Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 /*
2  * CuDNN ReLU extension. Simple function but contains the general structure of
3  * most CuDNN extensions:
4  * 1) Check arguments. torch::check* functions provide a standard way to
5  * validate input and provide pretty errors. 2) Create descriptors. Most CuDNN
6  * functions require creating and setting a variety of descriptors. 3) Apply the
7  * CuDNN function. 4) Destroy your descriptors. 5) Return something (optional).
8  */
10 #include <torch/extension.h>
12 #include <ATen/cuda/Exceptions.h> // for CUDNN_CHECK
13 #include <ATen/cudnn/Descriptors.h> // for TensorDescriptor
14 #include <ATen/cudnn/Handle.h> // for getCudnnHandle
16 // Name of function in python module and name used for error messages by
17 // torch::check* functions.
18 const char* cudnn_relu_name = "cudnn_relu";
20 // Check arguments to cudnn_relu
21 void cudnn_relu_check(
22  const torch::Tensor& inputs,
23  const torch::Tensor& outputs) {
24  // Create TensorArgs. These record the names and positions of each tensor as a
25  // parameter.
26  torch::TensorArg arg_inputs(inputs, "inputs", 0);
27  torch::TensorArg arg_outputs(outputs, "outputs", 1);
28  // Check arguments. No need to return anything. These functions with throw an
29  // error if they fail. Messages are populated using information from
30  // TensorArgs.
31  torch::checkContiguous(cudnn_relu_name, arg_inputs);
32  torch::checkScalarType(cudnn_relu_name, arg_inputs, torch::kFloat);
33  torch::checkBackend(cudnn_relu_name, arg_inputs.tensor, torch::Backend::CUDA);
34  torch::checkContiguous(cudnn_relu_name, arg_outputs);
35  torch::checkScalarType(cudnn_relu_name, arg_outputs, torch::kFloat);
36  torch::checkBackend(
37  cudnn_relu_name, arg_outputs.tensor, torch::Backend::CUDA);
38  torch::checkSameSize(cudnn_relu_name, arg_inputs, arg_outputs);
39 }
41 void cudnn_relu(const torch::Tensor& inputs, const torch::Tensor& outputs) {
42  // Most CuDNN extensions will follow a similar pattern.
43  // Step 1: Check inputs. This will throw an error if inputs are invalid, so no
44  // need to check return codes here.
45  cudnn_relu_check(inputs, outputs);
46  // Step 2: Create descriptors
47  cudnnHandle_t cuDnn = torch::native::getCudnnHandle();
48  // Note: 4 is minimum dim for a TensorDescriptor. Input and output are same
49  // size and type and contiguous, so one descriptor is sufficient.
50  torch::native::TensorDescriptor input_tensor_desc(inputs, 4);
51  cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc;
52  // Note: Always check return value of cudnn functions using CUDNN_CHECK
53  AT_CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnCreateActivationDescriptor(&activationDesc));
54  AT_CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetActivationDescriptor(
55  activationDesc,
57  /*reluNanOpt=*/CUDNN_PROPAGATE_NAN,
58  /*coef=*/1.));
59  // Step 3: Apply CuDNN function
60  float alpha = 1.;
61  float beta = 0.;
62  AT_CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnActivationForward(
63  cuDnn,
64  activationDesc,
65  &alpha,
66  input_tensor_desc.desc(),
67  inputs.data_ptr(),
68  &beta,
69  input_tensor_desc.desc(), // output descriptor same as input
70  outputs.data_ptr()));
71  // Step 4: Destroy descriptors
72  AT_CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnDestroyActivationDescriptor(activationDesc));
73  // Step 5: Return something (optional)
74 }
76 // Create the pybind11 module
78  // Use the same name as the check functions so error messages make sense
79  m.def(cudnn_relu_name, &cudnn_relu, "CuDNN ReLU");
80 }