Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 #include "caffe2/operators/batch_moments_op.h"
3 #include <string>
4 #include <vector>
6 #include "caffe2/utils/eigen_utils.h"
7 #include "caffe2/utils/math.h"
9 namespace caffe2 {
11 template <>
12 bool BatchMomentsOp<float, CPUContext>::ComputeBatchMomentsNCHW(
13  const int N,
14  const int C,
15  const int HxW,
16  const float* X,
17  float* mu,
18  float* var) {
19  math::Set<float, CPUContext>(C, 0.0f, mu, &context_);
20  math::Set<float, CPUContext>(C, 0.0f, var, &context_);
21  EigenVectorArrayMap<float> mu_arr(mu, C);
22  EigenVectorArrayMap<float> var_arr(var, C);
23  const float* X_ptr = X;
24  const int stride = C * HxW;
25  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
26  ConstEigenArrayMap<float> X_arr(X_ptr, HxW, C);
27  mu_arr += X_arr.colwise().sum();
28  var_arr += X_arr.square().colwise().sum();
29  X_ptr += stride;
30  }
31  const float scale = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(N * HxW);
32  math::Scale<float, float, CPUContext>(C, scale, mu, mu, &context_);
33  math::Scale<float, float, CPUContext>(C, scale, var, var, &context_);
34  return true;
35 }
37 template <>
38 bool BatchMomentsOp<float, CPUContext>::ComputeBatchMomentsNHWC(
39  const int N,
40  const int C,
41  const int HxW,
42  const float* X,
43  float* mu,
44  float* var) {
45  ConstEigenArrayMap<float> X_arr(X, C, N * HxW);
46  EigenVectorMap<float>(mu, C) = X_arr.rowwise().mean();
47  EigenVectorMap<float>(var, C) = X_arr.square().rowwise().mean();
48  return true;
49 }
51 template <>
52 bool BatchMomentsGradientOp<float, CPUContext>::ComputeBatchMomentsGradientNCHW(
53  const int N,
54  const int C,
55  const int HxW,
56  const float* dmu,
57  const float* dvar,
58  const float* X,
59  float* dX) {
60  ConstEigenVectorArrayMap<float> dmu_arr(dmu, C);
61  ConstEigenVectorArrayMap<float> dvar_arr(dvar, C);
62  const float* X_ptr = X;
63  float* dX_ptr = dX;
64  const int stride = C * HxW;
65  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
66  EigenArrayMap<float> dX_arr(dX_ptr, HxW, C);
67  dX_arr = ConstEigenArrayMap<float>(X_ptr, HxW, C).rowwise() *
68  dvar_arr.transpose() * 2.0f;
69  dX_arr.rowwise() += dmu_arr.transpose();
70  X_ptr += stride;
71  dX_ptr += stride;
72  }
73  const float scale = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(N * HxW);
74  math::Scale<float, float, CPUContext>(N * C * HxW, scale, dX, dX, &context_);
75  return true;
76 }
78 template <>
79 bool BatchMomentsGradientOp<float, CPUContext>::ComputeBatchMomentsGradientNHWC(
80  const int N,
81  const int C,
82  const int HxW,
83  const float* dmu,
84  const float* dvar,
85  const float* X,
86  float* dX) {
87  const float scale = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(N * HxW);
88  EigenArrayMap<float> dX_arr(dX, C, N * HxW);
89  dX_arr = ConstEigenArrayMap<float>(X, C, N * HxW).colwise() *
90  ConstEigenVectorArrayMap<float>(dvar, C) * 2.0f;
91  dX_arr.colwise() += ConstEigenVectorArrayMap<float>(dmu, C);
92  math::Scale<float, float, CPUContext>(N * C * HxW, scale, dX, dX, &context_);
93  return true;
94 }
96 REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR(BatchMoments, BatchMomentsOp<float, CPUContext>);
98  BatchMomentsGradient,
99  BatchMomentsGradientOp<float, CPUContext>);
101 OPERATOR_SCHEMA(BatchMoments).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(2);
102 OPERATOR_SCHEMA(BatchMomentsGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1);
104 namespace {
106 class GetBatchMomentsGradient : public GradientMakerBase {
107  using GradientMakerBase::GradientMakerBase;
109  std::vector<OperatorDef> GetGradientDefs() override {
110  return SingleGradientDef(
111  "BatchMomentsGradient",
112  "",
113  std::vector<std::string>{GO(0), GO(1), I(0)},
114  std::vector<std::string>{GI(0)});
115  }
116 };
118 } // namespace
120 REGISTER_GRADIENT(BatchMoments, GetBatchMomentsGradient);
122 } // namespace caffe2
A global dictionary that holds information about what Caffe2 modules have been loaded in the current ...
Definition: blob.h:13
Definition: static.cpp:64