| Tensor (c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > tensor_impl) |
| Tensor (const Tensor &)=default |
| Tensor (Tensor &&)=default |
| Tensor (C10Tensor tensor) |
| operator C10Tensor () const & |
| operator C10Tensor ()&& |
int64_t | dim () const |
int64_t | storage_offset () const |
TensorImpl * | unsafeGetTensorImpl () const |
TensorImpl * | unsafeReleaseTensorImpl () |
const c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > & | getIntrusivePtr () const |
bool | defined () const |
void | reset () |
Tensor & | operator= (const Tensor &x)& |
Tensor & | operator= (Tensor &&x)& |
Tensor & | operator= (Scalar v)&& |
Tensor & | operator= (const Tensor &)&& |
Tensor & | operator= (Tensor &&)&& |
bool | is_same (const Tensor &other) const noexcept |
size_t | use_count () const noexcept |
size_t | weak_use_count () const noexcept |
const char * | toString () const |
IntArrayRef | sizes () const |
IntArrayRef | strides () const |
int64_t | ndimension () const |
bool | is_contiguous () const |
size_t | nbytes () const |
size_t | itemsize () const |
size_t | element_size () const |
Type & | type () const |
TensorTypeId | type_id () const |
ScalarType | scalar_type () const |
bool | has_storage () const |
const Storage & | storage () const |
bool | is_alias_of (const at::Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | toType (const Type &t, bool non_blocking=false) const |
Tensor & | copy_ (const Tensor &src, bool non_blocking=false) |
Tensor | toType (ScalarType t) const |
Tensor | toBackend (Backend b) const |
bool | is_variable () const noexcept |
| Returns true if the Tensor is actually a torch::autograd::Variable . More...
Layout | layout () const noexcept |
| Returns a Tensor 's layout. Defined in Type.h.
caffe2::TypeMeta | dtype () const noexcept |
| Returns a Tensor 's dtype (TypeMeta ). Defined in TensorMethods.h.
Device | device () const |
| Returns a Tensor 's device.
int64_t | get_device () const |
| Returns a Tensor 's device index.
bool | is_cuda () const |
| Returns if a Tensor has CUDA backend.
bool | is_hip () const |
| Returns if a Tensor has HIP backend.
bool | is_sparse () const |
| Returns if a Tensor has sparse backend.
TensorOptions | options () const |
| Returns the TensorOptions corresponding to this Tensor . More...
template<typename T > |
T * | data () const |
template<typename T > |
T | item () const |
void | print () const |
template<typename T , size_t N> |
TensorAccessor< T, N > | accessor () const & |
template<typename T , size_t N> |
TensorAccessor< T, N > | accessor ()&&=delete |
template<typename T , size_t N, template< typename U > class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t> |
PackedTensorAccessor< T, N, PtrTraits, index_t > | packed_accessor () const & |
template<typename T , size_t N, template< typename U > class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t> |
PackedTensorAccessor< T, N > | packed_accessor ()&&=delete |
Tensor | operator- () const |
Tensor & | operator+= (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | operator+= (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | operator-= (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | operator-= (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | operator*= (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | operator*= (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | operator/= (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | operator/= (Scalar other) |
Tensor | operator[] (Scalar index) const |
Tensor | operator[] (Tensor index) const |
Tensor | operator[] (int64_t index) const |
Tensor | cpu () const |
Tensor | cuda () const |
Tensor | hip () const |
Tensor & | set_requires_grad (bool requires_grad) |
bool | requires_grad () const |
Tensor & | grad () |
const Tensor & | grad () const |
void | set_data (Tensor new_data) |
void | backward (c10::optional< Tensor > gradient=c10::nullopt, bool keep_graph=false, bool create_graph=false) |
| Computes the gradient of current tensor w.r.t. graph leaves.
Tensor | abs () const |
Tensor & | abs_ () |
Tensor | acos () const |
Tensor & | acos_ () |
Tensor | add (const Tensor &other, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor & | add_ (const Tensor &other, Scalar alpha=1) |
Tensor | add (Scalar other, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor & | add_ (Scalar other, Scalar alpha=1) |
Tensor | addmv (const Tensor &mat, const Tensor &vec, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor & | addmv_ (const Tensor &mat, const Tensor &vec, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) |
Tensor | addr (const Tensor &vec1, const Tensor &vec2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor & | addr_ (const Tensor &vec1, const Tensor &vec2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) |
Tensor | all (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
bool | allclose (const Tensor &other, double rtol=1e-05, double atol=1e-08, bool equal_nan=false) const |
Tensor | any (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | argmax (c10::optional< int64_t > dim=c10::nullopt, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | argmin (c10::optional< int64_t > dim=c10::nullopt, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | as_strided (IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, c10::optional< int64_t > storage_offset=c10::nullopt) const |
Tensor & | as_strided_ (IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, c10::optional< int64_t > storage_offset=c10::nullopt) |
Tensor | asin () const |
Tensor & | asin_ () |
Tensor | atan () const |
Tensor & | atan_ () |
Tensor | baddbmm (const Tensor &batch1, const Tensor &batch2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor & | baddbmm_ (const Tensor &batch1, const Tensor &batch2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) |
Tensor | bernoulli (Generator *generator=nullptr) const |
Tensor & | bernoulli_ (const Tensor &p, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor & | bernoulli_ (double p=0.5, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor | bernoulli (double p, Generator *generator=nullptr) const |
Tensor | bincount (const Tensor &weights={}, int64_t minlength=0) const |
Tensor | bmm (const Tensor &mat2) const |
Tensor | ceil () const |
Tensor & | ceil_ () |
std::vector< Tensor > | chunk (int64_t chunks, int64_t dim=0) const |
Tensor | clamp (c10::optional< Scalar > min=c10::nullopt, c10::optional< Scalar > max=c10::nullopt) const |
Tensor & | clamp_ (c10::optional< Scalar > min=c10::nullopt, c10::optional< Scalar > max=c10::nullopt) |
Tensor | clamp_max (Scalar max) const |
Tensor & | clamp_max_ (Scalar max) |
Tensor | clamp_min (Scalar min) const |
Tensor & | clamp_min_ (Scalar min) |
Tensor | contiguous () const |
Tensor | cos () const |
Tensor & | cos_ () |
Tensor | cosh () const |
Tensor & | cosh_ () |
Tensor | cumsum (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | cumsum (int64_t dim) const |
Tensor | cumprod (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | cumprod (int64_t dim) const |
Tensor | det () const |
Tensor | diag_embed (int64_t offset=0, int64_t dim1=-2, int64_t dim2=-1) const |
Tensor | diagflat (int64_t offset=0) const |
Tensor | diagonal (int64_t offset=0, int64_t dim1=0, int64_t dim2=1) const |
Tensor | div (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor & | div_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor | div (Scalar other) const |
Tensor & | div_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor | dot (const Tensor &tensor) const |
Tensor & | resize_ (IntArrayRef size) |
Tensor | erf () const |
Tensor & | erf_ () |
Tensor | erfc () const |
Tensor & | erfc_ () |
Tensor | exp () const |
Tensor & | exp_ () |
Tensor | expm1 () const |
Tensor & | expm1_ () |
Tensor | expand (IntArrayRef size, bool implicit=false) const |
Tensor | expand_as (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | flatten (int64_t start_dim=0, int64_t end_dim=-1) const |
Tensor & | fill_ (Scalar value) |
Tensor & | fill_ (const Tensor &value) |
Tensor | floor () const |
Tensor & | floor_ () |
Tensor | ger (const Tensor &vec2) const |
Tensor | fft (int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false) const |
Tensor | ifft (int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false) const |
Tensor | rfft (int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false, bool onesided=true) const |
Tensor | irfft (int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false, bool onesided=true, IntArrayRef signal_sizes={}) const |
Tensor | index (TensorList indices) const |
Tensor & | index_copy_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source) |
Tensor | index_copy (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source) const |
Tensor & | index_put_ (TensorList indices, const Tensor &values, bool accumulate=false) |
Tensor | index_put (TensorList indices, const Tensor &values, bool accumulate=false) const |
Tensor | inverse () const |
Tensor | isclose (const Tensor &other, double rtol=1e-05, double atol=1e-08, bool equal_nan=false) const |
bool | is_distributed () const |
bool | is_floating_point () const |
bool | is_complex () const |
bool | is_nonzero () const |
bool | is_same_size (const Tensor &other) const |
bool | is_signed () const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | kthvalue (int64_t k, int64_t dim=-1, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | log () const |
Tensor & | log_ () |
Tensor | log10 () const |
Tensor & | log10_ () |
Tensor | log1p () const |
Tensor & | log1p_ () |
Tensor | log2 () const |
Tensor & | log2_ () |
Tensor | logdet () const |
Tensor | log_softmax (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | log_softmax (int64_t dim) const |
Tensor | logsumexp (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | matmul (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | matrix_power (int64_t n) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | max (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | max_values (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | mean (ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | mean () const |
Tensor | mean (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | mean (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | mean (IntArrayRef dim, ScalarType dtype) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | median (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | min (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | min_values (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | mm (const Tensor &mat2) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | mode (int64_t dim=-1, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | mul (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor & | mul_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor | mul (Scalar other) const |
Tensor & | mul_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor | mv (const Tensor &vec) const |
Tensor | mvlgamma (int64_t p) const |
Tensor & | mvlgamma_ (int64_t p) |
Tensor | narrow_copy (int64_t dim, int64_t start, int64_t length) const |
Tensor | narrow (int64_t dim, int64_t start, int64_t length) const |
Tensor | permute (IntArrayRef dims) const |
Tensor | pin_memory () const |
Tensor | pinverse (double rcond=1e-15) const |
Tensor | repeat (IntArrayRef repeats) const |
Tensor | reshape (IntArrayRef shape) const |
Tensor | reshape_as (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | round () const |
Tensor & | round_ () |
Tensor | relu () const |
Tensor & | relu_ () |
Tensor | prelu (const Tensor &weight) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | prelu_backward (const Tensor &grad_output, const Tensor &weight) const |
Tensor | hardshrink (Scalar lambd=0.5) const |
Tensor | hardshrink_backward (const Tensor &grad_out, Scalar lambd) const |
Tensor | rsqrt () const |
Tensor & | rsqrt_ () |
Tensor | select (int64_t dim, int64_t index) const |
Tensor | sigmoid () const |
Tensor & | sigmoid_ () |
Tensor | sin () const |
Tensor & | sin_ () |
Tensor | sinh () const |
Tensor & | sinh_ () |
Tensor | detach () const |
Tensor & | detach_ () |
int64_t | size (int64_t dim) const |
Tensor | slice (int64_t dim=0, int64_t start=0, int64_t end=9223372036854775807, int64_t step=1) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | slogdet () const |
Tensor | smm (const Tensor &mat2) const |
Tensor | softmax (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | softmax (int64_t dim) const |
std::vector< Tensor > | split (int64_t split_size, int64_t dim=0) const |
std::vector< Tensor > | split_with_sizes (IntArrayRef split_sizes, int64_t dim=0) const |
Tensor | squeeze () const |
Tensor | squeeze (int64_t dim) const |
Tensor & | squeeze_ () |
Tensor & | squeeze_ (int64_t dim) |
Tensor | sspaddmm (const Tensor &mat1, const Tensor &mat2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor | stft (int64_t n_fft, c10::optional< int64_t > hop_length=c10::nullopt, c10::optional< int64_t > win_length=c10::nullopt, const Tensor &window={}, bool normalized=false, bool onesided=true) const |
int64_t | stride (int64_t dim) const |
Tensor | sum (ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | sum () const |
Tensor | sum (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | sum (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | sum (IntArrayRef dim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | sum_to_size (IntArrayRef size) const |
Tensor | sqrt () const |
Tensor & | sqrt_ () |
Tensor | std (bool unbiased=true) const |
Tensor | std (IntArrayRef dim, bool unbiased=true, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | prod (ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | prod () const |
Tensor | prod (int64_t dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | prod (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | prod (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | t () const |
Tensor & | t_ () |
Tensor | tan () const |
Tensor & | tan_ () |
Tensor | tanh () const |
Tensor & | tanh_ () |
Tensor | transpose (int64_t dim0, int64_t dim1) const |
Tensor & | transpose_ (int64_t dim0, int64_t dim1) |
Tensor | flip (IntArrayRef dims) const |
Tensor | roll (IntArrayRef shifts, IntArrayRef dims={}) const |
Tensor | rot90 (int64_t k=1, IntArrayRef dims={0, 1}) const |
Tensor | trunc () const |
Tensor & | trunc_ () |
Tensor | type_as (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | unsqueeze (int64_t dim) const |
Tensor & | unsqueeze_ (int64_t dim) |
Tensor | var (bool unbiased=true) const |
Tensor | var (IntArrayRef dim, bool unbiased=true, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | view_as (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | where (const Tensor &condition, const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | norm (c10::optional< Scalar > p, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | norm (Scalar p=2) const |
Tensor | norm (c10::optional< Scalar > p, IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype) const |
Tensor | norm (c10::optional< Scalar > p, IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const |
Tensor | clone () const |
Tensor & | resize_as_ (const Tensor &the_template) |
Tensor | pow (Scalar exponent) const |
Tensor & | zero_ () |
Tensor | sub (const Tensor &other, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor & | sub_ (const Tensor &other, Scalar alpha=1) |
Tensor | sub (Scalar other, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor & | sub_ (Scalar other, Scalar alpha=1) |
Tensor | addmm (const Tensor &mat1, const Tensor &mat2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor & | addmm_ (const Tensor &mat1, const Tensor &mat2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) |
Tensor & | sparse_resize_ (IntArrayRef size, int64_t sparse_dim, int64_t dense_dim) |
Tensor & | sparse_resize_and_clear_ (IntArrayRef size, int64_t sparse_dim, int64_t dense_dim) |
Tensor | sparse_mask (SparseTensorRef mask) const |
Tensor | to_dense () const |
int64_t | sparse_dim () const |
int64_t | _dimI () const |
int64_t | dense_dim () const |
int64_t | _dimV () const |
int64_t | _nnz () const |
Tensor | coalesce () const |
bool | is_coalesced () const |
Tensor | _indices () const |
Tensor | _values () const |
Tensor & | _coalesced_ (bool coalesced) |
Tensor | indices () const |
Tensor | values () const |
int64_t | numel () const |
std::vector< Tensor > | unbind (int64_t dim=0) const |
Tensor | to_sparse (int64_t sparse_dim) const |
Tensor | to_sparse () const |
Tensor | to (const TensorOptions &options, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const |
Tensor | to (Device device, ScalarType dtype, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const |
Tensor | to (ScalarType dtype, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const |
Tensor | to (const Tensor &other, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const |
Scalar | item () const |
void * | data_ptr () const |
Tensor & | set_ (Storage source) |
Tensor & | set_ (Storage source, int64_t storage_offset, IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride={}) |
Tensor & | set_ (const Tensor &source) |
Tensor & | set_ () |
bool | is_set_to (const Tensor &tensor) const |
Tensor & | masked_fill_ (const Tensor &mask, Scalar value) |
Tensor | masked_fill (const Tensor &mask, Scalar value) const |
Tensor & | masked_fill_ (const Tensor &mask, const Tensor &value) |
Tensor | masked_fill (const Tensor &mask, const Tensor &value) const |
Tensor & | masked_scatter_ (const Tensor &mask, const Tensor &source) |
Tensor | masked_scatter (const Tensor &mask, const Tensor &source) const |
Tensor | view (IntArrayRef size) const |
Tensor & | put_ (const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source, bool accumulate=false) |
Tensor & | index_add_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source) |
Tensor | index_add (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source) const |
Tensor & | index_fill_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, Scalar value) |
Tensor | index_fill (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, Scalar value) const |
Tensor & | index_fill_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &value) |
Tensor | index_fill (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &value) const |
Tensor & | scatter_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &src) |
Tensor | scatter (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &src) const |
Tensor & | scatter_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, Scalar value) |
Tensor | scatter (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, Scalar value) const |
Tensor & | scatter_add_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &src) |
Tensor | scatter_add (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &src) const |
Tensor & | lt_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | lt_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | gt_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | gt_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | le_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | le_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | ge_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | ge_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | eq_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | eq_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | ne_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | ne_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor | __and__ (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | __and__ (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor & | __iand__ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | __iand__ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor | __or__ (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | __or__ (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor & | __ior__ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | __ior__ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor | __xor__ (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | __xor__ (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor & | __ixor__ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | __ixor__ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor | __lshift__ (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | __lshift__ (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor & | __ilshift__ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | __ilshift__ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor | __rshift__ (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | __rshift__ (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor & | __irshift__ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | __irshift__ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | lgamma_ () |
Tensor & | atan2_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | tril_ (int64_t diagonal=0) |
Tensor & | triu_ (int64_t diagonal=0) |
Tensor & | digamma_ () |
Tensor & | polygamma_ (int64_t n) |
Tensor & | erfinv_ () |
Tensor & | frac_ () |
Tensor & | renorm_ (Scalar p, int64_t dim, Scalar maxnorm) |
Tensor & | reciprocal_ () |
Tensor & | neg_ () |
Tensor & | pow_ (Scalar exponent) |
Tensor & | pow_ (const Tensor &exponent) |
Tensor & | lerp_ (const Tensor &end, Scalar weight) |
Tensor & | lerp_ (const Tensor &end, const Tensor &weight) |
Tensor & | sign_ () |
Tensor & | fmod_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | fmod_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | remainder_ (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | remainder_ (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | addbmm_ (const Tensor &batch1, const Tensor &batch2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) |
Tensor | addbmm (const Tensor &batch1, const Tensor &batch2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const |
Tensor & | addcmul_ (const Tensor &tensor1, const Tensor &tensor2, Scalar value=1) |
Tensor & | addcdiv_ (const Tensor &tensor1, const Tensor &tensor2, Scalar value=1) |
Tensor & | random_ (int64_t from, int64_t to, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor & | random_ (int64_t to, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor & | random_ (Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor & | uniform_ (double from=0, double to=1, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor & | normal_ (double mean=0, double std=1, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor & | cauchy_ (double median=0, double sigma=1, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor & | log_normal_ (double mean=1, double std=2, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor & | exponential_ (double lambd=1, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor & | geometric_ (double p, Generator *generator=nullptr) |
Tensor | diag (int64_t diagonal=0) const |
Tensor | cross (const Tensor &other, int64_t dim=-1) const |
Tensor | triu (int64_t diagonal=0) const |
Tensor | tril (int64_t diagonal=0) const |
Tensor | trace () const |
Tensor | ne (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | ne (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | eq (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | eq (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | ge (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | ge (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | le (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | le (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | gt (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | gt (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | lt (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | lt (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | take (const Tensor &index) const |
Tensor | index_select (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index) const |
Tensor | masked_select (const Tensor &mask) const |
Tensor | nonzero () const |
Tensor | gather (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, bool sparse_grad=false) const |
Tensor | addcmul (const Tensor &tensor1, const Tensor &tensor2, Scalar value=1) const |
Tensor | addcdiv (const Tensor &tensor1, const Tensor &tensor2, Scalar value=1) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | gels (const Tensor &A) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | trtrs (const Tensor &A, bool upper=true, bool transpose=false, bool unitriangular=false) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | symeig (bool eigenvectors=false, bool upper=true) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | eig (bool eigenvectors=false) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor, Tensor > | svd (bool some=true, bool compute_uv=true) const |
Tensor | cholesky (bool upper=false) const |
Tensor | cholesky_solve (const Tensor &input2, bool upper=false) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | solve (const Tensor &A) const |
Tensor | potri (bool upper=true) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | pstrf (bool upper=true, Scalar tol=-1) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | qr () const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | geqrf () const |
Tensor | orgqr (const Tensor &input2) const |
Tensor | ormqr (const Tensor &input2, const Tensor &input3, bool left=true, bool transpose=false) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | btrifact (bool pivot=true) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor, Tensor > | btrifact_with_info (bool pivot=true) const |
Tensor | btrisolve (const Tensor &LU_data, const Tensor &LU_pivots) const |
Tensor | multinomial (int64_t num_samples, bool replacement=false, Generator *generator=nullptr) const |
Tensor | lgamma () const |
Tensor | digamma () const |
Tensor | polygamma (int64_t n) const |
Tensor | erfinv () const |
Tensor | frac () const |
Tensor | dist (const Tensor &other, Scalar p=2) const |
Tensor | reciprocal () const |
Tensor | neg () const |
Tensor | atan2 (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | lerp (const Tensor &end, Scalar weight) const |
Tensor | lerp (const Tensor &end, const Tensor &weight) const |
Tensor | histc (int64_t bins=100, Scalar min=0, Scalar max=0) const |
Tensor | sign () const |
Tensor | fmod (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | fmod (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | remainder (Scalar other) const |
Tensor | remainder (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | min (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | min () const |
Tensor | max (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | max () const |
Tensor | median () const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | sort (int64_t dim=-1, bool descending=false) const |
Tensor | argsort (int64_t dim=-1, bool descending=false) const |
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor > | topk (int64_t k, int64_t dim=-1, bool largest=true, bool sorted=true) const |
Tensor | all () const |
Tensor | any () const |
Tensor | renorm (Scalar p, int64_t dim, Scalar maxnorm) const |
Tensor | unfold (int64_t dimension, int64_t size, int64_t step) const |
bool | equal (const Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | pow (const Tensor &exponent) const |
Tensor | alias () const |
Tensor | to (caffe2::TypeMeta type_meta, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const |
Tensor | to (Device device, caffe2::TypeMeta type_meta, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const |
template<typename F , typename... Args> |
auto | m (F func, Args &&...params) const -> decltype(func(*this, std::forward< Args >(params)...)) |
| Tensor (c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > tensor_impl) |
| Tensor (const Tensor &)=default |
| Tensor (Tensor &&)=default |
| Tensor (C10Tensor tensor) |
| operator C10Tensor () const & |
| operator C10Tensor ()&& |
int64_t | dim () const |
int64_t | storage_offset () const |
TensorImpl * | unsafeGetTensorImpl () const |
TensorImpl * | unsafeReleaseTensorImpl () |
const c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > & | getIntrusivePtr () const |
bool | defined () const |
void | reset () |
Tensor & | operator= (const Tensor &x)& |
Tensor & | operator= (Tensor &&x)& |
Tensor & | operator= (Scalar v)&& |
Tensor & | operator= (const Tensor &)&& |
Tensor & | operator= (Tensor &&)&& |
bool | is_same (const Tensor &other) const noexcept |
size_t | use_count () const noexcept |
size_t | weak_use_count () const noexcept |
const char * | toString () const |
IntArrayRef | sizes () const |
IntArrayRef | strides () const |
int64_t | ndimension () const |
bool | is_contiguous () const |
size_t | nbytes () const |
size_t | itemsize () const |
size_t | element_size () const |
Type & | type () const |
TensorTypeId | type_id () const |
ScalarType | scalar_type () const |
bool | has_storage () const |
const Storage & | storage () const |
bool | is_alias_of (const at::Tensor &other) const |
Tensor | toType (const Type &t, bool non_blocking=false) const |
Tensor & | copy_ (const Tensor &src, bool non_blocking=false) |
Tensor | toType (ScalarType t) const |
Tensor | toBackend (Backend b) const |
bool | is_variable () const noexcept |
| Returns true if the Tensor is actually a torch::autograd::Variable . More...
Layout | layout () const noexcept |
| Returns a Tensor 's layout. Defined in Type.h.
caffe2::TypeMeta | dtype () const noexcept |
| Returns a Tensor 's dtype (TypeMeta ). Defined in TensorMethods.h.
Device | device () const |
| Returns a Tensor 's device.
int64_t | get_device () const |
| Returns a Tensor 's device index.
bool | is_cuda () const |
| Returns if a Tensor has CUDA backend.
bool | is_hip () const |
| Returns if a Tensor has HIP backend.
bool | is_sparse () const |
| Returns if a Tensor has sparse backend.
TensorOptions | options () const |
| Returns the TensorOptions corresponding to this Tensor . More...
template<typename T > |
T * | data () const |
template<typename T > |
T | item () const |
void | print () const |
template<typename T , size_t N> |
TensorAccessor< T, N > | accessor () const & |
template<typename T , size_t N> |
TensorAccessor< T, N > | accessor ()&&=delete |
template<typename T , size_t N, template< typename U > class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t> |
PackedTensorAccessor< T, N, PtrTraits, index_t > | packed_accessor () const & |
template<typename T , size_t N, template< typename U > class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t> |
PackedTensorAccessor< T, N > | packed_accessor ()&&=delete |
Tensor | operator- () const |
Tensor & | operator+= (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | operator+= (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | operator-= (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | operator-= (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | operator*= (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | operator*= (Scalar other) |
Tensor & | operator/= (const Tensor &other) |
Tensor & | operator/= (Scalar other) |
Tensor | operator[] (Scalar index) const |
Tensor | operator[] (Tensor index) const |
Tensor | operator[] (int64_t index) const |
Tensor | cpu () const |
Tensor | cuda () const |
Tensor | hip () const |
Tensor & | set_requires_grad (bool requires_grad) |
bool | requires_grad () const |
Tensor & | grad () |
const Tensor & | grad () const |
void | set_data (Tensor new_data) |
void | backward (c10::optional< Tensor > gradient=c10::nullopt, bool keep_graph=false, bool create_graph=false) |
| Computes the gradient of current tensor w.r.t. graph leaves.