Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
2 #define TH_GENERIC_FILE "TH/generic/THTensorLapack.cpp"
3 #else
5 /*
6 Check if self is transpose of a contiguous matrix
7 */
8 static int THTensor_(isTransposedContiguous)(THTensor *self)
9 {
10  return self->stride(0) == 1 && self->stride(1) == self->size(0);
11 }
12 /*
13 If a matrix is a regular contiguous matrix, make sure it is transposed
14 because this is what we return from Lapack calls.
15 */
16 static void THTensor_(checkTransposed)(THTensor *self)
17 {
18  if(THTensor_(isContiguous)(self))
19  THTensor_(transpose)(self, NULL, 0, 1);
20  return;
21 }
22 /*
23 newContiguous followed by transpose
24 Similar to (newContiguous), but checks if the transpose of the matrix
25 is contiguous and also limited to 2D matrices.
26 */
27 static THTensor *THTensor_(newTransposedContiguous)(THTensor *self)
28 {
29  THTensor *tensor;
30  if(THTensor_(isTransposedContiguous)(self))
31  {
32  THTensor_(retain)(self);
33  tensor = self;
34  }
35  else
36  {
37  tensor = THTensor_(newContiguous)(self);
38  THTensor_(transpose)(tensor, NULL, 0, 1);
39  }
41  return tensor;
42 }
44 /*
45 Given the result tensor and src tensor, decide if the lapack call should use the
46 provided result tensor or should allocate a new space to put the result in.
48 The returned tensor have to be freed by the calling function.
50 nrows is required, because some lapack calls, require output space smaller than
51 input space, like underdetermined gels.
52 */
53 static THTensor *THTensor_(checkLapackClone)(THTensor *result, THTensor *src, int nrows)
54 {
55  /* check if user wants to reuse src and if it is correct shape/size */
56  if (src == result && THTensor_(isTransposedContiguous)(src) && src->size(1) == nrows)
57  THTensor_(retain)(result);
58  else if(src == result || result == NULL) /* in this case, user wants reuse of src, but its structure is not OK */
59  result = THTensor_(new)();
60  else
61  THTensor_(retain)(result);
62  return result;
63 }
65 /*
66 Same as cloneColumnMajor, but accepts nrows argument, because some lapack calls require
67 the resulting tensor to be larger than src.
68 */
69 static THTensor *THTensor_(cloneColumnMajorNrows)(THTensor *self, THTensor *src, int nrows)
70 {
71  THTensor *result;
72  THTensor *view;
74  if (src == NULL)
75  src = self;
76  result = THTensor_(checkLapackClone)(self, src, nrows);
77  if (src == result)
78  return result;
80  THTensor_(resize2d)(result, src->size(1), nrows);
81  THTensor_(checkTransposed)(result);
83  if (src->size(0) == nrows) {
84  at::Tensor result_wrap = THTensor_wrap(result);
85  at::Tensor src_wrap = THTensor_wrap(src);
86  at::_copy_same_type_(result_wrap, src_wrap);
87  }
88  else
89  {
90  view = THTensor_(newNarrow)(result, 0, 0, src->size(0));
91  at::Tensor view_wrap = THTensor_wrap(view);
92  at::Tensor src_wrap = THTensor_wrap(src);
93  at::_copy_same_type_(view_wrap, src_wrap);
94  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(view);
95  }
96  return result;
97 }
99 /*
100 Create a clone of src in self column major order for use with Lapack.
101 If src == self, a new tensor is allocated, in any case, the return tensor should be
102 freed by calling function.
103 */
104 static THTensor *THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(THTensor *self, THTensor *src)
105 {
106  return THTensor_(cloneColumnMajorNrows)(self, src, src->size(0));
107 }
109 void THTensor_(gels)(THTensor *rb_, THTensor *ra_, THTensor *b, THTensor *a)
110 {
111  int free_b = 0;
112  // Note that a = NULL is interpreted as a = ra_, and b = NULL as b = rb_.
113  if (a == NULL) a = ra_;
114  if (b == NULL) b = rb_;
115  THArgCheck(a->dim() == 2, 2, "A should have 2 dimensions, but has %d",
116  a->dim());
117  THArgCheck(!a->is_empty(), 2, "A should not be empty");
118  THArgCheck(b->dim() == 1 || b->dim() == 2, 1, "B should have 1 or 2 "
119  "dimensions, but has %d", b->dim());
120  THArgCheck(!b->is_empty(), 1, "B should not be empty");
121  AT_CHECK(a->size(0) == b->size(0), "Expected A and b to have same size "
122  "at dim 0, but A has ", a->size(0), " rows and B has ", b->size(0), " rows");
124  if (THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(b) == 1) {
125  b = THTensor_(newWithStorage2d)(THTensor_getStoragePtr(b), b->storage_offset(), b->size(0),
126  b->stride(0), 1, 0);
127  free_b = 1;
128  }
130  int m, n, nrhs, lda, ldb, info, lwork;
131  THTensor *work = NULL;
132  scalar_t wkopt = 0;
134  THTensor *ra__ = NULL; // working version of A matrix to be passed into lapack GELS
135  THTensor *rb__ = NULL; // working version of B matrix to be passed into lapack GELS
137  ra__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(ra_, a);
139  m = ra__->size(0);
140  n = ra__->size(1);
141  lda = m;
142  ldb = (m > n) ? m : n;
144  rb__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajorNrows)(rb_, b, ldb);
146  nrhs = rb__->size(1);
147  info = 0;
150  /* get optimal workspace size */
151  THLapack_(gels)('N', m, n, nrhs, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
152  rb__->data<scalar_t>(), ldb,
153  &wkopt, -1, &info);
154  lwork = (int)wkopt;
155  work = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(lwork);
156  THLapack_(gels)('N', m, n, nrhs, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
157  rb__->data<scalar_t>(), ldb,
158  work->data<scalar_t>(), lwork, &info);
160  THLapackCheckWithCleanup("Lapack Error in %s : The %d-th diagonal element of the triangular factor of A is zero",
161  THCleanup(c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);
162  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rb__);
163  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
164  if (free_b) c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(b);),
165  "gels", info,"");
167  /*
168  * In the m < n case, if the input b is used as the result (so b == _rb),
169  * then rb_ was originally m by nrhs but now should be n by nrhs.
170  * This is larger than before, so we need to expose the new rows by resizing.
171  */
172  if (m < n && b == rb_) {
173  THTensor_(resize2d)(rb_, n, nrhs);
174  }
176  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(ra__, ra_);
177  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(rb__, rb_);
178  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
179  if (free_b) c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(b);
180 }
182 void THTensor_(geev)(THTensor *re_, THTensor *rv_, THTensor *a_, const char *jobvr)
183 {
184  int n, lda, lwork, info, ldvr;
185  THTensor *work=nullptr, *wi, *wr, *a;
186  scalar_t wkopt;
187  scalar_t *rv_data;
188  int64_t i;
190  THTensor *re__ = NULL;
191  THTensor *rv__ = NULL;
193  THArgCheck(a_->dim() == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
194  THArgCheck(a_->size(0) == a_->size(1), 1,"A should be square");
196  /* we want to definitely clone a_ for geev*/
197  a = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(NULL, a_);
199  n = a->size(0);
200  lda = n;
202  wi = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(n);
203  wr = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(n);
205  rv_data = NULL;
206  ldvr = 1;
207  if (*jobvr == 'V')
208  {
209  THTensor_(resize2d)(rv_,n,n);
210  /* guard against someone passing a correct size, but wrong stride */
211  rv__ = THTensor_(newTransposedContiguous)(rv_);
212  rv_data = rv__->data<scalar_t>();
213  ldvr = n;
214  }
215  THTensor_(resize2d)(re_,n,2);
216  re__ = THTensor_(newContiguous)(re_);
218  if (n > 0) { // lapack doesn't work with size 0
219  /* get optimal workspace size */
220  THLapack_(geev)('N', jobvr[0], n, a->data<scalar_t>(), lda, wr->data<scalar_t>(), wi->data<scalar_t>(),
221  NULL, 1, rv_data, ldvr, &wkopt, -1, &info);
223  lwork = (int)wkopt;
224  work = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(lwork);
226  THLapack_(geev)('N', jobvr[0], n, a->data<scalar_t>(), lda, wr->data<scalar_t>(), wi->data<scalar_t>(),
227  NULL, 1, rv_data, ldvr, work->data<scalar_t>(), lwork, &info);
229  THLapackCheckWithCleanup(" Lapack Error in %s : %d off-diagonal elements of an didn't converge to zero",
230  THCleanup(c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(re__);
231  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rv__);
232  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(a);
233  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(wi);
234  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(wr);
235  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);),
236  "geev", info,"");
237  }
239  {
240  scalar_t *re_data = re__->data<scalar_t>();
241  scalar_t *wi_data = wi->data<scalar_t>();
242  scalar_t *wr_data = wr->data<scalar_t>();
243  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
244  {
245  re_data[2*i] = wr_data[i];
246  re_data[2*i+1] = wi_data[i];
247  }
248  }
250  if (*jobvr == 'V')
251  {
252  THTensor_(checkTransposed)(rv_);
253  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(rv__, rv_);
254  }
255  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(re__, re_);
256  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(a);
257  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(wi);
258  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(wr);
259  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
260 }
262 void THTensor_(syev)(THTensor *re_, THTensor *rv_, THTensor *a, const char *jobz, const char *uplo)
263 {
264  if (a == NULL) a = rv_;
265  THArgCheck(a->dim() == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
266  THArgCheck(a->size(0) == a->size(1), 1,"A should be square");
268  int n, lda, lwork, info;
269  THTensor *work = nullptr;
270  scalar_t wkopt;
272  THTensor *rv__ = NULL;
273  THTensor *re__ = NULL;
275  rv__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(rv_, a);
277  n = THTensor_sizeLegacyNoScalars(rv__, 0);
278  lda = n;
280  THTensor_(resize1d)(re_,n);
281  re__ = THTensor_(newContiguous)(re_);
283  /* get optimal workspace size */
284  if (n != 0) {
285  THLapack_(syev)(jobz[0], uplo[0], n, rv__->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
286  re_->data<scalar_t>(), &wkopt, -1, &info);
287  lwork = (int)wkopt;
288  work = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(lwork);
289  THLapack_(syev)(jobz[0], uplo[0], n, rv__->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
290  re_->data<scalar_t>(), work->data<scalar_t>(), lwork, &info);
292  THLapackCheckWithCleanup("Lapack Error %s : %d off-diagonal elements didn't converge to zero",
293  THCleanup(c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rv__);
294  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(re__);
295  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);),
296  "syev", info,"");
297  }
299  // No eigenvectors specified
300  if (*jobz == 'N') {
301  THTensor_(fill)(rv_, 0);
302  }
304  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(rv__, rv_);
305  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(re__, re_);
306  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
307 }
309 void THTensor_(gesdd)(THTensor *ru_, THTensor *rs_, THTensor *rv_, THTensor *a, const char* some, const char* compute_uv)
310 {
311  THTensor *ra_ = THTensor_(new)();
312  THTensor_(gesdd2)(ru_, rs_, rv_, ra_, a, some, compute_uv);
313  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra_);
314 }
316 void THTensor_(gesdd2)(THTensor *ru_, THTensor *rs_, THTensor *rv_, THTensor *ra_, THTensor *a,
317  const char* some, const char* compute_uv)
318 {
319  if (a == NULL) a = ra_;
320  THArgCheck(a->dim() == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
321  THArgCheck(!a->is_empty(), 1, "A should not be empty");
323  int k, m, n, lda, ldu, ldvt, lwork, info;
324  THTensor *work;
325  scalar_t wkopt;
326  THIntTensor *iwork;
328  THTensor *ra__ = NULL;
329  THTensor *ru__ = NULL;
330  THTensor *rs__ = NULL;
331  THTensor *rv__ = NULL;
333  ra__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(ra_, a);
335  m = ra__->size(0);
336  n = ra__->size(1);
337  k = (m < n ? m : n);
339  lda = m;
340  ldu = m;
341  ldvt = n;
343  iwork = k ? THIntTensor_newWithSize1d((int64_t)(8 * m)) : THIntTensor_newWithSize1d((int64_t)(8 * n));
345  THTensor_(resize1d)(rs_,k);
346  THTensor *rvf_ = NULL;
348  if (*compute_uv != 'N') {
349  rvf_ = THTensor_(new)();
350  THTensor_(resize2d)(rvf_,ldvt,n);
351  if (*some == 'A')
352  THTensor_(resize2d)(ru_,m,ldu);
353  else
354  THTensor_(resize2d)(ru_,k,ldu);
355  } else {
356  THTensor_(resize2d)(rv_,ldvt,n);
357  THTensor_(resize2d)(ru_,m,ldu);
358  }
360  THTensor_(checkTransposed)(ru_);
362  char jobz = 'N';
363  scalar_t *rs__data = NULL;
364  scalar_t *ru__data = NULL;
365  scalar_t *rv__data = NULL;
367  rs__ = THTensor_(newContiguous)(rs_);
368  rs__data = rs__->data<scalar_t>();
369  if (*compute_uv != 'N') {
370  /* guard against someone passing a correct size, but wrong stride */
371  ru__ = THTensor_(newTransposedContiguous)(ru_);
372  rv__ = THTensor_(newContiguous)(rvf_);
374  ru__data = ru__->data<scalar_t>();
375  rv__data = rv__->data<scalar_t>();
377  jobz = some[0];
378  }
380  THLapack_(gesdd)(jobz,
381  m,n,ra__->data<scalar_t>(),lda,
382  rs__data,
383  ru__data,
384  ldu,
385  rv__data, ldvt,
386  &wkopt, -1, THIntTensor_data(iwork), &info);
387  lwork = (int)wkopt;
388  work = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(lwork);
389  THLapack_(gesdd)(jobz,
390  m,n,ra__->data<scalar_t>(),lda,
391  rs__data,
392  ru__data,
393  ldu,
394  rv__data, ldvt,
395  work->data<scalar_t>(),lwork, THIntTensor_data(iwork), &info);
397  if (jobz != 'N') {
398  THLapackCheckWithCleanup("Lapack Error %s : %d superdiagonals failed to converge.",
399  THCleanup(
400  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ru__);
401  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rs__);
402  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rv__);
403  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);
404  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
405  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(iwork);),
406  "gesdd", info, "");
407  } else {
408  THLapackCheckWithCleanup("Lapack Error %s : %d superdiagonals failed to converge.",
409  THCleanup(
410  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rs__);
411  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);
412  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
413  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(iwork);),
414  "gesdd", info, "");
415  }
417  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(ra__, ra_);
418  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(rs__, rs_);
419  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
420  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(iwork);
422  if (jobz != 'N') {
423  if (jobz == 'S')
424  THTensor_(narrow)(rv__,NULL,1,0,k);
426  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(ru__, ru_);
427  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(rv__, rvf_);
429  if (jobz == 'S')
430  THTensor_(narrow)(rvf_,NULL,1,0,k);
432  THTensor_(resizeAs)(rv_, rvf_);
433  at::Tensor rv__wrap = THTensor_wrap(rv_);
434  at::Tensor rvf__wrap = THTensor_wrap(rvf_);
435  at::_copy_same_type_(rv__wrap, rvf__wrap);
436  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rvf_);
437  } else {
438  THTensor_(zero)(ru_);
439  THTensor_(zero)(rv_);
440  }
441 }
443 void THTensor_(getri)(THTensor *ra_, THTensor *a)
444 {
445  if (a == NULL) a = ra_;
446  THArgCheck(THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(a) == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
447  THArgCheck(a->size(0) == a->size(1), 1, "A should be square");
449  int m, n, lda, info, lwork;
450  scalar_t wkopt;
451  THIntTensor *ipiv;
452  THTensor *work;
453  THTensor *ra__ = NULL;
455  ra__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(ra_, a);
457  m = ra__->size(0);
458  n = ra__->size(1);
459  lda = m;
460  ipiv = THIntTensor_newWithSize1d((int64_t)m);
462  /* Run LU */
463  THLapack_(getrf)(n, n, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda, THIntTensor_data(ipiv), &info);
464  THLapackCheckWithCleanup("Lapack Error %s : U(%d,%d) is 0, U is singular",
465  THCleanup(
466  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);
467  THIntTensor_free(ipiv);),
468  "getrf", info, info);
470  /* Run inverse */
471  THLapack_(getri)(n, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda, THIntTensor_data(ipiv), &wkopt, -1, &info);
472  lwork = (int)wkopt;
473  work = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(lwork);
474  THLapack_(getri)(n, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda, THIntTensor_data(ipiv), work->data<scalar_t>(), lwork, &info);
475  THLapackCheckWithCleanup("Lapack Error %s : U(%d,%d) is 0, U is singular",
476  THCleanup(
477  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);
478  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
479  THIntTensor_free(ipiv);),
480  "getri", info, info);
482  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(ra__, ra_);
483  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
484  THIntTensor_free(ipiv);
485 }
487 void THTensor_(clearUpLoTriangle)(THTensor *a, const char *uplo)
488 {
489  THArgCheck(THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(a) == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
490  THArgCheck(a->size(0) == a->size(1), 1, "A should be square");
492  int n = a->size(0);
494  /* Build full matrix */
495  scalar_t *p = a->data<scalar_t>();
496  int64_t i, j;
498  /* Upper Triangular Case */
499  if (uplo[0] == 'U')
500  {
501  /* Clear lower triangle (excluding diagonals) */
502  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
503  for (j=i+1; j<n; j++) {
504  p[n*i + j] = 0;
505  }
506  }
507  }
508  /* Lower Triangular Case */
509  else if (uplo[0] == 'L')
510  {
511  /* Clear upper triangle (excluding diagonals) */
512  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
513  for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
514  p[n*i + j] = 0;
515  }
516  }
517  }
518 }
520 void THTensor_(copyUpLoTriangle)(THTensor *a, const char *uplo)
521 {
522  THArgCheck(THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(a) == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
523  THArgCheck(a->size(0) == a->size(1), 1, "A should be square");
525  int n = a->size(0);
527  /* Build full matrix */
528  scalar_t *p = a->data<scalar_t>();
529  int64_t i, j;
531  /* Upper Triangular Case */
532  if (uplo[0] == 'U')
533  {
534  /* Clear lower triangle (excluding diagonals) */
535  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
536  for (j=i+1; j<n; j++) {
537  p[n*i + j] = p[n*j+i];
538  }
539  }
540  }
541  /* Lower Triangular Case */
542  else if (uplo[0] == 'L')
543  {
544  /* Clear upper triangle (excluding diagonals) */
545  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
546  for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
547  p[n*i + j] = p[n*j+i];
548  }
549  }
550  }
551 }
553 void THTensor_(potri)(THTensor *ra_, THTensor *a, const char *uplo)
554 {
555  if (a == NULL) a = ra_;
556  THArgCheck(THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(a) == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
557  THArgCheck(a->size(0) == a->size(1), 1, "A should be square");
559  int n, lda, info;
560  THTensor *ra__ = NULL;
562  ra__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(ra_, a);
564  n = THTensor_sizeLegacyNoScalars(ra__, 0);
565  lda = n;
567  /* Run inverse */
568  THLapack_(potri)(uplo[0], n, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda, &info);
569  THLapackCheckWithCleanup("Lapack Error %s : A(%d,%d) is 0, A cannot be factorized",
570  THCleanup(c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);),
571  "potri", info, info);
573  THTensor_(copyUpLoTriangle)(ra__, uplo);
574  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(ra__, ra_);
575 }
577 /*
578  Computes the Cholesky factorization with complete pivoting of a real symmetric
579  positive semidefinite matrix.
581  Args:
582  * `ra_` - result Tensor in which to store the factor U or L from the
583  Cholesky factorization.
584  * `rpiv_` - result IntTensor containing sparse permutation matrix P, encoded
585  as P[rpiv_[k], k] = 1.
586  * `a` - input Tensor; the input matrix to factorize.
587  * `uplo` - string; specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of
588  the symmetric matrix A is stored. "U"/"L" for upper/lower
589  triangular.
590  * `tol` - double; user defined tolerance, or < 0 for automatic choice.
591  The algorithm terminates when the pivot <= tol.
592  */
593 void THTensor_(pstrf)(THTensor *ra_, THIntTensor *rpiv_, THTensor *a, const char *uplo, scalar_t tol) {
594  THArgCheck(THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(a) == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
595  THArgCheck(a->size(0) == a->size(1), 1, "A should be square");
597  int n = a->size(0);
599  THTensor *ra__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(ra_, a);
600  THIntTensor_resize1d(rpiv_, n);
602  // Allocate working tensor
603  THTensor *work = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(2 * n);
605  // Run Cholesky factorization
606  int lda = n;
607  int rank, info;
609  THLapack_(pstrf)(uplo[0], n, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
610  THIntTensor_data(rpiv_), &rank, tol,
611  work->data<scalar_t>(), &info);
613  THLapackCheckWithCleanup("Lapack Error %s : matrix is rank deficient or not positive semidefinite",
614  THCleanup(
615  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);
616  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);),
617  "pstrf", info,"");
619  THTensor_(clearUpLoTriangle)(ra__, uplo);
621  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(ra__, ra_);
622  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
623 }
625 /*
626  Perform a QR decomposition of a matrix.
628  In LAPACK, two parts of the QR decomposition are implemented as two separate
629  functions: geqrf and orgqr. For flexibility and efficiency, these are wrapped
630  directly, below - but to make the common usage convenient, we also provide
631  this function, which calls them both and returns the results in a more
632  intuitive form.
634  Args:
635  * `rq_` - result Tensor in which to store the Q part of the decomposition.
636  * `rr_` - result Tensor in which to store the R part of the decomposition.
637  * `a` - input Tensor; the matrix to decompose.
639 */
640 void THTensor_(qr)(THTensor *rq_, THTensor *rr_, THTensor *a)
641 {
642  int m = a->size(0);
643  int n = a->size(1);
644  int k = (m < n ? m : n);
645  THTensor *ra_ = THTensor_(new)();
646  THTensor *rtau_ = THTensor_(new)();
647  THTensor *rr__ = THTensor_(new)();
648  THTensor_(geqrf)(ra_, rtau_, a);
649  THTensor_(resize2d)(rr__, k, ra_->size(1));
650  THTensor_(narrow)(rr__, ra_, 0, 0, k);
651  THTensor_(triu)(rr_, rr__, 0);
652  THTensor_(resize2d)(rq_, ra_->size(0), k);
653  THTensor_(orgqr)(rq_, ra_, rtau_);
654  THTensor_(narrow)(rq_, rq_, 1, 0, k);
655  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra_);
656  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rtau_);
657  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rr__);
658 }
660 /*
661  The geqrf function does the main work of QR-decomposing a matrix.
662  However, rather than producing a Q matrix directly, it produces a sequence of
663  elementary reflectors which may later be composed to construct Q - for example
664  with the orgqr function, below.
666  Args:
667  * `ra_` - Result matrix which will contain:
668  i) The elements of R, on and above the diagonal.
669  ii) Directions of the reflectors implicitly defining Q.
670  * `rtau_` - Result tensor which will contain the magnitudes of the reflectors
671  implicitly defining Q.
672  * `a` - Input matrix, to decompose. If NULL, `ra_` is used as input.
674  For further details, please see the LAPACK documentation.
676 */
677 void THTensor_(geqrf)(THTensor *ra_, THTensor *rtau_, THTensor *a)
678 {
679  if (a == NULL) ra_ = a;
680  THArgCheck(a->dim() == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
681  THArgCheck(!a->is_empty(), 1, "A should not be empty");
683  THTensor *ra__ = NULL;
685  /* Prepare the input for LAPACK, making a copy if necessary. */
686  ra__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(ra_, a);
688  int m = ra__->size(0);
689  int n = ra__->size(1);
690  int k = (m < n ? m : n);
691  int lda = m;
692  THTensor_(resize1d)(rtau_, k);
694  /* Dry-run to query the suggested size of the workspace. */
695  int info = 0;
696  scalar_t wkopt = 0;
697  THLapack_(geqrf)(m, n, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
698  rtau_->data<scalar_t>(),
699  &wkopt, -1, &info);
701  /* Allocate the workspace and call LAPACK to do the real work. */
702  int lwork = (int)wkopt;
703  THTensor *work = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(lwork);
704  THLapack_(geqrf)(m, n, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
705  rtau_->data<scalar_t>(),
706  work->data<scalar_t>(), lwork, &info);
708  THLapackCheckWithCleanup("Lapack Error %s : unknown Lapack error. info = %i",
709  THCleanup(
710  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);
711  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);),
712  "geqrf", info,"");
714  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(ra__, ra_);
715  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
716 }
718 /*
719  The orgqr function allows reconstruction of a matrix Q with orthogonal
720  columns, from a sequence of elementary reflectors, such as is produced by the
721  geqrf function.
723  Args:
724  * `ra_` - result Tensor, which will contain the matrix Q.
725  * `a` - input Tensor, which should be a matrix with the directions of the
726  elementary reflectors below the diagonal. If NULL, `ra_` is used as
727  input.
728  * `tau` - input Tensor, containing the magnitudes of the elementary
729  reflectors.
731  For further details, please see the LAPACK documentation.
733 */
734 void THTensor_(orgqr)(THTensor *ra_, THTensor *a, THTensor *tau)
735 {
736  if (a == NULL) a = ra_;
737  THArgCheck(THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(a) == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
739  THTensor *ra__ = NULL;
740  ra__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(ra_, a);
742  int m = THTensor_sizeLegacyNoScalars(ra__, 0);
743  int k = THTensor_sizeLegacyNoScalars(tau, 0);
744  int lda = m;
746  /* Dry-run to query the suggested size of the workspace. */
747  int info = 0;
748  scalar_t wkopt = 0;
749  THLapack_(orgqr)(m, k, k, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
750  tau->data<scalar_t>(),
751  &wkopt, -1, &info);
753  /* Allocate the workspace and call LAPACK to do the real work. */
754  int lwork = (int)wkopt;
755  THTensor *work = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(lwork);
756  THLapack_(orgqr)(m, k, k, ra__->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
757  tau->data<scalar_t>(),
758  work->data<scalar_t>(), lwork, &info);
760  THLapackCheckWithCleanup(" Lapack Error %s : unknown Lapack error. info = %i",
761  THCleanup(
762  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);
763  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);),
764  "orgqr", info,"");
765  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(ra__, ra_);
766  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
767 }
769 /*
770  The ormqr function multiplies Q with another matrix from a sequence of
771  elementary reflectors, such as is produced by the geqrf function.
773  Args:
774  * `ra_` - result Tensor, which will contain the matrix Q' c.
775  * `a` - input Tensor, which should be a matrix with the directions of the
776  elementary reflectors below the diagonal. If NULL, `ra_` is used as
777  input.
778  * `tau` - input Tensor, containing the magnitudes of the elementary
779  reflectors.
780  * `c` - input Tensor, containing the matrix to be multiplied.
781  * `side` - char, determining whether c is left- or right-multiplied with Q.
782  * `trans` - char, determining whether to transpose Q before multiplying.
784  For further details, please see the LAPACK documentation.
786 */
787 void THTensor_(ormqr)(THTensor *ra_, THTensor *a, THTensor *tau, THTensor *c, const char *side, const char *trans)
788 {
789  if (a == NULL) a = ra_;
790  THArgCheck(THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(a) == 2, 1, "A should be 2 dimensional");
792  THTensor *ra__ = NULL;
793  ra__ = THTensor_(cloneColumnMajor)(ra_, c);
795  int m = c->size(0);
796  int n = c->size(1);
797  int k = THTensor_sizeLegacyNoScalars(tau, 0);
798  int lda;
799  if (*side == 'L')
800  {
801  lda = m;
802  }
803  else
804  {
805  lda = n;
806  }
807  int ldc = m;
809  /* Dry-run to query the suggested size of the workspace. */
810  int info = 0;
811  scalar_t wkopt = 0;
812  THLapack_(ormqr)(side[0], trans[0], m, n, k, a->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
813  tau->data<scalar_t>(), ra__->data<scalar_t>(), ldc,
814  &wkopt, -1, &info);
816  /* Allocate the workspace and call LAPACK to do the real work. */
817  int lwork = (int)wkopt;
818  THTensor *work = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(lwork);
819  THLapack_(ormqr)(side[0], trans[0], m, n, k, a->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
820  tau->data<scalar_t>(), ra__->data<scalar_t>(), ldc,
821  work->data<scalar_t>(), lwork, &info);
823  THLapackCheckWithCleanup(" Lapack Error %s : unknown Lapack error. info = %i",
824  THCleanup(
825  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ra__);
826  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);),
827  "ormqr", info,"");
828  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(ra__, ra_);
829  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(work);
830 }
832 void THTensor_(btrisolve)(THTensor *rb_, THTensor *b, THTensor *atf, THIntTensor *pivots)
833 {
834  AT_CHECK(!atf->is_empty() && THTensor_(nDimensionLegacyNoScalars)(atf) == 3, "expected non-empty 3D tensor, got size: ",
835  atf->sizes());
836  AT_CHECK(!b->is_empty() && (THTensor_(nDimensionLegacyNoScalars)(b) == 3 ||
837  THTensor_(nDimensionLegacyNoScalars)(b) == 2), "expected non-empty 2D or 3D tensor, got size: ", b->sizes());
838  THArgCheck(THTensor_(size)(atf, 0) ==
839  THTensor_(size)(b, 0), 3, "number of batches must be equal");
840  THArgCheck(THTensor_(size)(atf, 1) ==
841  THTensor_(size)(atf, 2), 3, "A matrices must be square");
842  THArgCheck(THTensor_(size)(atf, 1) ==
843  THTensor_(size)(b, 1), 3, "dimensions of A and b must be equal");
845  if (rb_ != b) {
846  THTensor_(resizeAs)(rb_, b);
847  at::Tensor rb__wrap = THTensor_wrap(rb_);
848  at::Tensor b_wrap = THTensor_wrap(b);
849  at::_copy_same_type_(rb__wrap, b_wrap);
850  }
852  int64_t num_batches = atf->size(0);
853  int64_t n = atf->size(1);
854  int nrhs = THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(rb_) > 2 ? rb_->size(2) : 1;
856  int lda, ldb;
857  THTensor *atf_;
858  THTensor *rb__;
860  // correct ordering of A
861  if (atf->stride(1) == 1) {
862  // column ordered, what BLAS wants
863  lda = atf->stride(2);
864  atf_ = atf;
865  } else {
866  // not column ordered, need to make it such (requires copy)
867  // it would be nice if we could use the op(A) flags to automatically
868  // transpose A if needed, but this leads to unpredictable behavior if the
869  // user clones A_tf later with a different ordering
870  THTensor *transp_r_ = THTensor_(newTranspose)(atf, 1, 2);
871  atf_ = THTensor_(newClone)(transp_r_);
872  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(transp_r_);
873  THTensor_(transpose)(atf_, NULL, 1, 2);
874  lda = atf_->stride(2);
875  }
877  // correct ordering of B
878  if (rb_->stride(1) == 1) {
879  // column ordered
880  if (THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(rb_) == 2 || rb_->size(2) == 1) {
881  ldb = n;
882  } else {
883  ldb = rb_->stride(2);
884  }
885  rb__ = rb_;
886  } else {
887  // make column ordered
888  if (THTensor_nDimensionLegacyAll(rb_) > 2) {
889  THTensor *transp_r_ = THTensor_(newTranspose)(rb_, 1, 2);
890  rb__ = THTensor_(newClone)(transp_r_);
891  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(transp_r_);
892  THTensor_(transpose)(rb__, NULL, 1, 2);
893  ldb = rb__->stride(2);
894  } else {
895  rb__ = THTensor_(newClone)(rb_);
896  ldb = n;
897  }
898  }
900  THTensor *ai = THTensor_(new)();
901  THTensor *rbi = THTensor_(new)();
902  THIntTensor *pivoti = THIntTensor_new();
904  if (!THIntTensor_isContiguous(pivots)) {
905  THError("Error: rpivots_ is not contiguous.");
906  }
908  for (int64_t batch = 0; batch < num_batches; ++batch) {
909  THTensor_(select)(ai, atf_, 0, batch);
910  THTensor_(select)(rbi, rb__, 0, batch);
911  THIntTensor_select(pivoti, pivots, 0, batch);
913 #if defined(TH_REAL_IS_FLOAT) || defined(TH_REAL_IS_DOUBLE)
914  int info;
915  THLapack_(getrs)('N', n, nrhs, ai->data<scalar_t>(), lda,
916  THIntTensor_data(pivoti), rbi->data<scalar_t>(),
917  ldb, &info);
918  if (info != 0) {
919  THError("Error: Nonzero info.");
920  }
921 #else
922  THError("Unimplemented");
923 #endif
924  }
926  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(ai);
927  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(rbi);
928  THIntTensor_free(pivoti);
930  if (atf_ != atf) {
931  c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::decref(atf_);
932  }
934  if (rb__ != rb_) {
935  THTensor_(freeCopyTo)(rb__, rb_);
936  }
937 }
939 #endif