A global dictionary that holds information about what Caffe2 modules have been loaded in the current runtime, and also utility functions to load modules. More...
Namespaces | |
detail | |
To make a c10 operator "C10Add" callable from caffe2 as "C2MyAddOpName", just write. | |
Typedefs | |
template<typename Key , typename Value > | |
using | CaffeMap = std::map< Key, Value > |
using | CUDAGuard = c10::cuda::CUDAGuard |
using | TensorCUDA = Tensor |
typedef void(* | EventCreateFunction) (const DeviceOption &option, Event *) |
typedef void(* | EventRecordFunction) (Event *, const void *, const char *) |
typedef void(* | EventWaitFunction) (const Event *, void *) |
typedef void(* | EventFinishFunction) (const Event *) |
typedef EventStatus(* | EventQueryFunction) (const Event *) |
typedef const std::string &(* | EventErrorMessageFunction) (const Event *) |
typedef void(* | EventSetFinishedFunction) (const Event *, const char *) |
typedef void(* | EventResetFunction) (Event *) |
typedef std::function< void()> | EventCallbackFunction |
typedef void(* | EventSetCallbackFunction) (Event *, EventCallbackFunction) |
typedef ObserverBase< NetBase > | NetObserver |
typedef std::function< std::unique_ptr< NetObserver >NetBase *)> | NetObserverCreator |
typedef ObserverBase< OperatorBase > | OperatorObserver |
typedef c10::Registry< std::string, std::unique_ptr< OperatorBase >, const OperatorDef &, Workspace * > *(* | RegistryFunction) () |
using | EnginePrefType = std::vector< std::string > |
using | PerOpEnginePrefType = CaffeMap< DeviceType, CaffeMap< std::string, EnginePrefType >> |
using | GlobalEnginePrefType = CaffeMap< DeviceType, EnginePrefType > |
typedef std::function< bool(int)> | ShouldContinue |
using | ExportedStatList = std::vector< ExportedStatValue > |
Holds names and values of counters exported from a StatRegistry. | |
using | ExportedStatMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, int64_t > |
using | StorageImpl = at::StorageImpl |
using | Storage = at::Storage |
using | TensorCPU = Tensor |
typedef TypeMeta(* | TypeCall) (const void *) |
typedef vector< int64_t >(* | TensorInfoCall) (const void *, size_t *capacity, DeviceOption *device) |
template<typename T > | |
using | deleted_unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr< T, std::function< void(T *)>> |
using | ParallelFor = std::function< void(size_t, std::function< void(size_t)>)> |
using | NumericTypes = TensorTypes< int32_t, int64_t, float, double > |
using | IntTypes = TensorTypes< int32_t, int64_t > |
using | BoolTypes = TensorTypes< bool > |
using | IntBoolTypes = TensorTypes< int32_t, int64_t, bool > |
template<typename InputTypes , class Context , class Functor , class OutputTypeMap = SameTypeAsInput> | |
using | UnaryElementwiseOp = UnaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< InputTypes, Context, UnaryFunctorWithDefaultCtor< Functor >, OutputTypeMap > |
template<typename InputTypes , class Context , class Functor , class TypeMap = SameTypeAsInput> | |
using | BinaryElementwiseOp = BinaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< InputTypes, Context, BinaryFunctorWithDefaultCtor< Functor >, TypeMap > |
template<typename InputTypes , class Context , class Functor , class OutputTypeMap = SameTypeAsInput, class GradientTypeMap = SameTypeAsInput> | |
using | BinaryElementwiseGradientOp = BinaryElementwiseWithArgsGradientOp< InputTypes, Context, BinaryFunctorWithDefaultCtor< Functor >, OutputTypeMap, GradientTypeMap > |
using | SparseLengthsSumOp = CPUSparseLengthsReductionOp< float, TensorTypes< float, at::Half >, 0, 0 > |
using | SparseLengthsWeightedSumOp = CPUSparseLengthsReductionOp< float, TensorTypes< float, at::Half >, 1, 0 > |
using | SparseLengthsMeanOp = CPUSparseLengthsReductionOp< float, TensorTypes< float, at::Half >, 0, 1 > |
using | SparseLengthsSumDef = AbstractSparseLengthsDef< float, int, CPUContext, SumReducerDef, true > |
using | SparseLengthsWeightedSumDef = AbstractSparseLengthsDef< float, int, CPUContext, WeightedSumReducerDef, true > |
using | op = core.CreateOperator("Save",["X","Y","Z"],[], db="test_db2", db_type="leveldb", blob_name_overrides=["x_scores","y_scores","z_scores"]) workspace.FeedBlob("X", np.random.randint(20, size=(5, 5))) workspace.FeedBlob("Y", np.random.randint(20, size=(5, 5))) workspace.FeedBlob("Z", np.random.randint(20, size=(5, 5))) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op)```</details >) DOC") .Arg( "absolute_path", "*(type:int |
using | MapType64To64 = MapTypeTraits< int64_t, int64_t >::MapType |
using | MapType64To32 = MapTypeTraits< int64_t, int32_t >::MapType |
using | MapType32To32 = MapTypeTraits< int32_t, int32_t >::MapType |
using | MapType32To64 = MapTypeTraits< int32_t, int64_t >::MapType |
using | GPUFallbackOp = GPUFallbackOpEx< SkipIndices<>> |
template<typename ScalarFunctor , typename TypeMap = FixedType<std::string>> | |
using | StringElementwiseOp = UnaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< TensorTypes< std::string >, CPUContext, ForEach< ScalarFunctor >, TypeMap > |
using | ShapeInfoMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, ShapeInfo > |
using | PredictorParameters = std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< Blob >> |
using | DeviceType = at::DeviceType |
using | BatchPermutationFP32Op = CopyOp< CPUContext, CPUContext, CPUContext > |
using | ConvFp32Op = ConvOp< float, CPUContext > |
using | AddFp32Op = BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, AddFunctor< CPUContext >> |
using | ElementwiseLinearFp32Op = ElementwiseLinearOp< float, CPUContext > |
using | MulFp32Op = BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, MulFunctor< CPUContext >> |
using | FCFp32Op = FullyConnectedOp< CPUContext > |
using | GroupNormFP32Op = GroupNormOp< float, CPUContext > |
using | ResizeNearestFP32Op = ResizeNearestOp< float, CPUContext > |
using | RebatchingQueuePtr = std::unique_ptr< RebatchingQueue > |
template<typename T > | |
using | EigenMatrixMap = Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >> |
template<typename T > | |
using | EigenArrayMap = Eigen::Map< Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >> |
template<typename T > | |
using | EigenVectorMap = Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 >> |
template<typename T > | |
using | EigenVectorArrayMap = Eigen::Map< Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 >> |
template<typename T > | |
using | ConstEigenMatrixMap = Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >> |
template<typename T > | |
using | ConstEigenArrayMap = Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >> |
template<typename T > | |
using | ConstEigenVectorMap = Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 >> |
template<typename T > | |
using | ConstEigenVectorArrayMap = Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 >> |
using | EigenOuterStride = Eigen::OuterStride< Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | EigenInnerStride = Eigen::InnerStride< Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | EigenStride = Eigen::Stride< Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
template<typename T > | |
using | EigenOuterStridedMatrixMap = Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, 0, EigenOuterStride > |
template<typename T > | |
using | EigenOuterStridedArrayMap = Eigen::Map< Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, 0, EigenOuterStride > |
template<typename T > | |
using | ConstEigenOuterStridedMatrixMap = Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, 0, EigenOuterStride > |
template<typename T > | |
using | ConstEigenOuterStridedArrayMap = Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, 0, EigenOuterStride > |
template<typename T > | |
using | EigenStridedMatrixMap = Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, 0, EigenStride > |
template<typename T > | |
using | EigenStridedArrayMap = Eigen::Map< Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, 0, EigenStride > |
template<typename T > | |
using | ConstEigenStridedMatrixMap = Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, 0, EigenStride > |
template<typename T > | |
using | ConstEigenStridedArrayMap = Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, 0, EigenStride > |
template<typename T > | |
using | EArrXt = Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | EArrXf = Eigen::ArrayXf |
using | EArrXd = Eigen::ArrayXd |
using | EArrXi = Eigen::ArrayXi |
using | EArrXb = EArrXt< bool > |
template<typename T > | |
using | EArrXXt = Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | EArrXXf = Eigen::ArrayXXf |
template<typename T > | |
using | ERArrXXt = Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > |
using | ERArrXXf = ERArrXXt< float > |
template<typename T > | |
using | EVecXt = Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | EVecXd = Eigen::VectorXd |
using | EVecXf = Eigen::VectorXf |
using | ERVecXd = Eigen::RowVectorXd |
using | ERVecXf = Eigen::RowVectorXf |
template<typename T > | |
using | EMatXt = Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | EMatXd = Eigen::MatrixXd |
using | EMatXf = Eigen::MatrixXf |
template<typename T > | |
using | ERMatXt = Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > |
using | ERMatXd = ERMatXt< double > |
using | ERMatXf = ERMatXt< float > |
Functions | |
void | swap (Blob &lhs, Blob &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Blob &v) |
void | reportTime (std::string type, double ts, std::string metric, std::string unit) |
void | splitSizes (const std::string &arg, int *ptr0, int *ptr1) |
cv::Mat | resizeImage (cv::Mat &img) |
cv::Mat | cropToRec (cv::Mat &img, int *height_ptr, int *width_ptr) |
std::vector< float > | convertToVector (cv::Mat &img) |
std::vector< float > | convertOneImage (std::string &filename, int *height_ptr, int *width_ptr) |
int | getBatchSize (int num_items) |
TensorProtos | writeValues (std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< float >>> &values, std::vector< std::vector< int >> &dims) |
TensorProtos | convertImages (std::string &image_file) |
template<class TYPE > | |
vector< TYPE > | splitString (std::string &line) |
TensorProtos | convertValues (std::string &file_name) |
void | ConvertToRawDataset (const string &input_db_name, const string &output_db_name) |
void | writeValues (std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< float >>> &values, std::vector< std::vector< int >> &dims, std::string output_file) |
void | convertImages () |
void | convertValues () |
void | ReadImage (std::ifstream *file, int *label, char *buffer) |
void | WriteToDB (const string &filename, const int num_items, const int &offset, db::DB *db) |
void | ConvertCIFAR () |
void | ConvertImageDataset (const string &input_folder, const string &list_filename, const string &output_db_name, const bool) |
uint32_t | swap_endian (uint32_t val) |
void | convert_dataset (const char *image_filename, const char *label_filename, const char *db_path, const int data_limit) |
void | run () |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (TypeMetaTestFoo) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (TypeMetaTestBar) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (ClassAllowAssignment) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (ClassNoAssignment) | |
template<> | |
C10_EXPORT const detail::TypeMetaData * | TypeMeta::_typeMetaDataInstance< detail::_Uninitialized > () noexcept |
CAFFE_DEFINE_PREALLOCATED_KNOWN_TYPE (25, detail::_guard_long_unique< long >) | |
CAFFE_DEFINE_PREALLOCATED_KNOWN_TYPE (26, detail::_guard_long_unique< std::vector< long >>) | |
bool | operator< (TypeIdentifier lhs, TypeIdentifier rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, caffe2::TypeIdentifier typeId) |
bool | operator== (const TypeMeta &lhs, const TypeMeta &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (const TypeMeta &lhs, const TypeMeta &rhs) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, caffe2::TypeMeta typeMeta) |
bool | BlobIsTensorType (const Blob &blob, DeviceType device_type) |
Tensor * | BlobSetTensor (Blob *blob, Tensor &&tensor) |
Tensor | GetSizedTensorWithOptions (Tensor &&previous_tensor, at::IntArrayRef dims, at::TensorOptions options) |
Tensor * | BlobGetMutableTensor (Blob *blob, at::IntArrayRef dims, at::TensorOptions options) |
Tensor | XBlobGetMutableTensor (Blob *blob, at::IntArrayRef dims, at::TensorOptions options) |
Tensor * | BlobGetMutableTensor (Blob *blob, DeviceType device_type) |
const Tensor & | BlobGetTensor (const Blob &blob, DeviceType device_type) |
Tensor | BlobGetTensorOrUndefined (const Blob &blob) |
void | SerializeBlob (const Blob &blob, const string &name, BlobSerializerBase::SerializationAcceptor acceptor, int chunk_size=kDefaultChunkSize) |
Serializes the given blob, if possible. More... | |
std::string | SerializeBlob (const Blob &blob, const string &name) |
Convenience function to serialize a blob to a string. More... | |
int | GetGPUIDForPointer (const void *ptr) |
Gets the GPU id that the current pointer is located at. | |
C10_DEFINE_TYPED_REGISTRY (BlobSerializerRegistry, TypeIdentifier, BlobSerializerBase, std::unique_ptr) | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (BlobDeserializerRegistry, BlobDeserializerBase) | |
void | DeserializeBlob (const string &content, Blob *result) |
Deserializes from a string containing either BlobProto or TensorProto. More... | |
void | DeserializeBlob (const BlobProto &blob_proto, Blob *result) |
Tensor | EmptyTensorFromProto (const TensorProto &tensor_proto) |
std::string | SerializeAsString_EnforceCheck (const google::protobuf::MessageLite &msg, const char *error_location) |
std::string | SerializeBlobProtoAsString_EnforceCheck (const BlobProto &blob) |
C10_DECLARE_TYPED_REGISTRY (BlobSerializerRegistry, TypeIdentifier, BlobSerializerBase, std::unique_ptr) | |
unique_ptr< BlobSerializerBase > | CreateSerializer (TypeIdentifier id) |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (BlobDeserializerRegistry, BlobDeserializerBase) | |
unique_ptr< BlobDeserializerBase > | CreateDeserializer (const string &type) |
bool | HasCudaRuntime () |
bool | HasHipRuntime () |
const std::map< string, string > & | GetBuildOptions () |
template<typename T , typename... Args> | |
std::enable_if<!std::is_array< T >::value, std::unique_ptr< T > >::type | make_unique (Args &&...args) |
template<typename T > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_array< T >::value, std::unique_ptr< T > >::type | make_unique (const size_t n) |
template<typename T , typename... Args> | |
std::enable_if< std::extent< T >::value!=0, std::unique_ptr< T > >::type | make_unique (Args &&...)=delete |
template<typename Dst , typename Src > | |
Dst | dynamic_cast_if_rtti (Src ptr) |
size_t | cudnnCompiledVersion () |
size_t | cudnnRuntimeVersion () |
void | CheckCuDNNVersions () |
cudnnTensorFormat_t | GetCudnnTensorFormat (const StorageOrder &order) |
A wrapper function to convert the Caffe storage order to cudnn storage order enum values. | |
int | NumCudaDevices () |
Returns the number of devices. | |
void | SetDefaultGPUID (const int deviceid) |
int | GetDefaultGPUID () |
int | CaffeCudaGetDevice () |
Gets the current GPU id. More... | |
void | CaffeCudaSetDevice (const int id) |
Gets the current GPU id. More... | |
const cudaDeviceProp & | GetDeviceProperty (const int device) |
Gets the device property for the given device. More... | |
void | DeviceQuery (const int deviceid) |
Runs a device query function and prints out the results to LOG(INFO). | |
bool | GetCudaPeerAccessPattern (vector< vector< bool > > *pattern) |
bool | TensorCoreAvailable () |
Return the availability of TensorCores for math. | |
const char * | cublasGetErrorString (cublasStatus_t error) |
Return a human readable cublas error string. | |
const char * | curandGetErrorString (curandStatus_t error) |
Return a human readable curand error string. | |
int | CudaVersion () |
A runtime function to report the cuda version that Caffe2 is built with. | |
bool | HasCudaGPU () |
Check if the current running session has a cuda gpu present. More... | |
CAFFE2_CUDA_API bool | GetCudaPeerAccessPattern (vector< vector< bool >> *pattern) |
Return a peer access pattern by returning a matrix (in the format of a nested vector) of boolean values specifying whether peer access is possible. More... | |
int | CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS (const int N) |
Compute the number of blocks needed to run N threads. | |
dim3 | CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS_2D (const int N, const int) |
Compute the number of blocks needed to run N threads for a 2D grid. | |
uint32_t | RandomNumberSeed () |
A function to generate a random number seed that is unique in a best-effort basis, using an ever-incrementing seed and the current time. | |
CAFFE2_CUDA_API CudaMemoryPoolType | GetCudaMemoryPoolType () |
Gets the current memory pool type used by Caffe2. More... | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (db::DBReader) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (db::Cursor) | |
void | EventCreateCPU (const DeviceOption &option, Event *event) |
void | EventRecordCPU (Event *event, const void *, const char *err_msg) |
void | EventFinishCPU (const Event *event) |
void | EventWaitCPUCPU (const Event *event, void *) |
EventStatus | EventQueryCPU (const Event *event) |
const std::string & | EventErrorMessageCPU (const Event *event) |
void | EventSetFinishedCPU (const Event *event, const char *err_msg) |
void | EventSetCallbackCPU (Event *event, EventCallbackFunction callback) |
void | EventResetCPU (Event *event) |
bool | EventCanScheduleCPU (const Event *, const Event *) |
void | EventCreateCUDA (const DeviceOption &option, Event *event) |
void | EventRecordCUDA (Event *event, const void *context, const char *err_msg) |
void | EventFinishCUDA (const Event *event) |
void | EventWaitCUDACUDA (const Event *event, void *context) |
void | EventWaitCPUCUDA (const Event *event, void *context) |
void | EventWaitCUDACPU (const Event *event, void *context) |
EventStatus | EventQueryCUDA (const Event *event) |
const std::string & | EventErrorMessageCUDA (const Event *event) |
void | EventSetFinishedCUDA (const Event *event, const char *err_msg) |
void | EventResetCUDA (Event *event) |
OperatorDef * | AddOp (NetDef *netdef_ptr, string op_type, std::vector< string > inputs, std::vector< string > outputs) |
bool | MatchStrings (string p, string s) |
This allows for the use of * and | to match operator types, engines, or any other property that is represented by strings. More... | |
bool | MatchArguments (const OperatorDef &p_op, const OperatorDef &g_op) |
This ensures that each named arg that exists in the pattern exists in g_op, is equal in value. | |
size_t | miopenCompiledVersion () |
size_t | miopenRuntimeVersion () |
void | CheckMIOPENVersions () |
bool | GlobalInitAlreadyRun () |
Determine whether GlobalInit has already been run. | |
bool | GlobalInit (int *pargc, char ***argv) |
Initialize the global environment of caffe2. More... | |
bool | GlobalInit () |
Initialize the global environment without command line arguments. More... | |
bool | Caffe2CheckIntrinsicsFeatures (int *, char ***) |
REGISTER_CAFFE2_INIT_FUNCTION (Caffe2CheckIntrinsicsFeatures,&Caffe2CheckIntrinsicsFeatures,"Check intrinsics compatibility between the CPU feature and the binary.") | |
const CaffeMap< string, const ModuleSchema * > & | CurrentModules () |
Current Modules present in the Caffe2 runtime. More... | |
bool | HasModule (const string &name) |
Checks whether a module is already present in the current binary. | |
void | LoadModule (const string &name, const string &filename="") |
Load a module. More... | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (NetRegistry, NetBase, const std::shared_ptr< const NetDef > &, Workspace *) | |
void | AddGlobalNetObserverCreator (NetObserverCreator creator) |
void | ClearGlobalNetObservers () |
unique_ptr< NetBase > | CreateNet (const NetDef &net_def, Workspace *ws) |
Creates a network, accessing / creating blobs in the given workspace. More... | |
unique_ptr< NetBase > | CreateNet (const std::shared_ptr< const NetDef > &net_def, Workspace *ws) |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (NetRegistry, NetBase, const std::shared_ptr< const NetDef > &, Workspace *) | |
template<class TaskThreadPoolImpl , int device_type> | |
std::shared_ptr< TaskThreadPoolBase > | GetAsyncNetThreadPool (int device_id, int pool_size, bool create_new) |
REGISTER_NET (async_scheduling, AsyncSchedulingNet) | |
std::shared_ptr< AsyncTaskGraphBase > | GetAsyncTaskGraph (ExecutorHelper *helper, const ExecutionOptions &options) |
C10_DEFINE_SHARED_REGISTRY (TaskGraphRegistry, AsyncTaskGraphBase, ExecutorHelper *, const ExecutionOptions &) | |
C10_REGISTER_CREATOR (TaskGraphRegistry, futures, GetAsyncTaskGraph) | |
REGISTER_NET (parallel, ParallelNet) | |
C10_DECLARE_SHARED_REGISTRY (TaskGraphRegistry, AsyncTaskGraphBase, ExecutorHelper *, const ExecutionOptions &) | |
REGISTER_NET (simple, SimpleNet) | |
REGISTER_NET (simple_refcount, SimpleRefCountNet) | |
const std::string | OpRegistryKey (const std::string &op_type, const std::string &engine) |
void | SetPerOpEnginePref (const PerOpEnginePrefType &per_op_engine_pref) |
void | SetGlobalEnginePref (const GlobalEnginePrefType &global_engine_pref) |
void | SetEnginePref (const PerOpEnginePrefType &per_op_engine_pref, const GlobalEnginePrefType &global_engine_pref) |
void | SetOpEnginePref (const std::string &op_type, const CaffeMap< DeviceType, EnginePrefType > &op_pref) |
unique_ptr< OperatorBase > | CreateOperator (const OperatorDef &operator_def, Workspace *ws, int net_position) |
std::map< DeviceType, OperatorRegistry * > * | gDeviceTypeRegistry () |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (CPUOperatorRegistry, OperatorBase, const OperatorDef &, Workspace *) | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (CUDAOperatorRegistry, OperatorBase, const OperatorDef &, Workspace *) | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (HIPOperatorRegistry, OperatorBase, const OperatorDef &, Workspace *) | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (GradientRegistry, GradientMakerBase, const OperatorDef &, const vector< GradientWrapper > &) | |
GradientOpsMeta | GetGradientForOp (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< GradientWrapper > &g_output) |
Gets the GradientOpsMeta for the given operator def. | |
TensorShapes | InferBlobShapesAndTypes (CaffeMap< string, TensorShape > &blob_desc, const vector< NetDef * > &nets) |
TensorShape | GetTensorShapeOfBlob (const Blob *b) |
TensorShapes | InferBlobShapesAndTypesFromWorkspace (Workspace *ws, const vector< NetDef * > &nets) |
TensorShapes | InferBlobShapesAndTypesFromMap (const CaffeMap< std::string, std::vector< int64_t >> &blob_dimensions, const vector< NetDef * > &nets) |
TensorShapes | InferBlobShapesAndTypesFromMap (const CaffeMap< std::string, std::vector< int64_t >> &blob_dimensions, const CaffeMap< std::string, TensorProto_DataType > &blob_types, const vector< NetDef * > &nets) |
std::map< string, std::pair< DeviceOption, DeviceOption > > | ValidateTensorDevices (OperatorBase &op, const OperatorDef &op_def) |
std::set< std::string > | GetRegisteredOperators () |
void | SetOperatorLogger (std::function< void(const OperatorDef &)> tracer) |
std::function< void(const OperatorDef &)> | GetOperatorLogger () |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (CPUOperatorRegistry, OperatorBase, const OperatorDef &, Workspace *) | |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (CUDAOperatorRegistry, OperatorBase, const OperatorDef &, Workspace *) | |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (HIPOperatorRegistry, OperatorBase, const OperatorDef &, Workspace *) | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (C10OperatorRegistry, OperatorBase, const OperatorDef &, Workspace *) | |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (GradientRegistry, GradientMakerBase, const OperatorDef &, const vector< GradientWrapper > &) | |
C10_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const OpSchema &schema) |
template<typename T_I = int> | |
TensorShape | CreateTensorShape (vector< T_I > dims,::caffe2::TensorProto_DataType dt) |
vector< int64_t > | GetDimsVector (const TensorShape &shape) |
uint64_t | nElemFromDim (const TensorShape &X, int dim=0) |
uint64_t | nElemBetweenDim (const TensorShape &X, int start, int stop) |
std::pair< std::vector< DeviceOption >, std::vector< DeviceOption > > | InferOpInputOutputDevice (const OperatorDef &op) |
template<uint64_t OpsPerPoint> | |
OpSchema::Cost | PointwiseCostInference (const OperatorDef &, const vector< TensorShape > &inputs) |
bool | RunPlanOnWorkspace (Workspace *ws, const PlanDef &plan, ShouldContinue shouldContinue) |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (QTensor< CPUContext >) | |
template<typename F > | |
detail::ScopeGuardImplDecay< F > | MakeGuard (F &&f) noexcept(noexcept(detail::ScopeGuardImplDecay< F >(static_cast< F && >(f)))) |
ScopeGuard is a general implementation of the "Initialization is
Resource Acquisition" idiom. More... | |
ExportedStatMap | toMap (const ExportedStatList &stats) |
TypeMeta | GetTensorType (const void *c) |
TypeCall | GetTypeCallFunction (TypeIdentifier id) |
void | RegisterTypeCallFunction (TypeIdentifier id, TypeCall c) |
vector< int64_t > | GetTensorInfo (const void *c, size_t *capacity, DeviceOption *device) |
TensorInfoCall | GetTensorInfoFunction (TypeIdentifier id) |
void | RegisterTensorInfoFunction (TypeIdentifier id, TensorInfoCall c) |
void | TensorVectorResize (std::vector< Tensor > &tensors, int size, DeviceType type) |
Tensor | empty (at::IntArrayRef dims, at::TensorOptions options) |
void | ReinitializeTensor (Tensor *t, at::IntArrayRef dims, at::TensorOptions options) |
Reinitialize a Tensor to given dims and options if necessary, note that this will not do anything if the Tensor already has correct size and data type. | |
void | ReinitializeAndCopyFrom (Tensor *t, at::TensorOptions options, const Tensor &src, bool async) |
template<typename T > | |
Tensor | TensorCPUFromValues (at::IntArrayRef dims, at::ArrayRef< T > values) |
Creates a CPU tensor, and fills its contents with the given values. More... | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (int8::Int8TensorCPU) | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (TransformRegistry, Transform) | |
unique_ptr< Transform > | CreateTransform (string key) |
NetDef | ApplyTransform (const string &key, const NetDef &netdef) |
double | average_net_run_duration (const NetDef &netdef, const NetDef &init_netdef, const int warmup_runs, const int main_runs) |
NetDef | ApplyTransformIfFaster (const string &key, const NetDef &netdef, const NetDef &init_netdef, const int warmup_runs, const int main_runs, const double improvement_threshold) |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (TransformRegistry, Transform) | |
TensorProto::DataType | TypeMetaToDataType (const TypeMeta &meta) |
const TypeMeta & | DataTypeToTypeMeta (const TensorProto::DataType &dt) |
StorageOrder | StringToStorageOrder (const string &str) |
constexpr char | NameScopeSeparator () |
template<typename T > | |
bool | fp16_type () |
template<> | |
bool | fp16_type< at::Half > () |
std::string | GetUniqueName () |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CreateDB, CreateDBOp< CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (CreateDB).NumInputs(0).NumOutputs(1) | |
NO_GRADIENT (CreateDB) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (CreateDB, CreateDBOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FileStoreHandlerCreate, FileStoreHandlerCreateOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (0).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Creates a unique_ptr<StoreHandler> that uses the filesystem as backing store (typically a filesystem shared between many nodes | |
such as NFS This store handler is not built to be fast Its recommended use is for integration tests and prototypes where extra dependencies are cumbersome Use an ephemeral path to ensure multiple processes or runs don t interfere DOC | Arg ("path","base path used by the FileStoreHandler").Arg("prefix" |
such as NFS This store handler is not built to be fast Its recommended use is for integration tests and prototypes where extra dependencies are cumbersome Use an ephemeral path to ensure multiple processes or runs don t interfere DOC prefix for all keys used by this store | Output (0,"handler","unique_ptr<StoreHandler>") |
NO_GRADIENT (FileStoreHandlerCreateOp) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (FileStoreHandlerCreate, FileStoreHandlerCreateOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RedisStoreHandlerCreate, RedisStoreHandlerCreateOp< CPUContext >) | |
host name of Redis server | Arg ("port","port number of Redis server").Arg("prefix" |
NO_GRADIENT (RedisStoreHandlerCreateOp) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (RedisStoreHandlerCreate, RedisStoreHandlerCreateOp< CUDAContext >) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (std::unique_ptr< StoreHandler >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StoreSet, StoreSetOp) | |
NumInputs (2).NumOutputs(0).SetDoc(R"DOC( Set a blob in a store. The key is the input blob's name and the value is the data in that blob. The key can be overridden by specifying the 'blob_name' argument. )DOC").Arg("blob_name" = Ai * Bi | |
alternative key for the | blob (optional)") .Input(0 |
alternative key for the unique_ptr< StoreHandler > | Input (1,"data","data blob") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StoreGet, StoreGetOp) | |
NumInputs (1).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Get a blob from a store. The key is the output blob's name. The key can be overridden by specifying the 'blob_name' argument. )DOC").Arg("blob_name" | |
alternative key for the unique_ptr< StoreHandler > | Output (0,"data","data blob") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StoreAdd, StoreAddOp) | |
the store initializes it to and then performs the add operation The operation returns the resulting counter value DOC | Arg ("blob_name","key of the counter (required)").Arg("add_value" |
the store initializes it to and then performs the add operation The operation returns the resulting counter value DOC value that is | added (optional, default:1)") .Input(0 |
the store initializes it to and then performs the add operation The operation returns the resulting counter value DOC value that is unique_ptr< StoreHandler > | Output (0,"value","the current value of the counter") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StoreWait, StoreWaitOp) | |
NumInputs (1, 2).NumOutputs(0).SetDoc(R"DOC( Wait for the specified blob names to be set. The blob names can be passed either as an input blob with blob names or as an argument. )DOC").Arg("blob_names" | |
names of the blobs to wait | for (optional)") .Input(0 |
names of the blobs to wait unique_ptr< StoreHandler > | Input (1,"names","names of the blobs to wait for (optional)") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FC_Decomp, FullyConnectedOpDecomp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FCGradient_Decomp, FullyConnectedDecompGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (FC_Decomp).NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (FCGradient_Decomp).NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(3 | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (FC_Decomp, GetFCDecompGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (FC_Decomp, FullyConnectedOpDecomp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (FCGradient_Decomp, FullyConnectedDecompGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TTContraction, TTContractionOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (TTContraction, TTContractionOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (TTContractionGradient, TTContractionGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
void | adam_ideep_update (int N, const float *g, const float *m, const float *v, float *ng, float *nm, float *nv, float beta1, float beta2, float eps_hat, float correction, const float *lr) |
void | adam_ideep_compute (int N, const float *w, const float *g, const float *m, const float *v, float *nw, float *nm, float *nv, float beta1, float beta2, float eps_hat, float correction, const float *lr) |
void | adam_ideep_compute_output_grad (int N, const float *w, const float *g, const float *m, const float *v, float *nw, float *nm, float *nv, float *ng, float beta1, float beta2, float eps_hat, float correction, const float *lr) |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ChannelShuffle, ChannelShuffleOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ChannelShuffleGradient, ChannelShuffleGradientOp) | |
std::function< void(OpSchema &)> | ConvFusionDocGenerator (const char *dim) |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ConvGradient, IDEEPConvGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ConvTranspose, IDEEPConvTransposeOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ConvTransposeGradient, IDEEPConvTransposeGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (DropoutGrad, IDEEPDropoutGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (FCGradient, IDEEPFullyConnectedGradientOp) | |
void | momentum_sgd_update (const int N, const float *g, const float *m, float *ng, float *nm, const float *lr, const float momentum, const bool nesterov, float *param) |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Softmax, IDEEPFallbackOp< SoftmaxOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (LabelCrossEntropy, IDEEPFallbackOp< LabelCrossEntropyOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (AveragedLoss, IDEEPFallbackOp< AveragedLoss< float, CPUContext >, SkipIndices< 0 >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Flatten, IDEEPFallbackOp< FlattenOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ResizeLike, IDEEPFallbackOp< ResizeLikeOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Transpose, IDEEPFallbackOp< TransposeOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Slice, IDEEPFallbackOp< SliceOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Clip, IDEEPFallbackOp< ClipOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ScatterAssign, IDEEPFallbackOp< ScatterAssignOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Cast, IDEEPFallbackOp< CastOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (XavierFill, IDEEPFallbackOp< XavierFillOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ConstantFill, IDEEPFallbackOp< ConstantFillOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (GaussianFill, IDEEPFallbackOp< GaussianFillOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (MSRAFill, IDEEPFallbackOp< MSRAFillOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (GivenTensorFill, IDEEPFallbackOp< GivenTensorFillOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (GivenTensorDoubleFill, IDEEPFallbackOp< GivenTensorFillOp< double, CPUContext >, SkipIndices< 0 >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (GivenTensorBoolFill, IDEEPFallbackOp< GivenTensorFillOp< bool, CPUContext >, SkipIndices< 0 >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (GivenTensorIntFill, IDEEPFallbackOp< GivenTensorFillOp< int, CPUContext >, SkipIndices< 0 >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (GivenTensorInt64Fill, IDEEPFallbackOp< GivenTensorFillOp< int64_t, CPUContext >, SkipIndices< 0 >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (GivenTensorStringFill, IDEEPFallbackOp< GivenTensorFillOp< std::string, CPUContext >, SkipIndices< 0 >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Load, IDEEPFallbackOp< LoadOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Save, IDEEPFallbackOp< SaveOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (RMACRegions, IDEEPFallbackOp< RMACRegionsOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (RoIPool, IDEEPFallbackOp< RoIPoolOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (RoIAlign, IDEEPFallbackOp< RoIAlignOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (RoIAlignRotated, IDEEPFallbackOp< RoIAlignRotatedOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (GenerateProposals, IDEEPFallbackOp< GenerateProposalsOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (GenerateProposalsCPP, IDEEPFallbackOp< GenerateProposalsOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (CollectAndDistributeFpnRpnProposals, IDEEPFallbackOp< CollectAndDistributeFpnRpnProposalsOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (BoxWithNMSLimit, IDEEPFallbackOp< BoxWithNMSLimitOp< CPUContext >, SkipIndices< 0, 1, 2 >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (BBoxTransform, IDEEPFallbackOp< BBoxTransformOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (AffineChannel, IDEEPFallbackOp< AffineChannelOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (StopGradient, IDEEPFallbackOp< StopGradientOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (PadImage, IDEEPFallbackOp< PadImageOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (PRelu, IDEEPFallbackOp< PReluOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (CTCGreedyDecoder, IDEEPFallbackOp< CTCGreedyDecoderOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (CTCBeamSearchDecoder, IDEEPFallbackOp< CTCBeamSearchDecoderOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (AveragedLossGradient, IDEEPFallbackOp< AveragedLossGradient< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (LabelCrossEntropyGradient, IDEEPFallbackOp< LabelCrossEntropyGradientOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (SoftmaxGradient, IDEEPFallbackOp< SoftmaxGradientOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Iter, IDEEPFallbackOp< IterOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (LearningRate, IDEEPFallbackOp< LearningRateOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Abs, IDEEPFallbackOp< UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AbsFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Atan, IDEEPFallbackOp< UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AtanFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Sqrt, IDEEPFallbackOp< UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SqrtFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Div, IDEEPFallbackOp< BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, DivFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Mul, IDEEPFallbackOp< BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, MulFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Sub, IDEEPFallbackOp< BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, SubFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Tanh, IDEEPFallbackOp< UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, TanhFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (L1Distance, IDEEPFallbackOp< L1DistanceOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Scale, IDEEPFallbackOp< ScaleOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Accuracy, IDEEPFallbackOp< AccuracyOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (AddGradient, IDEEPFallbackOp< BinaryElementwiseGradientOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, AddFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (TanhGradient, IDEEPFallbackOp< BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, TanhGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (MulGradient, IDEEPFallbackOp< BinaryElementwiseGradientOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, MulFunctor< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (TensorProtosDBInput, IDEEPFallbackOp< TensorProtosDBInput< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (CloseBlobsQueue, IDEEPFallbackOp< CloseBlobsQueueOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (SoftmaxWithLoss, IDEEPFallbackOp< SoftmaxWithLossOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (SoftmaxWithLossGradient, IDEEPFallbackOp< SoftmaxWithLossGradientOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Expand, IDEEPFallbackOp< ExpandOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Gather, IDEEPFallbackOp< GatherOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (Normalize, IDEEPFallbackOp< NormalizeOp< float, CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ReduceL2, IDEEPFallbackOp< ReduceOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, L2Reducer< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ReduceSum, IDEEPFallbackOp< ReduceOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext, SumReducer< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ReduceMean, IDEEPFallbackOp< ReduceOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, MeanReducer< CPUContext >>>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (BatchMatMul, IDEEPFallbackOp< BatchMatMulOp< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (MaxPoolGradient, IDEEPPoolGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (AveragePoolGradient, IDEEPPoolGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (CreateBlobsQueue, IDEEPCreateBlobsQueueOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (SafeEnqueueBlobs, IDEEPSafeEnqueueBlobsOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (ReluGradient, IDEEPReluGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (LeakyReluGradient, IDEEPReluGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_IDEEP_OPERATOR (SigmoidGradient, IDEEPSigmoidGradientOp) | |
The input TensorCPU to copy | Output (0,"ideep_blob","The output IDEEP tensort to copy to") |
The input IDEEP tensort to copy | Output (0,"cpu_blob","The output TensorCPU to copy to") |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (IDEEPOperatorRegistry, OperatorBase, const OperatorDef &, Workspace *) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (ideep::tensor) | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (IDEEPOperatorRegistry, OperatorBase, const OperatorDef &, Workspace *) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ImageInput, ImageInputOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (0, 1).NumOutputs(2 | |
INT_MAX | TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &){vector< TensorShape > out(2);ArgumentHelper helper(def);int batch_size=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("batch_size", 0);int crop=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("crop",-1);int color=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("color", 1);CHECK_GT(crop, 0);out[0]=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >{batch_size, crop, crop, color?3:1}, TensorProto::FLOAT);out[1]=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >{1, batch_size}, TensorProto::INT32);return out;}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Imports and processes images from a database. For each run of the operator |
INT_MAX batch_size images will be processed GPUs can optionally be used for part of the processing The following transformations are applied to the image A bounding box is applied to the initial | image (optional)-The image is rescaled either up or down(with the scale argument) or just up(with the minsize argument)-The image is randomly cropped(crop size is passed as an argument but the location of the crop is random except if is_test is passed in which case the image in cropped at the center)-The image is normalized.Each of its color channels can have separate normalization values The dimension of the output image will always be cropxcrop) DOC") .Arg("batch_size" |
INT_MAX batch_size images will be processed GPUs can optionally be used for part of the processing The following transformations are applied to the image A bounding box is applied to the initial Number of images to output for each run of the | operator" ".Must be 1 or greater") .Arg ("color","Number of color channels (1 or 3). Defaults to 1").Arg("color_jitter" |
INT_MAX batch_size images will be processed GPUs can optionally be used for part of the processing The following transformations are applied to the image A bounding box is applied to the initial Number of images to output for each run of the Whether or not to do color jitter Defaults to | Arg ("img_saturation","Image saturation scale used in color jittering. ""Defaults to 0.4").Arg("img_brightness" |
INT_MAX batch_size images will be processed GPUs can optionally be used for part of the processing The following transformations are applied to the image A bounding box is applied to the initial Number of images to output for each run of the Whether or not to do color jitter Defaults to Image brightness scale used in color jittering Defaults to | Arg ("img_contrast","Image contrast scale used in color jittering. ""Defaults to 0.4").Arg("color_lighting" |
INT_MAX batch_size images will be processed GPUs can optionally be used for part of the processing The following transformations are applied to the image A bounding box is applied to the initial Number of images to output for each run of the Whether or not to do color jitter Defaults to Image brightness scale used in color jittering Defaults to Whether or not to do color lighting Defaults to | Arg ("color_lighting_std","Std of normal distribution where color lighting"" scaling factor is sampled. Defaults to 0.1").Arg("scale_jitter_type" |
INT_MAX batch_size images will be processed GPUs can optionally be used for part of the processing The following transformations are applied to the image A bounding box is applied to the initial Number of images to output for each run of the Whether or not to do color jitter Defaults to Image brightness scale used in color jittering Defaults to Whether or not to do color lighting Defaults to Scale the size of the smallest dimension of the image to this Scale and minsize are mutually exclusive Must be larger than crop | Arg ("minsize","Scale the size of the smallest dimension of the image to"" this only if the size is initially smaller. Scale and minsize are"" mutually exclusive. Must be larger than crop.").Arg("warp" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to | Arg ("crop","Size to crop the image to. Must be provided").Arg("mirror" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to | Arg ("mean","Mean by which to normalize color channels."" Defaults to 0.").Arg("mean_per_channel" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color | channel (1 or 3 elements).Defaults to mean argument.Channel order BGR") .Arg("std" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to | Arg ("std_per_channel","Vector of standard dev. per color channel "" (1 or 3 elements). Defaults to std argument. Channel order is BGR").Arg("bounding_ymin" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults | to (none)") .Arg("bounding_xmin" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults if the input is in Caffe format Defaults to | Arg ("use_gpu_transform","1 if GPU acceleration should be used."" Defaults to 0. Can only be 1 in a CUDAContext").Arg("decode_threads" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults if the input is in Caffe format Defaults to Number of CPU decode transform threads Defaults to | Arg ("output_type","If gpu_transform, can set to FLOAT or FLOAT16.").Arg("db" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults if the input is in Caffe format Defaults to Number of CPU decode transform threads Defaults to Name of the | database (if not passed as input)") .Arg("db_type" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults if the input is in Caffe format Defaults to Number of CPU decode transform threads Defaults to Name of the Type of The sizes of any outputs besides the data and | label (should have a number of elements equal to the number of additional" "outputs)") .Arg("random_scale" |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults if the input is in Caffe format Defaults to Number of CPU decode transform threads Defaults to Name of the Type of The sizes of any outputs besides the data and shortest side desired for image resize Defaults to[-1,-1] or no random resize desired | Input (0,"reader","The input reader (a db::DBReader)").Output(0 |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults if the input is in Caffe format Defaults to Number of CPU decode transform threads Defaults to Name of the Type of The sizes of any outputs besides the data and shortest side desired for image resize Defaults to[-1,-1] or no random resize desired Tensor containing the images | Output (1,"label","Tensor containing the labels").Output(2 |
NO_GRADIENT (ImageInput) | |
template<class Context > | |
bool | RandomSizedCropping (cv::Mat *img, const int crop, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
template<class Context > | |
void | Saturation (float *img, const int img_size, const float alpha_rand, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
template<class Context > | |
void | Brightness (float *img, const int img_size, const float alpha_rand, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
template<class Context > | |
void | Contrast (float *img, const int img_size, const float alpha_rand, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
template<class Context > | |
void | ColorJitter (float *img, const int img_size, const float saturation, const float brightness, const float contrast, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
template<class Context > | |
void | ColorLighting (float *img, const int img_size, const float alpha_std, const std::vector< std::vector< float >> &eigvecs, const std::vector< float > &eigvals, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
template<class Context > | |
void | ColorNormalization (float *img, const int img_size, const int channels, const std::vector< float > &mean, const std::vector< float > &std) |
template<class Context > | |
void | TransformImage (const cv::Mat &scaled_img, const int channels, float *image_data, const bool color_jitter, const float saturation, const float brightness, const float contrast, const bool color_lighting, const float color_lighting_std, const std::vector< std::vector< float >> &color_lighting_eigvecs, const std::vector< float > &color_lighting_eigvals, const int crop, const bool mirror, const std::vector< float > &mean, const std::vector< float > &std, std::mt19937 *randgen, std::bernoulli_distribution *mirror_this_image, bool is_test=false) |
template<class Context > | |
void | CropTransposeImage (const cv::Mat &scaled_img, const int channels, uint8_t *cropped_data, const int crop, const bool mirror, std::mt19937 *randgen, std::bernoulli_distribution *mirror_this_image, bool is_test=false) |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (ImageInput, ImageInputOp< CUDAContext >) | |
template<typename T_IN , typename T_OUT , class Context > | |
bool | TransformOnGPU (Tensor &X, Tensor *Y, Tensor &mean, Tensor &std, Context *context) |
bool | tryConvertToMPSCNN (const NetDef &initNet, const NetDef &predictNet, NetDef *mpscnnPredictNet) |
NetDef | annotateDefWithReadCounts (const NetDef &net) |
NetDef | rewriteForMetal (const NetDef &net) |
NetDef | runMPSCNNFusion (const NetDef &net) |
void | dumpDef (const NetDef &d) |
void | mpscnnRecordExecutionFinish () |
MPSCNNContext & | getMPSCNNContext () |
bool | tryConvertToMPSCNNIntermediateCopies (const NetDef &initNet, const NetDef &predictNet, NetDef *mpscnnPredictNet) |
NetDef | setSpecialArgs (const NetDef &def) |
void | testMPSCNN () |
void | compareModels (const NetDef &initNet, NetDef predictNet) |
void | verifyRewrite (const NetDef &initNet, const NetDef &net, std::vector< int > inputDims) |
std::string & | gSNPELocation () |
void | uniformQuantize2b1b (const TensorCPU &X, const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TensorCPU >> &XQ, float offset, float inter_center_distance) |
void | qconv (const ConvArgs &args, const TensorCPU &X, const TensorCPU &W, const TensorCPU *b, TensorCPU *Y) |
void | qpad_zero (const ConvArgs &args, const TensorCPU &X, TensorCPU *Y) |
void | signQuantize (const TensorCPU &X, TensorCPU *XQ) |
void | filterNormalization11 (const TensorCPU &WQ, TensorCPU *WQN) |
void | filterNormalizationL1 (const TensorCPU &W, TensorCPU *WL1) |
void | qim2col (const ConvArgs &args, const TensorCPU &XQ, const TensorCPU &WQ, TensorCPU *XQcol) |
std::unique_ptr< QConvState > | create2b1bConvState (Workspace *ws, const TensorCPU &W, const TensorCPU *b) |
void | run2b1bConvGeneric (QConvState *state, const ConvArgs &args, const TensorCPU &X, TensorCPU *Y) |
void | run2b1bUnification (QConvState *state, size_t N, size_t C, const float *WQNVdata, const float *YQs0Vdata, const float *YQs1Vdata, size_t YQstride, float *Ydata, size_t Ystride, const float *bias) |
size_t | divRoundUp (size_t x, size_t d) |
bool | run2b1bConvNeon (QConvState *state, const ConvArgs &args, const TensorCPU &X, TensorCPU *Y) |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (MPICommonWorldWrapper) | |
std::mutex & | MPIMutex () |
MPI_Comm | GlobalMPIComm () |
Gets the global MPI communicator used by Caffe2. More... | |
void | SetGlobalMPIComm (MPI_Comm new_comm) |
Sets the global MPI communicator. More... | |
int | MPICommSize (MPI_Comm comm) |
A helper function to return the size of the given communicator. | |
int | MPICommRank (MPI_Comm comm) |
A helper function to return the rank of the given communicator. | |
void | MPISetupPeers (const int replicas, const string &role, const string &job_path) |
A function used to perform peer setup so one does not need to use mpirun / mpiexec to run the binary. More... | |
void | CheckInitializedMPI () |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Abs, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AbsFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AbsGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AbsGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
element wise Github workspace FeedBlob("X", np.random.randn(5).astype(np.float32)) print("X | OPERATOR_SCHEMA (AbsGradient).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).IdenticalTypeAndShape() |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Abs, GetAbsGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Accumulate, AccumulateOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
we first initialize the output tensor to all and then do accumulation Any further calls to the | operator, given that no one else fiddles with the output in the interim, will do simple accumulations.Accumulation is done using Axpby operation as shown:Y=1 *X+gamma *Y where X is the input tensor, Y is the output tensor and gamma is the multiplier argument.) DOC") .Arg ("gamma","(float, default 1.0) Accumulation multiplier").Input(0 |
we first initialize the output tensor to all and then do accumulation Any further calls to the The input tensor that has to be accumulated to the output tensor If the output size is not the same as input the output tensor is first reshaped and initialized to and only accumulation is done | Output (0,"output","Accumulated output tensor") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Accuracy, AccuracyOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).ScalarType(TensorProto | SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (Accuracy) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Acos, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AcosFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AcosGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AcosGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
element wise DOC | Input (0,"input","Input tensor").Output(0 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Acos, GetAcosGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AdjustBatch, AdjustBatchOp< CPUContext >) | |
Input (0,"Input","Input data").Input(1 | |
Real batch size | Output (0,"Output","Data with Adjusted batch size").Output(1 |
Real batch size Real batah size | Arg ("max_batch_size","(*int*): max batch size").SetDoc(R"DOC( Adjust the batch size of `input` tensor. When we only have 1 input |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AffineChannel, AffineChannelOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AffineChannelGradient, AffineChannelGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (3).NumOutputs(1).AllowInplace( | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Applies a separate affine transformation to each channel of the input. Useful for replacing spatial batch norm with its equivalent fixed transformation. )DOC").Input(0 | |
Feature map input with order NCHW or NHWC | Input (1,"scale","1D input of shape (C); the c-th element is the scale factor of the ""affine transformation for the c-th channel of the input.").Input(2 |
Feature map input with order NCHW or NHWC input of | shape (C) |
the c th element is the bias of the affine transformation for the c th channel of the input | Output (0,"Y","Output with the same order of Input.") |
NumInputs ({2, 3}).NumOutputs( | |
AllowInplace ({{0, 0}}) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (AffineChannel, GetAffineChannelGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ArgMax, ArgOp< CPUContext, ArgMaxReducer< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ArgMin, ArgOp< CPUContext, ArgMinReducer< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Asin, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AsinFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AsinGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AsinGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Asin, GetAsinGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Assert, AssertOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Atan, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AtanFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AtanGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, AtanGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Atan, GetAtanGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchBucketize, BatchBucketizeOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (4).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Bucketize the float_features into sparse features. The float_features is a N * D tensor where N is the batch_size | |
and D is the feature_dim The indices is a tensor containing the indices of the features that need to be bucketized The lengths is a tensor that splits the following boundaries argument The boundaries is a tensor containing the border list for each feature With in each indices should not have duplicate and the number of elements in indices should be less than or euqal to D Each element in lengths | vector (lengths[`i`]) represents the number of boundaries in the sub border list.The sum of all elements in`lengths`must be equal to the size of`boundaries`.If lengths[0] |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchGather, BatchGatherOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchGatherGradient, BatchGatherGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Batch gather operation, first dimension in DATA is the batch size. Given DATA tensor of rank r >= 2, and INDICES tensor of rank q >= 1, gather entries of the second outer dimension (axis == 1) of DATA indexed by INDICES, and concatenate them in an output tensor of rank q + (r - 1). Example: DATA = [ [1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 4.5], [2.3, 3.4, 3.6, 2.3], [4.5, 5.7, 1.2, 4.5], ] INDICES = [0, 2] OUTPUT = [ [1.0, 2.4], [2.3, 3.6], [4.5, 1.2], ] )DOC").Input(0 | |
Tensor of rank of any rank q | Output (0,"OUTPUT","Tensor of rank q + (r - 1).").InheritOnnxSchema() |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (BatchGatherGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (BatchGather, GetBatchGatherGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchMatMul, BatchMatMulOp< CPUContext >) | |
vector< TensorShape > | TensorInferenceForBatchMatMul (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
OpSchema::Cost | CostInferenceForBatchMatMul (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
where A has | shape (dim0, dim1,...M, K) |
where A has B has | shape (dim0, dim1,...K, N) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchMoments, BatchMomentsOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchMomentsGradient, BatchMomentsGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (BatchMoments).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(2) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (BatchMomentsGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (BatchMoments, GetBatchMomentsGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchSparseToDense, BatchSparseToDenseOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (3, 4).NumOutputs(1).DisallowInputFillers().SetDoc(R"DOC( Convert sparse matrix representation into dense matrix. A sparse matrix is represented by `lengths` vector | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BisectPercentile, BisectPercentileOp< CPUContext >) | |
with the size | of (batch_size, num_feature) |
with the size where we also need additional information regarding the feature value distribution There are several vectors to keep data to percentile mappping information as arguments(context) the interpolation is apply | by (R[t], R[t+1]) and(U[t] and L[t]).As there are F features(F > |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BooleanMask, BooleanMaskOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BooleanMaskLengths, BooleanMaskLengthsOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Given a 1D `data` tensor and a boolean `mask` tensor of the same shape, returns a `masked_data` tensor containing only the elements corresponding to positions where the `mask` is True, and a `masked_indices` tensor containing the indices of the True elements. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/boolean_mask_ops.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "BooleanMask", ["data", "mask"], ["masked_data", "masked_indices"] ) workspace.FeedBlob("data", np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6])) workspace.FeedBlob("mask", np.array([True,False,False,True,True,False])) print("data:", workspace.FetchBlob("data")) print("mask:", workspace.FetchBlob("mask")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("masked_data:", workspace.FetchBlob("masked_data")) print("masked_indices:", workspace.FetchBlob("masked_indices")) ``` **Result** ``` data: [1 2 3 4 5 6] mask: [ True False False True True False] masked_data: [1 4 5] masked_indices: [0 3 4] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
same shape as data | Output (0,"masked_data","(*Tensor*): 1D tensor of same type as `data` input that contains the masked input tensor").Output(1 |
return the segment lengths of the corresponding segmented tensor after **BooleanMask **is applied If lengths tensor then length of mask tensor must be $a_1 a_2 a_n Github workspace | FeedBlob ("lengths", np.array([1, 3, 2], dtype=np.int32)) workspace.FeedBlob("mask" |
return the segment lengths of the corresponding segmented tensor after **BooleanMask **is applied If lengths tensor then length of mask tensor must be $a_1 a_2 a_n Github workspace np array([False, True, True, False, True, True])) print("lengths | NO_GRADIENT (BooleanMaskLengths) |
template<typename Functor > | |
void | MaskWithFunctor (size_t N, size_t M, int B, const float *in, Functor fn, float fill_val, float *out) |
template<typename Functor > | |
void | RepeatedMaskWithFunctor (size_t N, size_t M, int D, const float *in, Functor fn, float fill_val, float *out) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SequenceMask, SequenceMaskOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BooleanUnmask, BooleanUnmaskOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs ([](int n){return n > 0 &&n%2==0;}).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Given a series of masks and values | |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True Reconstruct Note that for all mask there must be at least one True This is not False False we accept the first and no longer expect a value for that False True ***Note that we alternate data and mask inputs Github workspace | FeedBlob ("mask1", np.array([True, False, False, True, True, False])) workspace.FeedBlob("data1" |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True Reconstruct Note that for all mask there must be at least one True This is not False False we accept the first and no longer expect a value for that False True ***Note that we alternate data and mask inputs Github workspace np | array ([1, 4, 5])) workspace.FeedBlob("mask2" |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ByteWeightDequant, ByteWeightDequantOp< CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (ByteWeightDequant).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Cast, CastOp< CPUContext >) | |
out | push_back (in[0]) |
out[0] | set_data_type (cast::GetCastDataType(helper,"to")) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Casts the elements of a given input tensor to a data type specified by the `to` argument and returns an output tensor of the same size in the converted type. The `to` argument must be one of the data types specified in the *DataType* enum field in the TensorProto message (see below). If the `to` argument is not provided or is not one of the enumerated types in *DataType*, Caffe2 throws an Enforce error. NOTE: Casting from strings is not supported, and casting to strings is only supported on CPU. TensorProto *DataType* field: ``` message TensorProto { ... enum DataType { UNDEFINED = 0; FLOAT = 1; // float INT32 = 2; // int BYTE = 3; // BYTE, when deserialized, is going to be restored as uint8. STRING = 4; // string BOOL = 5; // bool UINT8 = 6; // uint8_t INT8 = 7; // int8_t UINT16 = 8; // uint16_t INT16 = 9; // int16_t INT64 = 10; // int64_t FLOAT16 = 12; // at::Half DOUBLE = 13; // double } ``` Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/cast_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Cast", ["X"], ["Y"], to=2 ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", (np.random.rand(3,3)).astype(np.float32)*10) print("X:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[9.436466 5.8529844 0.54932857] [1.1583444 2.9936118 0.22950427] [3.9143739 3.4040766 8.905341 ]] Y: [[9 5 0] [1 2 0] [3 3 8]] ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("to" | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Cast, GetCastGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Cbrt, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, CbrtFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CbrtGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, CbrtGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
IdenticalTypeAndShape ().Input(0 | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Cbrt, GetCbrtGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Ceil, CeilOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Element-wise application of the ceil function ($y=ceil(x)$) to the input tensor `X`. Output tensor shape is the same as the input tensor. Github Link: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/ceil_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Ceil", ["X"], ["X"], ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", (np.random.uniform(-10, 10, (5,5))).astype(np.float32)) print("X before running op:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("X after running op:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) ``` **Result** ``` X before running op: [[ 8.44598 -6.5098248 -2.2993476 -7.6859694 0.58566964] [-7.846551 -0.03689406 6.9362907 -4.0521703 4.4969673 ] [ 0.33355865 -7.895527 -8.393201 9.374202 -2.3930092 ] [-6.3061996 3.1403487 3.782099 -8.516556 -2.8387244 ] [-2.0164998 4.7663913 -3.422966 0.3636999 8.75713 ]] X after running op: [[ 9. -6. -2. -7. 1.] [-7. -0. 7. -4. 5.] [ 1. -7. -8. 10. -2.] [-6. 4. 4. -8. -2.] [-2. 5. -3. 1. 9.]] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ChannelBackpropStats, ChannelBackpropStatsOp< CPUContext >) | |
the gradient for the output of SpatialBN and the per channel mean and inverse std var vectors for the computes the per channel bias and scale gradient to be used during the backward pass for subsequent spatial batch normalization gradient calculation the results of this op are subsequently reduced over multiple devices to obtain statistics over a larger batch size in cases where the batch size for a single model copy is too low to yield the full benefit of batch normalization The resulting bias and scale can then be plugged back into SpatialBNGradient to get results over the larger batch size DOC | Input (0,"X","The input 4-dimensional tensor of shape NCHW").Input(1 |
the gradient for the output of SpatialBN and the per channel mean and inverse std var vectors for the computes the per channel bias and scale gradient to be used during the backward pass for subsequent spatial batch normalization gradient calculation the results of this op are subsequently reduced over multiple devices to obtain statistics over a larger batch size in cases where the batch size for a single model copy is too low to yield the full benefit of batch normalization The resulting bias and scale can then be plugged back into SpatialBNGradient to get results over the larger batch size DOC The mean saved from the forward pass as a dimensional tensor of size C | Input (2,"inv_std","The saved inverse standard deviation as a 1-dimensional tensor ""of size C.").Input(3 |
the gradient for the output of SpatialBN and the per channel mean and inverse std var vectors for the computes the per channel bias and scale gradient to be used during the backward pass for subsequent spatial batch normalization gradient calculation the results of this op are subsequently reduced over multiple devices to obtain statistics over a larger batch size in cases where the batch size for a single model copy is too low to yield the full benefit of batch normalization The resulting bias and scale can then be plugged back into SpatialBNGradient to get results over the larger batch size DOC The mean saved from the forward pass as a dimensional tensor of size C Gradient for the output layer of here used as input because we are on the backward pass | Output (0,"scale_grad","Gradient for the scale vector").Output(1 |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (ChannelBackpropStats) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ChannelShuffle, ChannelShuffleOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (ChannelShuffleGradient, ChannelShuffleGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ChannelShuffle, GetChannelShuffleGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ChannelStats, ChannelStatsOp< CPUContext >) | |
computes the sum of all elements per channel and the sum of all elements squared per channel These values can be reduced across multiple batches and used to obtain the mean and variance across the full set of batches Using the new mean and variance as input to SpatialBN has the effect of changing the batch size over which SpatialBN is applied DOC The output dimensional tensor of size C containing the sum of elements of X per channel | Output (1,"sumsq","The output 1-dimensional tensor of size C containing the sum of ""elements squared per channel.") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Clip, ClipOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (ClipGradient, ClipGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
Key value handler for | rendezvous (optional).") .Output(0 |
Key value handler for A common world for collective operations | Arg ("size","(int) size of the common world.").Arg("rank" |
Existing common world to clone | Output (0,"comm_world","A common world for collective operations.") |
SetDoc ("Closes all connections managed by a common world.").Input(0 | |
NumInputsOutputs ([](int in, int out){return in >=2 &&out==(in-1);}).EnforceInplace([](int in | |
InputsCanCrossDevices ().IdenticalTypeAndShapeOfInput(0).SetDoc(R"DOC( Does a broadcast operation from the root node to every other node. The tensor on each node should have been pre-created with the same shape and data type. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The common world | Input (1,"X","A tensor to be broadcasted.").Output(0 |
The common world In place as input | Arg ("root","(int, default 0) the root to run broadcast from.") |
The common world | Input (1,"X","A tensor to be reduced.").Output(0 |
The common world The reduced result on not set for other nodes | Arg ("root","(int, default 0) the root to run reduce into.") |
IdenticalTypeAndShapeOfInput (0).InputsCanCrossDevices().SetDoc(R"DOC( Does an allreduce operation among the nodes. Currently only Sum is supported. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The common world | Input (1,"X","A tensor to be allreduced.").Output(0 |
The common world | Input (1,"X","A tensor to be reduce-scattered.").Output(0 |
NumInputs (2, INT_MAX).NumOutputs(1).InputsCanCrossDevices().SetDoc(R"DOC( Does an allgather operation among the nodes. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The common world | Input (1,"X","A tensor to be allgathered.").Output(0 |
NumInputs ({2, 4}).NumOutputs(0).SetDoc(R"DOC( Sends the tensor to another node. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The common world An int CPUtensor of size specifying the rank If this overrides the to argument of the op | Input (3,"tag","An int CPUtensor of size 1 specifying the tag to ""send the tensor with. This overrides the 'tag' ""argument of the op.").Arg("dst" |
The common world An int CPUtensor of size specifying the rank If this overrides the to argument of the op The rank to send the tensor to | Arg ("tag","(int) a tag to send the tensor with.").Arg("raw_buffer" |
AllowInplace ({{2, 1},{3, 2}}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Receives the tensor from another node. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The common world | Input (1,"Y","In-place output. If raw_buffer is specified, ""Y should have pre-allocated data and type..").Input(2 |
The common world An int CPUtensor of size specifying the rank If this overrides the from argument of the op The received tensor | Output (1,"src","The sender that sent the message as a CPUTensor ""of size 1 and of type int.").Output(2 |
The common world An int CPUtensor of size specifying the rank If this overrides the from argument of the op The received tensor The tag that the message is sent with as a CPUTensor of size and of type int | Arg ("src","(int) he rank to receive the tensor from.").Arg("tag" |
The common world An int CPUtensor of size specifying the rank If this overrides the from argument of the op The received tensor The tag that the message is sent with as a CPUTensor of size and of type int int a tag to receive the tensor with | Arg ("raw_buffer","(bool) if set, only send the content and assume that the receiver ""has already known the tensor's shape and information.") |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (CreateCommonWorld) | |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (CloneCommonWorld) | |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (DestroyCommonWorld) | |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (ReduceScatter) | |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (ReceiveTensor) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CreateCommonWorld, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CloneCommonWorld, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DestroyCommonWorld, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Broadcast, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Reduce, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Allgather, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Allreduce, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceScatter, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Barrier, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SendTensor, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReceiveTensor, NoDefaultEngineOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (CreateCommonWorld, NoDefaultEngineOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (CloneCommonWorld, NoDefaultEngineOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Broadcast, NoDefaultEngineOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Reduce, NoDefaultEngineOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Allgather, NoDefaultEngineOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Allreduce, NoDefaultEngineOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (SendTensor, NoDefaultEngineOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (ReceiveTensor, NoDefaultEngineOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Split, SplitOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SplitByLengths, SplitByLengthsOp< CPUContext >) | |
INT_MAX | Input (0,"input","(*Tensor*): tensor to split").Input(1 |
INT_MAX * | Tuple (int)*):length of each output") .Arg( "order", "(*string *):order of dimensions of input and output blobs;either\"NCHW\" or \"NHWC\"").Output(0,"[output_0, output_1, ...]","(*Tensor*): output tensor").DeviceInferenceFunction(splitOpDevInfer).SetDoc(R"DOC(Split an `input` tensor into a list of tensors, along the axis specified by the `axis` dimension. The lengths of the split can be specified using argument `split` or optional second input blob to the operator. Otherwise, the tensor is split to equal sized parts.Github Links:- https:<details><summary> <b>Example</b> </summary>**Code**```workspace.ResetWorkspace()op = core.CreateOperator( "Split", ["input"], ["output_0","output_1","output_2"], split=(3,2,4), axis=0)workspace.FeedBlob("input", np.random.randint(10, size=(9)))print("input:", workspace.FetchBlob("input"))workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op)print("output_0:", workspace.FetchBlob("output_0"))print("output_1:", workspace.FetchBlob("output_1"))print("output_2:", workspace.FetchBlob("output_2"))```**Result**```input: [2 2 6 6 6 0 5 7 4]output_0: [2 2 6]output_1: [6 6]output_2: [0 5 7 4]```</details>)DOC").InheritOnnxSchema( |
INT_MAX | Input (0,"input","The tensor to split").Input(1 |
INT_MAX The tensor l_i indicates the logic block of input | Arg ("axis","Which axis to split on").Arg("order" |
INT_MAX The tensor l_i indicates the logic block of input Either NHWC or will split on C defaults to NCHW | DeviceInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &def){auto op_device=def.has_device_option()?def.device_option():DeviceOption();vector< DeviceOption > in_dev(def.input_size(), op_device);vector< DeviceOption > out_dev(def.output_size(), op_device);in_dev[1]=DeviceOption();return std::make_pair(in_dev, out_dev);}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Split a tensor into a list of tensors |
OpSchema::Cost | CostInferenceForConcat (const OperatorDef &def, const std::vector< TensorShape > &in) |
std::vector< TensorShape > | TensorInferenceForConcat (const OperatorDef &def, const std::vector< TensorShape > &in) |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Split, SplitOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Concat, ConcatOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (DepthSplit, SplitOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (DepthConcat, ConcatOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (SplitByLengths, SplitByLengthsOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Conditional, ConditionalOp< CPUContext >) | |
apply conditional | operator along the first dimension of DataT and DataF and return DataO.Note, DataT and DataF must have the exact same shape and type.) DOC") .Input (0,"Condition","Boolean tensor to select DataT or DataF").Input(1 |
apply conditional Data to use when True | Input (2,"DataF","Data to use when False").Output(0 |
apply conditional Data to use when True Output data after applying ConditionalOp | IdenticalTypeAndShapeOfInput (1) |
NO_GRADIENT (Conditional) | |
std::vector< TensorShape > | TensorInferenceForConvGradient (const OperatorDef &def, const std::vector< TensorShape > &in) |
OpSchema::Cost | CostInferenceForConvGradient (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &inputs) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ConvGradient, ConvGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (2, 3).NumOutputs(1 | |
TensorInferenceFunction (TensorInferenceForConvGradient).CostInferenceFunction(CostInferenceForConvGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Conv1DGradient, ConvGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (Conv1DGradient).NumInputs(2 | |
NumOutputs (1, 3) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Conv2DGradient, ConvGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (Conv2DGradient).NumInputs(2 | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Conv3DGradient, ConvGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (Conv3DGradient).NumInputs(2 | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Conv, GetConvGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Conv1D, GetConvGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Conv2D, GetConvGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Conv3D, GetConvGradient) | |
std::function< void(OpSchema &)> | ConvDocGenerator (const char *dim) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Conv, ConvOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(2, 3).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Conv1D, ConvOp< float, CPUContext >) |
NumInputs(2, 3).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Conv2D, ConvOp< float, CPUContext >) |
NumInputs(2, 3).NumOutputs(1).CostInferenceFunction(OpSchema | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Conv3D, ConvOp< float, CPUContext >) |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (ConvGradient, CudnnConvGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (Conv1DGradient, CudnnConvGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (Conv2DGradient, CudnnConvGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (Conv3DGradient, CudnnConvGradientOp) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Conv, ConvOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (ConvGradient, ConvGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Conv1D, ConvOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Conv1DGradient, ConvGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Conv2D, ConvOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Conv2DGradient, ConvGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Conv3D, ConvOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Conv3DGradient, ConvGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
template<> | |
void | createSharedBuffer< CPUContext > (Workspace *ws) |
template<> | |
void | runWithSharedBuffer< CPUContext > (Workspace *ws, std::function< void(Tensor *buffer)> f) |
template<typename Context > | |
void | createSharedBuffer (Workspace *ws) |
Creates a mutex and shared buffer in the workspace. More... | |
template<typename Context > | |
void | runWithSharedBuffer (Workspace *ws, std::function< void(Tensor *buffer)> f) |
Thread-safe, can be invoked from RunOnDevice() to serialize access to shared buffer. | |
template<> | |
void | createSharedBuffer< CUDAContext > (Workspace *ws) |
template<> | |
void | runWithSharedBuffer< CUDAContext > (Workspace *ws, std::function< void(Tensor *buffer)> f) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ConvTransposeGradient, ConvTransposeGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (ConvTransposeGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1 | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ConvTranspose, GetConvTransposeGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ConvTranspose, ConvTransposeOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
an input weight tensor and optionally an input bias tensor $bias It then computes the transposed sometimes referred to as and produces a single output tensor $Y The hyperparameters of the op such as kernel and padding are specified as args At each the filter is deconvolved with a subset of $X and the $bias is added This is done throughout the input data until the output computation is complete The output shapes are computed as follows The number of channels in the output feature map is the number of kernels specified in the filter blob The spatial height and width are computed which is why they are separate files in the implementation this | operator inherits from the *ConvTransposeUnpoolOpBase *operator.Github Links:-https:-https:-https:< details >< summary >< b >Example</b ></summary > **Code **```workspace.ResetWorkspace () op |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (ConvTranspose, CudnnConvTransposeOp< float >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (ConvTransposeGradient, CudnnConvTransposeGradientOp< float >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (ConvTranspose, ConvTransposeOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (ConvTransposeGradient, ConvTransposeGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CopyFromCPUInput, CopyOp< CPUContext, CPUContext, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CopyOnDeviceLike, CopyOnDeviceLikeOp< CPUContext, CPUContext, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Copy, CopyOp< CPUContext, CPUContext, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Copy tensor for GPU to CPU context. Must be run under GPU device option. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The input tensor | Output (0,"output","Tensor that will contain a copy of the input.") |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Copy tensor for CPU to GPU context. Must be run under GPU device option. )DOC").Input(0 | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Take a CPU input tensor and copy it to an output in the current Context (GPU or CPU). This may involves cross-device MemCpy. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The input CPU tensor | Output (0,"output","either a TensorCUDA or a TensorCPU") |
The input tensor | Input (1,"dst","Tensor, on which device the copy will be performed.").Output(0 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Copy, GetCopyGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Cos, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, CosFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CosGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, CosGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
element wise Github workspace FeedBlob("X", np.random.rand(5).astype(np.float32)) print("X | OPERATOR_SCHEMA (CosGradient).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).IdenticalTypeAndShape() |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Cos, GetCosGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Cosh, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, CoshFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CoshGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, CoshGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Cosh, GetCoshGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CosineEmbeddingCriterion, CosineEmbeddingCriterionOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CosineEmbeddingCriterionGradient, CosineEmbeddingCriterionGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CreateCounter, CreateCounterOp< int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ResetCounter, ResetCounterOp< int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CountDown, CountDownOp< int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CheckCounterDone, CheckCounterDoneOp< int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CountUp, CountUpOp< int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RetrieveCount, RetrieveCountOp< int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).ScalarType(TensorProto | SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (CreateCounter) |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (RetrieveCount) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (std::unique_ptr< Counter< int64_t >>) | |
REGISTER_BLOB_SERIALIZER ((TypeMeta::Id< std::unique_ptr< Counter< int64_t >>>()), CounterSerializer) | |
REGISTER_BLOB_DESERIALIZER (std::unique_ptr< Counter< int64_t >>, CounterDeserializer) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (CreateCounter, CreateCounterOp< int64_t, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (ResetCounter, ResetCounterOp< int64_t, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (CountDown, CountDownOp< int64_t, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (CheckCounterDone, CheckCounterDoneOp< int64_t, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (CountUp, CountUpOp< int64_t, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (RetrieveCount, RetrieveCountOp< int64_t, CUDAContext >) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (detail::WorkspaceStack) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CreateScope, CreateScopeOp< CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (CreateScope).NumInputs(0).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( 'CreateScope' operator initializes and outputs empty scope that is used by Do operator to store local blobs )DOC") | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (HasScope, HasScopeOp< CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (HasScope).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Checks whether scope blob has any saved scopes left )DOC") | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LabelCrossEntropy, LabelCrossEntropyOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LabelCrossEntropyGradient, LabelCrossEntropyGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( This operator computes the cross entropy between a $NxD$ dimensional input data tensor $X$ and a one dimensional input label tensor $label$. The op produces a single length $N$ output tensor $Y$. Here, $N$ is considered the batch size and $D$ is the size of each element in the batch. In practice, it is most commonly used at the end of models as a part of the loss computation, after the SoftMax operator and before the AveragedLoss operator. The cross entropy operation is defined as follows $$Y_i = -log(X_{ij})$$ where ($i$, $j$) is the classifier's prediction of the $j$th class (the correct one), and $i$ is the batch size. Each log has a lower limit for numerical stability. The difference between *LabelCrossEntropy* and *CrossEntropy* is how the labels are specified. Here, the labels are a length $N$ list of integers, whereas in CrossEntropy the labels are a $NxD$ dimensional matrix of one hot label vectors. However, the results of computation should be the same, as shown in the two examples where ($i$, $j$) is the classifier's prediction of the $j$th class (the correct one), and $i$ is the batch size. Each log has a lower limit for numerical stability. Github Links: - https://github.com/caffe2/caffe2/blob/master/caffe2/operators/cross_entropy_op.h - https://github.com/caffe2/caffe2/blob/master/caffe2/operators/cross_entropy_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "LabelCrossEntropy", ["X", "label"], ["Y"] ) // Create X: Sample softmax output for 5-class model X = np.array([[.01, .05, .02, .02, .9],[.03, .1, .42, .05, .4]]) print("X:\n",X) // Create label: Sample 1-hot ground truth label vectors label = np.array([4,2]) print("label:\n",label) // Feed X & label into workspace workspace.FeedBlob("X", X.astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("label", label.astype(np.int32)) // Run op workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) // Collect Output print("Y:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[0.01 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.9 ] [0.03 0.1 0.42 0.05 0.4 ]] label: [4 2] Y: [0.10536055 0.8675006 ] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
Input tensor which is almost always the result of a softmax operation $X is a array of size where $N is the batch size and $D is the number of classes | Input (1,"label","Blob containing the labels used to compare the input. $label$ is a length $N$ list of integers, where each element is the integer label for the $n$th element of the batch.").Output(0 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (LabelCrossEntropy, GetLabelCrossEntropyGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MakeTwoClass, MakeTwoClassOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MakeTwoClassGradient, MakeTwoClassGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits, SigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogitsOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogitsGradient, SigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogitsGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (WeightedSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits, WeightedSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogitsOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (WeightedSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogitsGradient, WeightedSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogitsGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
out[0] | add_dims (in[0].dims(0)) |
out[0] | add_dims (2) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Given a vector of probabilities, this operator transforms this into a 2-column matrix with complimentary probabilities for binary classification. In explicit terms, given the vector X, the output Y is vstack(1 - X, X). )DOC").Input(0 | |
Input vector of probabilities | Output (0,"Y","2-column matrix with complimentary probabilities of X for ""binary classification") |
Arg ("log_D_trick", R"DOC( default is false; if enabled, will use the log d trick to avoid the vanishing gradients early on; see Goodfellow et. al (2014) )DOC").Arg("unjoined_lr_loss" | |
R | DOC (default is false;if enabled, the model will be allowed to train on an unjoined dataset, where some examples might be false negative and might appear in the dataset later as(true) positive example.) DOC") .NumInputs(2) .NumOutputs(1) .IdenticalTypeAndShapeOfInputDim(0 |
R | SetDoc (R"DOC( Given two matrices logits and targets, of same shape, (batch_size, num_classes), computes the sigmoid cross entropy between the two. Returns a tensor of shape (batch_size,) of losses for each example. )DOC").Input(0 |
R matrix of logits for each example and class | Input (1,"targets","matrix of targets, same shape as logits.").Output(0 |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Given three matrices: logits, targets, weights, all of the same shape, (batch_size, num_classes), computes the weighted sigmoid cross entropy between logits and targets. Specifically, at each position r,c, this computes weights[r, c] * crossentropy(sigmoid(logits[r, c]), targets[r, c]), and then averages over each row. Returns a tensor of shape (batch_size,) of losses for each example. )DOC").Input(0 | |
matrix of logits for each example and class matrix of same shape as logits | Output (0,"xentropy","Vector with the total xentropy for each example.") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (MakeTwoClass, GetMakeTwoClassGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits, GetSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogitsGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (WeightedSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits, GetWeightedSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogitsGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CrossEntropy, CrossEntropyOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CrossEntropyGradient, CrossEntropyGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( This operator computes the cross entropy between a $NxD$ dimensional input data tensor $X$ and a $NxD$ dimensional input label tensor $label$. The op produces a single length $N$ output tensor $Y$. Here, $N$ is considered the batch size and $D$ is the size of each element in the batch. In practice, it is most commonly used at the end of models as a part of the loss computation, after the SoftMax operator and before the AveragedLoss operator. The cross entropy operation is defined as follows $$Y_i = \sum_j (label_{ij} * log(X_{ij}))$$ where ($i$, $j$) is the classifier's prediction of the $j$th class (the correct one), and $i$ is the batch size. Each log has a lower limit for numerical stability. Github Links: - https://github.com/caffe2/caffe2/blob/master/caffe2/operators/cross_entropy_op.h - https://github.com/caffe2/caffe2/blob/master/caffe2/operators/cross_entropy_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "CrossEntropy", ["X", "label"], ["Y"] ) // Create X: Sample softmax output for 5-class model X = np.array([[.01, .05, .02, .02, .9],[.03, .1, .42, .05, .4]]) print("X:\n",X) // Create label: Sample 1-hot ground truth label vectors label = np.array([[0.,0.,0.,0.,1.],[0.,0.,1.,0.,0.]]) print("label:\n",label) // Feed X & label into workspace workspace.FeedBlob("X", X.astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("label", label.astype(np.float32)) // Run op workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) // Collect Output print("Y:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[0.01 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.9 ] [0.03 0.1 0.42 0.05 0.4 ]] label: [[0. 0. 0. 0. 1.] [0. 0. 1. 0. 0.]] Y: [0.10536055 0.8675006 ] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
Input tensor which is almost always the result of a softmax operation $X is a array of size where $N is the batch size and $D is the number of classes | Input (1,"label","Blob containing the labels used to compare the input. $label$ is the same shape as $X$.").Output(0 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (CrossEntropy, GetCrossEntropyGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CTCBeamSearchDecoder, CTCBeamSearchDecoderOp< CPUContext >) | |
Maximum number of candidates to carry over to next activation step | Arg ("prune_threshold","Probability threshold below which outputs are ignored.").Input(0 |
Maximum number of candidates to carry over to next activation step float Tensor sized[max_activation_length, batch_size, alphabet_size] of network | logits (before softmax application).") .Input( 1 |
Maximum number of candidates to carry over to next activation step float Tensor sized[max_activation_length, batch_size, alphabet_size] of network optional int vector containing sequence having size[batch_size] seq_len will be set to max_time if not provided | Output (0,"OUTPUT_LEN","Output_len matrix size (batch_size). ""Each index stores final output length of its corresponding batch item.").Output(1 |
Maximum number of candidates to carry over to next activation step float Tensor sized[max_activation_length, batch_size, alphabet_size] of network optional int vector containing sequence having size[batch_size] seq_len will be set to max_time if not provided Values | size (total_decoded_outputs)." "The flattened vector of final output sequences |
Maximum number of candidates to carry over to next activation step float Tensor sized[max_activation_length, batch_size, alphabet_size] of network optional int vector containing sequence having size[batch_size] seq_len will be set to max_time if not provided Values in batch order | InheritOnnxSchema () |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CTCGreedyDecoder, CTCGreedyDecoderOp< CPUContext >) | |
When merge_repeated is merge repeated classes in output | SetDoc ("Greedy decoder for connectionist temporal classification.").Input(0 |
When merge_repeated is merge repeated classes in output float Tensor sized[max_time, batch_size, num_classes] | Input (1,"SEQ_LEN","(optional) 1D int vector containing sequence lengths, ""having size [batch_size]""seq_len will be set to max_time if not provided").Output(0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Cube, UnaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, CubeFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CubeGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, CubeGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Cube, GetCubeGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DataCouple, DataCoupleOp< CPUContext >) | |
EnforceOneToOneInplace ().SetDoc(R"DOC( A one to one operator that takes an arbitrary number of input and output blobs such that each input blob is inplace with it's matching output blob. It then proceedes to do nothing with each of these operators. This serves two purposes. It can make it appear as if a blob has been written to | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (std::unique_ptr< dataset_ops::TreeCursor >) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (dataset_ops::TensorVectorPtr) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (dataset_ops::SharedTensorVectorPtr) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (DeformConvGradient).NumInputs(4 | |
NumOutputs (2, 4) | |
vector< TensorShape > | TensorInferenceForDotProduct (const OperatorDef &, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
OpSchema::Cost | CostInferenceForDotProduct (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SquaredL2Distance, SquaredL2DistanceOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SquaredL2DistanceGradient, SquaredL2DistanceGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Given two input float tensors X, Y, and produces one output float tensor of the L2 difference between X and Y that is computed as ||(X - Y)^2 / 2||. )DOC").Input(0 | |
or input tensor | Input (1,"Y","1D or 2D input tensor (must have the same shape as X)").Output(0 |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (SquaredL2DistanceGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(2) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SquaredL2Distance, GetSquaredL2DistanceGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (L1Distance, L1DistanceOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (L1DistanceGradient, L1DistanceGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Computes the row-wise L1 Distance between the two input tensors $X$ and $Y$, which is defined as $$L1Distance(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}) = \sum_{i}\mid x_i - y_i\mid$$ Note, both inputs must either be 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional and both must have the same shape. The output $Z$ will be 1-dimensional regardless and its length will equal the number of rows in the inputs. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/distance_op.h - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/distance_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "L1Distance", ["X", "Y"], ["Z"] ) // Create X X = 5*np.ones((1, 4)) print("X:\n",X) // Create Y Y = np.ones((1, 4)) print("Y:\n",Y) // Feed X & Y into workspace workspace.FeedBlob("X", X.astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Y", Y.astype(np.float32)) // Run op workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) // Collect Output print("Z:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("Z")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[5. 5. 5. 5.]] Y: [[1. 1. 1. 1.]] Z: [16.] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
First input | tensor (1D or 2D)") .Input(1 |
First input Second input | tensor (must have the same shape as $X $)") .Output(0 |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (L1DistanceGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(2) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (L1Distance, GetL1DistanceGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DotProduct, DotProductOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DotProductGradient, DotProductGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Computes and outputs the dot product of the two input float tensors `X` and `Y`. Note that `X` and `Y` must be either 1D or 2D, and they must be the same shape. The output tensor is 1D, which represents either the product of each element in a respective dimension if the inputs are 1D, or the sum of the products in a given dimension if the inputs are 2D matrices. Note that the actual dot product is a scalar value, which is effectively the sum of the elements in the 1D output tensor. For 1D inputs: Given two vectors $X = [x_0, x_1, x_2]$ and $Y = [y_0, y_1, y_2]$; $Z = [x_0 * y_0, x_1 * y_1, x_2 * y_2]$ For 2D inputs: Given two matrices: $$X = [[x_0^0, x_1^0, x_2^0], \\ [x_0^1, x_1^1, x_2^1], \\ [x_0^2, x_1^2, x_2^2], \\ ..., \\ [x_0^n, x_1^n, x_2^n]]$$ and $$Y = [[y_0^0, y_1^0, y_2^0], \\ [y_0^1, y_1^1, y_2^1], \\ [y_0^2, y_1^2, y_2^2], \\ ..., \\ [y_0^n, y_1^n, y_2^n]]$$ then $$Z = \biggl[\Big((x_0^0 * y_0^0) + (x_1^0 * y_1^0) + (x_2^0 * y_2^0)\Big), \\ \Big((x_0^1 * y_0^1) + (x_1^1 * y_1^1) + (x_2^1 * y_2^1)\Big), \\ \Big((x_0^2 * y_0^2) + (x_1^2 * y_1^2) + (x_2^2 * y_2^2)\Big), \\ ..., \\ \Big((x_0^n * y_0^n) + (x_1^n * y_1^n) + (x_2^n * y_2^n)\Big)\biggr]$$ Github Link: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/distance_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "DotProduct", ["X", "Y"], ["Z"] ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", np.random.randint(20, size=(5)).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Y", np.random.randint(20, size=(5)).astype(np.float32)) print("X:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) print("Y:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Z:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) workspace.ResetWorkspace() workspace.FeedBlob("X", np.random.randint(10, size=(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Y", np.random.randint(10, size=(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) print("X:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) print("Y:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Z:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("Z")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [ 2. 15. 2. 7. 12.] Y: [ 3. 12. 9. 3. 18.] Z: [ 2. 15. 2. 7. 12.] X: [[2. 0. 4.] [7. 7. 4.] [7. 9. 9.]] Y: [[2. 0. 8.] [9. 6. 1.] [7. 8. 0.]] Z: [ 36. 109. 121.] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (DotProductGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(2) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (DotProduct, GetDotProductGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CosineSimilarity, CosineSimilarityOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CosineSimilarityGradient, CosineSimilarityGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( This op takes two input float tensors of the same size, $X$ and $Y$, and produces one output float tensor , $Z$, calculated as the cosine similarity between $X$ and $Y$. Recall, the cosine similarity between two tensors $X$ and $Y$ is defined as: $$\mathbf{Z}=CosineSimilarity(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Y}) = \frac{\mathbf{X}\cdot\mathbf{Y}}{\|\mathbf{X}\|\|\mathbf{Y}\|} = \frac{\sum_n^{i=1}X_iY_i}{\sqrt{\sum_n^{i=1}X_i^2}\sqrt{\sum_n^{i=1}Y_i^2}}$$ Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/distance_op.h - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/distance_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "CosineSimilarity", ["X", "Y"], ["Z"] ) // Create X X = np.random.randn(3, 3) print("X:\n",X) // Create Y Y = np.random.randn(3, 3) print("Y:\n",Y) // Feed X & Y into workspace workspace.FeedBlob("X", X.astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Y", Y.astype(np.float32)) // Run op workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) // Collect Output print("Z:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("Z")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[-0.42635564 -0.23831588 -0.25515547] [ 1.43914719 -1.05613228 1.01717373] [ 0.06883105 0.33386519 -1.46648334]] Y: [[-0.90648691 -0.14241514 -1.1070837 ] [ 0.92152729 -0.28115511 -0.17756722] [-0.88394254 1.34654037 -0.80080998]] Z: [-1.7849885e-23 1.7849885e-23 -1.0842022e-07] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (CosineSimilarityGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(2) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (CosineSimilarity, GetCosineSimilarityGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DotProductWithPadding, DotProductWithPaddingOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DotProductWithPaddingGradient, DotProductWithPaddingGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
Y with different shapes and produces one output float tensor of the dot product between X and Y We currently support two kinds of strategies to achieve this Before doing normal dot_product pad the smaller | tensor (using pad_value) to the same shape as the other one.2) replicate the smaller tensor to the same shape as the other one.Note the first dimension of X |
Y with different shapes and produces one output float tensor of the dot product between X and Y We currently support two kinds of strategies to achieve this Before doing normal dot_product pad the smaller Y must be equal Only the second dimension of X or Y can be padded DOC | Input (0,"X","1D or 2D input tensor").Input(1 |
Y with different shapes and produces one output float tensor of the dot product between X and Y We currently support two kinds of strategies to achieve this Before doing normal dot_product pad the smaller Y must be equal Only the second dimension of X or Y can be padded DOC or input tensor | Output (0,"Z","1D output tensor").IdenticalTypeAndShapeOfInputDim(0 |
Y with different shapes and produces one output float tensor of the dot product between X and Y We currently support two kinds of strategies to achieve this Before doing normal dot_product pad the smaller Y must be equal Only the second dimension of X or Y can be padded DOC or input tensor | Arg ("pad_value","the padding value for tensors with smaller dimension").Arg("replicate" |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (DotProductWithPaddingGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(2) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (DotProductWithPadding, GetDotProductWithPaddingGradient) | |
NumInputs (1, INT_MAX).NumOutputs(1 | |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( 'Do' control operator, executes a subnet in a separate workspace. Last blobs in the input and output lists should be the same blob created with CreateScope op. Arguments 'inner_blobs' and 'outer_blobs_idx' provide a mapping between selected inner blob names and corresponding outer blob indices. )DOC").Arg("net" |
INT_MAX Subnet with blob bindings | Arg ("inner_blobs","List of inner net blob names to bind to outer workspace").Arg("outer_blobs_idx" |
INT_MAX Subnet with blob bindings Indices of corresponding outer workspace in | operator outputs (skipping workspace blobs)") .Arg( "saved_fwd_blobs" |
INT_MAX Subnet with blob bindings Indices of corresponding outer workspace in List of blobs from the forward Do | operator workspace needed" "in backward pass, used in gradient Do operator") .Arg ("reuse_workspace","Whether to reuse workspace or create a new one in a given scope").AllowInplace([](int in |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Dropout, DropoutOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (DropoutGrad, DropoutGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
if (def.output().size()==2) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( `Dropout` takes one input data tensor (`X`) and produces two tensor outputs, `Y` and `mask`. If the `is_test` argument is zero (default=0), the output `Y` will be the input with random elements zeroed. The probability that a given element is zeroed is determined by the `ratio` argument. If the `is_test` argument is set to non-zero, the output `Y` is exactly the same as the input `X`. Note that outputs are scaled by a factor of $\frac{1}{1-ratio}$ during training, so that during test time, we can simply compute an identity function. This scaling is important because we want the output at test time to equal the expected value at training time. Dropout has been proven to be an effective regularization technique to prevent overfitting during training. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/dropout_op.h - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/dropout_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Dropout", ["X"], ["Y"] + ["mask"], ratio=0.5, is_test=0 ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", np.random.randint(10, size=(5, 5)).astype(np.float32)) print("X:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) print("mask:", workspace.FetchBlob("mask")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[5. 4. 3. 6. 9.] [2. 1. 8. 0. 9.] [7. 3. 0. 6. 3.] [1. 8. 2. 6. 4.] [6. 2. 6. 4. 0.]] Y: [[ 0. 0. 0. 12. 18.] [ 0. 0. 16. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 12. 6.] [ 0. 0. 4. 0. 0.] [12. 0. 0. 0. 0.]] mask: [[False False False True True] [False False True True False] [False False True True True] [False False True False False] [ True False False False False]] ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("ratio" | |
default perform dropout If non | zero (test mode) |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Dropout, GetDropoutGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AddGradient, BinaryElementwiseGradientOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, AddFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Add, GetAddGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Add, BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, AddFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Add, BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CUDAContext, AddFunctor< CUDAContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (AddGradient, BinaryElementwiseGradientOp< NumericTypes, CUDAContext, AddFunctor< CUDAContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DivGradient, BinaryElementwiseGradientOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, DivFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Div, GetDivGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Div, BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, DivFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ElementwiseLinear, ElementwiseLinearOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ElementwiseLinearGradient, ElementwiseLinearGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ElementwiseLinear, GetElementwiseLinearGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MulGradient, BinaryElementwiseGradientOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, MulFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Mul, GetMulGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Mul, BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, MulFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Not, UnaryElementwiseOp< BoolTypes, CPUContext, NotFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Sign, UnaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, SignFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SumReduceLike, SumReduceLikeOp< CPUContext >) | |
CostInferenceFunction (PointwiseCostInference< 1 >).TensorInferenceFunction(ElementwiseOpShapeInference).FillUsing(MathDocGenerator("addition" | |
and the dimensions of the second input is the contiguous subset of the dimensions of the first For the following tensor shapes are | shape (B) |
and the dimensions of the second input is the contiguous subset of the dimensions of the first For the following tensor shapes are i e B is a scalar | shape (A) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SubGradient, BinaryElementwiseGradientOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, SubFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Sub, GetSubGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Sub, BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, SubFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Sub, BinaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CUDAContext, SubFunctor< CUDAContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (SubGradient, BinaryElementwiseGradientOp< NumericTypes, CUDAContext, SubFunctor< CUDAContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Sum, SumOp< CPUContext >) | |
CostInferenceFunction (CostInferenceForSum).InputsCanCrossDevices().IdenticalTypeAndShapeOfInput(0).SetDoc(R"DOC( Element-wise sum of each of the input tensors. The first input tensor can be used in-place as the output tensor | |
in which case the sum will be done in place and results will be accumulated the first input tensor All inputs and outputs must have the same shape and data type Github workspace | FeedBlob ("A", np.array([[1, 2],[3, 4]]).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("B" |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Elu, UnaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, EluFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (EluGradient, BinaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, EluGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (EnforceFinite, EnforceFiniteOp< CPUContext >) | |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (EnforceFinite) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (EnsureClipped, EnsureClippedOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (1, 3).NumOutputs(1).Input(0 | |
Parameters to be normalized | Input (1,"indices","Sparse indices, only needed for sparse param").Input(2 |
Parameters to be normalized Gradient only needed for sparse param | Output (0,"output_param","param ensured to be clipped within range").AllowInplace( |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Given a tensor, apply clip after gradient is applied; when the param is sparse as indicated by valid indices and grad, in-place is required )DOC") | |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (EnsureClipped) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (EnsureCPUOutput, EnsureCPUOutputOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( This Op always create TensorCPU output, and may involves cross-device MemCpy. Under CPU Context, this Op takes TensorCPU as input. Under the CUDA Context, this Op accepts either CUDA or CPU Tensor input. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The input CUDA or CPU tensor | Output (0,"output","TensorCPU that is a copy of the input.") |
NO_GRADIENT (EnsureCPUOutput) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Erf, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, ErfFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ErfGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, ErfGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Erf, GetErfGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Exp, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, ExpFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Exp, GetExpGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Exp, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CUDAContext, ExpFunctor< CUDAContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Expand, ExpandOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ExpandGradient, ExpandGradientOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Broadcast the input tensor to a materialized new tensor using given shape. Broadcast rule is similar to "numpy.array(input)*numpy.ones(shape)" Two corresponding dimensions must have the same or one of them equals to In order to align with PyTorch s shape is allowed to have entries equal which means to preserve the size of the corresponding dimension in | X (so it's actually equivalent to equal to 1).) DOC") .Input(0 |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (ExpandGradient).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Expand, GetExpandGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Expand, ExpandOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (ExpandGradient, ExpandGradientOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ExpandDims, ExpandDimsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Squeeze, SqueezeOp< CPUContext >) | |
TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in){ArgumentHelper helper(def);auto dims=helper.template GetRepeatedArgument< int >("dims");auto originalSize=dims.size();CAFFE_ENFORCE(originalSize > 0,"Parameter `dims` must be provided.");std::sort(dims.begin(), dims.end());dims.erase(std::unique(dims.begin(), dims.end()), dims.end());if(dims.size()< originalSize){LOG(WARNING)<< "Parameter `dims` has repeated dimensions.";}CAFFE_ENFORCE(dims.front() >=0,"Dimension ids must be non-negative.");CAFFE_ENFORCE_GE(in[0].dims_size()+dims.size(), dims.back()+1,"Input needs at least ",(1+dims.back()-dims.size())," dimensions given `dims`.");vector< TensorShape > out(1);int cur_pos=0;int idx=0;for(const auto new_dim:dims){for(int i=cur_pos;i< new_dim;i++){out[0].add_dims(in[0].dims(idx++));}out[0].add_dims(1);cur_pos=new_dim+1;}for(;idx< in[0].dims_size();idx++){out[0].add_dims(in[0].dims(idx));}out[0].set_data_type(in[0].data_type());return out;}).SetDoc(R"DOC( The *ExpandDims* op inserts single-dimensional entries into the shape of the input tensor *data | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( The *Squeeze* op removes single-dimensional entries from the shape of the input tensor *data,* and produces a single output tensor *squeezed*. The op also takes an argument *dims* with a list of dimensions to squeeze. If the same blob is provided as input and output, the operation is copy-free. This is the exact inverse operation of *ExpandDims* given the same *dims* argument. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/expand_squeeze_dims_op.h - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/expand_squeeze_dims_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Squeeze", ["data"], ["squeezed"], dims=[0,1], ) workspace.FeedBlob("data", np.zeros((1,1,100,100)).astype(np.float32)) print("data.shape:", workspace.FetchBlob("data").shape) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("squeezed.shape:", workspace.FetchBlob("squeezed").shape) ``` **Result** ``` data.shape: (1, 1, 100, 100) squeezed.shape: (100, 100) ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
Input tensor of data to be operated on | Output (0,"squeezed","Reshaped tensor with same data as input.").Arg("dims" |
dims | erase (std::unique(dims.begin(), dims.end()), dims.end()) |
if (dims.size()< originalSize) | |
CAFFE_ENFORCE (dims.front() >=0,"Dimension ids must be non-negative.") | |
vector< TensorShape > | out (1) |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Squeeze, GetSqueezeGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ExpandDims, GetExpandDimsGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Squeeze, SqueezeOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (ExpandDims, ExpandDimsOp< CUDAContext >) | |
std::vector< TensorShape > | FCShapeInference (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in, bool pretransposed_weight) |
OpSchema::Cost | CostInferenceForFC (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in, bool pretransposed_weight) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FeedBlob, FeedBlobOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (0, 0).NumOutputs(1 | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( FeedBlobs the content of the blobs. The input and output blobs should be one-to-one inplace.)DOC").Arg("value" | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (UniformFill, UniformFillOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (UniformIntFill, UniformFillOp< int, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (UniqueUniformFill, UniqueUniformFillOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ConstantFill, ConstantFillOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DiagonalFill, DiagonalFillOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GaussianFill, GaussianFillOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (XavierFill, XavierFillOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MSRAFill, MSRAFillOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RangeFill, RangeFillOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsRangeFill, LengthsRangeFillOp< CPUContext >) | |
TensorInferenceFunction (FillerTensorInference<>).SetDoc(R"DOC( This operator fills the elements of the output tensor with a const ant value specified by the `value` argument. - The data type is specified by the `dtype` argument - Currently | |
the data types supported are *float *int32 *int64 and *bool *If the dtype argument is not the data type of value is used The output tensor shape is either specified by the shape argument or will match the shape of the input tensor if one is | provided (if an input tensor is provided, a shape argument should not be set)-Optional additional dimensions can be appended at the end as specified by`extra_shape`argument-If`input_as_shape`is set to True |
the data types supported are *float *int32 *int64 and *bool *If the dtype argument is not the data type of value is used The output tensor shape is either specified by the shape argument or will match the shape of the input tensor if one is the input should be a tensor containing the desired output | shape (the dimensions specified in`extra_shape`will also be appended) When specifying`dtype`argument |
shape input must be in CPU context | Input (0,"shape","(*Tensor`<int>`*): 1-D tensor of the shape of the output, must be used with `input_as_shape` argument").Input(1 |
shape input must be in CPU context inclusive | Input (2,"max","(*Tensor`<float>`*): scalar tensor containing maximum value, inclusive").Output(0 |
NumInputs ({0, 1, 3}).NumOutputs(1).AllowInplace( | |
TensorInferenceFunction (FillerTensorInference< TensorProto_DataType_INT32 >).SetDoc(R"DOC( Fill the output tensor with int32 samples from uniform distribution [`min` | |
max The range can be defined either by arguments or input blobs min and max are inclusive If the range is given by input you also need to give the shape as input When the range is given as this | operator enforces min<=max.When the range is given as inputs, the constraint is not enforced.-When the range is given as inputs and max< min, the first dimension of the output is set to 0.This behavior is allowed so that dynamically sampling indices into a dynamically sized tensor is possible.-The shape of the output can be given as argument or input.Github Links:-https:-https:< details >< summary >< b >Example</b ></summary > **Code **```workspace.ResetWorkspace () op_1 |
shape input must be in CPU context inclusive | Input (2,"max","(*Tensor`<int>`*): scalar tensor containing maximum value, inclusive").Output(0 |
NumInputs (0, 2).NumOutputs(1).AllowInplace( | |
its elements will be excluded from uniform sampling Using the second input will require you to provide shape via the first input DOC | Arg ("min","Minimum value, inclusive").Arg("max" |
its elements will be excluded from uniform sampling Using the second input will require you to provide shape via the first input DOC Maximum inclusive | Arg ("dtype","The data type for the elements of the output tensor.""Strictly must be one of the types from DataType enum in TensorProto.""This only supports INT32 and INT64 now. If not set, assume INT32").Arg("shape" |
its elements will be excluded from uniform sampling Using the second input will require you to provide shape via the first input DOC Maximum inclusive The shape of the output tensor Cannot set the shape argument and pass in an input at the same time | Arg ("extra_shape","The additional dimensions appended at the end of the shape indicated""by the input blob. ""Cannot set the extra_shape argument when there is no input blob.").Arg("input_as_shape" |
its elements will be excluded from uniform sampling Using the second input will require you to provide shape via the first input DOC Maximum inclusive The shape of the output tensor Cannot set the shape argument and pass in an input at the same time tensor containing the desired output shape First input must be in CPU context | Input (0,"input","Input tensor to provide shape information").Input(1 |
its elements will be excluded from uniform sampling Using the second input will require you to provide shape via the first input DOC Maximum inclusive The shape of the output tensor Cannot set the shape argument and pass in an input at the same time tensor containing the desired output shape First input must be in CPU context optional Avoid elements in this tensor Elements must be unique | Output (0,"output","Output tensor of unique uniform samples") |
if *input_as_shape *is set to *true then the *input *should be a tensor containing the desired output | shape (the dimensions specified in *extra_shape *will also be appended).In this case |
template<int VALUE_TYPE = TensorProto_DataType_FLOAT> | |
std::vector< TensorShape > | FillerTensorInference (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
Index (integers)") .Input(1 | |
Needles query | Output (0,"query_indices","Indices of the needles in index or 'missing value'").Arg("missing_value" |
Needles query Placeholder for items that are not found | SetDoc (R"DOC( Finds elements of second input from first input, outputting the last (max) index for each query. If query not find, inserts missing_value. See IndexGet() for a version that modifies the index when values are not found. )DOC") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Flatten, FlattenOp< CPUContext >) | |
std::vector< TensorShape > | TensorInferenceForFlatten (const OperatorDef &def, const std::vector< TensorShape > &in) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FlexibleTopK, FlexibleTopKOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FlexibleTopKGradient, FlexibleTopKGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Floor, FloorOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Element-wise application of the floor function ($y=floor(x)$) to the input tensor `X`. Output tensor shape is the same as the input tensor. This operator can be used in an in-place fashion by using the same input blob as the output blob. Github Link: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/floor_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Floor", ["X"], ["X"], ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", (np.random.uniform(-10, 10, (5,5))).astype(np.float32)) print("X before running op:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("X after running op:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) ``` **Result** ``` X before running op: [[ 3.813361 -1.319647 5.2089314 -4.931328 0.6218652 ] [ 7.2757645 5.5552588 5.785643 -2.4790506 -0.41400087] [ 1.1541046 -6.933266 3.3754056 1.6569928 -1.7670316 ] [-3.4932013 4.891472 1.5530115 -3.2443287 -4.605099 ] [-4.574543 -7.360948 5.91305 -8.196495 -5.357458 ]] X after running op: [[ 3. -2. 5. -5. 0.] [ 7. 5. 5. -3. -1.] [ 1. -7. 3. 1. -2.] [-4. 4. 1. -4. -5.] [-5. -8. 5. -9. -6.]] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Free, FreeOp< CPUContext >) | |
INT_MAX | SameNumberOfOutput ().EnforceOneToOneInplace().SetDoc(R"DOC( Frees the content of the blobs. The input and output blobs should be one-to-one inplace.)DOC") |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Free, FreeOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FC, FullyConnectedOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (FCGradient, FullyConnectedGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FCTransposed, FullyConnectedOp< CPUContext, DefaultEngine, false >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (FCTransposedGradient, FullyConnectedGradientOp< CPUContext, DefaultEngine, false >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (FC, FullyConnectedOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (FCGradient, FullyConnectedGradientOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (FCTransposed, FullyConnectedOp< CUDAContext, DefaultEngine, false >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (FCTransposedGradient, FullyConnectedGradientOp< CUDAContext, DefaultEngine, false >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized, FloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantizedOp< float, convertfp32fp32, CPUContext >) | |
X | set_dims (1, X.dims(1)+8) |
out | push_back (std::move(X)) |
out[0] | set_data_type (TensorProto_DataType_UINT8) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Applies 8-bit row-wise quantization by determining the range (maximum - minimum) and offset (minimum value) of each row in the input matrix, and then scaling each element to an 8-bit number between 0 and 255. To later de-quantize values, the scale (range / 255) and offset (bias) are stored alongside the data. More precisely, the first 4 bytes of each row in the output matrix are a 32-bit float storing the scale, the next 4 bytes store the bias as a 32-bit float, and all remaining bytes in the row encode single quantized values.) )DOC").Input(0 | |
Float32 input data | Output (0,"output","Fused scale, bias and quantized data") |
NO_GRADIENT (FloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (HalfFloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized, FloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantizedOp< at::Half, convertfp16fp32, CPUContext >) | |
NO_GRADIENT (HalfFloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Fused8BitRowwiseQuantizedToFloat, Fused8BitRowwiseQuantizedToFloatOp< float, convertfp32fp32, CPUContext >) | |
X | set_dims (1, X.dims(1)-8) |
out[0] | set_data_type (TensorProto_DataType_FLOAT) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( De-quantizes the result of the FloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized operator. The input is expected to encode the scale as a 32-bit float in the second to the last 4 bytes of each row, followed by the bias as a 32-bit float in the next 4 bytes, and the quantized values in the preceding bytes of the row. The output is a matrix containing only the values, but de-quantized. De-quantization is performed by multiplying each value by its row's scale and bias parameters. The de-quantized values will thus not be exactly equal to the original, un-quantized floating point values. )DOC").Input(0 | |
Fused bias and quantized data | Output (0,"float_output","Float32 data") |
NO_GRADIENT (Fused8BitRowwiseQuantizedToFloat) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Fused8BitRowwiseQuantizedToHalfFloat, Fused8BitRowwiseQuantizedToFloatOp< at::Half, convertfp32fp16, CPUContext >) | |
out[0] | set_data_type (TensorProto_DataType_FLOAT16) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( De-quantizes the result of the HalfFloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized operator. The input is expected to encode the scale as a 32-bit float in the second to the last 4 bytes of each row, followed by the bias as a 32-bit float in the next 4 bytes, and the quantized values in the preceding bytes of the row. The output is a matrix containing only the values, but de-quantized. De-quantization is performed by multiplying each value by its row's scale and bias parameters. The de-quantized values will thus not be exactly equal to the original, un-quantized floating point values. )DOC").Input(0 | |
Fused bias and quantized data | Output (0,"float16_output","Float16 data") |
NO_GRADIENT (Fused8BitRowwiseQuantizedToHalfFloat) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FloatToFusedRandRowwiseQuantized, FloatToFusedRandRowwiseQuantizedOp< CPUContext >) | |
X | set_dims (1, 10+(X.dims(1)+data_per_byte-1)/data_per_byte) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Applies row-wise stochastic/random quantization by determining the range of each row in the input matrix, and then quantize each element to one of two closest discrete levels by randomly drawing Bernoulli distribution. The method is extended from TernGrad [1], which randomly quantizes gradients to three levels to reduce communication in distributed training. The format of each row (x) in the output matrix is [bitwidth][tail][min][max][data]: bitwidth[1 Byte]: bitwidth per data [1, 2, 4 or 8]; tail[1 Byte]: the number of unused buckets [1-8] (One byte is split to 8/bitwidth buckets and each bucket stores one low-precision data in bitwidth bits); min[4 Bytes]: the minimum floating value min(x); max[4 Bytes]: the maximum floating value max(x); data: quantized data. The quantization is uniform with levels q = min + (max-min)/(2^bitwidth - 1)*[0:1:2^bitwidth]. During stochastic/random quantization x'=Quantize(x), for q_j < x_i <= q_{j+1}, we draw quantization x'_i from Bernoulli distributions with P(x'_i = q_{j+1}) = (x_i - q_j)/(q_{j+1} - q_j), and P(x'_i = q_j) = (q_{j+1} - x_i)/(q_{j+1} - q_j) where x'_i is the quantized value of x_i. [1] proved E{x'_i}=x_i, which is an unbiased approximation. More details are in the paper. For example, suppose targeted bitwidth = 2 and x = [0.3, -1.4, -0.6, 0.9, 1.0], then tail = 3, min = -1.4, max = 1.0 and q = [-1.4, -0.6, 0.2, 1.0]. x_1 = 0.3 will be quantized to x'_1 = 0.2 with probability 7/8 and to x'_1 = 1.0 with probability 1/8. The storage format of quantized data is: [x'_1|x'_3|x'_5|xxx]-[x'_2|x'_4|xxx|xxx]. In general, a input row is split to multiple segments. One segment is a continuous subarray of the row, and its length is the number of bytes storing quantized data in the output matrix. The b-th bucket of the i-th byte stores the i-th data of the b-th segment of input row. [1] Wen, Wei, Cong Xu, Feng Yan, Chunpeng Wu, Yandan Wang, Yiran Chen, and Hai Li. "Terngrad:Ternary gradients to reduce communication in distributed deep learning." In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 1508-1518. 2017. )DOC").Input(0 | |
Float32 input data | Output (0,"output","Fused bitwidth, tail, min, max and quantized data").Arg("bitwidth" |
Float32 input data How many bits to quantiz per | data (defaults to 8).") .Arg("random" |
Float32 input data How many bits to quantiz per random or | not (True).False is set up for unittest.") |
NO_GRADIENT (FloatToFusedRandRowwiseQuantized) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FusedRandRowwiseQuantizedToFloat, FusedRandRowwiseQuantizedToFloatOp< CPUContext >) | |
const vector< TensorShape > & | for (int i=0;i< def.output_size();i++) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( De-quantizes the result of the FloatToFusedRandRowwiseQuantized operator. Refer FloatToFusedRandRowwiseQuantized operator for details. )DOC").Input(0 | |
Fused max and quantized data | Output (0,"float_input","Float32 data") |
NO_GRADIENT (FusedRandRowwiseQuantizedToFloat) | |
but operating on bit rowwise quantized matrices with fused | storage (where each row stores quantized values, and then the scale and offset).DATA needs to have rank 2 and INDICES needs to have rank 1.) DOC") .Input( 0 |
but operating on bit rowwise quantized matrices with fused uint8 tensor with rank obtained with | operator FloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized") .Input (1,"INDICES","Integer vector containing indices of the first dimension of DATA for""the rows that are being gathered").Output(0 |
but operating on bit rowwise quantized matrices with fused uint8 tensor with rank obtained with output | TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in){vector< TensorShape > out(1);for(auto d:in[1].dims()){out[0].add_dims(d);}for(int i=1;i< in[0].dims_size();++i){out[0].add_dims(in[0].dims(i));}out[0].set_data_type(in[0].data_type());return out;}) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GatherFused8BitRowwise, GatherFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Gather, GatherOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GenerateProposals, GenerateProposalsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GenerateProposalsCPP, GenerateProposalsOp< CPUContext >) | |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC | Arg ("spatial_scale","(float) spatial scale").Arg("pre_nms_topN" |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N | Arg ("post_nms_topN","(int) RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N").Arg("nms_thresh" |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH | Arg ("min_size","(float) RPN_MIN_SIZE").Arg("angle_bound_on" |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH | bool (default true).If set |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] | Arg ("angle_bound_lo","int (default -90 degrees). If set, for rotated boxes, angle is ""normalized to be within [angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi].").Arg("angle_bound_hi" |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] | int (default 90 degrees).If set |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] | Arg ("clip_angle_thresh","float (default 1.0 degrees). For RRPN, clip almost horizontal boxes ""within this threshold of tolerance for backward compatibility. ""Set to negative value for no clipping.").Input(0 |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv | size (img_count, A, H, W)") .Input( 1 |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv | size (img_count, 4 *A, H, W)") .Input( 2 |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image | size (img_count, 3) |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image | format (height, width, scale)") .Input(3 |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image Bounding box | size (A, 4)") .Output( 0 |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image Bounding box | size (n x 5) |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image Bounding box | format (image_index, x1, y1, x2, y2)") .Output(1 |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image Bounding box scores of | size (n)") |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (GenerateProposalsCPP).NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(2) | |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (GenerateProposals) | |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (GenerateProposalsCPP) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GivenTensorByteStringToUInt8Fill, GivenTensorByteStringToUInt8FillOp< CPUContext >) | |
NO_GRADIENT (GivenTensorByteStringToUInt8Fill) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( This op fills a uint8 output tensor with the data specified by the *value* argument. The data must previously be serialized as a byte string. The output tensor shape is specified by the *shape* argument. Beware, when using this argument *value* should have a value for every element of the *output*, as missing values will not be initialized automatically. If *input_as_shape* is set to *true*, then the *input* should be a 1D tensor containing the desired output shape (the dimensions specified in *extra_shape* will also be appended). In this case, the *shape* argument should **not** be set. This op allows us to write uint8 tensors to Protobuf as byte strings and read them back as uint8 tensors in order to avoid the Protobuf uint32_t varint encoding size penalty. <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() val = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.uint8) op = core.CreateOperator( "GivenTensorByteStringToUInt8Fill", [], ["out"], values=[val.tobytes()], shape=val.shape, ) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Out:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("out")) ``` **Result** ``` Out: [1 2 3] ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("values" | |
The value for the elements of the output true | Arg ("shape","The shape of the output tensor.""Cannot set the shape argument and pass in an input at the same time.").Arg("extra_shape" |
The value for the elements of the output true The additional dimensions appended at the end of the shape indicated by the input blob Cannot set the extra_shape argument when there is no input blob | Arg ("input_as_shape","1D tensor containing the desired output shape. First input must be in CPU context.").TensorInferenceFunction(FillerTensorInference< TensorProto_DataType_STRING >) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GivenTensorFill, GivenTensorFillOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GivenTensorDoubleFill, GivenTensorFillOp< double, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GivenTensorBoolFill, GivenTensorFillOp< bool, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GivenTensorIntFill, GivenTensorFillOp< int, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GivenTensorInt64Fill, GivenTensorFillOp< int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GivenTensorStringFill, GivenTensorFillOp< std::string, CPUContext >) | |
NO_GRADIENT (GivenTensorFill) | |
NO_GRADIENT (GivenTensorDoubleFill) | |
NO_GRADIENT (GivenTensorBoolFill) | |
NO_GRADIENT (GivenTensorIntFill) | |
NO_GRADIENT (GivenTensorInt64Fill) | |
NO_GRADIENT (GivenTensorStringFill) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( This op fills an output tensor with the data specified by the *value* and *dtype* arguments. The output tensor shape is specified by the *shape* argument. Beware, when using this argument *value* should have a value for every element of the *output*, as missing values will not be initialized automatically. If *input_as_shape* is set to *true*, then the *input* should be a 1D tensor containing the desired output shape (the dimensions specified in *extra_shape* will also be appended). In this case, the *shape* argument should **not** be set. *Note: Do not set the shape argument and pass in an input at the same time.* Github Links: - https://github.com/caffe2/caffe2/blob/master/caffe2/operators/given_tensor_fill_op.h - https://github.com/caffe2/caffe2/blob/master/caffe2/operators/given_tensor_fill_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "GivenTensorFill", [], ["out"], values=[1., 2., 3.], shape=[3], ) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Out:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("out")) ``` **Result** ``` Out: [1. 2. 3.] ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("values" | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GroupNorm, GroupNormOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GroupNormGradient, GroupNormGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Group Normalization (GN) operation: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.08494 )DOC").Arg("num_groups" | |
number of groups used by GN | Arg ("epsilon","(float) default 1e-5; small constant added to var.").Input(0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GRUUnit, GRUUnitOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
in a sequence length aware fashion given | the (fused) inputs X(TxNxD) |
in a sequence length aware fashion given the previous hidden | state (NxD) |
in a sequence length aware fashion given the previous hidden and the sequence | lengths (N) |
in a sequence length aware fashion given the previous hidden and the sequence computes the GRU avoiding computation if the input is | invalid (as in, the value at X[t][n] >=seqLengths[n].) DOC") .Arg( "drop_states" |
in a sequence length aware fashion given the previous hidden and the sequence computes the GRU avoiding computation if the input is Bool to determine if hidden state is zeroes or passed along for timesteps past the given sequence_length | Arg ("sequence_lengths","When false, the sequence lengths input is left out, ""and all following inputs are shifted left by one.").Output(0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GRUUnitGradient, GRUUnitGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (5, 6).NumOutputs(2).Arg("sequence_lengths" | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FloatToHalf, FloatToHalfOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (HalfToFloat, HalfToFloatOp< CPUContext >) | |
out | push_back (X) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Float16ConstantFill, Float16ConstantFillOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Float16UniformFill, Float16UniformFillOp) | |
max | Arg ("shape","Shape of the tensor").Arg("min" |
max Minimim value to generate | Arg ("max","Maximum value to generate") |
NO_GRADIENT (Float16UniformFill) | |
The value for the elements of the output tensor | Arg ("shape","The shape of the output tensor.").Output(0 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (FloatToHalf, GetFloatToHalfGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (HalfToFloat, GetHalfToFloatGradient) | |
NO_GRADIENT (Float16ConstantFill) | |
std::vector< TensorShape > | Float16FillerTensorInference (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (HardSigmoid, UnaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, HardSigmoidFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (HardSigmoidGradient, BinaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, HardSigmoidGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
CostInferenceFunction (CostInferenceForHardSigmoid).IdenticalTypeAndShape().SetDoc(R"DOC( Applies hard sigmoid operation to the input data element-wise. The HardSigmoid operation takes one input $X$ | |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( 'If' control operator, first input is a scalar boolean blob that stores condition value. Accepts 'then_net' (required) and 'else_net' (optional) arguments for 'then' and 'else' subnets respectively. Subnets are executed in the same workspace as 'If'. )DOC").Arg("then_net" |
INT_MAX Net executed when condition is true | Arg ("else_net","Net executed when condition is false (optional)").Input(0 |
INT_MAX Net executed when condition is true Scalar boolean condition | AllowInplace ([](int in, int out) -> bool{return true;}) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Im2Col, Im2ColOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Col2Im, Col2ImOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Im2Col, GetIm2ColGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Col2Im, GetCol2ImGradient) | |
switch (order) | |
CAFFE_ENFORCE (H >=dkernel_h) | |
CAFFE_ENFORCE (W >=dkernel_w) | |
Input (0,"X","4-tensor in NCHW or NHWC.").Output(0 | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (Col2Im).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Im2Col, Im2ColOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Col2Im, Col2ImOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (IntIndexCreate, IndexCreateOp< int32_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LongIndexCreate, IndexCreateOp< int64_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StringIndexCreate, IndexCreateOp< std::string >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (IndexGet, IndexGetOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (IndexLoad, IndexLoadOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (IndexStore, IndexStoreOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (IndexFreeze, IndexFreezeOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (IndexSize, IndexSizeOp) | |
Max number of including the zero entry | Output (0,"handler","Pointer to an Index instance.").ScalarType(TensorProto_DataType_UNDEFINED) |
Max number of including the zero entry | Output (0,"handle","Pointer to an Index instance.").ScalarType(TensorProto_DataType_UNDEFINED) |
return an Int tensor of same shape containing the indices for each of the keys If the index is unknown entries are given index new entries are added into the index If an insert is necessary but max_elements has been fail DOC | Input (0,"handle","Pointer to an Index instance.").Input(1 |
return an Int tensor of same shape containing the indices for each of the keys If the index is unknown entries are given index new entries are added into the index If an insert is necessary but max_elements has been fail DOC Tensor of keys to be looked up Output(0,"indices","Indices for each of the keys.").ScalarType(TensorProto disallowing creation of new index entries Should not be called concurrently with IndexGet DOC The input handle | EnforceInplace ({{0, 0}}).ScalarType(TensorProto_DataType_UNDEFINED) |
Pointer to an Index instance | Input (1,"items","1-D tensor with elements starting with index 1.").Output(0 |
Pointer to an Index instance The input handle If skips the first entry of the tensor This allows to load tensors that are aligned with an where the first entry corresponds to the default index entry | ScalarType (TensorProto_DataType_UNDEFINED) |
Pointer to an Index instance | Output (0,"items","Scalar int64 tensor with number of entries.") |
NO_GRADIENT (IndexGetOp) | |
NO_GRADIENT (IntIndexCreate) | |
NO_GRADIENT (LongIndexCreate) | |
NO_GRADIENT (StringIndexCreate) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (std::unique_ptr< caffe2::IndexBase >) | |
REGISTER_BLOB_SERIALIZER ((TypeMeta::Id< std::unique_ptr< caffe2::IndexBase >>()), IndexSerializer) | |
REGISTER_BLOB_DESERIALIZER (std::unique_ptr< caffe2::IndexBase >, IndexDeserializer) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (InstanceNormGradient, InstanceNormGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (InstanceNormGradient).NumInputs(4 | |
NumOutputs (3) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (InstanceNorm, GetInstanceNormGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (InstanceNorm, InstanceNormOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (IntegralImage, IntegralImageOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (IntegralImageGradient, IntegralImageGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
which contains the sum of pixel values within an image vertically and horizontally This integral image can then be used with other detection and tracking techniques DOC | Input (0,"X","Images tensor of the form (N, C, H, W)").Output(0 |
which contains the sum of pixel values within an image vertically and horizontally This integral image can then be used with other detection and tracking techniques DOC Integrated image of the | form (N, C, H+1, W+1)") |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (IntegralImageGradient).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (IntegralImage, GetIntegralImageGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (IsEmpty, IsEmptyOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BernoulliJSD, BernoulliJSDOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BernoulliJSDGradient, BernoulliJSDGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
array of probabilities for prediction | Input (0,"T","array of probabilities for target").Output(0 |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (BernoulliJSDGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (BernoulliJSD, GetBernoulliJSDGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (KeySplit, KeySplitOp< int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
NO_GRADIENT (KeySplitOp) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (KeySplit).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1 | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LayerNorm, LayerNormOp< CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (LayerNormGradient).NumInputs(5).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LayerNormGradient, LayerNormGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (LayerNorm, GetLayerNormGradient) | |
std::vector< int > | input_dims (input_dims_long.begin(), input_dims_long.end()) |
ArgumentHelper | helper (def) |
std::vector< int > | stat_dims (input_dims.begin(), input_dims.begin()+canonical_axis) |
stat_dims | push_back (1) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Computes layer normalization as described in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.06450.pdf. Given an input vector x \in [a_0, a_1, ...,a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}], this op treats dimensions a_k through a_{n-1} as feature vectors. For each feature vector, the op contains the mean and standard deviation. Then, it returns the normalized values (with respect to the feature vector). Note that this op does not contain the scale an bias terms described in the paper. Simply follow this op with an FC op to add those. Concretely, this op implements: h = \frac{1}{\sigma}(a - \mu) where \mu = \frac{1}{H}\sum_{i=1}^{H} a_i and \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{H}\sum_{i=1}^{H}(a_i - \mu)^2} where H is the number of hidden units (i.e. product of dimensions from 'axis' to the end.) )DOC").Arg("axis" | |
Describes axis of the inputs Defaults to one because the axis most likely describes the batch size | Arg ("epsilon","(float) default to 0.001. Small value to be added to the stdev when"" dividing out by that value. This prevents division by zero.").Input(0 |
Describes axis of the inputs Defaults to one because the axis most likely describes the batch size Input tensor which layer normalization will be applied to | Output (0,"output","Normalized values").Output(1 |
Describes axis of the inputs Defaults to one because the axis most likely describes the batch size Input tensor which layer normalization will be applied to Mean values for each feature vector | Output (2,"stddev","Standard deviations for each feature vector") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LeakyRelu, LeakyReluOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LeakyReluGradient, LeakyReluGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
default | CostInferenceFunction (PointwiseCostInference< 2 >).IdenticalTypeAndShape().SetDoc(R"DOC( The *LeakyRelu* op takes one input tensor $X$ and an argument $alpha$ |
Arg ("alpha","Coefficient of leakage").InheritOnnxSchema() | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (LeakyRelu, GetLeakyReluGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsSplit, LengthsSplitOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(1, 2).NumOutputs(1).ScalarType(TensorProto | GRADIENT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET (LengthsSplit) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsPad, LengthsPadOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsSumFused8BitRowwise, SparseLengthsFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1).ValueKeyLengthInputFillers(SparseLengthsFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext > | NO_GRADIENT (SparseLengthsSumFused8BitRowwise) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsWeightedSumFused8BitRowwise, SparseLengthsFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext, true >) | |
true SparseLengthsFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext, true >::WEIGHTS | SetDoc (R"DOC( Performs the same operation as SparseLengthsWeightedSum, but operating on 8-bit rowwise quantized matrices with fused storage (where each row stores quantized values, and then 4-byte scale and 4-byte bias). )DOC").Input(0 |
true SparseLengthsFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext, true >::WEIGHTS uint8 tensor obtained with | operator FloatToFused8BitRowwiseQuantized") .Input (1,"INDICES","Integer vector containing indices of the first ""dimension of DATA for the slices that are being aggregated").Input(2 |
true SparseLengthsFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext, true >::WEIGHTS uint8 tensor obtained with Vector with the same sum of elements as the first dimension of DATA | Input (3,"WEIGHTS","Vector of weights to scale rows of DATA with before reduction").Output(0 |
NO_GRADIENT (SparseLengthsWeightedSumFused8BitRowwise) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsMeanFused8BitRowwise, SparseLengthsFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext, false, true >) | |
true SparseLengthsFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext, false, true >::LENGTHS | SetDoc (R"DOC( Performs the same operation as SparseLengthsMean, but operating on 8-bit rowwise quantized matrices with fused storage (where each row stores quantized values, and then 4-byte scale and 4-byte bias). )DOC").Input(0 |
true SparseLengthsFused8BitRowwiseOp< CPUContext, false, true >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with Vector with the same sum of elements as the first dimension of DATA | Output (0,"output","output") |
NO_GRADIENT (SparseLengthsMeanFused8BitRowwise) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsSum, SparseLengthsSumOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsWeightedSum, SparseLengthsWeightedSumOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsMean, SparseLengthsMeanOp) | |
for each weights are accessed by where L is the length of given row This is basically a fused | operator of LengthsRangeFill+Gather+SparseWeightedSum) DOC") .Input (0,"DATA","uint8 tensor obtained with ""operator FloatToRowwiseQuantized8Bits").Input(1 |
for each weights are accessed by where L is the length of given row This is basically a fused Scalar multipliers for the input slices Must be a vector with the length matching the length of DATA | Input (2,"INDICES","Integer vector containing indices of the first ""dimension of DATA for the slices that are being aggregated").Input(3 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_STR ("SparseLengthsPositionalWeightedSum", CPUSparseLengthsReductionOp< float, TensorTypes< float, at::Half >, 1, 0, 1 >) | |
template<typename Def > | |
string | FormatDoc () |
NumInputs(SparseLengthsSumDef::ForwardOp::kNumInputs).NumOutputs(1).ValueKeyLengthInputFillers(SparseLengthsSumOp | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsSumGradient, SparseLengthsSumDef::BackwardOp) |
NumInputs (SparseLengthsSumDef::BackwardOp::kNumInputs).NumOutputs(1).DisallowInputFillers() | |
NumInputs(SparseLengthsWeightedSumDef::ForwardOp::kNumInputs).NumOutputs(1).WeightedValueKeyLengthInputFillers(SparseLengthsWeightedSumOp | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsWeightedSumGradient, SparseLengthsWeightedSumDef::BackwardOp) |
NumInputs (SparseLengthsWeightedSumDef::BackwardOp::kNumInputs).NumOutputs(1).DisallowInputFillers() | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SparseLengthsWeightedSum, SparseLengthsWeightedSumDef::GetGradient) using SparseLengthsMeanDef | |
NumInputs(SparseLengthsMeanDef::ForwardOp::kNumInputs).NumOutputs(1).ValueKeyLengthInputFillers(SparseLengthsMeanOp | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsMeanGradient, SparseLengthsMeanDef::BackwardOp) |
NumInputs (SparseLengthsMeanDef::BackwardOp::kNumInputs).NumOutputs(1).DisallowInputFillers() | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Rowwise8BitQuantizedToFloat, Rowwise8BitQuantizedToFloatOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FloatToRowwiseQuantized8Bits, FloatToRowwiseQuantized8BitsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsSum8BitsRowwise, SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsWeightedSum8BitsRowwise, SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1 >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsMean8BitsRowwise, SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 0, 1 >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsWeightedMean8BitsRowwise, SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1, 1 >) | |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > | NumInputs (5).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1 >::LENGTHS | SetDoc (R"DOC( Variation of SparseLengthsWeightedSum operator, where DATA is stored using 8bits. DATA was quantized with 8Bit row-wise quantization (see doc to FloatToRowwiseQuantized8Bits operator). To restore DATA from 8Bit, we use additional input that stores scales and biases. )DOC").Input(0 |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1 >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with | operator FloatToRowwiseQuantized8Bits") .Input (1,"SCALARS","Scalar multipliers for the input slices. Must ""be a vector with the length matching the length of INDICES").Input(2 |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1 >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with Integer vector containing indices of the first dimension of DATA for the slices that are being aggregated | Input (3,"LENGTHS","Vector with the same sum of elements as the first dimension of DATA").Input(4 |
SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1, 1 >::LENGTHS | SetDoc (R"DOC( Variation of SparseLengthsWeightedMean operator, where DATA is stored using 8bits. DATA was quantized with 8Bit row-wise quantization (see doc to FloatToRowwiseQuantized8Bits operator). To restore DATA from 8Bit, we use additional input that stores scales and biases. )DOC").Input(0 |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(2).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > | NO_GRADIENT (Rowwise8BitQuantizedToFloat) |
NO_GRADIENT (FloatToRowwiseQuantized8Bits) | |
NO_GRADIENT (SparseLengthsSum8BitsRowwise) | |
NO_GRADIENT (SparseLengthsWeightedSum8BitsRowwise) | |
NO_GRADIENT (SparseLengthsMean8BitsRowwise) | |
NO_GRADIENT (SparseLengthsWeightedMean8BitsRowwise) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsTile, LengthsTileOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsTopK, LengthsTopKOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsTopKGradient, LengthsTopKGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
where segments are defined by their and concatenate them in an output tensor of the output value will be padded and the corresponding output indices will be padded by DOC | Input (0,"DATA","Tensor of rank 1. First dimension must be equal to the sum of ""lengths").Input(1 |
where segments are defined by their and concatenate them in an output tensor of the output value will be padded and the corresponding output indices will be padded by DOC Tensor of int32 lengths of rank | Output (0,"TopKValue","Output top k elements for each segment, with""shape=(SIZE(lengths), k)").Output(1 |
where segments are defined by their and concatenate them in an output tensor of the output value will be padded and the corresponding output indices will be padded by DOC Tensor of int32 lengths of rank Output indices in DATA corresponding to value in TopKValue | Arg ("k","the number of top values to return for each segment, if the number ""of values is smaller than k, the values would be padded with 0 and ""indices would be padded with -1.") |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (LengthsTopKGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (LengthsTopK, GetLengthsTopKGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DBExists, DBExistsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Load, LoadOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Save, SaveOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Checkpoint, CheckpointOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Snapshot, CheckpointOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(0).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Checks if the db described by the arguments exists. Github Links see the absolute_path arg details for options regarding the current root folder of the workspace | Arg ("db_type","*(type: string)* Type of db to save (options: \"lmdb\", ""\"leveldb\", \"minidb\").") |
NumInputs (0, INT_MAX).NumOutputs(0 | |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( The Load operator loads a set of serialized blobs from a db or multiple dbs. It takes $[0, \infty)$ number of inputs and $[0, \infty)$ number of outputs, using the db keys to match the db entries with the outputs. If at least one input is passed, then it is assumed that that input blobs are a set of DBReaders to load from. Otherwise the `db` or `dbs` argument is used to load blobs from one single db or multiple dbs respectively. `db_type` argument is used to specify the type of the input db/dbs. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/load_save_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Load", [], ["X", "Y"], db="test_db", db_type="lmdb" ) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("X:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 |
default save the db directly to the path specified by the db arg If not | set (default) |
default save the db directly to the path specified by the db arg If not prepend the path of the current root folder of the workspace to the path specified by the db arg | Arg ("add_prefix","*(type: string, default: \"\")* Blobs will be prefixed with this when ""loading. Useful for avoiding collisions with blobs existing in the ""workspace. The output blob names specified to this op should include ""this prefix.").Arg("strip_prefix" |
default save the db directly to the path specified by the db arg If not prepend the path of the current root folder of the workspace to the path specified by the db arg characters that precede strip_prefix will be removed Useful for removing device scope from blob names | Arg ("db","*(type: string)* The output path of the db. See the ""`absolute_path` arg details for options regarding the current root folder ""of the workspace.").Arg("dbs" |
default save the db directly to the path specified by the db arg If not prepend the path of the current root folder of the workspace to the path specified by the db arg characters that precede strip_prefix will be removed Useful for removing device scope from blob names minidb | Arg ("keep_device","*(type: int; default: 0)* If nonzero, the blobs are loaded into the ""device that is specified in the serialized `BlobProto`. Otherwise, ""the device will be set as the one that the `Load` operator is being ""run under.").Arg("load_all" |
default will load all blobs pointed to by the db to the workspace overwriting creating blobs as needed | Arg ("allow_incomplete","*(type: bool; default: False)* If True, will allow not loading all ""the output blobs specified in the outputs.").Arg("source_blob_names" |
default save the db directly to the path specified by the db arg If not prepend the path of the current root folder of the workspace to the path specified by the db arg | Arg ("strip_prefix","*(type: string, default: \"\")* Characters in the provided blob names ""that match `strip_prefix` will be removed prior to saving. Also, ""characters that precede `strip_prefix` will be removed. Useful for ""removing device scope from blob names.").Arg("blob_name_overrides" |
default save the db directly to the path specified by the db arg If not prepend the path of the current root folder of the workspace to the path specified by the db arg * | List (string))*If set |
default save the db directly to the path specified by the db arg If not prepend the path of the current root folder of the workspace to the path specified by the db arg used as blob names instead of original blob names Must be same length as number of blobs minidb | Arg ("chunk_size","*(type: string; default: kDefaultChunkSize)* The chunk ""size to split tensor data into. If not set, caffe2_tensor_chunk_size will ""be used").Input(0 |
template<typename... Ts> | |
string | FormatString (const string &pattern, Ts...values) |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Load, LoadOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Save, SaveOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Checkpoint, CheckpointOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LRNGradient, LRNGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( `LRN` applies Local Response Normalization to an input blob. This operation performs a kind of "lateral inhibition" by normalizing over local input regions, where normalization is applied across channels. This operator is typically used to normalize an unbounded activation (such as ReLU). The output shape is the same as the input shape. The `brew` module has a wrapper for this operator for use in a `ModelHelper` object. The formula for LRN is as follows: $$b_{c} = a_{c}(bias + \frac{\alpha}{n}\sum_{c'=max(0,c-n/2)}^{min(N-1,c+n/2)} a_{c'}^2 )^{-\beta}$$ Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/local_response_normalization_op.h - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/local_response_normalization_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator("LRN", ["X"], ["Y", "Y_scale"], size=11, alpha=0.001, beta=0.5, bias=2.0, order="NHWC" ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", np.random.randn(1, 6, 6, 1).astype(np.float32)) // NCHW print("X:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("X"), "\n") workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Y:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) print("Y_scale:\n", workspace.FetchBlob("Y_scale")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[[[ 0.72985137] [-0.3753357 ] [ 2.7344604 ] [-0.5937792 ] [ 0.38440478] [-2.1659644 ]] [[-0.92846817] [-0.9996144 ] [ 0.212943 ] [-1.968045 ] [-0.77839696] [ 0.45492038]] [[-0.11263168] [ 1.9901097 ] [ 0.19275683] [ 0.15630436] [ 0.7536298 ] [-0.77339894]] [[ 0.8353551 ] [-0.7784452 ] [ 1.779317 ] [ 0.22421335] [ 1.3846219 ] [-3.0546608 ]] [[ 0.09977621] [ 2.2071757 ] [ 0.79971045] [ 3.563886 ] [-0.7169287 ] [ 0.77170426]] [[-1.4296649 ] [ 0.19181213] [ 0.45961624] [-1.0201577 ] [ 0.62854475] [-0.6395456 ]]]] Y: [[[[ 0.5160766 ] [-0.26540157] [ 1.9332271 ] [-0.41986194] [ 0.27181432] [-1.5314047 ]] [[-0.6565133 ] [-0.7068181 ] [ 0.15057328] [-1.3914955 ] [-0.5504022 ] [ 0.32167578]] [[-0.0796426 ] [ 1.4070934 ] [ 0.13629955] [ 0.11052381] [ 0.53288984] [-0.5468682 ]] [[ 0.5906759 ] [-0.5504363 ] [ 1.2580767 ] [ 0.1585426 ] [ 0.9790328 ] [-2.1595135 ]] [[ 0.07055242] [ 1.5605361 ] [ 0.5654725 ] [ 2.5193207 ] [-0.50693923] [ 0.54567 ]] [[-1.0108787 ] [ 0.13563155] [ 0.3249962 ] [-0.72134334] [ 0.44444424] [-0.45222285]]]] Y_scale: [[[[2.0000484] [2.0000129] [2.0006797] [2.000032 ] [2.0000134] [2.0004265]] [[2.0000784] [2.0000908] [2.000004 ] [2.0003521] [2.000055 ] [2.0000188]] [[2.0000012] [2.00036 ] [2.0000033] [2.0000021] [2.0000517] [2.0000544]] [[2.0000634] [2.000055 ] [2.0002878] [2.0000045] [2.0001743] [2.0008483]] [[2.000001 ] [2.000443 ] [2.0000582] [2.0011547] [2.0000467] [2.0000541]] [[2.0001857] [2.0000033] [2.0000193] [2.0000947] [2.000036 ] [2.0000372]]]] ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("size" | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (LRNGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LC, LocallyConnectedOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(2, 3).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LC1D, LocallyConnectedOp< float, CPUContext >) |
NumInputs(2, 3).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LC2D, LocallyConnectedOp< float, CPUContext >) |
NumInputs(2, 3).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LC3D, LocallyConnectedOp< float, CPUContext >) |
NumInputs(2, 3).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LCGradient, LocallyConnectedGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (LCGradient).NumInputs(2 | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LC1DGradient, LocallyConnectedGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (LC1DGradient).NumInputs(2 | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LC2DGradient, LocallyConnectedGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (LC2DGradient).NumInputs(2 | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LC3DGradient, LocallyConnectedGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (LC3DGradient).NumInputs(2 | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (LC, GetLocallyConnectedGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (LC1D, GetLocallyConnectedGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (LC2D, GetLocallyConnectedGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (LC3D, GetLocallyConnectedGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (LC, LocallyConnectedOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (LCGradient, LocallyConnectedGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (LC1D, LocallyConnectedOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (LC1DGradient, LocallyConnectedGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (LC2D, LocallyConnectedOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (LC2DGradient, LocallyConnectedGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (LC3D, LocallyConnectedOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (LC3DGradient, LocallyConnectedGradientOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Log, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, LogFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Log, GetLogGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Log, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CUDAContext, LogFunctor< CUDAContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Logit, UnaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, LogitFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LogitGradient, LogitGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragedLoss, AveragedLoss< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragedLossGradient, AveragedLossGradient< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).ScalarType(TensorProto | OPERATOR_SCHEMA (AveragedLossGradient).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1) |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (AveragedLoss, GetAveragedLossGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LpPool, PoolOp< float, CPUContext, LpPoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LpPoolGradient, PoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext, LpPoolFunctor >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (LpPoolGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (LpPool, GetPoolGradient) | |
NumInputs (4, 5).NumOutputs(2).SetDoc(R"DOC( LSTMUnit computes the activations of a standard LSTM (without peephole connections) | |
in a sequence length aware fashion given the previous cell and the sequence computes the LSTM avoiding computation if the input is | invalid (as in, the value at X{t][n] >=seqLengths[n].) DOC") .Arg("forget_bias" |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LSTMUnitGradient, LSTMUnitGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (8, 9).NumOutputs(3).Arg("sequence_lengths" | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (MapType64To64) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MarginRankingCriterion, MarginRankingCriterionOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MarginRankingCriterionGradient, MarginRankingCriterionGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
X2 (Tensor) | |
and label | Y (Tensor) to produce the loss(Tensor) where the loss function |
and label | loss (X1, X2, Y) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MatMul, MatMulOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
out[0] | set_data_type (in[0].data_type()) |
if (trans_a) | |
if (trans_b) | |
out[0] | add_dims (M) |
out[0] | add_dims (N) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Matrix multiplication $Y = A * B$, where `A` has size (M x K), `B` has size (K x N), and `Y` will have a size (M x N). To transpose `A` or `B` before multiplication, pass 1 to the `trans_a` and/or `trans_b` arguments, which separate the first and second dimensions of the respective matrices using `axis_a` and `axis_b`. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/matmul_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "MatMul", ["A", "B"], ["Y"], ) workspace.FeedBlob("A", np.random.randint(10, size=(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("B", np.random.randint(10, size=(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) print("A:", workspace.FetchBlob("A")) print("B:", workspace.FetchBlob("B")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) ``` **Result** ``` A: [[1. 8. 3.] [6. 4. 4.] [5. 4. 7.]] B: [[4. 0. 3.] [3. 1. 1.] [8. 5. 8.]] Y: [[52. 23. 35.] [68. 24. 54.] [88. 39. 75.]] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (MatMul, GetMatMulGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (MatMul, MatMulOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Mean, MeanOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MeanGradient, MeanGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Element-wise mean of an arbitrary number of input tensors. This operation can be performed in-place, by using the first input blob as the output blob. All inputs must have the same shape and data type, and the output will have the same shape as the inputs. Github Link: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/mean_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Mean", ["X", "Y", "Z"], ["X"], ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", (np.random.rand(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Y", (np.random.rand(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Z", (np.random.rand(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) print("X:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) print("Z:", workspace.FetchBlob("Z")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Mean:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[0.6035237 0.5305746 0.6298913 ] [0.9169737 0.01280353 0.16286302] [0.6017664 0.9946255 0.05128575]] Y: [[0.07544111 0.45371833 0.08460239] [0.9708728 0.7422064 0.7933344 ] [0.97671497 0.3411384 0.73818344]] Z: [[0.08837954 0.90187573 0.46734726] [0.6308827 0.8719029 0.39888734] [0.90059936 0.92883426 0.5695987 ]] Mean: [[0.25578147 0.6287229 0.39394698] [0.8395764 0.5423043 0.45169494] [0.8263602 0.75486606 0.45302266]] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Mean, GetMeanGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MaxGradient, MaxGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MinGradient, MinGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (MaxGradient).NumInputs(3 | |
INT_MAX | NumOutputs (1, INT_MAX) |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (MinGradient).NumInputs(3 | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Max, GetMaxGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Min, GetMinGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Min, MinOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Max, MaxOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Element-wise max of an arbitrary number of input tensors. This operation can be performed in-place, by using the first input blob as the output blob. All inputs must have the same shape and data type, and the output will have the same shape as the inputs. Github Link: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/minmax_ops.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Max", ["X", "Y", "Z"], ["X"], ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", (np.random.rand(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Y", (np.random.rand(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Z", (np.random.rand(3,3)).astype(np.float32)) print("X:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) print("Z:", workspace.FetchBlob("Z")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Max:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[0.4496477 0.07061381 0.7139333 ] [0.83203 0.05970785 0.72786295] [0.75988126 0.04601283 0.32820013]] Y: [[0.05683139 0.16872478 0.671098 ] [0.70739156 0.09878621 0.03416285] [0.34087983 0.94986707 0.67263436]] Z: [[0.48051122 0.07141234 0.85264146] [0.77086854 0.22082241 0.13154659] [0.42401117 0.995431 0.4263775 ]] Max: [[0.48051122 0.16872478 0.85264146] [0.83203 0.22082241 0.72786295] [0.75988126 0.995431 0.67263436]] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Element-wise min of an arbitrary number of input tensors. This operation can be performed in-place, by using the first input blob as the output blob. All inputs must have the same shape and data type, and the output will have the same shape as the inputs. Github Link: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/minmax_ops.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Min", ["X", "Y", "Z"], ["X"], ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", (np.random.rand(2,2)).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Y", (np.random.rand(2,2)).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("Z", (np.random.rand(2,2)).astype(np.float32)) print("X:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) print("Z:", workspace.FetchBlob("Z")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Min:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[0.32731926 0.4939747 ] [0.29242373 0.43460014]] Y: [[0.40928316 0.916115 ] [0.77526504 0.29339448]] Z: [[0.7899794 0.90335774] [0.82599413 0.2843068 ]] Min: [[0.32731926 0.4939747 ] [0.29242373 0.2843068 ]] ``` </details> )DOC").Input(0 | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Moments, MomentsOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MomentsGradient, MomentsGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned DOC | Arg ("axes","A list of integers, along which to reduce. If axes is not provided, ""the op computes the element-wise mean and variance.").Arg("keepdims" |
then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned DOC Keep the reduced | dimension (s) or not |
then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned DOC Keep the reduced default True keeps the reduced An input tensor | Output (0,"mean","Reduced mean tensor.").Output(1 |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (MomentsGradient).NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Moments, GetMomentsGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MultiClassAccuracy, MultiClassAccuracyOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
D float | tensor (N, D,) of predicted scores of each class for" "each data.N is the number of instances |
D float i batch size D is number of possible classes labels | Input (1,"labels","1-D int tensor (N,) of labels for each instance.").Output(0 |
D float i batch size D is number of possible classes labels D float | tensor (D,) of accuracy for each class.If a class has no" "instance in the batch |
D float i batch size D is number of possible classes labels D float its accuracy score is set to zero | Output (1,"amounts","1-D int tensor (D,) of number of instances for each class in the batch.") |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (MultiClassAccuracy) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (NegateGradient, NegateGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( NegagteGradient operator in forward pass simply copies input to the output, and in backward pass, flips the sign of the output gradient )DOC") | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (NegateGradient, GetNegateGradientGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Negative, UnaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CPUContext, NegativeFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Negative, UnaryElementwiseOp< NumericTypes, CUDAContext, NegativeFunctor< CUDAContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (NGramFromCategorical, NGramFromCategoricalOp< float, int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
NO_GRADIENT (NGramFromCategorical) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (NGramFromCategorical).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (NormalizeL1, NormalizeL1Op< float, CPUContext >) | |
axis to normalize | SetDoc (R"DOC( Given a matrix, apply L1-normalization along the specified axis. )DOC") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Normalize, NormalizeOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
axis to normalize | SetDoc (R"DOC( Given a matrix, apply L2-normalization along the specified dimension. )DOC").IdenticalTypeAndShape() |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (NormalizeGradient, NormalizeGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Normalize, GetNormalizeGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (NumpyTile, NumpyTileOp< CPUContext >) | |
The input tensor | Input (1,"repeats","1-D Tensor specifying how many times to repeat"" each axis.").Output(0 |
The input tensor Tensor that will contain input replicated along the given axis | InheritOnnxSchema ("Tile") |
vector< TensorShape > | TensorInferenceForBatchOneHot (const OperatorDef &, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
vector< TensorShape > | TensorInferenceForBucketBatchOneHot (const OperatorDef &, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
OpSchema::Cost | CostInferenceForBatchOneHot (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchBucketOneHot, BatchBucketOneHotOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchOneHot, BatchOneHotOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (OneHot, OneHotOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SegmentOneHot, SegmentOneHotOp) | |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( *** EXPERIMENTAL. This operator is a work-in-progress. No assumption should be made about the stability or correctness of this op. *** Generic Looping construct confirming to the ONNX Loop operator spec. This loop has multiple termination conditions: 1. Trip count. Iteration count specified at runtime. Set by specifying the input M. Optional. Set to empty string to omit. Note that a static trip count (specified at graph construction time) can be specified by passing in a constant node for input M. 2. Loop termination condition. This is an input to the op that determines whether to run the first interation and also a loop-carried dependency for the body graph. The body graph must yield a value for the condition variable, whether this input is provided or not. This table summarizes the operating modes of this operator with equivalent C-style code: Operator inputs defined as (max_trip_count, condition_var). Omitted optional inputs are represented as empty string. Concretely, in this caffe2 op an input is marked as omitted by setting its 'has_{name}' argument to False. input ("", ""): for (int i=0; ; ++i) { cond = ... // Note this value is ignored, but is required in the body } input ("", cond) // Note this is analogous to a while loop bool cond = ...; for (int i=0; cond; ++i) { cond = ...; } input ("", 1) // Note this is analogous to a do-while loop bool cond = true for (int i=0; cond; ++i) { cond = ...; } input (trip_count, "") // Note this is analogous to a for loop int trip_count = ... for (int i=0; i < trip_count; ++i) { cond = ...; // ignored } input (trip_count, cond) int trip_count = ...; bool cond = ...; for (int i=0; i < trip_count && cond; ++i) { cond = ...; } )DOC").Arg("body" |
INT_MAX Net executed on each iteration | Arg ("has_trip_count","Whether to use the trip count input").Arg("has_cond" |
INT_MAX Net executed on each iteration Whether to use the condition input | Arg ("save_scopes","Whether to save the scopes across iterations, as in ""for backprop").Arg("disable_scopes" |
INT_MAX Net executed on each iteration Whether to use the condition input Do not create new scopes Use this only if you re certain there will be no name for example if you re converting from a fully SSA IR Number of iterations to go out to Used if the flag has_trip_count is True | Input (1,"first_iter_condition","Dynamic condition value for the first ""iteration. For all subsequent iterations,"" the condition from the body graph is ""used. This input is used if the flag ""has_cond is true.").NumOutputs(0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Onnxifi, OnnxifiOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( The Onnxifi operator is a black-box operator to lower the computation to Onnxifi backend )DOC").Arg("onnx_model" |
out[0] | add_dims (in[0].dims(in[0].dims_size()-1)) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( The operator switches the order of data in a tensor from NHWC- sample index N, height H, width H and channels C, to the NCHW order (this is for 2D images). In general, this operator switches the order of data in a tensor from N H_1 ... H_k C to N C H_1 ... H_k for k-dimensional features, and currently supports k=1, 2, and 3. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The input | data (Tensor) in the NHWC order.") .Output(0 |
The input The output | tensor (Tensor) in the NCHW order.") |
out[0] | add_dims (in[0].dims(1)) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( The operator switches the order of data in a tensor from NCHW- sample index N, channels C, height H and width W, to the NHWC order (this is for 2D images). In general, this operator switches the order of data in a tensor from N C H_1 ... H_k to N H_1 ... H_k C for k-dimensional features, and currently supports k=1, 2, and 3. )DOC").Input(0 | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (PackSegments, PackSegmentsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (UnpackSegments, UnpackSegmentsOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc ("Map N dim tensor to N+1 dim based on length blob. Sequences that \ are shorter than the longest sequence are padded with zeros.").Input(0 | |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the output | Input (1,"tensor","N dim Tensor.").Output(0 |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the output N dim Tensor where | dim (1) is the max length" " |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the output N dim Tensor where | dim (0) is the batch size.") .Output( 1 |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the output N dim Tensor where dim boolean false where packed_tensor is true otherwise | Arg ("max_length","The pre-defined max_length for the packed segments").Arg("pad_minf" |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the output N dim Tensor where dim boolean false where packed_tensor is true otherwise Padding number in the packed segments Use true to pad otherwise pad zeros | Arg ("return_presence_mask","bool whether to return presence mask, false by default") |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the input | Input (1,"tensor","N+1 dim Tensor.").Output(0 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (PackSegments, GetPackSegmentsGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (UnpackSegments, GetUnpackSegmentsGradient) | |
PadMode | StringToPadMode (const string &mode) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (PadImage, PadImageOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (PadImageGradient, PadImageGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
CPUContext::PadTensorInference | SetDoc (R"DOC( PadImage pads values around the boundary of an image according to the pad values and stride sizes defined by the ConvPoolOpBase operator. )DOC").Input(0 |
dimensions depend on whether the NCHW or NHWC operators are being used For in the the input has | size (N x C x H x W) |
dimensions depend on whether the NCHW or NHWC operators are being used For in the the input has where N is the batch C is the number of and H and W are the height and the width of the data The corresponding permutation of dimensions is used in the latter case | Output (0,"Y","Output data tensor from padding the H and W dimensions on ""the tensor. Dimensions will vary based on various pad and stride ""sizes.") |
GRADIENT_OPERATOR_SCHEMA (PadImageGradient).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (PadImage, GetPadImageGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Percentile, PercentileOp< CPUContext >) | |
given a sample set of raw labeled with their corresponding percentiles from the same distribution In this | operator takes as input a tensor of floats to find the percentile values for, a 2D tensor of floats, where the first column of the tensor represents sampled values, and the second column represents the percentile labels, and a tensor of integers lengths.This lengths tensor is used because the operator works on multiple sets of raw values at the same time.For example, for an input:original_values=[[3, 5, 3], [5, 1, 6]], lengths=[2, 1, 1], value_to_pct=[[3, 0.2],[5, 0.5],[1, 0.3],[3.0.6]] Our operator expects that each column i of the input tensor is sampled from distribution i.Lengths tells us that the first two elements in value_to_pct are sampled from distribution 1, the next is from distribution two, and the last is from distribution 3.We expect the output of our operator to give us[[0.2, 1.0, 0.6],[0.5, 0.3, 1.0]].To calculate the percentile of an element, we check to see if its value is already mapped to a percentile in value_to_pct.If so, we return that value.If not, we linearly interpolate between the two closest values in value_to_pct.If the value is larger than all values in value_to_pct, we return 1.If it's smaller than all the values, we return 0.) DOC") .Input (0,"original_values","Input 2D tensor of floats, representing the original, raw data to calculate percentiles for.").Input(1 |
given a sample set of raw labeled with their corresponding percentiles from the same distribution In this Sorted with columns Each element in the first column is a float representing the raw value of a sample Its corresponding element in the next column represents the percentile it maps to | Input (2,"lengths","1D tensor, representing the length of each distribution. We expect that the sum of elements of this tensor"" is equal to the total length of value_to_pct.").Output(0 |
NO_GRADIENT (Percentile) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Perplexity, PerplexityOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (Perplexity).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Perplexity calculates how well a probability distribution predicts a sample. Perplexity takes a 1-D tensor containing a batch of probabilities. Each value in the tensor belongs to a different sample and represents the probability of the model predicting the true label for that sample. The operator returns a single (float) perplexity value for the batch. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The input data as Tensor It contains a batch of true label or target probabilities | Output (0,"output","The output- a single (float) perplexity value for the ""batch") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (PiecewiseLinearTransform, PiecewiseLinearTransformOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (1, 4).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( PiecewiseLinearTransform takes inputs -- predictions | |
a D or D slopes and intercepts The output tensor has the same shape of input predictions and contains the predictions transformed by the piecewise linear functions Each column of predictions has its own piecewise linear transformation functions Therefore the size of piecewise function parameters are pieces x except for binary predictions where only the positive prediction needs them Note that in each low bound is excluded while high bound is included Also the piecewise linear function must be continuous Notes If the input is binary | predictions (Nx2 or Nx1 tensor) |
a D or D slopes and intercepts The output tensor has the same shape of input predictions and contains the predictions transformed by the piecewise linear functions Each column of predictions has its own piecewise linear transformation functions Therefore the size of piecewise function parameters are pieces x except for binary predictions where only the positive prediction needs them Note that in each low bound is excluded while high bound is included Also the piecewise linear function must be continuous Notes If the input is binary set the binary arg to true so that one group of piecewise linear functions is | needed (see details below).-The transform parameters(bounds |
a D or D slopes and intercepts The output tensor has the same shape of input predictions and contains the predictions transformed by the piecewise linear functions Each column of predictions has its own piecewise linear transformation functions Therefore the size of piecewise function parameters are pieces x except for binary predictions where only the positive prediction needs them Note that in each low bound is excluded while high bound is included Also the piecewise linear function must be continuous Notes If the input is binary set the binary arg to true so that one group of piecewise linear functions is intercepts can be passed either through args or through input blobs If we have multiple groups of piecewise linear each group has the same number of pieces If a prediction is out of the it is capped to the smallest or largest bound DOC | Arg ("bounds","1-D vector of size (prediction_dimensions x (pieces+1)) contain the ""upper bounds of each piece of linear function. One special case is ""the first bound is the lower bound of whole piecewise function and we ""treat it the same as the left most functions. (bounds, slopes, ""intercepts) can be passed through either arg or input blobs.").Arg("slopes" |
a D or D slopes and intercepts The output tensor has the same shape of input predictions and contains the predictions transformed by the piecewise linear functions Each column of predictions has its own piecewise linear transformation functions Therefore the size of piecewise function parameters are pieces x except for binary predictions where only the positive prediction needs them Note that in each low bound is excluded while high bound is included Also the piecewise linear function must be continuous Notes If the input is binary set the binary arg to true so that one group of piecewise linear functions is intercepts can be passed either through args or through input blobs If we have multiple groups of piecewise linear each group has the same number of pieces If a prediction is out of the it is capped to the smallest or largest bound DOC D vector of | size (prediction_dimensions x pieces) containing the" "slopes of linear function") .Arg( "intercepts" |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragePoolGradient, PoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext, AveragePoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (AveragePoolGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragePool1DGradient, PoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext, AveragePoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (AveragePool1DGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragePool2DGradient, PoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext, AveragePoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (AveragePool2DGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragePool3DGradient, PoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext, AveragePoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (AveragePool3DGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MaxPoolGradient, PoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext, MaxPoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (MaxPoolGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MaxPool1DGradient, PoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext, MaxPoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (MaxPool1DGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MaxPool2DGradient, PoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext, MaxPoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (MaxPool2DGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MaxPool3DGradient, PoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext, MaxPoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (MaxPool3DGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (AveragePool, GetPoolGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (AveragePool1D, GetPoolGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (AveragePool2D, GetPoolGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (AveragePool3D, GetPoolGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (MaxPool, GetPoolGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (MaxPool1D, GetPoolGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (MaxPool2D, GetPoolGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (MaxPool3D, GetPoolGradient) | |
std::function< void(OpSchema &)> | AveragePoolDocGenerator (const char *dim) |
std::function< void(OpSchema &)> | MaxPoolDocGenerator (const char *dim) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragePool, PoolOp< float, CPUContext, AveragePoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragePool1D, PoolOp< float, CPUContext, AveragePoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragePool2D, PoolOp< float, CPUContext, AveragePoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AveragePool3D, PoolOp< float, CPUContext, AveragePoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MaxPool, PoolOp< float, CPUContext, MaxPoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MaxPool1D, PoolOp< float, CPUContext, MaxPoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MaxPool2D, PoolOp< float, CPUContext, MaxPoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MaxPool3D, PoolOp< float, CPUContext, MaxPoolFunctor< CPUContext >>) |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (AveragePool, CuDNNPoolOp< CuDNNAveragePoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (AveragePoolGradient, CuDNNPoolGradientOp< CuDNNAveragePoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (AveragePool1D, CuDNNPoolOp< CuDNNAveragePoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (AveragePool1DGradient, CuDNNPoolGradientOp< CuDNNAveragePoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (AveragePool2D, CuDNNPoolOp< CuDNNAveragePoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (AveragePool2DGradient, CuDNNPoolGradientOp< CuDNNAveragePoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (AveragePool3D, CuDNNPoolOp< CuDNNAveragePoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (AveragePool3DGradient, CuDNNPoolGradientOp< CuDNNAveragePoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (MaxPool, CuDNNPoolOp< CuDNNMaxPoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (MaxPoolGradient, CuDNNPoolGradientOp< CuDNNMaxPoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (MaxPool1D, CuDNNPoolOp< CuDNNMaxPoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (MaxPool1DGradient, CuDNNPoolGradientOp< CuDNNMaxPoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (MaxPool2D, CuDNNPoolOp< CuDNNMaxPoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (MaxPool2DGradient, CuDNNPoolGradientOp< CuDNNMaxPoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (MaxPool3D, CuDNNPoolOp< CuDNNMaxPoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (MaxPool3DGradient, CuDNNPoolGradientOp< CuDNNMaxPoolFunctor >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Pow, PowOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, EigenPowFunctor, SameTypeAsInput >).NumInputs(1 | |
NumOutputs (1).AllowInplace( | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (PRelu, PReluOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (PReluGradient, PReluGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (PrependDim, PrependDimOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MergeDim, MergeDimOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Reshape the tensor by prepending a dimension of fixed size and dividing the size of the next dimension by that amount. )DOC").Arg("dim_size" | |
Size of the dimension to prepend | Input (0,"data","An input tensor.").Output(0 |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Merge first two dimensions in a single dimension with size dim(0) * dim(1). )DOC").Input(0 | |
An input tensor | Output (0,"reshaped","Reshaped tensor.").InheritOnnxSchema("Reshape") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (PrependDim, GetPrependDimGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (PrependDim, PrependDimOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (MergeDim, MergeDimOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (QuantDecode, QuantDecodeOp< QuantDecodeRunTy::RUN_ALWAYS >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (QuantDecodeGradient, QuantDecodeGradientOp) | |
void | initQNNPACK () |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Add, int8::Int8AddOp< int8::Activation::NONE >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8AddRelu, int8::Int8AddOp< int8::Activation::RELU >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Sum, int8::Int8AddOp< int8::Activation::NONE >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8SumRelu, int8::Int8AddOp< int8::Activation::RELU >) | |
Arg ("Y_scale","Output tensor quantization scale").Arg("Y_zero_point" | |
Output tensor quantization offset | SetDoc (R"DOC( Performs element-wise binary Add (with no broadcast support). )DOC").Input(0 |
Output tensor quantization offset First should share the type with the second operand | Input (1,"B","Second operand. It should be of the same size as A.").Output(0 |
Output tensor quantization offset | SetDoc (R"DOC( Performs element-wise binary Add (with no broadcast support). ""Output will go through rectified linear ""function, where y = max(0, x). )DOC").Input(0 |
NumInputs (1, std::numeric_limits< int >::max()).NumOutputs(1).AllowInplace( | |
Output tensor quantization scale | Arg ("Y_zero_point","Output tensor quantization offset") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8AveragePool, int8::Int8AveragePoolOp< int8::Activation::NONE >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8AveragePoolRelu, int8::Int8AveragePoolOp< int8::Activation::RELU >) | |
std::function< void(OpSchema &)> | AveragePoolDocGenerator (const char *dim, bool relu_fused=false) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8ChannelShuffle, int8::Int8ChannelShuffleOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Concat, int8::Int8ConcatOp) | |
Output tensor quantization offset | Arg ("axis","Which axis to concat on").Arg("add_axis" |
Output tensor quantization offset Pass to add the axis specified in arg axis to all input tensors | TensorInferenceFunction (OpSchema::NeedsAllInputShapes(TensorInferenceForConcat)).CostInferenceFunction(CostInferenceForConcat).SetDoc("Concatenate a list of tensors into a single tensor").Output(0 |
Output tensor quantization offset Pass to add the axis specified in arg axis to all input tensors Concatenated tensor | Output (1,"split_info","The dimensions of the inputs.").InheritOnnxSchema("Concat") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Conv, int8::Int8ConvOp< int8::Activation::NONE >) | |
std::function< void(OpSchema &)> | ConvDocGenerator (const char *dim, bool relu_fused=false) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8ConvRelu, int8::Int8ConvOp< int8::Activation::RELU >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8ConvTranspose, int8::Int8ConvTransposeOp) | |
this is done throughout the image data and the output is computed As a side note on the implementation which is why they are separate files DOC | Input (0,"X","Input data blob from previous layer; has size ""(N x H x W x C), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and"" H and W are the height and width. Note that NHWC is supported now").Input(1 |
has | size (M x kH x kW x C) |
has where C is the number of and kH and kW are the height and width of the kernel | Input (2,"bias","The 1D bias blob that is added through the convolution;""has size (C). Optional, if not passed, will treat it as all 0.").Output(0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Dequantize, int8::Int8DequantizeOp) | |
Int8 Tensor qX | Output (0,"Y","FP32 Tensor that represents mapped real value of qX.") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Flatten, int8::Int8FlattenOp) | |
d_n then the output will have | shape (d_0 X d_1...d_(axis-1), d_axis X d_(axis+1)...X dn)) DOC") .Input(0 |
d_n then the output will have A Int8 tensor of with input dimensions up to axis flattened to the outer dimension of the output and remaining input dimensions flattened into the inner dimension of the output Output tensor quantization offset | Arg ("axis","(Default to 1) Indicate up to which input dimensions ""(exclusive) should be flattened to the outer dimension of the output") |
Input array of type | char (byte)") .Arg("shape" |
Input array of type Input tensor shape Output tensor quantization offset | SetDoc (R"DOC( Creates quantized tensor of type char(byte) with scale and zero point info. )DOC").Output(0 |
Input array of type int32 | Arg ("shape","Input tensor shape").Arg("Y_scale" |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8GivenTensorFill, int8::Int8GivenTensorFillOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8GivenIntTensorFill, int8::Int8GivenIntTensorFillOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8LeakyRelu, int8::Int8LeakyReluOp) | |
Coefficient of default value is Output tensor quantization offset and produces one output | data (Tensor< T >) where the function`f(x) |
Coefficient of default value is Output tensor quantization offset and produces one output is applied to the data tensor elementwise DOC | Input (0,"X","1D input tensor").Output(0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8MaxPool, int8::Int8MaxPoolOp< int8::Activation::NONE >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8MaxPoolRelu, int8::Int8MaxPoolOp< int8::Activation::RELU >) | |
std::function< void(OpSchema &)> | MaxPoolDocGenerator (const char *dim, bool relu_fused=false) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Quantize, int8::Int8QuantizeOp) | |
Output tensor quantization scale FP32 Tensor X | Output (0,"Y","Int8 Tensor qX representing X with linear quantization.") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Relu, int8::Int8ReluOp) | |
CostInferenceFunction (CostInferenceForRelu).IdenticalTypeAndShape().SetDoc(R"DOC( Relu takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the rectified linear function | |
is applied to the tensor elementwise DOC input tensor | InheritOnnxSchema ("Relu") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Reshape, int8::Int8ReshapeOp) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Reshape the input tensor similar to numpy.reshape. It takes a tensor as input and an optional tensor specifying the new shape. When the second input is absent, an extra argument `shape` must be specified. It outputs the reshaped tensor as well as the original shape. At most one dimension of the new shape can be -1. In this case, the value is inferred from the size of the tensor and the remaining dimensions. A dimension could also be 0, in which case the actual dimension value is going to be copied from the input tensor. )DOC").Arg("shape" | |
New shape Output tensor quantization offset New shape | Output (0,"reshaped","Reshaped data.").Output(1 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8ResizeNearest, int8::Int8ResizeNearestOp) | |
Output tensor quantization scale Scale along width dimension | Arg ("height_scale","Scale along height dimension").SetDoc(R"DOC( Resizes the spatial dimensions of the input using nearest neighbor interpolation. The `width_scale` and `height_scale` arguments control the size of the output |
Output tensor quantization scale Scale along width dimension which is given Input Int8 tensor | Output (0,"Y","Output Int8 tensor") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8RoIAlign, int8::Int8RoIAlignOp) | |
Spatial scale of the input feature map X relative to the input image E if X has a stride of w r t the input image | Arg ("pooled_h","(int) default 1; Pooled output Y's height.").Arg("pooled_w" |
Pooled output Y s width | Arg ("sampling_ratio","(int) default -1; number of sampling points in the interpolation grid ""used to compute the output value of each pooled output bin. If > 0, ""then exactly sampling_ratio x sampling_ratio grid points are used. If ""<= 0, then an adaptive number of grid points are used (computed as ""ceil(roi_width / pooled_w), and likewise for height).").Input(0 |
Pooled output Y s width Int8 Tensor feature map input of | shape (N, C, H, W).") .Input( 1 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Sigmoid, int8::Int8SigmoidOp) | |
Github The input tensor that s coerced into a matrix of | size (NxD)" "as described above.") .Output( 0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Slice, int8::Int8SliceOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Int8Softmax, int8::Int8SoftmaxOp) | |
it will be coerced into one For an arbitrary n dimensional tensor X in[a_0, a_1,..., a_{k-1}, a_k,..., a_{n-1}] and k is the axis then X will be coerced into a dimensional tensor with dimensions[a_0 *...*a_{k-1}, a_k *...*a_{n-1}] For the default case where this means the X tensor will be coerced into a tensor of where a_0 is often the batch size In this we must have or else the | operator will throw errors.) DOC") .Arg ("axis","(int) default to 1; describes the axis of the inputs when coerced ""to 2D; defaults to one because the 0th axis most likely describes ""the batch_size").Input(0 |
float | addErrorTolerance (float scale) |
std::unique_ptr< int8::Int8TensorCPU > | q (const std::vector< int64_t > &dims) |
std::unique_ptr< int8::Int8TensorCPU > | biasq (const std::vector< int64_t > &dims, double scale) |
std::unique_ptr< TensorCPU > | dq (const int8::Int8TensorCPU &XQ) |
std::unique_ptr< TensorCPU > | biasdq (const int8::Int8TensorCPU &XQ) |
void | int8Copy (int8::Int8TensorCPU *dst, const int8::Int8TensorCPU &src) |
void | add_input (const vector< int64_t > &shape, const vector< float > &values, const string &name, Workspace *ws) |
int | randomInt (int a, int b) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReciprocalGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, ReciprocalGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Reciprocal, GetReciprocalGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Reciprocal, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, ReciprocalFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceFrontMax, MaxReduceDimsOp< float, CPUContext, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceFrontMaxGradient, MaxReduceDimsGradientOp< float, CPUContext, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceBackMax, MaxReduceDimsOp< float, CPUContext, false >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceBackMaxGradient, MaxReduceDimsGradientOp< float, CPUContext, false >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ReduceFrontMax, GetReduceFrontMaxGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ReduceBackMax, GetReduceBackMaxGradient) | |
int can be which enforces that only a subset of the elements are considered in the max operation If input tensor X has | shape (d_0, d_1, d_2,..., d_n)$ |
int can be which enforces that only a subset of the elements are considered in the max operation If input tensor X has lengths must have | shape (d_1 *d_2 *...*d_{n})$.-The values of the`lengths`tensor determine how many of the values to consider for each vector in the $d_ |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceFrontMean, SumReduceDimsOp< CPUContext, true, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceFrontMeanGradient, SumReduceDimsGradientOp< CPUContext, true, true >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ReduceFrontMean, GetReduceFrontMeanGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceFrontSum, SumReduceDimsOp< CPUContext, true, false >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceFrontSumGradient, SumReduceDimsGradientOp< CPUContext, true, false >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ReduceFrontSum, GetReduceFrontSumGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceBackSum, SumReduceDimsOp< CPUContext, false, false >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceBackSumGradient, SumReduceDimsGradientOp< CPUContext, false, false >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ReduceBackSum, GetReduceBackSumGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceMin, ReduceOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext, MinReducer< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceMinGradient, ReduceGradientOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext, MinReducer< CPUContext >>) | |
then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned DOC | Arg ("axes","A list of integers, along which to reduce.").Arg("keepdims" |
then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned DOC Keep the reduced default True keeps the reduced An input tensor | Output (0,"reduced","Reduced output tensor.") |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (ReduceMinGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceMax, ReduceOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext, MaxReducer< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceMaxGradient, ReduceGradientOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext, MaxReducer< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (ReduceMaxGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceSum, ReduceOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext, SumReducer< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReduceSumGradient, ReduceGradientOp< TensorTypes< std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double >, CPUContext, SumReducer< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SumElements, SumElementsOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SumElementsInt, SumElementsIntOp< int, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SumSqrElements, SumSqrElementsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SumElementsGradient, SumElementsGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RowwiseMax, MaxReductionOp< float, CPUContext, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RowwiseMaxGradient, MaxReductionGradientOp< float, CPUContext, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ColwiseMaxGradient, MaxReductionGradientOp< float, CPUContext, false >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ColwiseMax, MaxReductionOp< float, CPUContext, false >) | |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).ScalarType(TensorProto NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).ScalarType(TensorProto | SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (SumElementsInt) |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).ScalarType(TensorProto | OPERATOR_SCHEMA (SumElementsGradient).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1) |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SumElements, GetSumElementsGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReluN, UnaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, ReluNFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReluNGradient, BinaryElementwiseWithArgsOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, ReluNGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
the cap of forward op output | AllowInplace ({{1, 0}}).SetDoc(R"DOC( ReluGradient takes both Y and dY and uses this to update dX according to the chain rule and derivatives of the rectified linear function. )DOC") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ReluN, GetReluNGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Relu, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, ReluFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (ReluGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, ReluGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( ReluGradient takes both Y and dY and uses this to update dX according to the chain rule and derivatives of the rectified linear function. )DOC") | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Relu, GetReluGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReplaceNaN, ReplaceNaNOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Reshape, ReshapeOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
out[1] | set_data_type (TensorProto::INT64) |
out[1] | add_dims (in[0].dims_size()) |
if (!helper.HasArgument("shape")) | |
CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ (in.size(), 1,"New shape must not be specified by the input blob and the ""argument `shape` at the same time.") | |
for (const auto d:in[0].dims()) | |
if (unknownIdx!=-1) | |
for (const auto d:actualNewShape) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Reshape, ReshapeOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
void | resizeNearestNCHW2x (int batch_size, int num_channels, int input_height, int input_width, const float *input, float *output) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ResizeNearest, ResizeNearestOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (ResizeNearestGradient, ResizeNearestGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
Scale along width dimension which is given Input tensor | Input (1,"scales","1D, 2-element, Scales tensor, [height_scale, width_scale]").Output(0 |
Scale along width dimension which is given Input tensor Output tensor | InheritOnnxSchema ("Upsample") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ResizeNearest, GetResizeNearestGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ReversePackedSegs, ReversePackedSegsOp< CPUContext >) | |
leaving paddings unchanged This | operator is used to reverse input of a recurrent neural network to make it a BRNN.) DOC") .Input (0,"data","a 3-D (lengths, segments, embeddings,) tensor.").Input(1 |
leaving paddings unchanged This length of each segment | Output (0,"reversed data","a (lengths, segments, embeddings,) tensor with each segment reversed""and paddings unchanged.") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ReversePackedSegs, GetReversePackedSegsGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RMACRegions, RMACRegionsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RecurrentNetworkBlobFetcher, RecurrentNetworkBlobFetcherOp< CPUContext >) | |
Prefix string to prepend extracted blobs | Input (0,"ScratchWorkspaceBlob","Name of scratch workspace blob returned by recurrent network.").Output(0 |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (RecurrentNetworkBlobFetcher) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (RecurrentNetworkBlobFetcher, RecurrentNetworkBlobFetcherOp< CUDAContext >) | |
template<> | |
std::unique_ptr< RecurrentNetworkExecutorBase > | createRNNExecutor< CPUContext > (const NetDef &step_net_def, std::map< string, string > &recurrent_input_map, std::string timestep_blob, ArgumentHelper rnn_args) |
Implementation of RecurrentNetworkExecutor that uses thread pool for multithreaded execution of RNNs. More... | |
template<class Context > | |
std::unique_ptr< RecurrentNetworkExecutorBase > | createRNNExecutor (const NetDef &step_net_def, std::map< string, string > &recurrent_input_map, std::string timestep_blob, ArgumentHelper rnn_args) |
template<> | |
std::unique_ptr< RecurrentNetworkExecutorBase > | createRNNExecutor< CUDAContext > (const NetDef &step_net_def, std::map< string, string > &recurrent_input_map, std::string timestep_blob, ArgumentHelper arg_helper) |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (detail::ScratchWorkspaces) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RecurrentNetwork, RecurrentNetworkOp< CPUContext >) | |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( Run the input network in a recurrent fashion. This can be used to implement fairly general recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The operator proceeds as follows. - First, initialized the states from the input recurrent states - For each timestep T, apply the links (that map offsets from input/output tensors into the inputs/outputs for the `step` network) - Finally, alias the recurrent states to the specified output blobs. This is a fairly special-case meta-operator, and so the implementation is somewhat complex. It trades of generality (and frankly usability) against performance and control (compared to e.g. TF dynamic_rnn, Theano scan, etc). See the usage examples for a flavor of how to use it. )DOC") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RecurrentNetworkGradient, RecurrentNetworkGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (RecurrentNetworkGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (rnn_internal_accumulate_gradient_input, AccumulateInputGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
INT_MAX | EnforceInplace ({{2, 0}}).Private().SetDoc(R"DOC( Internal RNN operator. )DOC") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (rnn_internal_apply_link, RNNApplyLinkOp< CPUContext >) | |
Private ().SetDoc(R"DOC( Internal RNN operator. )DOC") | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (RecurrentNetwork, GetRecurrentNetworkGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (Recurrent, RecurrentOp< float >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (Recurrent).NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(5).SetDoc(R"DOC( Recurrent wraps the CuDNN R5 RNN implementation. See the CuDNN R5 documentation for more information. In general | |
the implementation takes an | input (TxNxD) tensor |
the implementation takes an the hidden state | input (NxD) |
the implementation takes an the hidden state the cell and a weight | tensor (effectively an opaque blob, where the size and layout is dictated by CuDNN).The outputs are the output(again |
the implementation takes an the hidden state the cell and a weight the final hidden cell | states (NxD).These can be reset(at sequence boundaries across minibatches) by multiplying by zero.The CuDNN arguments(hidden_size |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (RecurrentGradient, RecurrentGradientOp< float >) | |
NumInputs (7).NumOutputs(6).AllowInplace( | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (RecurrentParamSet, RecurrentParamAccessOp< float, SET_PARAM >) | |
SetDoc ("Set individual parameters of a recurrent net.").Arg("param_type" | |
R | DOC (Type of param to be set:"input_gate_w","forget_gate_w","cell_w","output_gate_w""input_gate_b","forget_gate_b","cell_b","output_gate_b") DOC") .Arg("input_type" |
R recurrent or input | Arg ("layer","layer index (starting from 0)").Input(0 |
R recurrent or input R | DOC (Input blob.Needed for inferring the shapes.A dummy tensor matching the input shape is ok.) DOC") .Input(1 |
R recurrent or input R Blob holding all the parameters | Input (2,"param","Values for the specified parameter").Output(0 |
R recurrent or input R Blob holding all the parameters Blob holding all the | parameters (same as input(1))") |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (RecurrentParamGet, RecurrentParamAccessOp< float, GET_PARAM >) | |
R recurrent or input R Blob holding all the parameters | Output (0,"param","Blob holding the requested values") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Recurrent, GetRecurrentGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RoIAlignGradient, RoIAlignGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
See RoIPoolF | Input (1,"RoIs","See RoIPoolF.").Input(2 |
See RoIPoolF Gradient of forward | output (Y)") .Output(0 |
See RoIPoolF Gradient of forward Gradient of forward | input (X)") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (RoIAlign, GetRoIAlignGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RoIAlign, RoIAlignOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
See RoIAlignRotated | Input (1,"RoIs","See RoIAlignRotated.").Input(2 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (RoIAlignRotated, GetRoIAlignRotatedGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RoIAlignRotated, RoIAlignRotatedOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RoIPool, RoIPoolOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RoIPoolGradient, RoIPoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in){ArgumentHelper helper(def);const StorageOrder order=StringToStorageOrder(helper.GetSingleArgument< string >("order","NCHW"));const TensorShape &X=in[0];const int num_channels=(order==StorageOrder::NCHW?X.dims(1):X.dims(3));const TensorShape &R=in[1];const int num_rois=R.dims(0);const int pooled_height=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("pooled_h", 1);const int pooled_width=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("pooled_w", 1);TensorShape Y=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >({num_rois, num_channels, pooled_height, pooled_width}), X.data_type());bool is_test=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >(OpSchema::Arg_IsTest, 0);if(!is_test){TensorShape argmaxes=Y;argmaxes.set_data_type(TensorProto_DataType_INT32);return vector< TensorShape >({Y, argmaxes});}else{return vector< TensorShape >({Y});}}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Carries out ROI Pooling for Faster-RCNN. Depending on the mode | |
there are multiple output | argmaxes (train mode) Output case) DOC") .Arg( "is_test" |
there are multiple output If run in test mode and skip computation of argmaxes(used for" "gradient computation).Only one output tensor is produced." "(Default | OPERATOR_SCHEMA (RoIPoolGradient).NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1) |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (RoIPool, GetRoIPoolGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Rsqrt, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, RsqrtFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RsqrtGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, RsqrtGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
ND input tensor | Output (0,"Y","ND output tensor") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Rsqrt, GetRsqrtGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Scale, ScaleOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Scale, GetScaleGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Scale, ScaleOp< CUDAContext >) | |
OpSchema::Cost | CostInferenceForSparseLengths (const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &inputs, bool use_weight) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsIndicesInGradientWeightedSumWithMainInputGradient, AbstractLengthsWithMainInputGradientOp< float, float, int, CPUContext, WeightedSumReducerDef::template ReducerGradient< float, CPUContext >, true, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsIndicesInGradientWeightedSumGradient, AbstractLengthsGradientOp< float, int, CPUContext, WeightedSumReducerDef::template ReducerGradient< float, CPUContext >, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsIndicesInGradientSumGradient, AbstractLengthsGradientOp< float, int, CPUContext, SumReducerDef::template ReducerGradient< float, CPUContext >, true >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (LengthsIndicesInGradientSumGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsIndicesInGradientSumGradient, AbstractLengthsGradientOp< float, int, CPUContext, SumReducerDef::template ReducerGradient< float, CPUContext >, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseLengthsIndicesInGradientMeanGradient, AbstractLengthsGradientOp< float, int, CPUContext, MeanReducerDef::template ReducerGradient< float, CPUContext >, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsIndicesInGradientMeanGradient, AbstractLengthsGradientOp< float, int, CPUContext, MeanReducerDef::template ReducerGradient< float, CPUContext >, true >) | |
REGISTER_LENGTHS_OPS_MAIN_INPUT_AND_FORWARD_OUTPUT_GRADIENT (LengthsMax, LengthsMaxWithMainInputAndForwardOutputGradient, AbstractLengthsDef< float, int, CPUContext, MaxReducerDef >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Selu, SeluOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SeluGradient, SeluGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
affects the activation function itself | Input (0,"Y","input tensor").Input(1 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Selu, GetSeluGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AddPadding, AddPaddingOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RemovePadding, RemovePaddingOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GatherPadding, GatherPaddingOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (PadEmptySamples, PadEmptySamplesOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (AddPadding, GetAddPaddingGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (RemovePadding, GetRemovePaddingGradient) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Given a partitioned tensor $T<N, D_1, ..., D_n>$, where the partitions are defined as ranges on its outer-most (slowest varying) dimension $N$, return a tensor $T<(N + 2 * padding\_width), D_1, ..., D_n>$ with paddings added to the start and end of each range. Optionally, different paddings can be provided for beginning and end. Paddings provided must be a tensor $T<D_1, ..., D_n>$. If no padding is provided, add zero padding. If no lengths vector is provided, add padding only once, at the start and end of data. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/sequence_ops.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "AddPadding", ["X", "lengths"], ["Y", "lengths_out"], padding_width=1 ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", (np.random.rand(3,2,2).astype(np.float32))) workspace.FeedBlob("lengths", np.array([3]).astype(np.int32)) print("X:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) print("lengths_out:", workspace.FetchBlob("lengths_out")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[[0.2531572 0.4588472 ] [0.45140603 0.61161053]] [[0.92500854 0.8045306 ] [0.03356671 0.30233648]] [[0.4660227 0.6287745 ] [0.79372746 0.08609265]]] Y: [[[0. 0. ] [0. 0. ]] [[0.2531572 0.4588472 ] [0.45140603 0.61161053]] [[0.92500854 0.8045306 ] [0.03356671 0.30233648]] [[0.4660227 0.6287745 ] [0.79372746 0.08609265]] [[0. 0. ] [0. 0. ]]] lengths_out: [5] ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("padding_width" | |
will use same as padding_width | Input (0,"data_in","*(type: Tensor)* Input data ($T<N, D_1, ..., D_n>$).").Input(1 |
will use same as padding_width D_n | Input (3,"end_padding","*(type: Tensor`<int>`)* [OPTIONAL] Padding for range end. If not ""provided, `start_padding` is used ($T<D_1, ..., D_n>$).").Output(0 |
will use same as padding_width D_n D_n | Output (1,"lengths_out","*(type: Tensor`<int>`)* [OPTIONAL] Lengths for each padded range.") |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Remove padding around the edges of each segment of the input data. This is the reverse operation of **AddPadding**, and uses the same arguments and conventions for input and output data format. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/sequence_ops.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() addpad_op = core.CreateOperator( "AddPadding", ["X", "lengths_add"], ["Y", "lengths_out_add"], padding_width=1 ) rmpad_op = core.CreateOperator( "RemovePadding", ["Y", "lengths_rm"], ["Z", "lengths_out_rm"], padding_width=1 ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", (np.random.randint(20, size=(3,5)))) workspace.FeedBlob("lengths_add", np.array([3]).astype(np.int32)) workspace.FeedBlob("lengths_rm", np.array([5]).astype(np.int32)) print("X:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(addpad_op) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) print("lengths_out_add:", workspace.FetchBlob("lengths_out_add")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(rmpad_op) print("Z:", workspace.FetchBlob("Z")) print("lengths_out_rm:", workspace.FetchBlob("lengths_out_rm")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[17 19 1 9 1] [19 3 5 19 1] [16 0 0 0 4]] Y: [[ 0 0 0 0 0] [17 19 1 9 1] [19 3 5 19 1] [16 0 0 0 4] [ 0 0 0 0 0]] lengths_out_add: [5] Z: [[17 19 1 9 1] [19 3 5 19 1] [16 0 0 0 4]] lengths_out_rm: [3] ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("padding_width" | |
will use same as padding_width | Input (0,"data_in","Input tensor ($T<N, D_1, ..., D_n>$).").Input(1 |
will use same as padding_width considers all data as a single segment | Output (0,"data_out","*(type: Tensor)* Padded data tensor ""($T<N + 2*padding_width, D_1, ..., D_n>$).").Output(1 |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Gather the sum of start and end paddings in a padded input sequence. Used in order to compute the gradients of AddPadding w.r.t the padding tensors. )DOC").Arg("padding_width" | |
Outer size of padding present around each range | Arg ("end_padding_width","(Optional) Specifies a different end-padding width.").Input(0 |
Outer size of padding present around each range T< N, D1..., Dn > Padded input data | Input (1,"lengths","(i64) Num of elements in each range. sum(lengths) = N. ""If not provided, considers all data as a single segment.").Output(0 |
Outer size of padding present around each range T< N, D1..., Dn > Padded input data Sum of all start or of all paddings if end_padding_sum is not provided | Output (1,"end_padding_sum","T<D1..., Dn> Sum of all end paddings, if provided.") |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( Pad empty field given lengths and index features, Input(0) is a blob pointing to the lengths of samples in one batch, [Input(1),... Input(num_fields)] a list of tensors containing the data for each field of the features. PadEmptySamples is thread safe. )DOC").Input(0 |
INT_MAX A blob containing a pointer to the lengths | Output (0,"out_lengths","Tensor containing lengths with empty sample padded.") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Shape, ShapeOp< CPUContext >) | |
this | operator only returns the dimensions of the given axes." "Otherwise, the operator returns the dimensions of all axes.") .TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in){ArgumentHelper args(def);const vector< int > &axes=args.GetRepeatedArgument< int >("axes");vector< TensorShape > out(1);if(axes.empty()){out[0].add_dims(in[0].dims().size());}else{out[0].add_dims(axes.size());}out[0].set_data_type(TensorProto::INT64);return out;}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Produce a 1D int64 tensor with the shape of the input tensor. If called with an optional argument `axes` |
this the result will only contain the dimensions of specified axes Github workspace FeedBlob("X",(np.random.randint(10, size=(2, 3)))) print("X | SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (Shape) |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Shape, ShapeOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SigmoidGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SigmoidGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Sigmoid, GetSigmoidGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Sigmoid, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SigmoidFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( SigmoidGradient takes both Y and dY and uses this to update dX according to the chain rule and derivatives of the sigmoid function. )DOC") | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Sin, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SinFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SinGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SinGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
element wise Github workspace FeedBlob("X", np.random.rand(5).astype(np.float32)) print("X | OPERATOR_SCHEMA (SinGradient).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).IdenticalTypeAndShape() |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Sin, GetSinGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Sinh, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SinhFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SinhGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SinhGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Sinh, GetSinhGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SinusoidPositionEncoding, SinusoidPositionEncodingOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Slice, SliceOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (SliceGradient, SliceGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
vector< int > | dst_sizes (data.dims_size()) |
Output (0,"Y","(*Tensor*): sliced output tensor").InheritOnnxSchema() | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Slice, GetSliceGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Softmax, SoftmaxOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (SoftmaxGradient, SoftmaxGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
and sum to The softmax | operator is typically the last layer in a classifier network, as its output can be interpreted as confidence probabilities of an input belonging to each class.The input is a 2-D tensor (Tensor) of size(batch_size x input_feature_dimensions).The output tensor has the same shape and contains the softmax normalized values of the corresponding input.The softmax function is defined as follows |
void | SoftmaxCPU (CPUContext &context, const int N, const int D, const float *Xdata, float *Ydata, float *scale, const float *sum_multiplier, bool logarithmic, float *rowmax) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SoftmaxWithLoss, SoftmaxWithLossOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SoftmaxWithLossGradient, SoftmaxWithLossGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
vector< TensorShape > | out (2) |
out[0] | set_data_type (logits.data_type()) |
out[0] | add_dims (batch_size) |
out[0] | add_dims (num_classes) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Combined Softmax and Cross-Entropy loss operator. The operator first computes the softmax normalized values for each layer in the batch of the given input, then computes cross-entropy loss. This operator is numerically more stable than separate `Softmax` and `CrossEntropy` ops. The inputs are a 2-D tensor `logits` of size (batch_size x input_feature_dimensions), which represents the unscaled log probabilities, and a 1-dimensional integer `labels` tensor for ground truth. An optional third input blob (`weight_tensor`) can be used to weight the samples for the loss, which is useful if the training set is unbalanced. This operator outputs a `softmax` tensor which contains the probability for each label for each example (same shape is `logits` input), and a scalar `loss` value, which is the averaged cross-entropy loss between the softmax probabilities and the ground truth values. Use parameter `label_prob`=1 to enable inputting labels as a probability distribution. Softmax cross-entropy loss function: $$loss(x, class) = -\log{\biggl(\frac{\exp(x[class])}{\sum_{j} \exp(x[j])}\biggr)} = -x[class] + \log{\biggl(\sum_{j} \exp(x[j])\biggr)}$$ or if the `weight_tensor` has been passed: $$loss(x, class) = weight[class]\biggl(-x[class] + \log{\biggl(\sum_{j} \exp(x[j])\biggr)}\biggr)$$ The `logits` input does not need to explicitly be a 2D vector; rather, it will be coerced into one. For an arbitrary n-dimensional tensor `X` in $[a_0, a_1, ..., a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}]$, where k is the `axis` provided, then `X` will be coerced into a 2-dimensional tensor with dimensions $[(a_0 * ... * a_{k-1}), (a_k * ... * a_{n-1})]$. For the default case where `axis`=1, the `X` tensor will be coerced into a 2D tensor of dimensions $[a_0, (a_1 * ... * a_{n-1})]$, where $a_0$ is often the batch size. In this situation, we must have $a_0 = N$ and $a_1 * ... * a_{n-1} = D$. Each of these dimensions must be matched correctly, or else the operator will throw errors. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/softmax_with_loss_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "SoftmaxWithLoss", ["logits", "labels"], ["softmax", "avgloss"] ) workspace.FeedBlob("logits", np.random.randn(1, 5).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("labels", np.asarray([4]).astype(np.int32)) print("logits:", workspace.FetchBlob("logits")) print("labels:", workspace.FetchBlob("labels")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("softmax:", workspace.FetchBlob("softmax")) print("avgloss:", workspace.FetchBlob("avgloss")) ``` **Result** ``` logits: [[-0.3429451 -0.80375195 0.23104447 1.4569176 -0.5268362 ]] labels: [4] softmax: [[0.09721052 0.0613179 0.17258129 0.58800864 0.0808817 ]] avgloss: 2.5147676 ``` </details> <details> <summary> <b>Example 2</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "SoftmaxWithLoss", ["logits", "labels"], ["softmax", "avgloss"], scale=5.0 ) workspace.FeedBlob("logits", np.asarray([[.1, .4, .7, 1.5, .2]]).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("labels", np.asarray([4]).astype(np.int32)) print("logits:", workspace.FetchBlob("logits")) print("labels:", workspace.FetchBlob("labels")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("softmax:", workspace.FetchBlob("softmax")) print("avgloss:", workspace.FetchBlob("avgloss")) ``` **Result** ``` logits: [[0.1 0.4 0.7 1.5 0.2]] labels: [4] softmax: [[0.10715417 0.144643 0.19524762 0.4345316 0.11842369]] avgloss: 10.667433 ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("label_prob" | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (SoftmaxWithLossGradient).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Softplus, SoftplusOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SoftplusGradient, SoftplusGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Softplus, GetSoftplusGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Softsign, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SoftsignFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_GRADIENT_OPERATOR (SoftsignGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SoftsignGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Calculates the softsign gradient (sgn(x)/(1+|x|)^2) of the given input tensor element-wise. )DOC").Input(0 | |
D input tensor | Input (1,"input","1-D input tensor").Output(0 |
D input tensor The softsign | gradient (sgn(x)/(1+|x|)^2) values of the input tensor" "computed element-wise") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Softsign, GetSoftsignGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SpaceToBatch, SpaceToBatchOp< CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (SpaceToBatch).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Zero-pads and then rearranges (permutes) blocks of spatial data into batch. More specifically | |
only NCHW order is currently | supported (default=\"NCHW\")").Input(0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchToSpace, BatchToSpaceOp< CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (BatchToSpace).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Rearranges (permutes) data from batch into blocks of spatial data | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SpaceToBatch, GetSpaceToBatchGradient) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (BatchToSpace, GetBatchToSpaceGradient) | |
template<typename Context > | |
void | spaceToBatch (const Tensor &input, int pad_t, int pad_l, int block_size, Tensor *output, Context *) |
template<typename Context > | |
void | batchToSpace (const Tensor &input, int pad_t, int pad_l, int block_size, Tensor *output, Context *) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseNormalize, SparseNormalizeOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
Parameters to be normalized | Input (1,"indices","Sparse indices").Input(2 |
Parameters to be normalized Gradient computed | Output (0,"output_param","Normalized parameters").EnforceOneToOneInplace().Arg("use_max_norm" |
Parameters to be normalized Gradient computed A bool variable to control whether to use max norm or constant norm When constant norm is used so that all the embedding vectors are scaled to have a L2 norm equals to | A (see blow arugment norm=A).If use_max_norm |
Parameters to be normalized Gradient computed A bool variable to control whether to use max norm or constant norm When constant norm is used so that all the embedding vectors are scaled to have a L2 norm equals to max norm is used so that embedding is scaled so that its l2 norm is no larger than A If an embedding s norm is less than A the embedding is left unchanged The default is True | Arg ("norm","L2 norm of the embedding. The default is 1.0.").SetDoc(R"DOC( Given a sparse matrix |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (SparseNormalize) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseToDense, SparseToDenseOp< CPUContext >) | |
value represented as indices vector and values tensor into a compacted tensor where the first dimension is determined by the first dimension of the input if it is given or the max index Missing values are filled with zeros The op supports duplicated indices and performs summation over corresponding values This behavior is useful for converting GradientSlices into dense representation After running this | len (mask)]+shape(default_value)`(if`lengths`is not provided the" "first dimension is omitted)") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SpatialBNGradient, SpatialBNGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs ({5, 7}).NumOutputs(3).AllowInplace( | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SpatialBN, GetSpatialBNGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SpatialBN, SpatialBNOp< CPUContext >) | |
AllowInplace ({{0, 0},{5, 3},{6, 4}}).EnforceInplace( | |
CostInferenceFunction (CostInferenceForSpatialBN).TensorInferenceFunction([](const OperatorDef &def | |
if (!is_test) | |
SetDoc(R"DOC( Applies spatial batch normalization to the input tensor as described in the original paper, [Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift](https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167). Be aware, this operator has two different output sets, depending on the value of *is_test*. According to the paper, the primary operation of spatial batch normalization is: $$Y = \frac{X - \mu_x}{\sqrt{\sigma^2_{x} + \epsilon}}*\gamma + b$$ In the equation, $\mu_x$ is the *mean*, $X$ is the input data, $\sigma^2_{x}$ is the *var*, $\epsilon$ is *epsilon*, $\gamma$ is the *scale*, $b$ is the *bias*, and $Y$ is the output data. The *momentum* arg also affects this calculation in the computation of the running mean and variance. The influence of *momentum* is as follows: $$running\_mean = running\_mean * momentum + mean * (1 - momentum)$$ $$running\_var = running\_var * momentum + var * (1 - momentum)$$ Output when is_test = 0 (train mode): *Y, mean, var, saved_mean, saved_var* Output when is_test = 1 (test mode): *Y* Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/spatial_batch_norm_op.cc - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/spatial_batch_norm_op.h )DOC").ArgIsTest("*(type run spatial batch normalization in test mode | Arg ("epsilon","*(type: float; default: 1e-5)* The epsilon value to use to avoid division by zero.").Arg("order" |
default where $N is batch $C is number of $H is spatial and $W is spatial width The only other valid option is NHWC | Arg ("momentum","*(type: float; default: 0.9)* Factor used in computing the running mean and variance. e.g., running_mean = running_mean x momentum + mean x (1 - momentum)").Arg("num_batches" |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter | Input (1,"scale","The scale as a 1-dimensional tensor of size $C$ to be applied to the output.").Input(2 |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter The bias as a dimensional tensor of size $C to be applied to the output | Input (3,"mean","The running mean (training) or the estimated mean (testing) as a 1-dimensional tensor of size $C$.").Input(4 |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter The bias as a dimensional tensor of size $C to be applied to the output The running | variance (training) or the estimated variance(testing) as a 1-dimensional tensor of size $C $.") .Input( 5 |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter The bias as a dimensional tensor of size $C to be applied to the output The running *optional *Per channel sums of elements to be used to determine the mean and variance for this batch | Input (6,"sumsq","*(optional)* Per-channel sum of elements squared per channel to be used to determine the variance for this batch.").Output(0 |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter The bias as a dimensional tensor of size $C to be applied to the output The running *optional *Per channel sums of elements to be used to determine the mean and variance for this batch The output dimensional tensor of the same shape as $X | Output (1,"mean","The running mean after the spatial BN operator. Must be in-place with the input *mean*. Should not be used for testing.").Output(2 |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter The bias as a dimensional tensor of size $C to be applied to the output The running *optional *Per channel sums of elements to be used to determine the mean and variance for this batch The output dimensional tensor of the same shape as $X The running variance after the spatial BN | operator.Must be in-place with the input *var *.Should not be used for testing.") .Output (3,"saved_mean","Saved mean used during training to speed up gradient computation. Should not be used for testing.").Output(4 |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter The bias as a dimensional tensor of size $C to be applied to the output The running *optional *Per channel sums of elements to be used to determine the mean and variance for this batch The output dimensional tensor of the same shape as $X The running variance after the spatial BN Saved variance used during training to speed up gradient computation Should not be used for testing | InheritOnnxSchema ("BatchNormalization") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SpatialSoftmaxWithLoss, SpatialSoftmaxWithLossOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SpatialSoftmaxWithLossGradient, SpatialSoftmaxWithLossGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ (logits.dims_size(), 4) | |
CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ (labels.dims_size(), 3) | |
out[0] | add_dims (in[0].dims(2)) |
out[0] | add_dims (in[0].dims(3)) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Combined Spatial Softmax and Cross-Entropy loss operator. Similar to SoftmaxWithLoss, this operator computes the spatial softmax normalized values for each layer in the batch of the given input, after which cross-entropy loss is computed. This operator is numerically more stable than separate Softmax and CrossEntropy ops. The inputs are a 2-D tensor (Tensor) of size (batch_size x input_feature_dimensions) and tensor of labels (ground truth). Output is tensor with the probability for each label in a pixel for each example (N x D x W x H) and averaged loss (scalar). For spatial softmax, weighting is by x,y position of the input. )DOC").Input(0 | |
Unscaled log probabilities | Input (1,"labels","Ground truth").Input(2 |
Unscaled log probabilities Optional blob to be used to weight the samples for the loss With spatial weighting is by y of the input | Output (0,"softmax","Tensor with softmax cross entropy loss").Output(1 |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (SpatialSoftmaxWithLossGradient).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Sqr, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SqrFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Sqr, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CUDAContext, SqrFunctor< CUDAContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Sqrt, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SqrtFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Sqrt, GetSqrtGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Sqrt, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CUDAContext, SqrtFunctor< CUDAContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SquareRootDivide, SquareRootDivideOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Given DATA tensor with first dimension N and SCALE vector of the same size N produces an output tensor with same dimensions as DATA. Which consists of DATA slices. i-th slice is divided by sqrt(SCALE[i]) elementwise. If SCALE[i] == 0 output slice is identical to the input one (no scaling) Example: Data = [ [2.0, 4.0], [9.0, 12.0] ] SCALE = [4, 9] OUTPUT = [ [1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0] ] )DOC") | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SquareRootDivide, GetSquareRootDivideGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StatRegistryCreate, StatRegistryCreateOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StatRegistryUpdate, StatRegistryUpdateOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StatRegistryExport, StatRegistryExportOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TimerBegin, TimerBeginOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TimerEnd, TimerEndOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TimerGetAndEnd, TimerGetAndEndOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TimerGet, TimerGetOp) | |
or the global with the values of counters for the given keys DOC | Input (0,"keys","1D string tensor with the key names to update.").Input(1 |
or the global with the values of counters for the given keys DOC int64 tensor with the values to update | Input (2,"handle","If provided, update the given StatRegistry. ""Otherwise, update the global singleton.") |
If export values from given StatRegistry export values from the global singleton StatRegistry | Output (0,"keys","1D string tensor with exported key names").Output(1 |
If export values from given StatRegistry export values from the global singleton StatRegistry int64 tensor with exported values | Output (2,"timestamps","The unix timestamp at counter retrieval.").Arg("reset" |
if not set use output name | Output (0,"timer","(*Tensor`<ptr>`*): pointer to a timer object") |
obtained from **TimerBegin **op | Output (0,"nanos","(*Tensor`<int64>`*): scalar tensor containing time in nanoseconds") |
NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Queries the current time of a timer object in nanoseconds. Github Links obtained from** TimerBegin** op | Output (0,"nanos","(*Tensor`<int64>`*): scalar containing time in nanoseconds") |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (TimerInstance *) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (std::unique_ptr< caffe2::StatRegistry >) | |
REGISTER_TEMPLATED_STAT_PUT_OP (AveragePut, AveragePutStat, CAFFE_AVG_EXPORTED_STAT).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(0).Arg("name" | |
str then uses name of input blob | Arg ("magnitude_expand","(*int64_t*): number to multiply input values by (used when inputting floats, as stats can only receive integers").Arg("bound" |
REGISTER_TEMPLATED_STAT_PUT_OP (IncrementPut, IncrementPutStat, CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(0).Arg("name" | |
REGISTER_TEMPLATED_STAT_PUT_OP (StdDevPut, StdDevPutStat, CAFFE_STDDEV_EXPORTED_STAT).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(0).Arg("name" | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StopGradient, StopGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (1, 1).NumOutputs(1 | |
NO_GRADIENT (StopGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (StopGradient, StopGradientOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StumpFunc, StumpFuncOp< float, float, CPUContext >) | |
tensor of float | Output (0,"Y","tensor of float").SetDoc(R"DOC( Converts each input element into either high_ or low_value based on the given threshold. )DOC") |
NO_GRADIENT (StumpFunc) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (StumpFuncIndex, StumpFuncIndexOp< float, int64_t, CPUContext >) | |
tensor of float | Output (0,"Index_Low","tensor of int64 indices for elements below/equal threshold").Output(1 |
tensor of float tensor of int64 indices for elements above threshold | SetDoc (R"DOC( Split the elemnts and return the indices based on the given threshold. )DOC") |
NO_GRADIENT (StumpFuncIndex) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Summarize, SummarizeOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Summarize computes four statistics of the input tensor (Tensor)- min, max, mean and standard deviation. The output will be written to a 1-D tensor of size 4 if an output tensor is provided. Else, if the argument 'to_file' is greater than 0, the values are written to a log file in the root folder. )DOC").Arg("to_file" | |
default flag to indicate if the summarized statistics have to be written to a log file | Input (0,"data","The input data as Tensor.").Output(0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Swish, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, SwishFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SwishGradient, SwishGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( SwishGradient takes X, Y and dY and uses this to update dX according to the chain rule and derivatives of the swish function. )DOC") | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Swish, GetSwishGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Tan, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, TanFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TanGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, TanGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (TanGradient).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).IdenticalTypeAndShape() | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Tan, GetTanGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TanhGradient, BinaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, TanhGradientFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Tanh, GetTanhGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Tanh, UnaryElementwiseOp< TensorTypes< float >, CPUContext, TanhFunctor< CPUContext >>) | |
by providing the same input and output blobs Github workspace FeedBlob("X", np.random.randn(3, 3).astype(np.float32)) print("X | OPERATOR_SCHEMA (TanhGradient).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).AllowInplace( |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TensorProtosDBInput, TensorProtosDBInput< CPUContext >) | |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( TensorProtosDBInput is a simple input operator that basically reads things from a db where each key-value pair stores an index as key, and a TensorProtos object as value. These TensorProtos objects should have the same size, and they will be grouped into batches of the given size. The DB Reader is provided as input to the operator and it returns as many output tensors as the size of the TensorProtos object. Each output will simply be a tensor containing a batch of data with size specified by the 'batch_size' argument containing data from the corresponding index in the TensorProtos objects in the DB. )DOC").Arg("batch_size" |
INT_MAX default the number of samples in a batch The default value of means that the | operator will attempt to insert the" "entire data in a single output blob.") .Input (0,"data","A pre-initialized DB reader. Typically, this is obtained ""by calling CreateDB operator with a db_name and a db_type. The ""resulting output blob is a DB Reader tensor").Output(0 |
INT_MAX default the number of samples in a batch The default value of means that the The output tensor in which the batches of data are returned The number of output tensors is equal to the size | of (number of TensorProto's in) the TensorProtos objects stored in the" "DB as values.Each output tensor will be of size specified by the" "'batch_size'argument of the operator") |
NO_GRADIENT (TensorProtosDBInput) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (TensorProtosDBInput, TensorProtosDBInput< CUDAContext >) | |
void | convert (TensorProto_DataType dst_type, const char *src_start, const char *src_end, void *dst) |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (std::unique_ptr< TextFileReaderInstance >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CreateTextFileReader, CreateTextFileReaderOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TextFileReaderRead, TextFileReaderReadOp) | |
Path to the file | Arg ("num_passes","Number of passes over the file.").Arg("field_types" |
Path to the file List with type of each field Type enum is found at core DataType | Output (0,"handler","Pointer to the created TextFileReaderInstance.") |
INT_MAX | SetDoc ("Read a batch of rows from the given text file reader instance. ""Expects the number of fields to be equal to the number of outputs. ""Each output is a 1D tensor containing the values for the given field ""for each row. When end of file is reached, returns empty tensors.").Input(0 |
INT_MAX Pointer to an existing TextFileReaderInstance | Arg ("batch_size","Maximum number of rows to read.") |
NO_GRADIENT (CreateTextFileReader) | |
NO_GRADIENT (TextFileReaderRead) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ThresholdedRelu, ThresholdedReluOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ThresholdedReluGradient, ThresholdedReluGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Tile, TileOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TileGradient, TileGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
if (in.size() > 1) | |
out[0] | set_dims (canonical_axis, out[0].dims().Get(canonical_axis)*tiles) |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Constructs a tensor by tiling a given tensor along a specified axis. This operation creates a new tensor by replicating the input tensor a number of times specified by the `tiles` argument along the `axis` dimension. The output tensor's `axis` dimension has $(X.dims(axis) * tiles)$ elements. Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/tile_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Tile", ["X", "tiles", "axis"], ["Y"] ) workspace.FeedBlob("X", np.random.randint(10, size=(5,5))) workspace.FeedBlob("tiles", np.array([5]).astype(np.int32)) workspace.FeedBlob("axis", np.array([1]).astype(np.int32)) print("X:", workspace.FetchBlob("X")) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Y:", workspace.FetchBlob("Y")) ``` **Result** ``` X: [[9 1 7 1 3] [2 3 6 2 5] [0 9 2 6 4] [5 8 1 5 9] [2 0 1 3 7]] Y: [[9 1 7 1 3 9 1 7 1 3 9 1 7 1 3 9 1 7 1 3 9 1 7 1 3] [2 3 6 2 5 2 3 6 2 5 2 3 6 2 5 2 3 6 2 5 2 3 6 2 5] [0 9 2 6 4 0 9 2 6 4 0 9 2 6 4 0 9 2 6 4 0 9 2 6 4] [5 8 1 5 9 5 8 1 5 9 5 8 1 5 9 5 8 1 5 9 5 8 1 5 9] [2 0 1 3 7 2 0 1 3 7 2 0 1 3 7 2 0 1 3 7 2 0 1 3 7]] ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("tiles" | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (TileGradient).NumInputs(1 | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Tile, GetTileGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TopK, TopKOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (TopKGradient, TopKGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in){vector< TensorShape > out={in[0], in[0]};ArgumentHelper helper(def);auto k=helper.GetSingleArgument("k",-1);auto dims_size=in[0].dims_size();out[0].set_dims(dims_size-1, k);out[1].set_dims(dims_size-1, k);out[1].set_data_type(TensorProto_DataType_INT32);if(def.output_size() > 2){TensorShape flatten_indices_shape;flatten_indices_shape.set_data_type(TensorProto_DataType_INT32);flatten_indices_shape.add_dims(std::accumulate(in[0].dims().begin(), in[0].dims().end()-1, 1, std::multiplies< long >())*k);out.push_back(flatten_indices_shape);}return out;}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Retrieve the top-K elements of the last dimension. Given an input tensor of shape $(a_1 | |
r and integer argument return up to three k which contains the values of the top k elements along the last dimension Index tensor of | shape (a_1, a_2,..., a_n, k)$which contains the indices of the top k elements(original indices from the input tensor).3.[OPTIONAL] Flattened index tensor of shape $(a_1 *a_2 *...*a_n *k |
r and integer argument return up to three k which contains the values of the top k elements along the last dimension Index tensor of Given two equivalent this | operator uses the indices along the last dimension as a tiebreaker.That is, the element with the lower index will appear first.Github Links:-https:< details >< summary >< b >Example</b ></summary > **Code **```workspace.ResetWorkspace () op |
indices values refer to each element s index in the last dimension of the X input tensor | Output (2,"Flattened_indices","(*Tensor`<int>`*): tensor of indices of shape $(a_1 * a_2 * ... * a_n * k,)$; indices values refer to each element's index in the flattened input tensor `X`").Arg("k" |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (TopKGradient).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (TopK, GetTopKGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Transpose, TransposeOp< CPUContext >) | |
if (axes.empty()) | |
CAFFE_ENFORCE (valid_axes,"Axes argument passed in had invalid values") | |
CAFFE_ENFORCE (axes.size()==tensor_size,"Axes argument passed in had the incorrect size") | |
for (auto axis=axes.begin();axis!=axes.end();++axis) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Transpose the input tensor by permuting the axes of the input according to the `axes` argument. Similar to numpy's [transpose](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.transpose.html) function. For example, when axes=(1, 0, 2), given an input tensor of shape (1, 2, 3), the output shape will be (2, 1, 3). Github Links: - https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/caffe2/operators/transpose_op.cc <details> <summary> <b>Example</b> </summary> **Code** ``` workspace.ResetWorkspace() op = core.CreateOperator( "Transpose", ["X"], ["Y"], axes=(0,3,1,2) ) x = np.random.rand(1,32,32,3) workspace.FeedBlob("X", x) print("X.shape(NHWC order):", workspace.FetchBlob("X").shape) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) print("Y.shape(NCHW order):", workspace.FetchBlob("Y").shape) ``` **Result** ``` X.shape (NHWC order): (1, 32, 32, 3) Y.shape (NCHW order): (1, 3, 32, 32) ``` </details> )DOC").Arg("axes" | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (Transpose, GetTransposeGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (Transpose, CuDNNTransposeOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Unique, UniqueOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Deduplicates input indices vector and optionally produces reverse remapping. There's no guarantees on the ordering of the output indices. )DOC").Input(0 | |
tensor of int32 or int64 indices | Output (0,"unique_indices","1D tensor of deduped entries.").Output(1 |
tensor of int32 or int64 indices optional mapping from indices to unique_indices This has the same shape as indices Its elements are the indices into unique_indices such that | Gather (['unique_indices', 'remapping'])`" "yields`indices`.") .TensorInferenceFunction([]( const OperatorDef& def |
CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ (in[0].dims_size(), 1) | |
if (in[0].dims(0)<=1) | |
if (def.output_size() > 1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (UpsampleBilinear, UpsampleBilinearOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (UpsampleBilinearGradient, UpsampleBilinearGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (UpsampleBilinear, GetUpsampleBilinearGradient) | |
std::vector< TensorShape > | WeightedSumShapeInference (const OperatorDef &, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
OpSchema::Cost | CostInferenceForWeightedSum (const OperatorDef &, const vector< TensorShape > &in) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (WallClockTime, WallClockTimeOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Print, PrintOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (FlattenToVec, FlattenToVecOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Alias, AliasOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ResizeLike, ResizeLikeOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SumInt, SumOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (WeightedSum, WeightedSumOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (WeightedSumGradient, WeightedSumGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ScatterWeightedSum, ScatterWeightedSumOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ScatterAssign, ScatterAssignOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsToShape, LengthsToShapeOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (HasElements, HasElementsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GatherRanges, GatherRangesOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsGather, LengthsGatherOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsToSegmentIds, LengthsToSegmentIdsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsToRanges, LengthsToRangesOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SegmentIdsToLengths, SegmentIdsToLengthsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SegmentIdsToRanges, SegmentIdsToRangesOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LengthsToWeights, LengthsToWeightsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (EnsureDense, EnsureDenseOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AccumulateHistogram, AccumulateHistogramOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
bool saves contents to the root folder of the current appending the tensor contents to a file named after the blob name logs to stderr | Arg ("limit","(int, default 0) If set, prints the first `limit` elements of tensor. ""If 0, prints the first `k_limit_default`(1000) elements of tensor").Arg("every_n" |
bool saves contents to the root folder of the current appending the tensor contents to a file named after the blob name logs to stderr default Print tensor every every_n runs | Input (0,"tensor","The tensor to print.") |
OpSchema::Cost | CostInferenceForSum (const OperatorDef &def, const std::vector< TensorShape > &in) |
REGISTER_CUDNN_OPERATOR (WeightedSum, CuDNNWeightedSumOp) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (VariableLengthSequencePadding, VariableLengthSequencePaddingOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Super special-case operator. Used to pad a tensor to mimic pytorch's pad_packed_sequence. Given an input tensor INPUT of size NxBxM and an input tensor LENS of size B, where N = maximum sequence length B = batch size M = hidden size set each element of INPUT to zero if it is is past the end of the corresponding sequence (i.e. if LENS[j] > i for an index (i,j,k)). )DOC") | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (WeightedMultiSampling, WeightedMultiSamplingOp< CPUContext >) | |
if (in[0].dims(0)==0) | |
if (args.HasArgument("num_samples")) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( The operator performs sampling based on the input sampling weights. All weights are cummulative probability thus sorted. The output is a 1-D tensor (Tensor). If two inputs are given, the second input is used to provide shape of the output sample tensor. Otherwise, we use argument `num_samples` to determine the number of samples to generate. )DOC").Input(0 | |
An optional D Tensor Input cumulative sampling | probability (such as[0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.5])." "All weights must be non-negative numbers.Note that the last value of" "CDF is not necessary 1.If the last value is not 1 |
An optional D Tensor Input cumulative sampling all values in sampling_cdf will be scaled by this number | Input (1,"shape_tensor (optional)","Tensor whose shape will be applied to output.").Output(0 |
An optional D Tensor Input cumulative sampling all values in sampling_cdf will be scaled by this number The output tensor contains indices sampled from distribution given by the weight vector in the input tensor The output is a D Tensor of size determined by argument num_samples or the second input tensor | Arg ("num_samples","number of samples to sample from the input data") |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (WeightedMultiSample) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (WeightedSample, WeightedSampleOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &in){vector< TensorShape > out(2);int batch_size=in[0].dims(0);out[0]=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >{batch_size}, TensorProto::INT32);out[1]=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >{batch_size}, TensorProto::FLOAT);return out;}).SetDoc(R"DOC( The operator performs sampling based on the input sampling weights for each batch. All weights must be non-negative numbers. The input is a 2-D tensor (Tensor) of size (batch_size x weights_dim). For each batch | |
an index is randomly sampled from the distribution given by the weights of the corresponding batch The output is a D A D Tensor of | size (batch_size x weights_dim)." "All weights must be non-negative numbers.") .Input( 1 |
an index is randomly sampled from the distribution given by the weights of the corresponding batch The output is a D A D Tensor of An optional D Tensor of The output tensor contains | index (es) sampled from distribution given" "by the weight vector(s) in the input tensor" "The output is a 1-D Tensor of size(batch_size x 1)") .Output( 1 |
an index is randomly sampled from the distribution given by the weights of the corresponding batch The output is a D A D Tensor of An optional D Tensor of The output tensor contains The output tensor contains | value (s) selected by the sampled index(es)" "It is a 1-D Tensor of size(batch_size x 1)") |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (WeightedSample) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (While, WhileOp< CPUContext >) | |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( 'While' control operator, first input is a scalar boolean blob that stores loop's condition value. Accepts 'loop_net' (required) and 'cond_net' (optional) arguments for loop's body and condition subnets respectively. If condition subnet is specified, it is executed before the first and after each iteration. Subnets are executed in the same workspace as 'While'. )DOC").Arg("loop_net" |
INT_MAX Net executed on each iteration | Arg ("cond_net","Net to (re)compute condition value").Input(0 |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (While, WhileOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ZeroGradient, ZeroGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (ZeroGradient, GetZeroGradientOpGradient) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (ZeroGradient, ZeroGradientOp< CUDAContext >) | |
std::vector< TensorShape > | InferOutput (const OperatorDef &op, const std::vector< TensorShape > &input_shapes) |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (ConverterRegistry, Converter) | |
repr::NeuralNetOperator::NNLayout | getLayout (std::map< std::string, caffe2::Argument > argMap) |
std::vector< int > | getKernelShape (std::map< std::string, caffe2::Argument > argMap) |
std::unique_ptr< repr::NeuralNetOperator > | convertToNeuralNetOperator (const caffe2::OperatorDef &op) |
repr::NNModule | convertToNNModule (const caffe2::NetDef &net, bool strict, std::vector< repr::NNGraph::NodeRef > *opNodeVec) |
Ingest a caffe2 protobuf model and output an NNModule. More... | |
caffe2::OperatorDef | convertToOperatorDef (const repr::NNGraph::NodeRef &instrNode) |
Caffe2Annotation * | getOrAddCaffe2Annotation (nom::repr::NNGraph::NodeRef &instrNode) |
caffe2::NetDef | convertToCaffe2Proto (repr::NNModule &m) |
std::vector< std::string > | mergeExternalTensors (const std::unordered_set< repr::NNGraph::NodeRef > &currExternal, const std::vector< std::string > &oldExternal) |
caffe2::NetDef | convertToCaffe2Proto (repr::NNModule &m, const caffe2::NetDef &oldNet) |
void | pushOpToFront (caffe2::OperatorDef &op, caffe2::NetDef *net) |
void | injectDataEdgeIndicators (caffe2::NetDef *net) |
void | removeDataEdgeIndicators (caffe2::NetDef *net) |
CAFFE2_API nom::repr::NNModule | convertToNNModule (const caffe2::NetDef &net, bool strict=false, std::vector< nom::repr::NNGraph::NodeRef > *=nullptr) |
Ingest a caffe2 protobuf model and output an NNModule. More... | |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (ConverterRegistry, Converter) | |
void | setDeviceOption (NNGraph::NodeRef n, caffe2::DeviceOption &d) |
void | addBlobDeviceOptions (std::map< std::string, caffe2::DeviceOption > blobMap, nom::repr::NNModule *nn) |
Helpers for the convertToNNModule for use if you already have an NNModule. More... | |
void | injectDataEdgeIndicators (nom::repr::NNModule *nn) |
void | removeDataEdgeIndicators (nom::repr::NNModule *nn) |
nom::repr::NNModule | convertToNNModule (caffe2::NetDef &, std::map< std::string, caffe2::DeviceOption >) |
Convert to an NNModule and apply a mapping of tensor names to DeviceOptions to it. More... | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (WorkspaceOptimizationPassRegistry, WorkspaceOptimizationPass, NNModule *, Workspace *) | |
C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY (OptimizationPassRegistry, OptimizationPass, NNModule *) | |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (WorkspaceOptimizationPassRegistry, WorkspaceOptimizationPass, NNModule *, Workspace *) | |
C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY (OptimizationPassRegistry, OptimizationPass, NNModule *) | |
ShapeInfo | getShapeInfoFromBlob (const Blob *blob) |
bool | operator== (const ShapeInfo &lhs, const ShapeInfo &rhs) |
void | adagrad_update__base (int N, const float *w, const float *g, const float *h, float *nw, float *nh, float epsilon, float decay, const float lr) |
void | adagrad_update_prefetch__base (int N, const float *w, const float *, const float *g, const float *h, const float *, float *nw, float *, float *nh, float *, float epsilon, float lr) |
void | adagrad_fp16_update_prefetch__base (int N, const at::Half *w, const at::Half *, const float *g, const at::Half *h, const at::Half *, at::Half *nw, at::Half *, at::Half *nh, at::Half *, float epsilon, float lr) |
void | rowwise_adagrad_update__base (int N, float *w, float *w_n, const float *g, float *h, float *h_n, float epsilon, float lr) |
void | adagrad_update (int N, const float *w, const float *g, const float *h, float *nw, float *nh, float epsilon, float decay, float lr) |
void | adagrad_update_prefetch (int N, const float *w, const float *w_n, const float *g, const float *h, const float *h_n, float *nw, float *nw_n, float *nh, float *nh_n, float epsilon, float lr) |
void | adagrad_fp16_update_prefetch (int N, const at::Half *w, const at::Half *w_n, const float *g, const at::Half *h, const at::Half *h_n, at::Half *nw, at::Half *nw_n, at::Half *nh, at::Half *nh_n, float epsilon, float lr) |
void | rowwise_adagrad_update (int N, float *w, float *w_n, const float *g, float *h, float *h_n, float epsilon, float lr) |
template<> | |
int | sparse_adagrad (int num_rows, int block_size, uint64_t param_size, const float *w, const float *g, const float *h, const int32_t *indices, float *nw, float *nh, float epsilon, float lr) |
template<> | |
int | sparse_adagrad (int num_rows, int block_size, uint64_t param_size, const float *w, const float *g, const float *h, const int64_t *indices, float *nw, float *nh, float epsilon, float lr) |
template<typename SIndex > | |
int | sparse_adagrad (int num_rows, int block_size, std::uint64_t param_size, const float *w, const float *g, const float *h, const SIndex *indices, float *nw, float *nh, float epsilon, float lr) |
void | adagrad_update__avx_f16c (int N, const float *w, const float *g, const float *h, float *nw, float *nh, float epsilon, float decay, float lr) |
void | adagrad_update_prefetch__avx_f16c (int N, const float *w, const float *w_n, const float *g, const float *h, const float *h_n, float *nw, float *nw_n, float *nh, float *nh_n, float epsilon, float lr) |
void | adagrad_fp16_update_prefetch__avx_f16c (int N, const at::Half *w, const at::Half *w_n, const float *g, const at::Half *h, const at::Half *h_n, at::Half *nw, at::Half *nw_n, at::Half *nh, at::Half *nh_n, float epsilon, float lr) |
void | rowwise_adagrad_update__avx_f16c (int N, float *w, float *w_n, const float *g, float *h, float *h_n, float epsilon, float lr) |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int32_t, float, float, float, false) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int64_t, float, float, float, false) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int32_t, half, at::Half, float, false) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int64_t, half, at::Half, float, false) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int32_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, float, false) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int64_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, float, false) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int32_t, float, float, float, true) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int64_t, float, float, float, true) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int32_t, half, at::Half, float, true) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int64_t, half, at::Half, float, true) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int32_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, float, true) | |
EMBEDDING_SPECIALIZATION (int64_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, float, true) | |
template<typename IndexType , typename InType , typename OutType , bool IS_WEIGHT_POSITIONAL = false> | |
void | EmbeddingLookup (const std::int64_t block_size, const std::int64_t output_size, const std::int64_t index_size, const std::int64_t data_size, const InType *input, const IndexType *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, OutType *out) |
Embedding lookup with reduction. More... | |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int32_t_float_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const float *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int32_t_float_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const float *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int64_t_float_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const float *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int64_t_float_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const float *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int32_t_half_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const at::Half *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int32_t_half_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const at::Half *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int64_t_half_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const at::Half *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int64_t_half_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const at::Half *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int32_t_uint8_t_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const uint8_t *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int32_t_uint8_t_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const uint8_t *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int64_t_uint8_t_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const uint8_t *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | EmbeddingLookup_int64_t_uint8_t_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const uint8_t *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, const float *scale_bias, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int32_t_float_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const float *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int32_t_float_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const float *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int64_t_float_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const float *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int64_t_float_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const float *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int32_t_half_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const at::Half *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int32_t_half_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const at::Half *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int64_t_half_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const at::Half *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int64_t_half_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const at::Half *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int32_t_uint8_t_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const uint8_t *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int32_t_uint8_t_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const uint8_t *input, const int *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int64_t_uint8_t_float_false__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const uint8_t *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
bool | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup_int64_t_uint8_t_float_true__avx2_fma (const int64_t block_size, const int64_t output_size, const int64_t index_size, const int64_t data_size, const uint8_t *input, const int64_t *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, float *out) |
template<typename IndexType , typename InType , typename OutType , bool IS_WEIGHT_POSITIONAL = false> | |
void | Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup (const std::int64_t block_size, const std::int64_t output_size, const std::int64_t index_size, const std::int64_t data_size, const InType *input, const IndexType *indices, const int *lengths, const float *weights, bool normalize_by_lengths, OutType *out) |
Embedding lookup with reduction. More... | |
template<> | |
void | TypedAxpy< float, float > (int N, const float a, const float *x, float *y) |
void | TypedAxpyHalffloat__base (int N, const float a, const at::Half *x, float *y) |
template<> | |
void | TypedAxpy< at::Half, float > (int N, const float a, const at::Half *x, float *y) |
void | TypedAxpy_uint8_float__base (int N, const float a, const std::uint8_t *x, float *y) |
template<> | |
void | TypedAxpy< std::uint8_t, float > (int N, const float a, const std::uint8_t *x, float *y) |
template<typename IN , typename OUT > | |
void | TypedAxpy (int N, const OUT a, const IN *x, OUT *y) |
void | TypedAxpyHalffloat__avx_f16c (int N, const float a, const at::Half *x, float *y) |
void | TypedAxpyHalffloat__avx2_fma (int N, const float a, const at::Half *x, float *y) |
void | TypedAxpy_uint8_float__avx2_fma (int N, const float a, const std::uint8_t *x, float *y) |
PredictorConfig | makePredictorConfig (const MetaNetDef &def, Workspace *parent, bool run_init) |
PredictorConfig | makePredictorConfig (const NetDef &init_net, const NetDef &run_net, Workspace *parent, bool run_init, int optimization) |
CAFFE2_API Workspace | makeWorkspace (std::shared_ptr< PredictorParameters > parameters) |
CAFFE2_API DeviceType | ProtoToType (const caffe2::DeviceTypeProto p) |
CAFFE2_API DeviceType | ProtoToType (int p) |
CAFFE2_API DeviceTypeProto | TypeToProto (const DeviceType &t) |
CAFFE2_API caffe2::DeviceOption | DeviceToOption (const at::Device &device) |
CAFFE2_API at::Device | OptionToDevice (const caffe2::DeviceOption option) |
void | ExtractDeviceOption (DeviceOption *device_option, const at::Device &device) |
template<typename T > | |
void | FindMinMax (const T *data, float *min, float *max, int len) |
template<> | |
void | FindMinMax< float > (const float *data, float *min, float *max, int len) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (BatchMatMul, DNNLOWP_16, BatchMatMulDNNLowPOp< uint16_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (BatchPermutation, DNNLOWP, BatchPermutationDNNLowPOp< uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8BatchPermutation, DNNLOWP, BatchPermutationDNNLowPOp< uint8_t >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (Int8BatchPermutation).NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (ChannelShuffle, DNNLOWP, ChannelShuffleDNNLowPOp< uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8ChannelShuffle, DNNLOWP, ChannelShuffleDNNLowPOp< uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (ChannelShuffle, DNNLOWP_16, ChannelShuffleDNNLowPOp< uint16_t >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (ConvRelu).NumInputs(2 | |
NumOutputs(1).TensorInferenceFunction(ConvPoolOpBase< CPUContext > | REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Conv, DNNLOWP, ConvDNNLowPOp< uint8_t, false >) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8Conv, DNNLOWP, ConvDNNLowPOp< uint8_t, false >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8ConvRelu, DNNLOWP, ConvDNNLowPOp< uint8_t, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Conv, DNNLOWP_16, ConvDNNLowPOp< uint16_t, false >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (ConvRelu, DNNLOWP_16, ConvDNNLowPOp< uint16_t, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ConvRelu, ConvReluOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Dequantize, DNNLOWP, DequantizeDNNLowPOp< std::uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Dequantize, DNNLOWP_ROWWISE, DequantizeDNNLowPOp< std::uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Dequantize, DNNLOWP_16, DequantizeDNNLowPOp< std::uint16_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Dequantize, DNNLOWP_ROWWISE_16, DequantizeDNNLowPOp< std::uint16_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8Dequantize, DNNLOWP, DequantizeDNNLowPOp< std::uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8Dequantize, DNNLOWP_ROWWISE, DequantizeDNNLowPOp< std::uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8DequantizeRowWise, DNNLOWP, DequantizeDNNLowPOp< std::uint8_t >) | |
int | dnnlowp_get_num_threads () |
int | dnnlowp_get_max_threads () |
int | dnnlowp_get_thread_num () |
std::pair< size_t, size_t > | Get1DPartition (size_t work, int nthreads, int tid, int work_align) |
void | Get1DPartitionOf2D (int m, int n, int nthreads, int thread_id, int *m_begin, int *m_end, int *n_begin, int *n_end, int n_align=1) |
1D-partition m x n 2D work. More... | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (ElementwiseLinear, DNNLOWP, ElementwiseLinearDNNLowPOp< uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8ElementwiseLinear, DNNLOWP, ElementwiseLinearDNNLowPOp< uint8_t >) | |
First of the input tensors Can be inplace | Output (0,"sum","Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Sum, DNNLOWP_16, SumDNNLowPOp< uint16_t, false >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (SumRelu, DNNLOWP_16, SumDNNLowPOp< uint16_t, true >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SumRelu, SumReluOp< CPUContext >) | |
template<typename ACC_T > | |
shared_ptr< fbgemm::PackBMatrix< int8_t, ACC_T > > | GetOrCreateFbgemmPackBMatrix (fbgemm::matrix_op_t trans, int32_t m, int32_t n, const void *orig_data, const int8_t *quantized_data, int32_t ld) |
template shared_ptr< fbgemm::PackBMatrix< int8_t, int16_t > > | GetOrCreateFbgemmPackBMatrix< int16_t > (fbgemm::matrix_op_t trans, int32_t m, int32_t n, const void *orig_data, const int8_t *quantized_data, int32_t ld) |
template shared_ptr< fbgemm::PackBMatrix< int8_t, int32_t > > | GetOrCreateFbgemmPackBMatrix< int32_t > (fbgemm::matrix_op_t trans, int32_t m, int32_t n, const void *orig_data, const int8_t *quantized_data, int32_t ld) |
template<typename ACC_T > | |
std::shared_ptr< fbgemm::PackBMatrix< int8_t, ACC_T > > | GetOrCreateFbgemmPackBMatrix (fbgemm::matrix_op_t trans, std::int32_t m, std::int32_t n, const void *orig_data, const std::int8_t *quantized_data, std::int32_t ld) |
If there's an existing packed matrix for the same matrix, reuse it. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | QuantizeWeight (const Blob &blob, int kernel_dim, int M, vector< TensorQuantizationParams > &qparams, vector< typename make_signed< T >::type > &W_quantized, dnnlowp::QuantizationFactory *qfactory) |
template void | QuantizeWeight< uint8_t > (const Blob &blob, int kernel_dim, int M, vector< TensorQuantizationParams > &qparams, vector< int8_t > &W_quantized, dnnlowp::QuantizationFactory *qfactory) |
template void | QuantizeWeight< uint16_t > (const Blob &blob, int kernel_dim, int M, vector< TensorQuantizationParams > &qparams, vector< int16_t > &W_quantized, dnnlowp::QuantizationFactory *qfactory) |
template<typename T > | |
void | ComputeColumnOffsets (int num_rows, int num_cols, const T *W, const vector< TensorQuantizationParams > &qparams, vector< int32_t > &col_offsets) |
template void | ComputeColumnOffsets< int8_t > (int num_rows, int num_cols, const int8_t *W, const vector< TensorQuantizationParams > &qparams, vector< int32_t > &col_offsets) |
template void | ComputeColumnOffsets< int16_t > (int num_rows, int num_cols, const int16_t *W, const vector< TensorQuantizationParams > &qparams, vector< int32_t > &col_offsets) |
fbgemm::CompressedSparseColumn * | ExtractOutlierMatrix (int groups, int kernel_dim, int M, int nbits_in_non_outlier, vector< int8_t > &W_quantized) |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (Int8FCDNNLowPPackedWeightBlob) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (Int8ConvDNNLowPPackedWeightBlob) | |
Weight tensor in KRSC layout | Input (1,"b","Bias tensor").Output(0 |
template<typename T > | |
void | QuantizeWeight (const Blob &blob, int kernel_dim, int M, vector< dnnlowp::TensorQuantizationParams > &qparams, vector< typename std::make_signed< T >::type > &w_quantized, dnnlowp::QuantizationFactory *qfactory) |
fbgemm::CompressedSparseColumn * | ExtractOutlierMatrix (int groups, int kernel_dim, int M, int nbits_in_non_outlier, vector< std::int8_t > &W_quantized) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FC, FAKE_FP16, FullyConnectedFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_fp16, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FCGradient, FAKE_FP16, FullyConnectedGradientFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_fp16, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FC, FAKE_BFP_16, FullyConnectedFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_bfp16, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FCGradient, FAKE_BFP_16, FullyConnectedGradientFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_bfp16, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FC, FAKE_BFP_24, FullyConnectedFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_bfp24, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FCGradient, FAKE_BFP_24, FullyConnectedGradientFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_bfp24, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FC, FAKE_BFP_14, FullyConnectedFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_bfp14, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FCGradient, FAKE_BFP_14, FullyConnectedGradientFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_bfp14, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FC, FAKE_BFP_16_ROUND, FullyConnectedFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_bfp16_round, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (FCGradient, FAKE_BFP_16_ROUND, FullyConnectedGradientFakeLowpFPOp< fp32_to_bfp16_round, CPUContext >) | |
void | fp32_to_bfp16 (const float *source, size_t size, float *dest) |
void | fp32_to_bfp24 (const float *source, size_t size, float *dest) |
void | fp32_to_bfp14 (const float *source, size_t size, float *dest) |
void | fp32_to_bfp16_scalar (const float *source, size_t size, float *dest) |
void | fp32_to_fp16 (const float *source, size_t size, float *dest) |
void | fp32_to_bfp16_round (const float *source, size_t size, float *dest) |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (Int8GroupNorm).NumInputs(3).NumOutputs( | |
template<typename T > | |
void | StoreMatrixInMatrixMarketFormat (int m, int n, const T *a, const std::string &matrix_name) |
void | max_pool_avx2 (const uint8_t *Xdata, int n, int height, int width, int channels, int pooled_height, int pooled_width, int kernel_h, int kernel_w, int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_t, int pad_l, uint8_t *Ydata) |
void | max_pool_avx2 (const std::uint8_t *Xdata, int n, int height, int width, int channels, int pooled_height, int pooled_width, int kernel_h, int kernel_w, int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_t, int pad_l, std::uint8_t *Ydata) |
Optimized using AVX2 intrinsics for max pool 2D in NHWC layout. | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Quantize, DNNLOWP_16, QuantizeDNNLowPOp< uint16_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8Quantize, DNNLOWP, QuantizeDNNLowPOp< uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8ResizeNearest, DNNLOWP, ResizeNearestDNNLowPOp< uint8_t >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Sigmoid, DNNLOWP, UnaryElementwiseWithArgsDNNLowPOp< std::uint8_t, SigmoidFunctor< std::uint8_t >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8Sigmoid, DNNLOWP, UnaryElementwiseWithArgsDNNLowPOp< std::uint8_t, SigmoidFunctor< std::uint8_t >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Tanh, DNNLOWP, UnaryElementwiseWithArgsDNNLowPOp< std::uint8_t, TanhFunctor< std::uint8_t >>) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR_WITH_ENGINE (Int8Tanh, DNNLOWP, UnaryElementwiseWithArgsDNNLowPOp< std::uint8_t, TanhFunctor< std::uint8_t >>) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (std::shared_ptr< BlobsQueue >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CreateBlobsQueue, CreateBlobsQueueOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (EnqueueBlobs, EnqueueBlobsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (DequeueBlobs, DequeueBlobsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (CloseBlobsQueue, CloseBlobsQueueOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SafeEnqueueBlobs, SafeEnqueueBlobsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SafeDequeueBlobs, SafeDequeueBlobsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (WeightedSampleDequeueBlobs, WeightedSampleDequeueBlobsOp< CPUContext >) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (CreateBlobsQueue).NumInputs(0).NumOutputs(1) | |
NumInputsOutputs ([](int inputs, int outputs){return inputs >=2 &&outputs >=1 &&inputs==outputs+1;}).EnforceInplace([](int input | |
NumInputsOutputs ([](int inputs, int outputs){return inputs==1 &&outputs >=1;}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Dequeue the blobs from queue. )DOC").Arg("timeout_secs" | |
Timeout in The shared pointer for the BlobsQueue | Output (0,"blob","The blob to store the dequeued data") |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (CloseBlobsQueue).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(0) | |
NumInputsOutputs ([](int inputs, int outputs){return inputs >=2 &&outputs >=2 &&inputs==outputs;}).EnforceInplace([](int input | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Enqueue the blobs into queue. When the queue is closed and full, the output status will be set to true which can be used as exit criteria for execution step. The 1st input is the queue and the last output is the status. The rest are data blobs. )DOC").Input(0 | |
NumInputsOutputs ([](int inputs, int outputs){return inputs==1 &&outputs >=2;}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Dequeue the blobs from queue. When the queue is closed and empty | |
the output status will be set to true which can be used as exit criteria for execution step The input is the queue and the last output is the status The rest are data blobs DOC | Arg ("num_records","(default 1) If > 1, multiple records will be dequeued and tensors ""for each column will be concatenated. This requires all tensors in ""the records to be at least 1D, and to have the same inner dimensions.").Input(0 |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( Dequeue the blobs from multiple queues. When one of queues is closed and empty, the output status will be set to true which can be used as exit criteria for execution step. The 1st input is the queue and the last output is the status. The rest are data blobs. )DOC").Arg("weights" |
INT_MAX Weights for sampling from multiple queues | Arg ("table_idx_blob","The index of the blob (among the output blob list) ""that will be used to store the index of the table chosen to read the ""current batch.") |
NO_GRADIENT (CreateBlobsQueue) | |
NO_GRADIENT (EnqueueBlobs) | |
NO_GRADIENT (DequeueBlobs) | |
NO_GRADIENT (CloseBlobsQueue) | |
NO_GRADIENT (SafeEnqueueBlobs) | |
NO_GRADIENT (SafeDequeueBlobs) | |
NO_GRADIENT (WeightedSampleDequeueBlobs) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (CreateBlobsQueue, CreateBlobsQueueOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (EnqueueBlobs, EnqueueBlobsOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (DequeueBlobs, DequeueBlobsOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (CloseBlobsQueue, CloseBlobsQueueOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (SafeEnqueueBlobs, SafeEnqueueBlobsOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (SafeDequeueBlobs, SafeDequeueBlobsOp< CUDAContext >) | |
CAFFE_KNOWN_TYPE (RebatchingQueuePtr) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Adadelta, AdadeltaOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Computes the AdaDelta update (https://arxiv.org/abs/1212.5701) for an input gradient and accumulated history of squared gradients. Concretely, given inputs (param, moment, moment_delta, grad, learning_rate), computes: new_moment = moment * decay + square(grad) * (1 - decay) new_grad = sqrt(moment_delta + epsilon) / sqrt(new_moment + epsilon) * grad new_param = param + learning_rate * new_grad new_moment_delta = moment_delta * decay + square(new_grad) * (1 - decay) and returns (new_param, new_moment, new_moment_delta). )DOC").Input(0 | |
Parameters to be updated | Input (1,"moment","Average of squared gradients").Input(2 |
Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates | Input (3,"grad","Gradient computed").Input(4 |
Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Learning rate | Output (0,"output_param","Updated parameters").Output(1 |
Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Learning rate Updated average squared gradient | Output (2,"output_moment_delta","Updated average of squared parameter updates").Arg("epsilon" |
Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Learning rate Updated average squared gradient Default | Arg ("decay","Default 0.95, the squared gradient sum is decayed by this factor.") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseAdadelta, SparseAdadeltaOp< CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (6).NumOutputs(3).EnforceOneToOneInplace().SetDoc(R"DOC( Given inputs (param | |
runs the dense AdaDelta update | on (param, grad, moment[indices], moment_delta[indices], lr) |
runs the dense AdaDelta update and | returns (new_param, new_moment, new_moment_delta) as in the dense case.) DOC") .Input(0 |
runs the dense AdaDelta update and Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates | Input (3,"indices","Sparse indices").Input(4 |
runs the dense AdaDelta update and Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Gradient computed | Input (5,"lr","learning rate").Output(0 |
runs the dense AdaDelta update and Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Gradient computed Updated parameters | Output (1,"output_moment","Updated average squared gradient").Output(2 |
runs the dense AdaDelta update and Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Gradient computed Updated parameters Updated average of squared parameter updates | Arg ("epsilon","Default 1e-5").Arg("decay" |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (SparseAdadelta) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Adagrad, AdagradOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
AllowInplace ({{0, 0},{1, 1}}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Computes the AdaGrad update for an input gradient and accumulated history. Concretely | |
given | inputs (param, grad, moment, learning_rate) |
template<typename Context > | |
void | adagrad_update (int N, const float *w, const float *g, const float *h, float *nw, float *nh, float epsilon, float decay, const float *lr, Context *) |
template<typename Context > | |
void | adagrad_update_output_effective_lr (int N, const float *paramIn, const float *gradIn, const float *momentIn, float *paramOut, float *momentOut, float *effectiveLROut, float epsilon, float decay, const float *lr, Context *) |
template<typename Context > | |
void | adagrad_update_output_effective_lr_and_update (int N, const float *paramIn, const float *gradIn, const float *momentIn, float *paramOut, float *momentOut, float *effectiveLROut, float *updateOut, float epsilon, float decay, const float *lr, Context *) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Adam, AdamOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
AllowInplace ({{0, 0},{1, 1},{2, 2}}).DeviceInferenceFunction([](const OperatorDef &def) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Computes the Adam update (https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980) for an input gradient and momentum parameters. Concretely, given inputs (param, m1, m2, grad, lr, iters), t = iters + 1 correction_multiplier = sqrt(1 - power(beta2, t)) / (1 - power(beta1, t)) m1_o = (beta1 * m1) + (1 - beta1) * grad m2_o = (beta2 * m2) + (1 - beta2) * np.square(grad) grad_o = correction_multiplier * m1_o / \ (sqrt(m2_o) + epsilon) param_o = param + lr * grad_o and returns (param_o, m1_o, m2_o, grad_o), in which grad_o is an optional output )DOC").Input(0 | |
Parameters to be updated | Input (1,"moment_1","First moment history").Input(2 |
Parameters to be updated Second moment history learning rate | Input (5,"iter","iteration number").Output(0 |
Parameters to be updated Second moment history learning rate Updated parameters | Output (1,"output_moment_1","Updated first moment").Output(2 |
Parameters to be updated Second moment history learning rate Updated parameters Updated second moment | Output (3,"output_grad","Optional Effective gradient").Arg("beta1" |
Parameters to be updated Second moment history learning rate Updated parameters Updated second moment Default | Arg ("beta2","Default 0.999").Arg("epsilon" |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseAdam, SparseAdamOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
EnforceInplace ({{0, 0},{1, 1},{2, 2}}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Computes the Adam Update for the sparse case. Given inputs (param | |
runs the dense Adam | on (param, moment1[indices], momemnt2[indices], lr, iter) and returns(new_param |
runs the dense Adam new_moment2 as in dense case DOC | Input (0,"param","Parameters to be updated").Input(1 |
runs the dense Adam new_moment2 as in dense case DOC First moment history | Input (2,"moment_2","Second moment history").Input(3 |
runs the dense Adam new_moment2 as in dense case DOC First moment history Sparse indices | Input (4,"grad","Gradient computed").Input(5 |
runs the dense Adam new_moment2 as in dense case DOC First moment history Sparse indices learning rate | Input (6,"iter","iteration number").Output(0 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RowWiseSparseAdam, RowWiseSparseAdamOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
runs the Adam update | on (param, moment1[indices], moment2[indices], lr, iter) and returns(new_param |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (RowWiseSparseAdam) | |
template<typename Context > | |
void | adam_update (int N, const float *g, const float *m, const float *v, float *ng, float *nm, float *nv, float beta1, float beta2, float eps_hat, float correction, const float *lr, Context *) |
template<typename Context > | |
void | adam_compute (int N, const float *w, const float *g, const float *m, const float *v, float *nw, float *nm, float *nv, float beta1, float beta2, float eps_hat, float correction, const float *lr, Context *) |
template<typename Context > | |
void | adam_compute_output_grad (int N, const float *w, const float *g, const float *m, const float *v, float *nw, float *nm, float *nv, float *ng, float beta1, float beta2, float eps_hat, float correction, const float *lr, Context *) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (ClipTensorByScaling, ClipTensorByScalingOp< CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Clips the input tensor by scaling based on the input value and the threshold. The value is usually the (pre-computed) norm of the tensor. If the value is larger than the threshold, scaling would be performed in this way: tensor *= (threshold / value). An optional input called additional_threshold can be provided which will scale the original threshold before it is used. That is, the final threshold will become threshold * additional_threshold. This op could be used for gradient clipping. )DOC").Input(0 | |
Tensor of floats to be clipped | Input (1,"val","Value to be compared against the threshold").Input(2 |
Tensor of floats to be clipped An optional additonal threshold to scale the orignal threshold | Arg ("threshold","Threshold to determine whether to scale down the tensor").Output(0 |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (ClipTensorByScaling) | |
template<class Context > | |
void | fp16_momentum_sgd_update (int N, const at::Half *g, const at::Half *m, at::Half *ng, at::Half *nm, const float *lr, float momentum, bool nesterov, float weight_decay, bool fp32_update, at::Half *param, Context *) |
template<class Context > | |
void | fp32_momentum_sgd_update (int N, const float *g, const float *m, float *ng, float *nm, const float *lr, float momentum, bool nesterov, float weight_decay, float *param, Context *) |
template<class T > | |
T | sgn (const T x) |
template<typename T > | |
void | ftrl_compute (const T w, const T n, const T z, const T g, T &nw, T &nn, T &nz, const FtrlParams< T > ¶ms) |
template<typename Context , typename T > | |
void | ftrl_update (int N, const T *w, const T *nz, const T *g, T *new_w, T *new_nz, const FtrlParams< T > ¶ms, Context *) |
template<typename T > | |
void | gftrl_compute (const T &w, const T &n, const T &z, const T &g, T &nw, T &nn, T &nz, const T &z_norm, const int OutputDim, const GFtrlParams< T > ¶ms) |
template<typename Context , typename T > | |
void | gftrl_update (int OutputDim, int InputDim, const T *w, const T *nz, const T *g, T *new_w, T *new_nz, const GFtrlParams< T > ¶ms, Context *) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Iter, IterOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (AtomicIter, AtomicIterOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_BLOB_SERIALIZER ((TypeMeta::Id< std::unique_ptr< std::mutex >>()), MutexSerializer) | |
REGISTER_BLOB_DESERIALIZER (std::unique_ptr< std::mutex >, MutexDeserializer) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Stores a singe integer, that gets incremented on each call to Run(). Useful for tracking the iteration count during SGD, for example. )DOC") | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Similar to Iter, but takes a mutex as the first input to make sure that updates are carried out atomically. This can be used in e.g. Hogwild sgd algorithms. )DOC").Input(0 | |
The mutex used to do atomic increment | Input (1,"iter","The iter counter as an int64_t TensorCPU.") |
NO_GRADIENT (Iter) | |
NO_GRADIENT (AtomicIter) | |
void | IncrementIter (TensorCPU *output) |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (Iter, IterOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (AtomicIter, AtomicIterOp< CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Lars, LarsOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LearningRateAdaption, LearningRateAdaptionOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Learning Rate Adaption is an operation that perform one iteration of gradient descent based on learning rate: lr(k) = lr(k-1) - lr_alpha * df(k-1)/dlr, where df(k-1)/dlr is the gradient of objective function f on lr, and lr_alpha is a learning rate hyperparameter. It can be prove that df(k-1)/dlr equals INNERPRODUCT(grad(k-1), -grad(k-2)), where grad(k-1) is the grad of f(k-1) on parameters. When the argument "normalized_lr_adaption" is false, we simply perform the following update: lr(k) = lr(k-1) - lr_alpha * INNERPRODUCT(grad(k-1), grad(k-2)). If we set "normalized_lr_adaption" to be true, we do not directly apply INNERPRODUCT(grad(k-1), -grad(k-2)) as the grad. Instead, we perform the following update: lr(k) = lr(k-1) + lr_alpha * cosineSimilarity(grad(k-1), grad(k-2)). )DOC").Arg("lr_alpha" | |
the learning rate for performing gradient descent on learning rate lr | Arg ("normalized_lr_adaption","whether to apply normalized lr adaption or not").Input(0 |
the learning rate for performing gradient descent on learning rate lr Learning rate | Input (1,"grad","Gradient computed").Input(2 |
the learning rate for performing gradient descent on learning rate lr Learning rate The effective grad | Output (0,"output_lr","Updated learning rate") |
NO_GRADIENT (LearningRateAdaption) | |
template<typename Context > | |
void | lr_update (int n, const float *grad, const float *effgrad, const float *lr, float *nlr, float lr_alpha, bool normalized_lr_adaption, Context *) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (LearningRate, LearningRateOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (LearningRate, LearningRateOp< float, CUDAContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MomentumSGD, MomentumSGDOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &, const vector< TensorShape > &in){vector< TensorShape > out(2);out[0]=in[0];out[1]=in[1];return out;}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Computes a momentum SGD update for an input gradient and momentum parameters. Concretely | |
given | inputs (grad, m, lr) and parameters(momentum |
given adjusted_gradient m_new Output | is (grad, momentum) Note the difference to MomemtumSGDUpdate |
given adjusted_gradient m_new Output which actually performs the parameter | update (and is thus faster).) DOC") |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (MomentumSGDUpdate, MomentumSGDUpdateOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &, const vector< TensorShape > &in){vector< TensorShape > out(3);out[0]=in[0];out[1]=in[1];out[2]=in[3];return out;}).SetDoc(R"DOC( Performs a momentum SGD update for an input gradient and momentum parameters. Concretely | |
given | inputs (grad, m, lr, param) and arguments(momentum |
given param | return ((1+momentum)*m_new-momentum *m, m_new, param) Output is(grad |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SparseMomentumSGDUpdate, SparseMomentumSGDUpdateOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
EnforceInplace ({{1, 1},{3, 2}}).TensorInferenceFunction([](const OperatorDef & | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Performs a momentum SGD update analogous to MomentumSGDUpdate, but using a GradientSlice and indices into the full param and momentum tables. Both param and momentum should be in-place (corresponding inputs and outputs should be the same blobs). )DOC").Input(0 | |
GradientSlice with gradients for updated indices | Input (1,"moment","Momentum blob, same shape as param.").Input(2 |
GradientSlice with gradients for updated indices Learning rate | Input (3,"param","Full parameter blob.").Input(4 |
GradientSlice with gradients for updated indices Learning rate | Indices (in first dimension of param) where updates are performed.") .Output(0 |
GradientSlice with gradients for updated indices Learning rate Adjusted gradient | Output (1,"output_moment","Updated momentum.").Output(2 |
GradientSlice with gradients for updated indices Learning rate Adjusted gradient Updated parameter | Arg ("momentum","Momentum hyperparameter.").Arg("nesterov" |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (SparseMomentumSGDUpdate) | |
template<typename Context > | |
void | momentum_sgd_update (const int N, const float *g, const float *m, float *ng, float *nm, const float *lr, const float momentum, const bool nesterov, float *param, Context *) |
template<> | |
void | rmsprop_update< CPUContext > (int N, const float *g, const float *ms, const float *mom, float *ng, float *nms, float *nmom, float decay, float momentum, float epsilon, const float *lr, CPUContext *) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RmsProp, RmsPropOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Computes the RMSProp update (http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~tijmen/csc321/slides/lecture_slides_lec6.pdf). Concretely, given inputs (grad, mean_squares, mom, lr), computes: mean_squares_o = mean_squares + (1 - decay) * (square(grad) - mean_squares) mom_o = momentum * mom + lr * grad / sqrt(epsilon + mean_squares_o) grad_o = mom_o Returns (grad_o, mean_squares_o, mom_o). )DOC") | |
template<typename Context > | |
void | rmsprop_update (int N, const float *g, const float *ms, const float *mom, float *ng, float *nms, float *nmom, float decay, float momentum, float epsilon, const float *lr, Context *context) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Wngrad, WngradOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
template<typename Context > | |
void | wngrad_update (int N, const float *w, const float *g, const float *h, float *nw, float *nh, float epsilon, const float *lr, Context *) |
template<typename Context > | |
void | wngrad_update_output_effective_lr (int N, const float *paramIn, const float *gradIn, const float *seqBIn, float *paramOut, float *seqBOut, float *effectiveLROut, float epsilon, const float *lr, Context *) |
template<typename Context > | |
void | wngrad_update_output_effective_lr_and_update (int N, const float *paramIn, const float *gradIn, const float *seqBIn, float *paramOut, float *seqBOut, float *effectiveLROut, float *updateOut, float epsilon, const float *lr, Context *) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (YellowFin, YellowFinOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs (10).NumOutputs(8).AllowInplace( | |
SetDoc (R"DOC( Computes the YellowFin update (https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03471) and performs momentum SGD optimization step. lr and mu are not being shared between parameters. curv_win, g_avg, g2_avg and scalars_memory are just auxiliary memory for computing moving averages (see the publication). Takes arguments beta: coefficient for moving averages, curv_win_width: timeframe when average squared gradient is being stored, epsilon: for numerical purposes, nesterov and zero_debias for debias of moving average. )DOC").Input(0 | |
Parameters to be updated | Input (1,"moment","Momentum").Input(2 |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate | Input (3,"mu","Momentum coefficient").Input(4 |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges | Input (5,"g_avg","Moving average of gradient").Input(6 |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient | Input (7,"scalars_memory","Memory for stateful scalars").Input(8 |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed | Input (9,"iter","Iteration number").Output(0 |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed Parameters to be updated | Output (1,"output_moment","Momentum").Output(2 |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed Parameters to be updated Output learning rate | Output (3,"output_mu","Output momentum coefficient").Output(4 |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed Parameters to be updated Output learning rate Output memory for latest curvature ranges | Output (5,"output_g_avg","Output moving average of gradient").Output(6 |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed Parameters to be updated Output learning rate Output memory for latest curvature ranges Output moving average of squared gradient | Output (7,"output_scalars_memory","Output memory for stateful scalars").Arg("beta" |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed Parameters to be updated Output learning rate Output memory for latest curvature ranges Output moving average of squared gradient Default | Arg ("curv_win_width","Default 20").Arg("epsilon" |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed Parameters to be updated Output learning rate Output memory for latest curvature ranges Output moving average of squared gradient Default Default | Arg ("nesterov","Default false").Arg("zero_debias" |
void | initNNPACK () |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (QuantDecompZstd, QuantDecompZstdOp) | |
INT_MAX | SetDoc (R"DOC( Decompress a set of tensors that are compressed using zstd. The data can be compressed using mutils.compress_data_list(), see quant_decomp_op_test.py for an example. The number of outputs depended on the input. )DOC").Input(0 |
INT_MAX Compressed data in | tensor (uint8_t) |
SHOULD_NOT_DO_GRADIENT (QuantDecompZstd) | |
bool | are_nodes_common (const Graph &g, int model_idx, int candidate_idx) |
REGISTER_TRANSFORM (CommonSubexpressionElimination, CommonSubexpressionEliminationTransform) | |
REGISTER_TRANSFORM (ConvToNNPack, ConvToNNPackTransform) | |
bool | compare_ops (const OperatorDef &p_op, const OperatorDef &g_op, bool arg_match) |
uint32_t | wipe_cache () |
const CpuId & | GetCpuId () |
template<class Map , typename Key = typename Map::key_type, typename Value = typename Map::mapped_type> | |
Map::mapped_type | get_default (const Map &map, const Key &key, Value &&dflt) |
void | MurmurHash3_x86_32 (const void *key, int len, uint32_t seed, void *out) |
void | MurmurHash3_x86_128 (const void *key, const int len, uint32_t seed, void *out) |
void | MurmurHash3_x64_128 (const void *key, const int len, const uint32_t seed, void *out) |
C10_EXPORT std::string | DeviceTypeName (const int32_t &d) |
C10_EXPORT int | DeviceId (const DeviceOption &option) |
C10_EXPORT bool | IsSameDevice (const DeviceOption &lhs, const DeviceOption &rhs) |
C10_EXPORT bool | IsCPUDeviceType (int device_type) |
C10_EXPORT bool | IsGPUDeviceType (int device_type) |
C10_EXPORT bool | ReadStringFromFile (const char *filename, string *str) |
C10_EXPORT bool | WriteStringToFile (const string &str, const char *filename) |
C10_EXPORT string | ProtoDebugString (const Message &proto) |
C10_EXPORT bool | ParseProtoFromLargeString (const string &str, Message *proto) |
C10_EXPORT bool | ReadProtoFromTextFile (const char *filename, Message *proto) |
C10_EXPORT void | WriteProtoToTextFile (const Message &proto, const char *filename) |
C10_EXPORT bool | ReadProtoFromBinaryFile (const char *filename, MessageLite *proto) |
C10_EXPORT void | WriteProtoToBinaryFile (const MessageLite &proto, const char *filename) |
bool | operator== (const NetDef &l, const NetDef &r) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &output, const NetDef &n) |
template<> | |
C10_EXPORT Argument | MakeArgument (const string &name, const MessageLite &value) |
C10_EXPORT bool | HasOutput (const OperatorDef &op, const std::string &output) |
C10_EXPORT bool | HasInput (const OperatorDef &op, const std::string &input) |
C10_EXPORT int | GetArgumentIndex (const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< Argument > &args, const string &name) |
C10_EXPORT const Argument & | GetArgument (const OperatorDef &def, const string &name) |
C10_EXPORT const Argument & | GetArgument (const NetDef &def, const string &name) |
C10_EXPORT bool | GetFlagArgument (const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< Argument > &args, const string &name, bool default_value) |
C10_EXPORT bool | GetFlagArgument (const OperatorDef &def, const string &name, bool default_value) |
C10_EXPORT bool | GetFlagArgument (const NetDef &def, const string &name, bool default_value) |
C10_EXPORT Argument * | GetMutableArgument (const string &name, const bool create_if_missing, OperatorDef *def) |
bool | ReadProtoFromBinaryFile (const string filename, MessageLite *proto) |
void | WriteProtoToBinaryFile (const MessageLite &proto, const string &filename) |
bool | ReadProtoFromTextFile (const string filename, Message *proto) |
void | WriteProtoToTextFile (const Message &proto, const string &filename) |
bool | ReadProtoFromFile (const char *filename, Message *proto) |
bool | ReadProtoFromFile (const string &filename, Message *proto) |
template<class IterableInputs = std::initializer_list<string>, class IterableOutputs = std::initializer_list<string>, class IterableArgs = std::initializer_list<Argument>> | |
OperatorDef | CreateOperatorDef (const string &type, const string &name, const IterableInputs &inputs, const IterableOutputs &outputs, const IterableArgs &args, const DeviceOption &device_option=DeviceOption(), const string &engine="") |
template<class IterableInputs = std::initializer_list<string>, class IterableOutputs = std::initializer_list<string>> | |
OperatorDef | CreateOperatorDef (const string &type, const string &name, const IterableInputs &inputs, const IterableOutputs &outputs, const DeviceOption &device_option=DeviceOption(), const string &engine="") |
template<typename T > | |
CAFFE2_API Argument | MakeArgument (const string &name, const T &value) |
template<typename T > | |
void | AddArgument (const string &name, const T &value, OperatorDef *def) |
bool | operator== (const DeviceOption &dl, const DeviceOption &dr) |
CAFFE2_APIconst::std::string & | GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited () |
void | ShutdownProtobufLibrary () |
std::vector< std::string > | split (char separator, const std::string &string) |
std::string | trim (const std::string &str) |
size_t | editDistance (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2, size_t max_distance) |
int32_t | editDistanceHelper (const char *s1, size_t s1_len, const char *s2, size_t s2_len, std::vector< size_t > ¤t, std::vector< size_t > &previous, std::vector< size_t > &previous1, size_t max_distance) |
CAFFE2_API bool | StartsWith (const std::string &str, const std::string &prefix) |
CAFFE2_API bool | EndsWith (const std::string &full, const std::string &ending) |
int | Do256NOPs () |
template<typename T > | |
T | WaitForVariableChange (std::atomic< T > *var, T initial_value, std::condition_variable *cond, std::mutex *mutex) |
void | OpticalFlowExtractor (const cv::Mat &prev_gray, const cv::Mat &curr_gray, const int flow_alg_type, cv::Mat &flow) |
void | MergeOpticalFlow (cv::Mat &prev_flow, const cv::Mat &curr_flow) |
void | MultiFrameOpticalFlowExtractor (const std::vector< cv::Mat > &grays, const int optical_flow_alg_type, cv::Mat &flow) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (VideoInput, VideoInputOp< CPUContext >) | |
TensorInferenceFunction ([](const OperatorDef &def, const vector< TensorShape > &){ArgumentHelper helper(def);int batch_size=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("batch_size", 0);int clip_per_video=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("clip_per_video", 1);int crop_height=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("crop_height", helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("crop_size", 0));int crop_width=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("crop_width", helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("crop_size", 0));int length_rgb=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("length_rgb", 0);int channels_rgb=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("channels_rgb", 3);int length_of=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("length_of", 0);int channels_of=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("channels_of", 2);bool get_rgb=helper.GetSingleArgument< bool >("get_rgb", true);bool get_optical_flow=helper.GetSingleArgument< bool >("get_optical_flow", false);bool do_multi_label=helper.GetSingleArgument< bool >("do_multi_label", false);bool get_video_id=helper.GetSingleArgument< bool >("get_video_id", false);int output_size=1;if(get_rgb){output_size++;}if(get_optical_flow){output_size++;}if(get_video_id){output_size++;}int index=0;vector< TensorShape > out(output_size);CHECK_GT(crop_height, 0);CHECK_GT(crop_width, 0);batch_size *=clip_per_video;if(get_rgb){out[index++]=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >{batch_size, channels_rgb, length_rgb, crop_height, crop_width}, TensorProto::FLOAT);}if(get_optical_flow){out[index++]=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >{batch_size, channels_of, length_of, crop_height, crop_width}, TensorProto::FLOAT);}if(!do_multi_label){out[index++]=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >{1, batch_size}, TensorProto::INT32);}else{int num_of_class=helper.GetSingleArgument< int >("num_of_class", 0);out[index++]=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >{batch_size, num_of_class}, TensorProto::INT32);}if(get_video_id){out[index]=CreateTensorShape(vector< int >{1, batch_size}, TensorProto::INT32);}return out;}) | |
NO_GRADIENT (VideoInput) | |
REGISTER_CUDA_OPERATOR (VideoInput, VideoInputOp< CUDAContext >) | |
void | Saturation (float *clip, const int length, const int crop_height, const int crop_width, const float alpha_rand, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
void | Brightness (float *clip, const int length, const int crop_height, const int crop_width, const float alpha_rand, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
void | Contrast (float *clip, const int length, const int crop_height, const int crop_width, const float alpha_rand, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
void | ColorJitter (float *clip, const int length, const int crop_height, const int crop_width, const float saturation, const float brightness, const float contrast, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
void | ColorLighting (float *clip, const int length, const int crop_height, const int crop_width, const float alpha_std, const std::vector< std::vector< float >> &eigvecs, const std::vector< float > &eigvals, std::mt19937 *randgen) |
void | ColorNormalization (float *clip, const int length, const int crop_height, const int crop_width, const int channels, const std::vector< float > &mean, const std::vector< float > &inv_std) |
void | ClipTransformRGB (const unsigned char *buffer_rgb, const int multi_crop_count, const int crop_height, const int crop_width, const int length_rgb, const int channels_rgb, const int sampling_rate_rgb, const int height, const int width, const int h_off, const int w_off, const int *multi_crop_h_off, const int *multi_crop_w_off, const bool mirror_me, const bool color_jitter, const float saturation, const float brightness, const float contrast, const bool color_lighting, const float color_lighting_std, const std::vector< std::vector< float >> &color_lighting_eigvecs, const std::vector< float > &color_lighting_eigvals, const std::vector< float > &mean_rgb, const std::vector< float > &inv_std_rgb, std::mt19937 *randgen, float *transformed_clip) |
void | ClipTransformOpticalFlow (const unsigned char *buffer_rgb, const int crop_height, const int crop_width, const int length_of, const int channels_of, const int sampling_rate_of, const int height, const int width, const cv::Rect &rect, const int channels_rgb, const bool mirror_me, const int flow_alg_type, const int flow_data_type, const int frame_gap_of, const bool do_flow_aggregation, const std::vector< float > &mean_of, const std::vector< float > &inv_std_of, float *transformed_clip) |
void | FreeDecodedData (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< DecodedFrame >> &sampledFrames) |
bool | DecodeMultipleClipsFromVideo (const char *video_buffer, const std::string &video_filename, const int encoded_size, const Params ¶ms, const int start_frm, const int clip_per_video, const bool use_local_file, int &height, int &width, std::vector< unsigned char * > &buffer_rgb) |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchPermutation, BatchPermutationOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (BatchPermutationGradient, BatchPermutationGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Permute the batch elements of the input tensor X according to the permutation specified in the input indices. Warning gradient comptuation is only correct if indices is a permutation DOC | Input (0,"X","Tensor of at least 1D shape (N, D0, D1, ...).").Input(1 |
NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Permute the batch elements of the input tensor X according to the permutation specified in the input indices. Warning gradient comptuation is only correct if indices is a permutation DOC tensor of type int with | shape (N,) specifying a valid permutation" "of the indices in[0 |
NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Permute the batch elements of the input tensor X according to the permutation specified in the input indices. Warning gradient comptuation is only correct if indices is a permutation DOC tensor of type int with | N (inclusive).") .Output( 0 |
NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Permute the batch elements of the input tensor X according to the permutation specified in the input indices. Warning gradient comptuation is only correct if indices is a permutation DOC tensor of type int with Tensor with the same shape as X where | the (D0, D1,...) dimensional" "batch elements of X are permuted according to the input indices.") |
See BatchPermutation | Input (1,"dY","Gradient of forward output 0 (Y).").Output(0 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (BatchPermutation, GetBatchPermutationGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GroupSpatialSoftmax, GroupSpatialSoftmaxOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (GroupSpatialSoftmaxGradient, GroupSpatialSoftmaxGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
number of classes in each softmax group | Input (0,"scores","4D tensor of softmax inputs (called 'scores' or 'logits') with shape ""(N, C, H, W), where C = num_anchors * num_classes defines num_anchors ""groups of contiguous num_classes softmax inputs.").Output(0 |
See GroupSpatialSoftmax | Input (1,"d_probabilities","Gradient of forward output 0 (probabilities).").Output(0 |
See GroupSpatialSoftmax Gradient of forward | input (scores).") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (GroupSpatialSoftmax, GetGroupSpatialSoftmaxGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (PSRoIPool, PSRoIPoolOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (PSRoIPoolGradient, PSRoIPoolGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
Spatial scale of the input feature map X relative to the input image E if X has a stride of w r t the input image | Arg ("group_size","(int) default 1; pooled_h = pooled_w = group_size where pooled_{h,w} ""is the pooled output Y's height and width, respectively.").Arg("output_dim" |
number of channels in the pooled which might be the number of classes is used for classification or if used for class agnostic bounding box regression | Input (0,"X","4D position sensitive feature map input of shape (N, C, H, W), where ""C = group_size**2 * output_dim.").Input(1 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RoIPoolF, RoIPoolFOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (RoIPoolFGradient, RoIPoolFGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
Pooled output Y s width | Input (0,"X","4D feature map input of shape (N, C, H, W).").Input(1 |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SampleAs, SampleAsOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SampleAsGradient, SampleAsGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
Tensor of at least | shape (N,...).") .Input( 1 |
See SampleAs | Input (1,"labels","See SampleAs.").Input(2 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SampleAs, GetSampleAsGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SelectSmoothL1Loss, SelectSmoothL1LossOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SelectSmoothL1LossGradient, SelectSmoothL1LossGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
L2 to L1 transition point | Arg ("scale","(float) default 1.0; multiply the loss by this scale factor.").Input(0 |
L2 to L1 transition point tensor of bounding box regression predictions with | shape (N, 4 *num_bbox_classes *num_anchors, H, W).") .Input( 1 |
L2 to L1 transition point tensor of bounding box regression predictions with tensor of labels | shape (M, 4) for 4 contiguous channels starting" "at each of the M locations selected by the locations input.") .Input( 2 |
L2 to L1 transition point tensor of bounding box regression predictions with tensor of labels tensor of shape(M, 4) that identifies M 'select'locations" "encoded by the four colums the loss is divided by | max (1, normalizer).") .Output( 0 |
See SelectSmoothL1Loss | Input (1,"Y","See SelectSmoothL1Loss.").Input(2 |
See SelectSmoothL1Loss See SelectSmoothL1Loss | Input (3,"normalizer","See SelectSmoothL1Loss.").Input(4 |
See SelectSmoothL1Loss See SelectSmoothL1Loss Gradient of forward | output (loss).") .Output( 0 |
See SelectSmoothL1Loss See SelectSmoothL1Loss Gradient of forward Gradient of forward | input (Y_hat).") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SelectSmoothL1Loss, GetSelectSmoothL1LossGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss, SigmoidCrossEntropyLossOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SigmoidCrossEntropyLossGradient, SigmoidCrossEntropyLossGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
multiply the loss by this scale factor | Arg ("normalize","(int) default 1; if true, divide the loss by the number of targets > ""-1.").Input(0 |
multiply the loss by this scale factor Tensor of predicted | logits (shape must be at least 1D).") .Input( 1 |
multiply the loss by this scale factor Tensor of predicted Tensor of targets of type int and same shape as logits X | Output (0,"loss","Scalar loss.") |
See SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss | Input (1,"targets","See SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss.").Input(2 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss, GetSigmoidCrossEntropyLossGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SigmoidFocalLoss, SigmoidFocalLossOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SigmoidFocalLossGradient, SigmoidFocalLossGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
where N is the number of elements in the H and W are the height and and each of length num_classes For the binary form of Focal num_classes does not include the background category(So, for COCO, num_classes=80, not 81.) The binary form of focal loss is multiply the loss by this scale factor | Arg ("alpha","(float) default 0.25; Focal Loss's alpha hyper-parameter.").Arg("gamma" |
Focal Loss s gamma hyper parameter | Arg ("num_classes","(int) default 80; number of classes (excluding background).").Input(0 |
Focal Loss s gamma hyper parameter tensor of sigmoid | inputs (called 'scores'or 'logits') with shape" "(N |
See SigmoidFocalLoss | Input (1,"labels","See SigmoidFocalLoss.").Input(2 |
See SigmoidFocalLoss See SigmoidFocalLoss | Input (3,"d_loss","Gradient of forward output 0 (loss)").Output(0 |
See SigmoidFocalLoss See SigmoidFocalLoss Gradient of forward | input (logits)") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SigmoidFocalLoss, GetSigmoidFocalLossGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SmoothL1Loss, SmoothL1LossOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SmoothL1LossGradient, SmoothL1LossGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Smooth L1 Loss is a minor variation of Huber loss in which the point of transition between L2 loss and L1 loss is adjustable by a hyper-parameter beta L2 to L1 transition point Tensor of | predictions (at least 1D).") .Input( 1 |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Smooth L1 Loss is a minor variation of Huber loss in which the point of transition between L2 loss and L1 loss is adjustable by a hyper-parameter beta L2 to L1 transition point Tensor of Tensor of labels with the same shape as Y_hat | Input (2,"alpha_in","Tensor of inside weights with the same shape as Y.").Input(3 |
See SmoothL1Loss | Input (1,"Y","See SmoothL1Loss.").Input(2 |
See SmoothL1Loss See SmoothL1Loss | Input (3,"alpha_out","See SmoothL1Loss.").Input(4 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SmoothL1Loss, GetSmoothL1LossGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SoftmaxFocalLoss, SoftmaxFocalLossOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SoftmaxFocalLossGradient, SoftmaxFocalLossGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
where N is the number of elements in the H and W are the height and and where t is the | target (ground truth) class |
Focal Loss s gamma hyper parameter | Arg ("num_classes","(int) default 81; number of classes in each softmax group.").Input(0 |
the loss is normalized by Scalar loss | Output (1,"probabilities","4D tensor of softmax probabilities with shape (N, C, H, W), where ""C = num_anchors * num_classes, and softmax was applied to each of the ""num_anchors groups; within a group the num_classes values sum to 1.") |
See SoftmaxFocalLoss | Input (1,"labels","See SoftmaxFocalLoss.").Input(2 |
See SoftmaxFocalLoss See SoftmaxFocalLoss | Input (3,"probabilities","Output 1 from SoftmaxFocalLoss; See SoftmaxFocalLoss.").Input(4 |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SoftmaxFocalLoss, GetSoftmaxFocalLossGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SpatialNarrowAs, SpatialNarrowAsOp< CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (SpatialNarrowAsGradient, SpatialNarrowAsGradientOp< CPUContext >) | |
or input of | shape (N, H0, W0) or(N |
or input of W0 | Input (1,"B","3D or 4D input of shape (N, H1, W1) or (N, C, H1, W1), where H1 <= H0 ""and W1 <= W0.").Output(0 |
or input of W0 Sub window of A containing | rows (inclusive) and columns" "[0 |
or input of W0 Sub window of A containing | W1 (inclusive).") |
See SpatialNarrowAs | Input (1,"B","See SpatialNarrowAs.").Input(2 |
See SpatialNarrowAs Gradient of forward | output (C).") .Output( 0 |
See SpatialNarrowAs Gradient of forward Gradient of forward | input (A)") |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (SpatialNarrowAs, SpatialNarrowAsGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (UpsampleNearest, UpsampleNearestOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (UpsampleNearestGradient, UpsampleNearestGradientOp< float, CPUContext >) | |
integer upsampling factor feature map of | shape (N, C, scale *H, scale *W) |
REGISTER_GRADIENT (UpsampleNearest, GetUpsampleNearestGradient) | |
REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR (Caffe2ModuleTestDynamicDummy, Caffe2ModuleTestDynamicDummyOp) | |
OPERATOR_SCHEMA (Caffe2ModuleTestDynamicDummy) | |
REGISTER_CAFFE2_EARLY_INIT_FUNCTION (registerGlobalPerfNetObserverCreator,®isterGlobalPerfNetObserverCreator,"Caffe2 net global observer creator") | |
CAFFE2_MODULE (caffe2_rocksdb,"RocksDB implementation for caffe2::DB.") | |
Variables | |
DoRunWithOtherType2 typedef c10::Registry< std::string, std::unique_ptr< OperatorBase >, const OperatorDef &, Workspace * > | OperatorRegistry |
const int | kCIFARSize = 32 |
const int | kCIFARImageNBytes = kCIFARSize * kCIFARSize * 3 |
const int | kCIFAR10BatchSize = 10000 |
const int | kCIFAR10TestDataSize = 10000 |
const int | kCIFAR10TrainBatches = 5 |
const int | kCIFAR100TrainDataSize = 50000 |
const int | kCIFAR100TestDataSize = 10000 |
constexpr auto | kTensorBlobType = "Tensor" |
constexpr auto | kChunkIdSeparator = "#%" |
constexpr int | kDefaultChunkSize = -1 |
constexpr int | kNoChunking = 0 |
std::atomic< bool > | g_caffe2_has_cuda_linked {false} |
std::atomic< bool > | g_caffe2_has_hip_linked {false} |
constexpr int | CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS = 128 |
constexpr int | CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS_2D_DIMX = 16 |
constexpr int | CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS_2D_DIMY = 16 |
constexpr int | CAFFE_MAXIMUM_NUM_BLOCKS = 4096 |
constexpr int | CAFFE_MAXIMUM_NUM_BLOCKS_2D_DIMX = 128 |
constexpr int | CAFFE_MAXIMUM_NUM_BLOCKS_2D_DIMY = 128 |
constexpr int | kCUDAGridDimMaxX = 2147483647 |
constexpr int | kCUDAGridDimMaxY = 65535 |
constexpr int | kCUDAGridDimMaxZ = 65535 |
constexpr int | kCUDATensorMaxDims = 8 |
constexpr int | MaxDeviceTypes |
class CAFFE2_API | OperatorBase |
DoRunWithType2 | |
std::function< void(const OperatorDef &)> | GetOperatorLogger () |
constexpr int | kCannotComputeNumOutputs = -1 |
constexpr auto | kQTensorBlobQType = "QTensor" |
constexpr int | k_limit_default_ = 1000 |
constexpr auto | kBlobName = "blob_name" |
constexpr auto | kAddValue = "add_value" |
alternative key for the | handler |
const int | CONV_ALGORITHM_AUTO = 0 |
const char * | kConvFusionDoc |
cpu_blob | |
ideep_blob | |
INT_MAX batch_size images will be processed GPUs can optionally be used for part of the processing The following transformations are applied to the image A bounding box is applied to the initial Number of images to output for each run of the Whether or not to do color jitter Defaults to Image brightness scale used in color jittering Defaults to Whether or not to do color lighting Defaults to | Type |
INT_MAX batch_size images will be processed GPUs can optionally be used for part of the processing The following transformations are applied to the image A bounding box is applied to the initial Number of images to output for each run of the Whether or not to do color jitter Defaults to Image brightness scale used in color jittering Defaults to Whether or not to do color lighting Defaults to Scale the size of the smallest dimension of the image to this Scale and minsize are mutually exclusive Must be larger than crop | If |
INT_MAX batch_size images will be processed GPUs can optionally be used for part of the processing The following transformations are applied to the image A bounding box is applied to the initial Number of images to output for each run of the Whether or not to do color jitter Defaults to Image brightness scale used in color jittering Defaults to Whether or not to do color lighting Defaults to Scale the size of the smallest dimension of the image to this Scale and minsize are mutually exclusive Must be larger than crop both dimensions of the image will be set to minsize or | scale |
otherwise | |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults if the input is in Caffe format Defaults to Number of CPU decode transform threads Defaults to Name of the Type of The sizes of any outputs besides the data and shortest side desired for image resize Defaults to[-1,-1] or no random resize desired | data = in[0] |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults if the input is in Caffe format Defaults to Number of CPU decode transform threads Defaults to Name of the Type of The sizes of any outputs besides the data and shortest side desired for image resize Defaults to[-1,-1] or no random resize desired Tensor containing the images additional | outputs |
the other dimension is proportionally scaled Defaults to Whether or not to mirror the image Defaults to Vector of means per color Standard deviation by which to normalize color channels Defaults to Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults Bounding box coordinate Defaults if the input is in Caffe format Defaults to Number of CPU decode transform threads Defaults to Name of the Type of The sizes of any outputs besides the data and shortest side desired for image resize Defaults to[-1,-1] or no random resize desired Tensor containing the images additional Any outputs after the first will be Tensors read from the input | TensorProtos |
const char *const | snpe_ffi_so = "libsnpe_ffi.so" |
constexpr size_t | k2b1bXBits = 2 |
constexpr size_t | kL1CacheSizeBytes = 16 * 1024 |
constexpr size_t | kGEMMTileSize = 64 |
constexpr size_t | kGEMMTileDepthBytes = 16 |
element wise Github | Links |
we add to | it |
we first initialize the output tensor to all | zeros |
we first initialize the output tensor to all and then do accumulation Any further calls to the | input |
we first initialize the output tensor to all and then do accumulation Any further calls to the The input tensor that has to be accumulated to the output tensor If the output size is not the same as input | size = 1 |
we first initialize the output tensor to all and then do accumulation Any further calls to the The input tensor that has to be accumulated to the output tensor If the output size is not the same as input the output tensor is first reshaped and initialized to | zero |
we first initialize the output tensor to all and then do accumulation Any further calls to the The input tensor that has to be accumulated to the output tensor If the output size is not the same as input the output tensor is first reshaped and initialized to and only | then |
element wise DOC | output = 1.0 |
element wise DOC The arccosine of the input tensor computed element | wise |
RealBatchSizeIn | |
Real batch size | RealBatchSizeOut |
Real batch size Real batah size it will adjust the batch size according to max_batch_size argument In this | case |
Real batch size Real batah size it will adjust the batch size according to max_batch_size argument In this in | addition |
Real batch size Real batah size it will adjust the batch size according to max_batch_size argument In this in if it has two it will record the input batch size and record it to the second output When we have | inputs |
Real batch size Real batah size it will adjust the batch size according to max_batch_size argument In this in if it has two it will record the input batch size and record it to the second output When we have it expects the seocnd input contains the batch size to adjust | to |
X = in[0] | |
Feature map input with order NCHW or NHWC | bias |
returns a tensor containing the indices of the largest element along the given axis If the keepdims arg is *True * | default |
returns a tensor containing the indices of the largest element along the given axis If the keepdims arg is *True the shape of the output tensor matches the input tensor except the axis dimension equals | Else |
returns a tensor containing the indices of the largest element along the given axis If the keepdims arg is *True the shape of the output tensor matches the input tensor except the axis dimension equals the axis dimension of the output tensor is removed Github | axis =2 |
*int *long or *long long *and checks if all values are True when coerced into a boolean In other | words |
*int *long or *long long *and checks if all values are True when coerced into a boolean In other for non bool types this asserts that all values in the tensor are non zero If a value is False after coerced into a | boolean |
and D is the feature_dim The indices is a tensor containing the indices of the features that need to be bucketized The lengths is a tensor that splits the following boundaries argument The boundaries is a tensor containing the border list for each feature With in each | batch |
and D is the feature_dim The indices is a tensor containing the indices of the features that need to be bucketized The lengths is a tensor that splits the following boundaries argument The boundaries is a tensor containing the border list for each feature With in each indices should not have duplicate | number |
and D is the feature_dim The indices is a tensor containing the indices of the features that need to be bucketized The lengths is a tensor that splits the following boundaries argument The boundaries is a tensor containing the border list for each feature With in each indices should not have duplicate and the number of elements in indices should be less than or euqal to D Each element in lengths the first sub border list | is [0.5, 1.0] |
const vector< TensorShape > & | in |
ArgumentHelper | helper (def) |
const auto & | data_dims = GetDimsVector(in[0]) |
const auto & | indices_dims = GetDimsVector(in[1]) |
vector< int > | output_dims |
out [0] = CreateTensorShape(output_dims, TensorProto::FLOAT) | |
DATA | |
Tensor of rank | r |
indices | vector |
indices and values vector Each element in lengths indices should not have duplicate number For | example |
with the size where | num_feature |
with the size where we also need additional information regarding the feature value distribution There are several vectors to keep data to percentile mappping information as arguments(context) the interpolation is apply | R_2 = [0.3, 1.2] |
We will build | R = [0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 1.2] |
besides | |
Tensor | __pad0__ |
Tensor | mask |
Tensor | Tensor |
same shape as data | masked_indices |
const float | minf = -1.0f * std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive | False |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive | True |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False | values1 = 1.0 |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False | mask2 = False |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False | values2 |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True | values3 = 4.0 |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True Reconstruct | by |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True Reconstruct | mask3 |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True Reconstruct Note that for all mask | positions |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True Reconstruct Note that for all mask there must be at least one True This is not | allowed |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True Reconstruct Note that for all mask there must be at least one True This is not False False we accept the first | value |
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True Reconstruct Note that for all mask there must be at least one True This is not False False we accept the first and no longer expect a value for that | location |
* | type |
Y | |
the gradient for the output of SpatialBN and the per channel mean and inverse std var vectors for the computes the per channel bias and scale gradient to be used during the backward pass for subsequent spatial batch normalization gradient calculation | Typically |
the gradient for the output of SpatialBN and the per channel mean and inverse std var vectors for the computes the per channel bias and scale gradient to be used during the backward pass for subsequent spatial batch normalization gradient calculation the results of this op are subsequently reduced over multiple devices to obtain statistics over a larger batch size in cases where the batch size for a single model copy is too low to yield the full benefit of batch normalization The resulting bias and scale can then be plugged back into SpatialBNGradient to get results over the larger batch size DOC | mean =2.0 |
the gradient for the output of SpatialBN and the per channel mean and inverse std var vectors for the computes the per channel bias and scale gradient to be used during the backward pass for subsequent spatial batch normalization gradient calculation the results of this op are subsequently reduced over multiple devices to obtain statistics over a larger batch size in cases where the batch size for a single model copy is too low to yield the full benefit of batch normalization The resulting bias and scale can then be plugged back into SpatialBNGradient to get results over the larger batch size DOC The mean saved from the forward pass as a dimensional tensor of size C | output_grad |
the gradient for the output of SpatialBN and the per channel mean and inverse std var vectors for the computes the per channel bias and scale gradient to be used during the backward pass for subsequent spatial batch normalization gradient calculation the results of this op are subsequently reduced over multiple devices to obtain statistics over a larger batch size in cases where the batch size for a single model copy is too low to yield the full benefit of batch normalization The resulting bias and scale can then be plugged back into SpatialBNGradient to get results over the larger batch size DOC The mean saved from the forward pass as a dimensional tensor of size C Gradient for the output layer of | SpatialBN |
the gradient for the output of SpatialBN and the per channel mean and inverse std var vectors for the computes the per channel bias and scale gradient to be used during the backward pass for subsequent spatial batch normalization gradient calculation the results of this op are subsequently reduced over multiple devices to obtain statistics over a larger batch size in cases where the batch size for a single model copy is too low to yield the full benefit of batch normalization The resulting bias and scale can then be plugged back into SpatialBNGradient to get results over the larger batch size DOC The mean saved from the forward pass as a dimensional tensor of size C Gradient for the output layer of here used as input because we are on the backward pass | bias_grad |
computes the sum of all elements per channel and the sum of all elements squared per channel These values can be reduced across multiple batches and used to obtain the mean and variance across the full set of batches Using the new mean and variance as input to SpatialBN has the effect of changing the batch size over which SpatialBN is applied DOC | sum |
kv_handler | |
Key value handler for | comm_world |
Key value handler for A common world for collective operations int rank of this node in the common | world |
existing_comm_world | |
common_world | |
The common world to be | destroyed |
The common world The reduced result on | root |
The common world The allreduced | tensor |
The common world The allreduced same on all | nodes |
The common world | dst |
The common world An int CPUtensor of size specifying the rank If | given |
The common world An int CPUtensor of size specifying the rank If this overrides the to argument of the op The rank to send the tensor to bool if | set |
The common world An int CPUtensor of size specifying the rank If this overrides the to argument of the op The rank to send the tensor to bool if only send the content and assume that the receiver has already known the tensor s shape and | information |
The common world | src |
The common world An int CPUtensor of size specifying the rank If this overrides the from argument of the op The received tensor | tag |
INT_MAX | split |
INT_MAX | int |
INT_MAX | legnths |
INT_MAX The tensor l_i indicates the logic block of input Either NHWC or | NCWH |
INT_MAX The tensor l_i indicates the logic block of input Either NHWC or will split on C defaults to NCHW given a lengths along the specified axis If K outputs are | provided |
apply conditional | DataT |
apply conditional Data to use when True | DataO |
const char | kConvDoc [] |
an input weight tensor | $filter |
an input weight tensor and optionally an input bias tensor $bias It then computes the transposed | convolution |
an input weight tensor and optionally an input bias tensor $bias It then computes the transposed sometimes referred to as | deconvolution |
an input weight tensor and optionally an input bias tensor $bias It then computes the transposed sometimes referred to as and produces a single output tensor $Y The hyperparameters of the op such as kernel | stride =2 |
an input weight tensor and optionally an input bias tensor $bias It then computes the transposed sometimes referred to as and produces a single output tensor $Y The hyperparameters of the op such as kernel and padding are specified as args At each the filter is deconvolved with a subset of $X and the $bias is added This is done throughout the input data until the output computation is complete The output shapes are computed as follows The number of channels in the output feature map is the number of kernels specified in the filter blob The spatial height and width are computed | as |
an input weight tensor and optionally an input bias tensor $bias It then computes the transposed sometimes referred to as and produces a single output tensor $Y The hyperparameters of the op such as kernel and padding are specified as args At each the filter is deconvolved with a subset of $X and the $bias is added This is done throughout the input data until the output computation is complete The output shapes are computed as follows The number of channels in the output feature map is the number of kernels specified in the filter blob The spatial height and width are computed which is why they are separate files | Also |
const char * | githubLinks |
const char * | kCountExample |
counter | |
default must | be |
previous_count | |
Input tensor which is almost always the result of a softmax operation $X is a array of size | $NxD |
R | logits = in[0] |
R matrix of logits for each example and class | xentropy |
matrix of logits for each example and class | weights |
Maximum number of candidates to carry over to next activation step | INPUTS |
Maximum number of candidates to carry over to next activation step float Tensor sized[max_activation_length, batch_size, alphabet_size] of network | SEQ_LEN |
Maximum number of candidates to carry over to next activation step float Tensor sized[max_activation_length, batch_size, alphabet_size] of network optional int vector containing sequence | lengths |
Maximum number of candidates to carry over to next activation step float Tensor sized[max_activation_length, batch_size, alphabet_size] of network optional int vector containing sequence having size[batch_size] seq_len will be set to max_time if not provided | VALUES |
When merge_repeated is | true |
When merge_repeated is merge repeated classes in output float Tensor sized[max_time, batch_size, num_classes] | OUTPUT_LEN |
as well as can tie together different blobs in a data dependency | DOC |
or input tensor | Z |
Y with different shapes and produces one output float tensor of the dot product between X and Y We currently support two kinds of strategies to achieve this Before doing normal dot_product pad the smaller Y must be equal Only the second dimension of X or Y can be padded DOC or input tensor whether to replicate the smaller tensor or | not |
INT_MAX Subnet with blob bindings Indices of corresponding outer workspace | blobs |
INT_MAX Subnet with blob bindings Indices of corresponding outer workspace in | order |
INT_MAX Subnet with blob bindings Indices of corresponding outer workspace in List of blobs from the forward Do int out | bool { return true |
ArgumentHelper | argsHelper (def) |
default | __pad1__ |
default perform dropout If non signifying which elements are dropped out If is_test is | nonzero |
the op takes an input tensor $X of shape a weight vector $w of length | $D |
the op takes an input tensor $X of shape a weight vector $w of length and a bias vector $b of length $D | Here |
the op takes an input tensor $X of shape a weight vector $w of length and a bias vector $b of length $D $N represents the batch size and $D represents the length of the feature vectors The | $Y |
the op takes an input tensor $X of shape a weight vector $w of length and a bias vector $b of length $D $N represents the batch size and $D represents the length of the feature vectors The is a tensor of shape $NxD and is calculated as | $$Y_ {ij} = X_{ij}w_j + b_j \ for \ i\in{N} |
and the dimensions of the second input is the contiguous subset of the dimensions of the first For the following tensor shapes are | supported |
param | |
Parameters to be normalized | grad |
Parameters to be normalized Gradient | computed |
element wise This operation can be done in an in place fashion | too |
element wise This operation can be done in an in place fashion by providing the same input and output blobs Github | Link |
NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Broadcast the input tensor to a materialized new tensor using given shape. Broadcast rule is similar to "numpy.array(input)*numpy.ones(shape)" Two corresponding dimensions must have the same or one of them equals to In order to align with PyTorch s | expand |
NumInputs(2).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Broadcast the input tensor to a materialized new tensor using given shape. Broadcast rule is similar to "numpy.array(input)*numpy.ones(shape)" Two corresponding dimensions must have the same or one of them equals to In order to align with PyTorch s shape is allowed to have entries equal which means to preserve the size of the corresponding dimension in | shape |
*and produces a single output tensor *expanded *The op also takes an argument *dims *with a list of dimensions for where to add the single dimensional entries If the same blob is provided as input and the operation is copy free This is the exact inverse operation of *Squeeze *Github | dims =[0,1] |
auto | originalSize = dims.size() |
std::vector< int > | newDims |
the data types supported are *float *int32 *int64 and *bool *If the dtype argument is not the data type of value is used The output tensor shape is either specified by the shape argument or will match the shape of the input tensor if one is the input should be a tensor containing the desired output use the integer keys from the *DataType *enum in | TensorProto |
FLOAT = 1 | |
INT32 = 2 | |
BYTE = 3 | |
STRING = 4 | |
BOOL = 5 | |
UINT8 = 6 | |
INT8 = 7 | |
UINT16 = 8 | |
INT16 = 9 | |
INT64 = 10 | |
FLOAT16 = 12 | |
DOUBLE = 13 | |
shape input must be in CPU context | min |
max The range can be defined either by arguments or input blobs min and max are inclusive If the range is given by input you also need to give the shape as input When the range is given as | arguments |
its elements will be excluded from uniform sampling Using the second input will require you to provide shape via the first input DOC Maximum inclusive The shape of the output tensor Cannot set the shape argument and pass in an input at the same time tensor containing the desired output shape First input must be in CPU context | avoid |
if *input_as_shape *is set to *true then the *input *should be a tensor containing the desired output the *shape *argument should **not **be set * | Note |
index | |
query | |
d_1 | |
scale_bias_quantized_input | |
auto | bitwidth = helper.GetSingleArgument<int32_t>("bitwidth", 8) |
size_t | data_per_byte = 8 / bitwidth |
quantized_input | |
Fused | tail |
but operating on bit rowwise quantized matrices with fused uint8 tensor with rank obtained with | OUTPUT |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated | boxes |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] | scores |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv | layer |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv | bbox_deltas |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv | im_info |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image | info |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image | anchors |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image Bounding box | rois |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image Bounding box | Proposals |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image Bounding box | rois_probs |
bounding box regression result deltas as well as predefined bounding box shapes anchors Greedy non maximum suppression is applied to generate the final bounding boxes DOC int RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N float RPN_NMS_THRESH for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] for rotated angle is normalized to be within[angle_bound_lo, angle_bound_hi] Scores from conv Bounding box deltas from conv Image Bounding box scores of | proposals |
*type depends on | dtype |
in a sequence length aware fashion | Concretely |
in a sequence length aware fashion given the previous hidden and the sequence computes the GRU | activations |
in a sequence length aware fashion given the previous hidden and the sequence computes the GRU avoiding computation if the input is Bool to determine if hidden state is zeroes or passed along for timesteps past the given sequence_length | hidden |
When | false |
When the sequence lengths input is left and all following inputs are shifted left by | one |
INT_MAX Net executed when condition is true | condition |
auto | pad = helper.GetSingleArgument<int>("pad", 0) |
auto | kernel_h |
auto | kernel_w |
auto | dilation_h |
auto | dilation_w |
auto | stride_h |
auto | stride_w |
int | N = 0 |
int | C = 0 |
int | H = 0 |
int | W = 0 |
const int | dkernel_h = dilation_h * (kernel_h - 1) + 1 |
const int | dkernel_w = dilation_w * (kernel_w - 1) + 1 |
const int | out_h = (H + 2 * pad - dkernel_h) / stride_h + 1 |
const int | out_w = (W + 2 * pad - dkernel_w) / stride_w + 1 |
Max number of | elements |
return an Int tensor of same shape containing the indices for each of the keys If the index is | frozen |
return an Int tensor of same shape containing the indices for each of the keys If the index is unknown entries are given index | Otherwise |
return an Int tensor of same shape containing the indices for each of the keys If the index is unknown entries are given index new entries are added into the index If an insert is necessary but max_elements has been | reached |
return an Int tensor of same shape containing the indices for each of the keys If the index is unknown entries are given index new entries are added into the index If an insert is necessary but max_elements has been fail DOC | keys |
return an Int tensor of same shape containing the indices for each of the keys If the index is unknown entries are given index new entries are added into the index If an insert is necessary but max_elements has been fail DOC Tensor of keys to be looked up Output(0,"indices","Indices for each of the keys.").ScalarType(TensorProto disallowing creation of new index entries Should not be called concurrently with IndexGet DOC | handle |
Pointer to an Index instance The input handle If skips the first entry of the tensor This allows to load tensors that are aligned with an | embedding |
the first element of the output tensor will be element of index DOC | items |
array of probabilities for prediction | L |
array of probabilities for prediction array of JSD | losses |
auto | input_dims_long = GetDimsVector(in[0]) |
const auto | canonical_axis |
default and produces one output tensor $Y of the same shape as $X The op performs the element wise leaky relu | operation |
default and produces one output tensor $Y of the same shape as $X The op performs the element wise leaky relu defined as | $$y |
default and produces one output tensor $Y of the same shape as $X The op performs the element wise leaky relu defined as calculated as described | above |
and LENGTHS tensor of | rank |
and LENGTHS tensor of pad each segment in DATA with so that each segment s length is target_length If will | throw |
and LENGTHS tensor of pad each segment in DATA with so that each segment s length is target_length If will if there is segment of length larger than target_length | Example |
and LENGTHS tensor of pad each segment in DATA with so that each segment s length is target_length If will if there is segment of length larger than target_length | LENGTHS |
where | |
for each | row |
for each weights are accessed by | indices [0..L-1] |
for each weights are accessed by where L is the length of given row This is basically a fused | WEIGHT |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1 >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with | INDICES |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1 >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with Integer vector containing indices of the first dimension of DATA for the slices that are being aggregated | scale_bias |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1 >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with Integer vector containing indices of the first dimension of DATA for the slices that are being aggregated Matrix of | floats |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).ValueLengthInputFillers(SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext > SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1 >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with Integer vector containing indices of the first dimension of DATA for the slices that are being aggregated Matrix of each row r_i of which stores a pair | s_i |
SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 0, 1 >::LENGTHS | SetDoc (R"DOC( Variation of SparseLengthsMean operator, where DATA is stored using 8bits. DATA was quantized with 8Bit row-wise quantization (see doc to FloatToRowwiseQuantized8Bits operator). To restore DATA from 8Bit, we use additional input that stores scales and biases. )DOC").Input(0 |
SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 0, 1 >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with | operator FloatToRowwiseQuantized8Bits") .Input (1,"INDICES","Integer vector containing indices of the first ""dimension of DATA for the slices that are being aggregated").Input(2 |
SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 0, 1 >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with Vector with the same sum of elements as the first dimension of DATA | Input (3,"scale_bias","Matrix of floats, each row r_i of which stores a pair ""s_i, b_i -- scale and bias for i-th row").Output(0 |
SparseLengths8BitsRowwiseOp< CPUContext, 1, 1 >::LENGTHS uint8 tensor obtained with Integer vector containing indices of the first dimension of DATA for the slices that are being aggregated Matrix of each row r_i of which stores a pair b_i scale and bias for i th row | Output (0,"output","output") |
where segments are defined by their and concatenate them in an output tensor of the output value will be padded and the corresponding output indices will be padded by DOC Tensor of int32 lengths of rank | TopKIndices |
default save the db directly to the path specified by the db arg If not prepend the path of the current root folder of the workspace to the path specified by the db arg characters that precede strip_prefix will be removed Useful for removing device scope from blob names | leveldb |
default | __pad2__ |
but allows one to save to db every few | iterations |
default | __pad3__ |
default | __pad4__ |
default | Y_scale |
stride | sizes |
stride pad lengths and dilation $L_p pooling consists of taking the $L_p norm of a subset of the input tensor according to the kernel size and downsampling the data into the output blob for further processing Pooling layers reduce the spatial dimensionality of the input blob Each of the output blob s dimensions will reduce according | kernel =2 |
stride pad lengths and dilation $L_p pooling consists of taking the $L_p norm of a subset of the input tensor according to the kernel size and downsampling the data into the output blob for further processing Pooling layers reduce the spatial dimensionality of the input blob Each of the output blob s dimensions will reduce according | p |
and label is applied to the tensor elementwise If | y |
ArgumentHelper | arg_helper (def) |
int | axis_a = arg_helper.GetSingleArgument<int>("axis_a", 1) |
int | axis_b = arg_helper.GetSingleArgument<int>("axis_b", 1) |
int | trans_a = arg_helper.GetSingleArgument<bool>("trans_a", false) |
int | trans_b = arg_helper.GetSingleArgument<bool>("trans_b", false) |
int | canonical_axis_a = canonical_axis_index_(axis_a, in[0].dims().size()) |
int | canonical_axis_b = canonical_axis_index_(axis_b, in[0].dims().size()) |
int | M = size_to_dim_(canonical_axis_a, GetDimsVector(in[0])) |
A | |
B | |
then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned DOC Keep the reduced default True keeps the reduced An input tensor | variance |
prediction | |
D float i | e |
D float i batch size D is number of possible classes labels | accuracies |
axis to | normalize |
The input tensor | tiled_data |
bucketize it based on the boundary values and then do one hot encoding The lengths specifies the number of boundary values for each column The final number of buckets is this number plus This would also be the expanded feature size boundaries specifies all the boundary values Note that each bucket is right inclusive That given boundary | values [b1, b2, b3] |
INT_MAX Net executed on each iteration Whether to use the condition input Do not create new scopes Use this only if you re certain there will be no name | collision |
INT_MAX Net executed on each iteration Whether to use the condition input Do not create new scopes Use this only if you re certain there will be no name for example if you re converting from a fully SSA IR | max_trip_count |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the output | packed_tensor |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the output N dim Tensor where | presence_mask |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the output N dim Tensor where dim boolean false where packed_tensor is | padded |
d int long tensor contains the length in each of the output N dim Tensor where dim boolean false where packed_tensor is true otherwise Padding number in the packed segments Use true to pad | infinity |
CPUContext::PadTensorInference Input data tensor from the previous | operator |
dimensions depend on whether the NCHW or NHWC operators are being used For in the | former |
dimensions depend on whether the NCHW or NHWC operators are being used For in the the input has where N is the batch C is the number of | channels |
given a sample set of raw labeled with their corresponding percentiles from the same distribution In | particular |
given a sample set of raw labeled with their corresponding percentiles from the same distribution In this | value_to_pct |
given a sample set of raw labeled with their corresponding percentiles from the same distribution In this Sorted with columns Each element in the first column is a float representing the raw value of a sample Its corresponding element in the next column represents the percentile it maps to | percentile_values |
given a sample set of raw labeled with their corresponding percentiles from the same distribution In this Sorted with columns Each element in the first column is a float representing the raw value of a sample Its corresponding element in the next column represents the percentile it maps to tensor of with the same dimensions as the flattened input tensor Each element of this corresponds to the percentile calculated for | original_values [i] |
probabilities | |
a D or D slopes and intercepts The output tensor has the same shape of input predictions and contains the predictions transformed by the piecewise linear functions Each column of predictions has its own piecewise linear transformation functions Therefore the size of piecewise function parameters are pieces x | prediction_dimensions |
a D or D slopes and intercepts The output tensor has the same shape of input predictions and contains the predictions transformed by the piecewise linear functions Each column of predictions has its own piecewise linear transformation functions Therefore the size of piecewise function parameters are pieces x except for binary predictions where only the positive prediction needs them Note that in each | piece |
a D or D slopes and intercepts The output tensor has the same shape of input predictions and contains the predictions transformed by the piecewise linear functions Each column of predictions has its own piecewise linear transformation functions Therefore the size of piecewise function parameters are pieces x except for binary predictions where only the positive prediction needs them Note that in each low bound is excluded while high bound is included Also the piecewise linear function must be continuous Notes If the input is binary set the binary arg to true so that one group of piecewise linear functions is | slopes |
a D or D slopes and intercepts The output tensor has the same shape of input predictions and contains the predictions transformed by the piecewise linear functions Each column of predictions has its own piecewise linear transformation functions Therefore the size of piecewise function parameters are pieces x except for binary predictions where only the positive prediction needs them Note that in each low bound is excluded while high bound is included Also the piecewise linear function must be continuous Notes If the input is binary set the binary arg to true so that one group of piecewise linear functions is intercepts can be passed either through args or through input blobs If we have multiple groups of piecewise linear | functions |
a D or D slopes and intercepts The output tensor has the same shape of input predictions and contains the predictions transformed by the piecewise linear functions Each column of predictions has its own piecewise linear transformation functions Therefore the size of piecewise function parameters are pieces x except for binary predictions where only the positive prediction needs them Note that in each low bound is excluded while high bound is included Also the piecewise linear function must be continuous Notes If the input is binary set the binary arg to true so that one group of piecewise linear functions is intercepts can be passed either through args or through input blobs If we have multiple groups of piecewise linear each group has the same number of pieces If a prediction is out of the | bounds |
constexpr char | kAveragePoolDoc [] |
constexpr char | kMaxPoolDoc [] |
an input slope tensor | $slope |
Size of the dimension to prepend | reshaped |
Output tensor quantization offset First | operand |
Output tensor quantization offset First should share the type with the second operand | Result |
const char | kAveragePoolDoc_int8 [] |
Output tensor quantization offset Pass to add the axis specified in arg axis to all input tensors | concat_result |
const char | kConvDoc_int8 [] |
Output tensor quantization scale the filter | blob |
Output tensor quantization scale the filter and the bias and computes the output Note that other | parameters |
Output tensor quantization scale the filter and the bias and computes the output Note that other such as the stride and kernel or the pads sizes in each direction are not necessary for input because they are provided by the ConvTransposeUnpoolOpBase | operator.Various dimension checks are done implicitly, and the sizes are specified in the Input docs for this operator.As is expected, the filter is deconvolved with a subset of the image and the bias is added |
this is done throughout the image data and the output is computed As a side note on the implementation | layout |
this is done throughout the image data and the output is computed As a side note on the implementation which is why they are separate files DOC | filter |
qX | |
Coefficient of | leakage |
const char | kMaxPoolDoc_int8 [] |
New shape Output tensor quantization offset | new_shape |
New shape Output tensor quantization offset New shape | old_shape |
Spatial scale of the input feature map X relative to the input image E | g |
Pooled output Y s width Int8 Tensor feature map input of | RoIs |
rather | |
it will be coerced into one For an arbitrary n dimensional tensor X in[a_0, a_1,..., a_{k-1}, a_k,..., a_{n-1}] and k is the axis then X will be coerced into a dimensional tensor with dimensions[a_0 *...*a_{k-1}, a_k *...*a_{n-1}] For the default case where this means the X tensor will be coerced into a tensor of | dimensions [a_0, a_1 *...*a_{n-1}] =1 |
it will be coerced into one For an arbitrary n dimensional tensor X in[a_0, a_1,..., a_{k-1}, a_k,..., a_{n-1}] and k is the axis then X will be coerced into a dimensional tensor with dimensions[a_0 *...*a_{k-1}, a_k *...*a_{n-1}] For the default case where this means the X tensor will be coerced into a tensor of where a_0 is often the batch size In this | situation |
it will be coerced into one For an arbitrary n dimensional tensor X in[a_0, a_1,..., a_{k-1}, a_k,..., a_{n-1}] and k is the axis then X will be coerced into a dimensional tensor with dimensions[a_0 *...*a_{k-1}, a_k *...*a_{n-1}] For the default case where this means the X tensor will be coerced into a tensor of where a_0 is often the batch size In this we must have | a_0 |
int can be | passed |
dimension For example if | $X = [[1,5,2,9],[4,1,8,2],[2,7,0,3]]$ and $lengths = [2,3,1,2]$ |
then the axes dimensions are pruned Github | axes =(0,1) |
of shape | $BxMxN |
of shape where $B is the batch $M is number of | rows |
of shape where $B is the batch $M is number of and $N is number of columns The output of this is a matrix of shape | $BxM |
the value to replace | NaN |
auto | actualNewShape = helper.GetRepeatedArgument<int64_t>("shape") |
int64_t | totalSize = 1 |
int | unknownIdx = -1 |
else | |
segments | |
embeddings | |
Prefix string to prepend extracted blobs | blob_names |
Prefix string to prepend extracted blobs tensor of strings containing extracted blob | names |
the implementation takes an the hidden state the cell and a weight | TxNxD |
the implementation takes an the hidden state the cell and a weight the final hidden cell | bidirectional |
the implementation takes an the hidden state the cell and a weight the final hidden cell | num_layers |
the implementation takes an the hidden state the cell and a weight the final hidden cell | rnn_mode |
R recurrent or input R | all_params |
See RoIPoolF | dY |
See RoIPoolF Gradient of forward | dX |
there are multiple output | cases |
float | |
default the scale to | apply |
an argument | $alpha |
an argument an argument | $scale |
affects the activation function itself This should go with the weight initialization in the paper See | https |
will use same as padding_width | start_padding |
will use same as padding_width D_n | data_out |
will use same as padding_width D_n | D_1 |
will use same as padding_width considers all data as a single segment | lengths_out |
Outer size of padding present around each range | data_in |
Outer size of padding present around each range T< N, D1..., Dn > Padded input data | padding_sum |
Outer size of padding present around each range T< N, D1..., Dn > Padded input data Sum of all start | paddings |
auto | starts = helper.GetRepeatedArgument<int>("starts", vector<int>()) |
auto | ends = helper.GetRepeatedArgument<int>("ends", vector<int>()) |
return | vector< TensorShape > |
it will be coerced into one For an arbitrary n dimensional tensor X where k is the axis then X will be coerced into a dimensional tensor with dimensions[(a_0 *...*a_{k-1}),(a_k *...*a_{n-1})] For the default case where the X tensor will be coerced into a tensor of where $a_0 is often the batch size In this we must hav | $a_0 ) |
auto | labels = in[1] |
const int | batch_size |
const int | num_classes |
default | weight_tensor |
default | softmax |
default | loss |
where the softplus | function |
where the softplus | $y = ln(e^x + 1)$ |
this op outputs a copy of the input tensor where values from the height and width dimensions are moved to the batch dimension After the zero padding is according to the pad | argument |
this op outputs a copy of the input tensor where values from the height and width dimensions are moved to the batch dimension After the zero padding is according to the pad both height and width of the input must be divisible by the block_size Only NCHW order is currently supported Github | block_size |
followed by cropping This is the reverse transformation of SpaceToBatch More | specifically |
Parameters to be normalized Gradient computed A bool variable to control whether to use max norm or constant norm When | use_max_norm = false |
Parameters to be normalized Gradient computed A bool variable to control whether to use max norm or constant norm When constant norm is used so that all the embedding vectors are scaled to have a L2 norm equals to max norm is used so that embedding is scaled so that its l2 norm is no larger than A If an embedding s norm is less than A | originally |
bool | is_test = helper.GetSingleArgument<int>(OpSchema::Arg_IsTest, 0) |
default where $N is batch $C is number of $H is spatial | height |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter The bias as a dimensional tensor of size $C to be applied to the output | var |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter The bias as a dimensional tensor of size $C to be applied to the output The running | sums |
default The input dimensional tensor of shape $NCHW or $NHWC depending on the order parameter The bias as a dimensional tensor of size $C to be applied to the output The running *optional *Per channel sums of elements to be used to determine the mean and variance for this batch The output dimensional tensor of the same shape as $X The running variance after the spatial BN | saved_var |
Unscaled log probabilities Optional blob to be used to weight the samples for the loss With spatial weighting is by | x |
A Blob pointing to the newly created | StatRegistry |
If export values from given StatRegistry export values from the global singleton StatRegistry int64 tensor with exported values default true Whether to atomically reset the counters | afterwards |
returning a scalar tensor containing a pointer to it The timer is stopped by calling **TimerEnd **Github | str |
stops the timer publishing a CAFFE_EVENT Github | timerget_op |
tensor of float | Index_High |
default flag to indicate if the summarized statistics have to be written to a log file D | max |
default flag to indicate if the summarized statistics have to be written to a log file D mean and standard | deviation |
constexpr char | kSummaryzeOpExtension [] = ".summary" |
const std::int32_t | tiles |
a_2 | |
a_n | |
r and integer argument | k |
auto | valid_axes |
tensor of int32 or int64 indices | remapping |
time | |
The time in | nanoseconds |
bool | if |
bool saves contents to the root folder of the current | workspace |
const char | kPrintFileExtension [] = ".log" |
const ArgumentHelper | args (def) |
sampling_cdf | |
An optional D Tensor Input cumulative sampling all values in sampling_cdf will be scaled by this number | sampled_indexes |
an index is randomly sampled from the distribution given by the weights of the corresponding batch The output is a D | sampling_weights |
an index is randomly sampled from the distribution given by the weights of the corresponding batch The output is a D A D Tensor of | sampling_values |
an index is randomly sampled from the distribution given by the weights of the corresponding batch The output is a D A D Tensor of An optional D Tensor of The output tensor contains | sampled_values |
decltype(adagrad_update__base) | adagrad_update__avx_f16c |
decltype(adagrad_update_prefetch__base) | adagrad_update_prefetch__avx_f16c |
decltype(adagrad_fp16_update_prefetch__base) | adagrad_fp16_update_prefetch__avx_f16c |
decltype(rowwise_adagrad_update__base) | rowwise_adagrad_update__avx_f16c |
decltype(sparse_adagrad_int32_t__base) | sparse_adagrad_int32_t__avx_f16c |
decltype(sparse_adagrad_int64_t__base) | sparse_adagrad_int64_t__avx_f16c |
decltype(TypedAxpyHalffloat__base) | TypedAxpyHalffloat__avx2_fma |
decltype(TypedAxpyHalffloat__base) | TypedAxpyHalffloat__avx_f16c |
decltype(TypedAxpy_uint8_float__base) | TypedAxpy_uint8_float__avx2_fma |
decltype(TypedAxpy_uint8_float__base) | TypedAxpy_uint8_float__avx_f16c |
constexpr DeviceType | CPU = DeviceType::CPU |
constexpr DeviceType | CUDA = DeviceType::CUDA |
constexpr DeviceType | OPENGL = DeviceType::OPENGL |
constexpr DeviceType | OPENCL = DeviceType::OPENCL |
constexpr DeviceType | MKLDNN = DeviceType::MKLDNN |
constexpr DeviceType | IDEEP = DeviceType::IDEEP |
constexpr DeviceType | HIP = DeviceType::HIP |
constexpr DeviceType | COMPILE_TIME_MAX_DEVICE_TYPES |
constexpr DeviceType | ONLY_FOR_TEST = DeviceType::ONLY_FOR_TEST |
data_0 | |
Weight tensor in KRSC layout | W_q |
Weight tensor in KRSC layout Weight bias tensor in a packed | format |
constexpr int | nlines_log = 10000 |
Timeout in | secs |
Timeout in | queue |
The shared pointer for the | BlobsQueue |
the output status will be set to true which can be used as exit criteria for execution step The input is the queue and the last output is the status The rest are data blobs DOC The shared pointer for the BlobsQueue | status |
the output status will be set to true which can be used as exit criteria for execution step The input is the queue and the last output is the status The rest are data blobs DOC The shared pointer for the BlobsQueue Is set to depending on the success of | dequeue |
Parameters to be updated | moment_delta |
Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates | lr |
Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Learning rate | output_moment |
moment | |
runs the dense AdaDelta update and Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Gradient computed | output_param |
runs the dense AdaDelta update and Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Gradient computed Updated parameters | output_moment_delta |
runs the dense AdaDelta update and Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Gradient computed Updated parameters Updated average of squared parameter updates | Default |
runs the dense AdaDelta update and Parameters to be updated Average of squared parameter updates Gradient computed Updated parameters Updated average of squared parameter updates the squared gradient sum is decayed by this | factor |
Parameters to be updated | moment_2 |
Parameters to be updated Second moment history learning rate Updated parameters | output_moment_2 |
moment1 | |
moment2 | |
iter | |
runs the dense Adam | new_moment1 |
runs the dense Adam new_moment2 as in dense case DOC | moment_1 |
runs the Adam update | new_moment2 |
input_tensor | |
Tensor of floats to be clipped | additional_threshold |
Tensor of floats to be clipped An optional additonal threshold to scale the orignal threshold | clipped |
mutex | |
given a parameter tensor X and its gradient the local learning rate for X will be | local_lr |
given a parameter tensor X and its gradient the local learning rate for X will be where offset is a preset hyper parameter to avoid numerical issue and trust indicates how much we trust the layer to change its parameters during one update In this | implementation |
given a parameter tensor X and its gradient the local learning rate for X will be where offset is a preset hyper parameter to avoid numerical issue and trust indicates how much we trust the layer to change its parameters during one update In this we uses l2 norm and the computed local learning rate is clipped based on the upper bound lr_max and the lower bound | lr_min |
the learning rate for performing gradient descent on learning rate lr Learning rate | effgrad |
given | nesterov |
given | computes |
given | adjusted_gradient |
given param | momentum |
given param parameter Note the difference to | MomentumSGD |
GradientSlice with gradients for updated indices Learning rate Adjusted gradient Updated parameter boolean Whether to use Nesterov Accelerated | Gradient |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate | curv_win |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges | g2_avg |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed Parameters to be updated | output_lr |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed Parameters to be updated Output learning rate | output_curv_win |
Parameters to be updated Learning rate Memory for latest curvature ranges Moving average of squared gradient Gradient computed Parameters to be updated Output learning rate Output memory for latest curvature ranges | output_g2_avg |
INT_MAX | compressed |
constexpr size_t | kDefaultMinWorkSize = 1 |
constexpr size_t | kCacheLineSize = 64 |
constexpr size_t | kGEMMLOWPCacheLineSize = 64 |
const int | kMaxBusyWaitNOPs = 32 * 1000 * 1000 |
where N is the number of elements in the H and W are the height and | width |
where N is the number of elements in the H and W are the height and and each of length num_classes The softmax is applied to each group independently | See |
number of classes in each softmax group tensor of softmax probabilities with where and softmax was applied to each of the num_anchors | groups |
See GroupSpatialSoftmax | d_scores |
L2 to L1 transition point | Y_hat |
L2 to L1 transition point tensor of bounding box regression predictions with tensor of labels | locations |
See SelectSmoothL1Loss See SelectSmoothL1Loss | d_loss |
See SelectSmoothL1Loss See SelectSmoothL1Loss Gradient of forward | d_Y_hat |
where indicates that the corresponding sample should be ignored | and |
multiply the loss by this scale factor Tensor of predicted | targets |
where N is the number of elements in the H and W are the height and and each of length num_classes For the binary form of Focal | Loss |
See SigmoidFocalLoss | normalizer |
See SigmoidFocalLoss See SigmoidFocalLoss | d_logits |
NumInputs(4).NumOutputs(1).SetDoc(R"DOC( Smooth L1 Loss is a minor variation of Huber loss in which the point of transition between L2 loss and L1 loss is adjustable by a hyper-parameter beta L2 to L1 transition point Tensor of Tensor of labels with the same shape as Y_hat | alpha_out |
See SmoothL1Loss | alpha_in |
where N is the number of elements in the H and W are the height and and where | p_i = exp(s_i) / sum_j exp(s_j) |
or input of | H0 |
See SpatialNarrowAs | dC |
See SpatialNarrowAs Gradient of forward | dA |
A global dictionary that holds information about what Caffe2 modules have been loaded in the current runtime, and also utility functions to load modules.
Copyright (c) 2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION, All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
Copyright 2016 Facebook.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
CAFFE2_API void caffe2::addBlobDeviceOptions | ( | std::map< std::string, caffe2::DeviceOption > | blobMap, |
nom::repr::NNModule * | nn | ||
) |
Helpers for the convertToNNModule for use if you already have an NNModule.
You probably don't want to use these if you can use convertToNNModule instead.
Definition at line 16 of file distributed.cc.
CAFFE2_CUDA_API int caffe2::CaffeCudaGetDevice | ( | ) |
Gets the current GPU id.
This is a simple wrapper around cudaGetDevice().
Definition at line 96 of file common_gpu.cc.
CAFFE2_CUDA_API void caffe2::CaffeCudaSetDevice | ( | const int | id | ) |
Gets the current GPU id.
This is a simple wrapper around cudaGetDevice().
Definition at line 102 of file common_gpu.cc.
CAFFE2_API nom::repr::NNModule caffe2::convertToNNModule | ( | const caffe2::NetDef & | net, |
bool | strict, | ||
std::vector< repr::NNGraph::NodeRef > * | opNodeVec | ||
) |
Ingest a caffe2 protobuf model and output an NNModule.
net | The caffe2 protobuf NetDef |
We keep track of the producer of the blob. Because Caffe2 Nets are really just ordered operations we can just keep track of the most recent producer of a blob and draw and edge from that to any consumer we come by. If a new operator produces the blob we simply replace it in this map.
For the construction of the control flow graph we keep track of a current basic block, which we split up as we come accross control flow operations such as if and while.
Definition at line 301 of file converter.cc.
CAFFE2_API nom::repr::NNModule caffe2::convertToNNModule | ( | caffe2::NetDef & | , |
std::map< std::string, caffe2::DeviceOption > | |||
) |
Convert to an NNModule and apply a mapping of tensor names to DeviceOptions to it.
This only applies the map to Declare/Export nodes, which are representationally equivalent to external_input/external_output in caffe2 NetDefs.
Throws an exception if the passed in blobMap contains blobs that are not present in the NNModule.
Definition at line 103 of file distributed.cc.
repr::NNModule caffe2::convertToNNModule | ( | const caffe2::NetDef & | net, |
bool | strict, | ||
std::vector< repr::NNGraph::NodeRef > * | opNodeVec | ||
) |
Ingest a caffe2 protobuf model and output an NNModule.
net | The caffe2 protobuf NetDef |
We keep track of the producer of the blob. Because Caffe2 Nets are really just ordered operations we can just keep track of the most recent producer of a blob and draw and edge from that to any consumer we come by. If a new operator produces the blob we simply replace it in this map.
For the construction of the control flow graph we keep track of a current basic block, which we split up as we come accross control flow operations such as if and while.
Definition at line 301 of file converter.cc.
Creates a network, accessing / creating blobs in the given workspace.
Note that this is different from Workspace::CreateNet. The latter adds the created net object to the workspace's net map, while this function returns a standalone net object.
std::unique_ptr<RecurrentNetworkExecutorBase> caffe2::createRNNExecutor< CPUContext > | ( | const NetDef & | step_net_def, |
std::map< string, string > & | recurrent_input_map, | ||
std::string | timestep_blob, | ||
ArgumentHelper | rnn_args | ||
) |
Implementation of RecurrentNetworkExecutor that uses thread pool for multithreaded execution of RNNs.
Used with CPU.
Definition at line 13 of file recurrent_network_executor.cc.
void caffe2::createSharedBuffer | ( | Workspace * | ws | ) |
Creates a mutex and shared buffer in the workspace.
Not thread-safe, must be called from the constructor.
CAFFE2_API const CaffeMap< string, const ModuleSchema * > & caffe2::CurrentModules | ( | ) |
Current Modules present in the Caffe2 runtime.
Returns: map: a map of modules and (optionally) their description. The key is the module name, and the value is the description for that module. The module name is recommended to be the part that constitutes the trunk of the dynamic library: for example, a module called libcaffe2_db_rocksdb.so should have the name "caffe2_db_rocksdb". The reason we do not use "lib" is because it's somewhat redundant, and the reason we do not include ".so" is for cross-platform compatibility on platforms like mac os.
CAFFE2_API void caffe2::DeserializeBlob | ( | const string & | content, |
Blob * | result | ||
) |
Deserializes from a string containing either BlobProto or TensorProto.
If the deserialization fails, the content in the blob should no longer be trusted.
Definition at line 362 of file blob_serialization.cc.
void caffe2::EmbeddingLookup | ( | const std::int64_t | block_size, |
const std::int64_t | output_size, | ||
const std::int64_t | index_size, | ||
const std::int64_t | data_size, | ||
const InType * | input, | ||
const IndexType * | indices, | ||
const int * | lengths, | ||
const float * | weights, | ||
const float * | scale_bias, | ||
bool | normalize_by_lengths, | ||
OutType * | out | ||
) |
Embedding lookup with reduction.
of size data_size * block_size indices
of size index_size lengths
of size output_size weights
nullptr or array of size index_size out
of size output_size * block_size sum(lengths[i]) == index_size
Behavior is roughly equivalent to pseudocode:
pos = 0 for (i = 0..index_size-1) for (k = 0..block_size-1) out[i*block_size + k] = 0 for (j = 0..lengths[i]-1) for (k = 0..block_size-1) out[i*block_size + k] += input[indices[pos]*block_size + k] * (weights ? weights[IS_WEIGHT_POSITIONAL ? j : pos] : 1.0) pos += 1 if (normalize_weights && lengths[i] > 0) for (k = 0..block_size-1) out[i*block_size + k] /= lengths[i]
fbgemm::CompressedSparseColumn* caffe2::ExtractOutlierMatrix | ( | int | groups, |
int | kernel_dim, | ||
int | M, | ||
int | nbits_in_non_outlier, | ||
vector< std::int8_t > & | W_quantized | ||
) |
W_quantized | input quantized weight that is not packed yet |
void caffe2::Fused8BitRowwiseEmbeddingLookup | ( | const std::int64_t | block_size, |
const std::int64_t | output_size, | ||
const std::int64_t | index_size, | ||
const std::int64_t | data_size, | ||
const InType * | input, | ||
const IndexType * | indices, | ||
const int * | lengths, | ||
const float * | weights, | ||
bool | normalize_by_lengths, | ||
OutType * | out | ||
) |
Embedding lookup with reduction.
of size data_size * (block_size + 8B) indices
of size index_size lengths
of size output_size weights
nullptr or array of size index_size out
of size output_size * block_size sum(lengths[i]) == index_size
Note that block_size should be the number of quantized values per row in the data, i.e. excluding the scale and bias. The total (fused) block size is assumed to be this block_size, plus 4 bytes for scale and 4 bytes for bias.
Behavior is roughly equivalent to pseudocode:
pos = 0 fused_block_size = block_size + 8B // quantized values and scale and bias for (i = 0..index_size-1) for (k = 0..block_size-1) out[i*block_size + k] = 0 for (j = 0..lengths[i]-1) for (k = 0..block_size-1) out[i*block_size + k] += input[indices[pos]*(fused_block_size) + k] * (weights ? weights[IS_WEIGHT_POSITIONAL ? j : pos] : 1.0) pos += 1 if (normalize_weights && lengths[i] > 0) for (k = 0..block_size-1) out[i*block_size + k] /= lengths[i]
void caffe2::Get1DPartitionOf2D | ( | int | m, |
int | n, | ||
int | nthreads, | ||
int | thread_id, | ||
int * | m_begin, | ||
int * | m_end, | ||
int * | n_begin, | ||
int * | n_end, | ||
int | n_align = 1 |
) |
1D-partition m x n 2D work.
First try partitioning m if m >= nthreads. Otherwise, each row is partitioned by multiple threads. In this case, each thread only works on a single row. Optionally, we can force the number of columns assigned per thread is a multiple of n_align.
Definition at line 20 of file dnnlowp_partition.cc.
CAFFE2_CUDA_API CudaMemoryPoolType caffe2::GetCudaMemoryPoolType | ( | ) |
Gets the current memory pool type used by Caffe2.
The memory pool is set up during caffe2's global initialization time.
CAFFE2_CUDA_API bool caffe2::GetCudaPeerAccessPattern | ( | vector< vector< bool >> * | pattern | ) |
Return a peer access pattern by returning a matrix (in the format of a nested vector) of boolean values specifying whether peer access is possible.
This function returns false if anything wrong happens during the query of the GPU access pattern.
CAFFE2_CUDA_API const cudaDeviceProp & caffe2::GetDeviceProperty | ( | const int | device | ) |
Gets the device property for the given device.
This function is thread safe.
Definition at line 139 of file common_gpu.cc.
std::shared_ptr<fbgemm::PackBMatrix<int8_t, ACC_T> > caffe2::GetOrCreateFbgemmPackBMatrix | ( | fbgemm::matrix_op_t | trans, |
std::int32_t | m, | ||
std::int32_t | n, | ||
const void * | orig_data, | ||
const std::int8_t * | quantized_data, | ||
std::int32_t | ld | ||
) |
If there's an existing packed matrix for the same matrix, reuse it.
Create a new one otherwise. This can save memory usage if many threads are sharing the same weight.
CAFFE2_API bool caffe2::GlobalInit | ( | int * | pargc, |
char *** | argv | ||
) |
Initialize the global environment of caffe2.
Caffe2 uses a registration pattern for initialization functions. Custom initialization functions should take the signature bool (func)(int, char***) where the pointers to argc and argv are passed in. Caffe2 then runs the initialization in three phases: (1) Functions registered with REGISTER_CAFFE2_EARLY_INIT_FUNCTION. Note that since it is possible the logger is not initialized yet, any logging in such early init functions may not be printed correctly. (2) Parses Caffe-specific commandline flags, and initializes caffe logging. (3) Functions registered with REGISTER_CAFFE2_INIT_FUNCTION. If there is something wrong at each stage, the function returns false. If the global initialization has already been run, the function returns false as well.
GlobalInit is re-entrant safe; a re-entrant call will no-op and exit.
GlobalInit is safe to call multiple times but not idempotent; successive calls will parse flags and re-set caffe2 logging levels from flags as needed, but NOT re-run early init and init functions.
GlobalInit is also thread-safe and can be called concurrently.
CAFFE2_API bool caffe2::GlobalInit | ( | ) |
CAFFE2_API MPI_Comm caffe2::GlobalMPIComm | ( | ) |
Gets the global MPI communicator used by Caffe2.
In default, this is MPI_COMM_WORLD unless you call SetGlobalMPIComm().
Definition at line 20 of file mpi_common.cc.
inline |
Check if the current running session has a cuda gpu present.
Note that this is different from having caffe2 built with cuda. Building Caffe2 with cuda only guarantees that this function exists. If there are no cuda gpus present in the machine, or there are hardware configuration problems like an insufficient driver, this function will still return false, meaning that there is no usable GPU present.
In the open source build, it is possible that Caffe2's GPU code is dynamically loaded, and as a result a library could be only linked to the CPU code, but want to test if cuda is later available or not. In this case, one should use HasCudaRuntime() from common.h.
Definition at line 149 of file common_gpu.h.
CAFFE2_API void caffe2::LoadModule | ( | const string & | name, |
const string & | filename = "" |
) |
noexcept |
ScopeGuard is a general implementation of the "Initialization is Resource Acquisition" idiom.
Basically, it guarantees that a function is executed upon leaving the currrent scope unless otherwise told.
The MakeGuard() function is used to create a new ScopeGuard object. It can be instantiated with a lambda function, a std::function<void()>, a functor, or a void(*)() function pointer.
Usage example: Add a friend to memory iff it is also added to the db.
void User::addFriend(User& newFriend) { // add the friend to memory friends_.push_back(&newFriend);
// If the db insertion that follows fails, we should // remove it from memory. auto guard = MakeGuard([&] { friends_.pop_back(); });
// this will throw an exception upon error, which // makes the ScopeGuard execute UserCont::pop_back() // once the Guard's destructor is called. db_->addFriend(GetName(), newFriend.GetName());
// an exception was not thrown, so don't execute // the Guard. guard.dismiss(); }
Examine ScopeGuardTest.cpp for some more sample usage.
Stolen from: Andrei's and Petru Marginean's CUJ article: http://drdobbs.com/184403758 and the loki library: http://loki-lib.sourceforge.net/index.php?n=Idioms.ScopeGuardPointer and triendl.kj article: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/scope_guard.aspx
Definition at line 153 of file scope_guard.h.
CAFFE2_API bool caffe2::MatchStrings | ( | string | p, |
string | s | ||
) |
void caffe2::MPISetupPeers | ( | const int | replicas, |
const string & | role, | ||
const string & | job_path | ||
) |
A function used to perform peer setup so one does not need to use mpirun / mpiexec to run the binary.
Note that if you use mpirun or mpiexec to set up the common world, do not use this function - MPI_Init would have already set that up.
This also assumes that you have a common path (like NFS) that multiple instances can read from.
Inputs: replicas (int): the number of replicas that mpi will run with. role (string): the role of this process, "server" or "client". job_path (string): a file name that the server will write its port into and the clients will read the server's port from.
Definition at line 94 of file mpi_common.cc.
CAFFE2_API void caffe2::SerializeBlob | ( | const Blob & | blob, |
const string & | name, | ||
BlobSerializerBase::SerializationAcceptor | acceptor, | ||
int | chunk_size = kDefaultChunkSize |
) |
Serializes the given blob, if possible.
Note that this serialization uses the registration mechanism and one has to implement specific serialization approaches for specific classes. Acceptor should take care of writing data to the actual storage.
Definition at line 92 of file blob_serialization.cc.
CAFFE2_API string caffe2::SerializeBlob | ( | const Blob & | blob, |
const string & | name | ||
) |
Convenience function to serialize a blob to a string.
This is a conveinence function to serialize small Blobs that produce manageable serialized strings. To serialize big blobs such as large sparse tensors, use the fully-functional interface in blob_serializer_base.h.
NOTE: this function doesn't do chunking and might break with big tensors.
Definition at line 100 of file blob_serialization.cc.
CAFFE2_API void caffe2::SetGlobalMPIComm | ( | MPI_Comm | new_comm | ) |
Sets the global MPI communicator.
Caffe2 takes over the ownership of the passed in communicator.
Definition at line 24 of file mpi_common.cc.
int caffe2::sparse_adagrad | ( | int | num_rows, |
int | block_size, | ||
std::uint64_t | param_size, | ||
const float * | w, | ||
const float * | g, | ||
const float * | h, | ||
const SIndex * | indices, | ||
float * | nw, | ||
float * | nh, | ||
float | epsilon, | ||
float | lr | ||
) |
Tensor caffe2::TensorCPUFromValues | ( | at::IntArrayRef | dims, |
at::ArrayRef< T > | values | ||
) |
it will be coerced into one For an arbitrary n dimensional tensor X where k is the axis then X will be coerced into a dimensional tensor with dimensions [(a_0 * ... * a_{k-1}), (a_k * ... * a_{n-1})] For the default case where the X tensor will be coerced into a tensor of where $a_0 is often the batch size In this we must hav caffe2::$a_0) |
Definition at line 123 of file softmax_op.cc.
it will be coerced into one For an arbitrary n dimensional tensor X in [a_0, a_1, ..., a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}] and k is the axis then X will be coerced into a dimensional tensor with dimensions [a_0 * ... * a_{k-1}, a_k * ... * a_{n-1}] For the default case where this means the X tensor will be coerced into a tensor of where a_0 is often the batch size In this we must have caffe2::a_0 |
Definition at line 26 of file int8_softmax_op.cc.
where indicates that the corresponding sample should be ignored caffe2::and |
Definition at line 34 of file sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_op.cc.
auto caffe2::batch_size |
Definition at line 26 of file softmax_with_loss_op.cc.
default must must caffe2::be |
Definition at line 210 of file counter_ops.cc.
this op outputs a copy of the input tensor where values from the height and width dimensions are moved to the batch dimension After the zero padding is according to the pad both height and width of the input must be divisible by the block_size Only NCHW order is currently supported Github caffe2::block_size |
Definition at line 27 of file space_batch_op.cc.
const auto caffe2::canonical_axis |
Definition at line 147 of file layer_norm_op.cc.
constexpr DeviceType caffe2::COMPILE_TIME_MAX_DEVICE_TYPES |
Definition at line 16 of file caffe2_pb.h.
int caffe2::default |
Definition at line 103 of file arg_ops.cc.
auto caffe2::dilation_h |
Definition at line 40 of file im2col_op.cc.
auto caffe2::dilation_w |
Definition at line 42 of file im2col_op.cc.
given param caffe2::else |
Definition at line 88 of file reshape_op.cc.
const char* caffe2::githubLinks |
Definition at line 6 of file counter_ops.cc.
const vector< TensorShape > & caffe2::in |
Definition at line 12 of file batch_gather_ops.cc.
const char caffe2::kAveragePoolDoc_int8[] |
Definition at line 12 of file int8_average_pool_op.cc.
const char caffe2::kConvDoc_int8[] |
Definition at line 7 of file int8_conv_op.cc.
const char* caffe2::kConvFusionDoc |
Definition at line 151 of file conv_fusion_op.cc.
auto caffe2::kernel_h |
Definition at line 36 of file im2col_op.cc.
auto caffe2::kernel_w |
Definition at line 38 of file im2col_op.cc.
const char caffe2::kMaxPoolDoc_int8[] |
Definition at line 10 of file int8_max_pool_op.cc.
where segments are defined by their and concatenate them in an output tensor of the output value will be padded and the corresponding output indices will be padded by DOC caffe2::LENGTHS |
Definition at line 20 of file lengths_pad_op.cc.
given a parameter tensor X and its gradient the local learning rate for X will be caffe2::local_lr |
Definition at line 33 of file lars_op.cc.
constexpr int caffe2::MaxDeviceTypes |
std::vector<int> caffe2::newDims |
Definition at line 125 of file expand_squeeze_dims_op.cc.
auto caffe2::num_classes |
Definition at line 28 of file softmax_with_loss_op.cc.
with the size where caffe2::num_feature |
Definition at line 14 of file bisect_percentile_op.cc.
auto caffe2::order |
std::vector< int64_t > caffe2::output_dims |
Definition at line 18 of file batch_gather_ops.cc.
Tensor of rank caffe2::r |
Definition at line 25 of file batch_gather_ops.cc.
d_n then the output will have A Int8 tensor of caffe2::rank |
Definition at line 10 of file lengths_pad_op.cc.
auto caffe2::stride_h |
Definition at line 44 of file im2col_op.cc.
auto caffe2::stride_w |
Definition at line 46 of file im2col_op.cc.
int caffe2::tiles |
Definition at line 94 of file tile_op.cc.
auto caffe2::valid_axes |
Definition at line 24 of file transpose_op.cc.
reconstruct values together according to masks A comprehensive False False True Reconstruct Note that for all mask there must be at least one True This is not False False we accept the first and no longer expect a value for that False True caffe2::values2 |
Definition at line 67 of file boolean_unmask_ops.cc.
return caffe2::vector< TensorShape > |
Definition at line 109 of file slice_op.cc.
the cap of output caffe2::y |
Definition at line 79 of file margin_ranking_criterion_op.cc.
integer upsampling factor caffe2::Y |
Definition at line 119 of file cast_op.cc.