Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 #include <torch/csrc/jit/tracer.h>
3 #include <c10/util/Exception.h>
4 #include <torch/csrc/autograd/engine.h>
5 #include <torch/csrc/autograd/function.h>
6 #include <torch/csrc/autograd/variable.h>
7 #include <torch/csrc/jit/passes/dead_code_elimination.h>
8 #include <torch/csrc/jit/passes/remove_expands.h>
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <sstream>
12 #include <string>
14 namespace torch {
15 namespace jit {
16 namespace tracer {
19 // Recording the traces
21 namespace detail {
23 template <typename T>
24 void genericAddInput(Node* n, T value) {
25  Value* v = n->owningGraph()->insertConstant(value);
26  recordSourceLocation(v->node());
27  n->addInput(v);
28 }
30 template <typename T>
31 void badArgType(const T& v) {
33  "Found an unsupported argument type in the JIT tracer: ",
34  c10::demangle_type<T>(),
35  ". File a bug report.");
36 }
38 thread_local std::shared_ptr<TracingState> tracing_state;
40 } // namespace detail
42 TORCH_API std::function<void()> pauseTracing() {
44  std::shared_ptr<tracer::TracingState> state = getTracingState();
45  tracer::setTracingState(nullptr);
47  return [state]() { tracer::setTracingState(state); };
48 }
50 void delValueTrace(const Variable& var) {
51  AT_ASSERT(var.defined());
52  auto& env_stack = getTracingState()->env_stack;
53  for (size_t i = 0; i < env_stack.size(); ++i) {
54  auto& value_map = - 1 - i).value_map;
56  auto it = value_map.find(var);
57  if (it == value_map.end()) {
58  continue;
59  }
60  value_map.erase(it);
61  }
62  getTracingState()->env_stack.back().value_map.erase(var);
63 }
65 // Given a variable 'var', return the 'node' which represents the instruction
66 // which computes the value of this variable in the IR.
67 // Here, we interpret untraced variables as constants that are just embedded
68 // in the graph. This is useful to handle code which does things like this
69 // (from torch.autograd.variable, now moved to C++):
70 //
71 // def mm(self, matrix):
72 // output = Variable(,
73 // return Addmm.apply(output, self, matrix, 0, 1, True)
74 //
75 // Here, mm fakes up a dummy variable with uninitialized data to do an inplace
76 // update on, but subsequently ignores it because the alpha scaling factor is
77 // zero. This is one of the cases where a Variable can be created inside of a
78 // trace, and if we treat it as a constant, everything will work out.
79 Value* getValueTrace(const IValue& var) {
80  auto& state = getTracingState();
81  auto& env_stack = getTracingState()->env_stack;
83  if (var.isTensor()) {
84  auto ten = var.toTensor();
85  if (!ten.defined()) {
86  Node* n = state->graph->createNone(TensorType::get());
87  return state->graph->insertNode(n)->output();
88  }
89  for (size_t i = 0; i < env_stack.size(); ++i) {
90  auto& value_map = - 1 - i).value_map;
91  auto it = value_map.find(ten);
92  if (it == value_map.end()) {
93  continue;
94  }
95  if (!it->second->hasUniqueName()) {
96  auto unique_name = getTracingState()->lookup_var_name_fn(ten);
97  if (!unique_name.empty()) {
98  it->second->setUniqueName(unique_name);
99  }
100  }
101  return it->second;
102  }
104  // Didn't find it. Bake in a constant
105  Value* constant = state->graph->insertConstant(ten);
106  recordSourceLocation(constant->node());
107  constant->inferTypeFrom(ten);
108  auto it = env_stack.back().value_map.find(ten);
109  it = env_stack.back().value_map.emplace_hint(it, ten, constant);
110  return it->second;
111  } else if (var.isFuture()) {
112  auto fut = var.toFuture();
113  for (size_t i = 0; i < env_stack.size(); ++i) {
114  auto& future_map = - 1 - i).future_map;
115  auto it = future_map.find(fut);
116  if (it == future_map.end()) {
117  continue;
118  }
119  return it->second;
120  }
122  std::ostringstream oss;
123  oss << "Tried to trace Future that the tracer was not aware of.";
124  throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
125  } else {
126  std::ostringstream oss;
127  oss << "Unknown type used in value trace lookup!";
128  throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
129  }
130 }
132 // allow tracing of tuples passed to List[Tensor] or Tuple[Tensor...] arguments
133 // One might merge getValueTrace and getNestedValueTrace after checking that
134 // casting to IValue instead of Variable is OK
135 Value* getNestedValueTrace(const IValue& v) {
136  auto& state = getTracingState();
137  if (v.isTensorList()) {
138  return state->graph
139  ->insertNode(state->graph->createList(
140  TensorType::get(),
141  fmap(
142  v.toTensorListRef(),
143  [](const IValue& val) { return getNestedValueTrace(val); })))
144  ->output();
145  } else if (v.isTuple()) {
146  return state->graph
147  ->insertNode(state->graph->createTuple(fmap(
148  v.toTuple()->elements(),
149  [](const IValue& val) { return getNestedValueTrace(val); })))
150  ->output();
151  }
152  return getValueTrace(v.toTensor());
153 }
155 Value* getOutputTrace(
156  const std::shared_ptr<TracingState>& state,
157  const Variable& var) {
158  if (!var.defined()) {
159  Node* n = state->graph->createNone(TensorType::get());
160  return state->graph->insertNode(n)->output();
161  }
163  auto& value_map = getTracingState()->env_stack.back().value_map;
164  auto it = value_map.find(var);
165  if (it == value_map.end()) {
166  std::ostringstream os;
167  os << "output of traced region did not have observable "
168  << "data dependence with trace inputs; this probably indicates your program "
169  << "cannot be understood by the tracer.";
170  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
171  }
172  return it->second;
173 }
175 Value* getNestedOutputTrace(
176  const std::shared_ptr<TracingState>& state,
177  const IValue& iv) {
178  if (iv.isTensor()) {
179  return getOutputTrace(state, iv.toTensor());
180  } else if (iv.isTuple()) {
181  const auto& elems = iv.toTuple()->elements();
182  auto tuple_node =
183  state->graph->createTuple(fmap(elems, [&state](const IValue& ival) {
184  return getNestedOutputTrace(state, ival);
185  }));
186  state->graph->insertNode(tuple_node);
187  return tuple_node->output();
188  } else {
189  AT_ERROR(
190  "Only tensors or tuples of tensors can be output from traced functions");
191  }
192 }
194 // Start tracing, treating 'inputs' as inputs to the trace, which can be
195 // varied on subsequent invocations of the trace. Any other variables
196 // will be treated as constants.
197 std::pair<std::shared_ptr<TracingState>, Stack> enter(Stack inputs) {
198  if (isTracing()) {
199  AT_ERROR("Tracing can't be nested");
200  }
201  auto state = std::make_shared<TracingState>();
202  setTracingState(state);
203  // XXX: this function mutates input
204  const std::function<IValue(IValue, TypePtr, Value*)> add_input =
205  [&](IValue input, TypePtr type, Value* value) -> IValue {
206  value->setType(type);
207  if (type->isSubtypeOf(TensorType::get())) {
208  auto input_tensor = input.toTensor();
209  auto name = Variable(input_tensor).name();
210  auto& value_map = state->env_stack.back().value_map;
211  if (value_map.find(input_tensor) != value_map.end()) {
212  input_tensor = input_tensor.view(input_tensor.sizes());
213  }
214  value->setUniqueName(name);
215  value_map[input_tensor] = value;
216  return input_tensor;
217  } else if (auto tuple_type = type->cast<TupleType>()) {
218  auto unpack_node =
219  state->graph->insertNode(state->graph->createTupleUnpack(value));
220  auto elem_values = unpack_node->outputs();
221  auto elem_types = tuple_type->elements();
222  Stack elems = input.toTuple()->elements();
223  size_t num_elems = elems.size();
225  elem_values.size() == num_elems && elem_types.size() == num_elems);
226  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elems; ++i) {
227  elems[i] = add_input(elems[i], elem_types[i], elem_values[i]);
228  }
229  return Tuple::create(std::move(elems));
230  } else {
231  AT_ERROR(
232  "Only tensors or tuples of tensors can be inputs to traced functions");
233  }
234  };
235  for (IValue& input : inputs) {
236  input = add_input(
237  input, incompleteInferTypeFrom(input), state->graph->addInput());
238  }
239  return std::make_pair(state, inputs);
240 }
242 // Exit a trace, treating 'outputs' as the outputs of the trace. These
243 // are the variables whose values will be computed upon subsequent
244 // invocations of the trace.
245 void exit(const Stack& outputs) {
246  auto& state = getTracingState();
247  size_t i = 0;
248  for (auto& output : outputs) {
249  state->graph->registerOutput(getNestedOutputTrace(state, output));
250  i++;
251  }
252  setTracingState(nullptr);
253 }
255 // Abort tracing. Used to reset the state in case of errors.
256 void abandon() {
257  setTracingState(nullptr);
258 }
260 void setValueTrace(const IValue& v, Value* value) {
261  if (v.isTensor()) {
262  auto var = v.toTensor();
263  AT_ASSERT(var.defined());
264  getTracingState()->env_stack.back().value_map[var] = value;
265  } else if (v.isTensorList()) {
266  auto& outputs = v.toTensorList()->elements();
267  auto graph = getTracingState()->graph;
268  Node* unpack_node =
269  graph->insertNode(graph->createListUnpack(value, outputs.size()));
270  for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) {
271  setValueTrace(outputs[i], unpack_node->outputs()[i]);
272  }
273  } else if (v.isTuple()) {
274  auto& outputs = v.toTuple()->elements();
275  auto graph = getTracingState()->graph;
276  Node* unpack_node = graph->insertNode(graph->createTupleUnpack(value));
277  for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) {
278  setValueTrace(outputs[i], unpack_node->outputs()[i]);
279  }
280  } else if (v.isGenericList()) {
281  auto elements = v.toGenericListRef();
282  auto graph = getTracingState()->graph;
283  Node* unpack_node =
284  graph->insertNode(graph->createListUnpack(value, elements.size()));
285  for (size_t i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
286  setValueTrace(elements[i], unpack_node->outputs()[i]);
287  }
288  } else if (v.isFuture()) {
289  auto fut = v.toFuture();
290  getTracingState()->env_stack.back().future_map[fut] = value;
291  } else {
292  std::ostringstream os;
293  os << "Tracer cannot set value trace for type " << v.tagKind() << ". "
294  << "Supported types are tensor, tensor list, and tuple of tensors.";
295  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
296  }
297 }
299 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, int64_t value) {
300  using ArgumentStash = jit::tracer::ArgumentStash;
301  if (ArgumentStash::hasValue(name)) {
302  Value* v = ArgumentStash::popValue(name);
303  n->addInput(v);
304  } else {
305  detail::genericAddInput(n, value);
306  }
307 }
309 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, c10::optional<int64_t> value) {
310  if (value) {
311  detail::genericAddInput(n, *value);
312  } else {
313  Graph* g = n->owningGraph();
314  Value* none = g->insertNode(g->createNone(IntType::get()))->output();
315  n->addInput(none);
316  }
317 }
318 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, bool value) {
319  detail::genericAddInput(n, value);
320 }
321 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, double value) {
322  detail::genericAddInput(n, value);
323 }
324 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, const at::Scalar& value) {
325  detail::genericAddInput(n, value);
326 }
327 void addInputs(
328  Node* n,
329  const char* name,
330  const c10::optional<at::Scalar>& value) {
331  if (value) {
332  detail::genericAddInput(n, *value);
333  } else {
334  Graph* g = n->owningGraph();
335  Value* none = g->insertNode(g->createNone(NumberType::get()))->output();
336  n->addInput(none);
337  }
338 }
339 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, const std::string& value) {
340  detail::genericAddInput(n, value);
341 }
342 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, const at::Tensor& value) {
343  n->addInput(getValueTrace(value));
344 }
345 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, const at::SparseTensorRef& value) {
346  detail::badArgType(value);
347 }
348 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, at::Generator* value) {
349  if (value) {
350  detail::badArgType(value);
351  }
352  Graph* g = n->owningGraph();
353  Value* undef_gen =
354  g->insertNode(g->createNone(GeneratorType::get()))->output();
355  n->addInput(undef_gen);
356 }
357 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, at::Device value) {
358  detail::genericAddInput(n, value);
359 }
360 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, at::Layout value) {
361  detail::genericAddInput(n, static_cast<int64_t>(value));
362 }
363 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, at::ScalarType value) {
364  detail::genericAddInput(n, static_cast<int64_t>(value));
365 }
366 void addInputs(
367  Node* n,
368  const char* name,
369  const c10::optional<at::ScalarType>& value) {
370  if (value) {
371  detail::genericAddInput(n, static_cast<int64_t>(*value));
372  } else {
373  Graph* g = n->owningGraph();
374  Value* none = g->insertNode(g->createNone(IntType::get()))->output();
375  n->addInput(none);
376  }
377 }
379 void addInputs(
380  Node* n,
381  const char* name,
382  at::TensorList value,
383  bool allow_undefined) {
384  Graph* g = n->owningGraph();
385  Node* list_node = nullptr;
386  if (allow_undefined) {
387  // if allow undefined, we create a list of optional tensors
388  list_node = g->insertNode(
389  g->createList(OptionalType::ofTensor(), fmap(value, getValueTrace)));
390  } else {
391  list_node = g->insertNode(
392  g->createList(TensorType::get(), fmap(value, getValueTrace)));
393  }
394  n->addInput(list_node->output());
395 }
397 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, const at::TensorOptions& options) {
398  // [TensorOptions in script] - update this when you change how we schematize
399  // TensorOptions
400  addInputs(n, name, at::typeMetaToScalarType(options.dtype()));
401  addInputs(n, name, options.layout());
402  addInputs(n, name, options.device());
403 }
405 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, at::IntArrayRef value) {
406  using ArgumentStash = jit::tracer::ArgumentStash;
407  std::vector<Value*> info = ArgumentStash::hasIntArrayRef(name)
408  ? ArgumentStash::popIntArrayRef(name)
409  : ArgumentStash::IntArrayRefTrace(value.size());
411  auto& g = getTracingState()->graph;
412  for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i) {
413  if (info[i] != nullptr)
414  continue;
415  info[i] = g->insertConstant(value[i]);
416  recordSourceLocation(info[i]->node());
417  }
418  for (jit::Value* v : info) {
419  if (*v->type() != *jit::IntType::get()) {
420  throw std::runtime_error(
421  "Type mismatch in setposattr for IntArrayRef. Check that your program "
422  "is valid without tracing, and please file a bug report if it is.");
423  }
424  }
425  n->addInput(
426  g->insertNode(g->createList(jit::IntType::get(), info))->output());
427 }
429 void addInputs(Node* n, const char* name, const ArrayRef<double>& value) {
430  AT_ERROR("Tracing float lists currently not supported!");
431 }
432 void addInputs(
433  Node* n,
434  const char* name,
435  const std::vector<double>& value) {
436  AT_ERROR("Tracing float lists currently not supported!");
437 }
439 void addOutput(Node* node, const at::Tensor& output) {
440  setOutput(node->addOutput(), output);
441 }
443 void setOutput(Value* value, const at::Tensor& output) {
444  if (output.defined()) {
445  value->inferTypeFrom(output);
446  setValueTrace(autograd::as_variable_ref(output), value);
447  }
448 }
450 void addOutput(Node* node, const std::vector<at::Tensor>& outputs) {
451  Value* value = node->addOutput()->setType(ListType::ofTensors());
452  Graph* graph = node->owningGraph();
453  Node* unpack_node = graph->insertNode(
454  graph->create(prim::ListUnpack, {value}, outputs.size()));
455  for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) {
456  Value* output_val = unpack_node->outputs()[i];
457  output_val->inferTypeFrom(outputs[i]);
458  setValueTrace(outputs[i], output_val);
459  }
460 }
462 const std::shared_ptr<TracingState>& getTracingState() {
463  return detail::tracing_state;
464 }
466 void setTracingState(std::shared_ptr<TracingState> state) {
467  detail::tracing_state = std::move(state);
468 }
470 TracingState::TracingState()
471  : env_stack{TracingEnvironmentFrame()}, graph(new Graph()) {}
473 TracingState::~TracingState() = default;
475 autograd::Variable getSizeOf(const autograd::Variable& var, int64_t dim) {
476  auto& tracing_state = getTracingState();
477  auto& graph = tracing_state->graph;
479  auto size_var =
480  autograd::make_variable(scalar_to_tensor(at::Scalar(var.size(dim))));
481  auto* value = getValueTrace(var);
482  auto dim_val = graph->insertConstant(dim);
483  recordSourceLocation(dim_val->node());
484  auto* node = graph->insertNode(graph->create(aten::size, {value, dim_val}));
485  recordSourceLocation(node);
486  node->output()->setType(jit::IntType::get());
488  auto ten =
489  graph->insertNode(graph->createNumToTensor(node->output()))->output();
490  setValueTrace(size_var, ten);
491  return size_var;
492 }
494 void ensureUniqueIfOutOfPlaced(const char* name, const at::Tensor& tensor) {
495  auto& state = getTracingState();
496  if (state && state->force_outplace == false) {
497  // If we're not converting in-place ops to out-of-place, this check is
498  // unnecessary
499  return;
500  }
501  auto aliases =;
502  if (isTracing() && aliases > 1) {
503  std::stringstream ss;
504  ss << "There are " << aliases
505  << " live references to the data region being modified when tracing in-place operator "
506  << name
507  << ". This might cause the trace to be incorrect, because all other views "
508  << "that also reference this data will not not reflect this change in the trace! "
509  << "On the other hand, if all other views use the same memory chunk, but are disjoint (e.g. "
510  << "are outputs of torch.split), this might still be safe.";
511  warn(ss.str().c_str());
512  }
513 }
516 // Argument stash
518 thread_local ArgumentStash ArgumentStash::stash;
520 void ArgumentStash::stashIntArrayRefElem(
521  const std::string& arg_name,
522  size_t size,
523  size_t idx,
524  const Variable& var) {
525  // TODO: check type?
526  if (!isTracing())
527  return;
528  auto& list_trace = stash.intlists.emplace(arg_name, size).first->second;
529  AT_ASSERT(size == list_trace.size());
530  AT_ASSERT(idx < list_trace.size());
531  AT_ASSERT(list_trace[idx] == nullptr);
533  Value* ten = getValueTrace(var);
534  auto& g = *ten->owningGraph();
535  WithInsertPoint guard(ten->node()->next());
536  auto prim = g.insert(prim::Int, {ten});
537  list_trace[idx] = prim;
538 }
540 void ArgumentStash::stashValue(
541  const std::string& arg_name,
542  size_t idx,
543  const Variable& var,
544  const TypePtr& type) {
545  if (!isTracing())
546  return;
548  Value* ten = getValueTrace(var);
549  WithInsertPoint guard(ten->node()->next());
550  auto& g = *ten->owningGraph();
552  if (type == IntType::get()) {
553  ten = g.insert(prim::Int, {ten});
554  } else if (type == FloatType::get()) {
555  ten = g.insert(prim::Float, {ten});
556  }
558  stash.values.emplace(arg_name, ten);
559 }
562 // Stack trace recording
564 // no python present so we just do not record source information
565 void defaultRecordSourceLocation(Node* n) {}
566 std::atomic<decltype(&defaultRecordSourceLocation)> record_source_location(
567  defaultRecordSourceLocation);
568 void recordSourceLocation(Node* n) {
569  return record_source_location.load()(n);
570 }
571 void setRecordSourceLocation(void (*v)(Node*)) {
573 }
575 void defaultWarn(const std::string& str) {
576  AT_WARN(str);
577 }
578 std::atomic<warn_fn_type> warn_callback{defaultWarn};
580 const char* WARN_PYTHON_DATAFLOW =
581  " might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of "
582  "Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. "
583  "This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!";
584 const char* WARN_CONSTRUCTOR =
585  " results are registered as constants in the trace. You can safely ignore this "
586  "warning if you use this function to create tensors out of constant variables "
587  "that would be the same every time you call this function. In any other case, "
588  "this might cause the trace to be incorrect.";
589 const char* WARN_RESIZE =
590  " can't be represented in the JIT at the moment, so we won't connect any uses of "
591  "this value with its current trace. If you happen to use it again, it will show "
592  "up as a constant in the graph.";
593 const char* LEGACY_CONSTRUCTOR =
594  " is a legacy constructor and is not supported in the JIT.";
596 // XXX: _kind can be a nullptr
597 void _do_warn(const char* _reason, const char* _kind) {
598  std::string reason{_reason};
599  std::string kind{_kind ? _kind : ""};
600  std::ostringstream s;
601  s << reason << kind;
602  warn_callback.load()(s.str());
603 }
605 void setWarn(warn_fn_type fn) {
607 }
609 } // namespace tracer
610 } // namespace jit
611 } // namespace torch
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions device(c10::optional< Device > device) const noexcept
Return a copy of TensorOptions with device set to the given one, or cleared if device is nullopt...
Scalar represents a 0-dimensional tensor which contains a single element.
Definition: Scalar.h:22
Represents a a compute device on which a tensor is located.
Definition: Device.h:30
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions dtype(c10::optional< caffe2::TypeMeta > dtype) const noexcept
Return a copy of TensorOptions with dtype set to the given one.
Definition: jit_type.h:17
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory)...
Definition: ArrayRef.h:41
C10_NODISCARD TensorOptions layout(c10::optional< Layout > layout) const noexcept
Sets the layout of the TensorOptions.