Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 #include <ATen/miopen/Descriptors.h>
2 #include <ATen/ATen.h>
4 namespace at { namespace native {
6 namespace {
8 inline miopenDataType_t getDataType(const at::Tensor& t) {
9  auto scalar_type = t.scalar_type();
10  if (scalar_type == at::kFloat) {
11  return miopenFloat;
12  } else if (scalar_type == at::kHalf) {
13  return miopenHalf;
14  }
15  throw std::runtime_error("TensorDescriptor only supports float and half tensors");
16 }
18 } // anonymous namespace
21 void TensorDescriptor::set(const at::Tensor &t, size_t pad) {
22  set(getDataType(t), t.sizes(), t.strides(), pad);
23 }
25 static int MIOPEN_DIM_MAX = 4;
27 void TensorDescriptor::set(miopenDataType_t datatype, IntArrayRef t_sizes, IntArrayRef t_strides, size_t pad) {
28  size_t dim = t_sizes.size();
29  if (dim > MIOPEN_DIM_MAX || pad > MIOPEN_DIM_MAX)
30 #define _STR(X) #X
31 #define STR(X) _STR(X)
32  throw std::runtime_error("MIOpen supports only up to " STR(MIOPEN_DIM_MAX) " dimensions");
33 #undef _STR
34 #undef STR
35  int size[MIOPEN_DIM_MAX];
36  int stride[MIOPEN_DIM_MAX];
37  for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
38  size[i] = static_cast<int>(t_sizes[i]);
39  stride[i] = static_cast<int>(t_strides[i]);
40  }
41  for (size_t i = dim; i < pad; ++i) {
42  size[i] = 1;
43  stride[i] = 1;
44  }
45  set(datatype, static_cast<int>(std::max(dim, pad)), size, stride);
46 }
48 std::string miopenTypeToString(miopenDataType_t dtype) {
49  switch (dtype) {
50  case miopenFloat:
51  return "miopenFloat";
52  case miopenHalf:
53  return "miopenHalf";
54  default:
55  std::ostringstream oss;
56  oss << "(unknown data-type " << static_cast<int>(dtype) << ")";
57  return oss.str();
58  }
59 }
61 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream & out, const TensorDescriptor& d) {
62  out << "TensorDescriptor " << static_cast<void*>(d.desc()) << "\n";
63  int nbDims = 4;
64  int dimA[MIOPEN_DIM_MAX];
65  int strideA[MIOPEN_DIM_MAX];
66  miopenDataType_t dtype;
67  miopenGetTensorDescriptor(d.desc(), &dtype, dimA, strideA);
68  out << " type = " << miopenTypeToString(dtype) << "\n";
69  out << " nbDims = " << nbDims << "\n";
70  // Read out only nbDims of the arrays!
71  out << " dimA = ";
72  for (auto i : ArrayRef<int>{dimA, static_cast<size_t>(nbDims)}) {
73  out << i << ", ";
74  }
75  out << "\n";
76  out << " strideA = ";
77  for (auto i : ArrayRef<int>{strideA, static_cast<size_t>(nbDims)}) {
78  out << i << ", ";
79  }
80  out << "\n";
81  return out;
82 }
84 void TensorDescriptor::print() { std::cout << *this; }
86 void FilterDescriptor::set(const at::Tensor &t, int64_t pad) {
87  auto dim = t.ndimension();
88  if (dim > MIOPEN_DIM_MAX || pad > MIOPEN_DIM_MAX)
89 #define _STR(X) #X
90 #define STR(X) _STR(X)
91  throw std::runtime_error("MIOpen supports only up to " STR(MIOPEN_DIM_MAX) " dimensions");
92 #undef _STR
93 #undef STR
94  if (!t.is_contiguous()) {
95  throw std::runtime_error("MIOpen filters (a.k.a. weights) must be contiguous");
96  }
97  int size[MIOPEN_DIM_MAX];
98  int stride[MIOPEN_DIM_MAX];
99  for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
100  size[i] = (int) t.size(i);
101  }
102  for (int i = dim; i < pad; ++i) {
103  size[i] = (int) 1;
104  }
105  for (int i = dim - 1; i >=0; --i) {
106  stride[i] = (i == dim - 1) ? 1 : stride[i+1] * size[i+1];
107  }
108  dim = std::max(dim, pad);
109  set(getDataType(t), (int) dim, size, stride);
110 }
112 }}
Flush-To-Zero and Denormals-Are-Zero mode.