input in proto.external_input:
98  if external_input not in new_external_inputs:
99  new_external_inputs.append(external_input)
101  # For populating weights
102  predict_net.external_input.extend(new_external_inputs)
103  # Ensure the output is also consistent with what we want
104  del predict_net.external_output[:]
105  predict_net.external_output.extend(output_blobs)
106  return init_net, predict_net