Public Attributes | |
enabled | |
use_cuda | |
function_events | |
entered | |
Context manager that manages autograd profiler state and holds a summary of results. Arguments: enabled (bool, optional): Setting this to False makes this context manager a no-op. Default: ``True``. use_cuda (bool, optional): Enables timing of CUDA events as well using the cudaEvent API. Adds approximately 4us of overhead to each tensor operation. Default: ``False`` .. warning: This context managers should not be called recursively, i.e. at most one instance should be enabled at any given time. Example: >>> x = torch.randn((1, 1), requires_grad=True) >>> with torch.autograd.profiler.profile() as prof: ... y = x ** 2 ... y.backward() >>> # NOTE: some columns were removed for brevity ... print(prof) ------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- Name CPU time CUDA time ------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- PowConstant 142.036us 0.000us N5torch8autograd9GraphRootE 63.524us 0.000us PowConstantBackward 184.228us 0.000us MulConstant 50.288us 0.000us PowConstant 28.439us 0.000us Mul 20.154us 0.000us N5torch8autograd14AccumulateGradE 13.790us 0.000us N5torch8autograd5CloneE 4.088us 0.000us
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