Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 #include "c10/util/Flags.h"
2 #include "c10/macros/Macros.h"
4 #include <cstdlib>
5 #include <iostream>
6 #include <sstream>
7 #include <string>
9 #ifndef C10_USE_GFLAGS
11 namespace c10 {
13 using std::string;
15 C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY(C10FlagsRegistry, C10FlagParser, const string&);
17 namespace {
18 static bool gCommandLineFlagsParsed = false;
19 // Since flags is going to be loaded before logging, we would
20 // need to have a stringstream to hold the messages instead of directly
21 // using caffe logging.
22 std::stringstream& GlobalInitStream() {
23  static std::stringstream ss;
24  return ss;
25 }
26 static const char* gUsageMessage = "(Usage message not set.)";
27 } // namespace
29 C10_EXPORT void SetUsageMessage(const string& str) {
30  static string usage_message_safe_copy = str;
31  gUsageMessage = usage_message_safe_copy.c_str();
32 }
34 C10_EXPORT const char* UsageMessage() {
35  return gUsageMessage;
36 }
38 C10_EXPORT bool ParseCommandLineFlags(int* pargc, char*** pargv) {
39  if (*pargc == 0)
40  return true;
41  char** argv = *pargv;
42  bool success = true;
43  GlobalInitStream() << "Parsing commandline arguments for c10." << std::endl;
44  // write_head is the location we write the unused arguments to.
45  int write_head = 1;
46  for (int i = 1; i < *pargc; ++i) {
47  string arg(argv[i]);
49  if (arg.find("--help") != string::npos) {
50  // Print the help message, and quit.
51  std::cout << UsageMessage() << std::endl;
52  std::cout << "Arguments: " << std::endl;
53  for (const auto& help_msg : C10FlagsRegistry()->HelpMessage()) {
54  std::cout << " " << help_msg.first << ": " << help_msg.second
55  << std::endl;
56  }
57  exit(0);
58  }
59  // If the arg does not start with "--", we will ignore it.
60  if (arg[0] != '-' || arg[1] != '-') {
61  GlobalInitStream()
62  << "C10 flag: commandline argument does not match --name=var "
63  "or --name format: "
64  << arg << ". Ignoring this argument." << std::endl;
65  argv[write_head++] = argv[i];
66  continue;
67  }
69  string key;
70  string value;
71  size_t prefix_idx = arg.find('=');
72  if (prefix_idx == string::npos) {
73  // If there is no equality char in the arg, it means that the
74  // arg is specified in the next argument.
75  key = arg.substr(2, arg.size() - 2);
76  ++i;
77  if (i == *pargc) {
78  GlobalInitStream()
79  << "C10 flag: reached the last commandline argument, but "
80  "I am expecting a value for "
81  << arg;
82  success = false;
83  break;
84  }
85  value = string(argv[i]);
86  } else {
87  // If there is an equality character, we will basically use the value
88  // after the "=".
89  key = arg.substr(2, prefix_idx - 2);
90  value = arg.substr(prefix_idx + 1, string::npos);
91  }
92  // If the flag is not registered, we will ignore it.
93  if (!C10FlagsRegistry()->Has(key)) {
94  GlobalInitStream() << "C10 flag: unrecognized commandline argument: "
95  << arg << std::endl;
96  success = false;
97  break;
98  }
99  std::unique_ptr<C10FlagParser> parser(
100  C10FlagsRegistry()->Create(key, value));
101  if (!parser->success()) {
102  GlobalInitStream() << "C10 flag: illegal argument: " << arg << std::endl;
103  success = false;
104  break;
105  }
106  }
107  *pargc = write_head;
108  gCommandLineFlagsParsed = true;
109  // TODO: when we fail commandline flag parsing, shall we continue, or
110  // shall we just quit loudly? Right now we carry on the computation, but
111  // since there are failures in parsing, it is very likely that some
112  // downstream things will break, in which case it makes sense to quit loud
113  // and early.
114  if (!success) {
115  std::cerr << GlobalInitStream().str();
116  }
117  // Clear the global init stream.
118  GlobalInitStream().str(std::string());
119  return success;
120 }
122 C10_EXPORT bool CommandLineFlagsHasBeenParsed() {
123  return gCommandLineFlagsParsed;
124 }
126 template <>
127 C10_EXPORT bool C10FlagParser::Parse<string>(
128  const string& content,
129  string* value) {
130  *value = content;
131  return true;
132 }
134 template <>
135 C10_EXPORT bool C10FlagParser::Parse<int>(const string& content, int* value) {
136  try {
137  *value = std::atoi(content.c_str());
138  return true;
139  } catch (...) {
140  GlobalInitStream() << "C10 flag error: Cannot convert argument to int: "
141  << content << std::endl;
142  return false;
143  }
144 }
146 template <>
147 C10_EXPORT bool C10FlagParser::Parse<int64_t>(
148  const string& content,
149  int64_t* value) {
150  try {
151  static_assert(sizeof(long long) == sizeof(int64_t), "");
152 #ifdef __ANDROID__
153  // Android does not have std::atoll.
154  *value = atoll(content.c_str());
155 #else
156  *value = std::atoll(content.c_str());
157 #endif
158  return true;
159  } catch (...) {
160  GlobalInitStream() << "C10 flag error: Cannot convert argument to int: "
161  << content << std::endl;
162  return false;
163  }
164 }
166 template <>
167 C10_EXPORT bool C10FlagParser::Parse<double>(
168  const string& content,
169  double* value) {
170  try {
171  *value = std::atof(content.c_str());
172  return true;
173  } catch (...) {
174  GlobalInitStream() << "C10 flag error: Cannot convert argument to double: "
175  << content << std::endl;
176  return false;
177  }
178 }
180 template <>
181 C10_EXPORT bool C10FlagParser::Parse<bool>(const string& content, bool* value) {
182  if (content == "false" || content == "False" || content == "FALSE" ||
183  content == "0") {
184  *value = false;
185  return true;
186  } else if (
187  content == "true" || content == "True" || content == "TRUE" ||
188  content == "1") {
189  *value = true;
190  return true;
191  } else {
192  GlobalInitStream()
193  << "C10 flag error: Cannot convert argument to bool: " << content
194  << std::endl
195  << "Note that if you are passing in a bool flag, you need to "
196  "explicitly specify it, like --arg=True or --arg True. Otherwise, "
197  "the next argument may be inadvertently used as the argument, "
198  "causing the above error."
199  << std::endl;
200  return false;
201  }
202 }
204 } // namespace c10
206 #endif // C10_USE_GFLAGS
C10_API void SetUsageMessage(const std::string &str)
Sets the usage message when a commandline tool is called with "--help".
C10_API const char * UsageMessage()
Returns the usage message for the commandline tool set by SetUsageMessage.
To register your own kernel for an operator, do in one (!) cpp file: C10_REGISTER_KERNEL(OperatorHand...
Definition: alias_info.h:7
C10_API bool CommandLineFlagsHasBeenParsed()
Checks if the commandline flags has already been passed.
C10_API bool ParseCommandLineFlags(int *pargc, char ***pargv)
Parses the commandline flags.