Caffe2 Tutorials Overview
We’d love to start by saying that we really appreciate your interest in Caffe2, and hope this will be a high-performance framework for your machine learning product uses. Caffe2 is intended to be modular and facilitate fast prototyping of ideas and experiments in deep learning. Given this modularity, note that once you have a model defined, and you are interested in gaining additional performance and scalability, you are able to use pure C++ to deploy such models without having to use Python in your final product. Also, as the community develops enhanced and high-performance modules you are able to easily swap these modules into your Caffe2 project.
Tutorials Installation#
First download the tutorials source.
git clone --recursive caffe2_tutorials
To run the tutorials you will need some third-party libraries, including ipython-notebooks and matplotlib. You can install everything you’ll need with the following command.
Anaconda users: If you’re using Anaconda, use
conda install
instead ofpip install
pip install -U pip setuptools
pip install \
graphviz \
hypothesis \
ipython \
jupyter \
matplotlib \
notebook \
pydot \
python-nvd3 \
pyyaml \
requests \
scikit-image \
Some of the tutorials also use these packages that are not in pip.
For Mac run : brew install unzip zeromq
For Ubuntu run : apt-get install unzip zeromq
For Centos run : yum install unzip zeromq
Then run the shell script in the caffe2_tutorials
Or you can run jupyter notebook
, and when your browser opens with your local Jupyter server (default is http://localhost:8888), browse to the Caffe2 repository and look for them in the caffe2_tutorials
directory. Opening them this way will launch their interactive features just like the shell script mentioned above. The script has the additional feature of setting your PYTHONPATH environment variable.
Pick Your Path#
- Use a pre-trained neural network off the shelf! (Easy)
- Make my own neural network! (Intermediate)
- Mobile first! I want to make an app that uses deep learning! (Advanced)
If you chose 1, click the link to where several examples are using pre-trained models and we will show you how to get a demo project up and running in minutes.
If you chose 2 then you’ll need some background in neural networking first. Have that dialed in already? Skip ahead to the link. Need a primer or a refresher? Some resources are listed below.
If you chose 3, click the link to discover how to have image classification in your Android or iOS app. It’s pretty much plug-n-play with Android Studio or Xcode, but you’ll need to integrate directly with Caffe2’s C++ hooks.
With any choice, don’t forget to come back and check out the tutorials in each section. You never know what you might learn!
New to deep learning#
A broad introduction is given in the free online draft of Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen. In particular the chapters on using neural nets and how backpropagation works are helpful if you are new to the subject.
For an exposition of neural networks in circuits and code, check out Hacker’s Guide to Neural Networks by Andrej Karpathy (Stanford).
Experienced researchers in some facet of machine learning#
The Tutorial on Deep Learning for Vision from CVPR ‘14 is a good companion tutorial for researchers. Once you have the framework and practice foundations from the Caffe tutorial, explore the fundamental ideas and advanced research directions in the CVPR ‘14 tutorial.
These recent academic tutorials cover deep learning for researchers in machine learning and vision:
- Deep Learning Tutorial by Yann LeCun (NYU, Facebook) and Marc’Aurelio Ranzato (Facebook). ICML 2013 tutorial.
- LISA Deep Learning Tutorial by the LISA Lab directed by Yoshua Bengio (U. Montréal).
Tutorials and Example Scripts#
The IPython notebook tutorials and example scripts we have provided below will guide you through the Caffe2 Python interface. Some tutorials have been generously provided by the Caffe community and we welcome more contributions of this kind to help others get ramped up more quickly and to try out the many different uses of Caffe2. The IPython notebook tutorials can be browsed or downloaded using the links below each tutorial’s title. You may browse these ipynb files on Github directly and this is the preferred route if you just want to look at the code and try it out for yourself. However, it is recommended to run them in Jupyter Notebook and take advantage of their interactivity. Installation instructions below will show you how to do this. Skip this part if you want to jump right into the tutorial descriptions below.
Example Scripts#
There are example scripts that can be found in /caffe2/python/examples that are also great resources for starting off on a project using Caffe2.
- generate a recurrent convolution neural network that will sample text that you input and randomly generate text of a similar style. The RNN and LSTM page has further info on this script’s usage.
- create an lmdb database of random image data and labels that can be used a skeleton to write your own data import
- parallelized multi-GPU distributed trainer for Resnet 50. Can be used to train on imagenet data, for example. The Synchronous SGD page has further info on this script’s usage.
Beginner Tutorials#
Models and Datasets - a Primer#
New to Caffe and Deep Learning? Start here and find out more about the different models and datasets available to you.
Loading Pre-trained Models#
Take advantage of the Model Zoo and grab some pre-trained models and take them for a test drive. This tutorial has a set of different models that are ready to go and will show you the basic steps for prepping them and firing up your neural net. Then you can throw some images or other tests at them and see how they perform.
Image Pre-Processing Pipeline#
Learn how to get your images ready for ingestion into pre-trained models or as test images against other datasets. From cell phones to web cams to new medical imagery you will want to consider your image ingestion pipeline and what conversions are necessary for both speed and accuracy during any kind of image classification.
- resizing
- rescaling
- HWC to CHW
- RGB to BRG
- image prep for Caffe2 ingestion
New to Caffe2#
Caffe to Caffe2 Translation#
Get introduced to Caffe2 and how you can translate your old Caffe models to Caffe2.
Intro Tutorial#
This follow-along tutorial starts you off with blobs, the Caffe2 workspace, and tensors. It covers nets and operators and how to build a simple model and execute it.
Basics of Caffe2 - Workspaces, Operators, and Nets#
This IPython tutorial introduces a few basic Caffe2 components:
- Workspaces
- Operators
- Nets
Brewing Models#
Another follow-along tutorial that introduces brew
, an easy to use API for creating models. You’ll learn about:
- Operators vs. helper functions
- brew and arg_scope
- Making custom helper functions
Toy Regression - Plotting Lines & Random Data#
This tutorial shows how to use more Caffe2 features with simple linear regression as the theme.
- generate some sample random data as the input for the model
- create a network with this data
- automatically train the model
- review stochastic gradient descent results and changes to your ground truth parameters as the network learned
Intermediate Tutorials#
MNIST - Handwriting Recognition#
This tutorial creates a small convolutional neural network (CNN) that can identify handwriting. The train and test the CNN, we use handwriting imagery from the MNIST dataset. This is a collection of 60,000 images of 500 different people’s handwriting that is used for training your CNN. Another set of 10,000 test images (different from the training images) is used to test the accuracy of the resulting CNN.
Create Your Own Dataset#
Try your hand at importing and massaging data so it can be used in Caffe2. This tutorial uses the Iris dataset.
Advanced Tutorials#
Multi-GPU Training with Caffe2#
For this tutorial we will explore multi-GPU training. We will show you a basic structure for using the data_parallel_model
to quickly process a subset of the ImageNet database along the same design as the ResNet-50 model. We will also get a chance to look under the hood at a few of Caffe2’s C++ operators that efficiently handle your image pipeline, build a ResNet model, train on a single GPU and show some optimizations that are included with data_parallel_model
, and finally we’ll scale it up and show you how to parallelize your model so you can run it on multiple GPUs.
Write Your Own Tutorial!#
Have a great tutorial that you’ve created or have some ideas? Let’s chat about it - create an Issue to discuss it on Github. The project’s Tutorials repository has more info or you can go straight to Create a Pull Request with your new tutorial.
One of basic units of computation in Caffe2 are the Operators.
Writing Your Own Operators#
Fantastic idea! Write custom operators and share them with the community! Refer to the guide on writing operators: