Caffe2 - Python API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 import sys
2 import io
3 import os
4 import math
5 import random
6 import operator
7 import copy
8 import shutil
9 import torch
10 import torch.cuda
11 import tempfile
12 import unittest
13 import warnings
14 import pickle
15 import gzip
16 import types
17 import textwrap
18 import re
19 from torch._utils_internal import get_file_path, get_file_path_2
20 from torch.utils.dlpack import from_dlpack, to_dlpack
21 from torch._utils import _rebuild_tensor
22 from torch._six import inf, nan, string_classes, istuple
23 from itertools import product, combinations, combinations_with_replacement
24 from functools import reduce
25 from torch import multiprocessing as mp
26 from common_methods_invocations import tri_tests_args, run_additional_tri_tests, \
27  _compare_trilu_indices
28 from common_utils import TestCase, iter_indices, TEST_NUMPY, TEST_SCIPY, TEST_MKL, \
29  TEST_LIBROSA, run_tests, download_file, skipIfNoLapack, suppress_warnings, \
30  IS_WINDOWS, PY3, NO_MULTIPROCESSING_SPAWN, skipIfRocm, do_test_dtypes, do_test_empty_full, \
31  IS_SANDCASTLE, load_tests, brute_pdist, brute_cdist
32 from multiprocessing.reduction import ForkingPickler
34 # load_tests from common_utils is used to automatically filter tests for
35 # sharding on sandcastle. This line silences flake warnings
36 load_tests = load_tests
39  import numpy as np
42  from scipy import signal
45  import librosa
47 SIZE = 100
49 can_retrieve_source = True
50 with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
51  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as checkpoint:
52  x =, checkpoint)
53  for warn in warns:
54  if "Couldn't retrieve source code" in warn.message.args[0]:
55  can_retrieve_source = False
56  break
59 class FilelikeMock(object):
60  def __init__(self, data, has_fileno=True, has_readinto=False):
61  if has_readinto:
62  setattr(self, 'readinto', self.readinto_opt)
63  if has_fileno:
64  # Python 2's StringIO.StringIO has no fileno attribute.
65  # This is used to test that.
66  setattr(self, 'fileno', self.fileno_opt)
68  self.calls = set()
69  self.bytesio = io.BytesIO(data)
71  def trace(fn, name):
72  def result(*args, **kwargs):
73  self.calls.add(name)
74  return fn(*args, **kwargs)
75  return result
77  for attr in ['read', 'readline', 'seek', 'tell', 'write', 'flush']:
78  traced_fn = trace(getattr(self.bytesio, attr), attr)
79  setattr(self, attr, traced_fn)
81  def fileno_opt(self):
82  raise io.UnsupportedOperation('Not a real file')
84  def readinto_opt(self, view):
85  self.calls.add('readinto')
86  return self.bytesio.readinto(view)
88  def was_called(self, name):
89  return name in self.calls
92 class BytesIOContext(io.BytesIO):
93  def __enter__(self):
94  return self
96  def __exit__(self, *args):
97  pass
100 # This is intentionally prefixed by an underscore. Otherwise pytest will try to
101 # run its methods as test cases.
102 class _TestTorchMixin(object):
103  def _check_sum_dim(tensors, dim):
104  for tensor in tensors:
105  expected = tensor.numpy().sum(dim)
106  actual = tensor.sum(dim)
107  self.assertEqual(expected.shape, actual.shape)
108  if actual.dtype == torch.float:
109  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual.numpy(), rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-05))
110  else:
111  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual.numpy()))
113  def _make_tensors(self, shape, val_range=(-100, 100), use_floating=True, use_integral=True):
114  float_types = [torch.double,
115  torch.float]
116  int_types = [torch.int64,
117  torch.int32,
118  torch.int16]
120  def make_contiguous(shape, dtype):
121  if dtype in float_types:
122  val = torch.randn(shape, dtype=dtype)
123  val = val * ((val_range[1] - val_range[0]) / (math.pi * 2.0))
124  val = val + ((val_range[1] - val_range[0]) / 2.0)
125  val = torch.clamp(val, min=val_range[0], max=val_range[1])
126  return val
127  result = torch.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
128  result.apply_(lambda x: random.randint(val_range[0], val_range[1]))
129  return result
131  def make_non_contiguous(shape, dtype):
132  contig = make_contiguous(shape, dtype)
133  non_contig = torch.empty(shape + (2, 2), dtype=dtype)[..., 0]
134  non_contig =, -1)
135  non_contig.copy_(contig)
136  self.assertFalse(non_contig.is_contiguous())
137  return non_contig
139  def make_contiguous_slice(size, dtype):
140  contig = make_contiguous((1, size), dtype)
141  non_contig = contig[:1, 1:size - 1]
142  self.assertTrue(non_contig.is_contiguous())
143  return contig
145  types = []
146  if use_floating:
147  types += float_types
148  if use_integral:
149  types += int_types
150  tensors = {"cont": [], "noncont": [], "slice": []}
151  for dtype in types:
152  tensors["cont"].append(make_contiguous(shape, dtype))
153  tensors["noncont"].append(make_non_contiguous(shape, dtype))
154  tensors["slice"].append(make_contiguous_slice(sum(list(shape)), dtype))
156  return tensors
158  def test_dir(self):
159  dir(torch)
161  def test_doc(self):
162  checked_types = (types.MethodType, types.FunctionType,
163  types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.BuiltinMethodType)
165  def test_namespace(ns, *skips):
166  if isinstance(ns, object):
167  ns_name = ns.__class__.__name__
168  else:
169  ns_name = ns.__name__
170  skip_regexes = []
171  for r in skips:
172  if isinstance(r, string_classes):
173  skip_regexes.append(re.compile('^{}$'.format(re.escape(r))))
174  else:
175  skip_regexes.append(r)
176  for name in dir(ns):
177  if name.startswith('_'):
178  continue
179  var = getattr(ns, name)
180  if not isinstance(var, checked_types):
181  continue
182  doc = var.__doc__
183  has_doc = doc is not None and len(doc.strip()) > 0
184  full_name = ns_name + '.' + name
185  if any(r.match(name) for r in skip_regexes):
186  self.assertFalse(has_doc,
187  'New docs have been added for {}, please remove '
188  'it from the skipped list in TestTorch.test_doc'.format(full_name))
189  else:
190  self.assertTrue(has_doc, '{} is missing documentation'.format(full_name))
192  # FIXME: fix all the skipped ones below!
193  test_namespace(torch.randn(1),
194  'as_strided',
195  'as_strided_',
196  re.compile('^clamp_(min|max)_?$'),
197  'coalesce',
198  'index_put',
199  'is_coalesced',
200  'is_distributed',
201  'is_complex',
202  'is_nonzero',
203  'is_same_size',
204  'is_signed',
205  'isclose',
206  'lgamma',
207  'lgamma_',
208  'log_softmax',
209  'map2_',
210  'new',
211  'pin_memory',
212  'polygamma',
213  'polygamma_',
214  'record_stream',
215  'reinforce',
216  'relu',
217  'relu_',
218  'prelu',
219  'resize',
220  'resize_as',
221  'smm',
222  'softmax',
223  'split_with_sizes',
224  'sspaddmm',
225  'storage_type',
226  'tan',
227  'to_dense',
228  'sparse_resize_',
229  'sparse_resize_and_clear_',
230  )
231  test_namespace(torch.nn)
232  test_namespace(torch.nn.functional, 'assert_int_or_pair', 'bilinear', 'feature_alpha_dropout')
233  # TODO: add torch.* tests when we have proper namespacing on ATen functions
234  # test_namespace(torch)
236  def test_dot(self):
237  types = {
238  'torch.DoubleTensor': 1e-8,
239  'torch.FloatTensor': 1e-4,
240  }
241  for tname, _prec in types.items():
242  v1 = torch.randn(100).type(tname)
243  v2 = torch.randn(100).type(tname)
244  res1 =, v2)
245  res2 = 0
246  for i, j in zip(v1, v2):
247  res2 += i * j
248  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
249  out = torch.randn(()).type(tname)
250, v2, out=out)
251  self.assertEqual(res1, out)
253  # Test 0-strided
254  for tname, _prec in types.items():
255  v1 = torch.randn(1).type(tname).expand(100)
256  v2 = torch.randn(100).type(tname)
257  res1 =, v2)
258  res2 = 0
259  for i, j in zip(v1, v2):
260  res2 += i * j
261  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
262  out = torch.randn(()).type(tname)
263, v2, out=out)
264  self.assertEqual(res1, out)
266  def test_ger(self):
267  types = {
268  'torch.DoubleTensor': 1e-8,
269  'torch.FloatTensor': 1e-4,
270  }
271  for tname, _prec in types.items():
272  v1 = torch.randn(100).type(tname)
273  v2 = torch.randn(100).type(tname)
274  res1 = torch.ger(v1, v2)
275  res2 = torch.zeros(100, 100).type(tname)
276  for i in range(100):
277  for j in range(100):
278  res2[i, j] = v1[i] * v2[j]
279  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
281  # Test 0-strided
282  for tname, _prec in types.items():
283  v1 = torch.randn(1).type(tname).expand(100)
284  v2 = torch.randn(100).type(tname)
285  res1 = torch.ger(v1, v2)
286  res2 = torch.zeros(100, 100).type(tname)
287  for i in range(100):
288  for j in range(100):
289  res2[i, j] = v1[i] * v2[j]
290  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
292  def test_addr(self):
293  types = {
294  'torch.DoubleTensor': 1e-8,
295  'torch.FloatTensor': 1e-4,
296  }
298  def run_test(m, v1, v2, m_transform=lambda x: x):
299  m = m_transform(m.clone())
300  ref = m.clone()
301  torch.addr(m, v1, v2, out=m)
302  for i in range(m.size(0)):
303  for j in range(m.size(1)):
304  ref[i, j] += v1[i] * v2[j]
305  self.assertEqual(m, ref)
307  for tname, _prec in types.items():
308  for h, w in [(100, 110), (1, 20), (200, 2)]:
309  m = torch.randn(h, w).type(tname)
310  v1 = torch.randn(h).type(tname)
311  v2 = torch.randn(w).type(tname)
312  run_test(m, v1, v2)
313  # test transpose
314  run_test(m, v2, v1, lambda x: x.transpose(0, 1))
315  # test 0 strided
316  v1 = torch.randn(1).type(tname).expand(h)
317  run_test(m, v1, v2)
318  run_test(m, v2, v1, lambda x: x.transpose(0, 1))
320  def test_addmv(self):
321  types = {
322  'torch.DoubleTensor': 1e-8,
323  'torch.FloatTensor': 1e-4,
324  }
325  for tname, _prec in types.items():
326  t = torch.randn(10).type(tname)
327  m = torch.randn(10, 100).type(tname)
328  v = torch.randn(100).type(tname)
329  res1 = torch.addmv(t, m, v)
330  res2 = torch.zeros(10).type(tname)
331  res2 += t
332  for i in range(10):
333  for j in range(100):
334  res2[i] += m[i, j] * v[j]
335  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
337  # Test 0-strided
338  for tname, _prec in types.items():
339  t = torch.randn(1).type(tname).expand(10)
340  m = torch.randn(10, 1).type(tname).expand(10, 100)
341  v = torch.randn(100).type(tname)
342  res1 = torch.addmv(t, m, v)
343  res2 = torch.zeros(10).type(tname)
344  res2 += t
345  for i in range(10):
346  for j in range(100):
347  res2[i] += m[i, j] * v[j]
348  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
350  def test_addmm(self):
351  types = {
352  'torch.DoubleTensor': 1e-8,
353  'torch.FloatTensor': 1e-4,
354  }
355  for tname, _prec in types.items():
356  M = torch.randn(10, 25).type(tname)
357  m1 = torch.randn(10, 50).type(tname)
358  m2 = torch.randn(50, 25).type(tname)
359  res1 = torch.addmm(M, m1, m2)
360  res2 = torch.zeros(10, 25).type(tname)
361  res2 += M
362  for i in range(10):
363  for j in range(25):
364  for k in range(50):
365  res2[i, j] += m1[i, k] * m2[k, j]
366  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
368  # Test 0-strided
369  for tname, _prec in types.items():
370  M = torch.randn(10, 1).type(tname).expand(10, 25)
371  m1 = torch.randn(10, 1).type(tname).expand(10, 50)
372  m2 = torch.randn(50, 25).type(tname)
373  res1 = torch.addmm(M, m1, m2)
374  res2 = torch.zeros(10, 25).type(tname)
375  res2 += M
376  for i in range(10):
377  for j in range(25):
378  for k in range(50):
379  res2[i, j] += m1[i, k] * m2[k, j]
380  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
382  def test_logical_any(self):
383  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
384  for device in devices:
385  x = torch.zeros([2, 3, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device)
387  self.assertEqual(
388  torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
389  x.any())
391  self.assertEqual(
392  torch.zeros([1, 3, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
393  x.any(0, keepdim=True))
395  self.assertEqual(
396  torch.zeros([2, 1, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
397  x.any(1, keepdim=True))
399  self.assertEqual(
400  torch.zeros([2, 3, 1], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
401  x.any(2, keepdim=True))
403  # set the last element to 0
404  x[-1][-1][-1] = 1
406  self.assertEqual(
407  torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
408  x.any())
410  y = torch.zeros([1, 3, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device)
411  y[-1][-1][-1] = 1
412  self.assertEqual(y, x.any(0, keepdim=True))
414  y = torch.zeros([2, 1, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device)
415  y[-1][-1][-1] = 1
416  self.assertEqual(y, x.any(1, keepdim=True))
418  y = torch.zeros([2, 3, 1], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device)
419  y[-1][-1][-1] = 1
420  self.assertEqual(y, x.any(2, keepdim=True))
422  def test_logical_all(self):
423  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
424  for device in devices:
425  x = torch.ones([2, 3, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device)
427  self.assertEqual(
428  torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
429  x.all())
431  self.assertEqual(
432  torch.ones([1, 3, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
433  x.all(0, keepdim=True))
435  self.assertEqual(
436  torch.ones([2, 1, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
437  x.all(1, keepdim=True))
439  self.assertEqual(
440  torch.ones([2, 3, 1], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
441  x.all(2, keepdim=True))
443  # set the last element to 0
444  x[-1][-1][-1] = 0
446  self.assertEqual(
447  torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.uint8, device=device),
448  x.all())
450  y = torch.ones([1, 3, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device)
451  y[-1][-1][-1] = 0
452  self.assertEqual(y, x.all(0, keepdim=True))
454  y = torch.ones([2, 1, 400], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device)
455  y[-1][-1][-1] = 0
456  self.assertEqual(y, x.all(1, keepdim=True))
458  y = torch.ones([2, 3, 1], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device)
459  y[-1][-1][-1] = 0
460  self.assertEqual(y, x.all(2, keepdim=True))
462  def test_allclose(self):
463  x = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
464  y = torch.tensor([1.01, 2.01, 3.01])
465  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(x, y, rtol=0, atol=0.02))
466  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(x, y, rtol=0.01, atol=0.0))
467  self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(x, y))
468  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(torch.tensor([0.0]), torch.tensor([1e-8])))
469  x = torch.tensor([2.0, 3.0, nan])
470  y = torch.tensor([2.01, 3.01, nan])
471  self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(x, y, rtol=1e-2))
472  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(x, y, rtol=1e-2, equal_nan=True))
473  self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(x, y, rtol=1e-3, equal_nan=True))
474  inf_t = torch.tensor([inf])
475  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(inf_t, inf_t))
476  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(-inf_t, -inf_t))
477  self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(inf_t, -inf_t))
478  self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(inf_t, torch.tensor([1e20])))
479  self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(-inf_t, torch.tensor([-1e20])))
481  def test_linear_algebra_scalar_raises(self):
482  m = torch.randn(5, 5)
483  v = torch.randn(5)
484  s = torch.tensor(7)
485  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:, s))
486  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.addmv(v, m, s))
487  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.ger(v, s))
488  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.ger(s, v))
489  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.addr(m, v, s))
490  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.addr(m, s, v))
492  def _test_math(self, torchfn, mathfn, input=None, test_expand=False):
493  if input is None:
494  input = []
495  input.append(list(range(-5, 5)))
496  input.append([0 for x in range(-5, 5)])
497  input.append([x + 1e-6 for x in range(-5, 5)])
498  # Some vectorized implementations don't support large ranges
499  input.append([x + 1e10 for x in range(-5, 5)])
500  input.append([x - 1e10 for x in range(-5, 5)])
501  input.append(torch.randn(10).tolist())
502  input.append((torch.randn(10) + 1e6).tolist())
503  input.append([math.pi * (x / 2) for x in range(-5, 5)])
505  def compare_reference(input, dtype):
506  input = torch.tensor(input, dtype=dtype)
507  res1 = torchfn(input.clone())
508  res2 = input.clone().apply_(mathfn)
511  # compare against the reference math function
512  compare_reference(input, torch.double)
513  compare_reference(input, torch.float)
515  def check_non_contiguous(shape, dtype):
516  contig = torch.randn(shape, dtype=dtype)
517  non_contig = torch.empty(shape + (2,), dtype=dtype)[..., 0]
518  non_contig.copy_(contig)
519  self.assertFalse(non_contig.is_contiguous())
520  self.assertEqual(torchfn(contig), torchfn(non_contig), 'non-contiguous')
522  # compare application against contiguous vs. non-contiguous
523  check_non_contiguous((5, 7), torch.double)
524  check_non_contiguous((1024,), torch.double)
525  check_non_contiguous((5, 7), torch.float)
526  check_non_contiguous((1024,), torch.float)
528  def check_non_contiguous_index(dtype):
529  contig = torch.randn((2, 2, 1, 2), dtype=dtype)
530  non_contig = contig[:, 1, ...]
531  contig = non_contig.clone()
532  self.assertFalse(non_contig.is_contiguous())
533  self.assertEqual(torchfn(contig), torchfn(non_contig), 'non-contiguous index')
535  check_non_contiguous_index(torch.float)
536  check_non_contiguous_index(torch.double)
538  def check_non_contiguous_expand(shape, dtype):
539  contig = torch.randn(shape, dtype=dtype)
540  non_contig = contig.clone().expand(3, -1, -1)
541  self.assertFalse(non_contig.is_contiguous())
542  contig = torchfn(contig)
543  non_contig = torchfn(non_contig)
544  for i in range(3):
545  self.assertEqual(contig, non_contig[i], 'non-contiguous expand[' + str(i) + ']')
547  # Expand is not defined for in-place operations
548  if test_expand:
549  # The size 1 case is special as it leads to 0 stride and needs to persists
550  check_non_contiguous_expand((1, 3), torch.double)
551  check_non_contiguous_expand((1, 7), torch.double)
552  check_non_contiguous_expand((5, 7), torch.float)
554  # If size(dim) == 1, stride(dim) is not defined.
555  # The code needs to be able to handle this
556  def check_contiguous_size1(dtype):
557  contig = torch.randn((5, 100), dtype=dtype)
558  contig = contig[:1, :50]
559  contig2 = torch.empty(contig.size(), dtype=dtype)
560  contig2.copy_(contig)
561  self.assertTrue(contig.is_contiguous())
562  self.assertTrue(contig2.is_contiguous())
563  self.assertEqual(torchfn(contig), torchfn(contig2), 'contiguous size1')
565  check_contiguous_size1(torch.double)
566  check_contiguous_size1(torch.float)
568  def check_contiguous_size1_largedim(dtype):
569  contig = torch.randn((5, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4), dtype=dtype)
570  contig = contig[:1, :, :, :, :, :, :, :, :, :, :, :]
571  contig2 = torch.empty(contig.size(), dtype=dtype)
572  contig2.copy_(contig)
573  self.assertTrue(contig.is_contiguous())
574  self.assertTrue(contig2.is_contiguous())
575  self.assertEqual(torchfn(contig), torchfn(contig2), 'contiguous size1')
577  check_contiguous_size1_largedim(torch.double)
578  check_contiguous_size1_largedim(torch.float)
580  def check_large(dtype):
581  input = torch.randn(1024, 512, dtype=dtype)
582  actual = torchfn(input)
583  expected = torch.stack([torchfn(slice) for slice in input])
584  self.assertEqual(actual, expected, 'large')
586  # compare large tensor vs. repeated small applications to expose
587  # possible parallelism bugs.
588  check_large(torch.double)
589  check_large(torch.float)
591  def __test_math_by_name(self, function_name, mathfn, selffn):
592  mathfn = getattr(math, mathfn)
593  if selffn:
594  def torchfn(x):
595  return getattr(x, function_name)()
596  else:
597  torchfn = getattr(torch, function_name)
598  self._test_math(torchfn, mathfn, test_expand=(not selffn))
600  def _test_math_by_name(self, function_name, test_self=True):
601  if test_self:
602  self.__test_math_by_name(function_name + "_", function_name, True)
603  self.__test_math_by_name(function_name, function_name, False)
605  def test_sin(self):
606  self._test_math_by_name('sin')
608  def test_sinh(self):
609  def sinh(x):
610  try:
611  return math.sinh(x)
612  except OverflowError:
613  return inf if x > 0 else -inf
614  self._test_math(torch.sinh, sinh)
616  def test_lgamma(self):
617  def lgamma(x):
618  if x <= 0 and x == int(x):
619  return inf
620  return math.lgamma(x)
621  self._test_math(torch.lgamma, lgamma)
623  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_SCIPY, "Scipy not found")
624  def test_mvlgamma(self):
625  from scipy.special import multigammaln
626  for d in range(1, 5):
627  input = torch.empty(10).uniform_(d, 10)
628  res_torch = torch.mvlgamma(input, d)
629  res_scipy = multigammaln(input.numpy(), d)
630  self.assertEqual(res_torch.numpy(), res_scipy)
632  def test_mvlgamma_argcheck(self):
633  def run_test(d):
634  input = torch.linspace((d - 2) / 2, 10, 10)
635  torch.mvlgamma(input, d)
637  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Condition for computing multivariate log-gamma not met"):
638  run_test(3)
640  def _digamma_input(self, test_poles=True):
641  input = []
642  input.append((torch.randn(10).abs() + 1e-4).tolist())
643  input.append((torch.randn(10).abs() + 1e6).tolist())
644  zeros = torch.linspace(-9.5, -0.5, 10)
645  input.append(zeros.tolist())
646  input.append((zeros - 0.49).tolist())
647  input.append((zeros + 0.49).tolist())
648  input.append((zeros + (torch.rand(10) * 0.99) - 0.5).tolist())
650  if test_poles:
651  input.append([-0.999999994, -1.999999994, -2.0000000111,
652  -100.99999994, -1931.99999994, 0.000000111,
653  -0.000000111, 0, -2, -329])
654  return input
656  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_SCIPY, "Scipy not found")
657  def test_digamma(self):
658  from scipy.special import digamma
660  # scipy 1.1.0 changed when it returns +/-inf vs. NaN
661  def torch_digamma_without_inf(inp):
662  res = torch.digamma(inp)
663  res[(res == -inf) | (res == inf)] = nan
664  return res
666  def scipy_digamma_without_inf(inp):
667  res = digamma(inp)
668  if np.isscalar(res):
669  return res if np.isfinite(res) else nan
670  res[np.isinf(res)] = nan
671  return res
673  self._test_math(torch_digamma_without_inf, scipy_digamma_without_inf, self._digamma_input())
675  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_SCIPY, "Scipy not found")
676  def test_polygamma(self):
677  from scipy.special import polygamma
678  for n in [0, 1]:
679  self._test_math(lambda x: torch.polygamma(n, x),
680  lambda x: polygamma(n, x).item(),
681  self._digamma_input(test_poles=False))
683  def test_asin(self):
684  self._test_math(torch.asin, lambda x: math.asin(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else nan)
686  def test_cos(self):
687  self._test_math_by_name('cos')
689  def test_cosh(self):
690  def cosh(x):
691  try:
692  return math.cosh(x)
693  except OverflowError:
694  # Return inf on overflow.
695  # See
696  return inf
697  self._test_math(torch.cosh, cosh)
699  def test_acos(self):
700  self._test_math(torch.acos, lambda x: math.acos(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else nan)
702  def test_tan(self):
703  self._test_math_by_name('tan')
705  def test_tanh(self):
706  self._test_math_by_name('tanh')
708  def test_atan(self):
709  self._test_math_by_name('atan')
711  def test_log(self):
712  def log(x):
713  if x == 0:
714  return -inf
715  elif x < 0:
716  return nan
717  return math.log(x)
718  self._test_math(torch.log, log)
720  def test_log10(self):
721  def log10(x):
722  if x == 0:
723  return -inf
724  elif x < 0:
725  return nan
726  return math.log10(x)
727  self._test_math(torch.log10, log10)
729  def test_log1p(self):
730  def log1p(x):
731  if x == -1:
732  return -inf
733  elif x < -1:
734  return nan
735  return math.log1p(x)
736  self._test_math(torch.log1p, log1p)
738  def test_log2(self):
739  def log2(x):
740  if x == 0:
741  return -inf
742  elif x < 0:
743  return nan
744  try:
745  return math.log2(x)
746  except AttributeError:
747  return math.log(x, 2)
748  self._test_math(torch.log2, log2)
750  def test_sqrt(self):
751  self._test_math(torch.sqrt, lambda x: math.sqrt(x) if x >= 0 else nan)
753  def test_erf(self):
754  self._test_math_by_name('erf')
756  def test_erfc(self):
757  self._test_math_by_name('erfc')
759  def test_erfinv(self):
760  def checkType(tensor):
761  inputValues = torch.randn(4, 4, out=tensor()).clamp(-2., 2.)
762  self.assertEqual(tensor(inputValues).erf().erfinv(), tensor(inputValues))
763  # test inf
764  self.assertTrue(torch.equal(tensor([-1, 1]).erfinv(), tensor([-inf, inf])))
765  # test nan
766  self.assertEqual(tensor([-2, 2]).erfinv(), tensor([nan, nan]))
768  checkType(torch.FloatTensor)
769  checkType(torch.DoubleTensor)
771  def test_exp(self):
772  def exp(x):
773  try:
774  return math.exp(x)
775  except OverflowError:
776  return inf
777  self._test_math(torch.exp, exp)
779  def test_expm1(self):
780  def expm1(x):
781  try:
782  return math.expm1(x)
783  except OverflowError:
784  return inf
785  self._test_math(torch.expm1, expm1)
787  def test_floor(self):
788  self._test_math_by_name('floor')
790  def test_ceil(self):
791  self._test_math_by_name('ceil')
793  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
794  def test_ceil_out_cpu_cuda(self):
795  a = torch.randn(1)
796  b = torch.randn(1, device="cuda")
797  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.ceil(a, out=b))
799  def test_rsqrt(self):
800  def rsqrt(x):
801  if x == 0:
802  return inf
803  elif x < 0:
804  return nan
805  return 1.0 / math.sqrt(x)
807  self._test_math(torch.rsqrt, rsqrt)
809  def test_sigmoid(self):
810  # TODO: why not simulate math.sigmoid like with rsqrt?
811  inputValues = [-1000, -1, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 1000]
812  expectedOutput = [0.0000, 0.2689, 0.5, 0.6225, 0.7311, 0.8808, 1.000]
813  precision_4dps = 0.0002
815  def checkType(tensor):
816  self.assertEqual(tensor(inputValues).sigmoid(), tensor(expectedOutput), precision_4dps)
818  checkType(torch.FloatTensor)
819  checkType(torch.DoubleTensor)
821  def test_frac(self):
822  self._test_math(torch.frac, lambda x: math.fmod(x, 1))
824  def test_trunc(self):
825  self._test_math(torch.trunc, lambda x: x - math.fmod(x, 1))
827  def test_round(self):
828  self._test_math(torch.round, round)
830  def test_has_storage(self):
831  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.Tensor().storage())
832  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.Tensor(0).storage())
833  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.Tensor([]).storage())
834  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.Tensor().clone().storage())
835  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.Tensor([0, 0, 0]).nonzero().storage())
836  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.Tensor().new().storage())
838  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
839  def test_has_storage_numpy(self):
840  for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.int64,
841  np.int32, np.int16, np.uint8]:
842  arr = np.array([1], dtype=dtype)
843  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.FloatTensor(arr).storage())
844  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.DoubleTensor(arr).storage())
845  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.IntTensor(arr).storage())
846  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.LongTensor(arr).storage())
847  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.ByteTensor(arr).storage())
849  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.cuda.FloatTensor(arr).storage())
850  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.cuda.DoubleTensor(arr).storage())
851  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.cuda.IntTensor(arr).storage())
852  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.cuda.LongTensor(arr).storage())
853  self.assertIsNotNone(torch.cuda.ByteTensor(arr).storage())
855  def _testSelection(self, torchfn, mathfn):
856  # contiguous
857  m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
858  res1 = torchfn(m1)
859  res2 = m1[0, 0]
860  for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
861  res2 = mathfn(res2, m1[i, j])
862  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
864  # non-contiguous
865  m1 = torch.randn(10, 10, 10)
866  m2 = m1[:, 4]
867  res1 = torchfn(m2)
868  res2 = m2[0, 0]
869  for i, j in iter_indices(m2):
870  res2 = mathfn(res2, m2[i][j])
871  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
873  # with indices
874  m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
875  res1val, res1ind = torchfn(m1, 1, False)
876  res2val = m1[:, 0:1].clone().squeeze()
877  res2ind = res1ind.clone().fill_(0)
878  for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
879  if mathfn(res2val[i], m1[i, j]) != res2val[i]:
880  res2val[i] = m1[i, j]
881  res2ind[i] = j
883  maxerr = 0
884  for i in range(res1val.size(0)):
885  maxerr = max(maxerr, abs(res1val[i] - res2val[i]))
886  self.assertEqual(res1ind[i], res2ind[i])
887  self.assertLessEqual(abs(maxerr), 1e-5)
889  # NaNs
890  for index in (0, 4, 99):
891  m1 = torch.randn(100)
892  m1[index] = nan
893  res1val, res1ind = torch.max(m1, 0)
894  self.assertTrue(math.isnan(res1val))
895  self.assertEqual(res1ind, index)
896  res1val = torchfn(m1)
897  self.assertTrue(math.isnan(res1val))
899  def test_max(self):
900  self._testSelection(torch.max, max)
902  @staticmethod
903  def _test_max_with_inf(self, dtypes=(torch.float, torch.double), device='cpu'):
904  for dtype in dtypes:
905  a = torch.tensor([[-inf, -inf, inf, 3], [inf, inf, -inf, -1]], dtype=dtype, device=device)
906  self.assertTrue(torch.all(torch.max(a, dim=1)[0] == inf).item())
907  self.assertTrue(torch.max(a).item() == inf)
909  def test_max_with_inf(self):
910  self._test_max_with_inf(self)
912  def test_min(self):
913  self._testSelection(torch.min, min)
915  @staticmethod
916  def _test_min_with_inf(self, dtypes=(torch.float, torch.double), device='cpu'):
917  for dtype in dtypes:
918  a = torch.tensor([[-inf, -inf, inf, 3], [inf, inf, -inf, -1]], dtype=dtype, device=device)
919  self.assertTrue(torch.all(torch.min(a, dim=1)[0] == (-inf)).item())
920  self.assertTrue(torch.min(a).item() == -inf)
922  def test_min_with_inf(self):
923  self._test_min_with_inf(self)
925  @staticmethod
926  def _test_norm(self, device):
927  # full reduction
928  x = torch.randn(25, device=device)
929  xn = x.cpu().numpy()
930  for p in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, inf, -inf]:
931  res = x.norm(p).item()
932  expected = np.linalg.norm(xn, p)
933  self.assertEqual(res, expected, "full reduction failed for {}-norm".format(p))
935  # one dimension
936  x = torch.randn(25, 25, device=device)
937  xn = x.cpu().numpy()
938  for p in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, inf, -inf]:
939  res = x.norm(p, 1).cpu().numpy()
940  expected = np.linalg.norm(xn, p, 1)
941  self.assertEqual(res.shape, expected.shape)
942  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res, expected), "dim reduction failed for {}-norm".format(p))
944  # matrix norm
945  for p in ['fro', 'nuc']:
946  res = x.norm(p).cpu().numpy()
947  expected = np.linalg.norm(xn, p)
948  self.assertEqual(res.shape, expected.shape)
949  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res, expected), "dim reduction failed for {}-norm".format(p))
951  # larger tensor sanity check
952  self.assertEqual(2 * torch.norm(torch.ones(10000)), torch.norm(torch.ones(40000)))
954  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
955  @skipIfNoLapack
956  def test_norm(self):
957  self._test_norm(self, device='cpu')
959  @staticmethod
960  def _test_dist(self, device):
961  def run_test(x, y):
962  for p in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, inf, -inf]:
963  dist_xy = torch.dist(x, y, p)
964  dist_xy_norm = torch.norm(x - y, p)
965  self.assertEqual(dist_xy, dist_xy_norm)
967  run_test(torch.randn(5, device=device), torch.randn(5, device=device))
969  x = torch.zeros(3, device=device)
970  y = torch.zeros(3, device=device)
971  y[1] = 1.
972  run_test(x, y)
974  def test_dist(self):
975  self._test_dist(self, device='cpu')
977  def test_dim_reduction_uint8_overflow(self):
978  example = [[-1, 2, 1], [5, 3, 6]]
979  x = torch.tensor(example, dtype=torch.uint8)
980  self.assertEqual(x.sum(dtype=torch.uint8).item(), 16)
981  self.assertEqual(x.sum(0, dtype=torch.uint8), torch.FloatTensor([4, 5, 7]))
982  self.assertEqual(x.sum(1, dtype=torch.uint8), torch.FloatTensor([2, 14]))
983  y = torch.tensor(example, dtype=torch.uint8)
984  torch.sum(x, 0, out=y)
985  self.assertEqual(x.sum(0, dtype=torch.uint8), y)
987  @staticmethod
988  def _test_dim_reduction(self, cast):
989  example = [[-1, 2, 1], [5, 3, 6]]
991  types = [torch.double,
992  torch.float,
993  torch.int64,
994  torch.int32,
995  torch.int16]
997  # This won't test for 256bit instructions, since we usually
998  # only work on 1 cacheline (1024bit) at a time and these
999  # examples aren't big enough to trigger that.
1000  for dtype in types:
1001  x = cast(torch.tensor(example, dtype=dtype))
1002  self.assertEqual(x.sum().item(), 16)
1003  self.assertEqual(x.sum(0), torch.FloatTensor([4, 5, 7]))
1004  self.assertEqual(x.sum(1), torch.FloatTensor([2, 14]))
1005  y = cast(torch.tensor(example, dtype=dtype))
1006  torch.sum(x, 0, out=y)
1007  self.assertEqual(x.sum(0), y)
1009  # Mean not supported for Int types
1010  for dtype in types[:2]:
1011  x = cast(torch.tensor(example, dtype=dtype))
1012  self.assertEqual(x.mean().item(), 16.0 / 6)
1013  self.assertEqual(x.mean(0), torch.FloatTensor([2.0, 2.5, 7.0 / 2]))
1014  self.assertEqual(x.mean(1), torch.FloatTensor([2.0 / 3, 14.0 / 3]))
1015  self.assertEqual(x.mean(), x.mean((0, 1)))
1017  for dtype in types:
1018  x = cast(torch.tensor(example, dtype=dtype))
1019  self.assertEqual(, -180)
1020  self.assertEqual(, torch.FloatTensor([-5, 6, 6]))
1021  self.assertEqual(, torch.FloatTensor([-2, 90]))
1023  for dtype in types:
1024  x = cast(torch.tensor(example, dtype=dtype))
1025  self.assertEqual(x.max().item(), 6)
1026  self.assertEqual(x.max(0), (torch.FloatTensor([5, 3, 6]), torch.FloatTensor([1, 1, 1])))
1027  self.assertEqual(x.max(1), (torch.FloatTensor([2, 6]), torch.FloatTensor([1, 2])))
1029  for dtype in types:
1030  x = cast(torch.tensor(example, dtype=dtype))
1031  self.assertEqual(x.min().item(), -1)
1032  self.assertEqual(x.min(0), (torch.FloatTensor([-1, 2, 1]), torch.FloatTensor([0, 0, 0])))
1033  self.assertEqual(x.min(1), (torch.FloatTensor([-1, 3]), torch.FloatTensor([0, 1])))
1035  for dtype in types:
1036  x = cast(torch.tensor(example, dtype=dtype))
1037  self.assertEqual(x.argmax().item(), 5)
1038  self.assertEqual(x.argmax(dim=None).item(), 5)
1039  self.assertEqual(x.argmax(dim=0), torch.FloatTensor([1, 1, 1]))
1040  self.assertEqual(x.argmax(dim=1), torch.FloatTensor([1, 2]))
1041  self.assertEqual(x.argmax(dim=0, keepdim=True), torch.FloatTensor([[1, 1, 1]]))
1042  # test that non-contiguous tensors work
1043  self.assertEqual(x[:, :2].argmax().item(), 2)
1045  for dtype in types:
1046  x = cast(torch.tensor(example, dtype=dtype))
1047  self.assertEqual(x.argmin().item(), 0)
1048  self.assertEqual(x.argmin(dim=None).item(), 0)
1049  self.assertEqual(x.argmin(dim=0), torch.FloatTensor([0, 0, 0]))
1050  self.assertEqual(x.argmin(dim=1), torch.FloatTensor([0, 1]))
1051  self.assertEqual(x.argmin(dim=1, keepdim=True), torch.FloatTensor([[0], [1]]))
1052  # test that non-contiguous tensors work
1053  self.assertEqual(x[:, :2].argmin().item(), 0)
1055  dim_red_fns = [
1056  "mean", "median", "mode", "norm", "prod",
1057  "std", "sum", "var", "max", "min"]
1059  def normfn_attr(t, dim, keepdim=False, out=None):
1060  attr = getattr(torch, "norm")
1061  return attr(t, 2, dim, keepdim, out=out)
1063  for fn_name in dim_red_fns:
1064  fn_attr = getattr(torch, fn_name) if fn_name != "norm" else normfn_attr
1066  def fn(x, dim, keepdim=False, out=None):
1067  ans = fn_attr(x, dim, keepdim=keepdim, out=out)
1068  return ans if not istuple(ans) else ans[0]
1070  def fn_tuple(x, dim, keepdim=False, out=None):
1071  return fn_attr(x, dim, keepdim=keepdim, out=out)
1073  def test_multidim(x, dim):
1074  self.assertEqual(fn(x, dim).unsqueeze(dim), fn(x, dim, keepdim=True))
1075  self.assertEqual(x.ndimension() - 1, fn(x, dim).ndimension())
1076  self.assertEqual(x.ndimension(), fn(x, dim, keepdim=True).ndimension())
1078  # general case
1079  x = cast(torch.randn(3, 4, 5))
1080  dim = random.randint(0, 2)
1081  test_multidim(x, dim)
1083  # check 1-d behavior
1084  x = cast(torch.randn(1))
1085  dim = 0
1086  self.assertEqual(fn(x, dim).shape, ())
1087  self.assertEqual(fn(x, dim, keepdim=True).shape, (1,))
1089  # check reducing of a singleton dimension
1090  dims = [3, 4, 5]
1091  singleton_dim = random.randint(0, 2)
1092  dims[singleton_dim] = 1
1093  x = cast(torch.randn(dims))
1094  test_multidim(x, singleton_dim)
1096  # check reducing with output kwargs
1097  if fn_name in ['median', 'mode', 'max', 'min']:
1098  y = cast(torch.randn(5, 3))
1099  values = cast(torch.randn(5, 3))
1100  indices = cast(torch.zeros(5, 3).long() - 1)
1101  fn_tuple(y, 1, keepdim=False, out=(values[:, 1], indices[:, 1]))
1102  values_expected, indices_expected = fn_tuple(y, 1, keepdim=False)
1103  self.assertEqual(values[:, 1], values_expected,
1104  '{} values with out= kwarg'.format(fn_name))
1105  self.assertEqual(indices[:, 1], indices_expected,
1106  '{} indices with out= kwarg'.format(fn_name))
1107  continue
1109  x = cast(torch.randn(5, 3))
1110  y = cast(torch.randn(5, 3))
1111  fn(y, 1, keepdim=False, out=x[:, 1])
1112  expected = fn(y, 1, keepdim=False)
1113  self.assertEqual(x[:, 1], expected, '{} with out= kwarg'.format(fn_name))
1115  def test_dim_reduction(self):
1116  self._test_dim_reduction(self, lambda t: t)
1118  def test_reduction_empty(self):
1119  fns_to_test = [
1120  # name, function, identity
1121  ('max', torch.max, None),
1122  ('kthvalue', lambda *args, **kwargs: torch.kthvalue(*args, k=1, **kwargs), None),
1123  ('argmax', torch.argmax, None),
1124  ('min', torch.min, None),
1125  ('argmin', torch.argmin, None),
1126  ('mode', torch.mode, None),
1127  ('median', torch.median, None),
1129  ('prod',, 1),
1130  ('sum', torch.sum, 0),
1131  ('norm', torch.norm, 0),
1132  ('mean', torch.mean, nan),
1133  ('var', torch.var, nan),
1134  ('std', torch.std, nan),
1135  ('logsumexp', torch.logsumexp, -inf),
1136  ]
1138  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
1139  shape = (2, 0, 4)
1140  for device in devices:
1141  x = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
1143  for item in fns_to_test:
1144  name, fn, identity = item
1145  if identity is None:
1146  ident_err = 'does not have an identity'
1147  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, ident_err, lambda: fn(x, dim=2))
1148  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, ident_err, lambda: fn(x, dim=2, keepdim=True))
1149  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, ident_err, lambda: fn(x, dim=1))
1150  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, ident_err, lambda: fn(x, dim=1, keepdim=True))
1151  else:
1152  self.assertEqual(torch.empty((2, 0), device=device), fn(x, dim=2))
1153  self.assertEqual(torch.empty((2, 0, 1), device=device), fn(x, dim=2, keepdim=True))
1154  # assertEqual doesn't work with inf, -inf, nan and two tensors.
1155  check = (torch.testing.assert_allclose if math.isnan(identity) or math.isinf(identity) else
1156  self.assertEqual)
1157  check(torch.full((2, 4), identity, device=device), fn(x, dim=1))
1158  check(torch.full((2, 1, 4), identity, device=device), fn(x, dim=1, keepdim=True))
1159  try:
1160  check(torch.full((), identity, device=device), fn(x))
1161  except TypeError as err:
1162  # ignore if there is no allreduce.
1163  self.assertTrue('required positional arguments: "dim"' in str(err))
1165  # any
1166  xb =
1167  yb =
1168  self.assertEqual((2, 0), xb.any(2).shape)
1169  self.assertEqual((2, 0, 1), xb.any(2, keepdim=True).shape)
1170  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros((2, 4), device=device), xb.any(1))
1171  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros((2, 1, 4), device=device), xb.any(1, keepdim=True))
1172  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros((), device=device), xb.any())
1174  # all
1175  self.assertEqual((2, 0), xb.all(2).shape)
1176  self.assertEqual((2, 0, 1), xb.all(2, keepdim=True).shape)
1177  self.assertEqual(torch.ones((2, 4), device=device), xb.all(1))
1178  self.assertEqual(torch.ones((2, 1, 4), device=device), xb.all(1, keepdim=True))
1179  self.assertEqual(torch.ones((), device=device), xb.all())
1181  def test_pairwise_distance_empty(self):
1182  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
1183  for device in devices:
1184  shape = (2, 0)
1185  x = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
1186  y = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
1188  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(2, device=device), torch.pairwise_distance(x, y))
1189  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros((2, 1), device=device), torch.pairwise_distance(x, y, keepdim=True))
1191  shape = (0, 2)
1192  x = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
1193  y = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
1194  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(0, device=device), torch.pairwise_distance(x, y))
1195  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros((0, 1), device=device), torch.pairwise_distance(x, y, keepdim=True))
1197  def test_pdist_empty(self):
1198  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
1199  for device in devices:
1200  shape = (0, 2)
1201  x = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
1202  self.assertEqual(torch.empty(0, device=device), torch.pdist(x))
1204  shape = (1, 2)
1205  x = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
1206  self.assertEqual(torch.empty(0, device=device), torch.pdist(x))
1208  shape = (3, 0)
1209  x = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
1210  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(3, device=device), torch.pdist(x))
1212  def test_pdist_norm(self):
1213  def test_pdist_single(shape, device, p, dtype, trans):
1214  x = torch.randn(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device)
1215  if trans:
1216  x.transpose_(-2, -1)
1217  actual = torch.pdist(x, p=p)
1218  expected = brute_pdist(x, p=p)
1219  self.assertEqual(expected.shape, actual.shape)
1220  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(expected, actual))
1222  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
1223  for device in devices:
1224  for shape in [(4, 5), (3, 2), (2, 1)]:
1225  for p in [0, 1, 2, 3, 1.5, 2.5, float('inf')]:
1226  for trans in [False, True]:
1227  for dtype in [torch.float32, torch.float64]:
1228  test_pdist_single(shape, device, p, dtype, trans)
1230  # do a simplified comparison with big inputs, see:
1231  #
1232  for dtype in [torch.float32, torch.float64]:
1233  test_pdist_single((1000, 2), device, 2, dtype, False)
1235  def test_cdist_empty(self):
1236  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
1237  for device in devices:
1238  x = torch.randn((0, 5), device=device)
1239  y = torch.randn((4, 5), device=device)
1240  self.assertEqual(torch.empty(0, 4, device=device), torch.cdist(x, y))
1242  x = torch.randn((2, 5), device=device)
1243  y = torch.randn((0, 5), device=device)
1244  self.assertEqual(torch.empty(2, 0, device=device), torch.cdist(x, y))
1246  x = torch.randn((2, 0), device=device)
1247  y = torch.randn((3, 0), device=device)
1248  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(2, 3, device=device), torch.cdist(x, y))
1250  x = torch.randn((2, 0), device=device)
1251  y = torch.randn((0, 0), device=device)
1252  self.assertEqual(torch.empty(2, 0, device=device), torch.cdist(x, y))
1254  def test_cdist_norm(self):
1255  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
1256  for device in devices:
1257  for r1 in [3, 4, 5, 6]:
1258  for m in [2, 3, 4, 10]:
1259  for r2 in [4, 6, 7, 8]:
1260  for p in [0, 1, 2, 3, 1.5, 2.5, float('inf')]:
1261  x = torch.randn(r1, m, device=device)
1262  y = torch.randn(r2, m, device=device)
1263  actual = torch.cdist(x, y, p=p)
1264  expected = brute_cdist(x, y, p=p)
1265  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(expected, actual))
1267  def test_cdist_large(self):
1268  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
1269  for device in devices:
1270  x = torch.randn(1000, 10, device=device)
1271  y = torch.randn(1000, 10, device=device)
1272  actual = torch.cdist(x, y, p=2)
1273  expected = brute_cdist(x, y, p=2)
1274  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(expected, actual))
1276  def test_cdist_non_contiguous(self):
1277  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
1278  for device in devices:
1279  x = torch.randn(5, 7, device=device).t()
1280  y = torch.randn(5, 3, device=device).t()
1281  actual = torch.cdist(x, y, p=2)
1282  expected = brute_cdist(x, y, p=2)
1283  self.assertFalse(x.is_contiguous())
1284  self.assertFalse(y.is_contiguous())
1285  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(expected, actual))
1287  x = torch.randn(7, 5, device=device)
1288  y = torch.randn(5, 3, device=device).t()
1289  actual = torch.cdist(x, y, p=2)
1290  expected = brute_cdist(x, y, p=2)
1291  self.assertTrue(x.is_contiguous())
1292  self.assertFalse(y.is_contiguous())
1293  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(expected, actual))
1295  x = torch.randn(5, 7, device=device).t()
1296  y = torch.randn(3, 5, device=device)
1297  actual = torch.cdist(x, y, p=2)
1298  expected = brute_cdist(x, y, p=2)
1299  self.assertFalse(x.is_contiguous())
1300  self.assertTrue(y.is_contiguous())
1301  self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(expected, actual))
1303  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_SCIPY, "Scipy not found")
1304  def test_logsumexp(self):
1305  from scipy.special import logsumexp
1306  a = torch.randn(5, 4)
1307  a[0, 0] = inf
1308  a[1, :] = -inf
1309  actual = a.logsumexp(1)
1310  expected = logsumexp(a.numpy(), 1)
1311  self.assertEqual(expected.shape, actual.shape)
1312  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual.numpy()))
1313  # check that out is actually inplace
1314  b = torch.zeros(5, 2)
1315  c = b[:, 0]
1316  torch.logsumexp(a, 1, out=c)
1317  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, b[:, 0].numpy()))
1319  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
1320  def test_cpu_parallel(self):
1321  # To use parallel branches we'll need to compare on tensors
1322  # that are relatively large. Even if this is run on a single
1323  # core machine these tests will still give you signal on
1324  # the correctness
1326  def _run_test(size):
1327  for dim in range(len(size) + 1):
1328  nv = np.round(np.random.rand(*size)) # 0s and 1s
1329  tv = torch.from_numpy(nv)
1330  # Parallelisim is only used if numel is
1331  # larger than grainsize defined in Parallel.h
1332  self.assertTrue(tv.numel() > 32768)
1333  if dim == len(size):
1334  nvs = nv.sum()
1335  tvs = tv.sum()
1336  else:
1337  nvs = nv.sum(dim)
1338  tvs = tv.sum(dim)
1339  diff = np.abs(nvs - tvs.numpy()).sum()
1340  self.assertEqual(diff, 0)
1342  _run_test([2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3])
1343  _run_test([4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4])
1344  _run_test([1, 32 * 8 * 32 * 8])
1345  _run_test([1, 32770])
1347  def _testCSelection(self, torchfn, mathfn):
1348  # Two tensors
1349  size = (100, 100)
1350  a = torch.rand(*size)
1351  b = torch.rand(*size)
1352  c = torchfn(a, b)
1353  expected_c = torch.zeros(*size)
1354  expected_c.map2_(a, b, lambda _, a, b: mathfn(a, b))
1355  self.assertEqual(expected_c, c, 0)
1357  def test_max_elementwise(self):
1358  self._testCSelection(torch.max, max)
1360  def test_min_elementwise(self):
1361  self._testCSelection(torch.min, min)
1363  @staticmethod
1364  def _test_lerp(self, cast):
1365  start_end_shapes = [(), (5,), (5, 5), (5, 5, 5)]
1366  for shapes in product(start_end_shapes, start_end_shapes):
1367  start = cast(torch.randn(shapes[0]))
1368  end = cast(torch.randn(shapes[1]))
1370  # Tensor weights
1371  for weight in [cast(torch.randn(shapes[0])), random.random()]:
1372  actual = torch.lerp(start, end, weight)
1373  actual_method = start.lerp(end, weight)
1374  self.assertEqual(actual, actual_method)
1375  actual_out = cast(torch.Tensor())
1376  torch.lerp(start, end, weight, out=actual_out)
1377  self.assertEqual(actual, actual_out)
1378  expected = start + weight * (end - start)
1379  self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
1381  def test_lerp(self):
1382  self._test_lerp(self, lambda t: t)
1384  def test_all_any(self):
1385  def test(size):
1386  x = torch.ones(*size).byte()
1387  self.assertTrue(x.all())
1388  self.assertTrue(x.any())
1390  x[3] = 0
1391  self.assertFalse(x.all())
1392  self.assertTrue(x.any())
1394  x.zero_()
1395  self.assertFalse(x.all())
1396  self.assertFalse(x.any())
1398  x.fill_(2)
1399  self.assertTrue(x.all())
1400  self.assertTrue(x.any())
1402  test((10,))
1403  test((5, 5))
1405  def test_all_any_empty(self):
1406  x = torch.ByteTensor()
1407  self.assertTrue(x.all())
1408  self.assertFalse(x.any())
1410  def test_all_any_with_dim(self):
1411  def test(x):
1412  r1 =, keepdim=False).byte()
1413  r2 = x.all(dim=0, keepdim=False)
1414  self.assertEqual(r1.shape, r2.shape)
1415  self.assertTrue((r1 == r2).all())
1417  r3 = x.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).clamp(0, 1).byte()
1418  r4 = x.any(dim=1, keepdim=True)
1419  self.assertEqual(r3.shape, r4.shape)
1420  self.assertTrue((r3 == r4).all())
1422  test(torch.ByteTensor([[0, 0, 0],
1423  [0, 0, 1],
1424  [0, 1, 1],
1425  [1, 1, 1]]))
1427  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
1428  def test_all_any_empty_cuda(self):
1429  x = torch.cuda.ByteTensor()
1430  self.assertTrue(x.all())
1431  self.assertFalse(x.any())
1433  def test_mv(self):
1434  m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
1435  v1 = torch.randn(100)
1437  res1 =, v1)
1438  res2 = res1.clone().zero_()
1439  for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
1440  res2[i] += m1[i][j] * v1[j]
1442  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1444  def test_add(self):
1445  # [res] torch.add([res,] tensor1, tensor2)
1446  m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
1447  v1 = torch.randn(100)
1449  # contiguous
1450  res1 = torch.add(m1[4], v1)
1451  res2 = res1.clone().zero_()
1452  for i in range(m1.size(1)):
1453  res2[i] = m1[4, i] + v1[i]
1454  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1456  m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
1457  v1 = torch.randn(100)
1459  # non-contiguous
1460  res1 = torch.add(m1[:, 4], v1)
1461  res2 = res1.clone().zero_()
1462  for i in range(m1.size(0)):
1463  res2[i] = m1[i, 4] + v1[i]
1464  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1466  # [res] torch.add([res,] tensor, value)
1467  m1 = torch.randn(10, 10)
1469  # contiguous
1470  res1 = m1.clone()
1471  res1[3].add_(2)
1472  res2 = m1.clone()
1473  for i in range(m1.size(1)):
1474  res2[3, i] = res2[3, i] + 2
1475  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1477  # non-contiguous
1478  m1 = torch.randn(10, 10)
1479  res1 = m1.clone()
1480  res1[:, 3].add_(2)
1481  res2 = m1.clone()
1482  for i in range(m1.size(0)):
1483  res2[i, 3] = res2[i, 3] + 2
1484  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1486  # inter-type
1487  m1 = torch.randn(10, 10)
1488  self.assertEqual(m1 + 3, m1 + torch.tensor(3))
1489  self.assertEqual(3 + m1, torch.tensor(3) + m1)
1490  one = torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.uint8)
1491  self.assertEqual(torch.add(one, 1), 2)
1492  self.assertEqual(torch.add(one, 1).dtype, torch.uint8)
1494  # contiguous + non-contiguous
1495  m1 = torch.randn(10, 10)
1496  m2 = torch.randn(10, 10).t()
1497  res = m1 + m2
1498  self.assertTrue(res.is_contiguous())
1499  self.assertEqual(res, m1 + m2.contiguous())
1501  # 1d + empty
1502  m1 = torch.tensor([1.0], dtype=torch.float)
1503  m2 = torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.float)
1504  self.assertEqual(m1 + m2, [])
1506  # [res] torch.add([res,] tensor1, value, tensor2)
1508  def test_csub(self):
1509  # with a tensor
1510  a = torch.randn(100, 90)
1511  b = a.clone().normal_()
1513  res_add = torch.add(a, -1, b)
1514  res_csub = a.clone()
1515  res_csub.sub_(b)
1516  self.assertEqual(res_add, res_csub)
1518  # with a scalar
1519  a = torch.randn(100, 100)
1521  scalar = 123.5
1522  res_add = torch.add(a, -scalar)
1523  res_csub = a.clone()
1524  res_csub.sub_(scalar)
1525  self.assertEqual(res_add, res_csub)
1527  @staticmethod
1528  def _test_neg(self, cast):
1529  float_types = [torch.DoubleTensor, torch.FloatTensor, torch.LongTensor]
1530  int_types = [torch.IntTensor, torch.ShortTensor, torch.ByteTensor,
1531  torch.CharTensor]
1533  for t in float_types + int_types:
1534  if t in float_types:
1535  a = cast(torch.randn(100, 90).type(t))
1536  else:
1537  a = cast(torch.randint(-128, 128, (100, 90), dtype=t.dtype))
1538  zeros = cast(torch.Tensor().type(t)).resize_as_(a).zero_()
1540  if t == torch.ByteTensor:
1541  res_add = torch.add(zeros, a, alpha=255)
1542  else:
1543  res_add = torch.add(zeros, a, alpha=-1)
1544  res_neg = a.clone()
1545  res_neg.neg_()
1546  self.assertEqual(res_neg, res_add)
1548  # test out of place as well
1549  res_neg_out_place = a.clone().neg()
1550  self.assertEqual(res_neg_out_place, res_add)
1552  # test via __neg__ operator
1553  res_neg_op = -a.clone()
1554  self.assertEqual(res_neg_op, res_add)
1556  def test_neg(self):
1557  self._test_neg(self, lambda t: t)
1559  def test_threshold(self):
1560  for dtype in torch.testing.get_all_dtypes():
1561  if dtype != torch.uint8 and dtype != torch.float16:
1562  # 100 is wide enough to use AVX2 instructions for all types
1563  x = torch.randn(100).sign().to(dtype=dtype)
1564  y = torch.threshold(x, 0, 0)
1565  self.assertTrue(y.le(0).any())
1567  def test_reciprocal(self):
1568  a = torch.randn(100, 89)
1569  res_div = 1 / a
1570  res_reciprocal = a.clone()
1571  res_reciprocal.reciprocal_()
1572  self.assertEqual(res_reciprocal, res_div)
1574  def test_mul(self):
1575  m1 = torch.randn(10, 10)
1576  res1 = m1.clone()
1577  res1[:, 3].mul_(2)
1578  res2 = m1.clone()
1579  for i in range(res1.size(0)):
1580  res2[i, 3] = res2[i, 3] * 2
1581  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1583  def test_div(self):
1584  m1 = torch.randn(10, 10)
1585  res1 = m1.clone()
1586  res1[:, 3].div_(2)
1587  res2 = m1.clone()
1588  for i in range(m1.size(0)):
1589  res2[i, 3] = res2[i, 3] / 2
1590  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1592  def test_floordiv(self):
1593  for dtype in torch.testing.get_all_dtypes():
1594  if dtype is torch.float16:
1595  continue
1596  x = torch.randn(100).mul(10).to(dtype)
1597  y = x // 3
1598  self.assertEqual(y.dtype, x.dtype)
1599  z = torch.tensor([math.trunc(v.item() / 3.) for v in x], dtype=y.dtype)
1600  self.assertEqual(y, z)
1602  def test_rdiv(self):
1603  for dtype in torch.testing.get_all_dtypes():
1604  if dtype is torch.float16:
1605  continue
1606  x = torch.rand(100).add(1).mul(4).to(dtype)
1607  y = 30 / x
1608  if dtype.is_floating_point:
1609  z = torch.tensor([30 / v.item() for v in x], dtype=dtype)
1610  else:
1611  z = torch.tensor([math.trunc(30. / v.item()) for v in x], dtype=dtype)
1612  self.assertEqual(y, z)
1614  def test_fmod(self):
1615  m1 = torch.Tensor(10, 10).uniform_(-10., 10.)
1616  res1 = m1.clone()
1617  q = 2.1
1618  res1[:, 3].fmod_(q)
1619  res2 = m1.clone()
1620  for i in range(m1.size(1)):
1621  res2[i, 3] = math.fmod(res2[i, 3], q)
1622  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1624  def test_remainder(self):
1625  # Check the Floating point case, both tensor and scalar overloads
1626  for use_item in [True, False]:
1627  m1 = torch.Tensor(10, 10).uniform_(-10., 10.)
1628  res1 = m1.clone()
1629  res2 = m1.clone()
1630  qs = torch.arange(-5.1, 4.1)
1631  # Check the case where the divisor is a simple float
1632  for col_idx, q in enumerate(qs):
1633  # Reference
1634  for i in range(m1.size(0)):
1635  res2[i, col_idx] = res2[i, col_idx] % q
1636  # To test
1637  res1[:, col_idx].remainder_(q if not use_item else q.item())
1638  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1639  # Check the case where the divisor is a tensor
1640  res1 = m1.clone()
1641  res1.remainder_(qs.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(res1))
1642  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1644  # Check the LongTensor case, both tensor and scalar overloads
1645  for use_item in [True, False]:
1646  long_m1 = torch.LongTensor(10, 10).random_(-10, 10)
1647  long_res1 = long_m1.clone()
1648  long_res2 = long_m1.clone()
1649  long_qs = torch.arange(-5, 5)
1650  long_qs[5] = 5 # Can't handle the divisor=0 case
1651  for col_idx, long_q in enumerate(long_qs):
1652  # Reference
1653  for i in range(long_m1.size(0)):
1654  long_res2[i, col_idx] = long_res2[i, col_idx] % long_q
1655  # To test
1656  long_res1[:, col_idx].remainder_(long_q if not use_item else long_q.item())
1657  self.assertEqual(long_res1, long_res2)
1658  # Divisor is a tensor case
1659  long_res1 = long_m1.clone()
1660  long_res1.remainder_(long_qs.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(long_res1))
1662  @staticmethod
1663  def _test_remainder_overflow(self, dtype, device):
1664  # Check Integer Overflows
1665  x = torch.tensor(23500, dtype=dtype, device=device)
1666  q = 392486996410368
1667  self.assertEqual(x % q, x)
1668  self.assertEqual(-x % q, q - x)
1669  self.assertEqual(x % -q, x - q)
1670  self.assertEqual(-x % -q, -x)
1672  def test_remainder_overflow(self):
1673  self._test_remainder_overflow(self, dtype=torch.int64, device='cpu')
1675  def test_mm(self):
1676  def _test_mm(n, m, p, dtype, genf):
1677  # helper function
1678  def matrixmultiply(mat1, mat2):
1679  n = mat1.size(0)
1680  m = mat1.size(1)
1681  p = mat2.size(1)
1682  res = torch.zeros(n, p, dtype=dtype)
1683  for i, j in iter_indices(res):
1684  res[i, j] = sum(mat1[i, k] * mat2[k, j] for k in range(m))
1685  return res
1687  # contiguous case
1688  mat1 = genf(n, m)
1689  mat2 = genf(m, p)
1690  res =, mat2)
1692  res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1, mat2)
1693  self.assertEqual(res, res2)
1695  # non contiguous case 1
1696  mat1 = genf(n, m)
1697  mat2 = genf(p, m).t()
1698  res =, mat2)
1700  res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1, mat2)
1701  self.assertEqual(res, res2)
1703  # non contiguous case 2
1704  mat1 = genf(m, n).t()
1705  mat2 = genf(m, p)
1706  res =, mat2)
1708  res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1, mat2)
1709  self.assertEqual(res, res2)
1711  # non contiguous case 3
1712  mat1 = genf(m, n).t()
1713  mat2 = genf(p, m).t()
1714  res =, mat2)
1716  res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1, mat2)
1717  self.assertEqual(res, res2)
1719  # test with zero stride
1720  mat1 = genf(n, m)
1721  mat2 = genf(m, 1).expand(m, p)
1722  res =, mat2)
1724  res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1, mat2)
1725  self.assertEqual(res, res2)
1727  # explicitly exercise the _out variant in
1728  # contiguous case
1729  mat1 = genf(n, m)
1730  mat2 = genf(m, p)
1731  res = genf(n, p)
1732, mat2, out=res)
1734  res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1, mat2)
1735  self.assertEqual(res, res2)
1737  # explicitly exercise the _out variant in
1738  # non contiguous case 3
1739  mat1 = genf(m, n).t()
1740  mat2 = genf(p, m).t()
1741  res = genf(n, p)
1742, mat2, out=res)
1744  res2 = matrixmultiply(mat1, mat2)
1745  self.assertEqual(res, res2)
1747  for (n, m, p) in [(20, 10, 5), (15, 5, 10), (5, 18, 10)]:
1748  _test_mm(n, m, p, torch.float32, lambda x, y: torch.randn(x, y, dtype=torch.float32))
1749  _test_mm(n, m, p, torch.float64, lambda x, y: torch.randn(x, y, dtype=torch.float64))
1750  _test_mm(n, m, p, torch.int32, lambda x, y: torch.randint(0, 100, (x, y), dtype=torch.int32))
1751  _test_mm(n, m, p, torch.int64, lambda x, y: torch.randint(0, 100, (x, y), dtype=torch.int64))
1753  @staticmethod
1754  def _test_btrifact(self, cast):
1755  from common_utils import random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value as fullrank
1757  def run_test(matrix_size, batches, cast):
1758  a = cast(fullrank(matrix_size, *batches))
1759  a_LU_info, pivots_info, info_ = a.btrifact_with_info()
1760  self.assertEqual(a_LU_info.size(), torch.Size(batches + (matrix_size, matrix_size)))
1761  self.assertEqual(pivots_info.size(), torch.Size(batches + (matrix_size,)))
1762  self.assertEqual(info_.size(), torch.Size(batches))
1763  self.assertEqual(info_.abs().sum(), 0)
1764  a_LU, pivots = a.btrifact()
1765  self.assertEqual(a_LU, a_LU_info)
1766  self.assertEqual(pivots_info, pivots)
1767  if a.is_cuda:
1768  a_LU_info_nopiv, nopiv, info_nopiv = a.btrifact_with_info(pivot=False)
1769  self.assertIsNone(nopiv)
1770  self.assertEqual(info_, info_nopiv)
1771  P, L, U = torch.btriunpack(a_LU, pivots)
1772  self.assertEqual(P.matmul(L.matmul(U)), a)
1774  for ms, batch in product([3, 5, 7], [(2,), (3,), (3, 5)]):
1775  run_test(ms, batch, cast)
1777  # Info should be positive for rank deficient matrices
1778  a = cast(fullrank(3, 5))
1779  if not (a.is_cuda and any(x in torch.version.cuda for x in ['8.0', '9.2'])):
1780  a[0, 1] = 2 * a[0, 0] # Row 2 of a[0] is 2 times Row 1 of a[0], thereby causing a rank deficiency
1781  self.assertGreater(a.btrifact_with_info()[2][0], 0)
1783  # Error checking, no pivoting variant on CPU
1784  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError,
1785  'btrifact without pivoting is not implemented on the CPU'):
1786  torch.btrifact(torch.empty(1, 2, 2), pivot=False)
1788  @skipIfNoLapack
1789  @skipIfRocm
1790  def test_btrifact(self):
1791  self._test_btrifact(self, lambda t: t)
1793  @staticmethod
1794  def _test_btrisolve(self, cast):
1795  a = torch.FloatTensor((((1.3722, -0.9020),
1796  (1.8849, 1.9169)),
1797  ((0.7187, -1.1695),
1798  (-0.0139, 1.3572)),
1799  ((-1.6181, 0.7148),
1800  (1.3728, 0.1319))))
1801  b = torch.FloatTensor(((4.02, 6.19),
1802  (-1.56, 4.00),
1803  (9.81, -4.09)))
1804  a, b = cast(a), cast(b)
1805  LU_data, pivots, info = a.btrifact_with_info()
1806  self.assertEqual(info.abs().sum(), 0)
1807  x = torch.btrisolve(b, LU_data, pivots)
1808  b_ = torch.bmm(a, x.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze()
1809  self.assertEqual(b_, b)
1811  @skipIfNoLapack
1812  def test_btrisolve(self):
1813  self._test_btrisolve(self, lambda t: t)
1815  @staticmethod
1816  def _test_btriunpack(self, cast):
1817  def run_test(shape, cast):
1818  a = cast(torch.randn(*shape))
1819  a_lu, p = torch.btrifact(a.reshape(-1, shape[-1], shape[-1]))
1820  a_lu = a_lu.reshape_as(a)
1821  p = p.reshape(a.shape[:-1])
1822  p_ref, l_ref, u_ref = torch.btriunpack(a_lu, p)
1823  self.assertEqual(p_ref.matmul(l_ref.matmul(u_ref)), a)
1825  run_test((5, 3, 3), cast)
1826  run_test((7, 3, 5, 5), cast)
1827  run_test((7, 5, 3, 3, 3), cast)
1829  @skipIfNoLapack
1830  def test_btriunpack(self):
1831  self._test_btriunpack(self, lambda t: t)
1833  def test_bmm(self):
1834  num_batches = 10
1835  M, N, O = 23, 8, 12
1836  b1 = torch.randn(num_batches, M, N)
1837  b2 = torch.randn(num_batches, N, O)
1838  res = torch.bmm(b1, b2)
1839  for i in range(num_batches):
1840  r =[i], b2[i])
1841  self.assertEqual(r, res[i])
1843  # check that mixed arguments are rejected
1844  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.bmm(b1, b2.cuda()))
1845  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.bmm(b1.cuda(), b2))
1847  def test_addbmm(self):
1848  # num_batches = 10
1849  # M, N, O = 12, 8, 5
1850  num_batches = 2
1851  M, N, O = 2, 3, 4
1852  b1 = torch.randn(num_batches, M, N)
1853  b2 = torch.randn(num_batches, N, O)
1854  res = torch.bmm(b1, b2)
1855  res2 = torch.Tensor().resize_as_(res[0]).zero_()
1857  res2.addbmm_(b1, b2)
1858  self.assertEqual(res2, res.sum(0, False))
1860  res2.addbmm_(1, b1, b2)
1861  self.assertEqual(res2, res.sum(0, False) * 2)
1863  res2.addbmm_(1., .5, b1, b2)
1864  self.assertEqual(res2, res.sum(0, False) * 2.5)
1866  res3 = torch.addbmm(1, res2, 0, b1, b2)
1867  self.assertEqual(res3, res2)
1869  res4 = torch.addbmm(1, res2, .5, b1, b2)
1870  self.assertEqual(res4, res.sum(0, False) * 3)
1872  res5 = torch.addbmm(0, res2, 1, b1, b2)
1873  self.assertEqual(res5, res.sum(0, False))
1875  res6 = torch.addbmm(.1, res2, .5, b1, b2)
1876  self.assertEqual(res6, res2 * .1 + (res.sum(0) * .5))
1878  def test_baddbmm(self):
1879  num_batches = 10
1880  M, N, O = 12, 8, 5
1881  b1 = torch.randn(num_batches, M, N)
1882  b2 = torch.randn(num_batches, N, O)
1883  res = torch.bmm(b1, b2)
1884  res2 = torch.Tensor().resize_as_(res).zero_()
1886  res2.baddbmm_(b1, b2)
1887  self.assertEqual(res2, res)
1889  res2.baddbmm_(1, b1, b2)
1890  self.assertEqual(res2, res * 2)
1892  res2.baddbmm_(1, .5, b1, b2)
1893  self.assertEqual(res2, res * 2.5)
1895  res3 = torch.baddbmm(1, res2, 0, b1, b2)
1896  self.assertEqual(res3, res2)
1898  res4 = torch.baddbmm(1, res2, .5, b1, b2)
1899  self.assertEqual(res4, res * 3)
1901  res5 = torch.baddbmm(0, res2, 1, b1, b2)
1902  self.assertEqual(res5, res)
1904  res6 = torch.baddbmm(.1, res2, .5, b1, b2)
1905  self.assertEqual(res6, res2 * .1 + res * .5)
1907  @staticmethod
1908  def _test_clamp(self, device='cpu'):
1909  m1 = torch.rand(100, device=device).mul(5).add(-2.5) # uniform in [-2.5, 2.5]
1910  # just in case we're extremely lucky.
1911  min_val = -1
1912  max_val = 1
1913  m1[1] = min_val
1914  m1[2] = max_val
1916  res1 = m1.clone()
1917  res1.clamp_(min_val, max_val)
1918  res2 = m1.clone()
1919  for i in iter_indices(res2):
1920  res2[i] = max(min_val, min(max_val, res2[i]))
1921  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1923  out = m1.clone()
1924  torch.clamp(m1, min=min_val, max=max_val, out=out)
1925  self.assertEqual(out, res1)
1927  res1 = torch.clamp(m1, min=min_val)
1928  res2 = m1.clone()
1929  for i in iter_indices(res2):
1930  res2[i] = max(min_val, res2[i])
1931  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1933  torch.clamp(m1, min=min_val, out=out)
1934  self.assertEqual(out, res1)
1936  res1 = torch.clamp(m1, max=max_val)
1937  res2 = m1.clone()
1938  for i in iter_indices(res2):
1939  res2[i] = min(max_val, res2[i])
1940  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
1942  torch.clamp(m1, max=max_val, out=out)
1943  self.assertEqual(out, res1)
1945  # if the tensor contains nan case
1946  test_tens = torch.tensor([nan], device=device)
1948  res1 = test_tens.clone()
1949  res1.clamp_(min_val, max_val)
1950  res2 = test_tens.clone()
1951  for i in iter_indices(res2):
1952  res2[i] = max(min(res2[i], max_val), min_val)
1953  self.assertEqual(torch.isnan(res1), torch.isnan(res2))
1955  out = test_tens.clone()
1956  torch.clamp(test_tens, min=min_val, max=max_val, out=out)
1957  self.assertEqual(torch.isnan(out), torch.isnan(res1))
1959  res1 = torch.clamp(test_tens, min=min_val)
1960  res2 = test_tens.clone()
1961  for i in iter_indices(res2):
1962  res2[i] = max(res2[i], min_val)
1963  self.assertEqual(torch.isnan(res1), torch.isnan(res2))
1965  torch.clamp(test_tens, min=min_val, out=out)
1966  self.assertEqual(torch.isnan(out), torch.isnan(res1))
1968  res1 = torch.clamp(test_tens, max=max_val)
1969  res2 = test_tens.clone()
1970  for i in iter_indices(res2):
1971  res2[i] = min(res2[i], max_val)
1972  self.assertEqual(torch.isnan(res1), torch.isnan(res2))
1974  torch.clamp(test_tens, max=max_val, out=out)
1975  self.assertEqual(torch.isnan(out), torch.isnan(res1))
1977  error_msg = 'At least one of \'min\' or \'max\' must not be None'
1978  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, error_msg):
1979  m1.clamp()
1980  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, error_msg):
1981  m1.clamp_()
1983  def test_clamp(self):
1984  self._test_clamp(self)
1986  def test_pow(self):
1987  # [res] torch.pow([res,] x)
1989  # pow has dedicated implementation for different exponents
1990  for exponent in [-2, -1, -0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
1991  # base - tensor, exponent - number
1992  # contiguous
1993  m1 = torch.rand(100, 100) + 0.5
1994  res1 = torch.pow(m1[4], exponent)
1995  res2 = res1.clone().zero_()
1996  for i in range(res2.size(0)):
1997  res2[i] = math.pow(m1[4][i], exponent)
1998  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2000  # non-contiguous
2001  m1 = torch.rand(100, 100) + 0.5
2002  res1 = torch.pow(m1[:, 4], exponent)
2003  res2 = res1.clone().zero_()
2004  for i in range(res2.size(0)):
2005  res2[i] = math.pow(m1[i, 4], exponent)
2006  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2008  # base - number, exponent - tensor
2009  # contiguous
2010  m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
2011  res1 = torch.pow(3, m1[4])
2012  res2 = res1.clone().zero_()
2013  for i in range(res2.size(0)):
2014  res2[i] = math.pow(3, m1[4, i])
2015  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2017  # non-contiguous
2018  m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
2019  res1 = torch.pow(3, m1[:, 4])
2020  res2 = res1.clone().zero_()
2021  for i in range(res2.size(0)):
2022  res2[i] = math.pow(3, m1[i][4])
2023  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2025  @staticmethod
2026  def _test_rpow(self, cast):
2027  m = cast(torch.randn(10, 10))
2028  self.assertEqual(torch.pow(2, m), 2**m)
2030  # test with scalar
2031  m = cast(torch.randn(1).squeeze())
2032  assert m.dim() == 0, "m is intentionally a scalar"
2033  self.assertEqual(torch.pow(2, m), 2**m)
2035  def test_rpow(self):
2036  self._test_rpow(self, lambda x: x)
2038  @staticmethod
2039  def _test_int_pow(self, cast):
2040  if not TEST_NUMPY:
2041  return
2042  import numpy as np
2044  def check_against_np(tensor, exp):
2045  tensor_np = tensor.cpu().numpy()
2046  exp_np = exp if isinstance(exp, int) else exp.cpu().numpy()
2047  expected = torch.LongTensor(tensor_np ** exp_np).type_as(tensor)
2048  self.assertEqual(torch.pow(tensor, exp), expected)
2049  self.assertEqual(tensor.pow(exp), torch.pow(tensor, exp))
2051  typecasts = [
2052  lambda x: x.long(),
2053  lambda x: x.short(),
2054  lambda x: x.byte(),
2055  ]
2057  if not IS_WINDOWS:
2058  typecasts.append(lambda x:
2060  shape = (11, 5)
2061  tensor = cast(torch.LongTensor(shape).random_(-10, 10))
2062  exps = [0, 1, 2, 5, cast(torch.LongTensor(shape).random_(0, 20))]
2064  for typecast in typecasts:
2065  for exp in exps:
2066  t = typecast(tensor)
2067  e = exp if isinstance(exp, int) else typecast(exp)
2068  check_against_np(t, e)
2070  def test_int_pow(self):
2071  self._test_int_pow(self, lambda x: x)
2073  def _test_cop(self, torchfn, mathfn):
2074  def reference_implementation(res2):
2075  for i, j in iter_indices(sm1):
2076  idx1d = i * sm1.size(0) + j
2077  res2[i, j] = mathfn(sm1[i, j], sm2[idx1d])
2078  return res2
2080  # contiguous
2081  m1 = torch.randn(10, 10, 10)
2082  m2 = torch.randn(10, 10 * 10)
2083  sm1 = m1[4]
2084  sm2 = m2[4]
2086  res1 = torchfn(sm1, sm2.view(10, 10))
2087  res2 = reference_implementation(res1.clone())
2088  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2090  # non-contiguous
2091  m1 = torch.randn(10, 10, 10)
2092  m2 = torch.randn(10 * 10, 10 * 10)
2093  sm1 = m1[:, 4]
2094  sm2 = m2[:, 4]
2095  # view as sm1.size()
2096  sm2.set_(, sm2.storage_offset(), sm1.size(), (sm2.stride()[0] * 10, sm2.stride()[0]))
2097  res1 = torchfn(sm1, sm2)
2098  # reference_implementation assumes 1-d sm2
2099  sm2.set_(, sm2.storage_offset(), m2[:, 4].size(), m2[:, 4].stride())
2100  res2 = reference_implementation(res1.clone())
2101  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2103  def test_cdiv(self):
2104  self._test_cop(torch.div, lambda x, y: x / y)
2106  def test_cfmod(self):
2107  self._test_cop(torch.fmod, math.fmod)
2109  def test_cremainder(self):
2110  self._test_cop(torch.remainder, lambda x, y: x % y)
2112  def test_cmul(self):
2113  self._test_cop(torch.mul, lambda x, y: x * y)
2115  def test_cpow(self):
2116  self._test_cop(torch.pow, lambda x, y: nan if x < 0 else math.pow(x, y))
2118  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, 'Numpy not found')
2119  def test_einsum(self):
2120  # test cases taken from
2121  x = torch.randn(5)
2122  y = torch.randn(7)
2123  A = torch.randn(3, 5)
2124  B = torch.randn(2, 5)
2125  C = torch.randn(2, 3, 5)
2126  D = torch.randn(2, 5, 7)
2127  E = torch.randn(7, 9)
2128  F = torch.randn(2, 3, 5, 7)
2129  G = torch.randn(7, 11, 13)
2130  H = torch.randn(4, 4)
2131  I = torch.randn(3, 4, 4)
2132  l = torch.randn(5, 10)
2133  r = torch.randn(5, 20)
2134  w = torch.randn(30, 10, 20)
2135  test_list = [
2136  # -- Vector
2137  ("i->", x), # sum
2138  ("i,i->", x, x), # dot
2139  ("i,i->i", x, x), # vector element-wise mul
2140  ("i,j->ij", x, y), # outer
2141  # -- Matrix
2142  ("ij->ji", A), # transpose
2143  ("ij->j", A), # row sum
2144  ("ij->i", A), # col sum
2145  ("ij,ij->ij", A, A), # matrix element-wise mul
2146  ("ij,j->i", A, x), # matrix vector multiplication
2147  ("ij,kj->ik", A, B), # matmul
2148  ("ij,ab->ijab", A, E), # matrix outer product
2149  # -- Tensor
2150  ("aij,ajk->aik", C, D), # batch matmul
2151  ("ijk,jk->i", C, A), # tensor matrix contraction
2152  ("aij,jk->aik", D, E), # tensor matrix contraction
2153  ("abcd,dfg->abcfg", F, G), # tensor tensor contraction
2154  ("ijk,jk->ik", C, A), # tensor matrix contraction with double indices
2155  ("ijk,jk->ij", C, A), # tensor matrix contraction with double indices
2156  ("ijk,ik->j", C, B), # non contiguous
2157  ("ijk,ik->jk", C, B), # non contiguous with double indices
2158  # -- Diagonal
2159  ("ii", H), # trace
2160  ("ii->i", H), # diagonal
2161  # -- Ellipsis
2162  ("i...->...", H),
2163  ("ki,...k->i...", A.t(), B),
2164  ("k...,jk", A.t(), B),
2165  ("...ii->...i", I), # batch diagonal
2166  # -- Other
2167  ("bn,anm,bm->ba", l, w, r), # as torch.bilinear
2168  ("... ii->...i ", I), # batch diagonal with spaces
2169  ]
2170  for test in test_list:
2171  actual = torch.einsum(test[0], test[1:])
2172  expected = np.einsum(test[0], *[t.numpy() for t in test[1:]])
2173  self.assertEqual(expected.shape, actual.shape, test[0])
2174  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual.numpy()), test[0])
2175  # test vararg
2176  actual2 = torch.einsum(test[0], *test[1:])
2177  self.assertEqual(expected.shape, actual2.shape, test[0])
2178  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual2.numpy()), test[0])
2180  def do_einsum(*args):
2181  return torch.einsum(test[0], args)
2182  # FIXME: following test cases fail gradcheck
2183  if test[0] not in {"i,i->", "i,i->i", "ij,ij->ij"}:
2184  gradcheck_inps = tuple(t.detach().requires_grad_() for t in test[1:])
2185  self.assertTrue(torch.autograd.gradcheck(do_einsum, gradcheck_inps))
2186  self.assertTrue(A._version == 0) # check that we do not use inplace ops
2188  def test_sum_all(self):
2189  def check_sum_all(tensor):
2190  pylist = tensor.reshape(-1).tolist()
2191  self.assertEqual(tensor.sum(), sum(pylist))
2193  check_sum_all(torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
2194  check_sum_all(torch.randn(200000))
2195  check_sum_all(torch.randn(2000, 2)[:, 0])
2197  def _assert_matches_numpy(self, t, n):
2198  self.assertEqual(n.shape, t.shape)
2199  if t.dtype == torch.float:
2200  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(n, t.numpy(), rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-05,
2201  equal_nan=True))
2202  else:
2203  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(n, t.numpy(), equal_nan=True))
2205  def _test_dim_ops(self, pytorch_op, numpy_op,
2206  use_floating=True, use_integral=True):
2207  def do_one(tensors_dict, dim):
2208  for category, tensors in tensors_dict.items():
2209  if category == "slice":
2210  dim = 0
2211  for tensor in tensors:
2212  # we have no control over NumPy warnings...
2213  with warnings.catch_warnings():
2214  warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
2215  expected = numpy_op(tensor.numpy(), dim)
2216  actual = pytorch_op(tensor, dim)
2217  self._assert_matches_numpy(actual, expected)
2219  self._assert_matches_numpy(pytorch_op(tensor.cuda(),
2220  dim).cpu(),
2221  expected)
2222  do_one(self._make_tensors((5, 400000), use_floating=use_floating,
2223  use_integral=use_integral), 1)
2224  do_one(self._make_tensors((3, 5, 7), use_floating=use_floating,
2225  use_integral=use_integral), 0)
2226  do_one(self._make_tensors((3, 5, 7), use_floating=use_floating,
2227  use_integral=use_integral), 1)
2228  do_one(self._make_tensors((3, 5, 7), use_floating=use_floating,
2229  use_integral=use_integral), 2)
2230  do_one(self._make_tensors((100000, ), use_floating=use_floating,
2231  use_integral=use_integral), -1)
2232  do_one(self._make_tensors((50, 50, 50), use_floating=use_floating,
2233  use_integral=use_integral), 0)
2234  do_one(self._make_tensors((50, 50, 50), use_floating=use_floating,
2235  use_integral=use_integral), 1)
2236  do_one(self._make_tensors((50, 50, 50), use_floating=use_floating,
2237  use_integral=use_integral), 2)
2238  do_one(self._make_tensors((50, 50, 50), use_floating=use_floating,
2239  use_integral=use_integral), (1, 2))
2240  do_one(self._make_tensors((50, 50, 50), use_floating=use_floating,
2241  use_integral=use_integral), (1, -1))
2242  do_one(self._make_tensors((50, 50, 50), use_floating=use_floating,
2243  use_integral=use_integral), (0, 2))
2244  do_one(self._make_tensors((50, 50, 50), use_floating=use_floating,
2245  use_integral=use_integral), (0, 2, 1))
2247  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, 'Numpy not found')
2248  def test_sum_dim(self):
2249  self._test_dim_ops(
2250  lambda t, d: t.sum(d),
2251  lambda n, d: n.sum(d))
2253  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, 'Numpy not found')
2254  def test_mean_dim(self):
2255  self._test_dim_ops(
2256  lambda t, d: t.mean(d),
2257  lambda n, d: n.mean(d),
2258  use_integral=False)
2260  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, 'Numpy not found')
2261  def test_std_dim(self):
2262  for unbiased in [False, True]:
2263  self._test_dim_ops(
2264  lambda t, d: t.std(d, unbiased=unbiased),
2265  lambda n, d: n.std(d, ddof=1 if unbiased else 0),
2266  use_integral=False)
2268  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, 'Numpy not found')
2269  def test_var_dim(self):
2270  for unbiased in [False, True]:
2271  self._test_dim_ops(
2272  lambda t, d: t.var(d, unbiased=unbiased),
2273  lambda n, d: n.var(d, ddof=1 if unbiased else 0),
2274  use_integral=False)
2276  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, 'Numpy not found')
2277  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_SCIPY, 'Scipy not found')
2278  def test_logsumexp_dim(self):
2279  from scipy.special import logsumexp
2280  self._test_dim_ops(
2281  lambda t, d: t.logsumexp(d),
2282  lambda n, d: logsumexp(n, d),
2283  use_integral=False)
2285  def test_sum_out(self):
2286  x = torch.rand(100, 100)
2287  res1 = torch.sum(x, 1)
2288  res2 = torch.Tensor()
2289  torch.sum(x, 1, out=res2)
2290  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2291  x = torch.rand(100, 100, 100)
2292  res1 = x.sum(2).sum(1)
2293  res2 = torch.Tensor()
2294  torch.sum(x, (2, 1), out=res2)
2295  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2297  # TODO: these tests only check if it's possible to pass a return value
2298  # it'd be good to expand them
2299  def test_prod(self):
2300  x = torch.rand(100, 100)
2301  res1 =, 1)
2302  res2 = torch.Tensor()
2303, 1, out=res2)
2304  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2306  def test_cumsum(self):
2307  x = torch.rand(100, 100)
2308  res1 = torch.cumsum(x, 1)
2309  res2 = torch.Tensor()
2310  torch.cumsum(x, 1, out=res2)
2311  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2313  def test_cumprod(self):
2314  x = torch.rand(100, 100)
2315  res1 = torch.cumprod(x, 1)
2316  res2 = torch.Tensor()
2317  torch.cumprod(x, 1, out=res2)
2318  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2320  def _test_reduce_integer_upcast(self, fn, has_out=True):
2321  shape = (3, 4, 5)
2322  reduced_shape = fn(torch.ones(shape)).shape
2324  def _test_out(dtype, other_dtype):
2325  out = torch.ones(reduced_shape, dtype=dtype)
2326  result = fn(x, out=out)
2327  self.assertIs(out.dtype, result.dtype)
2328  self.assertEqual(fn(x.type(dtype)), result)
2329  result = fn(x, out=out, dtype=dtype)
2330  self.assertIs(out.dtype, result.dtype)
2331  self.assertEqual(fn(x.type(dtype)), result)
2332  # 'out' is favored over dtype, check error
2333  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: fn(x, out=out, dtype=other_dtype))
2335  for dtype in [dtype for dtype in torch.testing.get_all_dtypes() if dtype != torch.float16]:
2336  x = torch.ones(shape, dtype=dtype)
2337  expected_dtype = dtype if dtype.is_floating_point else torch.int64
2338  self.assertIs(expected_dtype, fn(x).dtype)
2339  self.assertEqual(fn(x.type(expected_dtype)), fn(x))
2341  if dtype.is_floating_point:
2342  other_dtype = torch.float32 if dtype == torch.float64 else torch.float64
2343  else:
2344  other_dtype = torch.int32 if dtype != torch.int32 else torch.int16
2345  self.assertIs(other_dtype, fn(x, dtype=other_dtype).dtype)
2346  self.assertEqual(fn(x.type(other_dtype)), fn(x, dtype=other_dtype))
2348  # test mixed int/float
2349  mixed_dtype = torch.int32 if dtype.is_floating_point else torch.float32
2350  self.assertIs(mixed_dtype, fn(x, dtype=mixed_dtype).dtype)
2351  self.assertEqual(fn(x.type(mixed_dtype)), fn(x, dtype=mixed_dtype))
2353  if has_out:
2354  _test_out(dtype, other_dtype)
2355  _test_out(dtype, mixed_dtype)
2357  def test_sum_integer_upcast(self):
2358  self._test_reduce_integer_upcast(lambda x, **kwargs: torch.sum(x, **kwargs), False)
2359  self._test_reduce_integer_upcast(lambda x, **kwargs: torch.sum(x, 0, **kwargs))
2361  def test_prod_integer_upcast(self):
2362  self._test_reduce_integer_upcast(lambda x, **kwargs:, **kwargs), False)
2363  self._test_reduce_integer_upcast(lambda x, **kwargs:, 0, **kwargs))
2365  def test_cumsum_integer_upcast(self):
2366  self._test_reduce_integer_upcast(lambda x, **kwargs: torch.cumsum(x, 0, **kwargs))
2368  def test_cumprod_integer_upcast(self):
2369  self._test_reduce_integer_upcast(lambda x, **kwargs: torch.cumprod(x, 0, **kwargs))
2371  def test_cross(self):
2372  x = torch.rand(100, 3, 100)
2373  y = torch.rand(100, 3, 100)
2374  res1 = torch.cross(x, y)
2375  res2 = torch.Tensor()
2376  torch.cross(x, y, out=res2)
2377  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2379  def test_zeros(self):
2380  res1 = torch.zeros(100, 100)
2381  res2 = torch.Tensor()
2382  torch.zeros(100, 100, out=res2)
2383  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2385  boolTensor = torch.zeros(2, 2, dtype=torch.bool)
2386  expected = torch.tensor([[False, False], [False, False]], dtype=torch.bool)
2387  self.assertEqual(boolTensor, expected)
2389  halfTensor = torch.zeros(1, 1, dtype=torch.half)
2390  expected = torch.tensor([[0.]], dtype=torch.float16)
2391  self.assertEqual(halfTensor, expected)
2393  def test_zeros_like(self):
2394  expected = torch.zeros(100, 100)
2396  res1 = torch.zeros_like(expected)
2397  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2399  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
2400  def test_zeros_like_cuda(self):
2401  expected = torch.zeros(100, 100).cuda()
2403  res1 = torch.zeros_like(expected)
2404  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2406  @unittest.skipIf(torch.cuda.device_count() < 2, 'only one GPU detected')
2407  def test_zeros_like_multiple_device(self):
2408  expected = torch.zeros(100, 100).cuda()
2409  x = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(100, 100, device=1)
2410  output = torch.zeros_like(x)
2411  self.assertEqual(output, expected)
2413  def test_zeros_out(self):
2414  shape = (3, 4)
2415  out = torch.zeros(shape)
2416  torch.zeros(shape, out=out)
2418  # change the dtype, layout, device
2419  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.zeros(shape, dtype=torch.int64, out=out))
2420  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.zeros(shape, layout=torch.sparse_coo, out=out))
2422  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.zeros(shape, device='cuda', out=out))
2424  # leave them the same
2425  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(shape), torch.zeros(shape, dtype=out.dtype, out=out))
2426  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(shape), torch.zeros(shape, layout=torch.strided, out=out))
2427  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(shape), torch.zeros(shape, device='cpu', out=out))
2429  @staticmethod
2430  def _test_histc(self, device):
2431  # negative nbins throws
2432  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'bins must be > 0'):
2433  torch.histc(torch.tensor([1], dtype=torch.float, device=device), bins=-1)
2435  # without nbins
2436  actual = torch.histc(
2437  torch.tensor([2, 5], dtype=torch.float, device=device))
2438  expected = torch.zeros(100, dtype=torch.float, device=device)
2439[0] = 1
2440[99] = 1
2441  self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
2442  # tensor with the same element
2443  actual = torch.histc(torch.ones(5, dtype=torch.float, device=device), bins=5)
2444  self.assertEqual(
2445  torch.tensor([0, 0, 5, 0, 0], dtype=torch.float, device=device),
2446  actual)
2447  # no element falls between [min, max]
2448  actual = torch.histc(
2449  torch.ones(5, dtype=torch.float, device=device), bins=5, min=2, max=3)
2450  self.assertEqual(
2451  torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=torch.float, device=device),
2452  actual)
2453  # element falls below min + integral bin size and
2454  actual = torch.histc(
2455  torch.tensor([2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 4], dtype=torch.float, device=device),
2456  bins=5, min=1, max=5)
2457  self.assertEqual(
2458  torch.tensor([0, 3, 0, 2, 1], dtype=torch.float, device=device),
2459  actual)
2460  # non-integral bin size
2461  actual = torch.histc(
2462  torch.tensor([1, 2, 1], dtype=torch.float, device=device),
2463  bins=4, min=0, max=3)
2464  self.assertEqual(
2465  torch.tensor([0, 2, 1, 0], dtype=torch.float, device=device),
2466  actual)
2467  # double input
2468  actual = torch.histc(
2469  torch.tensor([1, 2, 1], dtype=torch.double, device=device),
2470  bins=4, min=0, max=3)
2471  self.assertEqual(
2472  torch.tensor([0, 2, 1, 0], dtype=torch.double, device=device),
2473  actual)
2474  # mixed input
2475  actual = torch.histc(
2476  torch.tensor([1., 2, 1], dtype=torch.float, device=device),
2477  bins=4, min=0, max=3)
2478  self.assertEqual(
2479  torch.tensor([0, 2, 1, 0], dtype=torch.float, device=device),
2480  actual)
2482  # test against numpy.histogram()
2483  def test_against_np(tensor, bins=100, min=0, max=0):
2484  if min == 0 and max == 0:
2485  min = tensor.min().item()
2486  max = tensor.max().item()
2487  nparr = tensor.cpu().numpy()
2488  actual = torch.histc(tensor, bins=bins, min=min, max=max)
2489  expected = torch.from_numpy(np.histogram(nparr, bins=bins, range=(min, max))[0])
2490  self.assertEqual(actual.cpu(), expected)
2492  if TEST_NUMPY:
2493  test_against_np(torch.tensor([1., 2, 1], device=device))
2494  test_against_np(torch.randn(5000, device=device))
2496  # Test bins arg
2497  test_against_np(torch.randn(301, device=device), bins=10)
2499  # Test truncated range
2500  test_against_np(torch.randn(201, device=device), min=0.1, max=1)
2502  noncontig = torch.randn(100, 3, device=device)[:, 2]
2503  test_against_np(noncontig)
2505  multidim = torch.randn(3, 5, 7, 2, device=device)
2506  test_against_np(multidim)
2508  expanded = torch.randn(1, 5, 1, 2, device=device).expand(3, 5, 7, 2)
2509  test_against_np(expanded)
2511  def test_histc_cpu(self):
2512  self._test_histc(self, 'cpu')
2514  def test_ones(self):
2515  res1 = torch.ones(100, 100)
2516  res2 = torch.Tensor()
2517  torch.ones(100, 100, out=res2)
2518  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
2520  # test boolean tensor
2521  res1 = torch.ones(1, 2, dtype=torch.bool)
2522  expected = torch.tensor([[True, True]], dtype=torch.bool)
2523  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2525  def test_ones_like(self):
2526  expected = torch.ones(100, 100)
2528  res1 = torch.ones_like(expected)
2529  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2531  # test boolean tensor
2532  expected = torch.tensor([True, True], dtype=torch.bool)
2533  res1 = torch.ones_like(expected)
2534  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2536  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
2537  def test_ones_like_cuda(self):
2538  expected = torch.ones(100, 100).cuda()
2540  res1 = torch.ones_like(expected)
2541  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2543  @unittest.skipIf(torch.cuda.device_count() < 2, 'only one GPU detected')
2544  def test_ones_like_multiple_device(self):
2545  expected = torch.ones(100, 100).cuda()
2546  x = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(100, 100, device=1)
2547  output = torch.ones_like(x)
2548  self.assertEqual(output, expected)
2550  def test_dtypes(self):
2551  all_dtypes = torch.testing.get_all_dtypes()
2552  do_test_dtypes(self, all_dtypes, torch.strided, torch.device('cpu'))
2554  do_test_dtypes(self, all_dtypes, torch.strided, torch.device('cuda:0'))
2556  def test_copy_dtypes(self):
2557  all_dtypes = torch.testing.get_all_dtypes()
2558  for dtype in all_dtypes:
2559  copied_dtype = copy.deepcopy(dtype)
2560  self.assertIs(dtype, copied_dtype)
2562  def test_device(self):
2563  cpu = torch.device('cpu')
2564  self.assertEqual('cpu', str(cpu))
2565  self.assertEqual('cpu', cpu.type)
2566  self.assertEqual(None, cpu.index)
2568  cpu0 = torch.device('cpu:0')
2569  self.assertEqual('cpu:0', str(cpu0))
2570  self.assertEqual('cpu', cpu0.type)
2571  self.assertEqual(0, cpu0.index)
2573  cpu0 = torch.device('cpu', 0)
2574  self.assertEqual('cpu:0', str(cpu0))
2575  self.assertEqual('cpu', cpu0.type)
2576  self.assertEqual(0, cpu0.index)
2578  cuda = torch.device('cuda')
2579  self.assertEqual('cuda', str(cuda))
2580  self.assertEqual('cuda', cuda.type)
2581  self.assertEqual(None, cuda.index)
2583  cuda1 = torch.device('cuda:1')
2584  self.assertEqual('cuda:1', str(cuda1))
2585  self.assertEqual('cuda', cuda1.type)
2586  self.assertEqual(1, cuda1.index)
2588  cuda1 = torch.device('cuda', 1)
2589  self.assertEqual('cuda:1', str(cuda1))
2590  self.assertEqual('cuda', cuda1.type)
2591  self.assertEqual(1, cuda1.index)
2593  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.device('cpu:-1'))
2594  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.device('cpu:1'))
2595  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.device('cpu', -1))
2596  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.device('cpu', 1))
2597  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.device('cuda:-1'))
2598  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.device('cuda', -1))
2599  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.device(-1))
2601  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.device('other'))
2602  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.device('other:0'))
2604  device_set = {'cpu', 'cpu:0', 'cuda', 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cuda:10', 'cuda:100'}
2605  device_hash_set = set()
2606  for device in list(device_set):
2607  device_hash_set.add(hash(torch.device(device)))
2608  self.assertEqual(len(device_set), len(device_hash_set))
2610  def test_tensor_device(self):
2611  def assertEqual(device_str, fn):
2612  self.assertEqual(torch.device(device_str), fn().device)
2613  self.assertEqual(device_str, str(fn().device))
2615  assertEqual('cpu', lambda: torch.tensor(5))
2616  assertEqual('cpu', lambda: torch.ones((2, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device='cpu'))
2617  # NOTE: 'cpu' is the canonical representation of 'cpu:0', but 'cuda:X' is the canonical
2618  # representation of cuda devices.
2619  assertEqual('cpu', lambda: torch.ones((2, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device='cpu:0'))
2620  assertEqual('cpu', lambda: torch.tensor(torch.ones((2, 3), dtype=torch.float32), device='cpu:0'))
2621  if TEST_NUMPY:
2622  assertEqual('cpu', lambda: torch.tensor(np.random.randn(2, 3), device='cpu'))
2625  assertEqual('cuda:0', lambda: torch.tensor(5).cuda(0))
2626  assertEqual('cuda:0', lambda: torch.tensor(5).cuda('cuda:0'))
2627  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.tensor(5).cuda('cpu'))
2628  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.tensor(5).cuda('cpu:0'))
2629  assertEqual('cuda:0', lambda: torch.tensor(5, dtype=torch.int64, device=0))
2630  assertEqual('cuda:0', lambda: torch.tensor(5, dtype=torch.int64, device='cuda:0'))
2631  assertEqual('cuda:' + str(torch.cuda.current_device()),
2632  lambda: torch.tensor(5, dtype=torch.int64, device='cuda'))
2633  assertEqual('cuda:0', lambda: torch.tensor(torch.ones((2, 3), dtype=torch.float32), device='cuda:0'))
2634  if TEST_NUMPY:
2635  assertEqual('cuda:0', lambda: torch.tensor(np.random.randn(2, 3), device='cuda:0'))
2637  if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
2638  assertEqual('cuda:1', lambda: torch.tensor(5).cuda(1))
2639  assertEqual('cuda:1', lambda: torch.tensor(5).cuda('cuda:1'))
2640  assertEqual('cuda:1', lambda: torch.tensor(5, dtype=torch.int64, device=1))
2641  assertEqual('cuda:1', lambda: torch.tensor(5, dtype=torch.int64, device='cuda:1'))
2642  assertEqual('cuda:1', lambda: torch.tensor(torch.ones((2, 3), dtype=torch.float32), device='cuda:1'))
2643  if TEST_NUMPY:
2644  assertEqual('cuda:1', lambda: torch.tensor(np.random.randn(2, 3), device='cuda:1'))
2646  def test_to(self):
2647  def test_copy_behavior(t, non_blocking=False):
2648  self.assertIs(t,, non_blocking=non_blocking))
2649  self.assertIs(t,, non_blocking=non_blocking))
2650  self.assertIs(t,, non_blocking=non_blocking))
2651  self.assertIsNot(t,, non_blocking=non_blocking, copy=True))
2652  self.assertIsNot(t,, non_blocking=non_blocking, copy=True))
2653  self.assertIsNot(t,, non_blocking=non_blocking, copy=True))
2655  devices = [t.device]
2656  if t.device.type == 'cuda':
2657  if t.device.index == -1:
2658  devices.append('cuda:{}'.format(torch.cuda.current_device()))
2659  elif t.device.index == torch.cuda.current_device():
2660  devices.append('cuda')
2661  for device in devices:
2662  self.assertIs(t,, non_blocking=non_blocking))
2663  self.assertIs(t,, t.dtype, non_blocking=non_blocking))
2664  self.assertIsNot(t,, non_blocking=non_blocking, copy=True))
2665  self.assertIsNot(t,, t.dtype, non_blocking=non_blocking, copy=True))
2667  a = torch.tensor(5)
2668  test_copy_behavior(a)
2669  self.assertEqual(a.device,'cpu').device)
2670  self.assertEqual(a.device,'cpu', dtype=torch.float32).device)
2671  self.assertIs(torch.float32,'cpu', dtype=torch.float32).dtype)
2672  self.assertEqual(a.device,
2673  self.assertIs(torch.float32,
2674  self.assertEqual(a.data_ptr(),'cpu').data_ptr())
2675  self.assertEqual(a.data_ptr(),, device=a.device, copy=False).data_ptr())
2676  self.assertEqual(a.data_ptr(),'cpu', copy=False).data_ptr())
2677  self.assertNotEqual(a.data_ptr(),'cpu', copy=True).data_ptr())
2680  for non_blocking in [True, False]:
2681  for cuda in ['cuda', 'cuda:0' if torch.cuda.device_count() == 1 else 'cuda:1']:
2682  b = torch.tensor(5., device=cuda)
2683  test_copy_behavior(b, non_blocking)
2684  self.assertEqual(b.device,, non_blocking=non_blocking).device)
2685  self.assertEqual(a.device,'cpu', non_blocking=non_blocking).device)
2686  self.assertEqual(b.device,, non_blocking=non_blocking).device)
2687  self.assertIs(torch.int32,'cpu', dtype=torch.int32, non_blocking=non_blocking).dtype)
2688  self.assertEqual(a.device,'cpu', dtype=torch.int32, non_blocking=non_blocking).device)
2689  self.assertIs(torch.int32,
2690  self.assertEqual(b.device,
2692  def test_to_with_tensor(self):
2693  a = torch.tensor(5)
2694  self.assertEqual(a.device,
2697  for non_blocking in [True, False]:
2698  for cuda in ['cuda', 'cuda:0' if torch.cuda.device_count() == 1 else 'cuda:1']:
2699  b = torch.tensor(5., device=cuda)
2700  self.assertEqual(b.device,, non_blocking=non_blocking).device)
2701  self.assertEqual(a.device,, non_blocking=non_blocking).device)
2702  self.assertEqual(b.device,, non_blocking=non_blocking).device)
2704  def test_empty_full(self):
2705  do_test_empty_full(self, torch.testing.get_all_dtypes(), torch.strided, torch.device('cpu'))
2706  if torch.cuda.device_count() > 0:
2707  do_test_empty_full(self, torch.testing.get_all_dtypes(), torch.strided, None)
2708  do_test_empty_full(self, torch.testing.get_all_dtypes(), torch.strided, torch.device('cuda:0'))
2710  def test_dtype_out_match(self):
2711  d = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.DoubleTensor(2, 3))
2712  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.zeros((2, 3), out=d, dtype=torch.float32))
2714  def test_constructor_dtypes(self):
2715  default_type = torch.Tensor().type()
2716  self.assertIs(torch.Tensor().dtype, torch.get_default_dtype())
2718  self.assertIs(torch.uint8, torch.ByteTensor.dtype)
2719  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.FloatTensor.dtype)
2720  self.assertIs(torch.float64, torch.DoubleTensor.dtype)
2722  torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.FloatTensor')
2723  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.get_default_dtype())
2724  self.assertIs(torch.FloatStorage, torch.Storage)
2726  torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float64)
2727  self.assertIs(torch.float64, torch.get_default_dtype())
2728  self.assertIs(torch.DoubleStorage, torch.Storage)
2730  torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.FloatTensor)
2731  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.get_default_dtype())
2732  self.assertIs(torch.FloatStorage, torch.Storage)
2735  torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)
2736  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.get_default_dtype())
2737  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.cuda.FloatTensor.dtype)
2738  self.assertIs(torch.cuda.FloatStorage, torch.Storage)
2740  torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float64)
2741  self.assertIs(torch.float64, torch.get_default_dtype())
2742  self.assertIs(torch.cuda.DoubleStorage, torch.Storage)
2744  # don't support integral or sparse default types.
2745  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.IntTensor'))
2746  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.set_default_dtype(torch.int64))
2748  # don't allow passing dtype to set_default_tensor_type
2749  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.float32))
2751  torch.set_default_tensor_type(default_type)
2753  def test_constructor_device_legacy(self):
2754  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.FloatTensor(device='cuda'))
2755  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.FloatTensor(torch.Size([2, 3, 4]), device='cuda'))
2756  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.FloatTensor((2.0, 3.0), device='cuda'))
2758  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.Tensor(device='cuda'))
2759  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.Tensor(torch.Size([2, 3, 4]), device='cuda'))
2760  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.Tensor((2.0, 3.0), device='cuda'))
2762  x = torch.randn((3,), device='cpu')
2763  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:'cuda'))
2764  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:[2, 3, 4]), device='cuda'))
2765  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:, 3.0), device='cuda'))
2768  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.cuda.FloatTensor(device='cpu'))
2769  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.cuda.FloatTensor(torch.Size([2, 3, 4]), device='cpu'))
2770  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.cuda.FloatTensor((2.0, 3.0), device='cpu'))
2772  default_type = torch.Tensor().type()
2773  torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)
2774  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.Tensor(device='cpu'))
2775  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.Tensor(torch.Size([2, 3, 4]), device='cpu'))
2776  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.Tensor((2.0, 3.0), device='cpu'))
2777  torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)
2778  torch.set_default_tensor_type(default_type)
2780  x = torch.randn((3,), device='cuda')
2781  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:'cpu'))
2782  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:[2, 3, 4]), device='cpu'))
2783  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:, 3.0), device='cpu'))
2785  def test_type(self):
2786  x = torch.randn(3, 3).double()
2787  self.assertEqual(x.type('torch.FloatTensor').dtype, torch.float32)
2788  self.assertEqual(x.type(torch.FloatTensor).dtype, torch.float32)
2789  self.assertEqual(, torch.get_default_dtype())
2790  self.assertEqual(x.type(torch.int32).dtype, torch.int32)
2792  def test_tensor_factory(self):
2793  expected = torch.Tensor([1, 1])
2794  # test data
2795  res1 = torch.tensor([1, 1])
2796  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2798  res1 = torch.tensor([1, 1],
2799  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2800  self.assertIs(, res1.dtype)
2802  # test copy
2803  res2 = torch.tensor(expected)
2804  self.assertEqual(res2, expected)
2805  res2[1] = 2
2806  self.assertEqual(expected, torch.ones_like(expected))
2808  res2 = torch.tensor(expected,
2809  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2810  self.assertIs(, res1.dtype)
2812  # test copy with numpy
2813  if TEST_NUMPY:
2814  for dtype in [np.float64, np.int64, np.int8, np.uint8]:
2815  a = np.array([5.]).astype(dtype)
2816  res1 = torch.tensor(a)
2817  self.assertEqual(5., res1[0].item())
2818  a[0] = 7.
2819  self.assertEqual(5., res1[0].item())
2821  # test boolean tensor
2822  a = torch.tensor([True, True, False, True, True], dtype=torch.bool)
2823  b = torch.tensor([-1, -1.1, 0, 1, 1.1], dtype=torch.bool)
2824  self.assertEqual(a, b)
2826  def test_tensor_factory_copy_var(self):
2828  def check_copy(copy, is_leaf, requires_grad, data_ptr=None):
2829  if data_ptr is None:
2830  data_ptr = copy.data_ptr
2831  self.assertEqual(,
2832  self.assertTrue(copy.is_leaf == is_leaf)
2833  self.assertTrue(copy.requires_grad == requires_grad)
2834  self.assertTrue(copy.data_ptr == data_ptr)
2836  source = torch.randn(5, 5, dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True)
2837  # test torch.tensor()
2838  check_copy(torch.tensor(source), True, False)
2839  check_copy(torch.tensor(source, requires_grad=False), True, False)
2840  check_copy(torch.tensor(source, requires_grad=True), True, True)
2842  # test tensor.new_tensor()
2843  copy = torch.randn(1)
2844  check_copy(copy.new_tensor(source), True, False)
2845  check_copy(copy.new_tensor(source, requires_grad=False), True, False)
2846  check_copy(copy.new_tensor(source, requires_grad=True), True, True)
2848  # test torch.as_tensor()
2849  check_copy(torch.as_tensor(source), source.is_leaf, source.requires_grad, source.data_ptr) # not copy
2850  check_copy(torch.as_tensor(source, dtype=torch.float), False, True) # copy and keep the graph
2852  def test_tensor_factory_type_inference(self):
2853  def test_inference(default_dtype):
2854  saved_dtype = torch.get_default_dtype()
2855  torch.set_default_dtype(default_dtype)
2856  self.assertIs(default_dtype, torch.tensor(()).dtype)
2857  self.assertIs(default_dtype, torch.tensor(5.).dtype)
2858  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.tensor(5).dtype)
2859  self.assertIs(torch.uint8, torch.tensor(True).dtype)
2860  self.assertIs(torch.int32, torch.tensor(5, dtype=torch.int32).dtype)
2861  self.assertIs(default_dtype, torch.tensor(((7, 5), (9, 5.))).dtype)
2862  self.assertIs(default_dtype, torch.tensor(((5., 5), (3, 5))).dtype)
2863  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.tensor(((5, 3), (3, 5))).dtype)
2865  if TEST_NUMPY:
2866  self.assertIs(torch.float64, torch.tensor(np.array(())).dtype)
2867  self.assertIs(torch.float64, torch.tensor(np.array(5.)).dtype)
2868  if np.array(5).dtype == np.int64: # np long, which can be 4 bytes (e.g. on windows)
2869  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.tensor(np.array(5)).dtype)
2870  else:
2871  self.assertIs(torch.int32, torch.tensor(np.array(5)).dtype)
2872  self.assertIs(torch.uint8, torch.tensor(np.array(3, dtype=np.uint8)).dtype)
2873  self.assertIs(default_dtype, torch.tensor(((7, np.array(5)), (np.array(9), 5.))).dtype)
2874  self.assertIs(torch.float64, torch.tensor(((7, 5), (9, np.array(5.)))).dtype)
2875  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.tensor(((5, np.array(3)), (np.array(3), 5))).dtype)
2876  torch.set_default_dtype(saved_dtype)
2878  test_inference(torch.float64)
2879  test_inference(torch.float32)
2881  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
2882  def test_tensor_factory_cuda_type_inference(self):
2883  saved_type = torch.Tensor().type()
2884  torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.DoubleTensor)
2885  torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float32)
2886  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.tensor(0.).dtype)
2887  self.assertEqual(torch.device('cuda:0'), torch.tensor(0.).device)
2888  torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float64)
2889  self.assertIs(torch.float64, torch.tensor(0.).dtype)
2890  self.assertEqual(torch.device('cuda:0'), torch.tensor(0.).device)
2891  torch.set_default_tensor_type(saved_type)
2893  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
2894  def test_tensor_factory_cuda_type(self):
2895  saved_type = torch.Tensor().type()
2896  torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)
2897  x = torch.zeros((5, 5))
2898  self.assertIs(torch.float32, x.dtype)
2899  self.assertTrue(x.is_cuda)
2900  torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.DoubleTensor)
2901  x = torch.zeros((5, 5))
2902  self.assertIs(torch.float64, x.dtype)
2903  self.assertTrue(x.is_cuda)
2904  torch.set_default_tensor_type(saved_type)
2906  # This is a temporary test for a boolean tensors on CPU. Once the CUDA part
2907  # will be done, these test cases will be moved down to test_tensor_factories_empty test
2908  def test_tensor_factories_empty_bool(self):
2909  expectedShape = (1, 2)
2910  test = torch.empty(expectedShape, dtype=torch.bool)
2911  self.assertEqual(expectedShape, test.shape)
2912  self.assertEqual(expectedShape, torch.empty_like(test).shape)
2914  test = torch.full(expectedShape, True, dtype=torch.bool)
2915  self.assertEqual(test, torch.tensor([[True, True]], dtype=torch.bool))
2916  self.assertEqual(expectedShape, test.shape)
2917  self.assertEqual(expectedShape, torch.full_like(test, True).shape)
2919  def test_tensor_factories_empty(self):
2920  # ensure we can create empty tensors from each factory function
2921  shapes = [(5, 0, 1), (0,), (0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0)]
2922  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
2924  for device in devices:
2925  for shape in shapes:
2926  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.zeros(shape, device=device).shape)
2927  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.zeros_like(torch.zeros(shape, device=device)).shape)
2928  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.empty(shape, device=device).shape)
2929  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.empty_like(torch.zeros(shape, device=device)).shape)
2930  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.empty_strided(shape, (0,) * len(shape), device=device).shape)
2931  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.full(shape, 3, device=device).shape)
2932  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.full_like(torch.zeros(shape, device=device), 3).shape)
2933  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.ones(shape, device=device).shape)
2934  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.ones_like(torch.zeros(shape, device=device)).shape)
2935  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.rand(shape, device=device).shape)
2936  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.rand_like(torch.zeros(shape, device=device)).shape)
2937  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.randn(shape, device=device).shape)
2938  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.randn_like(torch.zeros(shape, device=device)).shape)
2939  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.randint(6, shape, device=device).shape)
2940  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.randint_like(torch.zeros(shape, device=device), 6).shape)
2942  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.arange(0, device=device).shape)
2943  self.assertEqual((0, 0), torch.eye(0, device=device).shape)
2944  self.assertEqual((0, 0), torch.eye(0, 0, device=device).shape)
2945  self.assertEqual((5, 0), torch.eye(5, 0, device=device).shape)
2946  self.assertEqual((0, 5), torch.eye(0, 5, device=device).shape)
2947  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.linspace(1, 1, 0, device=device).shape)
2948  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.logspace(1, 1, 0, device=device).shape)
2949  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.randperm(0, device=device).shape)
2950  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.bartlett_window(0, device=device).shape)
2951  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.bartlett_window(0, periodic=False, device=device).shape)
2952  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.hamming_window(0, device=device).shape)
2953  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.hann_window(0, device=device).shape)
2954  self.assertEqual((1, 1, 0), torch.tensor([[[]]], device=device).shape)
2955  self.assertEqual((1, 1, 0), torch.as_tensor([[[]]], device=device).shape)
2957  def test_new_tensor(self):
2958  expected = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.ByteTensor([1, 1]))
2959  # test data
2960  res1 = expected.new_tensor([1, 1])
2961  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2962  res1 = expected.new_tensor([1, 1],
2963  self.assertEqual(res1, expected)
2964  self.assertIs(, res1.dtype)
2966  # test copy
2967  res2 = expected.new_tensor(expected)
2968  self.assertEqual(res2, expected)
2969  res2[1] = 2
2970  self.assertEqual(expected, torch.ones_like(expected))
2971  res2 = expected.new_tensor(expected,
2972  self.assertEqual(res2, expected)
2973  self.assertIs(, res2.dtype)
2975  # test copy with numpy
2976  if TEST_NUMPY:
2977  a = np.array([5.])
2978  res1 = torch.tensor(a)
2979  res1 = res1.new_tensor(a)
2980  self.assertEqual(5., res1[0].item())
2981  a[0] = 7.
2982  self.assertEqual(5., res1[0].item())
2984  if torch.cuda.device_count() >= 2:
2985  expected = expected.cuda(1)
2986  res1 = expected.new_tensor([1, 1])
2987  self.assertEqual(res1.get_device(), expected.get_device())
2988  res1 = expected.new_tensor([1, 1],
2989  self.assertIs(, res1.dtype)
2990  self.assertEqual(res1.get_device(), expected.get_device())
2992  res2 = expected.new_tensor(expected)
2993  self.assertEqual(res2.get_device(), expected.get_device())
2994  res2 = expected.new_tensor(expected,
2995  self.assertIs(, res1.dtype)
2996  self.assertEqual(res2.get_device(), expected.get_device())
2997  res2 = expected.new_tensor(expected,, device=0)
2998  self.assertIs(, res1.dtype)
2999  self.assertEqual(res2.get_device(), 0)
3001  res1 = expected.new_tensor(1)
3002  self.assertEqual(res1.get_device(), expected.get_device())
3003  res1 = expected.new_tensor(1,
3004  self.assertIs(, res1.dtype)
3005  self.assertEqual(res1.get_device(), expected.get_device())
3007  def test_as_tensor(self):
3008  # from python data
3009  x = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
3010  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(x), torch.as_tensor(x))
3011  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float32), torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=torch.float32))
3013  # python data with heterogeneous types
3014  z = [0, 'torch']
3015  with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "invalid data type"):
3016  torch.tensor(z)
3017  torch.as_tensor(z)
3019  # python data with self-referential lists
3020  z = [0]
3021  z += [z]
3022  with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "self-referential lists are incompatible"):
3023  torch.tensor(z)
3024  torch.as_tensor(z)
3026  z = [[1, 2], z]
3027  with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "self-referential lists are incompatible"):
3028  torch.tensor(z)
3029  torch.as_tensor(z)
3031  # from tensor (doesn't copy unless type is different)
3032  y = torch.tensor(x)
3033  self.assertIs(y, torch.as_tensor(y))
3034  self.assertIsNot(y, torch.as_tensor(y, dtype=torch.float32))
3036  self.assertIsNot(y, torch.as_tensor(y, device='cuda'))
3037  y_cuda ='cuda')
3038  self.assertIs(y_cuda, torch.as_tensor(y_cuda))
3039  self.assertIs(y_cuda, torch.as_tensor(y_cuda, device='cuda'))
3041  if TEST_NUMPY:
3042  # doesn't copy
3043  for dtype in [np.float64, np.int64, np.int8, np.uint8]:
3044  n = np.random.rand(5, 6).astype(dtype)
3045  n_astensor = torch.as_tensor(n)
3046  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(n), n_astensor)
3047  n_astensor[0][0] = 25.7
3048  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(n), n_astensor)
3050  # changing dtype causes copy
3051  n = np.random.rand(5, 6).astype(np.float32)
3052  n_astensor = torch.as_tensor(n, dtype=torch.float64)
3053  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(n, dtype=torch.float64), n_astensor)
3054  n_astensor[0][1] = 250.8
3055  self.assertNotEqual(torch.tensor(n, dtype=torch.float64), n_astensor)
3057  # changing device causes copy
3059  n = np.random.randn(5, 6)
3060  n_astensor = torch.as_tensor(n, device='cuda')
3061  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(n, device='cuda'), n_astensor)
3062  n_astensor[0][2] = 250.9
3063  self.assertNotEqual(torch.tensor(n, device='cuda'), n_astensor)
3065  def test_diag(self):
3066  x = torch.rand(100, 100)
3067  res1 = torch.diag(x)
3068  res2 = torch.Tensor()
3069  torch.diag(x, out=res2)
3070  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
3072  @staticmethod
3073  def _test_diagonal(self, dtype, device):
3074  x = torch.randn((100, 100), dtype=dtype, device=device)
3075  result = torch.diagonal(x)
3076  expected = torch.diag(x)
3077  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
3079  x = torch.randn((100, 100), dtype=dtype, device=device)
3080  result = torch.diagonal(x, 17)
3081  expected = torch.diag(x, 17)
3082  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
3084  def test_diagonal(self):
3085  self._test_diagonal(self, dtype=torch.float32, device='cpu')
3087  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, 'Numpy not found')
3088  def test_diagonal_multidim(self):
3089  x = torch.randn(10, 11, 12, 13)
3090  xn = x.numpy()
3091  for args in [(2, 2, 3),
3092  (2,),
3093  (-2, 1, 2),
3094  (0, -2, -1)]:
3095  result = torch.diagonal(x, *args)
3096  expected = xn.diagonal(*args)
3097  self.assertEqual(expected.shape, result.shape)
3098  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, result.numpy()))
3099  # test non-continguous
3100  xp = x.permute(1, 2, 3, 0)
3101  result = torch.diagonal(xp, 0, -2, -1)
3102  expected = xp.numpy().diagonal(0, -2, -1)
3103  self.assertEqual(expected.shape, result.shape)
3104  self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, result.numpy()))
3106  @staticmethod
3107  def _test_diag_embed(self, dtype, device):
3108  x = torch.arange(3 * 4, dtype=dtype, device=device).view(3, 4)
3109  result = torch.diag_embed(x)
3110  expected = torch.stack([torch.diag(r) for r in x], 0)
3111  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
3113  result = torch.diag_embed(x, offset=1, dim1=0, dim2=2)
3114  expected = torch.stack([torch.diag(r, 1) for r in x], 1)
3115  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
3117  def test_diag_embed(self):
3118  self._test_diag_embed(self, dtype=torch.float32, device='cpu')
3120  @staticmethod
3121  def _test_diagflat(self, dtype, device):
3122  # Basic sanity test
3123  x = torch.randn((100,), dtype=dtype, device=device)
3124  result = torch.diagflat(x)
3125  expected = torch.diag(x)
3126  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
3128  # Test offset
3129  x = torch.randn((100,), dtype=dtype, device=device)
3130  result = torch.diagflat(x, 17)
3131  expected = torch.diag(x, 17)
3132  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
3134  # Test where input has more than one dimension
3135  x = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), dtype=dtype, device=device)
3136  result = torch.diagflat(x)
3137  expected = torch.diag(x.contiguous().view(-1))
3138  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
3140  # Noncontig input
3141  x = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), dtype=dtype, device=device).transpose(2, 0)
3142  self.assertFalse(x.is_contiguous())
3143  result = torch.diagflat(x)
3144  expected = torch.diag(x.contiguous().view(-1))
3145  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
3147  def test_diagflat(self):
3148  self._test_diagflat(self, dtype=torch.float32, device='cpu')
3150  def test_eye(self):
3151  res1 = torch.eye(100, 100)
3152  res2 = torch.Tensor()
3153  torch.eye(100, 100, out=res2)
3154  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
3156  def test_renorm(self):
3157  m1 = torch.randn(10, 5)
3158  res1 = torch.Tensor()
3160  def renorm(matrix, value, dim, max_norm):
3161  m1 = matrix.transpose(dim, 0).contiguous()
3162  # collapse non-dim dimensions.
3163  m2 = m1.clone().resize_(m1.size(0), int(math.floor(m1.nelement() / m1.size(0))))
3164  norms = m2.norm(value, 1, True)
3165  # clip
3166  new_norms = norms.clone()
3167  new_norms[, max_norm)] = max_norm
3168  new_norms.div_(norms.add_(1e-7))
3169  # renormalize
3170  m1.mul_(new_norms.expand_as(m1))
3171  return m1.transpose(dim, 0)
3173  # note that the axis fed to torch.renorm is different (2~=1)
3174  maxnorm = m1.norm(2, 1).mean()
3175  m2 = renorm(m1, 2, 1, maxnorm)
3176  m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
3177  self.assertEqual(m1, m2, 1e-5)
3178  self.assertEqual(m1.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0), 1e-5)
3180  m1 = torch.randn(3, 4, 5)
3181  m2 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
3182  maxnorm = m2.norm(2, 0).mean()
3183  m2 = renorm(m2, 2, 1, maxnorm)
3184  m1.renorm_(2, 1, maxnorm)
3185  m3 = m1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().clone().resize_(15, 4)
3186  self.assertEqual(m3, m2)
3187  self.assertEqual(m3.norm(2, 0), m2.norm(2, 0))
3189  @staticmethod
3190  def _test_renorm_ps(self, device):
3191  # full reduction
3192  x = torch.randn(5, 5)
3193  xn = x.numpy()
3194  for p in [1, 2, 3, 4, inf]:
3195  res = x.renorm(p, 1, 1)
3196  expected = x / x.norm(p, 0, keepdim=True).clamp(min=1)
3197  self.assertEqual(res.numpy(), expected.numpy(), "renorm failed for {}-norm".format(p))
3199  def test_renorm_ps(self):
3200  self._test_renorm_ps(self, device='cpu')
3202  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
3203  def test_renorm_ps_cuda(self):
3204  self._test_renorm_ps(self, device='cuda')
3206  @staticmethod
3207  def _test_multinomial(self, type):
3208  def make_prob_dist(shape, is_contiguous):
3209  if is_contiguous:
3210  return type(*shape).uniform_()
3211  elif len(shape) == 1:
3212  return type(*(shape + [5])).uniform_()[:, 2]
3213  else:
3214  # num dim = 2
3215  new_shape = [2, shape[1], 7, 1, shape[0], 1, 10]
3216  prob_dist = type(*new_shape).uniform_()
3217  prob_dist = prob_dist.transpose(1, 4)
3218  prob_dist = prob_dist[1, :, 5, 0, :, 0, 4]
3219  assert not prob_dist.is_contiguous() # sanity check
3220  return prob_dist
3222  for is_contiguous in (True, False):
3223  # with replacement
3224  n_row = 3
3225  for n_col in range(4, 5 + 1):
3226  prob_dist = make_prob_dist([n_row, n_col], is_contiguous)
3227  # indices that shouldn't be sampled (<0 means none)
3228  zero_prob_indices = torch.LongTensor(n_row).random_(-2, n_col).tolist()
3229  for i, j in enumerate(zero_prob_indices):
3230  if j >= 0:
3231  prob_dist[i, j] = 0
3232  n_sample = n_col * 3
3233  sample_indices = torch.multinomial(prob_dist, n_sample, True)
3234  self.assertEqual(prob_dist.dim(), 2)
3235  self.assertEqual(sample_indices.size(1), n_sample)
3236  for i in range(n_row):
3237  zero_prob_idx = zero_prob_indices[i]
3238  if zero_prob_idx < 0:
3239  continue
3240  for j in range(n_sample):
3241  self.assertNotEqual(sample_indices[i, j], zero_prob_idx,
3242  "sampled an index with zero probability")
3244  # without replacement
3245  n_row = 3
3246  for n_col in range(2, 10 + 1, 2):
3247  prob_dist = make_prob_dist([n_row, n_col], is_contiguous)
3248  # indices that shouldn't be sampled (<0 means none)
3249  zero_prob_indices = torch.LongTensor(n_row).random_(-1, n_col).tolist()
3250  for i, j in enumerate(zero_prob_indices):
3251  if j >= 0:
3252  prob_dist[i, j] = 0
3253  n_sample = max(1, n_col - 2)
3254  sample_indices = torch.multinomial(prob_dist, n_sample, False)
3255  self.assertEqual(prob_dist.dim(), 2)
3256  self.assertEqual(sample_indices.size(1), n_sample)
3257  for i in range(n_row):
3258  row_samples = {}
3259  zero_prob_idx = zero_prob_indices[i]
3260  for j in range(n_sample):
3261  sample_idx = sample_indices[i, j]
3262  if zero_prob_idx >= 0:
3263  self.assertNotEqual(sample_idx, zero_prob_idx,
3264  "sampled an index with zero probability")
3265  self.assertNotIn(sample_idx, row_samples, "sampled an index twice")
3266  row_samples[sample_idx] = True
3268  # vector
3269  n_col = 4
3270  prob_dist = make_prob_dist([n_col], is_contiguous).fill_(1)
3271  zero_prob_idx = 1 # index that shouldn't be sampled
3272  prob_dist[zero_prob_idx] = 0
3273  n_sample = 20
3274  sample_indices = torch.multinomial(prob_dist, n_sample, True)
3275  for sample_index in sample_indices:
3276  self.assertNotEqual(sample_index, zero_prob_idx, "sampled an index with zero probability")
3277  s_dim = sample_indices.dim()
3278  self.assertEqual(sample_indices.dim(), 1, "wrong number of dimensions")
3279  self.assertEqual(prob_dist.dim(), 1, "wrong number of prob_dist dimensions")
3280  self.assertEqual(sample_indices.size(0), n_sample, "wrong number of samples")
3282  def test_multinomial(self):
3283  self._test_multinomial(self, torch.FloatTensor)
3285  def _spawn_method(self, method, arg):
3286  try:
3287  mp.set_start_method('spawn')
3288  except RuntimeError:
3289  pass
3290  with mp.Pool(1) as pool:
3291  self.assertTrue(, [arg]))
3293  @staticmethod
3294  def _test_multinomial_invalid_probs(probs):
3295  try:
3296  # n_sample = 1 is a special case, test n_sample=2 which is more general
3297  torch.multinomial('cpu'), 2)
3298  return False # Should not be reached
3299  except RuntimeError as e:
3300  return 'invalid multinomial distribution' in str(e)
3302  @unittest.skipIf(NO_MULTIPROCESSING_SPAWN, "Disabled for environments that \
3303  don't support multiprocessing with spawn start method")
3304  @unittest.skipIf(IS_WINDOWS, 'FIXME: CUDA OOM error on Windows')
3305  @unittest.skipIf(not PY3,
3306  "spawn start method is not supported in Python 2, \
3307  but we need it for for testing failure case for CPU RNG on Windows")
3308  def test_multinomial_invalid_probs(self):
3309  test_method = _TestTorchMixin._test_multinomial_invalid_probs
3310  self._spawn_method(test_method, torch.Tensor([1, -1, 1]))
3311  self._spawn_method(test_method, torch.Tensor([1, inf, 1]))
3312  self._spawn_method(test_method, torch.Tensor([1, -inf, 1]))
3313  self._spawn_method(test_method, torch.Tensor([1, 1, nan]))
3314  self._spawn_method(test_method, torch.Tensor([0, 1, 0]))
3316  @suppress_warnings
3317  def test_range(self):
3318  res1 = torch.range(0, 1)
3319  res2 = torch.Tensor()
3320  torch.range(0, 1, out=res2)
3321  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3323  # Check range for non-contiguous tensors.
3324  x = torch.zeros(2, 3)
3325  torch.range(0, 3, out=x.narrow(1, 1, 2))
3326  res2 = torch.Tensor(((0, 0, 1), (0, 2, 3)))
3327  self.assertEqual(x, res2, 1e-16)
3329  # Check negative
3330  res1 = torch.Tensor((1, 0))
3331  res2 = torch.Tensor()
3332  torch.range(1, 0, -1, out=res2)
3333  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3335  # Equal bounds
3336  res1 = torch.ones(1)
3337  res2 = torch.Tensor()
3338  torch.range(1, 1, -1, out=res2)
3339  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3340  torch.range(1, 1, 1, out=res2)
3341  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3343  # FloatTensor
3344  res1 = torch.range(0.6, 0.9, 0.1, out=torch.FloatTensor())
3345  self.assertEqual(res1.size(0), 4)
3346  res1 = torch.range(1, 10, 0.3, out=torch.FloatTensor())
3347  self.assertEqual(res1.size(0), 31)
3349  # DoubleTensor
3350  res1 = torch.range(0.6, 0.9, 0.1, out=torch.DoubleTensor())
3351  self.assertEqual(res1.size(0), 4)
3352  res1 = torch.range(1, 10, 0.3, out=torch.DoubleTensor())
3353  self.assertEqual(res1.size(0), 31)
3355  def test_range_warning(self):
3356  with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
3357  torch.range(0, 10)
3358  self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
3360  def test_arange(self):
3361  res1 = torch.arange(0, 1)
3362  res2 = torch.Tensor()
3363  torch.arange(0, 1, out=res2)
3364  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3366  # Check arange with only one argument
3367  res1 = torch.arange(10)
3368  res2 = torch.arange(0, 10)
3369  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3371  # Check arange for non-contiguous tensors.
3372  x = torch.zeros(2, 3)
3373  torch.arange(0, 4, out=x.narrow(1, 1, 2))
3374  res2 = torch.Tensor(((0, 0, 1), (0, 2, 3)))
3375  self.assertEqual(x, res2, 1e-16)
3377  # Check negative
3378  res1 = torch.Tensor((1, 0))
3379  res2 = torch.Tensor()
3380  torch.arange(1, -1, -1, out=res2)
3381  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3383  # Equal bounds
3384  res1 = torch.ones(1)
3385  res2 = torch.Tensor()
3386  torch.arange(1, 0, -1, out=res2)
3387  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3388  torch.arange(1, 2, 1, out=res2)
3389  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3391  # FloatTensor
3392  res1 = torch.arange(0.6, 0.89, 0.1, out=torch.FloatTensor())
3393  self.assertEqual(res1, [0.6, 0.7, 0.8])
3394  res1 = torch.arange(1, 10, 0.3, out=torch.FloatTensor())
3395  self.assertEqual(res1.size(0), 30)
3396  self.assertEqual(res1[0], 1)
3397  self.assertEqual(res1[29], 9.7)
3399  # DoubleTensor
3400  res1 = torch.arange(0.6, 0.89, 0.1, out=torch.DoubleTensor())
3401  self.assertEqual(res1, [0.6, 0.7, 0.8])
3402  res1 = torch.arange(1, 10, 0.3, out=torch.DoubleTensor())
3403  self.assertEqual(res1.size(0), 30)
3404  self.assertEqual(res1[0], 1)
3405  self.assertEqual(res1[29], 9.7)
3407  # Check that it's exclusive
3408  r = torch.arange(0, 5)
3409  self.assertEqual(r.min(), 0)
3410  self.assertEqual(r.max(), 4)
3411  self.assertEqual(r.numel(), 5)
3413  r = torch.arange(0, 5, 2)
3414  self.assertEqual(r.min(), 0)
3415  self.assertEqual(r.max(), 4)
3416  self.assertEqual(r.numel(), 3)
3418  r1 = torch.arange(0, 5 + 1e-6)
3419  r2 = torch.arange(0, 5)
3420  r3 = torch.arange(0, 5 - 1e-6)
3421  self.assertEqual(r1[:-1], r2, 0)
3422  self.assertEqual(r2, r3, 0)
3424  r1 = torch.arange(10, -1 + 1e-6, -1)
3425  r2 = torch.arange(10, -1, -1)
3426  r3 = torch.arange(10, -1 - 1e-6, -1)
3427  self.assertEqual(r1, r2, 0)
3428  self.assertEqual(r2, r3[:-1], 0)
3430  msg = "unsupported range"
3431  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg, lambda: torch.arange(0, float('inf')))
3432  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg, lambda: torch.arange(float('inf')))
3434  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
3435  for device in devices:
3436  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg, lambda: torch.arange(-5, float('nan'), device=device))
3437  # check with step size
3438  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg, lambda: torch.arange(0, float('-inf'), -1, device=device))
3439  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg, lambda: torch.arange(0, float('inf'), device=device))
3440  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg, lambda: torch.arange(float('-inf'), 10, device=device))
3441  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg, lambda: torch.arange(float('nan'), 10, device=device))
3442  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg, lambda: torch.arange(float('inf'), device=device))
3443  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg, lambda: torch.arange(float('nan'), device=device))
3445  self.assertRaisesRegex(
3446  RuntimeError, "overflow",
3447  lambda: torch.arange(1.175494351e-38, 3.402823466e+38, device=device))
3449  def test_arange_inference(self):
3450  saved_dtype = torch.get_default_dtype()
3451  torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float32)
3452  # end only
3453  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.arange(1.).dtype)
3454  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.arange(torch.tensor(1.)).dtype)
3455  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.arange(torch.tensor(1., dtype=torch.float64)).dtype)
3457  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.arange(1).dtype)
3458  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.arange(torch.tensor(1)).dtype)
3459  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.arange(torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.int16)).dtype)
3461  # start, end, [step]
3462  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.arange(1., 3).dtype)
3463  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.arange(torch.tensor(1., dtype=torch.float64), 3).dtype)
3464  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.arange(1, 3.).dtype)
3465  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.arange(torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.int16), torch.tensor(3.)).dtype)
3466  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.arange(1, 3, 1.).dtype)
3467  self.assertIs(torch.float32,
3468  torch.arange(torch.tensor(1),
3469  torch.tensor(3, dtype=torch.int16),
3470  torch.tensor(1., dtype=torch.float64)).dtype)
3472  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.arange(1, 3).dtype)
3473  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.arange(torch.tensor(1), 3).dtype)
3474  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.arange(torch.tensor(1), torch.tensor(3, dtype=torch.int16)).dtype)
3475  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.arange(1, 3, 1).dtype)
3476  self.assertIs(torch.int64,
3477  torch.arange(torch.tensor(1),
3478  torch.tensor(3),
3479  torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.int16)).dtype)
3480  torch.set_default_dtype(saved_dtype)
3482  def test_randint_inference(self):
3483  size = (2, 1)
3484  for args in [(3,), (1, 3)]: # (low,) and (low, high)
3485  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.randint(*args, size=size).dtype)
3486  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.randint(*args, size=size, layout=torch.strided).dtype)
3487  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.randint(*args, size=size, generator=torch.default_generator).dtype)
3488  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.randint(*args, size=size, dtype=torch.float32).dtype)
3489  out = torch.empty(size, dtype=torch.float32)
3490  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.randint(*args, size=size, out=out).dtype)
3491  self.assertIs(torch.float32, torch.randint(*args, size=size, out=out, dtype=torch.float32).dtype)
3492  out = torch.empty(size, dtype=torch.int64)
3493  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.randint(*args, size=size, out=out).dtype)
3494  self.assertIs(torch.int64, torch.randint(*args, size=size, out=out, dtype=torch.int64).dtype)
3496  @staticmethod
3497  def _select_broadcastable_dims(dims_full=None):
3498  # select full dimensionality
3499  if dims_full is None:
3500  dims_full = []
3501  ndims = random.randint(1, 4)
3502  dims_full = [random.randint(1, 8) for _ in range(ndims)]
3503  else:
3504  ndims = len(dims_full)
3506  # select actual dimensions for ops:
3507  # larger: full ndims, individual sizes may be reduced
3508  # smaller: possibly reduced ndims, sizes may be reduced
3509  smaller_ndims = random.randint(1, ndims)
3510  dims_small = []
3511  dims_large = []
3512  for i in range(ndims - 1, -1, -1):
3513  j = random.randint(1, 3)
3514  if j == 1: # no reduced singleton dimension
3515  ds = dims_full[i]
3516  dl = dims_full[i]
3517  elif j == 2: # larger may have reduced singleton dimension
3518  ds = dims_full[i]
3519  dl = 1 if len(dims_small) < smaller_ndims else dims_full[i]
3520  elif j == 3: # smaller may have reduced singleton dimension
3521  ds = 1
3522  dl = dims_full[i]
3523  dims_large = [dl] + dims_large
3524  if len(dims_small) < smaller_ndims:
3525  dims_small = [ds] + dims_small
3526  return (dims_small, dims_large, dims_full)
3528  @staticmethod
3529  def _test_broadcast(self, cast):
3531  # all functions
3532  fns = {
3533  "dist", "atan2", "pow", "lerp", "add",
3534  "sub", "mul", "div", "fmod", "remainder",
3535  "eq", "ge", "gt", "le", "lt", "max", "min", "ne",
3536  "addcdiv", "addcmul", "masked_scatter", "masked_select", "masked_fill",
3537  "map", "map2", "copy"
3538  }
3539  # functions with three tensor arguments
3540  fns_3_args = {"addcdiv", "addcmul", "map2"}
3542  for fn in fns:
3543  (dims_small, dims_large, dims_full) = self._select_broadcastable_dims()
3544  full1d = cast(torch.randn(*dims_full).flatten().float())
3545  small = cast(torch.randn(*dims_small).float())
3546  large = cast(torch.randn(*dims_large).float())
3547  small_expanded = small.expand(*dims_full)
3548  large_expanded = large.expand(*dims_full)
3549  small2 = None
3550  small2_expanded = None
3551  if fn in fns_3_args:
3552  # create another smaller tensor
3553  (dims_small2, _, _) = self._select_broadcastable_dims(dims_full)
3554  small2 = cast(torch.randn(*dims_small2).float())
3555  small2_expanded = small2.expand(*dims_full)
3557  if small.is_cuda and fn in ['map', 'map2']:
3558  # map and map2 are not implementd on CUDA tensors
3559  continue
3561  if hasattr(large_expanded, fn):
3562  # run through tensor versions of functions
3563  # and verify fully expanded inputs give same results
3564  expanded = {large: large_expanded, small: small_expanded, small2: small2_expanded}
3566  def tensorfn(myfn, t1, t2):
3567  if fn == "lerp":
3568  return myfn(t1, 0.5)
3569  elif fn == "masked_select":
3570  return myfn(t1 < 0)
3571  elif fn == "masked_scatter":
3572  return myfn(t1 < 0.5, full1d)
3573  elif fn == "masked_fill":
3574  return myfn(t1 < 0.5, 1.0)
3575  elif fn in fns_3_args:
3576  return myfn(1, t1, t2)
3577  else:
3578  return myfn(t1)
3580  # test various orders
3581  for first, second, third in [(large, small, small2), (small, large, small2),
3582  (small2, small, large), (small2, large, small)]:
3583  if first is None:
3584  break # ignore last iter when small2 is None
3585  method_expanded = getattr(expanded[first], fn)
3586  method = getattr(first, fn)
3587  r1 = tensorfn(method_expanded, expanded[second], expanded[third])
3588  r2 = tensorfn(method, second, third)
3589  self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
3591  # now for torch. versions of functions
3592  if hasattr(torch, fn):
3593  fntorch = getattr(torch, fn)
3594  expanded = {large: large_expanded, small: small_expanded, small2: small2_expanded}
3596  def torchfn(t1, t2, t3):
3597  if fn == "lerp":
3598  return fntorch(t1, t2, 0.5)
3599  elif fn == "masked_select":
3600  return fntorch(t1, t2 < 0)
3601  elif fn == "masked_scatter":
3602  return fntorch(t1, t2 < 0.5, full1d)
3603  elif fn == "masked_fill":
3604  return fntorch(t1, t2 < 0.5, 1.0)
3605  elif fn in fns_3_args:
3606  return fntorch(t1, 1.0, t2, t3)
3607  else:
3608  return fntorch(t1, t2)
3610  # test various orders
3611  for first, second, third in [(large, small, small2), (small, large, small2),
3612  (small2, small, large), (small2, large, small)]:
3613  if first is None:
3614  break # ignore last iter when small2 is None
3615  r1 = torchfn(expanded[first], expanded[second], expanded[third])
3616  r2 = torchfn(first, second, third)
3617  self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
3619  # now for in place functions
3620  # in-place tensor is not broadcastable; test only guaranteed
3621  # to work by broadcasting other argument(s)
3622  if not hasattr(large_expanded, fn + "_"):
3623  continue
3625  # need to clone largeExpanded so we can reuse, since functions are in-place
3626  large_expanded_clone = large_expanded.clone()
3628  def tensorfn_inplace(t0, t1, t2=None):
3629  t0_fn = getattr(t0, fn + "_")
3630  if fn == "lerp":
3631  return t0_fn(t1, 0.5)
3632  elif fn == "masked_scatter":
3633  return t0_fn(t1 < 0.5, full1d)
3634  elif fn == "masked_fill":
3635  return t0_fn(t1 < 0.5, 1.0)
3636  elif fn == "map":
3637  return t0_fn(t1, lambda x, y: x + y)
3638  elif fn == "map2":
3639  return t0_fn(t1, t2, lambda x, y, z: x + y + z)
3640  elif fn in fns_3_args:
3641  return t0_fn(1.0, t1, t2)
3642  else:
3643  return t0_fn(t1)
3644  r1 = tensorfn_inplace(large_expanded, small_expanded, small2_expanded)
3645  r2 = tensorfn_inplace(large_expanded_clone, small, small2)
3646  # in-place pointwise operations don't actually work if the in-place
3647  # tensor is 0-strided (numpy has the same issue)
3648  if (0 not in large_expanded.stride() and 0 not in large_expanded_clone.stride()):
3649  self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
3651  def broadcastable(t0, t1, t2=None):
3652  try:
3653  t1.expand_as(t0)
3654  if t2 is not None:
3655  t2.expand_as(t0)
3656  except RuntimeError:
3657  return False
3658  return True
3660  def _test_in_place_broadcastable(t0, t1, t2=None):
3661  if not broadcastable(t0, t1, t2):
3662  same_size = t0.numel() == t1.numel() and (t0.numel() == t2.numel() if t2 is not None else True)
3663  if not same_size:
3664  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensorfn_inplace(t0, t1, t2))
3665  else:
3666  tensorfn_inplace(t0, t1, t2)
3668  if fn not in fns_3_args:
3669  _test_in_place_broadcastable(small, large_expanded)
3670  _test_in_place_broadcastable(small, large)
3671  else:
3672  _test_in_place_broadcastable(small2, small_expanded, large_expanded)
3673  _test_in_place_broadcastable(small2, small, large)
3675  def test_broadcast(self):
3676  self._test_broadcast(self, lambda t: t)
3678  def test_broadcast_empty(self):
3679  # empty + empty
3680  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.randn(5, 0) + torch.randn(0, 5))
3681  self.assertEqual(torch.randn(5, 0), torch.randn(0) + torch.randn(5, 0))
3682  self.assertEqual(torch.randn(5, 0, 0), torch.randn(0) + torch.randn(5, 0, 1))
3684  # scalar + empty
3685  self.assertEqual(torch.randn(5, 0, 6), torch.randn(()) + torch.randn(5, 0, 6))
3687  # non-empty, empty
3688  self.assertEqual(torch.randn(0), torch.randn(0) + torch.randn(1))
3689  self.assertEqual(torch.randn(0, 7, 0, 6, 5, 0, 7),
3690  torch.randn(0, 7, 0, 6, 5, 0, 1) + torch.randn(1, 1, 5, 1, 7))
3691  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.randn(7, 0) + torch.randn(2, 1))
3693  def test_broadcast_tensors(self):
3694  x0 = torch.randn(2, 1, 3)
3695  x1 = torch.randn(3)
3696  x2 = torch.randn(3, 1)
3697  expected_size = (2, 3, 3)
3699  y0, y1, y2 = torch.broadcast_tensors(x0, x1, x2)
3700  self.assertTrue(y0.size() == expected_size)
3701  self.assertTrue(y1.size() == expected_size)
3702  self.assertTrue(y2.size() == expected_size)
3704  @staticmethod
3705  def _test_contiguous(self, cast):
3706  x = cast(torch.randn(1, 16, 5, 5))
3707  self.assertTrue(x.is_contiguous())
3708  stride = list(x.stride())
3709  stride[0] = 20
3710  # change the stride in dimension 0. the tensor is still contiguous because size[0] is 1
3711  x.set_(, 0, x.size(), stride)
3712  self.assertTrue(x.is_contiguous())
3714  def test_contiguous(self):
3715  return self._test_contiguous(self, lambda t: t)
3717  def test_empty_tensor_props(self):
3718  sizes = [(0,), (0, 3), (5, 0), (5, 0, 3, 0, 2), (0, 3, 0, 2), (0, 5, 0, 2, 0)]
3719  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
3720  for size in sizes:
3721  for device in devices:
3722  x = torch.empty(tuple(size), device=device)
3723  self.assertEqual(size, x.shape)
3724  self.assertTrue(x.is_contiguous())
3725  size_ones_instead_of_zeros = (x if x != 0 else 1 for x in size)
3726  y = torch.empty(tuple(size_ones_instead_of_zeros), device=device)
3727  self.assertEqual(x.stride(), y.stride())
3729  def test_scalars_as_floats(self):
3730  "zero-dim variables that don't require grad should bind to scalar arguments"
3731  x = torch.tensor(2.)
3732  y = torch.tensor(3.)
3733  # 3 + (3 * 3) * 2
3734  self.assertEqual(y.addcmul(y, y, value=x), 21)
3736  x = torch.tensor(2., requires_grad=True)
3737  self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: y.addcmul(y, y, value=x))
3739  @staticmethod
3740  def _test_broadcast_fused_matmul(self, cast):
3741  fns = ["baddbmm", "addbmm", "addmm", "addmv", "addr"]
3743  for fn in fns:
3744  batch_dim = random.randint(1, 8)
3745  n_dim = random.randint(1, 8)
3746  m_dim = random.randint(1, 8)
3747  p_dim = random.randint(1, 8)
3749  def dims_full_for_fn():
3750  if fn == "baddbmm":
3751  return ([batch_dim, n_dim, p_dim], [batch_dim, n_dim, m_dim], [batch_dim, m_dim, p_dim])
3752  elif fn == "addbmm":
3753  return ([n_dim, p_dim], [batch_dim, n_dim, m_dim], [batch_dim, m_dim, p_dim])
3754  elif fn == "addmm":
3755  return ([n_dim, p_dim], [n_dim, m_dim], [m_dim, p_dim])
3756  elif fn == "addmv":
3757  return ([n_dim], [n_dim, m_dim], [m_dim])
3758  elif fn == "addr":
3759  return ([n_dim, m_dim], [n_dim], [m_dim])
3760  else:
3761  raise AssertionError("unknown function")
3763  (t0_dims_full, t1_dims, t2_dims) = dims_full_for_fn()
3764  (t0_dims_small, _, _) = self._select_broadcastable_dims(t0_dims_full)
3766  t0_small = cast(torch.randn(*t0_dims_small).float())
3767  t1 = cast(torch.randn(*t1_dims).float())
3768  t2 = cast(torch.randn(*t2_dims).float())
3770  t0_full = cast(t0_small.expand(*t0_dims_full))
3772  fntorch = getattr(torch, fn)
3773  r0 = fntorch(t0_small, t1, t2)
3774  r1 = fntorch(t0_full, t1, t2)
3775  self.assertEqual(r0, r1)
3777  def test_broadcast_fused_matmul(self):
3778  self._test_broadcast_fused_matmul(self, lambda t: t)
3780  @staticmethod
3781  def _test_broadcast_batched_matmul(self, cast):
3782  n_dim = random.randint(1, 8)
3783  m_dim = random.randint(1, 8)
3784  p_dim = random.randint(1, 8)
3785  full_batch_dims = [random.randint(1, 3) for i in range(random.randint(1, 3))]
3786  (batch_dims_small, _, _) = self._select_broadcastable_dims(full_batch_dims)
3788  def verify_batched_matmul(full_lhs, one_dimensional):
3789  if not one_dimensional:
3790  lhs_dims = [n_dim, m_dim]
3791  rhs_dims = [m_dim, p_dim]
3792  result_dims = [n_dim, p_dim]
3793  else:
3794  lhs_dims = [n_dim, m_dim] if full_lhs else [m_dim]
3795  rhs_dims = [m_dim, p_dim] if not full_lhs else [m_dim]
3796  result_dims = [n_dim] if full_lhs else [p_dim]
3798  lhs_mat_dims = lhs_dims if len(lhs_dims) != 1 else [1, m_dim]
3799  rhs_mat_dims = rhs_dims if len(rhs_dims) != 1 else [m_dim, 1]
3800  full_mat_dims = lhs_mat_dims if full_lhs else rhs_mat_dims
3801  dim0_dims = rhs_dims if full_lhs else lhs_dims
3802  small_dims = batch_dims_small + (rhs_mat_dims if full_lhs else lhs_mat_dims)
3804  small = cast(torch.randn(*(small_dims)).float())
3805  dim0 = cast(torch.randn(*(dim0_dims)).float())
3806  full = cast(torch.randn(*(full_batch_dims + full_mat_dims)).float())
3807  if not one_dimensional:
3808  (lhsTensors, rhsTensors) = ((full,), (small, dim0)) if full_lhs else ((small, dim0), (full,))
3809  else:
3810  (lhsTensors, rhsTensors) = ((full,), (dim0,)) if full_lhs else ((dim0,), (full,))
3812  def maybe_squeeze_result(l, r, result):
3813  if len(lhs_dims) == 1 and l.dim() != 1:
3814  return result.squeeze(-2)
3815  elif len(rhs_dims) == 1 and r.dim() != 1:
3816  return result.squeeze(-1)
3817  else:
3818  return result
3820  for lhs in lhsTensors:
3821  lhs_expanded = lhs.expand(*(torch.Size(full_batch_dims) + torch.Size(lhs_mat_dims)))
3822  lhs_expanded_matmul_fn = getattr(lhs_expanded, "matmul")
3823  for rhs in rhsTensors:
3824  rhs_expanded = ((rhs if len(rhs_dims) != 1 else rhs.unsqueeze(-1)).
3825  expand(*(torch.Size(full_batch_dims) + torch.Size(rhs_mat_dims))))
3826  truth = maybe_squeeze_result(lhs_expanded, rhs_expanded, lhs_expanded_matmul_fn(rhs_expanded))
3827  for l in (lhs, lhs_expanded):
3828  for r in (rhs, rhs_expanded):
3829  l_matmul_fn = getattr(l, "matmul")
3830  result = maybe_squeeze_result(l, r, l_matmul_fn(r))
3831  self.assertEqual(truth, result)
3832  # test torch.matmul function as well
3833  torch_result = maybe_squeeze_result(l, r, torch.matmul(l, r))
3834  self.assertEqual(truth, torch_result)
3835  # test torch.matmul with out
3836  out = torch.zeros_like(torch_result)
3837  torch.matmul(l, r, out=out)
3838  self.assertEqual(truth, maybe_squeeze_result(l, r, out))
3840  # compare to bmm
3841  bmm_result = (torch.bmm(lhs_expanded.contiguous().view(-1, *lhs_mat_dims),
3842  rhs_expanded.contiguous().view(-1, *rhs_mat_dims)))
3843  self.assertEqual(truth.view(-1, *result_dims), bmm_result.view(-1, *result_dims))
3845  for indices in product((True, False), repeat=2):
3846  verify_batched_matmul(*indices)
3848  def test_broadcast_batched_matmul(self):
3849  self._test_broadcast_batched_matmul(self, lambda t: t)
3851  def test_copy_broadcast(self):
3852  torch.zeros(5, 6).copy_(torch.zeros(6))
3853  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.zeros(5, 6).copy_(torch.zeros(30)))
3855  def test_randperm(self):
3856  _RNGState = torch.get_rng_state()
3857  res1 = torch.randperm(100)
3858  res2 = torch.LongTensor()
3859  torch.set_rng_state(_RNGState)
3860  torch.randperm(100, out=res2)
3861  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
3863  # randperm of 0 elements is an empty tensor
3864  res1 = torch.randperm(0)
3865  res2 = torch.LongTensor(5)
3866  torch.randperm(0, out=res2)
3867  self.assertEqual(res1.numel(), 0)
3868  self.assertEqual(res2.numel(), 0)
3870  def test_random(self):
3871  # This test is flaky with p<=(2/(ub-lb))^200=6e-36
3872  t = torch.FloatTensor(200)
3873  lb = 1
3874  ub = 4
3876  t.fill_(-1)
3877  t.random_(lb, ub)
3878  self.assertEqual(t.min(), lb)
3879  self.assertEqual(t.max(), ub - 1)
3881  t.fill_(-1)
3882  t.random_(ub)
3883  self.assertEqual(t.min(), 0)
3884  self.assertEqual(t.max(), ub - 1)
3886  @staticmethod
3887  def _test_random_neg_values(self, use_cuda=False):
3888  signed_types = ['torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor',
3889  'torch.IntTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor']
3890  for tname in signed_types:
3891  res = torch.rand(SIZE, SIZE).type(tname)
3892  if use_cuda:
3893  res = res.cuda()
3894  res.random_(-10, -1)
3895  self.assertLessEqual(res.max().item(), 9)
3896  self.assertGreaterEqual(res.min().item(), -10)
3898  def test_random_neg_values(self):
3899  self._test_random_neg_values(self)
3901  def assertIsOrdered(self, order, x, mxx, ixx, task):
3902  SIZE = 4
3903  if order == 'descending':
3904  def check_order(a, b):
3905  # `a != a` because we put NaNs
3906  # at the end of ascending sorted lists,
3907  # and the beginning of descending ones.
3908  return a != a or a >= b
3909  elif order == 'ascending':
3910  def check_order(a, b):
3911  # see above
3912  return b != b or a <= b
3913  else:
3914  error('unknown order "{}", must be "ascending" or "descending"'.format(order))
3916  are_ordered = True
3917  for j, k in product(range(SIZE), range(1, SIZE)):
3918  self.assertTrue(check_order(mxx[j][k - 1], mxx[j][k]),
3919  'torch.sort ({}) values unordered for {}'.format(order, task))
3921  seen = set()
3922  indicesCorrect = True
3923  size = x.size(x.dim() - 1)
3924  for k in range(size):
3925  seen.clear()
3926  for j in range(size):
3927  self.assertEqual(x[k][ixx[k][j]], mxx[k][j],
3928  'torch.sort ({}) indices wrong for {}'.format(order, task))
3929  seen.add(ixx[k][j])
3930  self.assertEqual(len(seen), size)
3932  def test_sort(self):
3933  SIZE = 4
3934  x = torch.rand(SIZE, SIZE)
3935  res1val, res1ind = torch.sort(x)
3937  # Test use of result tensor
3938  res2val = torch.Tensor()
3939  res2ind = torch.LongTensor()
3940  torch.sort(x, out=(res2val, res2ind))
3941  self.assertEqual(res1val, res2val, 0)
3942  self.assertEqual(res1ind, res2ind, 0)
3943  self.assertEqual(torch.argsort(x), res1ind)
3944  self.assertEqual(x.argsort(), res1ind)
3946  # Test sorting of random numbers
3947  self.assertIsOrdered('ascending', x, res2val, res2ind, 'random')
3949  # Test simple sort
3950  self.assertEqual(
3951  torch.sort(torch.Tensor((50, 40, 30, 20, 10)))[0],
3952  torch.Tensor((10, 20, 30, 40, 50)),
3953  0
3954  )
3956  # Test that we still have proper sorting with duplicate keys
3957  x = torch.floor(torch.rand(SIZE, SIZE) * 10)
3958  torch.sort(x, out=(res2val, res2ind))
3959  self.assertIsOrdered('ascending', x, res2val, res2ind, 'random with duplicate keys')
3962  x = torch.rand(SIZE, SIZE)
3963  res1val, res1ind = torch.sort(x, x.dim() - 1, True)
3965  # Test use of result tensor
3966  res2val = torch.Tensor()
3967  res2ind = torch.LongTensor()
3968  torch.sort(x, x.dim() - 1, True, out=(res2val, res2ind))
3969  self.assertEqual(res1val, res2val, 0)
3970  self.assertEqual(res1ind, res2ind, 0)
3971  self.assertEqual(torch.argsort(x, x.dim() - 1, True), res1ind)
3972  self.assertEqual(x.argsort(x.dim() - 1, True), res1ind)
3974  # Test sorting of random numbers
3975  self.assertIsOrdered('descending', x, res2val, res2ind, 'random')
3977  # Test simple sort task
3978  self.assertEqual(
3979  torch.sort(torch.Tensor((10, 20, 30, 40, 50)), 0, True)[0],
3980  torch.Tensor((50, 40, 30, 20, 10)),
3981  0
3982  )
3984  # Test that we still have proper sorting with duplicate keys
3985  self.assertIsOrdered('descending', x, res2val, res2ind, 'random with duplicate keys')
3987  # Test sorting with NaNs
3988  x = torch.rand(SIZE, SIZE)
3989  x[1][2] = float('NaN')
3990  x[3][0] = float('NaN')
3991  torch.sort(x, out=(res2val, res2ind))
3992  self.assertIsOrdered('ascending', x, res2val, res2ind,
3993  'random with NaNs')
3994  torch.sort(x, out=(res2val, res2ind), descending=True)
3995  self.assertIsOrdered('descending', x, res2val, res2ind,
3996  'random with NaNs')
3998  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, 'Numpy not found')
3999  def test_tensordot(self):
4000  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
4001  for d in devices:
4002  a = torch.arange(60., device=d).reshape(3, 4, 5)
4003  b = torch.arange(24., device=d).reshape(4, 3, 2)
4004  c = torch.tensordot(a, b, dims=([1, 0], [0, 1])).cpu()
4005  cn = torch.from_numpy(np.tensordot(a.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy(),
4006  axes=([1, 0], [0, 1])))
4007  self.assertEqual(c, cn)
4008  a = torch.randn(2, 3, 4, 5, device=d)
4009  b = torch.randn(4, 5, 6, 7, device=d)
4010  c = torch.tensordot(a, b, dims=2).cpu()
4011  cn = torch.from_numpy(np.tensordot(a.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy(),
4012  axes=2))
4013  self.assertEqual(c, cn)
4014  c = torch.tensordot(a, b).cpu()
4015  cn = torch.from_numpy(np.tensordot(a.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
4016  self.assertEqual(c, cn)
4018  def test_topk(self):
4019  def topKViaSort(t, k, dim, dir):
4020  sorted, indices = t.sort(dim, dir)
4021  return sorted.narrow(dim, 0, k), indices.narrow(dim, 0, k)
4023  def compareTensors(t, res1, ind1, res2, ind2, dim):
4024  # Values should be exactly equivalent
4025  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
4027  # Indices might differ based on the implementation, since there is
4028  # no guarantee of the relative order of selection
4029  if not ind1.eq(ind2).all():
4030  # To verify that the indices represent equivalent elements,
4031  # gather from the input using the topk indices and compare against
4032  # the sort indices
4033  vals = t.gather(dim, ind2)
4034  self.assertEqual(res1, vals, 0)
4036  def compare(t, k, dim, dir):
4037  topKVal, topKInd = t.topk(k, dim, dir, True)
4038  sortKVal, sortKInd = topKViaSort(t, k, dim, dir)
4039  compareTensors(t, sortKVal, sortKInd, topKVal, topKInd, dim)
4041  t = torch.rand(random.randint(1, SIZE),
4042  random.randint(1, SIZE),
4043  random.randint(1, SIZE))
4045  for _kTries in range(3):
4046  for _dimTries in range(3):
4047  for transpose in (True, False):
4048  for dir in (True, False):
4049  testTensor = t
4050  if transpose:
4051  dim1 = random.randrange(t.ndimension())
4052  dim2 = dim1
4053  while dim1 == dim2:
4054  dim2 = random.randrange(t.ndimension())
4056  testTensor = t.transpose(dim1, dim2)
4058  dim = random.randrange(testTensor.ndimension())
4059  k = random.randint(1, testTensor.size(dim))
4060  compare(testTensor, k, dim, dir)
4062  def test_topk_arguments(self):
4063  q = torch.randn(10, 2, 10)
4064  # Make sure True isn't mistakenly taken as the 2nd dimension (interpreted as 1)
4065  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: q.topk(4, True))
4067  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
4068  def test_topk_noncontiguous_gpu(self):
4069  t = torch.randn(20, device="cuda")[::2]
4070  top1, idx1 = t.topk(5)
4071  top2, idx2 = t.contiguous().topk(5)
4072  self.assertEqual(top1, top2)
4073  self.assertEqual(idx1, idx2)
4075  @staticmethod
4076  def _test_kthvalue(self, device='cpu'):
4077  SIZE = 50
4078  x = torch.rand(SIZE, SIZE, SIZE, device=device)
4079  x0 = x.clone()
4081  k = random.randint(1, SIZE)
4082  res1val, res1ind = torch.kthvalue(x, k, keepdim=False)
4083  res2val, res2ind = torch.sort(x)
4085  self.assertEqual(res1val[:, :], res2val[:, :, k - 1], 0)
4086  self.assertEqual(res1ind[:, :], res2ind[:, :, k - 1], 0)
4087  # test use of result tensors
4088  k = random.randint(1, SIZE)
4089  res1val = torch.tensor([], device=device)
4090  res1ind = torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.long, device=device)
4091  torch.kthvalue(x, k, keepdim=False, out=(res1val, res1ind))
4092  res2val, res2ind = torch.sort(x)
4093  self.assertEqual(res1val[:, :], res2val[:, :, k - 1], 0)
4094  self.assertEqual(res1ind[:, :], res2ind[:, :, k - 1], 0)
4096  # test non-default dim
4097  k = random.randint(1, SIZE)
4098  res1val, res1ind = torch.kthvalue(x, k, 0, keepdim=False)
4099  res2val, res2ind = torch.sort(x, 0)
4100  self.assertEqual(res1val, res2val[k - 1], 0)
4101  self.assertEqual(res1ind, res2ind[k - 1], 0)
4103  # non-contiguous
4104  y = x.narrow(1, 0, 1)
4105  y0 = y.contiguous()
4106  k = random.randint(1, SIZE)
4107  res1val, res1ind = torch.kthvalue(y, k)
4108  res2val, res2ind = torch.kthvalue(y0, k)
4109  self.assertEqual(res1val, res2val, 0)
4110  self.assertEqual(res1ind, res2ind, 0)
4112  # check that the input wasn't modified
4113  self.assertEqual(x, x0, 0)
4115  # simple test case (with repetitions)
4116  y = torch.tensor((3., 5, 4, 1, 1, 5), device=device)
4117  self.assertEqual(torch.kthvalue(y, 3)[0], 3, 0)
4118  self.assertEqual(torch.kthvalue(y, 2)[0], 1, 0)
4120  # simple test case (with NaN)
4121  SIZE = 50
4122  x = torch.rand(SIZE, SIZE, SIZE, device=device)
4123  x[torch.arange(SIZE), :, torch.randint(50, (50,))] = nan
4124  ks = [random.randint(1, SIZE), 1, SIZE, SIZE - 1]
4125  res2val, res2ind = torch.sort(x)
4126  for k in ks:
4127  res1val, res1ind = torch.kthvalue(x, k, keepdim=False)
4128  self.assertEqual(res1val[:, :], res2val[:, :, k - 1], 0)
4129  self.assertEqual(res1ind[:, :], res2ind[:, :, k - 1], 0)
4131  def test_kthvalue(self):
4132  self._test_kthvalue(self)
4134  def test_median(self):
4135  for size in (155, 156):
4136  x = torch.rand(size, size)
4137  x0 = x.clone()
4139  nelem = x.nelement()
4140  res1val = torch.median(x)
4141  res2val, _ = torch.sort(x.view(nelem))
4142  ind = int(math.floor((nelem + 1) / 2) - 1)
4144  self.assertEqual(res2val[ind], res1val, 0)
4146  res1val, res1ind = torch.median(x, dim=1, keepdim=False)
4147  res2val, res2ind = torch.sort(x)
4148  ind = int(math.floor((size + 1) / 2) - 1)
4150  self.assertEqual(, ind), res1val, 0)
4151  self.assertEqual(, ind), res1val, 0)
4153  # Test use of result tensor
4154  res2val = torch.Tensor()
4155  res2ind = torch.LongTensor()
4156  torch.median(x, dim=-1, keepdim=False, out=(res2val, res2ind))
4157  self.assertEqual(res2val, res1val, 0)
4158  self.assertEqual(res2ind, res1ind, 0)
4160  # Test non-default dim
4161  res1val, res1ind = torch.median(x, 0, keepdim=False)
4162  res2val, res2ind = torch.sort(x, 0)
4163  self.assertEqual(res1val, res2val[ind], 0)
4164  self.assertEqual(res1ind, res2ind[ind], 0)
4166  # input unchanged
4167  self.assertEqual(x, x0, 0)
4169  def test_mode(self):
4170  x = torch.arange(1., SIZE * SIZE + 1).clone().resize_(SIZE, SIZE)
4171  x[:2] = 1
4172  x[:, :2] = 1
4173  x0 = x.clone()
4175  # Pre-calculated results.
4176  res1val = torch.Tensor(SIZE).fill_(1)
4177  # The indices are the position of the last appearance of the mode element.
4178  res1ind = torch.LongTensor(SIZE).fill_(1)
4179  res1ind[0] = SIZE - 1
4180  res1ind[1] = SIZE - 1
4182  res2val, res2ind = torch.mode(x, keepdim=False)
4183  self.assertEqual(res1val, res2val, 0)
4184  self.assertEqual(res1ind, res2ind, 0)
4186  # Test use of result tensor
4187  res2val = torch.Tensor()
4188  res2ind = torch.LongTensor()
4189  torch.mode(x, keepdim=False, out=(res2val, res2ind))
4190  self.assertEqual(res1val, res2val, 0)
4191  self.assertEqual(res1ind, res2ind, 0)
4193  # Test non-default dim
4194  res2val, res2ind = torch.mode(x, 0, False)
4195  self.assertEqual(res1val, res2val, 0)
4196  self.assertEqual(res1ind, res2ind, 0)
4198  # input unchanged
4199  self.assertEqual(x, x0, 0)
4201  def test_trilu_indices(self):
4202  for test_args in tri_tests_args:
4203  _compare_trilu_indices(self, *test_args)
4204  run_additional_tri_tests(self, 'cpu')
4206  # test default options
4207  x = torch.ones(
4208  3, 3, dtype=torch.long, device='cpu', layout=torch.strided)
4209  self.assertEqual(
4210  x.tril(0).nonzero().transpose(0, 1), torch.tril_indices(3, 3))
4211  self.assertEqual(
4212  x.triu(0).nonzero().transpose(0, 1), torch.triu_indices(3, 3))
4214  @staticmethod
4215  def _test_triu_tril(self, cast):
4216  def gen_mask(shape, diagonal, cast, upper):
4217  mask = torch.zeros(*shape[-2:]).byte()
4218  for i in range(shape[-2]):
4219  for j in range(shape[-1]):
4220  cond = j - i < diagonal if upper else j - i > diagonal
4221  if cond:
4222  mask[i, j] = 1
4223  return cast(mask.expand(*shape))
4225  torch_functions = {True: torch.triu, False: torch.tril}
4226  if TEST_NUMPY:
4227  numpy_functions = {True: np.triu, False: np.tril}
4229  def run_test(shape, cast, diagonal):
4230  x_cpu = torch.randn(*shape)
4231  x = cast(x_cpu)
4233  for upper in [True, False]:
4234  # normal test with mask
4235  torch_tri_func = torch_functions[upper]
4236  res1 = torch_tri_func(x, diagonal=diagonal)
4237  res2 = cast(torch.Tensor())
4238  torch_tri_func(x, diagonal=diagonal, out=res2)
4239  exp_mask = gen_mask(shape, diagonal, cast, upper)
4240  expected = torch.where(exp_mask, torch.tensor(0).type_as(x), x)
4241  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
4242  self.assertEqual(expected, res1, 0)
4244  # non-contiguous and expanded tensors test
4245  if not (0 in shape or 1 in shape):
4246  for s in range(-len(shape), -1):
4247  # non-contiguous tensors
4248  x_nc = x.clone().transpose(s, s + 1)
4249  exp_mask = gen_mask(x_nc.size(), diagonal, cast, upper)
4250  assert not x_nc.is_contiguous(), "x is intentionally non-contiguous"
4251  exp_nc = torch.where(exp_mask, torch.tensor(0).type_as(x), x_nc)
4252  self.assertEqual(torch_tri_func(x_nc, diagonal), exp_nc, 0)
4253  x_nc_is_contiguous = x_nc.is_contiguous()
4254  if upper:
4255  self.assertEqual(x_nc.triu_(diagonal), exp_nc, 0)
4256  else:
4257  self.assertEqual(x_nc.tril_(diagonal), exp_nc, 0)
4259  self.assertTrue(x_nc.is_contiguous() == x_nc_is_contiguous,
4260  "contiguity of x_nc should not be changed")
4262  # expanded tensors
4263  expanded_size = (x.size(0),) + x.size()
4264  x_expanded = x.clone().expand(*expanded_size)
4265  assert 0 in x_expanded.stride(), "x intentionally has 0 in its stride"
4266  output = torch_tri_func(x_expanded, diagonal)
4267  self.assertEqual(output, expected.expand(expanded_size), 0)
4268  self.assertTrue(0 in x_expanded.stride(),
4269  "geometry of x_expanded should be the same")
4270  if upper:
4271  self.assertEqual(output, x_expanded.triu_(diagonal), 0)
4272  else:
4273  self.assertEqual(output, x_expanded.tril_(diagonal), 0)
4275  if not TEST_NUMPY:
4276  continue
4278  # numpy test
4279  numpy_tri_func = numpy_functions[upper]
4280  self.assertEqual(numpy_tri_func(x_cpu.numpy(), diagonal), res1.cpu().numpy())
4282  diagonals = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
4283  shapes = [(3, 3), (5, 3, 3), (7, 5, 3, 3), # square matrices
4284  (7, 3), (5, 7, 3), (7, 5, 7, 3), # fat matrices
4285  (3, 7), (5, 3, 7), (7, 5, 3, 7), # thin matrices
4286  (3, 0), (0, 3, 3), (3, 3, 0, 0), # no numel matrices
4287  (3, 1), (5, 3, 1), (7, 5, 3, 1), # very fat matrices
4288  (1, 3), (5, 1, 3), (7, 5, 1, 3)] # very thin matrices
4289  for s, d in product(shapes, diagonals):
4290  run_test(s, cast, d)
4292  def test_triu_tril(self):
4293  self._test_triu_tril(self, lambda t: t)
4295  def test_cat(self):
4296  SIZE = 10
4297  for dtype in (torch.half, torch.double,
4298  for dim in range(-3, 3):
4299  pos_dim = dim if dim >= 0 else 3 + dim
4300  x = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(13, SIZE, SIZE)).to(dtype).transpose(0, pos_dim)
4301  y = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(17, SIZE, SIZE)).to(dtype).transpose(0, pos_dim)
4302  z = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(19, SIZE, SIZE)).to(dtype).transpose(0, pos_dim)
4304  res1 =, y, z), dim)
4305  self.assertEqual(res1.narrow(pos_dim, 0, 13), x, 0)
4306  self.assertEqual(res1.narrow(pos_dim, 13, 17), y, 0)
4307  self.assertEqual(res1.narrow(pos_dim, 30, 19), z, 0)
4309  x = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(20, SIZE, SIZE)).to(dtype)
4310  self.assertEqual(, 7)), x)
4311  self.assertEqual(, 7)), x)
4313  y = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(1, SIZE, SIZE)).to(dtype)
4314  z =[x, y])
4315  self.assertEqual(z.size(), (21, SIZE, SIZE))
4317  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:[]))
4318  self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'got None', lambda:[x, None]))
4320  def test_cat_bad_input_sizes(self):
4321  x = torch.randn(2, 1)
4322  y = torch.randn(2, 1, 1)
4323  z = torch.randn(2, 1, 1)
4324  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:[x, y, z]))
4326  x = torch.randn(2, 1, 2)
4327  y = torch.randn(2, 1, 1)
4328  z = torch.randn(2, 2, 1)
4329  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:[x, y, z], dim=1))
4331  def test_cat_scalars(self):
4332  x = torch.tensor(0)
4333  y = torch.tensor(1)
4334  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'zero-dimensional.*cannot be concatenated'):
4335[x, y])
4337  @staticmethod
4338  def _test_cat_empty_legacy(self, use_cuda=False):
4339  # FIXME: this is legacy behavior and should be removed
4340  # when we support empty tensors with arbitrary sizes
4341  dtype = torch.float32
4342  device = 'cuda' if use_cuda else 'cpu'
4344  x = torch.randn((4, 3, 32, 32), dtype=dtype, device=device)
4345  empty = torch.randn((0,), dtype=dtype, device=device)
4347  res1 =[x, empty], dim=1)
4348  res2 =[empty, x], dim=1)
4349  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4351  conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(3, 3, kernel_size=1).float()
4352  if use_cuda:
4353  conv = conv.cuda()
4354  res1 =[conv(x), empty], dim=1)
4355  res2 =[empty, conv(x)], dim=1)
4356  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4358  res1 =[empty, empty], dim=1)
4359  self.assertEqual(res1, empty)
4361  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError,
4362  'expected a non-empty list of Tensors'):
4363[], dim=1)
4365  def test_cat_empty_legacy(self):
4366  self._test_cat_empty_legacy(self)
4368  @staticmethod
4369  def _test_cat_empty(self, use_cuda=False):
4370  dtype = torch.float32
4371  device = 'cuda' if use_cuda else 'cpu'
4373  x = torch.randn((4, 3, 32, 32), dtype=dtype, device=device)
4374  empty = torch.randn((4, 0, 32, 32), dtype=dtype, device=device)
4376  res1 =[x, empty], dim=1)
4377  res2 =[empty, x], dim=1)
4378  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4380  conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(3, 3, kernel_size=1).float()
4381  if use_cuda:
4382  conv = conv.cuda()
4383  res1 =[conv(x), empty], dim=1)
4384  res2 =[empty, conv(x)], dim=1)
4385  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4387  res1 =[empty, empty], dim=1)
4388  self.assertEqual(res1, empty)
4390  # check non-legacy-behavior (sizes don't match)
4391  empty = torch.randn((4, 0, 31, 32), dtype=dtype, device=device)
4392  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:[x, empty], dim=1))
4393  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:[empty, x], dim=1))
4395  # check non-legacy-behavior (dimensions don't match)
4396  empty = torch.randn((4, 0), dtype=dtype, device=device)
4397  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:[x, empty], dim=1))
4398  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:[empty, x], dim=1))
4400  def test_cat_empty(self):
4401  self._test_cat_empty(self)
4403  def test_narrow(self):
4404  x = torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]])
4405  self.assertEqual(x.narrow(0, 0, 1), torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 2]]))
4406  self.assertEqual(x.narrow(0, 0, 2), torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]))
4407  self.assertEqual(x.narrow(0, 1, 1), torch.Tensor([[3, 4, 5]]))
4408  self.assertEqual(x.narrow(0, -1, 1), torch.Tensor([[6, 7, 8]]))
4409  self.assertEqual(x.narrow(0, -2, 2), torch.Tensor([[3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]))
4410  self.assertEqual(x.narrow(0, -3, 3), torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]))
4411  self.assertEqual(x.narrow(-1, -1, 1), torch.Tensor([[2], [5], [8]]))
4412  self.assertEqual(x.narrow(-2, -1, 1), torch.Tensor([[6, 7, 8]]))
4414  def test_narrow_empty(self):
4415  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
4416  for device in devices:
4417  x = torch.randn(2, 3, 4, device=device)
4418  for d in range(x.dim()):
4419  y = x.narrow(d, x.size(d), 0)
4420  sz = list(x.size())
4421  sz[d] = 0
4422  self.assertEqual(sz, y.size())
4424  def test_stack(self):
4425  for dtype in (torch.half, torch.double,
4426  x = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(2, 3, 4)).to(dtype)
4427  y = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(2, 3, 4)).to(dtype)
4428  z = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(2, 3, 4)).to(dtype)
4429  for dim in range(4):
4430  res = torch.stack((x, y, z), dim)
4431  res_neg = torch.stack((x, y, z), dim - 4)
4432  expected_size = x.size()[:dim] + (3,) + x.size()[dim:]
4433  self.assertEqual(res, res_neg)
4434  self.assertEqual(res.size(), expected_size)
4435  self.assertEqual(, 0), x, 0)
4436  self.assertEqual(, 1), y, 0)
4437  self.assertEqual(, 2), z, 0)
4439  def test_stack_out(self):
4440  for dtype in (torch.half, torch.double,
4441  x = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(2, 3, 4)).to(dtype)
4442  y = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(2, 3, 4)).to(dtype)
4443  z = torch.randint(low=-100, high=100, size=(2, 3, 4)).to(dtype)
4444  for dim in range(4):
4445  expected_size = x.size()[:dim] + (3,) + x.size()[dim:]
4446  res_out =
4447  res_neg_out =
4448  res_out_dp = res_out.data_ptr()
4449  res_out_neg_dp = res_neg_out.data_ptr()
4450  torch.stack((x, y, z), dim, out=res_out)
4451  torch.stack((x, y, z), dim - 4, out=res_neg_out)
4452  self.assertEqual(res_out, res_neg_out)
4453  self.assertEqual(res_out.size(), expected_size)
4454  self.assertEqual(res_out_dp, res_out.data_ptr())
4455  self.assertEqual(res_out_neg_dp, res_neg_out.data_ptr())
4456  self.assertEqual(, 0), x, 0)
4457  self.assertEqual(, 1), y, 0)
4458  self.assertEqual(, 2), z, 0)
4460  def test_unbind(self):
4461  x = torch.rand(2, 3, 4, 5)
4462  for dim in range(4):
4463  res = torch.unbind(x, dim)
4464  res2 = x.unbind(dim)
4465  self.assertEqual(x.size(dim), len(res))
4466  self.assertEqual(x.size(dim), len(res2))
4467  for i in range(dim):
4468  self.assertEqual(, i), res[i])
4469  self.assertEqual(, i), res2[i])
4471  @skipIfRocm
4472  def test_linspace(self):
4473  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
4474  for device in devices:
4475  _from = random.random()
4476  to = _from + random.random()
4477  res1 = torch.linspace(_from, to, 137, device=device)
4478  res2 = torch.tensor((), device=device)
4479  torch.linspace(_from, to, 137, out=res2)
4480  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
4481  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.linspace(0, 1, -1, device=device))
4482  self.assertEqual(torch.linspace(0, 1, 1, device=device), torch.zeros(1, device=device), 0)
4484  # Check linspace for generating with start > end.
4485  self.assertEqual(torch.linspace(2, 0, 3, device=device), torch.tensor((2, 1, 0), device=device), 0)
4487  # Check linspace for non-contiguous tensors.
4488  x = torch.zeros(2, 3, device=device)
4489  y = torch.linspace(0, 3, 4, out=x.narrow(1, 1, 2))
4490  self.assertEqual(x, torch.tensor(((0, 0, 1), (0, 2, 3)), device=device), 0)
4492  def test_logspace(self):
4493  _from = random.random()
4494  to = _from + random.random()
4495  res1 = torch.logspace(_from, to, 137)
4496  res2 = torch.Tensor()
4497  torch.logspace(_from, to, 137, out=res2)
4498  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
4499  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.logspace(0, 1, -1))
4500  self.assertEqual(torch.logspace(0, 1, 1), torch.ones(1), 0)
4502  # Check logspace_ for generating with start > end.
4503  self.assertEqual(torch.logspace(1, 0, 2), torch.Tensor((10, 1)), 0)
4505  # Check logspace_ for non-contiguous tensors.
4506  x = torch.zeros(2, 3)
4507  y = torch.logspace(0, 3, 4, out=x.narrow(1, 1, 2))
4508  self.assertEqual(x, torch.Tensor(((0, 1, 10), (0, 100, 1000))), 0)
4510  def test_rand(self):
4511  torch.manual_seed(123456)
4512  res1 = torch.rand(SIZE, SIZE)
4513  res2 = torch.Tensor()
4514  torch.manual_seed(123456)
4515  torch.rand(SIZE, SIZE, out=res2)
4516  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4518  def test_randint(self):
4519  torch.manual_seed(123456)
4520  res1 = torch.randint(0, 6, (SIZE, SIZE))
4521  res2 = torch.Tensor()
4522  torch.manual_seed(123456)
4523  torch.randint(0, 6, (SIZE, SIZE), out=res2)
4524  torch.manual_seed(123456)
4525  res3 = torch.randint(6, (SIZE, SIZE))
4526  res4 = torch.Tensor()
4527  torch.manual_seed(123456)
4528  torch.randint(6, (SIZE, SIZE), out=res4)
4529  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4530  self.assertEqual(res1, res3)
4531  self.assertEqual(res1, res4)
4532  self.assertEqual(res2, res3)
4533  self.assertEqual(res2, res4)
4534  self.assertEqual(res3, res4)
4535  res1 = res1.view(-1)
4536  high = (res1 < 6).type(torch.LongTensor)
4537  low = (res1 >= 0).type(torch.LongTensor)
4538  tensorSize = res1.size()[0]
4539  assert(tensorSize == high.sum())
4540  assert(tensorSize == low.sum())
4542  def test_randn(self):
4543  torch.manual_seed(123456)
4544  res1 = torch.randn(SIZE, SIZE)
4545  res2 = torch.Tensor()
4546  torch.manual_seed(123456)
4547  torch.randn(SIZE, SIZE, out=res2)
4548  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4550  def test_slice(self):
4551  empty = torch.empty(0, 4)
4552  x = torch.arange(0., 16).view(4, 4)
4553  self.assertEqual(x[:], x)
4554  self.assertEqual(x[:4], x)
4555  # start and stop are clamped to the size of dim
4556  self.assertEqual(x[:5], x)
4557  # if start >= stop then the result is empty
4558  self.assertEqual(x[2:1], empty)
4559  self.assertEqual(x[2:2], empty)
4560  # out of bounds is also empty
4561  self.assertEqual(x[10:12], empty)
4562  # additional correctness checks
4563  self.assertEqual(x[:1].data.tolist(), [[0, 1, 2, 3]])
4564  self.assertEqual(x[:-3].data.tolist(), [[0, 1, 2, 3]])
4565  self.assertEqual(x[:, -2:3].data.tolist(), [[2], [6], [10], [14]])
4566  self.assertEqual(x[0:-1:2].data.tolist(), [[0, 1, 2, 3], [8, 9, 10, 11]])
4568  def test_is_signed(self):
4569  self.assertEqual(torch.IntTensor(5).is_signed(), True)
4570  self.assertEqual(torch.ByteTensor(5).is_signed(), False)
4571  self.assertEqual(torch.CharTensor(5).is_signed(), True)
4572  self.assertEqual(torch.FloatTensor(5).is_signed(), True)
4573  self.assertEqual(torch.HalfTensor(10).is_signed(), True)
4575  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
4576  def test_is_signed_cuda(self):
4577  self.assertEqual(torch.cuda.IntTensor(5).is_signed(), True)
4578  self.assertEqual(torch.cuda.ByteTensor(5).is_signed(), False)
4579  self.assertEqual(torch.cuda.CharTensor(5).is_signed(), True)
4580  self.assertEqual(torch.cuda.FloatTensor(5).is_signed(), True)
4581  self.assertEqual(torch.cuda.HalfTensor(10).is_signed(), True)
4583  @staticmethod
4584  def _test_solve(self, cast):
4585  a = cast(torch.Tensor(((6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23),
4586  (-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08),
4587  (-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04),
4588  (8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14),
4589  (-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87)))).t()
4590  b = cast(torch.Tensor(((4.02, 6.19, -8.22, -7.57, -3.03),
4591  (-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86),
4592  (9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99)))).t()
4594  res1 = torch.solve(b, a)[0]
4595  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, res1)), 1e-12)
4597  ta = cast(torch.Tensor())
4598  tb = cast(torch.Tensor())
4599  res2 = torch.solve(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
4600  res3 = torch.solve(b, a, out=(b, a))[0]
4601  self.assertEqual(res1, tb)
4602  self.assertEqual(res1, b)
4603  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4604  self.assertEqual(res1, res3)
4606  # test reuse
4607  res1 = torch.solve(b, a)[0]
4608  ta = cast(torch.Tensor())
4609  tb = cast(torch.Tensor())
4610  torch.solve(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
4611  self.assertEqual(res1, tb)
4612  torch.solve(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
4613  self.assertEqual(res1, tb)
4615  @skipIfNoLapack
4616  def test_solve(self):
4617  self._test_solve(self, lambda t: t)
4619  @staticmethod
4620  def _test_solve_batched(self, cast):
4621  from common_utils import random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value
4622  # test against solve: one batch
4623  A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 1))
4624  b = cast(torch.randn(1, 5, 10))
4625  x_exp, LU_exp = torch.solve(b.squeeze(0), A.squeeze(0))
4626  x, LU = torch.solve(b, A)
4627  self.assertEqual(x, x_exp.unsqueeze(0))
4628  self.assertEqual(LU, LU_exp.unsqueeze(0))
4630  # test against solve in a loop: four batches
4631  A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 4))
4632  b = cast(torch.randn(4, 5, 10))
4634  x_exp_list = []
4635  LU_exp_list = []
4636  for i in range(4):
4637  x_exp, LU_exp = torch.solve(b[i], A[i])
4638  x_exp_list.append(x_exp)
4639  LU_exp_list.append(LU_exp)
4640  x_exp = torch.stack(x_exp_list)
4641  LU_exp = torch.stack(LU_exp_list)
4643  x, LU = torch.solve(b, A)
4644  self.assertEqual(x, x_exp)
4645  self.assertEqual(LU, LU_exp)
4647  # basic correctness test
4648  A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 3))
4649  b = cast(torch.randn(3, 5, 10))
4650  x, LU = torch.solve(b, A)
4651  self.assertEqual(torch.matmul(A, x), b)
4653  # Test non-contiguous inputs.
4654  if not TEST_NUMPY:
4655  return
4656  import numpy
4657  from numpy.linalg import solve
4658  A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(2, 2)).permute(1, 0, 2)
4659  b = cast(torch.randn(2, 2, 2)).permute(2, 1, 0)
4660  x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
4661  x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
4662  self.assertEqual(, cast(x_exp))
4664  @skipIfNoLapack
4665  def test_solve_batched(self):
4666  self._test_solve_batched(self, lambda t: t)
4668  @staticmethod
4669  def _test_solve_batched_dims(self, cast):
4670  if not TEST_NUMPY:
4671  return
4673  from numpy.linalg import solve
4674  from common_utils import random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value
4675  # test against numpy.linalg.solve
4676  A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(4, 2, 1, 3))
4677  b = cast(torch.randn(2, 1, 3, 4, 6))
4678  x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
4679  x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
4680  self.assertEqual(, cast(x_exp))
4682  # test column major format
4683  A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(4, 2, 1, 3)).transpose(-2, -1)
4684  b = cast(torch.randn(2, 1, 3, 6, 4)).transpose(-2, -1)
4685  assert not A.is_contiguous()
4686  assert not b.is_contiguous()
4687  x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
4688  x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
4689  self.assertEqual(, cast(x_exp))
4691  # broadcasting b
4692  A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(4, 2, 1, 3))
4693  b = cast(torch.randn(4, 6))
4694  x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
4695  x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
4696  self.assertEqual(, cast(x_exp))
4698  # broadcasting A
4699  A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(4))
4700  b = cast(torch.randn(2, 1, 3, 4, 2))
4701  x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
4702  x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
4703  self.assertEqual(, cast(x_exp))
4705  # broadcasting both A & b
4706  A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(4, 1, 3, 1))
4707  b = cast(torch.randn(2, 1, 3, 4, 5))
4708  x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
4709  x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
4710  self.assertEqual(, cast(x_exp))
4712  @skipIfNoLapack
4713  def test_solve_batched_dims(self):
4714  self._test_solve_batched_dims(self, lambda t: t)
4716  def test_solve_methods_arg_device(self):
4717  if not torch.cuda.is_available():
4718  return
4720  for b_device, A_device in product(['cpu', 'cuda'], repeat=2):
4721  if b_device == A_device:
4722  continue
4724  b = torch.randn(3, 1, device=b_device)
4725  A = torch.randn(3, 3, device=A_device)
4726  err_str = "Expected b and A to be on the same device"
4727  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, err_str):
4728  torch.gesv(b, A)
4730  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, err_str):
4731  torch.cholesky_solve(b, A)
4733  @skipIfNoLapack
4734  def test_qr(self):
4736  # Since the QR decomposition is unique only up to the signs of the rows of
4737  # R, we must ensure these are positive before doing the comparison.
4738  def canonicalize(q, r):
4739  d = r.diag().sign().diag()
4740  return, d),, r)
4742  def canon_and_check(q, r, expected_q, expected_r):
4743  q_canon, r_canon = canonicalize(q, r)
4744  expected_q_canon, expected_r_canon = canonicalize(expected_q, expected_r)
4745  self.assertEqual(q_canon, expected_q_canon)
4746  self.assertEqual(r_canon, expected_r_canon)
4748  def check_qr(a, expected_q, expected_r):
4749  # standard invocation
4750  q, r = torch.qr(a)
4751  canon_and_check(q, r, expected_q, expected_r)
4753  # in-place
4754  q, r = torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor()
4755  torch.qr(a, out=(q, r))
4756  canon_and_check(q, r, expected_q, expected_r)
4758  # manually calculate qr using geqrf and orgqr
4759  m = a.size(0)
4760  n = a.size(1)
4761  k = min(m, n)
4762  result, tau = torch.geqrf(a)
4763  self.assertEqual(result.size(0), m)
4764  self.assertEqual(result.size(1), n)
4765  self.assertEqual(tau.size(0), k)
4766  r = torch.triu(result.narrow(0, 0, k))
4767  q = torch.orgqr(result, tau)
4768  q, r = q.narrow(1, 0, k), r
4769  canon_and_check(q, r, expected_q, expected_r)
4771  # check square case
4772  a = torch.Tensor(((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 10)))
4774  expected_q = torch.Tensor((
4775  (-1.230914909793328e-01, 9.045340337332914e-01, 4.082482904638621e-01),
4776  (-4.923659639173310e-01, 3.015113445777629e-01, -8.164965809277264e-01),
4777  (-8.616404368553292e-01, -3.015113445777631e-01, 4.082482904638634e-01)))
4778  expected_r = torch.Tensor((
4779  (-8.124038404635959e+00, -9.601136296387955e+00, -1.193987e+01),
4780  (0.000000000000000e+00, 9.045340337332926e-01, 1.507557e+00),
4781  (0.000000000000000e+00, 0.000000000000000e+00, 4.082483e-01)))
4783  check_qr(a, expected_q, expected_r)
4785  # check rectangular thin
4786  a = torch.Tensor((
4787  (1, 2, 3),
4788  (4, 5, 6),
4789  (7, 8, 9),
4790  (10, 11, 13),
4791  ))
4792  expected_q = torch.Tensor((
4793  (-0.0776150525706334, -0.833052161400748, 0.3651483716701106),
4794  (-0.3104602102825332, -0.4512365874254053, -0.1825741858350556),
4795  (-0.5433053679944331, -0.0694210134500621, -0.7302967433402217),
4796  (-0.7761505257063329, 0.3123945605252804, 0.5477225575051663)
4797  ))
4798  expected_r = torch.Tensor((
4799  (-12.8840987267251261, -14.5916298832790581, -17.0753115655393231),
4800  (0, -1.0413152017509357, -1.770235842976589),
4801  (0, 0, 0.5477225575051664)
4802  ))
4804  check_qr(a, expected_q, expected_r)
4806  # check rectangular fat
4807  a = torch.Tensor((
4808  (1, 2, 3, 4),
4809  (5, 6, 7, 8),
4810  (9, 10, 11, 13)
4811  ))
4812  expected_q = torch.Tensor((
4813  (-0.0966736489045663, 0.907737593658436, 0.4082482904638653),
4814  (-0.4833682445228317, 0.3157348151855452, -0.8164965809277254),
4815  (-0.870062840141097, -0.2762679632873518, 0.4082482904638621)
4816  ))
4817  expected_r = torch.Tensor((
4818  (-1.0344080432788603e+01, -1.1794185166357092e+01,
4819  -1.3244289899925587e+01, -1.5564457473635180e+01),
4820  (0.0000000000000000e+00, 9.4720444555662542e-01,
4821  1.8944088911132546e+00, 2.5653453733825331e+00),
4822  (0.0000000000000000e+00, 0.0000000000000000e+00,
4823  1.5543122344752192e-15, 4.0824829046386757e-01)
4824  ))
4825  check_qr(a, expected_q, expected_r)
4827  # check big matrix
4828  a = torch.randn(1000, 1000)
4829  q, r = torch.qr(a)
4830  a_qr =, r)
4831  self.assertEqual(a, a_qr, prec=1e-3)
4833  @skipIfNoLapack
4834  def test_ormqr(self):
4835  mat1 = torch.randn(7, 7)
4836  mat2 = torch.randn(7, 7)
4837  q, r = torch.qr(mat1)
4838  m, tau = torch.geqrf(mat1)
4839  out_holder = torch.empty_like(mat1)
4841  res1 =, mat2)
4842  res2 = torch.ormqr(m, tau, mat2, left=True, transpose=False)
4843  torch.ormqr(m, tau, mat2, out=out_holder)
4844  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4845  self.assertEqual(res2, out_holder)
4847  res1 =, q)
4848  res2 = torch.ormqr(m, tau, mat2, left=False, transpose=False)
4849  torch.ormqr(m, tau, mat2, left=False, transpose=False, out=out_holder)
4850  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4851  self.assertEqual(res2, out_holder)
4853  res1 =, mat2)
4854  res2 = torch.ormqr(m, tau, mat2, left=True, transpose=True)
4855  torch.ormqr(m, tau, mat2, left=True, transpose=True, out=out_holder)
4856  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4857  self.assertEqual(res2, out_holder)
4859  res1 =, q.t())
4860  res2 = torch.ormqr(m, tau, mat2, left=False, transpose=True)
4861  torch.ormqr(m, tau, mat2, left=False, transpose=True, out=out_holder)
4862  self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
4863  self.assertEqual(res2, out_holder)
4865  @staticmethod
4866  def _test_geqrf(self, cast):
4867  a = cast(torch.randn(5, 5))
4868  b, c = torch.geqrf(a)
4869  b_placeholder, c_placeholder = torch.empty_like(b), torch.empty_like(c)
4870  torch.geqrf(a, out=(b_placeholder, c_placeholder))
4871  self.assertEqual(b, b_placeholder)
4872  self.assertEqual(c, c_placeholder)
4874  @skipIfNoLapack
4875  def test_geqrf(self):
4876  self._test_geqrf(self, lambda t: t)
4878  @staticmethod
4879  def _test_trtrs(self, cast):
4880  a = torch.Tensor(((6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23),
4881  (-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08),
4882  (-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04),
4883  (8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14),
4884  (-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87))).t()
4885  b = torch.Tensor(((4.02, 6.19, -8.22, -7.57, -3.03),
4886  (-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86),
4887  (9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99))).t()
4889  a = cast(a)
4890  b = cast(b)
4892  U = torch.triu(a)
4893  L = torch.tril(a)
4895  # solve Ux = b
4896  x = torch.trtrs(b, U)[0]
4897  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
4898  x = torch.trtrs(b, U, True, False, False)[0]
4899  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
4901  # solve Lx = b
4902  x = torch.trtrs(b, L, False)[0]
4903  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
4904  x = torch.trtrs(b, L, False, False, False)[0]
4905  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
4907  # solve U'x = b
4908  x = torch.trtrs(b, U, True, True)[0]
4909  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
4910  x = torch.trtrs(b, U, True, True, False)[0]
4911  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
4913  # solve U'x = b by manual transposition
4914  y = torch.trtrs(b, U.t(), False, False)[0]
4915  self.assertLessEqual(x.dist(y), 1e-12)
4917  # solve L'x = b
4918  x = torch.trtrs(b, L, False, True)[0]
4919  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
4920  x = torch.trtrs(b, L, False, True, False)[0]
4921  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
4923  # solve L'x = b by manual transposition
4924  y = torch.trtrs(b, L.t(), True, False)[0]
4925  self.assertLessEqual(x.dist(y), 1e-12)
4927  # test reuse
4928  res1 = torch.trtrs(b, a)[0]
4929  ta = cast(torch.Tensor())
4930  tb = cast(torch.Tensor())
4931  torch.trtrs(b, a, out=(tb, ta))
4932  self.assertEqual(res1, tb, 0)
4933  tb.zero_()
4934  torch.trtrs(b, a, out=(tb, ta))
4935  self.assertEqual(res1, tb, 0)
4937  @skipIfNoLapack
4938  def test_trtrs(self):
4939  self._test_trtrs(self, lambda t: t)
4941  @staticmethod
4942  def _test_trtrs_batched(self, cast):
4943  def trtrs_test_helper(A_dims, b_dims, cast, upper, unitriangular):
4944  A = cast(torch.randn(*A_dims))
4945  A = A.triu() if upper else A.tril()
4946  if unitriangular:
4947  A.diagonal(dim1=-2, dim2=-1).fill_(1.)
4948  b = cast(torch.randn(*b_dims))
4949  return A, b
4951  for upper, transpose, unitriangular in product([True, False], repeat=3):
4952  # test against trtrs: one batch with all possible arguments
4953  A, b = trtrs_test_helper((1, 5, 5), (1, 5, 10), cast, upper, unitriangular)
4954  x_exp = torch.trtrs(b.squeeze(0), A.squeeze(0),
4955  upper=upper, unitriangular=unitriangular, transpose=transpose)[0]
4956  x = torch.trtrs(b, A,
4957  upper=upper, unitriangular=unitriangular, transpose=transpose)[0]
4958  self.assertEqual(x, x_exp.unsqueeze(0))
4960  # test against trtrs in a loop: four batches with all possible arguments
4961  A, b = trtrs_test_helper((4, 5, 5), (4, 5, 10), cast, upper, unitriangular)
4962  x_exp_list = []
4963  for i in range(4):
4964  x_exp = torch.trtrs(b[i], A[i],
4965  upper=upper, unitriangular=unitriangular, transpose=transpose)[0]
4966  x_exp_list.append(x_exp)
4967  x_exp = torch.stack(x_exp_list)
4969  x = torch.trtrs(b, A, upper=upper, unitriangular=unitriangular, transpose=transpose)[0]
4970  self.assertEqual(x, x_exp)
4972  # basic correctness test
4973  A, b = trtrs_test_helper((3, 5, 5), (3, 5, 10), cast, upper, unitriangular)
4974  x = torch.trtrs(b, A, upper=upper, unitriangular=unitriangular, transpose=transpose)[0]
4975  if transpose:
4976  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(torch.matmul(A.transpose(-1, -2), x)), 2e-12)
4977  else:
4978  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(torch.matmul(A, x)), 2e-12)
4980  @skipIfNoLapack
4981  def test_trtrs_batched(self):
4982  _TestTorchMixin._test_trtrs_batched(self, lambda t: t)
4984  @staticmethod
4985  def _test_trtrs_batched_dims(self, cast):
4986  if not TEST_SCIPY:
4987  return
4989  from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular as tri_solve
4991  def scipy_tri_solve_batched(A, B, upper, trans, diag):
4992  batch_dims_A, batch_dims_B = A.shape[:-2], B.shape[:-2]
4993  single_dim_A, single_dim_B = A.shape[-2:], B.shape[-2:]
4994  expand_dims = tuple(torch._C._infer_size(torch.Size(batch_dims_A),
4995  torch.Size(batch_dims_B)))
4996  expand_A = np.broadcast_to(A, expand_dims + single_dim_A)
4997  expand_B = np.broadcast_to(B, expand_dims + single_dim_B)
4998  flat_A = expand_A.reshape((-1,) + single_dim_A)
4999  flat_B = expand_B.reshape((-1,) + single_dim_B)
5000  flat_X = np.vstack([tri_solve(a, b, lower=(not upper), trans=int(trans), unit_diagonal=diag)
5001  for a, b in zip(flat_A, flat_B)])
5002  return flat_X.reshape(expand_B.shape)
5004  def run_test(A_dims, b_dims, cast, upper, transpose, unitriangular):
5005  A = torch.randn(*A_dims)
5006  A = A.triu() if upper else A.tril()
5007  if unitriangular:
5008  A.diagonal(dim1=-2, dim2=-1).fill_(1.)
5009  b = torch.randn(*b_dims)
5010  x_exp = torch.Tensor(scipy_tri_solve_batched(A.numpy(), b.numpy(),
5011  upper, transpose, unitriangular))
5012  A, b = cast(A), cast(b)
5013  x = torch.trtrs(b, A, upper=upper, transpose=transpose, unitriangular=unitriangular)[0]
5015  self.assertEqual(x, cast(x_exp))
5017  for upper, transpose, unitriangular in product([True, False], repeat=3):
5018  # test against scipy.linalg.solve_triangular
5019  run_test((2, 1, 3, 4, 4), (2, 1, 3, 4, 6), cast, upper, transpose, unitriangular) # no broadcasting
5020  run_test((2, 1, 3, 4, 4), (4, 6), cast, upper, transpose, unitriangular) # broadcasting b
5021  run_test((4, 4), (2, 1, 3, 4, 2), cast, upper, transpose, unitriangular) # broadcasting A
5022  run_test((1, 3, 1, 4, 4), (2, 1, 3, 4, 5), cast, upper, transpose, unitriangular) # broadcasting A & b
5024  @skipIfNoLapack
5025  def test_trtrs_batched_dims(self):
5026  self._test_trtrs_batched_dims(self, lambda t: t)
5028  @skipIfNoLapack
5029  def test_gels(self):
5030  def _test_underdetermined(a, b, expectedNorm):
5031  m = a.size()[0]
5032  n = a.size()[1]
5033  assert(m <= n)
5035  a_copy = a.clone()
5036  b_copy = b.clone()
5037  res1 = torch.gels(b, a)[0]
5038  self.assertEqual(a, a_copy, 0)
5039  self.assertEqual(b, b_copy, 0)
5040  self.assertEqual((, res1) - b).norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8)
5042  ta = torch.Tensor()
5043  tb = torch.Tensor()
5044  res2 = torch.gels(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
5045  self.assertEqual(a, a_copy, 0)
5046  self.assertEqual(b, b_copy, 0)
5047  self.assertEqual((, res1) - b).norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8)
5049  res3 = torch.gels(b, a, out=(b, a))[0]
5050  self.assertEqual((, b) - b_copy).norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8)
5051  self.assertEqual(res1, tb, 0)
5052  self.assertEqual(res1, b, 0)
5053  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
5054  self.assertEqual(res1, res3, 0)
5056  def _test_overdetermined(a, b, expectedNorm):
5057  m = a.size()[0]
5058  n = a.size()[1]
5059  assert(m > n)
5061  def check_norm(a, b, expected_norm, gels_result):
5062  # Checks |ax - b| and the residual info from the result
5063  n = a.size()[1]
5065  # The first n rows is the least square solution.
5066  # Rows n to m-1 contain residual information.
5067  x = gels_result[:n]
5068  resid_info = gels_result[n:]
5070  resid_norm = (, x) - b).norm()
5071  self.assertEqual(resid_norm, expectedNorm, 1e-8)
5072  self.assertEqual(resid_info.norm(), resid_norm, 1e-8)
5074  a_copy = a.clone()
5075  b_copy = b.clone()
5076  res1 = torch.gels(b, a)[0]
5077  self.assertEqual(a, a_copy, 0)
5078  self.assertEqual(b, b_copy, 0)
5079  check_norm(a, b, expectedNorm, res1)
5081  ta = torch.Tensor()
5082  tb = torch.Tensor()
5083  res2 = torch.gels(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
5084  self.assertEqual(a, a_copy, 0)
5085  self.assertEqual(b, b_copy, 0)
5086  check_norm(a, b, expectedNorm, res2)
5088  res3 = torch.gels(b, a, out=(b, a))[0]
5089  check_norm(a_copy, b_copy, expectedNorm, res3)
5091  self.assertEqual(res1, tb, 0)
5092  self.assertEqual(res1, b, 0)
5093  self.assertEqual(res1, res2, 0)
5094  self.assertEqual(res1, res3, 0)
5096  # basic test
5097  expectedNorm = 0
5098  a = torch.Tensor(((1.44, -9.96, -7.55, 8.34),
5099  (-7.84, -0.28, 3.24, 8.09),
5100  (-4.39, -3.24, 6.27, 5.28),
5101  (4.53, 3.83, -6.64, 2.06))).t()
5102  b = torch.Tensor(((8.58, 8.26, 8.48, -5.28),
5103  (9.35, -4.43, -0.70, -0.26))).t()
5104  _test_underdetermined(a, b, expectedNorm)
5106  # test overderemined
5107  expectedNorm = 17.390200628863
5108  a = torch.Tensor(((1.44, -9.96, -7.55, 8.34, 7.08, -5.45),
5109  (-7.84, -0.28, 3.24, 8.09, 2.52, -5.70),
5110  (-4.39, -3.24, 6.27, 5.28, 0.74, -1.19),
5111  (4.53, 3.83, -6.64, 2.06, -2.47, 4.70))).t()
5112  b = torch.Tensor(((8.58, 8.26, 8.48, -5.28, 5.72, 8.93),
5113  (9.35, -4.43, -0.70, -0.26, -7.36, -2.52))).t()
5114  _test_overdetermined(a, b, expectedNorm)
5116  # test underdetermined
5117  expectedNorm = 0
5118  a = torch.Tensor(((1.44, -9.96, -7.55),
5119  (-7.84, -0.28, 3.24),
5120  (-4.39, -3.24, 6.27),
5121  (4.53, 3.83, -6.64))).t()
5122  b = torch.Tensor(((8.58, 8.26, 8.48),
5123  (9.35, -4.43, -0.70))).t()
5124  _test_underdetermined(a, b, expectedNorm)
5126  # test reuse
5127  expectedNorm = 0
5128  a = torch.Tensor(((1.44, -9.96, -7.55, 8.34),
5129  (-7.84, -0.28, 3.24, 8.09),
5130  (-4.39, -3.24, 6.27, 5.28),
5131  (4.53, 3.83, -6.64, 2.06))).t()
5132  b = torch.Tensor(((8.58, 8.26, 8.48, -5.28),
5133  (9.35, -4.43, -0.70, -0.26))).t()
5134  ta = torch.Tensor()
5135  tb = torch.Tensor()
5136  torch.gels(b, a, out=(tb, ta))
5137  self.assertEqual((, tb) - b).norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8)
5138  torch.gels(b, a, out=(tb, ta))
5139  self.assertEqual((, tb) - b).norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8)
5140  torch.gels(b, a, out=(tb, ta))
5141  self.assertEqual((, tb) - b).norm(), expectedNorm, 1e-8)
5143  @skipIfNoLapack
5144  def test_eig(self):
5145  a = torch.Tensor(((1.96, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00),
5146  (-6.49, 3.80, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00),
5147  (-0.47, -6.39, 4.17, 0.00, 0.00),
5148  (-7.20, 1.50, -1.51, 5.70, 0.00),
5149  (-0.65, -6.34, 2.67, 1.80, -7.10))).t().contiguous()
5150  e = torch.eig(a)[0]
5151  ee, vv = torch.eig(a, True)
5152  te = torch.Tensor()
5153  tv = torch.Tensor()
5154  eee, vvv = torch.eig(a, True, out=(te, tv))
5155  self.assertEqual(e, ee, 1e-12)
5156  self.assertEqual(ee, eee, 1e-12)
5157  self.assertEqual(ee, te, 1e-12)
5158  self.assertEqual(vv, vvv, 1e-12)
5159  self.assertEqual(vv, tv, 1e-12)
5161  # test reuse
5162  X = torch.randn(4, 4)
5163  X =, X)
5164  e, v = torch.zeros(4, 2), torch.zeros(4, 4)
5165  torch.eig(X, True, out=(e, v))
5166  Xhat =, torch.diag(, 0))), v.t())
5167  self.assertEqual(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong')
5168  self.assertFalse(v.is_contiguous(), 'V is contiguous')
5170  torch.eig(X, True, out=(e, v))
5171  Xhat =,, 0).diag(), v.t()))
5172  self.assertEqual(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong')
5173  self.assertFalse(v.is_contiguous(), 'V is contiguous')
5175  # test non-contiguous
5176  X = torch.randn(4, 4)
5177  X =, X)
5178  e = torch.zeros(4, 2, 2)[:, 1]
5179  v = torch.zeros(4, 2, 4)[:, 1]
5180  self.assertFalse(v.is_contiguous(), 'V is contiguous')
5181  self.assertFalse(e.is_contiguous(), 'E is contiguous')
5182  torch.eig(X, True, out=(e, v))
5183  Xhat =, torch.diag(, 0))), v.t())
5184  self.assertEqual(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong')
5186  @staticmethod
5187  def _test_symeig(self, conv_fn):
5188  xval = conv_fn(torch.rand(100, 3))
5189  cov =, xval)
5190  rese = conv_fn(torch.zeros(3))
5191  resv = conv_fn(torch.zeros(3, 3))
5193  # First call to symeig
5194  self.assertTrue(resv.is_contiguous(), 'resv is not contiguous')
5195  torch.symeig(cov.clone(), True, out=(rese, resv))
5196  ahat =, torch.diag(rese)), resv.t())
5197  self.assertEqual(cov, ahat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong')
5199  # Second call to symeig
5200  self.assertFalse(resv.is_contiguous(), 'resv is contiguous')
5201  torch.symeig(cov.clone(), True, out=(rese, resv))
5202  ahat =, torch.diag(rese)), resv.t())
5203  self.assertEqual(cov, ahat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong')
5205  # test eigenvectors=False
5206  rese2 = conv_fn(torch.zeros(3))
5207  resv2 = conv_fn(torch.randn(3, 3))
5208  expected_resv2 = conv_fn(torch.zeros(3, 3))
5209  torch.symeig(cov.clone(), False, out=(rese2, resv2))
5210  self.assertEqual(rese, rese2)
5211  self.assertEqual(resv2, expected_resv2)
5213  # test non-contiguous
5214  X = conv_fn(torch.rand(5, 5))
5215  X = X.t() * X
5216  e = conv_fn(torch.zeros(4, 2)).select(1, 1)
5217  v = conv_fn(torch.zeros(4, 2, 4))[:, 1]
5218  self.assertFalse(v.is_contiguous(), 'V is contiguous')
5219  self.assertFalse(e.is_contiguous(), 'E is contiguous')
5220  torch.symeig(X, True, out=(e, v))
5221  Xhat =, torch.diag(e)), v.t())
5222  self.assertEqual(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'VeV\' wrong')
5224  @skipIfNoLapack
5225  def test_symeig(self):
5226  self._test_symeig(self, lambda x: x)
5228  @skipIfNoLapack
5229  def test_svd(self):
5230  a = torch.Tensor(((8.79, 6.11, -9.15, 9.57, -3.49, 9.84),
5231  (9.93, 6.91, -7.93, 1.64, 4.02, 0.15),
5232  (9.83, 5.04, 4.86, 8.83, 9.80, -8.99),
5233  (5.45, -0.27, 4.85, 0.74, 10.00, -6.02),
5234  (3.16, 7.98, 3.01, 5.80, 4.27, -5.31))).t().clone()
5235  u, s, v = torch.svd(a)
5236  uu = torch.Tensor()
5237  ss = torch.Tensor()
5238  vv = torch.Tensor()
5239  uuu, sss, vvv = torch.svd(a, out=(uu, ss, vv))
5240  self.assertEqual(u, uu, 0, 'torch.svd')
5241  self.assertEqual(u, uuu, 0, 'torch.svd')
5242  self.assertEqual(s, ss, 0, 'torch.svd')
5243  self.assertEqual(s, sss, 0, 'torch.svd')
5244  self.assertEqual(v, vv, 0, 'torch.svd')
5245  self.assertEqual(v, vvv, 0, 'torch.svd')
5247  # test reuse
5248  X = torch.randn(4, 4)
5249  U, S, V = torch.svd(X)
5250  Xhat =,, V.t()))
5251  self.assertEqual(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'USV\' wrong')
5253  self.assertFalse(U.is_contiguous(), 'U is contiguous')
5254  torch.svd(X, out=(U, S, V))
5255  Xhat =,, V.t()))
5256  self.assertEqual(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'USV\' wrong')
5258  # test non-contiguous
5259  X = torch.randn(5, 5)
5260  U = torch.zeros(5, 2, 5)[:, 1]
5261  S = torch.zeros(5, 2)[:, 1]
5262  V = torch.zeros(5, 2, 5)[:, 1]
5264  self.assertFalse(U.is_contiguous(), 'U is contiguous')
5265  self.assertFalse(S.is_contiguous(), 'S is contiguous')
5266  self.assertFalse(V.is_contiguous(), 'V is contiguous')
5267  torch.svd(X, out=(U, S, V))
5268  Xhat =,, V.t()))
5269  self.assertEqual(X, Xhat, 1e-8, 'USV\' wrong')
5271  @staticmethod
5272  def _test_svd_no_singularvectors(self, cast):
5273  for size in [(5, 5), (5, 20), (20, 5)]:
5274  a = cast(torch.randn(*size))
5275  u, s_expect, v = torch.svd(a)
5276  u, s_actual, v = torch.svd(a, compute_uv=False)
5277  self.assertEqual(s_expect, s_actual, "Singular values don't match")
5279  @skipIfNoLapack
5280  def test_svd_no_singularvectors(self):
5281  self._test_svd_no_singularvectors(self, lambda t: t)
5283  @staticmethod
5284  def _test_matrix_rank(self, conv_fn):
5285  a = conv_fn(torch.eye(10))
5286  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(a).item(), 10)
5287  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(a, True).item(), 10)
5289  a[5, 5] = 0
5290  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(a).item(), 9)
5291  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(a, True).item(), 9)
5293  a = conv_fn(torch.randn(24, 42))
5294  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(a), torch.matrix_rank(a.t()))
5295  aaT =, a.t())
5296  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(aaT), torch.matrix_rank(aaT, True))
5297  aTa =, a)
5298  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(aTa), torch.matrix_rank(aTa, True))
5300  if TEST_NUMPY:
5301  from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank
5302  a = conv_fn(torch.randn(35, 75))
5303  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(a).item(), matrix_rank(a.cpu().numpy()))
5304  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(a, 0.01).item(), matrix_rank(a.cpu().numpy(), 0.01))
5306  aaT =, a.t())
5307  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(aaT).item(), matrix_rank(aaT.cpu().numpy()))
5308  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(aaT, 0.01).item(), matrix_rank(aaT.cpu().numpy(), 0.01))
5310  if np.lib.NumpyVersion(np.__version__) >= '1.14.0':
5311  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(aaT, True).item(), matrix_rank(aaT.cpu().numpy(), True))
5312  self.assertEqual(torch.matrix_rank(aaT, 0.01, True).item(),
5313  matrix_rank(aaT.cpu().numpy(), 0.01, True))
5315  @skipIfNoLapack
5316  def test_matrix_rank(self):
5317  self._test_matrix_rank(self, lambda x: x)
5319  @staticmethod
5320  def _test_signal_window_functions(self, device='cpu'):
5321  if not TEST_SCIPY:
5322  raise unittest.SkipTest('Scipy not found')
5324  def test(name):
5325  torch_method = getattr(torch, name + '_window')
5326  for size in [1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 1024, 2048]:
5327  for periodic in [True, False]:
5328  res = torch_method(size, periodic=periodic, device=device)
5329  ref = torch.from_numpy(signal.get_window(name, size, fftbins=periodic))
5330  self.assertEqual(res, ref)
5331  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, r'not implemented for sparse types'):
5332  torch_method(3, layout=torch.sparse_coo)
5333  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, r'floating point'):
5334  torch_method(3, dtype=torch.long)
5335  self.assertTrue(torch_method(3, requires_grad=True).requires_grad)
5336  self.assertFalse(torch_method(3).requires_grad)
5338  for window in ['hann', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman']:
5339  test(window)
5341  def test_signal_window_functions(self):
5342  self._test_signal_window_functions(self)
5344  @staticmethod
5345  def _test_inverse(self, conv_fn):
5346  from common_utils import random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value
5348  # no batches: 2-D tensors
5349  matrix = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5))
5350  matrix_inverse = torch.inverse(matrix)
5351  identity = conv_fn(torch.eye(5))
5352  self.assertEqual(identity,, matrix_inverse), 1e-8, 'inverse value')
5353  self.assertEqual(identity,, matrix), 1e-8, 'inverse value')
5355  matrix_inverse_out = conv_fn(torch.empty(5, 5))
5356  torch.inverse(matrix, out=matrix_inverse_out)
5357  self.assertEqual(matrix_inverse_out, matrix_inverse, 0, 'inverse value in-place')
5358  # second call, now that matrix_inverse_out is transposed
5359  torch.inverse(matrix, out=matrix_inverse_out)
5360  self.assertEqual(matrix_inverse_out, matrix_inverse, 0, 'inverse value in-place')
5362  # one batch
5363  matrix = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 1))
5364  matrix_inverse = torch.inverse(matrix)
5365  expected_inv = matrix.squeeze(0).inverse()
5366  self.assertEqual(matrix_inverse, expected_inv.unsqueeze(0))
5368  # four batches
5369  matrices = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 4))
5370  expected_inv_list = []
5371  for i in range(0, 4):
5372  expected_inv_list.append(torch.inverse(matrices[i]))
5373  expected_inv = torch.stack(expected_inv_list)
5374  matrices_inverse = torch.inverse(matrices)
5375  self.assertEqual(matrices_inverse, expected_inv)
5377  # six batches (2 x 3)
5378  matrices = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 2, 3))
5379  expected_inv_list = []
5380  for mat in matrices.view(-1, 5, 5):
5381  expected_inv_list.append(torch.inverse(mat))
5382  expected_inv = torch.stack(expected_inv_list).view(2, 3, 5, 5)
5383  matrices_inverse = torch.inverse(matrices)
5384  self.assertEqual(matrices_inverse, expected_inv)
5386  # incorrect input test
5387  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "must be batches of square matrices"):
5388  torch.inverse(torch.randn(2, 3, 4, 3))
5390  # correctness test
5391  matrices = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 3))
5392  matrices_inverse = torch.inverse(matrices)
5393  self.assertEqual(torch.matmul(matrices, matrices_inverse), identity.expand_as(matrices))
5394  self.assertEqual(torch.matmul(matrices_inverse, matrices), identity.expand_as(matrices))
5396  # torch.inverse with out and batches
5397  matrices = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 3))
5398  matrices_inverse = conv_fn(torch.empty(3, 5, 5))
5399  torch.inverse(matrices, out=matrices_inverse)
5400  self.assertEqual(torch.inverse(matrices), matrices_inverse)
5402  # non-contiguous inputs
5403  if not TEST_NUMPY:
5404  return
5406  from numpy.linalg import inv
5407  matrices = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(3, 2)).permute(0, 2, 1)
5408  assert not matrices.is_contiguous()
5409  matrices_inverse = torch.inverse(matrices)
5410  expected_inv = torch.as_tensor(inv(matrices.cpu().numpy()))
5411  self.assertEqual(matrices_inverse, conv_fn(expected_inv))
5413  @skipIfNoLapack
5414  def test_inverse(self):
5415  self._test_inverse(self, lambda t: t)
5417  @staticmethod
5418  def _test_pinverse(self, conv_fn):
5419  def run_test(M):
5420  # Testing against definition for pseudo-inverses
5421  MPI = torch.pinverse(M)
5422  self.assertEqual(M,, 1e-8, 'pseudo-inverse condition 1')
5423  self.assertEqual(MPI,, 1e-8, 'pseudo-inverse condition 2')
5424  self.assertEqual(, (, 1e-8, 'pseudo-inverse condition 3')
5425  self.assertEqual(, (, 1e-8, 'pseudo-inverse condition 4')
5427  # Square matrix
5428  M = conv_fn(torch.randn(5, 5))
5429  run_test(M)
5431  # Rectangular matrix
5432  M = conv_fn(torch.randn(3, 4))
5433  run_test(M)
5435  # Test inverse and pseudo-inverse for invertible matrix
5436  M = torch.randn(5, 5)
5437  M = conv_fn(
5438  self.assertEqual(conv_fn(torch.eye(5)), M.pinverse().mm(M), 1e-7, 'pseudo-inverse for invertible matrix')
5440  @skipIfNoLapack
5441  def test_pinverse(self):
5442  self._test_pinverse(self, conv_fn=lambda x: x)
5444  @staticmethod
5445  def _test_matrix_power(self, conv_fn):
5446  def run_test(M, sign=1):
5447  if sign == -1:
5448  M = M.inverse()
5449  MP2 = torch.matrix_power(M, 2)
5450  self.assertEqual(MP2, torch.matmul(M, M))
5452  MP3 = torch.matrix_power(M, 3)
5453  self.assertEqual(MP3, torch.matmul(MP2, M))
5455  MP4 = torch.matrix_power(M, 4)
5456  self.assertEqual(MP4, torch.matmul(MP2, MP2))
5458  MP6 = torch.matrix_power(M, 6)
5459  self.assertEqual(MP6, torch.matmul(MP3, MP3))
5461  MP0 = torch.matrix_power(M, 0)
5462  self.assertEqual(MP0, torch.eye(M.size(-2)).expand_as(M))
5464  # Single matrix
5465  M = conv_fn(torch.randn(5, 5))
5466  run_test(M)
5468  # Batch matrices
5469  M = conv_fn(torch.randn(3, 3, 3))
5470  run_test(M)
5472  # Many batch matrices
5473  M = conv_fn(torch.randn(2, 3, 3, 3))
5474  run_test(M)
5476  # This is for negative powers
5477  from common_utils import random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value
5478  M = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5))
5479  run_test(M, sign=-1)
5481  M = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(3, 3))
5482  run_test(M, sign=-1)
5484  M = conv_fn(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(3, 2, 3))
5485  run_test(M, sign=-1)
5487  @skipIfNoLapack
5488  def test_matrix_power(self):
5489  self._test_matrix_power(self, conv_fn=lambda x: x)
5491  @staticmethod
5492  def _test_chain_matmul(self, cast):
5493  def product(matrices):
5494  for mat in matrices[1:]:
5495  matrices[0] = matrices[0].mm(mat)
5496  return matrices[0]
5498  def run_test(p, cast):
5499  matrices = []
5500  for (pi, pi_1) in zip(p[:-1], p[1:]):
5501  matrices.append(cast(torch.randn(pi, pi_1)))
5502  self.assertEqual(torch.chain_matmul(*matrices), product(matrices))
5504  run_test([10, 20, 30, 5], cast)
5505  run_test([15, 5, 10, 20, 25], cast)
5507  def test_chain_matmul(self):
5508  self._test_chain_matmul(self, cast=lambda x: x)
5510  @staticmethod
5511  def _test_det_logdet_slogdet(self, conv_fn):
5512  def reference_det(M):
5513  # naive row reduction
5514  M = M.clone()
5515  l = M.size(0)
5516  multiplier = 1
5517  for i in range(l):
5518  if M[i, 0] != 0:
5519  if i != 0:
5520  M[0], M[i] = M[i], M[0]
5521  multiplier = -1
5522  break
5523  else:
5524  return 0
5525  for i in range(1, l):
5526  row = M[i]
5527  for j in range(i):
5528  row -= row[j] / M[j, j] * M[j]
5529  M[i] = row
5530  return M.diag().prod() * multiplier
5532  def test_single_det(M, target, desc):
5533  det = M.det()
5534  logdet = M.logdet()
5535  sdet, logabsdet = M.slogdet()
5536  self.assertEqual(det, target, 1e-7, '{} (det)'.format(desc))
5537  if det.item() < 0:
5538  self.assertTrue(logdet.item() != logdet.item(), '{} (logdet negative case)'.format(desc))
5539  self.assertTrue(sdet.item() == -1, '{} (slogdet sign negative case)'.format(desc))
5540  self.assertEqual(logabsdet.exp(), det.abs(), 1e-7, '{} (slogdet logabsdet negative case)'.format(desc))
5541  elif det.item() == 0:
5542  self.assertEqual(logdet.exp().item(), 0, 1e-7, '{} (logdet zero case)'.format(desc))
5543  self.assertTrue(sdet.item() == 0, '{} (slogdet sign zero case)'.format(desc))
5544  self.assertEqual(logabsdet.exp().item(), 0, 1e-7, '{} (slogdet logabsdet zero case)'.format(desc))
5545  else:
5546  self.assertEqual(logdet.exp(), det, 1e-7, '{} (logdet positive case)'.format(desc))
5547  self.assertTrue(sdet.item() == 1, '{} (slogdet sign positive case)'.format(desc))
5548  self.assertEqual(logabsdet.exp(), det, 1e-7, '{} (slogdet logabsdet positive case)'.format(desc))
5550  eye = conv_fn(torch.eye(5))
5551  test_single_det(eye, torch.tensor(1, dtype=eye.dtype), 'identity')
5553  # TODO: Remove when MAGMA 2.5.0 is built for CUDA 8 and CUDA 9.2
5554  is_cuda_8_92 = False
5555  if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.version.cuda is not None:
5556  is_cuda_8_92 = any(x in torch.version.cuda for x in ['8.0', '9.2'])
5558  def test(M):
5559  assert M.size(0) >= 5, 'this helper fn assumes M to be at least 5x5'
5560  M = conv_fn(M)
5562  if M.is_cuda and is_cuda_8_92:
5563  return
5565  M_det = M.det()
5566  ref_M_det = reference_det(M)
5568  test_single_det(M, ref_M_det, 'basic')
5569  if abs(ref_M_det.item()) >= 1e-10: # skip singular
5570  test_single_det(M, M.inverse().det().pow_(-1), 'inverse')
5571  test_single_det(M, M.t().det(), 'transpose')
5573  for x in [0, 2, 4]:
5574  for scale in [-2, -0.1, 0, 10]:
5575  target = M_det * scale
5576  # dim 0
5577  M_clone = M.clone()
5578  M_clone[:, x] *= scale
5579  test_single_det(M_clone, target, 'scale a row')
5580  # dim 1
5581  M_clone = M.clone()
5582  M_clone[x, :] *= scale
5583  test_single_det(M_clone, target, 'scale a column')
5585  for x1, x2 in [(0, 3), (4, 1), (3, 2)]:
5586  assert x1 != x2, 'x1 and x2 needs to be different for this test'
5587  target = M_det.clone().zero_()
5588  # dim 0
5589  M_clone = M.clone()
5590  M_clone[:, x2] = M_clone[:, x1]
5591  test_single_det(M_clone, target, 'two rows are same')
5592  # dim 1
5593  M_clone = M.clone()
5594  M_clone[x2, :] = M_clone[x1, :]
5595  test_single_det(M_clone, target, 'two columns are same')
5597  for scale1, scale2 in [(0.3, -1), (0, 2), (10, 0.1)]:
5598  target = -M_det * scale1 * scale2
5599  # dim 0
5600  M_clone = M.clone()
5601  t = M_clone[:, x1] * scale1
5602  M_clone[:, x1] += M_clone[:, x2] * scale2
5603  M_clone[:, x2] = t
5604  test_single_det(M_clone, target, 'exchanging rows')
5605  # dim 1
5606  M_clone = M.clone()
5607  t = M_clone[x1, :] * scale1
5608  M_clone[x1, :] += M_clone[x2, :] * scale2
5609  M_clone[x2, :] = t
5610  test_single_det(M_clone, target, 'exchanging columns')
5612  def get_random_mat_scale(n):
5613  # For matrices with values i.i.d. with 0 mean, unit variance, and
5614  # subexponential tail, we have:
5615  # E[log det(A^2)] \approx log((n-1)!)
5616  #
5617  # Notice:
5618  # log Var[det(A)] = log E[det(A^2)] >= E[log det(A^2)]
5619  #
5620  # So:
5621  # stddev[det(A)] >= sqrt( (n-1)! )
5622  #
5623  # We use this as an intuitive guideline to scale random generated
5624  # matrices so our closeness tests can work more robustly:
5625  # scale by sqrt( (n-1)! )^(-1/n) = ( (n-1)! )^(-1/(2n))
5626  #
5627  # source:
5628  return math.factorial(n - 1) ** (-1.0 / (2 * n))
5630  for n in [5, 10, 25]:
5631  scale = get_random_mat_scale(n)
5632  test(torch.randn(n, n) * scale)
5633  r = torch.randn(n, n) * scale
5634  # symmetric psd
5635  test(
5636  # symmetric pd
5637  r = torch.randn(n, n) * scale
5638  test( + torch.eye(n) * 1e-6)
5639  # symmetric
5640  r = torch.randn(n, n) * scale
5641  for i in range(n):
5642  for j in range(i):
5643  r[i, j] = r[j, i]
5644  test(r)
5645  # non-contiguous
5646  test((torch.randn(n, n, n + 1) * scale)[:, 2, 1:])
5647  # det = 0
5648  r = torch.randn(n, n) * scale
5649  u, s, v = r.svd()
5650  if reference_det(u) < 0:
5651  u = -u
5652  if reference_det(v) < 0:
5653  v = -v
5654  s[0] *= -1
5655  s[-1] = 0
5656  test(
5658  @skipIfNoLapack
5659  def test_det_logdet_slogdet(self):
5660  self._test_det_logdet_slogdet(self, lambda x: x)
5662  @staticmethod
5663  def _test_fft_ifft_rfft_irfft(self, device='cpu'):
5664  def _test_complex(sizes, signal_ndim, prepro_fn=lambda x: x):
5665  x = prepro_fn(torch.randn(*sizes, device=device))
5666  for normalized in (True, False):
5667  res = x.fft(signal_ndim, normalized=normalized)
5668  rec = res.ifft(signal_ndim, normalized=normalized)
5669  self.assertEqual(x, rec, 1e-8, 'fft and ifft')
5670  res = x.ifft(signal_ndim, normalized=normalized)
5671  rec = res.fft(signal_ndim, normalized=normalized)
5672  self.assertEqual(x, rec, 1e-8, 'ifft and fft')
5674  def _test_real(sizes, signal_ndim, prepro_fn=lambda x: x):
5675  x = prepro_fn(torch.randn(*sizes, device=device))
5676  signal_numel = 1
5677  signal_sizes = x.size()[-signal_ndim:]
5678  for normalized, onesided in product((True, False), repeat=2):
5679  res = x.rfft(signal_ndim, normalized=normalized, onesided=onesided)
5680  if not onesided: # check Hermitian symmetry
5681  def test_one_sample(res, test_num=10):
5682  idxs_per_dim = [torch.LongTensor(test_num).random_(s).tolist() for s in signal_sizes]
5683  for idx in zip(*idxs_per_dim):
5684  reflected_idx = tuple((s - i) % s for i, s in zip(idx, res.size()))
5685  idx_val = res.__getitem__(idx)
5686  reflected_val = res.__getitem__(reflected_idx)
5687  self.assertEqual(idx_val[0], reflected_val[0], 'rfft hermitian symmetry on real part')
5688  self.assertEqual(idx_val[1], -reflected_val[1], 'rfft hermitian symmetry on imaginary part')
5689  if len(sizes) == signal_ndim:
5690  test_one_sample(res)
5691  else:
5692  output_non_batch_shape = res.size()[-(signal_ndim + 1):]
5693  flatten_batch_res = res.view(-1, *output_non_batch_shape)
5694  nb = flatten_batch_res.size(0)
5695  test_idxs = torch.LongTensor(min(nb, 4)).random_(nb)
5696  for test_idx in test_idxs.tolist():
5697  test_one_sample(flatten_batch_res[test_idx])
5698  # compare with C2C
5699  xc = torch.stack([x, torch.zeros_like(x)], -1)
5700  xc_res = xc.fft(signal_ndim, normalized=normalized)
5701  self.assertEqual(res, xc_res)
5702  test_input_signal_sizes = [signal_sizes]
5703  rec = res.irfft(signal_ndim, normalized=normalized,
5704  onesided=onesided, signal_sizes=signal_sizes)
5705  self.assertEqual(x, rec, 1e-8, 'rfft and irfft')
5706  if not onesided: # check that we can use C2C ifft
5707  rec = res.ifft(signal_ndim, normalized=normalized)
5708  self.assertEqual(x,, 0), 1e-8, 'twosided rfft and ifft real')
5709  self.assertEqual(, 1).data.abs().mean(), 0, 1e-8, 'twosided rfft and ifft imaginary')
5711  # contiguous case
5712  _test_real((100,), 1)
5713  _test_real((10, 1, 10, 100), 1)
5714  _test_real((100, 100), 2)
5715  _test_real((2, 2, 5, 80, 60), 2)
5716  _test_real((50, 40, 70), 3)
5717  _test_real((30, 1, 50, 25, 20), 3)
5719  _test_complex((100, 2), 1)
5720  _test_complex((100, 100, 2), 1)
5721  _test_complex((100, 100, 2), 2)
5722  _test_complex((1, 20, 80, 60, 2), 2)
5723  _test_complex((50, 40, 70, 2), 3)
5724  _test_complex((6, 5, 50, 25, 20, 2), 3)
5726  # non-contiguous case
5727  _test_real((165,), 1, lambda x: x.narrow(0, 25, 100)) # input is not aligned to complex type
5728  _test_real((100, 100, 3), 1, lambda x: x[:, :, 0])
5729  _test_real((100, 100), 2, lambda x: x.t())
5730  _test_real((20, 100, 10, 10), 2, lambda x: x.view(20, 100, 100)[:, :60])
5731  _test_real((65, 80, 115), 3, lambda x: x[10:60, 13:53, 10:80])
5732  _test_real((30, 20, 50, 25), 3, lambda x: x.transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3))
5734  _test_complex((2, 100), 1, lambda x: x.t())
5735  _test_complex((100, 2), 1, lambda x: x.expand(100, 100, 2))
5736  _test_complex((300, 200, 3), 2, lambda x: x[:100, :100, 1:]) # input is not aligned to complex type
5737  _test_complex((20, 90, 110, 2), 2, lambda x: x[:, 5:85].narrow(2, 5, 100))
5738  _test_complex((40, 60, 3, 80, 2), 3, lambda x: x.transpose(2, 0).select(0, 2)[5:55, :, 10:])
5739  _test_complex((30, 55, 50, 22, 2), 3, lambda x: x[:, 3:53, 15:40, 1:21])
5741  # non-contiguous with strides not representable as aligned with complex type
5742  _test_complex((50,), 1, lambda x: x.as_strided([5, 5, 2], [3, 2, 1]))
5743  _test_complex((50,), 1, lambda x: x.as_strided([5, 5, 2], [4, 2, 2]))
5744  _test_complex((50,), 1, lambda x: x.as_strided([5, 5, 2], [4, 3, 1]))
5745  _test_complex((50,), 2, lambda x: x.as_strided([5, 5, 2], [3, 3, 1]))
5746  _test_complex((50,), 2, lambda x: x.as_strided([5, 5, 2], [4, 2, 2]))
5747  _test_complex((50,), 2, lambda x: x.as_strided([5, 5, 2], [4, 3, 1]))
5749  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_MKL, "PyTorch is built without MKL support")
5750  def test_fft_ifft_rfft_irfft(self):
5751  self._test_fft_ifft_rfft_irfft(self)
5753  @staticmethod
5754  def _test_stft(self, device='cpu'):
5755  if not TEST_LIBROSA:
5756  raise unittest.SkipTest('librosa not found')
5758  def librosa_stft(x, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, center):
5759  if window is None:
5760  window = np.ones(n_fft if win_length is None else win_length)
5761  else:
5762  window = window.cpu().numpy()
5763  input_1d = x.dim() == 1
5764  if input_1d:
5765  x = x.view(1, -1)
5766  result = []
5767  for xi in x:
5768  ri = librosa.stft(xi.cpu().numpy(), n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, center=center)
5769  result.append(torch.from_numpy(np.stack([ri.real, ri.imag], -1)))
5770  result = torch.stack(result, 0)
5771  if input_1d:
5772  result = result[0]
5773  return result
5775  def _test(sizes, n_fft, hop_length=None, win_length=None, win_sizes=None,
5776  center=True, expected_error=None):
5777  x = torch.randn(*sizes, device=device)
5778  if win_sizes is not None:
5779  window = torch.randn(*win_sizes, device=device)
5780  else:
5781  window = None
5782  if expected_error is None:
5783  result = x.stft(n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, center=center)
5784  ref_result = librosa_stft(x, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, center)
5785  self.assertEqual(result, ref_result, 7e-6, 'stft comparison against librosa')
5786  else:
5787  self.assertRaises(expected_error,
5788  lambda: x.stft(n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, center=center))
5790  for center in [True, False]:
5791  _test((10,), 7, center=center)
5792  _test((10, 4000), 1024, center=center)
5794  _test((10,), 7, 2, center=center)
5795  _test((10, 4000), 1024, 512, center=center)
5797  _test((10,), 7, 2, win_sizes=(7,), center=center)
5798  _test((10, 4000), 1024, 512, win_sizes=(1024,), center=center)
5800  # spectral oversample
5801  _test((10,), 7, 2, win_length=5, center=center)
5802  _test((10, 4000), 1024, 512, win_length=100, center=center)
5804  _test((10, 4, 2), 1, 1, expected_error=RuntimeError)
5805  _test((10,), 11, 1, center=False, expected_error=RuntimeError)
5806  _test((10,), -1, 1, expected_error=RuntimeError)
5807  _test((10,), 3, win_length=5, expected_error=RuntimeError)
5808  _test((10,), 5, 4, win_sizes=(11,), expected_error=RuntimeError)
5809  _test((10,), 5, 4, win_sizes=(1, 1), expected_error=RuntimeError)
5811  def test_stft(self):
5812  self._test_stft(self)
5814  @unittest.skip("Not implemented yet")
5815  def test_conv2(self):
5816  x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(50, 100)), math.floor(torch.uniform(50, 100)))
5817  k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(10, 20)), math.floor(torch.uniform(10, 20)))
5818  imvc = torch.conv2(x, k)
5819  imvc2 = torch.conv2(x, k, 'V')
5820  imfc = torch.conv2(x, k, 'F')
5822  ki = k.clone()
5823  ks =
5824  kis =
5825  for i in range(ks.size() - 1, 0, -1):
5826  kis[ks.size() - i + 1] = ks[i]
5827  # for i=ks.size(), 1, -1 do kis[ks.size()-i+1]=ks[i] end
5828  imvx = torch.xcorr2(x, ki)
5829  imvx2 = torch.xcorr2(x, ki, 'V')
5830  imfx = torch.xcorr2(x, ki, 'F')
5832  self.assertEqual(imvc, imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv2')
5833  self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx, 0, 'torch.conv2')
5834  self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx2, 0, 'torch.conv2')
5835  self.assertEqual(imfc, imfx, 0, 'torch.conv2')
5836  self.assertLessEqual(math.abs( - torch.xcorr2(x, x)[0][0]), 1e-10, 'torch.conv2')
5838  xx = torch.Tensor(2, x.size(1), x.size(2))
5839  xx[1].copy_(x)
5840  xx[2].copy_(x)
5841  kk = torch.Tensor(2, k.size(1), k.size(2))
5842  kk[1].copy_(k)
5843  kk[2].copy_(k)
5845  immvc = torch.conv2(xx, kk)
5846  immvc2 = torch.conv2(xx, kk, 'V')
5847  immfc = torch.conv2(xx, kk, 'F')
5849  self.assertEqual(immvc[0], immvc[1], 0, 'torch.conv2')
5850  self.assertEqual(immvc[0], imvc, 0, 'torch.conv2')
5851  self.assertEqual(immvc2[0], imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv2')
5852  self.assertEqual(immfc[0], immfc[1], 0, 'torch.conv2')
5853  self.assertEqual(immfc[0], imfc, 0, 'torch.conv2')
5855  @unittest.skip("Not implemented yet")
5856  def test_conv3(self):
5857  x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
5858  math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
5859  math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)))
5860  k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
5861  math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
5862  math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)))
5863  imvc = torch.conv3(x, k)
5864  imvc2 = torch.conv3(x, k, 'V')
5865  imfc = torch.conv3(x, k, 'F')
5867  ki = k.clone()
5868  ks =
5869  kis =
5870  for i in range(ks.size() - 1, 0, -1):
5871  kis[ks.size() - i + 1] = ks[i]
5872  imvx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki)
5873  imvx2 = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'V')
5874  imfx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'F')
5876  self.assertEqual(imvc, imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
5877  self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
5878  self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
5879  self.assertEqual(imfc, imfx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
5880  self.assertLessEqual(math.abs( - torch.xcorr3(x, x)[0][0][0]), 4e-10, 'torch.conv3')
5882  xx = torch.Tensor(2, x.size(1), x.size(2), x.size(3))
5883  xx[1].copy_(x)
5884  xx[2].copy_(x)
5885  kk = torch.Tensor(2, k.size(1), k.size(2), k.size(3))
5886  kk[1].copy_(k)
5887  kk[2].copy_(k)
5889  immvc = torch.conv3(xx, kk)
5890  immvc2 = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'V')
5891  immfc = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'F')
5893  self.assertEqual(immvc[0], immvc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
5894  self.assertEqual(immvc[0], imvc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
5895  self.assertEqual(immvc2[0], imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
5896  self.assertEqual(immfc[0], immfc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
5897  self.assertEqual(immfc[0], imfc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
5899  @unittest.skip("Not implemented yet")
5900  def _test_conv_corr_eq(self, fn, fn_2_to_3):
5901  ix = math.floor(random.randint(20, 40))
5902  iy = math.floor(random.randint(20, 40))
5903  iz = math.floor(random.randint(20, 40))
5904  kx = math.floor(random.randint(5, 10))
5905  ky = math.floor(random.randint(5, 10))
5906  kz = math.floor(random.randint(5, 10))
5908  x = torch.rand(ix, iy, iz)
5909  k = torch.rand(kx, ky, kz)
5911  o3 = fn(x, k)
5912  o32 = torch.zeros(o3.size())
5913  fn_2_to_3(x, k, o3, o32)
5914  self.assertEqual(o3, o32)
5916  @unittest.skip("Not implemented yet")
5917  def test_xcorr3_xcorr2_eq(self):
5918  def reference(x, k, o3, o32):
5919  for i in range(o3.size(1)):
5920  for j in range(k.size(1)):
5921  o32[i].add(torch.xcorr2(x[i + j - 1], k[j]))
5922  self._test_conv_corr_eq(torch.xcorr3, reference)
5924  @unittest.skip("Not implemented yet")
5925  def test_xcorr3_xcorr2_eq_full(self):
5926  def reference(x, k, o3, o32):
5927  for i in range(x.size(1)):
5928  for j in range(k.size(1)):
5929  o32[i].add(torch.xcorr2(x[i], k[k.size(1) - j + 1], 'F'))
5930  self._test_conv_corr_eq(lambda x, k: torch.xcorr3(x, k, 'F'), reference)
5932  @unittest.skip("Not implemented yet")
5933  def test_conv3_conv2_eq_valid(self):
5934  def reference(x, k, o3, o32):
5935  for i in range(o3.size(1)):
5936  for j in range(k.size(1)):
5937  o32[i].add(torch.conv2(x[i + j - 1], k[k.size(1) - j + 1]))
5938  self._test_conv_corr_eq(torch.conv3, reference)
5940  @unittest.skip("Not implemented yet")
5941  def test_fconv3_fconv2_eq(self):
5942  def reference(x, k, o3, o32):
5943  for i in range(o3.size(1)):
5944  for j in range(k.size(1)):
5945  o32[i + j - 1].add(torch.conv2(x[i], k[j], 'F'))
5946  self._test_conv_corr_eq(lambda x, k: torch.conv3(x, k, 'F'), reference)
5948  def test_logical(self):
5949  x = torch.rand(100, 100) * 2 - 1
5951  xgt =, 1)
5952  xlt =, 1)
5954  xeq = torch.eq(x, 1)
5955  xne =, 1)
5957  neqs = xgt + xlt
5958  all = neqs + xeq
5959  self.assertEqual(neqs.long().sum(), xne.long().sum(), 0)
5960  self.assertEqual(x.nelement(), all.long().sum())
5962  def test_isfinite(self):
5963  x = torch.Tensor([1, inf, 2, -inf, nan, -10])
5964  self.assertEqual(torch.isfinite(x), torch.ByteTensor([1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]))
5966  def test_isfinite_int(self):
5967  x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])
5968  self.assertEqual(torch.isfinite(x), torch.ByteTensor([1, 1, 1]))
5970  @staticmethod
5971  def _test_isinf(self, cast):
5972  t1 = cast(torch.Tensor([1, inf, 2, -inf, nan]))
5973  t2 = cast(torch.ByteTensor([1, 2, 3]))
5974  t3 = cast(torch.CharTensor([1, 2, 3]))
5975  t4 = cast(torch.ShortTensor([1, 2, 3]))
5976  t5 = cast(torch.IntTensor([1, 2, 3]))
5977  t6 = cast(torch.LongTensor([1, 2, 3]))
5978  self.assertEqual(torch.isinf(t1), cast(torch.ByteTensor([0, 1, 0, 1, 0])))
5979  self.assertEqual(torch.isinf(t2), cast(torch.ByteTensor([0, 0, 0])))
5980  self.assertEqual(torch.isinf(t3), cast(torch.ByteTensor([0, 0, 0])))
5981  self.assertEqual(torch.isinf(t4), cast(torch.ByteTensor([0, 0, 0])))
5982  self.assertEqual(torch.isinf(t5), cast(torch.ByteTensor([0, 0, 0])))
5983  self.assertEqual(torch.isinf(t6), cast(torch.ByteTensor([0, 0, 0])))
5985  def test_isinf(self):
5986  self._test_isinf(self, lambda t: t)
5988  def test_isnan(self):
5989  x = torch.Tensor([1, nan, 2])
5990  self.assertEqual(torch.isnan(x), torch.ByteTensor([0, 1, 0]))
5992  def test_RNGState(self):
5993  state = torch.get_rng_state()
5994  stateCloned = state.clone()
5995  before = torch.rand(1000)
5997  self.assertEqual(, 0, 0)
5999  torch.set_rng_state(state)
6000  after = torch.rand(1000)
6001  self.assertEqual(before, after, 0)
6003  def test_RNGStateAliasing(self):
6004  # Fork the random number stream at this point
6005  gen = torch.Generator()
6006  gen.set_state(torch.get_rng_state())
6007  self.assertEqual(gen.get_state(), torch.get_rng_state())
6009  target_value = torch.rand(1000)
6010  # Dramatically alter the internal state of the main generator
6011  _ = torch.rand(100000)
6012  forked_value = torch.rand(1000, generator=gen)
6013  self.assertEqual(target_value, forked_value, 0, "RNG has not forked correctly.")
6015  def test_RNG_after_pickle(self):
6017  before = torch.rand(10)
6020  buf = io.BytesIO()
6021  tensor = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3])
6022  ForkingPickler(buf, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL).dump(tensor)
6023  after = torch.rand(10)
6025  self.assertEqual(before, after, 0)
6027  def test_boxMullerState(self):
6028  torch.manual_seed(123)
6029  odd_number = 101
6030  seeded = torch.randn(odd_number)
6031  state = torch.get_rng_state()
6032  midstream = torch.randn(odd_number)
6033  torch.set_rng_state(state)
6034  repeat_midstream = torch.randn(odd_number)
6035  torch.manual_seed(123)
6036  reseeded = torch.randn(odd_number)
6037  self.assertEqual(midstream, repeat_midstream, 0,
6038  'get_rng_state/set_rng_state not generating same sequence of normally distributed numbers')
6039  self.assertEqual(seeded, reseeded, 0,
6040  'repeated calls to manual_seed not generating same sequence of normally distributed numbers')
6042  def test_manual_seed(self):
6043  rng_state = torch.get_rng_state()
6044  torch.manual_seed(2)
6045  x = torch.randn(100)
6046  self.assertEqual(torch.initial_seed(), 2)
6047  torch.manual_seed(2)
6048  y = torch.randn(100)
6049  self.assertEqual(x, y)
6050  torch.set_rng_state(rng_state)
6052  @staticmethod
6053  def _test_cholesky(self, cast):
6054  x = cast(torch.rand(10, 10) + 1e-1)
6055  A =, x.t())
6057  # default Case
6058  C = torch.cholesky(A)
6059  B =, C.t())
6060  self.assertEqual(A, B, 1e-14)
6062  # test Upper Triangular
6063  U = torch.cholesky(A, True)
6064  B =, U)
6065  self.assertEqual(A, B, 1e-14, 'cholesky (upper) did not allow rebuilding the original matrix')
6067  # test Lower Triangular
6068  L = torch.cholesky(A, False)
6069  B =, L.t())
6070  self.assertEqual(A, B, 1e-14, 'cholesky (lower) did not allow rebuilding the original matrix')
6072  @skipIfNoLapack
6073  def test_cholesky(self):
6074  self._test_cholesky(self, lambda t: t)
6076  @staticmethod
6077  def _test_cholesky_batched(self, cast):
6078  from common_utils import random_symmetric_pd_matrix
6080  def cholesky_test_helper(n, batch_dims, cast, upper):
6081  A = cast(random_symmetric_pd_matrix(n, *batch_dims))
6082  cholesky_exp = torch.stack([m.cholesky(upper=upper) for m in A.reshape(-1, n, n)])
6083  cholesky_exp = cholesky_exp.reshape_as(A)
6084  self.assertEqual(cholesky_exp, torch.cholesky(A, upper=upper))
6086  for upper, batchsize in product([True, False], [(3,), (3, 4), (2, 3, 4)]):
6087  cholesky_test_helper(3, batchsize, cast, upper)
6089  @skipIfNoLapack
6090  def test_cholesky_batched(self):
6091  self._test_cholesky_batched(self, lambda t: t)
6093  @staticmethod
6094  def _test_cholesky_solve(self, cast):
6095  a = torch.Tensor(((6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23),
6096  (-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08),
6097  (-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04),
6098  (8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14),
6099  (-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87))).t()
6100  b = torch.Tensor(((4.02, 6.19, -8.22, -7.57, -3.03),
6101  (-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86),
6102  (9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99))).t()
6104  # make sure 'a' is symmetric PSD
6105  a =, a.t())
6106  a, b = cast(a), cast(b)
6108  # upper Triangular Test
6109  U = torch.cholesky(a, True)
6110  x = torch.cholesky_solve(b, U, True)
6111  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
6113  # lower Triangular Test
6114  L = torch.cholesky(a, False)
6115  x = torch.cholesky_solve(b, L, False)
6116  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x)), 1e-12)
6118  # default arg Test
6119  L_def = torch.cholesky(a)
6120  x_def = torch.cholesky_solve(b, L_def)
6121  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(, x_def)), 1e-12)
6123  @skipIfNoLapack
6124  def test_cholesky_solve(self):
6125  self._test_cholesky_solve(self, lambda t: t)
6127  @staticmethod
6128  def _test_cholesky_solve_batched(self, cast):
6129  from common_utils import random_symmetric_pd_matrix
6131  def cholesky_solve_test_helper(A_dims, b_dims, cast, upper):
6132  A = cast(random_symmetric_pd_matrix(*A_dims))
6133  L = torch.cholesky(A, upper)
6134  b = cast(torch.randn(*b_dims))
6135  return A, L, b
6137  for upper in [True, False]:
6138  # test against cholesky_solve: one batch with both choices of upper
6139  A, L, b = cholesky_solve_test_helper((5, 1), (1, 5, 10), cast, upper)
6140  x_exp = torch.cholesky_solve(b.squeeze(0), L.squeeze(0), upper=upper)
6141  x = torch.cholesky_solve(b, L, upper=upper)
6142  self.assertEqual(x, x_exp.unsqueeze(0))
6144  # test against cholesky_solve in a loop: four batches with both choices of upper
6145  A, L, b = cholesky_solve_test_helper((5, 4), (4, 5, 10), cast, upper)
6146  x_exp_list = []
6147  for i in range(4):
6148  x_exp = torch.cholesky_solve(b[i], L[i], upper=upper)
6149  x_exp_list.append(x_exp)
6150  x_exp = torch.stack(x_exp_list)
6152  x = torch.cholesky_solve(b, L, upper=upper)
6153  self.assertEqual(x, x_exp)
6155  # basic correctness test
6156  A, L, b = cholesky_solve_test_helper((5, 3), (3, 5, 10), cast, upper)
6157  x = torch.cholesky_solve(b, L, upper)
6158  self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(torch.matmul(A, x)), 1e-12)
6160  # Test non-contiguous inputs.
6161  if not TEST_NUMPY:
6162  return
6163  import numpy
6164  from numpy.linalg import solve
6165  A = random_symmetric_pd_matrix(2, 2)
6166  b = torch.randn(2, 2, 2)
6167  x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.permute(0, 2, 1).numpy(), b.permute(2, 1, 0).numpy()))
6168  A = cast(A).permute(0, 2, 1)
6169  b = cast(b).permute(2, 1, 0)
6170  assert not A.is_contiguous() and not b.is_contiguous(), "contiguous inputs"
6171  L = torch.cholesky(A, upper)
6172  x = torch.cholesky_solve(b, L, upper=upper)
6173  self.assertEqual(x, cast(x_exp))
6175  @skipIfNoLapack
6176  def test_cholesky_solve_batched(self):
6177  self._test_cholesky_solve_batched(self, lambda t: t)
6179  @staticmethod
6180  def _test_cholesky_solve_batched_dims(self, cast):
6181  if not TEST_NUMPY:
6182  return
6184  from numpy.linalg import solve
6185  from common_utils import random_symmetric_pd_matrix
6187  def run_test(A_dims, b_dims, cast, upper):
6188  A = random_symmetric_pd_matrix(*A_dims)
6189  b = torch.randn(*b_dims)
6190  x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.numpy(), b.numpy()))
6191  A, b = cast(A), cast(b)
6192  L = torch.cholesky(A, upper)
6193  x = torch.cholesky_solve(b, L, upper=upper)
6194  self.assertEqual(x, cast(x_exp))
6196  for upper in [True, False]:
6197  # test against numpy.linalg.solve
6198  run_test((4, 2, 1, 3), (2, 1, 3, 4, 6), cast, upper) # no broadcasting
6199  run_test((4, 2, 1, 3), (4, 6), cast, upper) # broadcasting b
6200  run_test((4,), (2, 1, 3, 4, 2), cast, upper) # broadcasting A
6201  run_test((4, 1, 3, 1), (2, 1, 3, 4, 5), cast, upper) # broadcasting A & b
6203  @skipIfNoLapack
6204  def test_cholesky_solve_batched_dims(self):
6205  self._test_cholesky_solve_batched_dims(self, lambda t: t)
6207  @skipIfNoLapack
6208  def test_potri(self):
6209  a = torch.Tensor(((6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23),
6210  (-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08),
6211  (-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04),
6212  (8.32, 2.71, 4.35, -7.17, 2.14),
6213  (-9.67, -5.14, -7.26, 6.08, -6.87))).t()
6215  # make sure 'a' is symmetric PSD
6216  a =, a.t())
6218  # compute inverse directly
6219  inv0 = torch.inverse(a)
6221  # default case
6222  chol = torch.cholesky(a)
6223  inv1 = torch.potri(chol, False)
6224  self.assertLessEqual(inv0.dist(inv1), 1e-12)
6226  # upper Triangular Test
6227  chol = torch.cholesky(a, True)
6228  inv1 = torch.potri(chol, True)
6229  self.assertLessEqual(inv0.dist(inv1), 1e-12)
6231  # lower Triangular Test
6232  chol = torch.cholesky(a, False)
6233  inv1 = torch.potri(chol, False)
6234  self.assertLessEqual(inv0.dist(inv1), 1e-12)
6236  @skipIfNoLapack
6237  def test_pstrf(self):
6238  def checkPsdCholesky(a, uplo, inplace):
6239  if inplace:
6240  u = torch.empty_like(a)
6241  piv =
6242  kwargs = {'out': (u, piv)}
6243  else:
6244  kwargs = {}
6245  args = [a]
6247  if uplo is not None:
6248  args += [uplo]
6250  u, piv = torch.pstrf(*args, **kwargs)
6252  if uplo is False:
6253  a_reconstructed =, u.t())
6254  else:
6255  a_reconstructed =, u)
6257  piv = piv.long()
6258  a_permuted = a.index_select(0, piv).index_select(1, piv)
6259  self.assertEqual(a_permuted, a_reconstructed, 1e-14)
6261  dimensions = ((5, 1), (5, 3), (5, 5), (10, 10))
6262  for dim in dimensions:
6263  m = torch.Tensor(*dim).uniform_()
6264  a =, m.t())
6265  # add a small number to the diagonal to make the matrix numerically positive semidefinite
6266  for i in range(m.size(0)):
6267  a[i][i] = a[i][i] + 1e-7
6268  for inplace in (True, False):
6269  for uplo in (None, True, False):
6270  checkPsdCholesky(a, uplo, inplace)
6272  def test_numel(self):
6273  b = torch.ByteTensor(3, 100, 100)
6274  self.assertEqual(b.nelement(), 3 * 100 * 100)
6275  self.assertEqual(b.numel(), 3 * 100 * 100)
6277  def _consecutive(self, size, start=1):
6278  sequence = torch.ones(int(torch.Tensor(size).prod(0))).cumsum(0)
6279  sequence.add_(start - 1)
6280  return sequence.resize_(*size)
6282  @staticmethod
6283  def _test_index(self, conv_fn):
6285  def consec(size, start=1):
6286  sequence = torch.ones(int(torch.Tensor(size).prod(0))).cumsum(0)
6287  sequence.add_(start - 1)
6288  return sequence.view(*size)
6290  reference = conv_fn(consec((3, 3, 3)))
6292  # empty tensor indexing
6293  self.assertEqual(reference[conv_fn(torch.LongTensor())],, 3, 3))
6295  self.assertEqual(reference[0], consec((3, 3)), 0)
6296  self.assertEqual(reference[1], consec((3, 3), 10), 0)
6297  self.assertEqual(reference[2], consec((3, 3), 19), 0)
6298  self.assertEqual(reference[0, 1], consec((3,), 4), 0)
6299  self.assertEqual(reference[0:2], consec((2, 3, 3)), 0)
6300  self.assertEqual(reference[2, 2, 2], 27, 0)
6301  self.assertEqual(reference[:], consec((3, 3, 3)), 0)
6303  # indexing with Ellipsis
6304  self.assertEqual(reference[..., 2], torch.Tensor([[3, 6, 9],
6305  [12, 15, 18],
6306  [21, 24, 27]]), 0)
6307  self.assertEqual(reference[0, ..., 2], torch.Tensor([3, 6, 9]), 0)
6308  self.assertEqual(reference[..., 2], reference[:, :, 2], 0)
6309  self.assertEqual(reference[0, ..., 2], reference[0, :, 2], 0)
6310  self.assertEqual(reference[0, 2, ...], reference[0, 2], 0)
6311  self.assertEqual(reference[..., 2, 2, 2], 27, 0)
6312  self.assertEqual(reference[2, ..., 2, 2], 27, 0)
6313  self.assertEqual(reference[2, 2, ..., 2], 27, 0)
6314  self.assertEqual(reference[2, 2, 2, ...], 27, 0)
6315  self.assertEqual(reference[...], reference, 0)
6317  reference_5d = conv_fn(consec((3, 3, 3, 3, 3)))
6318  self.assertEqual(reference_5d[..., 1, 0], reference_5d[:, :, :, 1, 0], 0)
6319  self.assertEqual(reference_5d[2, ..., 1, 0], reference_5d[2, :, :, 1, 0], 0)
6320  self.assertEqual(reference_5d[2, 1, 0, ..., 1], reference_5d[2, 1, 0, :, 1], 0)
6321  self.assertEqual(reference_5d[...], reference_5d, 0)
6323  # LongTensor indexing
6324  reference = conv_fn(consec((5, 5, 5)))
6325  idx = conv_fn(torch.LongTensor([2, 4]))
6326  self.assertEqual(reference[idx], torch.stack([reference[2], reference[4]]))
6327  # TODO: enable one indexing is implemented like in numpy
6328  # self.assertEqual(reference[2, idx], torch.stack([reference[2, 2], reference[2, 4]]))
6329  # self.assertEqual(reference[3, idx, 1], torch.stack([reference[3, 2], reference[3, 4]])[:, 1])
6331  # None indexing
6332  self.assertEqual(reference[2, None], reference[2].unsqueeze(0))
6333  self.assertEqual(reference[2, None, None], reference[2].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0))
6334  self.assertEqual(reference[2:4, None], reference[2:4].unsqueeze(1))
6335  self.assertEqual(reference[None, 2, None, None], reference.unsqueeze(0)[:, 2].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0))
6336  self.assertEqual(reference[None, 2:5, None, None], reference.unsqueeze(0)[:, 2:5].unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2))
6338  # indexing 0-length slice
6339  self.assertEqual(torch.empty(0, 5, 5), reference[slice(0)])
6340  self.assertEqual(torch.empty(0, 5), reference[slice(0), 2])
6341  self.assertEqual(torch.empty(0, 5), reference[2, slice(0)])
6342  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([]), reference[2, 1:1, 2])
6344  # indexing with step
6345  reference = consec((10, 10, 10))
6346  self.assertEqual(reference[1:5:2], torch.stack([reference[1], reference[3]], 0))
6347  self.assertEqual(reference[1:6:2], torch.stack([reference[1], reference[3], reference[5]], 0))
6348  self.assertEqual(reference[1:9:4], torch.stack([reference[1], reference[5]], 0))
6349  self.assertEqual(reference[2:4, 1:5:2], torch.stack([reference[2:4, 1], reference[2:4, 3]], 1))
6350  self.assertEqual(reference[3, 1:6:2], torch.stack([reference[3, 1], reference[3, 3], reference[3, 5]], 0))
6351  self.assertEqual(reference[None, 2, 1:9:4], torch.stack([reference[2, 1], reference[2, 5]], 0).unsqueeze(0))
6352  self.assertEqual(reference[:, 2, 1:6:2],
6353  torch.stack([reference[:, 2, 1], reference[:, 2, 3], reference[:, 2, 5]], 1))
6355  lst = [list(range(i, i + 10)) for i in range(0, 100, 10)]
6356  tensor = conv_fn(torch.DoubleTensor(lst))
6357  for _i in range(100):
6358  idx1_start = random.randrange(10)
6359  idx1_end = idx1_start + random.randrange(1, 10 - idx1_start + 1)
6360  idx1_step = random.randrange(1, 8)
6361  idx1 = slice(idx1_start, idx1_end, idx1_step)
6362  if random.randrange(2) == 0:
6363  idx2_start = random.randrange(10)
6364  idx2_end = idx2_start + random.randrange(1, 10 - idx2_start + 1)
6365  idx2_step = random.randrange(1, 8)
6366  idx2 = slice(idx2_start, idx2_end, idx2_step)
6367  lst_indexed = list(map(lambda l: l[idx2], lst[idx1]))
6368  tensor_indexed = tensor[idx1, idx2]
6369  else:
6370  lst_indexed = lst[idx1]
6371  tensor_indexed = tensor[idx1]
6372  self.assertEqual(torch.DoubleTensor(lst_indexed), tensor_indexed)
6374  self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: reference[1:9:0])
6375  self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: reference[1:9:-1])
6377  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: reference[1, 1, 1, 1])
6378  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: reference[1, 1, 1, 1:1])
6379  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: reference[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3])
6381  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: reference[0.0])
6382  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: reference[0.0:2.0])
6383  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: reference[0.0, 0.0:2.0])
6384  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: reference[0.0, :, 0.0:2.0])
6385  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: reference[0.0, ..., 0.0:2.0])
6386  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: reference[0.0, :, 0.0])
6388  def delitem():
6389  del reference[0]
6391  self.assertRaises(TypeError, delitem)
6393  def test_index(self):
6394  self._test_index(self, lambda x: x)
6396  @staticmethod
6397  def _test_advancedindex(self, conv_fn):
6398  # Tests for Integer Array Indexing, Part I - Purely integer array
6399  # indexing
6401  def consec(size, start=1):
6402  numel = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, size, 1)
6403  sequence = torch.ones(numel).cumsum(0)
6404  sequence.add_(start - 1)
6405  return sequence.view(*size)
6407  # pick a random valid indexer type
6408  def ri(indices):
6409  choice = random.randint(0, 2)
6410  if choice == 0:
6411  return conv_fn(torch.LongTensor(indices))
6412  elif choice == 1:
6413  return list(indices)
6414  else:
6415  return tuple(indices)
6417  def validate_indexing(x):
6418  self.assertEqual(x[[0]], consec((1,)))
6419  self.assertEqual(x[ri([0]), ], consec((1,)))
6420  self.assertEqual(x[ri([3]), ], consec((1,), 4))
6421  self.assertEqual(x[[2, 3, 4]], consec((3,), 3))
6422  self.assertEqual(x[ri([2, 3, 4]), ], consec((3,), 3))
6423  self.assertEqual(x[ri([0, 2, 4]), ], torch.Tensor([1, 3, 5]))
6425  def validate_setting(x):
6426  dtype = x.type()
6427  x[[0]] = -2
6428  self.assertEqual(x[[0]], torch.Tensor([-2]).type(dtype))
6429  x[[0]] = -1
6430  self.assertEqual(x[ri([0]), ], torch.Tensor([-1]).type(dtype))
6431  x[[2, 3, 4]] = 4
6432  self.assertEqual(x[[2, 3, 4]], torch.Tensor([4, 4, 4]).type(dtype))
6433  x[ri([2, 3, 4]), ] = 3
6434  self.assertEqual(x[ri([2, 3, 4]), ], torch.Tensor([3, 3, 3]).type(dtype))
6435  x[ri([0, 2, 4]), ] = conv_fn(torch.Tensor([5, 4, 3])).type(dtype)
6436  self.assertEqual(x[ri([0, 2, 4]), ], torch.Tensor([5, 4, 3]).type(dtype))
6438  # First, we will test indexing to generate return values
6440  # Case 1: Purely Integer Array Indexing
6441  reference = conv_fn(consec((10,)))
6442  validate_indexing(reference)
6443  validate_indexing(reference.type(torch.half))
6445  # setting values
6446  validate_setting(reference)
6447  validate_setting(reference.type(torch.half))
6449  # Tensor with stride != 1
6451  # strided is [1, 3, 5, 7]
6452  reference = conv_fn(consec((10,)))
6453  strided = conv_fn(torch.Tensor())
6454  strided.set_(, storage_offset=0,
6455  size=torch.Size([4]), stride=[2])
6457  self.assertEqual(strided[[0]], torch.Tensor([1]))
6458  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0]), ], torch.Tensor([1]))
6459  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([3]), ], torch.Tensor([7]))
6460  self.assertEqual(strided[[1, 2]], torch.Tensor([3, 5]))
6461  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([1, 2]), ], torch.Tensor([3, 5]))
6462  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([[2, 1], [0, 3]]), ],
6463  torch.Tensor([[5, 3], [1, 7]]))
6465  # stride is [4, 8]
6466  strided = conv_fn(torch.Tensor())
6467  strided.set_(, storage_offset=4,
6468  size=torch.Size([2]), stride=[4])
6469  self.assertEqual(strided[[0]], torch.Tensor([5]))
6470  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0]), ], torch.Tensor([5]))
6471  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([1]), ], torch.Tensor([9]))
6472  self.assertEqual(strided[[0, 1]], torch.Tensor([5, 9]))
6473  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0, 1]), ], torch.Tensor([5, 9]))
6474  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([[0, 1], [1, 0]]), ],
6475  torch.Tensor([[5, 9], [9, 5]]))
6477  # reference is 1 2
6478  # 3 4
6479  # 5 6
6480  reference = conv_fn(consec((3, 2)))
6481  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0, 1, 2]), ri([0])], torch.Tensor([1, 3, 5]))
6482  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0, 1, 2]), ri([1])], torch.Tensor([2, 4, 6]))
6483  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0]), ri([0])], consec((1,)))
6484  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([2]), ri([1])], consec((1,), 6))
6485  self.assertEqual(reference[[ri([0, 0]), ri([0, 1])]], torch.Tensor([1, 2]))
6486  self.assertEqual(reference[[ri([0, 1, 1, 0, 2]), ri([1])]],
6487  torch.Tensor([2, 4, 4, 2, 6]))
6488  self.assertEqual(reference[[ri([0, 0, 1, 1]), ri([0, 1, 0, 0])]],
6489  torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3, 3]))
6491  rows = ri([[0, 0],
6492  [1, 2]])
6493  columns = [0],
6494  self.assertEqual(reference[rows, columns], torch.Tensor([[1, 1],
6495  [3, 5]]))
6497  rows = ri([[0, 0],
6498  [1, 2]])
6499  columns = ri([1, 0])
6500  self.assertEqual(reference[rows, columns], torch.Tensor([[2, 1],
6501  [4, 5]]))
6502  rows = ri([[0, 0],
6503  [1, 2]])
6504  columns = ri([[0, 1],
6505  [1, 0]])
6506  self.assertEqual(reference[rows, columns], torch.Tensor([[1, 2],
6507  [4, 5]]))
6509  # setting values
6510  reference[ri([0]), ri([1])] = -1
6511  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0]), ri([1])], torch.Tensor([-1]))
6512  reference[ri([0, 1, 2]), ri([0])] = conv_fn(torch.Tensor([-1, 2, -4]))
6513  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0, 1, 2]), ri([0])], torch.Tensor([-1,
6514  2, -4]))
6515  reference[rows, columns] = conv_fn(torch.Tensor([[4, 6], [2, 3]]))
6516  self.assertEqual(reference[rows, columns],
6517  torch.Tensor([[4, 6], [2, 3]]))
6519  # Verify still works with Transposed (i.e. non-contiguous) Tensors
6521  reference = conv_fn(torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3],
6522  [4, 5, 6, 7],
6523  [8, 9, 10, 11]])).t_()
6525  # Transposed: [[0, 4, 8],
6526  # [1, 5, 9],
6527  # [2, 6, 10],
6528  # [3, 7, 11]]
6530  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0, 1, 2]), ri([0])], torch.Tensor([0, 1,
6531  2]))
6532  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0, 1, 2]), ri([1])], torch.Tensor([4, 5,
6533  6]))
6534  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0]), ri([0])], torch.Tensor([0]))
6535  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([2]), ri([1])], torch.Tensor([6]))
6536  self.assertEqual(reference[[ri([0, 0]), ri([0, 1])]], torch.Tensor([0, 4]))
6537  self.assertEqual(reference[[ri([0, 1, 1, 0, 3]), ri([1])]],
6538  torch.Tensor([4, 5, 5, 4, 7]))
6539  self.assertEqual(reference[[ri([0, 0, 1, 1]), ri([0, 1, 0, 0])]],
6540  torch.Tensor([0, 4, 1, 1]))
6542  rows = ri([[0, 0],
6543  [1, 2]])
6544  columns = [0],
6545  self.assertEqual(reference[rows, columns], torch.Tensor([[0, 0],
6546  [1, 2]]))
6548  rows = ri([[0, 0],
6549  [1, 2]])
6550  columns = ri([1, 0])
6551  self.assertEqual(reference[rows, columns], torch.Tensor([[4, 0],
6552  [5, 2]]))
6553  rows = ri([[0, 0],
6554  [1, 3]])
6555  columns = ri([[0, 1],
6556  [1, 2]])
6557  self.assertEqual(reference[rows, columns], torch.Tensor([[0, 4],
6558  [5, 11]]))
6560  # setting values
6561  reference[ri([0]), ri([1])] = -1
6562  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0]), ri([1])], torch.Tensor([-1]))
6563  reference[ri([0, 1, 2]), ri([0])] = conv_fn(torch.Tensor([-1, 2, -4]))
6564  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0, 1, 2]), ri([0])], torch.Tensor([-1,
6565  2, -4]))
6566  reference[rows, columns] = conv_fn(torch.Tensor([[4, 6], [2, 3]]))
6567  self.assertEqual(reference[rows, columns],
6568  torch.Tensor([[4, 6], [2, 3]]))
6570  # stride != 1
6572  # strided is [[1 3 5 7],
6573  # [9 11 13 15]]
6575  reference = conv_fn(torch.arange(0., 24).view(3, 8))
6576  strided = conv_fn(torch.Tensor())
6577  strided.set_(, 1, size=torch.Size([2, 4]),
6578  stride=[8, 2])
6580  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0, 1]), ri([0])], torch.Tensor([1, 9]))
6581  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0, 1]), ri([1])], torch.Tensor([3, 11]))
6582  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0]), ri([0])], torch.Tensor([1]))
6583  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([1]), ri([3])], torch.Tensor([15]))
6584  self.assertEqual(strided[[ri([0, 0]), ri([0, 3])]], torch.Tensor([1, 7]))
6585  self.assertEqual(strided[[ri([1]), ri([0, 1, 1, 0, 3])]],
6586  torch.Tensor([9, 11, 11, 9, 15]))
6587  self.assertEqual(strided[[ri([0, 0, 1, 1]), ri([0, 1, 0, 0])]],
6588  torch.Tensor([1, 3, 9, 9]))
6590  rows = ri([[0, 0],
6591  [1, 1]])
6592  columns = [0],
6593  self.assertEqual(strided[rows, columns], torch.Tensor([[1, 1],
6594  [9, 9]]))
6596  rows = ri([[0, 1],
6597  [1, 0]])
6598  columns = ri([1, 2])
6599  self.assertEqual(strided[rows, columns], torch.Tensor([[3, 13],
6600  [11, 5]]))
6601  rows = ri([[0, 0],
6602  [1, 1]])
6603  columns = ri([[0, 1],
6604  [1, 2]])
6605  self.assertEqual(strided[rows, columns], torch.Tensor([[1, 3],
6606  [11, 13]]))
6608  # setting values
6610  # strided is [[10, 11],
6611  # [17, 18]]
6613  reference = conv_fn(torch.arange(0., 24).view(3, 8))
6614  strided = conv_fn(torch.Tensor())
6615  strided.set_(, 10, size=torch.Size([2, 2]),
6616  stride=[7, 1])
6617  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0]), ri([1])], torch.Tensor([11]))
6618  strided[ri([0]), ri([1])] = -1
6619  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0]), ri([1])], torch.Tensor([-1]))
6621  reference = conv_fn(torch.arange(0., 24).view(3, 8))
6622  strided = conv_fn(torch.Tensor())
6623  strided.set_(, 10, size=torch.Size([2, 2]),
6624  stride=[7, 1])
6625  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0, 1]), ri([1, 0])], torch.Tensor([11,
6626  17]))
6627  strided[ri([0, 1]), ri([1, 0])] = conv_fn(torch.Tensor([-1, 2]))
6628  self.assertEqual(strided[ri([0, 1]), ri([1, 0])], torch.Tensor([-1,
6629  2]))
6631  reference = conv_fn(torch.arange(0., 24).view(3, 8))
6632  strided = conv_fn(torch.Tensor())
6633  strided.set_(, 10, size=torch.Size([2, 2]),
6634  stride=[7, 1])
6636  rows = ri([[0],
6637  [1]])
6638  columns = ri([[0, 1],
6639  [0, 1]])
6640  self.assertEqual(strided[rows, columns],
6641  torch.Tensor([[10, 11], [17, 18]]))
6642  strided[rows, columns] = conv_fn(torch.Tensor([[4, 6], [2, 3]]))
6643  self.assertEqual(strided[rows, columns],
6644  torch.Tensor([[4, 6], [2, 3]]))
6646  # Tests using less than the number of dims, and ellipsis
6648  # reference is 1 2
6649  # 3 4
6650  # 5 6
6651  reference = conv_fn(consec((3, 2)))
6652  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([0, 2]), ], torch.Tensor([[1, 2], [5, 6]]))
6653  self.assertEqual(reference[ri([1]), ...], torch.Tensor([[3, 4]]))
6654  self.assertEqual(reference[..., ri([1])], torch.Tensor([[2], [4], [6]]))
6656  # verify too many indices fails
6657  with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
6658  reference[ri([1]), ri([0, 2]), ri([3])]
6660  # test invalid index fails
6661  reference = conv_fn(torch.empty(10))
6662  # can't test cuda because it is a device assert
6663  if not reference.is_cuda:
6664  for err_idx in (10, -11):
6665  with self.assertRaisesRegex(IndexError, r'out of'):
6666  reference[err_idx]
6667  with self.assertRaisesRegex(IndexError, r'out of'):
6668  reference[conv_fn(torch.LongTensor([err_idx]))]
6669  with self.assertRaisesRegex(IndexError, r'out of'):
6670  reference[[err_idx]]
6672  if TEST_NUMPY:
6673  # we use numpy to compare against, to verify that our advanced
6674  # indexing semantics are the same, and also for ease of test
6675  # writing
6677  def tensor_indices_to_np(tensor, indices):
6678  # convert the Torch Tensor to a numpy array
6679  if (tensor.is_cuda):
6680  tensor = tensor.cpu()
6681  npt = tensor.numpy()
6683  # convert indices
6684  idxs = tuple(i.tolist() if isinstance(i, torch.LongTensor) else
6685  i for i in indices)
6687  return npt, idxs
6689  def get_numpy(tensor, indices):
6690  npt, idxs = tensor_indices_to_np(tensor, indices)
6692  # index and return as a Torch Tensor
6693  return torch.Tensor(npt[idxs])
6695  def set_numpy(tensor, indices, value):
6696  if not isinstance(value, int):
6697  if value.is_cuda:
6698  value = value.cpu()
6699  value = value.numpy()
6701  npt, idxs = tensor_indices_to_np(tensor, indices)
6702  npt[idxs] = value
6703  return npt
6705  def assert_get_eq(tensor, indexer):
6706  self.assertEqual(tensor[indexer],
6707  conv_fn(get_numpy(tensor, indexer)))
6709  def assert_set_eq(tensor, indexer, val):
6710  pyt = tensor.clone()
6711  numt = tensor.clone()
6712  pyt[indexer] = val
6713  numt = conv_fn(torch.Tensor(set_numpy(numt, indexer, val)))
6714  self.assertEqual(pyt, numt)
6716  def get_set_tensor(indexed, indexer):
6717  set_size = indexed[indexer].size()
6718  set_count = indexed[indexer].numel()
6719  set_tensor = conv_fn(torch.randperm(set_count).view(set_size).double())
6720  return set_tensor
6722  # Tensor is 0 1 2 3 4
6723  # 5 6 7 8 9
6724  # 10 11 12 13 14
6725  # 15 16 17 18 19
6726  reference = conv_fn(torch.arange(0., 20).view(4, 5))
6728  indices_to_test = [
6729  # grab the second, fourth columns
6730  [slice(None), [1, 3]],
6732  # first, third rows,
6733  [[0, 2], slice(None)],
6735  # weird shape
6736  [slice(None), [[0, 1],
6737  [2, 3]]],
6738  # negatives
6739  [[-1], [0]],
6740  [[0, 2], [-1]],
6741  [slice(None), [-1]],
6742  ]
6744  # only test dupes on gets
6745  get_indices_to_test = indices_to_test + [[slice(None), [0, 1, 1, 2, 2]]]
6747  for indexer in get_indices_to_test:
6748  assert_get_eq(reference, indexer)
6750  for indexer in indices_to_test:
6751  assert_set_eq(reference, indexer, 44)
6752  assert_set_eq(reference,
6753  indexer,
6754  get_set_tensor(reference, indexer))
6756  reference = conv_fn(torch.arange(0., 160).view(4, 8, 5))
6758  indices_to_test = [
6759  [slice(None), slice(None), [0, 3, 4]],
6760  [slice(None), [2, 4, 5, 7], slice(None)],
6761  [[2, 3], slice(None), slice(None)],
6762  [slice(None), [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4]],
6763  [slice(None), [0], [1, 2, 4]],
6764  [slice(None), [0, 1, 3], [4]],
6765  [slice(None), [[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[2, 3]]],
6766  [slice(None), [[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[0]]],
6767  [slice(None), [[5, 6]], [[0, 3], [4, 4]]],
6768  [[0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], slice(None)],
6769  [[0], [1, 2, 4], slice(None)],
6770  [[0, 1, 3], [4], slice(None)],
6771  [[[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[2, 1], [3, 5]], slice(None)],
6772  [[[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[2, 3]], slice(None)],
6773  [[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[0]], slice(None)],
6774  [[[2, 1]], [[0, 3], [4, 4]], slice(None)],
6775  [[[2]], [[0, 3], [4, 1]], slice(None)],
6777  # less dim, ellipsis
6778  [[0, 2], ],
6779  [[0, 2], slice(None)],
6780  [[0, 2], Ellipsis],
6781  [[0, 2], slice(None), Ellipsis],
6782  [[0, 2], Ellipsis, slice(None)],
6783  [[0, 2], [1, 3]],
6784  [[0, 2], [1, 3], Ellipsis],
6785  [Ellipsis, [1, 3], [2, 3]],
6786  [Ellipsis, [2, 3, 4]],
6787  [Ellipsis, slice(None), [2, 3, 4]],
6788  [slice(None), Ellipsis, [2, 3, 4]],
6790  # ellipsis counts for nothing
6791  [Ellipsis, slice(None), slice(None), [0, 3, 4]],
6792  [slice(None), Ellipsis, slice(None), [0, 3, 4]],
6793  [slice(None), slice(None), Ellipsis, [0, 3, 4]],
6794  [slice(None), slice(None), [0, 3, 4], Ellipsis],
6795  [Ellipsis, [[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[2, 1], [3, 5]], slice(None)],
6796  [[[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[2, 1], [3, 5]], Ellipsis, slice(None)],
6797  [[[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[2, 1], [3, 5]], slice(None), Ellipsis],
6798  ]
6800  for indexer in indices_to_test:
6801  assert_get_eq(reference, indexer)
6802  assert_set_eq(reference, indexer, 212)
6803  assert_set_eq(reference,
6804  indexer,
6805  get_set_tensor(reference, indexer))
6807  reference = conv_fn(torch.arange(0., 1296).view(3, 9, 8, 6))
6809  indices_to_test = [
6810  [slice(None), slice(None), slice(None), [0, 3, 4]],
6811  [slice(None), slice(None), [2, 4, 5, 7], slice(None)],
6812  [slice(None), [2, 3], slice(None), slice(None)],
6813  [[1, 2], slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)],
6814  [slice(None), slice(None), [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4]],
6815  [slice(None), slice(None), [0], [1, 2, 4]],
6816  [slice(None), slice(None), [0, 1, 3], [4]],
6817  [slice(None), slice(None), [[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[2, 3]]],
6818  [slice(None), slice(None), [[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[0]]],
6819  [slice(None), slice(None), [[5, 6]], [[0, 3], [4, 4]]],
6820  [slice(None), [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], slice(None)],
6821  [slice(None), [0], [1, 2, 4], slice(None)],
6822  [slice(None), [0, 1, 3], [4], slice(None)],
6823  [slice(None), [[0, 1], [3, 4]], [[2, 3], [0, 1]], slice(None)],
6824  [slice(None), [[0, 1], [3, 4]], [[2, 3]], slice(None)],
6825  [slice(None), [[0, 1], [3, 2]], [[0]], slice(None)],
6826  [slice(None), [[2, 1]], [[0, 3], [6, 4]], slice(None)],
6827  [slice(None), [[2]], [[0, 3], [4, 2]], slice(None)],
6828  [[0, 1, 2], [1, 3, 4], slice(None), slice(None)],
6829  [[0], [1, 2, 4], slice(None), slice(None)],
6830  [[0, 1, 2], [4], slice(None), slice(None)],
6831  [[[0, 1], [0, 2]], [[2, 4], [1, 5]], slice(None), slice(None)],
6832  [[[0, 1], [1, 2]], [[2, 0]], slice(None), slice(None)],
6833  [[[2, 2]], [[0, 3], [4, 5]], slice(None), slice(None)],
6834  [[[2]], [[0, 3], [4, 5]], slice(None), slice(None)],
6835  [slice(None), [3, 4, 6], [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4]],
6836  [slice(None), [2, 3, 4], [1, 3, 4], [4]],
6837  [slice(None), [0, 1, 3], [4], [1, 3, 4]],
6838  [slice(None), [6], [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4]],
6839  [slice(None), [2, 3, 5], [3], [4]],
6840  [slice(None), [0], [4], [1, 3, 4]],
6841  [slice(None), [6], [0, 2, 3], [1]],
6842  [slice(None), [[0, 3], [3, 6]], [[0, 1], [1, 3]], [[5, 3], [1, 2]]],
6843  [[2, 2, 1], [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], slice(None)],
6844  [[2, 0, 1], [1, 2, 3], [4], slice(None)],
6845  [[0, 1, 2], [4], [1, 3, 4], slice(None)],
6846  [[0], [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], slice(None)],
6847  [[0, 2, 1], [3], [4], slice(None)],
6848  [[0], [4], [1, 3, 4], slice(None)],
6849  [[1], [0, 2, 3], [1], slice(None)],
6850  [[[1, 2], [1, 2]], [[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[2, 3], [3, 5]], slice(None)],
6852  # less dim, ellipsis
6853  [Ellipsis, [0, 3, 4]],
6854  [Ellipsis, slice(None), [0, 3, 4]],
6855  [Ellipsis, slice(None), slice(None), [0, 3, 4]],
6856  [slice(None), Ellipsis, [0, 3, 4]],
6857  [slice(None), slice(None), Ellipsis, [0, 3, 4]],
6858  [slice(None), [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4]],
6859  [slice(None), [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], Ellipsis],
6860  [Ellipsis, [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], slice(None)],
6861  [[0], [1, 2, 4]],
6862  [[0], [1, 2, 4], slice(None)],
6863  [[0], [1, 2, 4], Ellipsis],
6864  [[0], [1, 2, 4], Ellipsis, slice(None)],
6865  [[1], ],
6866  [[0, 2, 1], [3], [4]],
6867  [[0, 2, 1], [3], [4], slice(None)],
6868  [[0, 2, 1], [3], [4], Ellipsis],
6869  [Ellipsis, [0, 2, 1], [3], [4]],
6870  ]
6872  for indexer in indices_to_test:
6873  assert_get_eq(reference, indexer)
6874  assert_set_eq(reference, indexer, 1333)
6875  assert_set_eq(reference,
6876  indexer,
6877  get_set_tensor(reference, indexer))
6878  indices_to_test += [
6879  [slice(None), slice(None), [[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[2, 3], [3, 0]]],
6880  [slice(None), slice(None), [[2]], [[0, 3], [4, 4]]],
6881  ]
6882  for indexer in indices_to_test:
6883  assert_get_eq(reference, indexer)
6884  assert_set_eq(reference, indexer, 1333)
6886  def test_advancedindex(self):
6887  self._test_advancedindex(self, lambda x: x)
6889  @staticmethod
6890  def _test_advancedindex_big(self, conv_fn):
6891  reference = conv_fn(torch.arange(0, 123344).int())
6893  self.assertEqual(reference[[0, 123, 44488, 68807, 123343], ],
6894  torch.LongTensor([0, 123, 44488, 68807, 123343]))
6896  def test_advancedindex_big(self):
6897  self._test_advancedindex_big(self, lambda x: x)
6899  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
6900  def test_newaxis_numpy_comparison(self):
6901  def run_test(tensor, *idx):
6902  npt = tensor.numpy()
6903  self.assertEqual(tensor[idx], npt[idx])
6905  # 1D Tensor Tests
6906  x = torch.arange(0, 10)
6907  cases = [
6908  [None],
6909  [None, None],
6910  [Ellipsis, None],
6911  [None, Ellipsis],
6912  [2, None],
6913  [None, 2],
6914  [Ellipsis, None, 2],
6915  [Ellipsis, 2, None],
6916  [2, Ellipsis, None],
6917  [2, None, Ellipsis],
6918  [None, 2, Ellipsis],
6919  [None, Ellipsis, 2],
6920  ]
6922  for case in cases:
6923  run_test(x, *case)
6925  # 2D Tensor Tests
6926  x = torch.arange(0, 12).view(3, 4)
6927  cases = [
6928  [None],
6929  [None, None],
6930  [None, None, None],
6931  [Ellipsis, None],
6932  [Ellipsis, None, None],
6933  [None, Ellipsis],
6934  [None, Ellipsis, None],
6935  [None, None, Ellipsis],
6936  [2, None],
6937  [2, None, Ellipsis],
6938  [2, Ellipsis, None],
6939  [None, 2, Ellipsis],
6940  [Ellipsis, 2, None],
6941  [Ellipsis, None, 2],
6942  [None, Ellipsis, 2],
6943  [1, 2, None],
6944  [1, 2, Ellipsis, None],
6945  [1, Ellipsis, 2, None],
6946  [Ellipsis, 1, None, 2],
6947  [Ellipsis, 1, 2, None],
6948  [1, None, 2, Ellipsis],
6949  [None, 1, Ellipsis, 2],
6950  [None, 1, 2, Ellipsis],
6951  ]
6953  for case in cases:
6954  run_test(x, *case)
6956  def test_newindex(self):
6957  reference = self._consecutive((3, 3, 3))
6958  # This relies on __index__() being correct - but we have separate tests for that
6960  def checkPartialAssign(index):
6961  reference = torch.zeros(3, 3, 3)
6962  reference[index] = self._consecutive((3, 3, 3))[index]
6963  self.assertEqual(reference[index], self._consecutive((3, 3, 3))[index], 0)
6964  reference[index] = 0
6965  self.assertEqual(reference, torch.zeros(3, 3, 3), 0)
6967  checkPartialAssign(0)
6968  checkPartialAssign(1)
6969  checkPartialAssign(2)
6970  checkPartialAssign((0, 1))
6971  checkPartialAssign((1, 2))
6972  checkPartialAssign((0, 2))
6973  checkPartialAssign(torch.LongTensor((0, 2)))
6975  with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
6976  reference[1, 1, 1, 1] = 1
6977  with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
6978  reference[1, 1, 1, (1, 1)] = 1
6979  with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
6980  reference[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] = 1
6981  with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
6982  reference[0.0] = 1
6983  with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
6984  reference[0.0:2.0] = 1
6985  with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
6986  reference[0.0, 0.0:2.0] = 1
6987  with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
6988  reference[0.0, :, 0.0:2.0] = 1
6989  with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
6990  reference[0.0, ..., 0.0:2.0] = 1
6991  with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
6992  reference[0.0, :, 0.0] = 1
6994  def test_index_copy(self):
6995  num_copy, num_dest = 3, 20
6996  dest = torch.randn(num_dest, 4, 5)
6997  src = torch.randn(num_copy, 4, 5)
6998  idx = torch.randperm(num_dest).narrow(0, 0, num_copy)
6999  dest2 = dest.clone()
7000  dest.index_copy_(0, idx, src)
7001  for i in range(idx.size(0)):
7002  dest2[idx[i]] = src[i]
7003  self.assertEqual(dest, dest2, 0)
7005  dest = torch.randn(num_dest)
7006  src = torch.randn(num_copy)
7007  idx = torch.randperm(num_dest).narrow(0, 0, num_copy)
7008  dest2 = dest.clone()
7009  dest.index_copy_(0, idx, src)
7010  for i in range(idx.size(0)):
7011  dest2[idx[i]] = src[i]
7012  self.assertEqual(dest, dest2, 0)
7014  def test_index_add(self):
7015  num_copy, num_dest = 3, 3
7016  dest = torch.randn(num_dest, 4, 5)
7017  src = torch.randn(num_copy, 4, 5)
7018  idx = torch.randperm(num_dest).narrow(0, 0, num_copy)
7019  dest2 = dest.clone()
7020  dest.index_add_(0, idx, src)
7021  for i in range(idx.size(0)):
7022  dest2[idx[i]] += src[i]
7023  self.assertEqual(dest, dest2)
7025  dest = torch.randn(num_dest)
7026  src = torch.randn(num_copy)
7027  idx = torch.randperm(num_dest).narrow(0, 0, num_copy)
7028  dest2 = dest.clone()
7029  dest.index_add_(0, idx, src)
7030  for i in range(idx.size(0)):
7031  dest2[idx[i]] = dest2[idx[i]] + src[i]
7032  self.assertEqual(dest, dest2)
7034  def test_index_select(self):
7035  src = torch.randn(3, 4, 5)
7036  # Index can be duplicated.
7037  idx = torch.LongTensor([2, 1, 0, 1, 2])
7038  dest = torch.index_select(src, 0, idx)
7039  self.assertEqual(dest.shape, (5, 4, 5))
7040  for i in range(idx.size(0)):
7041  self.assertEqual(dest[i], src[idx[i]])
7043  # Check that 'out' is used correctly.
7044  out = torch.randn(5 * 4 * 5)
7045  dest = torch.index_select(src, 0, idx, out=out.view(5, 4, 5))
7046  self.assertEqual(dest.shape, (5, 4, 5))
7047  for i in range(idx.size(0)):
7048  self.assertEqual(dest[i], src[idx[i]])
7049  out.fill_(0.123)
7050  self.assertEqual(out, dest.view(-1)) # Must point to the same storage.
7052  def test_t(self):
7053  # Test 0D tensors
7054  x = torch.randn(())
7055  self.assertEqual(x, x.t())
7056  x = x.to_sparse()
7057  self.assertEqual(x, x.t())
7059  # Test 1D tensors
7060  x = torch.arange(4)
7061  self.assertEqual(x, x.t())
7062  x = x.to_sparse()
7063  self.assertEqual(x, x.t())
7065  # Test 2D tensors
7066  x = torch.rand((2, 2))
7067  self.assertEqual(x.t(), x.transpose(0, 1))
7068  x = x.to_sparse()
7069  self.assertEqual(x.t(), x.transpose(0, 1))
7071  # Test 3D tensor
7072  x = torch.rand((2, 2, 2))
7073  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'expects a tensor with <= 2 dimensions, but self is 3D'):
7074  x.t()
7075  x = x.to_sparse()
7076  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'expects a tensor with <= 2 sparse and 0 dense dimensions'):
7077  x.t()
7079  def test_take(self):
7080  def check(src, idx):
7081  expected = src.contiguous().view(-1).index_select(
7082  0, idx.contiguous().view(-1)).view_as(idx)
7083  actual = src.take(idx)
7084  self.assertEqual(actual.size(), idx.size())
7085  self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
7087  src = torch.randn(2, 3, 5)
7088  idx = torch.LongTensor([[0, 2], [3, 4]])
7089  check(src, idx)
7090  check(src.transpose(1, 2), idx)
7092  def test_take_empty(self):
7093  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
7094  for device in devices:
7095  for input_shape in [(0,), (0, 1, 2, 0), (1, 2, 3)]:
7096  for indices_shape in [(0,), (0, 1, 2, 0)]:
7097  input = torch.empty(input_shape, device=device)
7098  indices = torch.empty(indices_shape, dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
7099  self.assertEqual(indices, torch.take(input, indices))
7101  def test_put_(self):
7102  def check(dst, idx, value):
7103  expected = dst.clone().view(-1).index_copy_(
7104  0, idx.contiguous().view(-1), value.contiguous().view(-1))
7105  expected = expected.view_as(dst)
7106  dst.put_(idx, value)
7107  self.assertEqual(expected, dst)
7109  dst = torch.randn(2, 3, 5)
7110  idx = torch.LongTensor([[0, 2], [3, 4]])
7111  values = torch.randn(2, 2)
7112  check(dst, idx, values)
7113  check(dst.transpose(1, 2), idx, values)
7115  def test_put_accumulate(self):
7116  dst = torch.ones(2, 2)
7117  idx = torch.LongTensor([[0, 1], [0, 1]])
7118  src = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3, 4])
7119  dst.put_(idx, src, accumulate=True)
7120  self.assertEqual(dst.tolist(), [[5, 7], [1, 1]])
7122  def test_put_empty(self):
7123  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
7124  for device in devices:
7125  for dst_shape in [(0,), (0, 1, 2, 0), (1, 2, 3)]:
7126  for indices_shape in [(0,), (0, 1, 2, 0)]:
7127  for accumulate in [False, True]:
7128  dst = torch.randn(dst_shape, device=device)
7129  indices = torch.empty(indices_shape, dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
7130  src = torch.randn(indices_shape, device=device)
7131  self.assertEqual(dst, dst.put_(indices, src, accumulate=accumulate))
7133  # Fill idx with valid indices.
7134  @staticmethod
7135  def _fill_indices(self, idx, dim, dim_size, elems_per_row, m, n, o):
7136  for i in range(1 if dim == 0 else m):
7137  for j in range(1 if dim == 1 else n):
7138  for k in range(1 if dim == 2 else o):
7139  ii = [i, j, k]
7140  ii[dim] = slice(0, idx.size(dim) + 1)
7141  idx[tuple(ii)] = torch.randperm(dim_size)[0:elems_per_row]
7143  def test_flatten(self):
7144  src = torch.randn(5, 5, 5, 5)
7145  flat = src.flatten(0, -1)
7146  self.assertEqual(flat.shape, torch.Size([625]))
7147  self.assertEqual(src.view(-1), flat.view(-1))
7149  flat = src.flatten(0, 2)
7150  self.assertEqual(flat.shape, torch.Size([125, 5]))
7151  self.assertEqual(src.view(-1), flat.view(-1))
7153  flat = src.flatten(0, 1)
7154  self.assertEqual(flat.shape, torch.Size([25, 5, 5]))
7155  self.assertEqual(src.view(-1), flat.view(-1))
7157  flat = src.flatten(1, 2)
7158  self.assertEqual(flat.shape, torch.Size([5, 25, 5]))
7159  self.assertEqual(src.view(-1), flat.view(-1))
7161  flat = src.flatten(2, 3)
7162  self.assertEqual(flat.shape, torch.Size([5, 5, 25]))
7163  self.assertEqual(src.view(-1), flat.view(-1))
7165  flat = src.flatten(-2, -1)
7166  self.assertEqual(flat.shape, torch.Size([5, 5, 25]))
7167  self.assertEqual(src.view(-1), flat.view(-1))
7169  flat = src.flatten(2, 2)
7170  self.assertEqual(flat, src)
7172  # out of bounds index
7173  with self.assertRaisesRegex(IndexError, 'Dimension out of range'):
7174  src.flatten(5, 10)
7176  # invalid start and end
7177  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'start_dim cannot come after end_dim'):
7178  src.flatten(2, 0)
7180  @staticmethod
7181  def _test_gather(self, cast, test_bounds=True):
7182  m, n, o = random.randint(10, 20), random.randint(10, 20), random.randint(10, 20)
7183  elems_per_row = random.randint(1, 10)
7184  dim = random.randrange(3)
7186  src = torch.randn(m, n, o)
7187  idx_size = [m, n, o]
7188  idx_size[dim] = elems_per_row
7189  idx = torch.LongTensor().resize_(*idx_size)
7190  _TestTorchMixin._fill_indices(self, idx, dim, src.size(dim), elems_per_row, m, n, o)
7192  src = cast(src)
7193  idx = cast(idx)
7195  actual = torch.gather(src, dim, idx)
7196  expected = cast(torch.Tensor().resize_(*idx_size))
7197  for i in range(idx_size[0]):
7198  for j in range(idx_size[1]):
7199  for k in range(idx_size[2]):
7200  ii = [i, j, k]
7201  ii[dim] = idx[i, j, k]
7202  expected[i, j, k] = src[tuple(ii)]
7203  self.assertEqual(actual, expected, 0)
7205  if test_bounds:
7206  idx[0][0][0] = 23
7207  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.gather(src, dim, idx))
7209  src = cast(torch.randn(3, 4, 5))
7210  expected, idx = src.max(2, True)
7211  expected = cast(expected)
7212  idx = cast(idx)
7213  actual = torch.gather(src, 2, idx)
7214  self.assertEqual(actual, expected, 0)
7216  def test_gather(self):
7217  self._test_gather(self, lambda t: t)
7219  @staticmethod
7220  def _test_scatter_base(self, cast, method, is_scalar=False, test_bounds=True):
7221  m, n, o = random.randint(10, 20), random.randint(10, 20), random.randint(10, 20)
7222  elems_per_row = random.randint(1, 10)
7223  dim = random.randrange(3)
7225  idx_size = [m, n, o]
7226  idx_size[dim] = elems_per_row
7227  idx = cast(torch.LongTensor().resize_(*idx_size))
7228  _TestTorchMixin._fill_indices(self, idx, dim, ([m, n, o])[dim], elems_per_row, m, n, o)
7230  if is_scalar:
7231  src = random.random()
7232  else:
7233  src = cast(torch.Tensor(*idx_size).normal_())
7235  base = cast(torch.randn(m, n, o))
7236  actual = getattr(base.clone(), method)(dim, idx, src)
7237  expected = base.clone()
7238  for i in range(idx_size[0]):
7239  for j in range(idx_size[1]):
7240  for k in range(idx_size[2]):
7241  ii = [i, j, k]
7242  ii[dim] = idx[i, j, k]
7243  if method == 'scatter_' and not is_scalar:
7244  expected[tuple(ii)] = src[i, j, k]
7245  elif method == 'scatter_add_':
7246  expected[tuple(ii)] += src[i, j, k]
7247  else:
7248  expected[tuple(ii)] = src
7249  self.assertEqual(actual, expected, 0)
7251  if test_bounds:
7252  idx[0][0][0] = 34
7253  with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
7254  getattr(base.clone(), method)(dim, idx, src)
7256  # test for empty index, should be a no-op
7257  idx = cast(torch.LongTensor())
7258  actual = getattr(base.clone(), method)(dim, idx, src)
7259  self.assertEqual(actual, base, 0)
7261  def test_scatter(self):
7262  self._test_scatter_base(self, lambda t: t, 'scatter_')
7264  def test_scatterAdd(self):
7265  self._test_scatter_base(self, lambda t: t, 'scatter_add_')
7267  def test_scatterFill(self):
7268  self._test_scatter_base(self, lambda t: t, 'scatter_', True)
7270  def test_masked_scatter(self):
7271  num_copy, num_dest = 3, 10
7272  dest = torch.randn(num_dest)
7273  src = torch.randn(num_copy)
7274  mask = torch.ByteTensor((0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0))
7275  dest2 = dest.clone()
7276  dest.masked_scatter_(mask, src)
7277  j = 0
7278  for i in range(num_dest):
7279  if mask[i]:
7280  dest2[i] = src[j]
7281  j += 1
7282  self.assertEqual(dest, dest2, 0)
7284  # make source bigger than number of 1s in mask
7285  src = torch.randn(num_dest)
7286  dest.masked_scatter_(mask, src)
7288  # make src smaller. this should fail
7289  src = torch.randn(num_copy - 1)
7290  with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
7291  dest.masked_scatter_(mask, src)
7293  def test_masked_select(self):
7294  num_src = 10
7295  src = torch.randn(num_src)
7296  mask = torch.rand(num_src).clamp(0, 1).mul(2).floor().byte()
7297  dst = src.masked_select(mask)
7298  dst2 = []
7299  for i in range(num_src):
7300  if mask[i]:
7301  dst2 += [src[i]]
7302  self.assertEqual(dst, torch.Tensor(dst2), 0)
7304  def test_masked_fill(self):
7305  num_dest = 10
7306  dst = torch.randn(num_dest)
7307  mask = torch.rand(num_dest).mul(2).floor().byte()
7308  val = random.random()
7309  dst2 = dst.clone()
7310  dst.masked_fill_(mask, val)
7311  for i in range(num_dest):
7312  if mask[i]:
7313  dst2[i] = val
7314  self.assertEqual(dst, dst2, 0)
7316  # test non-contiguous case
7317  dst = torch.randn(num_dest, num_dest, num_dest).permute((2, 0, 1))
7318  dst2 = dst.clone()
7319  dst.masked_fill_(dst > 0, val)
7320  dst2.masked_fill_(dst2 > 0, val)
7321  self.assertEqual(dst, dst2, 0)
7323  def test_abs(self):
7324  def _test_abs(tensors_dict):
7325  for _category, tensors in tensors_dict.items():
7326  for data in tensors:
7327  _test_abs_single(data)
7329  def _test_abs_single(data):
7330  switch = torch.rand(data.size()).mul(2).floor().mul(2).add(-1).type(data.dtype)
7331  res = torch.mul(data, switch)
7332  self.assertTensorsSlowEqual(res.abs(), data, 1e-16)
7334  shapes = [(3, 4), (3, 5, 7), (2, 2, 5, 8, 2, 3), (1000,), (10, 10, 10)]
7336  for shape in shapes:
7337  # Test all except char/byte
7338  _test_abs(self._make_tensors(shape, val_range=(0, 1000)))
7340  # Test char
7341  _test_abs_single(torch.CharTensor(*shape).random_(0, 100))
7343  # Test byte
7344  byte_tensor = torch.ByteTensor(*shape).random_(0, 100)
7345  self.assertTensorsSlowEqual(byte_tensor, byte_tensor.abs(), 1e-16)
7347  # Checking that the right abs function is called for LongTensor
7348  bignumber = 2 ^ 31 + 1
7349  res = torch.LongTensor((-bignumber,))
7350  self.assertGreater(res.abs()[0], 0)
7352  # One of
7353  rec = torch.randn(2, 2, 3, 7, 6, 2).type(torch.float64).clamp(0, 1)
7354  val1 =, -1).data[0][0][0].sum()
7355  val2 =, -1).data.abs()[0][0][0].sum()
7356  self.assertEqual(val1, val2, 1e-8, 'absolute value')
7358  def test_namedtuple_return(self):
7359  a = torch.randn(5, 5)
7361  # test max, min, median, mode
7362  for f in ['max', 'min', 'median', 'mode']:
7363  ret = getattr(a, f)(dim=0)
7364  self.assertEqual(ret.values, ret[0])
7365  self.assertEqual(ret.indices, ret[1])
7366  ret1 = getattr(torch, f)(a, dim=0, out=ret)
7367  self.assertEqual(ret1.values, ret1[0])
7368  self.assertEqual(ret1.indices, ret1[1])
7369  self.assertEqual(ret1.values, ret[0])
7370  self.assertEqual(ret1.indices, ret[1])
7372  # test kthvalue
7373  ret = a.kthvalue(1, dim=0)
7374  self.assertEqual(ret.values, ret[0])
7375  self.assertEqual(ret.indices, ret[1])
7376  ret1 = torch.kthvalue(a, 1, dim=0, out=ret)
7377  self.assertEqual(ret1.values, ret1[0])
7378  self.assertEqual(ret1.indices, ret1[1])
7379  self.assertEqual(ret1.values, ret[0])
7380  self.assertEqual(ret1.indices, ret[1])
7382  # test svd
7383  ret = a.svd()
7384  self.assertEqual(ret.U, ret[0])
7385  self.assertEqual(ret.S, ret[1])
7386  self.assertEqual(ret.V, ret[2])
7387  ret1 = torch.svd(a, out=ret)
7388  self.assertEqual(ret1.U, ret1[0])
7389  self.assertEqual(ret1.S, ret1[1])
7390  self.assertEqual(ret1.V, ret1[2])
7391  self.assertEqual(ret1.U, ret[0])
7392  self.assertEqual(ret1.S, ret[1])
7393  self.assertEqual(ret1.V, ret[2])
7395  # test symeig, eig
7396  fn = ['symeig', 'eig']
7397  for f in fn:
7398  ret = getattr(torch, f)(a, eigenvectors=True)
7399  self.assertEqual(ret.eigenvalues, ret[0])
7400  self.assertEqual(ret.eigenvectors, ret[1])
7401  ret1 = getattr(torch, f)(a, out=tuple(ret))
7402  self.assertEqual(ret1.eigenvalues, ret[0])
7403  self.assertEqual(ret1.eigenvectors, ret[1])
7404  self.assertEqual(ret1.eigenvalues, ret1[0])
7405  self.assertEqual(ret1.eigenvectors, ret1[1])
7407  # test pstrf
7408  b =, a.t())
7409  # add a small number to the diagonal to make the matrix numerically positive semidefinite
7410  for i in range(a.size(0)):
7411  b[i][i] = b[i][i] + 1e-7
7412  ret = b.pstrf()
7413  self.assertEqual(ret.u, ret[0])
7414  self.assertEqual(ret.pivot, ret[1])
7415  ret1 = torch.pstrf(b, out=tuple(ret))
7416  self.assertEqual(ret1.u, ret1[0])
7417  self.assertEqual(ret1.pivot, ret1[1])
7418  self.assertEqual(ret1.u, ret[0])
7419  self.assertEqual(ret1.pivot, ret[1])
7421  # test qr
7422  ret = a.qr()
7423  self.assertEqual(ret.Q, ret[0])
7424  self.assertEqual(ret.R, ret[1])
7425  ret1 = torch.qr(a, out=tuple(ret))
7426  self.assertEqual(ret1.Q, ret1[0])
7427  self.assertEqual(ret1.R, ret1[1])
7429  # test geqrf
7430  ret = a.geqrf()
7431  self.assertEqual(ret.a, ret[0])
7432  self.assertEqual(ret.tau, ret[1])
7433  ret1 = torch.geqrf(a, out=tuple(ret))
7434  self.assertEqual(ret1.a, ret1[0])
7435  self.assertEqual(ret1.tau, ret1[1])
7437  def test_hardshrink(self):
7438  data_original = torch.tensor([1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.6]).view(2, 2)
7439  float_types = [
7440  'torch.DoubleTensor',
7441  'torch.FloatTensor'
7442  ]
7443  for t in float_types:
7444  data = data_original.type(t)
7445  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([1, 0.5, 0, 0.6]).view(2, 2), data.hardshrink(0.3))
7446  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([1, 0, 0, 0.6]).view(2, 2), data.hardshrink(0.5))
7448  # test default lambd=0.5
7449  self.assertEqual(data.hardshrink(), data.hardshrink(0.5))
7451  # test non-contiguous case
7452  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([1, 0, 0.5, 0.6]).view(2, 2), data.t().hardshrink(0.3))
7454  def test_unbiased(self):
7455  tensor = torch.randn(100)
7456  self.assertEqual(tensor.var(0), tensor.var(0, unbiased=True))
7457  self.assertEqual(tensor.var(), tensor.var(unbiased=True))
7458  self.assertEqual(tensor.var(unbiased=False), tensor.var(0, unbiased=False))
7460  tensor = torch.FloatTensor([1.0, 2.0])
7461  self.assertEqual(tensor.var(unbiased=True), 0.5)
7462  self.assertEqual(tensor.var(unbiased=False), 0.25)
7464  tensor = torch.FloatTensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
7465  self.assertEqual(tensor.var(unbiased=True), 1.0)
7466  self.assertEqual(tensor.var(unbiased=False), 2.0 / 3.0)
7468  tensor = torch.randn(100)
7469  self.assertEqual(tensor.std(0), tensor.std(0, unbiased=True))
7470  self.assertEqual(tensor.std(), tensor.std(unbiased=True))
7471  self.assertEqual(tensor.std(unbiased=False), tensor.std(0, unbiased=False))
7473  def test_structseq_repr(self):
7474  a = torch.arange(250).reshape(5, 5, 10)
7475  expected = """
7476  torch.return_types.max(
7477  values=tensor([[ 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49],
7478  [ 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99],
7479  [140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149],
7480  [190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199],
7481  [240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249]]),
7482  indices=tensor([[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4],
7483  [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4],
7484  [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4],
7485  [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4],
7486  [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]]))"""
7487  self.assertEqual(repr(a.max(1)), textwrap.dedent(expected).strip())
7489  def test_var_stability(self):
7490  tensor = torch.FloatTensor([2281.5, 2281.25])
7491  self.assertEqual(tensor.var(dim=0), 0.03125)
7492  self.assertEqual(tensor.var(), 0.03125)
7494  @staticmethod
7495  def _test_view(self, cast):
7496  tensor = cast(torch.rand(15))
7497  template = cast(torch.rand(3, 5))
7498  empty = cast(torch.empty(0))
7499  target = template.size()
7500  self.assertEqual(tensor.view_as(template).size(), target)
7501  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, 5).size(), target)
7502  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(torch.Size([3, 5])).size(), target)
7503  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(-1, 5).size(), target)
7504  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, -1).size(), target)
7505  tensor_view = tensor.view(5, 3)
7506  tensor_view.fill_(random.uniform(0, 1))
7507  self.assertEqual(empty.view_as(empty), empty)
7508  self.assertEqual(empty.view(0), empty)
7509  self.assertEqual(empty.view(0, 3, 0, 1).size(), torch.Size([0, 3, 0, 1]))
7510  self.assertEqual(empty.view(0, 3, 0, 1).view(0), empty)
7512  # test size inference with empty tensors
7513  self.assertEqual(empty.view(-1).size(), torch.Size([0]))
7514  self.assertEqual(empty.view(10, 3, -1).size(), torch.Size([10, 3, 0]))
7516  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, r"because the unspecified dimension size -1 can be any value"):
7517  empty.view(-1, 0)
7519  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, r"because the unspecified dimension size -1 can be any value"):
7520  empty.view(3, 0, -1, 0)
7522  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(15, 0))
7523  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(7, -1))
7524  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(15, -1, -1))
7526  # test view when tensor is not contiguous in every dimension, but only
7527  # contiguous dimensions are touched.
7528  tensor = cast(torch.rand(4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 2, 9, 3)).transpose(-1, 2).transpose(-2, 3)
7529  # size: [ 4, 2, 3, 9, 6, 2, 1, 5]
7530  # stride: [3840, 1620, 1, 3, 54, 27, 324, 324]
7531  # contiguous dim chunks: [__________, ____, ____, __________, ____, ____]
7532  # merging 1 to chunk after: [__________, ____, ____, __________, __________]
7533  contig_tensor = tensor.clone()
7534  # [4, 2] => [8, 1]
7535  # [3] => [3]
7536  # [9] => [3, 3]
7537  # [6, 2] => [4, 1, 3]
7538  # [1, 5] => [5]
7539  view_size = [8, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 3, 5]
7540  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(*view_size), contig_tensor.view(*view_size))
7541  # [4, 2] => [2, 4]
7542  # [3] => [3]
7543  # [9] => [1, 9]
7544  # [6, 2] => [2, 2, 3]
7545  # [1, 5] => [5, 1]
7546  view_size = [2, 4, 3, 1, 9, 2, 2, 3, 5, 1]
7547  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(*view_size), contig_tensor.view(*view_size))
7548  # adding size 1 dims
7549  view_size = [1, 1, 2, 1, 4, 3, 1, 1, 9, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1, 1]
7550  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(*view_size), contig_tensor.view(*view_size))
7552  # invalid views
7553  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(-1))
7554  # crossing [4, 2], [3]
7555  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(24, 9, 6, 2, 1, 5))
7556  # crossing [6, 2], [1, 5]
7557  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(8, 3, 9, 6, 10))
7558  # crossing [9], [6, 2]
7559  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(8, 3, 54, 2, 1, 5))
7561  # view with stride 0 dims
7562  tensor = cast(torch.empty(1, 1)).expand(3, 4) # all dims are contiguous
7563  contig_tensor = tensor.clone()
7564  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(-1), contig_tensor.view(-1))
7565  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(1, -1, 1), contig_tensor.view(1, -1, 1))
7566  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(-1, 1), contig_tensor.view(-1, 1))
7567  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(6, 2, 1), contig_tensor.view(6, 2, 1))
7568  self.assertEqual(tensor.view(1, 6, 2, 1), contig_tensor.view(1, 6, 2, 1))
7570  def test_view(self):
7571  _TestTorchMixin._test_view(self, lambda x: x)
7573  def test_view_empty(self):
7574  x = torch.randn(0, 6)
7575  self.assertEqual((1, 0, 6, 1, 1), x.view(1, 0, 6, 1, 1).shape)
7577  def test_reshape(self):
7578  x = torch.randn(3, 3)
7579  self.assertEqual(x.data_ptr(), x.reshape(-1).data_ptr())
7580  self.assertEqual(x.data_ptr(), x.reshape(1, 9, 1).data_ptr())
7581  self.assertEqual(torch.reshape(x, (9,)), x.reshape(9))
7582  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: x.reshape(-1, -1))
7584  y = torch.randn(4, 4, 4)[:, 0, :]
7585  self.assertNotEqual(y.data_ptr(), y.reshape(-1).data_ptr())
7586  self.assertEqual(y.contiguous().view(-1), y.reshape(-1))
7587  self.assertEqual(y.reshape(2, 2, 4).data_ptr(), y.data_ptr())
7589  s = torch.randn(())
7590  self.assertEqual(s.data_ptr(), s.reshape(()).data_ptr())
7591  self.assertEqual(s.reshape(-1).shape, (1,))
7592  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: s.reshape(2))
7594  empty = torch.tensor([])
7595  self.assertEqual(empty, empty.reshape(-1))
7596  self.assertEqual(empty, empty.reshape([0]))
7597  # TODO: fix these once we have multi-dimensional empty tensors
7598  self.assertEqual(empty.reshape([0, 1]).shape, (0, 1))
7599  self.assertEqual(empty.reshape([1, -1]).shape, (1, 0))
7600  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: empty.reshape(1))
7602  x = torch.randn(3, 3)
7603  self.assertEqual(x.data_ptr(), x.reshape_as(torch.rand(9)).data_ptr())
7604  self.assertEqual(x.data_ptr(), x.reshape_as(torch.rand(1, 9, 1)).data_ptr())
7605  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: x.reshape_as(torch.rand(10)))
7607  def test_empty_reshape(self):
7608  x = torch.randn(0, 6)
7609  self.assertEqual((1, 0, 6, 1, 1), x.reshape(1, 0, 6, 1, 1).shape)
7610  # should be viewable -- i.e. data_ptr is the same.
7611  self.assertEqual(x.data_ptr(), x.reshape(1, 0, 6, 1, 1).data_ptr())
7613  # match NumPy semantics -- don't infer the size of dimension with a degree of freedom
7614  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: x.reshape(0, -1))
7616  def test_tensor_shape_empty(self):
7617  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
7618  for device in devices:
7619  x = torch.randn((0, 1, 3, 0), device=device)
7620  # flatten
7621  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.flatten(x, 0, 3).shape)
7622  self.assertEqual((0, 0), torch.flatten(x, 0, 2).shape)
7623  self.assertEqual((0, 3, 0), torch.flatten(x, 1, 2).shape)
7625  # squeeze, unsqueeze
7626  self.assertEqual((0, 1, 1, 3, 0), torch.unsqueeze(x, 1).shape)
7627  self.assertEqual((0, 3, 0), torch.squeeze(x, 1).shape)
7628  self.assertEqual((0, 3, 0), torch.squeeze(x).shape)
7630  # transpose, t
7631  self.assertEqual((0, 0, 3, 1), torch.transpose(x, 1, 3).shape)
7632  y = torch.randn((5, 0), device=device)
7633  self.assertEqual((0, 5), y.t().shape)
7635  # select
7636  self.assertEqual((0, 1, 0),, 2, 2).shape)
7637  # unfold
7638  self.assertEqual((0, 1, 1, 0, 3), x.unfold(2, 3, 2).shape)
7639  y = torch.randn((0, 1, 3), device=device)
7640  self.assertEqual((1, 1, 3, 0), y.unfold(0, 0, 4).shape)
7642  # repeat, permute
7643  self.assertEqual((9, 0, 5, 6, 0), x.repeat(9, 7, 5, 2, 3).shape)
7644  self.assertEqual((3, 0, 0, 1), x.permute(2, 3, 0, 1).shape)
7646  # diagonal, diagflat
7647  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.diagonal(torch.randn((5, 0), device=device)).shape)
7648  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.diagonal(torch.randn((0, 5), device=device)).shape)
7649  # off the end offsets are valid
7650  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.diagonal(torch.randn((5, 0), device=device), offset=1).shape)
7651  self.assertEqual((0,), torch.diagonal(torch.randn((0, 5), device=device), offset=1).shape)
7652  # check non-zero sized offsets off the end
7653  self.assertEqual((5, 6, 0), torch.diagonal(torch.randn((3, 4, 5, 6), device=device), offset=45252).shape)
7654  self.assertEqual((5, 6, 0), torch.diagonal(torch.randn((3, 4, 5, 6), device=device), offset=-45252).shape)
7656  self.assertEqual((0, 0), torch.diagflat(torch.tensor([], device=device)).shape)
7657  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(1, 1), torch.diagflat(torch.tensor([], device=device), offset=1))
7658  self.assertEqual((0, 0), torch.diagflat(torch.tensor([[]], device=device)).shape)
7659  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(1, 1), torch.diagflat(torch.tensor([[]], device=device), offset=1))
7661  # stack, split, chunk
7662  self.assertEqual((4, 0, 1, 3, 0), torch.stack((x, x, x, x)).shape)
7663  self.assertEqual([(0, 1, 3, 0)],
7664  [z.shape for z in torch.chunk(x, 1, dim=0)])
7666  self.assertEqual([(0, 1, 3, 0), ] * 3, [z.shape for z in torch.chunk(x, 3, dim=0)])
7667  self.assertEqual([(0, 1, 1, 0), ] * 3, [z.shape for z in torch.chunk(x, 3, dim=2)])
7669  # NOTE: split_with_sizes behaves differently than NumPy in that it
7670  # takes sizes rather than offsets
7671  self.assertEqual([(0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 2, 0)],
7672  [z.shape for z in torch.split(x, (0, 1, 2), dim=2)])
7674  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.split(x, 0, dim=1))
7675  # This is strange because the split size is larger than the dim size, but consistent with
7676  # how split handles that case generally (when no 0s are involved).
7677  self.assertEqual([(0, 1, 3, 0)], [z.shape for z in torch.split(x, 1, dim=0)])
7678  self.assertEqual([(0, 1, 3, 0)], [z.shape for z in torch.split(x, 0, dim=0)])
7680  # functions that operate over a dimension but don't reduce.
7681  @skipIfRocm
7682  def test_dim_function_empty(self):
7683  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
7684  for device in devices:
7685  shape = (0, 1, 2, 0)
7686  x = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
7688  # size stride
7689  self.assertEqual(0, x.size(3))
7690  self.assertEqual(2, x.size(2))
7691  self.assertEqual(2, x.stride(0))
7692  self.assertEqual(1, x.stride(2))
7694  self.assertEqual(x, torch.nn.functional.glu(x, 0))
7695  self.assertEqual((0, 1, 1, 0), torch.nn.functional.glu(x, 2).shape)
7697  # softmax, logsoftmax
7698  self.assertEqual(x, torch.nn.functional.softmax(x, 0))
7699  self.assertEqual(x, torch.nn.functional.softmax(x, 2))
7700  self.assertEqual(x, torch.nn.functional.softmax(x, 3))
7702  self.assertEqual(x, torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(x, 0))
7703  self.assertEqual(x, torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(x, 2))
7704  self.assertEqual(x, torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(x, 3))
7706  # cumsum, cumprod
7707  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.cumsum(x, 0).shape)
7708  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.cumsum(x, 2).shape)
7709  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.cumprod(x, 0).shape)
7710  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.cumprod(x, 2).shape)
7712  # flip
7713  self.assertEqual(x, x.flip(0))
7714  self.assertEqual(x, x.flip(2))
7716  # roll
7717  self.assertEqual(x, x.roll(0, 1).roll(0, -1))
7718  self.assertEqual(x, x.roll(1, x.size(1)))
7719  self.assertEqual(x, x.roll(1))
7720  self.assertEqual(x, x.roll((1, 1), (3, 1)))
7722  # unbind
7723  self.assertEqual((), x.unbind(0))
7724  self.assertEqual((torch.empty((0, 1, 0), device=device), torch.empty((0, 1, 0), device=device)),
7725  x.unbind(2))
7727  # cross
7728  y = torch.randn((0, 1, 3, 0), device=device)
7729  self.assertEqual(y.shape, torch.cross(y, y).shape)
7731  # renorm
7732  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.renorm(x, 1, 0, 5).shape)
7733  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.renorm(x, 1, 2, 5).shape)
7735  # sort
7736  self.assertEqual([shape, shape], [z.shape for z in torch.sort(x, dim=0)])
7737  self.assertEqual([shape, shape], [z.shape for z in torch.sort(x, dim=2)])
7739  # topk
7740  self.assertEqual([shape, shape], [z.shape for z in torch.topk(x, 0, dim=0)])
7741  self.assertEqual([(0, 1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1, 0)], [z.shape for z in torch.topk(x, 1, dim=2)])
7743  y = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), device=device)
7744  self.assertEqual([(2, 3, 0), (2, 3, 0)], [z.shape for z in torch.topk(y, 0)])
7746  # gather
7747  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.gather(x, 0, torch.empty(shape, dtype=torch.int64, device=device)).shape)
7748  self.assertEqual(shape, torch.gather(x, 2, torch.empty(shape, dtype=torch.int64, device=device)).shape)
7749  larger_shape = torch.empty((0, 1, 3, 0), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
7750  self.assertEqual(larger_shape.shape, torch.gather(x, 2, larger_shape).shape)
7751  smaller_shape = torch.empty((0, 1, 0, 0), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
7752  self.assertEqual(smaller_shape.shape, torch.gather(x, 2, smaller_shape).shape)
7753  y = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), device=device)
7754  self.assertEqual((0, 3, 4),
7755  torch.gather(y, 0, torch.empty((0, 3, 4), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)).shape)
7757  # scatter, scatter_add
7758  for dim in [0, 2]:
7759  y = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
7760  y_src = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
7761  ind = torch.empty(shape, dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
7762  self.assertEqual(shape, y.scatter_(dim, ind, y_src).shape)
7763  self.assertEqual(shape, y.scatter_add_(dim, ind, y_src).shape)
7765  z = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), device=device)
7766  z_src = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), device=device)
7767  self.assertEqual(z, z.scatter_(2, torch.empty((2, 3, 0), dtype=torch.int64, device=device), z_src))
7768  self.assertEqual(z, z.scatter_add_(2, torch.empty((2, 3, 0), dtype=torch.int64, device=device), z_src))
7770  # index_fill, index_copy, index_add
7771  c = x.clone()
7772  c_clone = c.clone()
7773  ind_empty = torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
7774  ind_01 = torch.tensor([0, 1], dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
7775  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_fill_(0, ind_empty, -1))
7776  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_fill_(2, ind_empty, -1))
7777  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_fill_(2, torch.tensor([0, 1], dtype=torch.int64, device=device), -1))
7778  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_copy_(0, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 1, 2, 0), device=device)))
7779  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_copy_(2, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 1, 0, 0), device=device)))
7780  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_copy_(2, ind_01, torch.empty((0, 1, 2, 0), device=device)))
7781  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_add_(0, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 1, 2, 0), device=device)))
7782  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_add_(2, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 1, 0, 0), device=device)))
7783  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_add_(2, ind_01, torch.empty((0, 1, 2, 0), device=device)))
7785  c = torch.randn((0, 1, 2), device=device)
7786  c_clone = c.clone()
7787  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_fill_(0, ind_empty, -1))
7788  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_copy_(0, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 1, 2), device=device)))
7789  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_add_(0, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 1, 2), device=device)))
7790  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_fill_(0, ind_empty, -1))
7791  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_copy_(0, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 1, 2), device=device)))
7792  self.assertEqual(c_clone, c.index_add_(0, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 1, 2), device=device)))
7794  # index fill/copy/add non-empty
7795  z = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), device=device)
7796  self.assertEqual(z, z.index_fill_(0, ind_empty, -1))
7797  z = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), device=device)
7798  self.assertEqual(z, z.index_copy_(0, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 3, 4), device=device)))
7799  z = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), device=device)
7800  self.assertEqual(z, z.index_add_(0, ind_empty, torch.empty((0, 3, 4), device=device)))
7802  # index_select
7803  self.assertEqual(x, x.index_select(0, ind_empty))
7804  self.assertEqual((0, 1, 0, 0), x.index_select(2, ind_empty).shape)
7805  self.assertEqual(x, x.index_select(2, ind_01))
7806  z = torch.randn((2, 3, 4), device=device) # non-empty
7807  self.assertEqual((0, 3, 4), z.index_select(0, ind_empty).shape)
7808  c = torch.randn((0, 1, 2), device=device)
7809  self.assertEqual(c, c.index_select(0, ind_empty))
7810  c = torch.randn((0, 1, 2), device=device)
7811  self.assertEqual(c, c.index_select(0, ind_empty))
7813  @skipIfRocm
7814  def test_blas_empty(self):
7815  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
7816  for device in devices:
7818  def fn(torchfn, *args):
7819  return torchfn(*tuple(torch.randn(shape, device=device) if isinstance(shape, tuple) else shape
7820  for shape in args))
7822  # mm, addmm
7823  self.assertEqual((0, 0), fn(, (0, 0), (0, 0)).shape)
7824  self.assertEqual((0, 5), fn(, (0, 0), (0, 5)).shape)
7825  self.assertEqual((5, 0), fn(, (5, 0), (0, 0)).shape)
7826  self.assertEqual((3, 0), fn(, (3, 2), (2, 0)).shape)
7827  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros((5, 6), device=device), fn(, (5, 0), (0, 6)))
7829  self.assertEqual((0, 0), fn(torch.addmm, (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)).shape)
7830  self.assertEqual((5, 6), fn(torch.addmm, (5, 6), (5, 0), (0, 6)).shape)
7832  # mv, addmv
7833  self.assertEqual((0,), fn(, (0, 0), (0,)).shape)
7834  self.assertEqual((0,), fn(, (0, 2), (2,)).shape)
7835  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros((3,), device=device), fn(, (3, 0), (0,)))
7837  self.assertEqual((0,), fn(torch.addmv, (0,), (0, 0), (0,)).shape)
7838  self.assertEqual((3,), fn(torch.addmv, (3,), (3, 0), (0,)).shape)
7840  # ger, addr
7841  self.assertEqual((0, 0), fn(torch.ger, (0,), (0,)).shape)
7842  self.assertEqual((5, 0), fn(torch.ger, (5,), (0,)).shape)
7843  self.assertEqual((0, 4), fn(torch.ger, (0,), (4,)).shape)
7845  self.assertEqual((0, 0), fn(torch.addr, (0, 0), (0,), (0,)).shape)
7846  self.assertEqual((5, 0), fn(torch.addr, (5, 0), (5,), (0,)).shape)
7847  self.assertEqual((0, 4), fn(torch.addr, (0, 4), (0,), (4,)).shape)
7849  # bmm, baddbmm
7850  self.assertEqual((0, 0, 0), fn(torch.bmm, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)).shape)
7851  self.assertEqual((3, 0, 5), fn(torch.bmm, (3, 0, 0), (3, 0, 5)).shape)
7852  self.assertEqual((0, 5, 6), fn(torch.bmm, (0, 5, 0), (0, 0, 6)).shape)
7853  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros((3, 5, 6), device=device), fn(torch.bmm, (3, 5, 0), (3, 0, 6)))
7855  self.assertEqual((0, 0, 0), fn(torch.baddbmm, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)).shape)
7856  self.assertEqual((3, 0, 5), fn(torch.baddbmm, (3, 0, 5), (3, 0, 0), (3, 0, 5)).shape)
7857  self.assertEqual((0, 5, 6), fn(torch.baddbmm, (0, 5, 6), (0, 5, 0), (0, 0, 6)).shape)
7858  self.assertEqual((3, 5, 6), fn(torch.baddbmm, (3, 5, 6), (3, 5, 0), (3, 0, 6)).shape)
7860  # addbmm
7861  self.assertEqual((0, 0), fn(torch.addbmm, (0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)).shape)
7862  self.assertEqual((0, 5), fn(torch.addbmm, (0, 5), (3, 0, 0), (3, 0, 5)).shape)
7863  self.assertEqual((5, 6), fn(torch.addbmm, (5, 6), (0, 5, 0), (0, 0, 6)).shape)
7865  # matmul
7866  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(0., device=device), fn(torch.matmul, (0,), (0,)))
7867  self.assertEqual((0, 0), fn(torch.matmul, (0, 0), (0, 0)).shape)
7868  self.assertEqual((0, 0, 0), fn(torch.matmul, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)).shape)
7869  self.assertEqual((5, 0, 0), fn(torch.matmul, (5, 0, 0), (5, 0, 0)).shape)
7870  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros((5, 3, 4), device=device), fn(torch.matmul, (5, 3, 0), (5, 0, 4)))
7872  # dot
7873  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(0., device=device), fn(, (0,), (0,)))
7875  if torch._C.has_lapack:
7876  # btrifact
7877  A_LU, pivots = fn(torch.btrifact, (0, 5, 5))
7878  self.assertEqual([(0, 5, 5), (0, 5)], [A_LU.shape, pivots.shape])
7879  A_LU, pivots = fn(torch.btrifact, (0, 0, 0))
7880  self.assertEqual([(0, 0, 0), (0, 0)], [A_LU.shape, pivots.shape])
7881  A_LU, pivots = fn(torch.btrifact, (2, 0, 0))
7882  self.assertEqual([(2, 0, 0), (2, 0)], [A_LU.shape, pivots.shape])
7884  @skipIfRocm
7885  def test_blas_alpha_beta_empty(self):
7886  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
7887  for device in devices:
7888  # ensure beta is respected
7889  value = 11
7890  input = torch.full((2,), value, device=device)
7891  mat = torch.ones((2, 0), device=device)
7892  vec = torch.ones((0,), device=device)
7893  out = torch.randn((2,), device=device)
7894  alpha = 6
7895  beta = 3
7896  self.assertEqual(torch.full((2,), beta * value, device=device),
7897  torch.addmv(input=input, mat=mat, vec=vec, alpha=alpha, beta=beta))
7898  self.assertEqual(torch.full((2,), beta * value, device=device),
7899  torch.addmv(input=input, mat=mat, vec=vec, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, out=out))
7901  # torch.addmm
7902  input = torch.full((2, 3), value, device=device)
7903  mat2 = torch.ones((0, 3), device=device)
7904  out = torch.randn((2, 3), device=device)
7905  self.assertEqual(torch.full((2, 3), beta * value, device=device),
7906  torch.addmm(input=input, mat1=mat, mat2=mat2, alpha=alpha, beta=beta))
7907  self.assertEqual(torch.full((2, 3), beta * value, device=device),
7908  torch.addmm(input=input, mat1=mat, mat2=mat2, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, out=out))
7910  @skipIfNoLapack
7911  def test_lapack_empty(self):
7912  # FIXME: these are just a selection of LAPACK functions -- we need a general strategy here.
7913  # The LAPACK functions themselves generally do NOT work with zero sized dimensions, although
7914  # numpy/sci often has a direct wrapper (e.g. lu_factor) and a wrapper that "does the right thing"
7915  # (e.g. lu). We often name our functions identically to the lapack function, so it will take work
7916  # to name / migrate-to better wrappers.
7917  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
7918  for device in devices:
7920  # need to init cuda to check has_magma
7921  empty = torch.randn((0, 0), device=device)
7922  if device == 'cuda' and not torch.cuda.has_magma:
7923  continue
7925  def fn(torchfn, *args):
7926  return torchfn(*tuple(torch.randn(shape, device=device) if isinstance(shape, tuple) else shape
7927  for shape in args))
7929  # inverse, pinverse
7930  self.assertEqual((0, 0), fn(torch.inverse, (0, 0)).shape)
7931  self.assertEqual((5, 0), fn(torch.pinverse, (0, 5)).shape)
7932  self.assertEqual((0, 5), fn(torch.pinverse, (5, 0)).shape)
7933  self.assertEqual((0, 0), fn(torch.pinverse, (0, 0)).shape)
7935  # svd
7936  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: fn(torch.svd, (0, 0)))
7938  # det, logdet, slogdet
7939  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(1., device=device), fn(torch.det, (0, 0)))
7940  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(0., device=device), fn(torch.logdet, (0, 0)))
7941  self.assertEqual((torch.tensor(1., device=device), torch.tensor(0., device=device)),
7942  fn(torch.slogdet, (0, 0)))
7944  # eig, symeig
7945  evalues, evectors = fn(torch.eig, (0, 0), True)
7946  self.assertEqual([(0, 2), (0, 0)], [evalues.shape, evectors.shape])
7947  evalues, evectors = fn(torch.symeig, (0, 0), True)
7948  self.assertEqual([(0,), (0, 0)], [evalues.shape, evectors.shape])
7950  # qr, gels
7951  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.qr(torch.randn(0, 0)))
7952  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.gels(torch.randn(0, 0), torch.randn(0, 0)))
7953  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.gels(torch.randn(0,), torch.randn(0, 0)))
7955  def test_expand(self):
7956  tensor = torch.rand(1, 8, 1)
7957  tensor2 = torch.rand(5)
7958  template = torch.rand(4, 8, 5)
7959  target = template.size()
7960  self.assertEqual(tensor.expand_as(template).size(), target)
7961  self.assertEqual(tensor.expand(4, 8, 5).size(), target)
7962  self.assertEqual(tensor.expand(target).size(), target)
7963  self.assertEqual(tensor2.expand_as(template).size(), target)
7964  self.assertEqual(tensor2.expand(4, 8, 5).size(), target)
7965  self.assertEqual(tensor2.expand(target).size(), target)
7967  # test double expand
7968  self.assertEqual(tensor2.expand(1, 5).expand(2, 2, 5), tensor2.repeat(2, 2, 1))
7970  # test non-contiguous
7971  noncontig = torch.randn(5, 2, 1, 3)[:, 0]
7972  self.assertFalse(noncontig.is_contiguous())
7973  self.assertEqual(noncontig.expand(2, 5, 4, 3), noncontig.contiguous().repeat(2, 1, 4, 1))
7975  # make sure it's compatible with unsqueeze
7976  expanded = tensor2.expand(1, 1, 5)
7977  unsqueezed = tensor2.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1)
7978  self.assertEqual(expanded, unsqueezed)
7979  self.assertEqual(expanded.stride(), unsqueezed.stride())
7981  # test -1 as target size
7982  self.assertEqual(tensor.expand(4, -1, 5), tensor.expand(4, 8, 5))
7983  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor2.expand(-1, -1))
7985  # test expanding empty to empty
7986  self.assertEqual(torch.zeros(0).expand((0,)), torch.zeros(0))
7988  def test_repeat(self):
7990  initial_shape = (8, 4)
7991  tensor = torch.rand(*initial_shape)
7993  size = (3, 1, 1)
7994  torchSize = torch.Size(size)
7995  target = [3, 8, 4]
7996  self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(*size).size(), target, 'Error in repeat')
7997  self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(torchSize).size(), target,
7998  'Error in repeat using LongStorage')
7999  result = tensor.repeat(*size)
8000  self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result')
8001  result = tensor.repeat(torchSize)
8002  self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result and LongStorage')
8003  self.assertEqual(result.mean(0).view(8, 4), tensor, 'Error in repeat (not equal)')
8005  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
8006  def test_repeat_tile(self):
8008  initial_shape = (8, 4)
8010  repeats = ((3, 1, 1),
8011  (3, 3, 3),
8012  (1, 2, 1),
8013  (2, 2, 2, 2))
8015  def _generate_noncontiguous_input():
8017  out = np.broadcast_to(np.random.random((1, 4)),
8018  initial_shape)
8020  assert not (out.flags.c_contiguous or out.flags.f_contiguous)
8022  return out
8024  for repeat in repeats:
8025  for tensor in (torch.from_numpy(np.random.random(initial_shape)),
8026  torch.from_numpy(_generate_noncontiguous_input()),):
8028  self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(*repeat).numpy(),
8029  np.tile(tensor.numpy(), repeat))
8031  def test_is_same_size(self):
8032  t1 = torch.Tensor(3, 4, 9, 10)
8033  t2 = torch.Tensor(3, 4)
8034  t3 = torch.Tensor(1, 9, 3, 3)
8035  t4 = torch.Tensor(3, 4, 9, 10)
8037  self.assertFalse(t1.is_same_size(t2))
8038  self.assertFalse(t1.is_same_size(t3))
8039  self.assertTrue(t1.is_same_size(t4))
8041  def test_is_set_to(self):
8042  t1 = torch.Tensor(3, 4, 9, 10)
8043  t2 = torch.Tensor(3, 4, 9, 10)
8044  t3 = torch.Tensor().set_(t1)
8045  t4 = t3.clone().resize_(12, 90)
8046  self.assertFalse(t1.is_set_to(t2))
8047  self.assertTrue(t1.is_set_to(t3))
8048  self.assertTrue(t3.is_set_to(t1), "is_set_to should be symmetric")
8049  self.assertFalse(t1.is_set_to(t4))
8050  self.assertFalse(torch.Tensor().is_set_to(torch.Tensor()),
8051  "Tensors with no storages should not appear to be set "
8052  "to each other")
8054  def test_tensor_set(self):
8055  t1 = torch.Tensor()
8056  t2 = torch.Tensor(3, 4, 9, 10).uniform_()
8057  t1.set_(t2)
8058  self.assertEqual(,
8059  size = torch.Size([9, 3, 4, 10])
8060  t1.set_(, 0, size)
8061  self.assertEqual(t1.size(), size)
8062  t1.set_(, 0, tuple(size))
8063  self.assertEqual(t1.size(), size)
8064  self.assertEqual(t1.stride(), (120, 40, 10, 1))
8065  stride = (10, 360, 90, 1)
8066  t1.set_(, 0, size, stride)
8067  self.assertEqual(t1.stride(), stride)
8068  t1.set_(, 0, size=size, stride=stride)
8069  self.assertEqual(t1.size(), size)
8070  self.assertEqual(t1.stride(), stride)
8072  # test argument names
8073  t1 = torch.Tensor()
8074  # 1. case when source is tensor
8075  t1.set_(source=t2)
8076  self.assertEqual(,
8077  # 2. case when source is storage
8078  t1.set_(
8079  self.assertEqual(,
8080  # 3. case when source is storage, and other args also specified
8081  t1.set_(, storage_offset=0, size=size, stride=stride)
8082  self.assertEqual(t1.size(), size)
8083  self.assertEqual(t1.stride(), stride)
8085  def test_equal(self):
8086  # Contiguous, 1D
8087  t1 = torch.Tensor((3, 4, 9, 10))
8088  t2 = t1.contiguous()
8089  t3 = torch.Tensor((1, 9, 3, 10))
8090  t4 = torch.Tensor((3, 4, 9))
8091  t5 = torch.Tensor()
8092  self.assertTrue(t1.equal(t2))
8093  self.assertFalse(t1.equal(t3))
8094  self.assertFalse(t1.equal(t4))
8095  self.assertFalse(t1.equal(t5))
8096  self.assertTrue(torch.equal(t1, t2))
8097  self.assertFalse(torch.equal(t1, t3))
8098  self.assertFalse(torch.equal(t1, t4))
8099  self.assertFalse(torch.equal(t1, t5))
8101  # Non contiguous, 2D
8102  s = torch.Tensor(((1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)))
8103  s1 = s[:, 1:3]
8104  s2 = s1.clone()
8105  s3 = torch.Tensor(((2, 3), (6, 7)))
8106  s4 = torch.Tensor(((0, 0), (0, 0)))
8108  self.assertFalse(s1.is_contiguous())
8109  self.assertTrue(s1.equal(s2))
8110  self.assertTrue(s1.equal(s3))
8111  self.assertFalse(s1.equal(s4))
8112  self.assertTrue(torch.equal(s1, s2))
8113  self.assertTrue(torch.equal(s1, s3))
8114  self.assertFalse(torch.equal(s1, s4))
8116  def test_element_size(self):
8117  byte = torch.ByteStorage().element_size()
8118  char = torch.CharStorage().element_size()
8119  short = torch.ShortStorage().element_size()
8120  int = torch.IntStorage().element_size()
8121  long = torch.LongStorage().element_size()
8122  float = torch.FloatStorage().element_size()
8123  double = torch.DoubleStorage().element_size()
8124  bool = torch.BoolStorage().element_size()
8126  self.assertEqual(byte, torch.ByteTensor().element_size())
8127  self.assertEqual(char, torch.CharTensor().element_size())
8128  self.assertEqual(short, torch.ShortTensor().element_size())
8129  self.assertEqual(int, torch.IntTensor().element_size())
8130  self.assertEqual(long, torch.LongTensor().element_size())
8131  self.assertEqual(float, torch.FloatTensor().element_size())
8132  self.assertEqual(double, torch.DoubleTensor().element_size())
8134  self.assertGreater(byte, 0)
8135  self.assertGreater(char, 0)
8136  self.assertGreater(short, 0)
8137  self.assertGreater(int, 0)
8138  self.assertGreater(long, 0)
8139  self.assertGreater(float, 0)
8140  self.assertGreater(double, 0)
8141  self.assertGreater(bool, 0)
8143  # These tests are portable, not necessarily strict for your system.
8144  self.assertEqual(byte, 1)
8145  self.assertEqual(char, 1)
8146  self.assertEqual(bool, 1)
8147  self.assertGreaterEqual(short, 2)
8148  self.assertGreaterEqual(int, 2)
8149  self.assertGreaterEqual(int, short)
8150  self.assertGreaterEqual(long, 4)
8151  self.assertGreaterEqual(long, int)
8152  self.assertGreaterEqual(double, float)
8154  def test_split(self):
8155  tensor = torch.rand(7, 4)
8156  split_size = 3
8157  dim = 0
8158  target_sizes = ([3, 4], [3, 4], [1, 4])
8159  splits = tensor.split(split_size, dim)
8160  start = 0
8161  for target_size, split in zip(target_sizes, splits):
8162  self.assertEqual(split.size(), target_size)
8163  self.assertEqual(tensor.narrow(dim, start, target_size[dim]), split, 0)
8164  start = start + target_size[dim]
8166  # Variable sections split
8167  tensor = torch.randn(20, 10)
8168  dim = 0
8169  split_sizes = [5, 5, 10]
8170  target_sizes = ([[5, 10], [5, 10], [10, 10]])
8171  splits = tensor.split(split_sizes, dim)
8172  start = 0
8173  for target_size, split in zip(target_sizes, splits):
8174  self.assertEqual(split.size(), target_size)
8175  self.assertEqual(tensor.narrow(dim, start, target_size[dim]), split, 0)
8176  start = start + target_size[dim]
8178  split_sizes = [2, 2, 6]
8179  target_sizes = ([20, 2], [20, 2], [20, 6])
8180  dim = 1
8181  splits = tensor.split(split_sizes, dim)
8182  start = 0
8183  for target_size, split in zip(target_sizes, splits):
8184  self.assertEqual(split.size(), target_size)
8185  self.assertEqual(tensor.narrow(dim, start, target_size[dim]), split, 0)
8186  start = start + target_size[dim]
8188  def test_chunk(self):
8189  tensor = torch.rand(4, 7)
8190  num_chunks = 3
8191  dim = 1
8192  target_sizes = ([4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 1])
8193  splits = tensor.chunk(num_chunks, dim)
8194  start = 0
8195  for target_size, split in zip(target_sizes, splits):
8196  self.assertEqual(split.size(), target_size)
8197  self.assertEqual(tensor.narrow(dim, start, target_size[dim]), split, 0)
8198  start = start + target_size[dim]
8200  # Invalid chunk sizes
8201  error_regex = 'chunk expects.*greater than 0'
8202  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, error_regex):
8203  tensor.chunk(0)
8204  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, error_regex):
8205  tensor.chunk(-2)
8207  def test_tolist(self):
8208  list0D = []
8209  tensor0D = torch.Tensor(list0D)
8210  self.assertEqual(tensor0D.tolist(), list0D)
8212  table1D = [1, 2, 3]
8213  tensor1D = torch.Tensor(table1D)
8214  storage = torch.Storage(table1D)
8215  self.assertEqual(tensor1D.tolist(), table1D)
8216  self.assertEqual(storage.tolist(), table1D)
8217  self.assertEqual(tensor1D.tolist(), table1D)
8218  self.assertEqual(storage.tolist(), table1D)
8220  table2D = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
8221  tensor2D = torch.Tensor(table2D)
8222  self.assertEqual(tensor2D.tolist(), table2D)
8224  tensor3D = torch.Tensor([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]])
8225  tensorNonContig =, 1)
8226  self.assertFalse(tensorNonContig.is_contiguous())
8227  self.assertEqual(tensorNonContig.tolist(), [[3, 4], [7, 8]])
8229  def test_permute(self):
8230  orig = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
8231  perm = torch.randperm(7).tolist()
8232  x = torch.Tensor(*orig).fill_(0)
8233  new = list(map(lambda x: x - 1, x.permute(*perm).size()))
8234  self.assertEqual(perm, new)
8235  self.assertEqual(x.size(), orig)
8237  @staticmethod
8238  def _test_flip(self, use_cuda=False):
8239  device = torch.device('cuda') if use_cuda else torch.device('cpu')
8240  data = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], device=device).view(2, 2, 2)
8242  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4]).view(2, 2, 2), data.flip(0))
8243  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([3, 4, 1, 2, 7, 8, 5, 6]).view(2, 2, 2), data.flip(1))
8244  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7]).view(2, 2, 2), data.flip(2))
8245  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([7, 8, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 2]).view(2, 2, 2), data.flip(0, 1))
8246  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]).view(2, 2, 2), data.flip(0, 1, 2))
8248  # check for wrap dim
8249  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7]).view(2, 2, 2), data.flip(-1))
8250  # check for permute
8251  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([6, 5, 8, 7, 2, 1, 4, 3]).view(2, 2, 2), data.flip(0, 2))
8252  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([6, 5, 8, 7, 2, 1, 4, 3]).view(2, 2, 2), data.flip(2, 0))
8254  # not allow flip on the same dim more than once
8255  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: data.flip(0, 1, 1))
8256  # not allow empty list as input
8257  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: data.flip())
8259  # not allow size of flip dim > total dims
8260  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: data.flip(0, 1, 2, 3))
8261  # not allow dim > max dim
8262  self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: data.flip(3))
8264  # test for non-contiguous case
8265  expanded_data = torch.arange(1, 4, device=device).view(3, 1).expand(3, 2)
8266  tranposed_data = torch.arange(1, 9, device=device).view(2, 2, 2).transpose(0, 1)
8267  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]).view(3, 2), expanded_data.flip(0))
8268  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([8, 7, 4, 3, 6, 5, 2, 1]).view(2, 2, 2), tranposed_data.flip(0, 1, 2))
8270  # test for shape
8271  data = torch.randn(2, 3, 4, device=device)
8272  size = [2, 3, 4]
8273  test_dims = []
8274  for i in range(1, 3):
8275  test_dims += combinations(range(len(size)), i)
8277  for ds in test_dims:
8278  self.assertEqual(size, list(data.flip(ds).size()))
8280  # test rectangular case
8281  data = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).view(2, 3)
8282  flip0_result = torch.tensor([[4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]])
8283  flip1_result = torch.tensor([[3, 2, 1], [6, 5, 4]])
8284  if use_cuda:
8285  data = data.cuda()
8286  flip0_result = flip0_result.cuda()
8287  flip1_result = flip1_result.cuda()
8288  self.assertEqual(flip0_result, data.flip(0))
8289  self.assertEqual(flip1_result, data.flip(1))
8291  # test empty tensor, should just return an empty tensor of the same shape
8292  data = torch.tensor([])
8293  self.assertEqual(data, data.flip(0))
8295  def test_flip(self):
8296  self._test_flip(self, use_cuda=False)
8298  def test_roll(self):
8299  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
8300  for device in devices:
8301  numbers = torch.arange(1, 9, device=device)
8303  single_roll = numbers.roll(1, 0)
8304  expected = torch.tensor([8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], device=device)
8305  self.assertEqual(single_roll, expected, "{} did not equal expected result".format(single_roll))
8307  roll_backwards = numbers.roll(-2, 0)
8308  expected = torch.tensor([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2], device=device)
8309  self.assertEqual(roll_backwards, expected, "{} did not equal expected result".format(roll_backwards))
8311  data = numbers.view(2, 2, 2)
8312  rolled = data.roll(1, 0)
8313  expected = torch.tensor([5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4], device=device).view(2, 2, 2)
8314  self.assertEqual(expected, rolled, "{} did not equal expected result: {}".format(rolled, expected))
8316  data = data.view(2, 4)
8317  # roll a loop until back where started
8318  loop_rolled = data.roll(2, 0).roll(4, 1)
8319  self.assertEqual(data, loop_rolled, "{} did not equal the original: {}".format(loop_rolled, data))
8320  # multiple inverse loops
8321  self.assertEqual(data, data.roll(-20, 0).roll(-40, 1))
8322  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], device=device), numbers.roll(1, 0))
8324  # test non-contiguous
8325  # strided equivalent to numbers.as_strided(size=(4, 2), stride=(1, 4))
8326  strided = numbers.view(2, 4).transpose(0, 1)
8327  self.assertFalse(strided.is_contiguous(), "this test needs a non-contiguous tensor")
8328  expected = torch.tensor([4, 8, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7]).view(4, 2)
8329  rolled = strided.roll(1, 0)
8330  self.assertEqual(expected, rolled,
8331  "non contiguous tensor rolled to {} instead of {} ".format(rolled, expected))
8333  # test roll with no dimension specified
8334  expected = numbers.roll(1, 0).view(2, 4)
8335  self.assertEqual(expected, data.roll(1), "roll with no dims should flatten and roll.")
8336  self.assertEqual(expected, data.roll(1, dims=None), "roll with no dims should flatten and roll.")
8338  # test roll over multiple dimensions
8339  expected = torch.tensor([[7, 8, 5, 6], [3, 4, 1, 2]], device=device)
8340  double_rolled = data.roll(shifts=(2, -1), dims=(1, 0))
8341  self.assertEqual(double_rolled, expected,
8342  "should be able to roll over two dimensions, got {}".format(double_rolled))
8344  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "required", lambda: data.roll(shifts=(), dims=()))
8345  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "required", lambda: data.roll(shifts=(), dims=1))
8346  # shifts/dims should align
8347  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "align", lambda: data.roll(shifts=(1, 2), dims=(1,)))
8348  self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "align", lambda: data.roll(shifts=(1,), dims=(1, 2)))
8350  def test_reversed(self):
8351  val = torch.arange(0, 10)
8352  self.assertEqual(reversed(val), torch.arange(9, -1, -1))
8354  val = torch.arange(1, 10).view(3, 3)
8355  self.assertEqual(reversed(val), torch.tensor([[7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]]))
8357  val = torch.tensor(42)
8358  self.assertEqual(reversed(val), torch.tensor(42))
8360  def test_contains(self):
8361  x = torch.arange(0, 10)
8362  self.assertEqual(4 in x, True)
8363  self.assertEqual(12 in x, False)
8365  x = torch.arange(1, 10).view(3, 3)
8366  val = torch.arange(1, 4)
8367  self.assertEqual(val in x, True)
8368  val += 10
8369  self.assertEqual(val in x, False)
8371  @staticmethod
8372  def _test_rot90(self, use_cuda=False):
8373  device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu")
8374  data = torch.arange(1, 5, device=device).view(2, 2)
8375  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]).view(2, 2), data.rot90(0, [0, 1]))
8376  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([2, 4, 1, 3]).view(2, 2), data.rot90(1, [0, 1]))
8377  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([4, 3, 2, 1]).view(2, 2), data.rot90(2, [0, 1]))
8378  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([3, 1, 4, 2]).view(2, 2), data.rot90(3, [0, 1]))
8380  # test for default args k=1, dims=[0, 1]
8381  self.assertEqual(data.rot90(), data.rot90(1, [0, 1]))
8383  # test for reversed order of dims
8384  self.assertEqual(data.rot90(3, [0, 1]), data.rot90(1, [1, 0]))
8386  # test for modulo of k
8387  self.assertEqual(data.rot90(5, [0, 1]), data.rot90(1, [0, 1]))
8388  self.assertEqual(data.rot90(3, [0, 1]), data.rot90(-1, [0, 1]))
8389  self.assertEqual(data.rot90(-5, [0, 1]), data.rot90(-1, [0, 1]))
8391  # test for dims out-of-range error
8392  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: data.rot90(1, [0, -3]))
8393  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: data.rot90(1, [0, 2]))
8395  # test tensor with more than 2D
8396  data = torch.arange(1, 9, device=device).view(2, 2, 2)
8397  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor([2, 4, 1, 3, 6, 8, 5, 7]).view(2, 2, 2), data.rot90(1, [1, 2]))
8398  self.assertEqual(data.rot90(1, [1, -1]), data.rot90(1, [1, 2]))
8400  # test for errors
8401  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: data.rot90(1, [0, 3]))
8402  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: data.rot90(1, [1, 1]))
8403  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: data.rot90(1, [0, 1, 2]))
8404  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: data.rot90(1, [0]))
8406  def test_rot90(self):
8407  self._test_rot90(self, use_cuda=False)
8409  def test_storage(self):
8410  v = torch.randn(3, 5)
8411  self.assertEqual([0],[0][0])
8412  self.assertEqual([14],[2][4])
8414  def test_nonzero(self):
8415  num_src = 12
8417  types = [
8418  'torch.ByteTensor',
8419  'torch.CharTensor',
8420  'torch.ShortTensor',
8421  'torch.IntTensor',
8422  'torch.FloatTensor',
8423  'torch.DoubleTensor',
8424  'torch.LongTensor',
8425  ]
8427  shapes = [
8428  torch.Size((12,)),
8429  torch.Size((12, 1)),
8430  torch.Size((1, 12)),
8431  torch.Size((6, 2)),
8432  torch.Size((3, 2, 2)),
8433  ]
8435  for t in types:
8436  while True:
8437  tensor = torch.rand(num_src).mul(2).floor().type(t)
8438  if tensor.sum() > 0:
8439  break
8440  for shape in shapes:
8441  tensor = tensor.clone().resize_(shape)
8442  dst1 = torch.nonzero(tensor)
8443  dst2 = tensor.nonzero()
8444  dst3 = torch.LongTensor()
8445  torch.nonzero(tensor, out=dst3)
8446  if len(shape) == 1:
8447  dst = []
8448  for i in range(num_src):
8449  if tensor[i] != 0:
8450  dst += [i]
8452  self.assertEqual(, 0), torch.LongTensor(dst), 0)
8453  self.assertEqual(, 0), torch.LongTensor(dst), 0)
8454  self.assertEqual(, 0), torch.LongTensor(dst), 0)
8455  elif len(shape) == 2:
8456  # This test will allow through some False positives. It only checks
8457  # that the elements flagged positive are indeed non-zero.
8458  for i in range(dst1.size(0)):
8459  self.assertNotEqual(tensor[dst1[i, 0], dst1[i, 1]].item(), 0)
8460  elif len(shape) == 3:
8461  # This test will allow through some False positives. It only checks
8462  # that the elements flagged positive are indeed non-zero.
8463  for i in range(dst1.size(0)):
8464  self.assertNotEqual(tensor[dst1[i, 0], dst1[i, 1], dst1[i, 2]].item(), 0)
8466  def test_nonzero_empty(self):
8467  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
8468  for device in devices:
8469  x = torch.randn(0, 2, 0, 5, 0, device=device)
8470  y = torch.nonzero(x)
8471  self.assertEqual(0, y.numel())
8472  self.assertEqual(torch.Size([0, 5]), y.shape)
8474  x = torch.tensor(0.5, device=device)
8475  y = torch.nonzero(x)
8476  self.assertEqual(torch.Size([1, 0]), y.shape)
8478  x = torch.zeros((), device=device)
8479  y = torch.nonzero(x)
8480  self.assertEqual(torch.Size([0, 0]), y.shape)
8482  def test_deepcopy(self):
8483  from copy import deepcopy
8484  a = torch.randn(5, 5)
8485  b = torch.randn(5, 5)
8486  c = a.view(25)
8487  q = [a, [,], b, c]
8488  w = deepcopy(q)
8489  self.assertEqual(w[0], q[0], 0)
8490  self.assertEqual(w[1][0], q[1][0], 0)
8491  self.assertEqual(w[1][1], q[1][1], 0)
8492  self.assertEqual(w[1], q[1], 0)
8493  self.assertEqual(w[2], q[2], 0)
8495  # Check that deepcopy preserves sharing
8496  w[0].add_(1)
8497  for i in range(a.numel()):
8498  self.assertEqual(w[1][0][i], q[1][0][i] + 1)
8499  self.assertEqual(w[3], c + 1)
8500  w[2].sub_(1)
8501  for i in range(a.numel()):
8502  self.assertEqual(w[1][1][i], q[1][1][i] - 1)
8504  def test_deepcopy_scalar(self):
8505  from copy import deepcopy
8506  a = torch.tensor(5)
8507  self.assertEqual(a.size(), deepcopy(a).size())
8508  self.assertEqual(a, deepcopy(a))
8510  def test_deepcopy_parameter(self):
8511  from copy import deepcopy
8512  l = torch.nn.Linear(10, 1)
8513  s = l.state_dict(keep_vars=True)
8514  self.assertEqual(torch.nn.Parameter, type(s['weight']))
8515  self.assertEqual(torch.nn.Parameter, type(s['bias']))
8517  s2 = deepcopy(s)
8518  self.assertEqual(torch.nn.Parameter, type(s2['weight']))
8519  self.assertEqual(torch.nn.Parameter, type(s2['bias']))
8521  def test_copy(self):
8522  from copy import copy
8523  a = torch.randn(5, 5)
8524  a_clone = a.clone()
8525  b = copy(a)
8526  b.fill_(1)
8527  # copy is a shallow copy, only copies the tensor view,
8528  # not the data
8529  self.assertEqual(a, b)
8531  def test_pickle(self):
8532  if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
8533  import cPickle as pickle
8534  else:
8535  import pickle
8536  a = torch.randn(5, 5)
8537  serialized = pickle.dumps(a)
8538  b = pickle.loads(serialized)
8539  self.assertEqual(a, b)
8541  def test_pickle_parameter(self):
8542  if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
8543  import cPickle as pickle
8544  else:
8545  import pickle
8546  a = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(5, 5))
8547  serialized = pickle.dumps(a)
8548  b = pickle.loads(serialized)
8549  self.assertTrue(isinstance(b, torch.nn.Parameter))
8550  self.assertEqual(a.requires_grad, b.requires_grad)
8551  self.assertEqual(a, b)
8553  def test_pickle_parameter_no_requires_grad(self):
8554  if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
8555  import cPickle as pickle
8556  else:
8557  import pickle
8558  a = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(5, 5), requires_grad=False)
8559  serialized = pickle.dumps(a)
8560  b = pickle.loads(serialized)
8561  self.assertTrue(isinstance(b, torch.nn.Parameter))
8562  self.assertEqual(a.requires_grad, b.requires_grad)
8563  self.assertEqual(a, b)
8565  def test_norm_fastpaths(self):
8566  x = torch.randn(3, 5)
8568  # slow path
8569  result = torch.norm(x, 4.5, 1)
8570  expected = torch.pow(x.abs().pow(4.5).sum(1), 1.0 / 4.5)
8571  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
8573  # fast 0-norm
8574  result = torch.norm(x, 0, 1)
8575  expected = (x != 0).type_as(x).sum(1)
8576  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
8578  # fast 1-norm
8579  result = torch.norm(x, 1, 1)
8580  expected = x.abs().sum(1)
8581  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
8583  # fast 2-norm
8584  result = torch.norm(x, 2, 1)
8585  expected = torch.sqrt(x.pow(2).sum(1))
8586  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
8588  # fast 3-norm
8589  result = torch.norm(x, 3, 1)
8590  expected = torch.pow(x.pow(3).abs().sum(1), 1.0 / 3.0)
8591  self.assertEqual(result, expected)
8593  @staticmethod
8594  def _test_bernoulli(self, t_dtype, p_dtype, device):
8595  for trivial_p in ([0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]):
8596  x = torch.tensor(trivial_p, dtype=p_dtype, device=device)
8597  self.assertEqual(x.bernoulli().tolist(), trivial_p)
8599  def isBinary(t):
8600  return, 0).mul_(, 1)).sum().item() == 0
8602  p = torch.rand(5, 5, dtype=p_dtype, device=device)
8603  self.assertTrue(isBinary(p.bernoulli()))
8605  p = torch.rand(5, dtype=p_dtype, device=device).expand(5, 5)
8606  self.assertTrue(isBinary(p.bernoulli()))
8608  p = torch.rand(5, 5, dtype=p_dtype, device=device)
8609  torch.bernoulli(torch.rand_like(p), out=p)
8610  self.assertTrue(isBinary(p))
8612  p = torch.rand(5, dtype=p_dtype, device=device).expand(5, 5)
8613  torch.bernoulli(torch.rand_like(p), out=p)
8614  self.assertTrue(isBinary(p))
8616  t = torch.empty(10, 10, dtype=t_dtype, device=device)
8618  t.fill_(2)
8619  t.bernoulli_(0.5)
8620  self.assertTrue(isBinary(t))
8622  p = torch.rand(10, dtype=p_dtype, device=device).expand(10, 10)
8623  t.fill_(2)
8624  t.bernoulli_(p)
8625  self.assertTrue(isBinary(t))
8627  t.fill_(2)
8628  torch.bernoulli(torch.rand_like(t, dtype=p_dtype), out=t)
8629  self.assertTrue(isBinary(t))
8631  t.fill_(2)
8632  t.bernoulli_(torch.rand_like(t, dtype=p_dtype))
8633  self.assertTrue(isBinary(t))
8635  def test_bernoulli(self):
8636  self._test_bernoulli(self, torch.float32, torch.float64, 'cpu')
8637  # test that it works with integral tensors
8638  self._test_bernoulli(self, torch.uint8, torch.float64, 'cpu')
8640  def test_normal(self):
8641  q = torch.Tensor(100, 100)
8642  q.normal_()
8643  self.assertEqual(q.mean(), 0, 0.2)
8644  self.assertEqual(q.std(), 1, 0.2)
8646  q.normal_(2, 3)
8647  self.assertEqual(q.mean(), 2, 0.3)
8648  self.assertEqual(q.std(), 3, 0.3)
8650  q = torch.Tensor(100, 100)
8651  q_row1 = q[0:1].clone()
8652  q[99:100].normal_()
8653  self.assertEqual(q[99:100].mean(), 0, 0.2)
8654  self.assertEqual(q[99:100].std(), 1, 0.2)
8655  self.assertEqual(q[0:1].clone(), q_row1)
8657  mean = torch.Tensor(100, 100)
8658  std = torch.Tensor(100, 100)
8659  mean[:50] = 0
8660  mean[50:] = 1
8661  std[:, :50] = 4
8662  std[:, 50:] = 1
8664  r = torch.normal(mean)
8665  self.assertEqual(r[:50].mean(), 0, 0.2)
8666  self.assertEqual(r[50:].mean(), 1, 0.2)
8667  self.assertEqual(r.std(), 1, 0.2)
8669  r = torch.normal(mean, 3)
8670  self.assertEqual(r[:50].mean(), 0, 0.2)
8671  self.assertEqual(r[50:].mean(), 1, 0.2)
8672  self.assertEqual(r.std(), 3, 0.2)
8674  r = torch.normal(2, std)
8675  self.assertEqual(r.mean(), 2, 0.2)
8676  self.assertEqual(r[:, :50].std(), 4, 0.3)
8677  self.assertEqual(r[:, 50:].std(), 1, 0.2)
8679  r = torch.normal(mean, std)
8680  self.assertEqual(r[:50].mean(), 0, 0.2)
8681  self.assertEqual(r[50:].mean(), 1, 0.2)
8682  self.assertEqual(r[:, :50].std(), 4, 0.3)
8683  self.assertEqual(r[:, 50:].std(), 1, 0.2)
8685  def test_parsing_int64(self):
8686  # accepts integer arguments
8687  x = torch.cumsum(torch.ones(5, 5), 0)
8688  self.assertEqual(x, torch.cumsum(torch.ones(5, 5), torch.tensor(0)))
8689  # doesn't accept floating point variables
8690  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.cumsum(torch.ones(5, 5), torch.tensor(0.)))
8692  def test_parsing_double(self):
8693  # accepts floating point and integer arguments
8694  x = torch.randn(2, 3)
8695  torch.isclose(x, x, 1, 1)
8696  self.assertTrue(torch.isclose(x, x, 1, 1).all())
8697  self.assertTrue(torch.isclose(x, x, 1.5, 1.).all())
8698  # accepts floating point and integer tensors
8699  self.assertTrue(torch.isclose(x, x, torch.tensor(1), torch.tensor(1)).all())
8700  self.assertTrue(torch.isclose(x, x, torch.tensor(1.5), torch.tensor(1.)).all())
8701  # doesn't accept variables with requires_grad
8702  self.assertRaises(TypeError,
8703  lambda: torch.isclose(x, x, torch.tensor(1.5), torch.tensor(1., requires_grad=True)).all())
8705  def test_parsing_intlist(self):
8706  # parse with integer variables
8707  self.assertEqual(torch.Size([3, 4]), torch.ones((torch.tensor(3), torch.tensor(4))).shape)
8708  self.assertEqual(torch.Size([3, 4]), torch.ones(torch.tensor(3), torch.tensor(4)).shape)
8709  # parse with numpy integers
8710  if TEST_NUMPY:
8711  self.assertEqual(torch.Size([3, 4]), torch.ones((np.array(3), np.int64(4))).shape)
8712  self.assertEqual(torch.Size([3, 4]), torch.ones(np.array(3), np.int64(4)).shape)
8713  self.assertEqual(torch.Size([3, 4]), torch.ones((np.int64(3), np.array(4))).shape)
8714  self.assertEqual(torch.Size([3, 4]), torch.ones(np.int64(3), np.array(4)).shape)
8716  # fail parse with float variables
8717  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.ones((torch.tensor(3.), torch.tensor(4))))
8718  # fail parse with numpy floats
8719  if TEST_NUMPY:
8720  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.ones((np.float(3.), torch.tensor(4))))
8721  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.ones((np.array(3.), torch.tensor(4))))
8723  # fail parse with > 1 element variables
8724  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.ones(torch.tensor(3, 3)))
8725  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.ones((torch.tensor(3, 3))))
8726  if TEST_NUMPY:
8727  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.ones(np.array(3, 3)))
8728  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.ones((np.array(3, 3))))
8730  # fail parse with additional positional args after intlist arg
8731  self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
8732  "received an invalid combination of arguments",
8733  lambda: torch.LongTensor((6, 0), 1, 1, 0))
8734  self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
8735  "missing 1 required positional arguments",
8736  lambda: torch.tensor().new_zeros((5, 5), 0))
8738  def _test_serialization_data(self):
8739  a = [torch.randn(5, 5).float() for i in range(2)]
8740  b = [a[i % 2] for i in range(4)] # 0-3
8741  b += [a[0].storage()] # 4
8742  b += [a[0].reshape(-1)[1:4].storage()] # 5
8743  b += [torch.arange(1, 11).int()] # 6
8744  t1 = torch.FloatTensor().set_(a[0].reshape(-1)[1:4].clone().storage(), 0, (3,), (1,))
8745  t2 = torch.FloatTensor().set_(a[0].reshape(-1)[1:4].clone().storage(), 0, (3,), (1,))
8746  b += [(,,] # 7
8747  b += [a[0].reshape(-1)[0:2].storage()] # 8
8748  return b
8750  def _test_serialization_assert(self, b, c):
8751  self.assertEqual(b, c, 0)
8752  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[0], torch.FloatTensor))
8753  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[1], torch.FloatTensor))
8754  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[2], torch.FloatTensor))
8755  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[3], torch.FloatTensor))
8756  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[4], torch.FloatStorage))
8757  c[0].fill_(10)
8758  self.assertEqual(c[0], c[2], 0)
8759  self.assertEqual(c[4], torch.FloatStorage(25).fill_(10), 0)
8760  c[1].fill_(20)
8761  self.assertEqual(c[1], c[3], 0)
8762  # I have to do it in this roundabout fashion, because there's no
8763  # way to slice storages
8764  for i in range(4):
8765  self.assertEqual(c[4][i + 1], c[5][i])
8767  # check that serializing the same storage view object unpickles
8768  # it as one object not two (and vice versa)
8769  views = c[7]
8770  self.assertEqual(views[0]._cdata, views[1]._cdata)
8771  self.assertEqual(views[0], views[2])
8772  self.assertNotEqual(views[0]._cdata, views[2]._cdata)
8774  rootview = c[8]
8775  self.assertEqual(rootview.data_ptr(), c[0].data_ptr())
8777  def test_serialization(self):
8778  # Test serialization with a real file
8779  b = self._test_serialization_data()
8780  for use_name in (False, True):
8781  # Passing filename to will cause the file to be opened twice,
8782  # which is not supported on Windows
8783  if sys.platform == "win32" and use_name:
8784  continue
8785  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
8786  handle = f if not use_name else
8787, handle)
8789  c = torch.load(handle)
8790  self._test_serialization_assert(b, c)
8791  # test non-ascii encoding of bytes arrays/strings
8792  # The following bytes are produced by serializing
8793  # [b'\xc5\xbc\xc4\x85\xc4\x85\xc3\xb3\xc5\xbc\xc4\x85\xc5\xbc', torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.float), 2]
8794  # in Python 2.7.12 and PyTorch 0.4.1, where the first element contains
8795  # bytes of some utf-8 characters (i.e., `utf8_str.encode('utf-8')`).
8796  serialized = (
8797  b'\x80\x02\x8a\nl\xfc\x9cF\xf9 j\xa8P\x19.\x80\x02M\xe9\x03.'
8798  b'\x80\x02}q\x01(U\x10protocol_versionq\x02M\xe9\x03U\n'
8799  b'type_sizesq\x03}q\x04(U\x03intq\x05K\x04U\x05shortq\x06K\x02U'
8800  b'\x04longq\x07K\x04uU\rlittle_endianq\x08\x88u.\x80\x02]q'
8801  b'\x01(U\x0e\xc5\xbc\xc4\x85\xc4\x85\xc3\xb3\xc5\xbc\xc4\x85'
8802  b'\xc5\xbcq\x02ctorch._utils\n_rebuild_tensor_v2\nq\x03((U'
8803  b'\x07storageq\x04ctorch\nFloatStorage\nq\x05U\x0845640624q'
8804  b'\x06U\x03cpuq\x07\x8a\x01\x01NtQK\x00K\x01\x85K\x01\x85'
8805  b'\x89NtRq\x08K\x02e.\x80\x02]q\x01U\x0845640624q\x02a.\x01\x00'
8806  b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
8807  )
8808  buf = io.BytesIO(serialized)
8809  utf8_bytes = b'\xc5\xbc\xc4\x85\xc4\x85\xc3\xb3\xc5\xbc\xc4\x85\xc5\xbc'
8810  utf8_str = utf8_bytes.decode('utf-8')
8811  if PY3:
8812  with self.assertRaisesRegex(UnicodeDecodeError, "'ascii' codec can't decode byte"):
8813  loaded = torch.load(buf)
8815  loaded_utf8 = torch.load(buf, encoding='utf-8')
8816  self.assertEqual(loaded_utf8, [utf8_str, torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.float), 2])
8818  loaded_bytes = torch.load(buf, encoding='bytes')
8819  else:
8820  loaded_bytes = torch.load(buf)
8821  self.assertEqual(loaded_bytes, [utf8_bytes, torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.float), 2])
8823  def test_serialization_filelike(self):
8824  # Test serialization (load and save) with a filelike object
8825  b = self._test_serialization_data()
8826  with BytesIOContext() as f:
8827, f)
8829  c = torch.load(f)
8830  self._test_serialization_assert(b, c)
8832  def test_serialization_gzip(self):
8833  # Test serialization with gzip file
8834  b = self._test_serialization_data()
8835  f1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
8836  f2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
8837, f1)
8838  with open(, 'rb') as f_in,, 'wb') as f_out:
8839  shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
8841  with, 'rb') as f:
8842  c = torch.load(f)
8843  self._test_serialization_assert(b, c)
8845  def test_serialization_offset(self):
8846  a = torch.randn(5, 5)
8847  i = 41
8848  for use_name in (False, True):
8849  # Passing filename to will cause the file to be opened twice,
8850  # which is not supported on Windows
8851  if sys.platform == "win32" and use_name:
8852  continue
8853  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
8854  handle = f if not use_name else
8855  pickle.dump(i, f)
8856, f)
8858  j = pickle.load(f)
8859  b = torch.load(f)
8860  self.assertTrue(torch.equal(a, b))
8861  self.assertEqual(i, j)
8863  def test_serialization_offset_filelike(self):
8864  a = torch.randn(5, 5)
8865  i = 41
8866  with BytesIOContext() as f:
8867  pickle.dump(i, f)
8868, f)
8870  j = pickle.load(f)
8871  b = torch.load(f)
8872  self.assertTrue(torch.equal(a, b))
8873  self.assertEqual(i, j)
8875  def test_serialization_offset_gzip(self):
8876  a = torch.randn(5, 5)
8877  i = 41
8878  f1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
8879  f2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
8880  with open(, 'wb') as f:
8881  pickle.dump(i, f)
8882, f)
8883  with open(, 'rb') as f_in,, 'wb') as f_out:
8884  shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
8886  with, 'rb') as f:
8887  j = pickle.load(f)
8888  b = torch.load(f)
8889  self.assertTrue(torch.equal(a, b))
8890  self.assertEqual(i, j)
8892  def test_half_tensor(self):
8893  x = torch.randn(5, 5).float()
8894  y = torch.randn(5, 5).float()
8895  xh, yh = x.half(), y.half()
8897  self.assertEqual(x.half().float(), x, 1e-3)
8899  z = torch.Tensor(5, 5)
8900  self.assertEqual(z.copy_(xh), x, 1e-3)
8902  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
8903, f)
8905  xh2 = torch.load(f)
8906  self.assertEqual(xh.float(), xh2.float())
8908  def test_serialize_device(self):
8909  device_str = ['cpu', 'cpu:0', 'cuda', 'cuda:0']
8910  device_obj = [torch.device(d) for d in device_str]
8911  for device in device_obj:
8912  device_copied = copy.deepcopy(device)
8913  self.assertEqual(device, device_copied)
8915  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
8916  def test_half_tensor_cuda(self):
8917  x = torch.randn(5, 5).half()
8918  self.assertEqual(x.cuda(), x)
8920  xc = x.cuda()
8921  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
8922, f)
8924  xc2 = torch.load(f)
8925  self.assertIsInstance(xc2, type(xc))
8926  self.assertEqual(xc.float(), xc2.float())
8928  def _test_serialization_cuda(self, filecontext_lambda):
8929  device_count = torch.cuda.device_count()
8930  t0 = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(5).fill_(1)
8931  torch.cuda.set_device(device_count - 1)
8932  tn = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(3).fill_(2)
8934  b = (t0, tn)
8935  with filecontext_lambda() as f:
8936, f)
8938  c = torch.load(f)
8939  self.assertEqual(b, c, 0)
8940  u0, un = c
8941  self.assertEqual(u0.get_device(), 0)
8942  self.assertEqual(un.get_device(), device_count - 1)
8944  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
8945  def test_serialization_cuda(self):
8946  self._test_serialization_cuda(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile)
8948  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
8949  def test_serialization_cuda_filelike(self):
8950  self._test_serialization_cuda(BytesIOContext)
8952  def test_serialization_backwards_compat(self):
8953  a = [torch.arange(1 + i, 26 + i).view(5, 5).float() for i in range(2)]
8954  b = [a[i % 2] for i in range(4)]
8955  b += [a[0].storage()]
8956  b += [a[0].reshape(-1)[1:4].clone().storage()]
8957  path = download_file('')
8958  c = torch.load(path)
8959  self.assertEqual(b, c, 0)
8960  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[0], torch.FloatTensor))
8961  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[1], torch.FloatTensor))
8962  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[2], torch.FloatTensor))
8963  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[3], torch.FloatTensor))
8964  self.assertTrue(isinstance(c[4], torch.FloatStorage))
8965  c[0].fill_(10)
8966  self.assertEqual(c[0], c[2], 0)
8967  self.assertEqual(c[4], torch.FloatStorage(25).fill_(10), 0)
8968  c[1].fill_(20)
8969  self.assertEqual(c[1], c[3], 0)
8971  # test some old tensor serialization mechanism
8972  class OldTensorBase(object):
8973  def __init__(self, new_tensor):
8974  self.new_tensor = new_tensor
8976  def __getstate__(self):
8977  return (,
8978  self.new_tensor.storage_offset(),
8979  tuple(self.new_tensor.size()),
8980  self.new_tensor.stride())
8982  class OldTensorV1(OldTensorBase):
8983  def __reduce__(self):
8984  return (torch.Tensor, (), self.__getstate__())
8986  class OldTensorV2(OldTensorBase):
8987  def __reduce__(self):
8988  return (_rebuild_tensor, self.__getstate__())
8990  x = torch.randn(30).as_strided([2, 3], [9, 3], 2)
8991  for old_cls in [OldTensorV1, OldTensorV2]:
8992  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
8993  old_x = old_cls(x)
8994, f)
8996  load_x = torch.load(f)
8997  self.assertEqual(,
8998  self.assertEqual(x.storage_offset(), load_x.storage_offset())
8999  self.assertEqual(x.size(), load_x.size())
9000  self.assertEqual(x.stride(), load_x.stride())
9002  # unique_key is necessary because on Python 2.7, if a warning passed to
9003  # the warning module is the same, it is not raised again.
9004  def _test_serialization_container(self, unique_key, filecontext_lambda):
9005  tmpmodule_name = 'tmpmodule{}'.format(unique_key)
9007  def import_module(name, filename):
9008  if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
9009  import importlib.util
9010  spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, filename)
9011  module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
9012  spec.loader.exec_module(module)
9013  else:
9014  import imp
9015  module = imp.load_source(name, filename)
9016  sys.modules[module.__name__] = module
9017  return module
9019  with filecontext_lambda() as checkpoint:
9020  fname = get_file_path_2(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', '')
9021  module = import_module(tmpmodule_name, fname)
9022, checkpoint)
9024  # First check that the checkpoint can be loaded without warnings
9026  with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
9027  loaded = torch.load(checkpoint)
9028  self.assertTrue(isinstance(loaded, module.Net))
9029  if can_retrieve_source:
9030  self.assertEquals(len(w), 0)
9032  # Replace the module with different source
9033  fname = get_file_path_2(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', '')
9034  module = import_module(tmpmodule_name, fname)
9036  with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
9037  loaded = torch.load(checkpoint)
9038  self.assertTrue(isinstance(loaded, module.Net))
9039  if can_retrieve_source:
9040  self.assertEquals(len(w), 1)
9041  self.assertTrue(w[0].category, 'SourceChangeWarning')
9043  def test_serialization_container(self):
9044  self._test_serialization_container('file', tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile)
9046  def test_serialization_container_filelike(self):
9047  self._test_serialization_container('filelike', BytesIOContext)
9049  def test_serialization_map_location(self):
9050  test_file_path = download_file('')
9052  def map_location(storage, loc):
9053  return storage
9055  def load_bytes():
9056  with open(test_file_path, 'rb') as f:
9057  return io.BytesIO(
9059  fileobject_lambdas = [lambda: test_file_path, load_bytes]
9060  cpu_map_locations = [
9061  map_location,
9062  {'cuda:0': 'cpu'},
9063  'cpu',
9064  torch.device('cpu'),
9065  ]
9066  gpu_0_map_locations = [
9067  {'cuda:0': 'cuda:0'},
9068  'cuda',
9069  'cuda:0',
9070  torch.device('cuda'),
9071  torch.device('cuda', 0)
9072  ]
9073  gpu_last_map_locations = [
9074  'cuda:{}'.format(torch.cuda.device_count() - 1),
9075  ]
9077  def check_map_locations(map_locations, tensor_class, intended_device):
9078  for fileobject_lambda in fileobject_lambdas:
9079  for map_location in map_locations:
9080  tensor = torch.load(fileobject_lambda(), map_location=map_location)
9082  self.assertEqual(tensor.device, intended_device)
9083  self.assertIsInstance(tensor, tensor_class)
9084  self.assertEqual(tensor, tensor_class([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]))
9086  check_map_locations(cpu_map_locations, torch.FloatTensor, torch.device('cpu'))
9088  check_map_locations(gpu_0_map_locations, torch.cuda.FloatTensor, torch.device('cuda', 0))
9089  check_map_locations(
9090  gpu_last_map_locations,
9091  torch.cuda.FloatTensor,
9092  torch.device('cuda', torch.cuda.device_count() - 1)
9093  )
9095  @unittest.skipIf(torch.cuda.is_available(), "Testing torch.load on CPU-only machine")
9096  @unittest.skipIf(not PY3, "Test tensors were serialized using python 3")
9097  def test_load_nonexistent_device(self):
9098  # Setup: create a serialized file object with a 'cuda:0' restore location
9099  # The following was generated by saving a torch.randn(2, device='cuda') tensor.
9100  serialized = (b'\x80\x02\x8a\nl\xfc\x9cF\xf9 j\xa8P\x19.\x80\x02M\xe9'
9101  b'\x03.\x80\x02}q\x00(X\x10\x00\x00\x00protocol_versionq'
9102  b'\x01M\xe9\x03X\r\x00\x00\x00little_endianq\x02\x88X\n'
9103  b'\x00\x00\x00type_sizesq\x03}q\x04(X\x05\x00\x00\x00shortq'
9104  b'\x05K\x02X\x03\x00\x00\x00intq\x06K\x04X\x04\x00\x00\x00'
9105  b'longq\x07K\x04uu.\x80\x02ctorch._utils\n_rebuild_tensor_v2'
9106  b'\nq\x00((X\x07\x00\x00\x00storageq\x01ctorch\nFloatStorage'
9107  b'\nq\x02X\x0e\x00\x00\x0094919395964320q\x03X\x06\x00\x00'
9108  b'\x00cuda:0q\x04K\x02Ntq\x05QK\x00K\x02\x85q\x06K\x01\x85q'
9109  b'\x07\x89Ntq\x08Rq\t.\x80\x02]q\x00X\x0e\x00\x00\x00'
9110  b'94919395964320q\x01a.\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xbb'
9111  b'\x1f\x82\xbe\xea\x81\xd1>')
9113  buf = io.BytesIO(serialized)
9115  error_msg = r'Attempting to deserialize object on a CUDA device'
9116  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, error_msg):
9117  _ = torch.load(buf)
9119  def test_serialization_filelike_api_requirements(self):
9120  filemock = FilelikeMock(b'', has_readinto=False)
9121  tensor = torch.randn(3, 5)
9122, filemock)
9123  expected_superset = {'write', 'flush'}
9124  self.assertTrue(expected_superset.issuperset(filemock.calls))
9126  # Reset between save and load
9128  filemock.calls.clear()
9130  _ = torch.load(filemock)
9131  expected_superset = {'read', 'readline', 'seek', 'tell'}
9132  self.assertTrue(expected_superset.issuperset(filemock.calls))
9134  def _test_serialization_filelike(self, tensor, mock, desc):
9135  f = mock(b'')
9136, f)
9138  data = mock(
9140  msg = 'filelike serialization with {}'
9142  b = torch.load(data)
9143  self.assertTrue(torch.equal(tensor, b), msg.format(desc))
9145  def test_serialization_filelike_missing_attrs(self):
9146  # Test edge cases where filelike objects are missing attributes.
9147  # The Python io docs suggests that these attributes should really exist
9148  # and throw io.UnsupportedOperation, but that isn't always the case.
9149  mocks = [
9150  ('no readinto', lambda x: FilelikeMock(x)),
9151  ('has readinto', lambda x: FilelikeMock(x, has_readinto=True)),
9152  ('no fileno', lambda x: FilelikeMock(x, has_fileno=False)),
9153  ]
9155  to_serialize = torch.randn(3, 10)
9156  for desc, mock in mocks:
9157  self._test_serialization_filelike(to_serialize, mock, desc)
9159  def test_serialization_filelike_stress(self):
9160  a = torch.randn(11 * (2 ** 9) + 1, 5 * (2 ** 9))
9162  # This one should call python read multiple times
9163  self._test_serialization_filelike(a, lambda x: FilelikeMock(x, has_readinto=False),
9164  'read() stress test')
9165  self._test_serialization_filelike(a, lambda x: FilelikeMock(x, has_readinto=True),
9166  'readinto() stress test')
9168  def test_serialization_filelike_uses_readinto(self):
9169  # For maximum effiency, when reading a file-like object,
9170  # ensure the C API calls readinto instead of read.
9171  a = torch.randn(5, 4)
9173  f = io.BytesIO()
9174, f)
9176  data = FilelikeMock(, has_readinto=True)
9178  b = torch.load(data)
9179  self.assertTrue(data.was_called('readinto'))
9181  def test_serialization_storage_slice(self):
9182  # Generated using:
9183  #
9184  # t = torch.zeros(2);
9185  # s1 =[:1]
9186  # s2 =[1:]
9187  #, s2), 'foo.ser')
9188  #
9189  # with PyTorch 0.3.1
9190  serialized = (b'\x80\x02\x8a\nl\xfc\x9cF\xf9 j\xa8P\x19.\x80\x02M\xe9\x03'
9191  b'.\x80\x02}q\x00(X\n\x00\x00\x00type_sizesq\x01}q\x02(X\x03'
9192  b'\x00\x00\x00intq\x03K\x04X\x05\x00\x00\x00shortq\x04K\x02X'
9193  b'\x04\x00\x00\x00longq\x05K\x04uX\x10\x00\x00\x00protocol_versionq'
9194  b'\x06M\xe9\x03X\r\x00\x00\x00little_endianq\x07\x88u.\x80\x02'
9195  b'(X\x07\x00\x00\x00storageq\x00ctorch\nFloatStorage\nq\x01X\x0e'
9196  b'\x00\x00\x0094279043900432q\x02X\x03\x00\x00\x00cpuq\x03K\x02'
9197  b'X\x0e\x00\x00\x0094279029750368q\x04K\x00K\x01\x87q\x05tq\x06'
9198  b'Q(h\x00h\x01X\x0e\x00\x00\x0094279043900432q\x07h\x03K\x02X'
9199  b'\x0e\x00\x00\x0094279029750432q\x08K\x01K\x01\x87q\ttq\nQ'
9200  b'\x86q\x0b.\x80\x02]q\x00X\x0e\x00\x00\x0094279043900432q'
9201  b'\x01a.\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
9202  b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')
9204  buf = io.BytesIO(serialized)
9205  (s1, s2) = torch.load(buf)
9206  self.assertEqual(s1[0], 0)
9207  self.assertEqual(s2[0], 0)
9208  self.assertEqual(s1.data_ptr() + 4, s2.data_ptr())
9210  def test_load_error_msg(self):
9211  expected_err_msg = (".*You can only torch.load from a file that is seekable. " +
9212  "Please pre-load the data into a buffer like io.BytesIO and " +
9213  "try to load from it instead.")
9215  resource = FilelikeMock(data=b"data")
9216  delattr(resource, "tell")
9217  delattr(resource, "seek")
9218  self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, expected_err_msg, lambda: torch.load(resource))
9220  def test_from_buffer(self):
9221  a = bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4])
9222  self.assertEqual(torch.ByteStorage.from_buffer(a).tolist(), [1, 2, 3, 4])
9223  shorts = torch.ShortStorage.from_buffer(a, 'big')
9224  self.assertEqual(shorts.size(), 2)
9225  self.assertEqual(shorts.tolist(), [258, 772])
9226  ints = torch.IntStorage.from_buffer(a, 'little')
9227  self.assertEqual(ints.size(), 1)
9228  self.assertEqual(ints[0], 67305985)
9229  f = bytearray([0x40, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00])
9230  floats = torch.FloatStorage.from_buffer(f, 'big')
9231  self.assertEqual(floats.size(), 1)
9232  self.assertEqual(floats[0], 2.25)
9234  f = bytearray([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x10, 0x40])
9235  bools = torch.BoolStorage.from_buffer(f, 'big')
9236  self.assertEqual(bools.size(), 8)
9237  self.assertEqual(bools.tolist(), [False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True])
9238  self.assertEqual(bools.type(), 'torch.BoolStorage')
9240  f = bytearray(b'\x80\x02\x8a\nl\xfc\x9cF\xf9 j\xa8P\x19.\x80\x02M\xe9')
9241  bools = torch.BoolStorage.from_buffer(f, 'big')
9242  self.assertEqual(bools.size(), 19)
9244  f = bytearray(b'\0x4A')
9245  bools = torch.BoolStorage.from_buffer(f, 'big')
9246  self.assertEqual(bools.size(), 4)
9247  self.assertEqual(bools.tolist(), [False, True, True, True])
9249  def test_storage_casts(self):
9250  storage = torch.IntStorage([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9251  self.assertEqual(storage.size(), 6)
9252  self.assertEqual(storage.tolist(), [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9253  self.assertEqual(storage.type(), 'torch.IntStorage')
9255  floatStorage = storage.float()
9256  self.assertEqual(floatStorage.size(), 6)
9257  self.assertEqual(floatStorage.tolist(), [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9258  self.assertEqual(floatStorage.type(), 'torch.FloatStorage')
9259  self.assertEqual(, [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9261  halfStorage = storage.half()
9262  self.assertEqual(halfStorage.size(), 6)
9263  self.assertEqual(halfStorage.tolist(), [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9264  self.assertEqual(halfStorage.type(), 'torch.HalfStorage')
9265  self.assertEqual(, [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9267  longStorage = storage.long()
9268  self.assertEqual(longStorage.size(), 6)
9269  self.assertEqual(longStorage.tolist(), [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9270  self.assertEqual(longStorage.type(), 'torch.LongStorage')
9271  self.assertEqual(, [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9273  shortStorage = storage.short()
9274  self.assertEqual(shortStorage.size(), 6)
9275  self.assertEqual(shortStorage.tolist(), [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9276  self.assertEqual(shortStorage.type(), 'torch.ShortStorage')
9277  self.assertEqual(, [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9279  doubleStorage = storage.double()
9280  self.assertEqual(doubleStorage.size(), 6)
9281  self.assertEqual(doubleStorage.tolist(), [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
9282  self.assertEqual(doubleStorage.type(), 'torch.DoubleStorage')
9283  self.assertEqual(, [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9285  charStorage = storage.char()
9286  self.assertEqual(charStorage.size(), 6)
9287  self.assertEqual(charStorage.tolist(), [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
9288  self.assertEqual(charStorage.type(), 'torch.CharStorage')
9289  self.assertEqual(, [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9291  byteStorage = storage.byte()
9292  self.assertEqual(byteStorage.size(), 6)
9293  self.assertEqual(byteStorage.tolist(), [255, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9294  self.assertEqual(byteStorage.type(), 'torch.ByteStorage')
9295  self.assertEqual(, [255, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
9297  boolStorage = storage.bool()
9298  self.assertEqual(boolStorage.size(), 6)
9299  self.assertEqual(boolStorage.tolist(), [True, False, True, True, True, True])
9300  self.assertEqual(boolStorage.type(), 'torch.BoolStorage')
9301  self.assertEqual(, [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1])
9303  @unittest.skipIf(IS_WINDOWS, "TODO: need to fix this test case for Windows")
9304  def test_from_file(self):
9305  size = 10000
9306  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
9307  s1 = torch.FloatStorage.from_file(, True, size)
9308  t1 = torch.FloatTensor(s1).copy_(torch.randn(size))
9310  # check mapping
9311  s2 = torch.FloatStorage.from_file(, True, size)
9312  t2 = torch.FloatTensor(s2)
9313  self.assertEqual(t1, t2, 0)
9315  # check changes to t1 from t2
9316  rnum = random.uniform(-1, 1)
9317  t1.fill_(rnum)
9318  self.assertEqual(t1, t2, 0)
9320  # check changes to t2 from t1
9321  rnum = random.uniform(-1, 1)
9322  t2.fill_(rnum)
9323  self.assertEqual(t1, t2, 0)
9325  def test_print(self):
9326  default_type = torch.Tensor().type()
9327  for t in torch._tensor_classes:
9328  if t == torch.HalfTensor:
9329  continue # HalfTensor does not support fill
9330  if t.is_sparse:
9331  continue
9332  if t.is_cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available():
9333  continue
9334  obj = t(100, 100).fill_(1)
9335  obj.__repr__()
9336  str(obj)
9337  # test half tensor
9338  obj = torch.rand(100, 100, device='cpu').half()
9339  obj.__repr__()
9340  str(obj)
9341  for t in torch._storage_classes:
9342  if t.is_cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available():
9343  continue
9344  if t == torch.BoolStorage or t == torch.cuda.BoolStorage:
9345  obj = t(100).fill_(True)
9346  else:
9347  obj = t(100).fill_(1)
9348  obj.__repr__()
9349  str(obj)
9351  # test big integer
9352  x = torch.tensor(2341234123412341)
9353  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9354  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor(2341234123412341)''')
9356  # test scientific notation
9357  x = torch.tensor([1e28, 1e-28])
9358  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9359  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([1.0000e+28, 1.0000e-28])''')
9361  # test scientific notation using set_printoptions
9362  x = torch.tensor([1e2, 1e-2])
9363  torch.set_printoptions(sci_mode=True)
9364  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9365  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([1.0000e+02, 1.0000e-02])''')
9366  torch.set_printoptions(sci_mode=False)
9367  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9368  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([ 100.0000, 0.0100])''')
9369  torch.set_printoptions(sci_mode=None) # reset to the default value
9371  # test no leading space if all elements positive
9372  x = torch.tensor([1, 2])
9373  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9374  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([1, 2])''')
9376  # test for leading space if there are negative elements
9377  x = torch.tensor([1, -2])
9378  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9379  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([ 1, -2])''')
9381  # test inf and nan
9382  x = torch.tensor([4, inf, 1.5, -inf, 0, nan, 1])
9383  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9384  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([4.0000, inf, 1.5000, -inf, 0.0000, nan, 1.0000])''')
9386  # test dtype
9387  torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float)
9388  x = torch.tensor([1e-324, 1e-323, 1e-322, 1e307, 1e308, 1e309], dtype=torch.float64)
9389  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9390  expected_str = '''\
9391 tensor([ 0.0000e+00, 9.8813e-324, 9.8813e-323, 1.0000e+307, 1.0000e+308,
9392  inf], dtype=torch.float64)'''
9393  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), expected_str)
9395  # test changing default dtype
9396  torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float64)
9397  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9398  expected_str = '''\
9399 tensor([ 0.0000e+00, 9.8813e-324, 9.8813e-323, 1.0000e+307, 1.0000e+308,
9400  inf])'''
9401  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), expected_str)
9403  # test summary
9404  x = torch.zeros(10000)
9405  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9406  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.])''')
9408  # test internal summary function
9409  x = torch.rand(1, 20, 5, 30)
9411  self.assertEqual(summary.shape, (1, 6, 5, 6))
9412  first_and_last = [0, 1, 2, -3, -2, -1]
9413  self.assertEqual(summary, x[:, first_and_last][..., first_and_last])
9415  # test device
9417  x = torch.tensor([123], device='cuda:0')
9418  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9419  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([123], device='cuda:0')''')
9421  # test changing default to cuda
9422  torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)
9423  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9424  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([123])''')
9425  torch.set_default_tensor_type(default_type)
9427  # test integral floats and requires_grad
9428  x = torch.tensor([123.], requires_grad=True)
9429  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9430  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([123.], requires_grad=True)''')
9432  # test non-contiguous print
9433  # sliced tensor should have > PRINT_OPTS.threshold elements
9434  x = torch.ones(100, 2, 2, 10)
9435  y = x.as_strided(size=(100, 2, 10), stride=(2 * 2 * 10, 2 * 10, 1))
9436  self.assertEqual(str(y), y.__repr__())
9437  expected_str = '''\
9438 tensor([[[1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
9439  [1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]],
9441  [[1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
9442  [1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]],
9444  [[1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
9445  [1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]],
9447  ...,
9449  [[1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
9450  [1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]],
9452  [[1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
9453  [1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]],
9455  [[1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
9456  [1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]]])\
9457 '''
9459  self.assertExpectedInline(str(y), expected_str)
9461  # test print 0-dim tensor: there's no 0-dim in Numpy, we match arrayprint style
9462  x = torch.tensor(0.00002)
9463  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9464  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor(2.0000e-05)''')
9466  # [Numpy] test print float in sci_mode when min < 0.0001.
9467  x = torch.tensor([0.00002])
9468  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9469  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([2.0000e-05])''')
9471  # [Numpy] test print float in sci_mode when max > 1e8.
9472  # TODO: Pytorch uses fixed precision to print, while Numpy uses dragon4_scientific
9473  # to do automatic trimming and padding.
9474  x = torch.tensor([123456789.])
9475  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9476  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([1.2346e+08])''')
9478  # [Numpy] test print float in sci_mode when max / min > 1000.
9479  x = torch.tensor([0.01, 11])
9480  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9481  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([1.0000e-02, 1.1000e+01])''')
9483  # [Numpy] test print int max / min > 1000, no sci_mode
9484  x = torch.tensor([1, 1010])
9485  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9486  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([ 1, 1010])''')
9488  # [Numpy] test print int > 1e8, no sci_mode
9489  x = torch.tensor([1000000000]) # 1e9
9490  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9491  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([1000000000])''')
9493  # [Numpy] test printing float in int_mode
9494  x = torch.tensor([1., 1000.])
9495  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9496  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([ 1., 1000.])''')
9498  # [Numpy] test printing float in int_mode in sci format when max / min > 1000.
9499  x = torch.tensor([1., 1010.])
9500  self.assertEqual(x.__repr__(), str(x))
9501  self.assertExpectedInline(str(x), '''tensor([1.0000e+00, 1.0100e+03])''')
9503  def test_sizeof(self):
9504  sizeof_empty = torch.randn(0).storage().__sizeof__()
9505  sizeof_10 = torch.randn(10).storage().__sizeof__()
9506  sizeof_100 = torch.randn(100).storage().__sizeof__()
9507  self.assertEqual((sizeof_100 - sizeof_empty) // (sizeof_10 - sizeof_empty), 10)
9508  self.assertEqual((sizeof_100 - sizeof_empty) % (sizeof_10 - sizeof_empty), 0)
9510  sizeof_empty = torch.randn(0).type(torch.ByteTensor).storage().__sizeof__()
9511  sizeof_10 = torch.randn(10).type(torch.ByteTensor).storage().__sizeof__()
9512  sizeof_100 = torch.randn(100).type(torch.ByteTensor).storage().__sizeof__()
9513  self.assertEqual((sizeof_100 - sizeof_empty) // (sizeof_10 - sizeof_empty), 10)
9514  self.assertEqual((sizeof_100 - sizeof_empty) % (sizeof_10 - sizeof_empty), 0)
9516  def test_unsqueeze(self):
9517  x = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)
9518  y = x.unsqueeze(1)
9519  self.assertEqual(y, x.view(2, 1, 3, 4))
9520  y = x.clone().unsqueeze_(2)
9521  self.assertEqual(y, x.view(2, 3, 1, 4))
9523  x = x[:, 1]
9524  self.assertFalse(x.is_contiguous())
9525  y = x.unsqueeze(1)
9526  self.assertEqual(y, x.contiguous().view(2, 1, 4))
9527  y = x.clone().unsqueeze_(2)
9528  self.assertEqual(y, x.contiguous().view(2, 4, 1))
9530  def test_iter(self):
9531  x = torch.randn(5, 5)
9532  for i, sub in enumerate(x):
9533  self.assertEqual(sub, x[i])
9535  x = torch.Tensor()
9536  self.assertEqual(list(x), [])
9538  def test_accreal_type(self):
9539  x = torch.ones(2, 3, 4)
9540  self.assertIsInstance(x.double().sum().item(), float)
9541  self.assertIsInstance(x.float().sum().item(), float)
9542  self.assertIsInstance(x.long().sum().item(), int)
9543  self.assertIsInstance(, int)
9544  self.assertIsInstance(x.short().sum().item(), int)
9545  self.assertIsInstance(x.char().sum().item(), int)
9546  self.assertIsInstance(x.byte().sum().item(), int)
9548  def test_assertEqual(self):
9549  x = torch.FloatTensor([0])
9550  self.assertEqual(x, 0)
9551  xv = torch.autograd.Variable(x)
9552  self.assertEqual(xv, 0)
9553  self.assertEqual(x, xv)
9554  self.assertEqual(xv, x)
9556  def test_new(self):
9557  x = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.Tensor())
9558  y = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(4, 4))
9559  z = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.IntTensor([1, 2, 3]))
9560  self.assertEqual(, [0])
9561  self.assertEqual(, x)
9562  self.assertEqual(, 2).shape, [1, 2])
9563  self.assertEqual([3, 4])).shape, [3, 4])
9564  self.assertEqual([3, 4]).shape, [2])
9565  self.assertEqual([3, 4]).tolist(), [3, 4])
9566  self.assertEqual(, 4)).tolist(), [3, 4])
9567  if TEST_NUMPY:
9568  self.assertEqual([np.int32(3), np.float64(4)]).tolist(), [3, 4])
9569  self.assertEqual(, 4))).tolist(), [3, 4])
9570  self.assertEqual([z[2], z[0] + 3]).tolist(), [3, 4])
9571  self.assertEqual(, 4)).shape, [3, 4])
9572  self.assertEqual(, [0])
9573  self.assertEqual(, y.data_ptr())
9574  self.assertEqual(, y.data_ptr())
9575  self.assertIsNot(, y)
9577  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda:
9578  # TypeError would be better
9579  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda:
9581  def test_empty_like(self):
9582  x = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.Tensor())
9583  y = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(4, 4))
9584  z = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.IntTensor([1, 2, 3]))
9585  for a in (x, y, z):
9586  self.assertEqual(torch.empty_like(a).shape, a.shape)
9587  self.assertEqual(torch.empty_like(a).type(), a.type())
9589  def test_empty_strided(self):
9590  devices = ['cpu'] if not torch.cuda.is_available() else ['cpu', 'cuda']
9591  for device in devices:
9592  for shape in [(2, 3, 4), (0, 2, 0)]:
9593  # some of these cases are pretty strange, just verifying that if as_strided
9594  # allows them then empty_strided can as well.
9595  for strides in [(12, 4, 1), (2, 4, 6), (0, 0, 0)]:
9596  empty_strided = torch.empty_strided(shape, strides, device=device)
9597  # as_strided checks the storage size is big enough to support such a strided tensor;
9598  # instead of repeating this calculation, we just use empty_strided which does the same
9599  # calculation when setting the storage size.
9600  as_strided = torch.empty(,
9601  device=device).as_strided(shape, strides)
9602  self.assertEqual(empty_strided.shape, as_strided.shape)
9603  self.assertEqual(empty_strided.stride(), as_strided.stride())
9605  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), 'no CUDA')
9606  def test_pin_memory(self):
9607  x = torch.randn(3, 5)
9608  self.assertFalse(x.is_pinned())
9609  pinned = x.pin_memory()
9610  self.assertTrue(pinned.is_pinned())
9611  self.assertEqual(pinned, x)
9612  self.assertNotEqual(pinned.data_ptr(), x.data_ptr())
9614  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
9615  def test_numpy_unresizable(self):
9616  x = np.zeros((2, 2))
9617  y = torch.from_numpy(x)
9618  with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
9619  x.resize((5, 5))
9621  z = torch.randn(5, 5)
9622  w = z.numpy()
9623  with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
9624  z.resize_(10, 10)
9625  with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
9626  w.resize((10, 10))
9628  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
9629  def test_to_numpy(self):
9630  def get_castable_tensor(shape, tp):
9631  dtype = tp.dtype
9632  if dtype.is_floating_point:
9633  dtype_info = torch.finfo(dtype)
9634  # can't directly use min and max, because for double, max - min
9635  # is greater than double range and sampling always gives inf.
9636  low = max(dtype_info.min, -1e10)
9637  high = min(dtype_info.max, 1e10)
9638  t = torch.empty(shape, dtype=torch.float64).uniform_(low, high)
9639  else:
9640  # can't directly use min and max, because for int64_t, max - min
9641  # is greater than int64_t range and triggers UB.
9642  dtype_info = torch.iinfo(dtype)
9643  low = max(dtype_info.min, int(-1e10))
9644  high = min(dtype_info.max, int(1e10))
9645  dtype_info = torch.iinfo(dtype)
9646  t = torch.empty(shape, dtype=torch.int64).random_(low, high)
9647  return
9649  types = [
9650  torch.ByteTensor,
9651  torch.CharTensor,
9652  torch.ShortTensor,
9653  torch.IntTensor,
9654  torch.HalfTensor,
9655  torch.FloatTensor,
9656  torch.DoubleTensor,
9657  torch.LongTensor,
9658  ]
9659  for tp in types:
9660  # 1D
9661  sz = 10
9662  x = get_castable_tensor(sz, tp)
9663  y = x.numpy()
9664  for i in range(sz):
9665  self.assertEqual(x[i], y[i])
9667  # 1D > 0 storage offset
9668  xm = get_castable_tensor(sz * 2, tp)
9669  x = xm.narrow(0, sz - 1, sz)
9670  self.assertTrue(x.storage_offset() > 0)
9671  y = x.numpy()
9672  for i in range(sz):
9673  self.assertEqual(x[i], y[i])
9675  def check2d(x, y):
9676  for i in range(sz1):
9677  for j in range(sz2):
9678  self.assertEqual(x[i][j], y[i][j])
9680  # empty
9681  x = torch.Tensor().type(tp)
9682  y = x.numpy()
9683  self.assertEqual(y.size, 0)
9685  # contiguous 2D
9686  sz1 = 3
9687  sz2 = 5
9688  x = get_castable_tensor((sz1, sz2), tp)
9689  y = x.numpy()
9690  check2d(x, y)
9691  self.assertTrue(y.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'])
9693  # with storage offset
9694  xm = get_castable_tensor((sz1 * 2, sz2), tp)
9695  x = xm.narrow(0, sz1 - 1, sz1)
9696  y = x.numpy()
9697  self.assertTrue(x.storage_offset() > 0)
9698  check2d(x, y)
9699  self.assertTrue(y.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'])
9701  # non-contiguous 2D
9702  x = get_castable_tensor((sz2, sz1), tp).t()
9703  y = x.numpy()
9704  check2d(x, y)
9705  self.assertFalse(y.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'])
9707  # with storage offset
9708  xm = get_castable_tensor((sz2 * 2, sz1), tp)
9709  x = xm.narrow(0, sz2 - 1, sz2).t()
9710  y = x.numpy()
9711  self.assertTrue(x.storage_offset() > 0)
9712  check2d(x, y)
9714  # non-contiguous 2D with holes
9715  xm = get_castable_tensor((sz2 * 2, sz1 * 2), tp)
9716  x = xm.narrow(0, sz2 - 1, sz2).narrow(1, sz1 - 1, sz1).t()
9717  y = x.numpy()
9718  self.assertTrue(x.storage_offset() > 0)
9719  check2d(x, y)
9721  if tp != torch.HalfTensor:
9722  # check writeable
9723  x = get_castable_tensor((3, 4), tp)
9724  y = x.numpy()
9725  self.assertTrue(y.flags.writeable)
9726  y[0][1] = 3
9727  self.assertTrue(x[0][1] == 3)
9728  y = x.t().numpy()
9729  self.assertTrue(y.flags.writeable)
9730  y[0][1] = 3
9731  self.assertTrue(x[0][1] == 3)
9733  def test_dlpack_conversion(self):
9734  x = torch.randn(1, 2, 3, 4).type('torch.FloatTensor')
9735  z = from_dlpack(to_dlpack(x))
9736  self.assertEqual(z, x)
9738  @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), "No CUDA")
9739  def test_dlpack_cuda(self):
9740  x = torch.randn(1, 2, 3, 4).cuda()
9741  z = from_dlpack(to_dlpack(x))
9742  self.assertEqual(z, x)
9744  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
9745  def test_from_numpy(self):
9746  dtypes = [
9747  np.double,
9748  np.float,
9749  np.float16,
9750  np.int64,
9751  np.int32,
9752  np.int16,
9753  np.int8,
9754  np.uint8,
9755  np.longlong,
9756  ]
9757  for dtype in dtypes:
9758  array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=dtype)
9759  tensor_from_array = torch.from_numpy(array)
9760  # TODO: change to tensor equality check once HalfTensor
9761  # implements `==`
9762  for i in range(len(array)):
9763  self.assertEqual(tensor_from_array[i], array[i])
9765  # check storage offset
9766  x = np.linspace(1, 125, 125)
9767  x.shape = (5, 5, 5)
9768  x = x[1]
9769  expected = torch.arange(1, 126).view(5, 5, 5)[1]
9770  self.assertEqual(torch.from_numpy(x), expected)
9772  # check noncontiguous
9773  x = np.linspace(1, 25, 25)
9774  x.shape = (5, 5)
9775  expected = torch.arange(1, 26).view(5, 5).t()
9776  self.assertEqual(torch.from_numpy(x.T), expected)
9778  # check noncontiguous with holes
9779  x = np.linspace(1, 125, 125)
9780  x.shape = (5, 5, 5)
9781  x = x[:, 1]
9782  expected = torch.arange(1, 126).view(5, 5, 5)[:, 1]
9783  self.assertEqual(torch.from_numpy(x), expected)
9785  # check zero dimensional
9786  x = np.zeros((0, 2))
9787  self.assertEqual(torch.from_numpy(x).shape, (0, 2))
9788  x = np.zeros((2, 0))
9789  self.assertEqual(torch.from_numpy(x).shape, (2, 0))
9791  # check ill-sized strides raise exception
9792  x = np.array([3., 5., 8.])
9793  x.strides = (3,)
9794  self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: torch.from_numpy(x))
9796  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
9797  def test_ctor_with_numpy_array(self):
9798  correct_dtypes = [
9799  np.double,
9800  np.float,
9801  np.float16,
9802  np.int64,
9803  np.int32,
9804  np.int16,
9805  np.int8,
9806  np.uint8,
9807  ]
9809  incorrect_byteorder = '>' if sys.byteorder == 'little' else '<'
9810  incorrect_dtypes = map(lambda t: incorrect_byteorder + t, ['d', 'f'])
9812  for dtype in correct_dtypes:
9813  array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=dtype)
9815  # Upcast
9816  tensor = torch.DoubleTensor(array)
9817  for i in range(len(array)):
9818  self.assertEqual(tensor[i], array[i])
9821  tensor = torch.cuda.DoubleTensor(array)
9822  for i in range(len(array)):
9823  self.assertEqual(tensor[i], array[i])
9825  # Downcast (sometimes)
9826  tensor = torch.FloatTensor(array)
9827  for i in range(len(array)):
9828  self.assertEqual(tensor[i], array[i])
9830  tensor = torch.HalfTensor(array)
9831  for i in range(len(array)):
9832  self.assertEqual(tensor[i], array[i])
9835  tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(array)
9836  for i in range(len(array)):
9837  self.assertEqual(tensor[i], array[i])
9839  tensor = torch.cuda.HalfTensor(array)
9840  for i in range(len(array)):
9841  self.assertEqual(tensor[i], array[i])
9843  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
9844  def test_ctor_with_numpy_scalar_ctor(self):
9845  dtypes = [
9846  np.double,
9847  np.float,
9848  np.float16,
9849  np.int64,
9850  np.int32,
9851  np.int16,
9852  np.uint8
9853  ]
9854  for dtype in dtypes:
9855  self.assertEqual(dtype(42), torch.tensor(dtype(42)).item())
9857  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
9858  def test_numpy_index(self):
9859  i = np.int32([0, 1, 2])
9860  x = torch.randn(5, 5)
9861  for idx in i:
9862  self.assertFalse(isinstance(idx, int))
9863  self.assertEqual(x[idx], x[int(idx)])
9865  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
9866  def test_numpy_array_interface(self):
9867  types = [
9868  torch.DoubleTensor,
9869  torch.FloatTensor,
9870  torch.HalfTensor,
9871  torch.LongTensor,
9872  torch.IntTensor,
9873  torch.ShortTensor,
9874  torch.ByteTensor,
9875  ]
9876  dtypes = [
9877  np.float64,
9878  np.float32,
9879  np.float16,
9880  np.int64,
9881  np.int32,
9882  np.int16,
9883  np.uint8,
9884  ]
9885  for tp, dtype in zip(types, dtypes):
9886  if np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'u':
9887  x = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]).type(tp)
9888  array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=dtype)
9889  else:
9890  x = torch.Tensor([1, -2, 3, -4]).type(tp)
9891  array = np.array([1, -2, 3, -4], dtype=dtype)
9893  # Test __array__ w/o dtype argument
9894  asarray = np.asarray(x)
9895  self.assertIsInstance(asarray, np.ndarray)
9896  self.assertEqual(asarray.dtype, dtype)
9897  for i in range(len(x)):
9898  self.assertEqual(asarray[i], x[i])
9900  # Test __array_wrap__, same dtype
9901  abs_x = np.abs(x)
9902  abs_array = np.abs(array)
9903  self.assertIsInstance(abs_x, tp)
9904  for i in range(len(x)):
9905  self.assertEqual(abs_x[i], abs_array[i])
9907  # Test __array__ with dtype argument
9908  for dtype in dtypes:
9909  x = torch.IntTensor([1, -2, 3, -4])
9910  asarray = np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype)
9911  self.assertEqual(asarray.dtype, dtype)
9912  if np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'u':
9913  wrapped_x = np.array([1, -2, 3, -4], dtype=dtype)
9914  for i in range(len(x)):
9915  self.assertEqual(asarray[i], wrapped_x[i])
9916  else:
9917  for i in range(len(x)):
9918  self.assertEqual(asarray[i], x[i])
9920  # Test some math functions with float types
9921  float_types = [torch.DoubleTensor, torch.FloatTensor]
9922  float_dtypes = [np.float64, np.float32]
9923  for tp, dtype in zip(float_types, float_dtypes):
9924  x = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]).type(tp)
9925  array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=dtype)
9926  for func in ['sin', 'sqrt', 'ceil']:
9927  ufunc = getattr(np, func)
9928  res_x = ufunc(x)
9929  res_array = ufunc(array)
9930  self.assertIsInstance(res_x, tp)
9931  for i in range(len(x)):
9932  self.assertEqual(res_x[i], res_array[i])
9934  # Test functions with boolean return value
9935  for tp, dtype in zip(types, dtypes):
9936  x = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]).type(tp)
9937  array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=dtype)
9938  geq2_x = np.greater_equal(x, 2)
9939  geq2_array = np.greater_equal(array, 2).astype('uint8')
9940  self.assertIsInstance(geq2_x, torch.ByteTensor)
9941  for i in range(len(x)):
9942  self.assertEqual(geq2_x[i], geq2_array[i])
9944  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
9945  def test_multiplication_numpy_scalar(self):
9946  for np_dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.int32, np.int64, np.int16, np.uint8]:
9947  for t_dtype in [torch.float, torch.double]:
9948  np_sc = np_dtype(2.0)
9949  t = torch.ones(2, requires_grad=True, dtype=t_dtype)
9950  r1 = t * np_sc
9951  self.assertIsInstance(r1, torch.Tensor)
9952  self.assertTrue(r1.dtype == t_dtype)
9953  self.assertTrue(r1.requires_grad)
9954  r2 = np_sc * t
9955  self.assertIsInstance(r2, torch.Tensor)
9956  self.assertTrue(r2.dtype == t_dtype)
9957  self.assertTrue(r2.requires_grad)
9959  def test_error_msg_type_translation(self):
9960  with self.assertRaisesRegex(
9961  RuntimeError,
9962  # message includes both Double and Long
9963  '(?=.*Double)(?=.*Long)'):
9965  # Calls model with a DoubleTensor input but LongTensor weights
9966  input = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(1, 1, 1, 6).double())
9967  weight = torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 3).long()
9968  model = torch.nn.Conv2d(1, 1, (1, 3), stride=1, padding=0, bias=False)
9969 = weight
9970  out = model(input)
9972  def test_tensor_from_sequence(self):
9973  class MockSequence(object):
9974  def __init__(self, lst):
9975  self.lst = lst
9977  def __len__(self):
9978  return len(self.lst)
9980  def __getitem__(self, item):
9981  raise TypeError
9983  class GoodMockSequence(MockSequence):
9984  def __getitem__(self, item):
9985  return self.lst[item]
9987  bad_mock_seq = MockSequence([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
9988  good_mock_seq = GoodMockSequence([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
9989  with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'could not determine the shape'):
9990  torch.Tensor(bad_mock_seq)
9991  self.assertEqual(torch.Tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), torch.Tensor(good_mock_seq))
9993  def test_comparison_ops(self):
9994  x = torch.randn(5, 5)
9995  y = torch.randn(5, 5)
9997  eq = x == y
9998  for idx in iter_indices(x):
9999  self.assertEqual(x[idx] == y[idx], eq[idx] == 1)
10001  ne = x != y
10002  for idx in iter_indices(x):
10003  self.assertEqual(x[idx] != y[idx], ne[idx] == 1)
10005  lt = x < y
10006  for idx in iter_indices(x):
10007  self.assertEqual(x[idx] < y[idx], lt[idx] == 1)
10009  le = x <= y
10010  for idx in iter_indices(x):
10011  self.assertEqual(x[idx] <= y[idx], le[idx] == 1)
10013  gt = x > y
10014  for idx in iter_indices(x):
10015  self.assertEqual(x[idx] > y[idx], gt[idx] == 1)
10017  ge = x >= y
10018  for idx in iter_indices(x):
10019  self.assertEqual(x[idx] >= y[idx], ge[idx] == 1)
10021  def test_bitwise_ops(self):
10022  x = torch.randn(5, 5).gt(0)
10023  y = torch.randn(5, 5).gt(0)
10025  and_result = x & y
10026  for idx in iter_indices(x):
10027  if and_result[idx]:
10028  self.assertTrue(x[idx] and y[idx])
10029  else:
10030  self.assertFalse(x[idx] and y[idx])
10032  or_result = x | y
10033  for idx in iter_indices(x):
10034  if or_result[idx]:
10035  self.assertTrue(x[idx] or y[idx])
10036  else:
10037  self.assertFalse(x[idx] or y[idx])
10039  xor_result = x ^ y
10040  for idx in iter_indices(x):
10041  if xor_result[idx]:
10042  self.assertTrue(x[idx] ^ y[idx])
10043  else:
10044  self.assertFalse(x[idx] ^ y[idx])
10046  invert_result = ~x
10047  for idx in iter_indices(x):
10048  self.assertEqual(1 - x[idx], invert_result[idx])
10050  x_clone = x.clone()
10051  x_clone &= y
10052  self.assertEqual(x_clone, and_result)
10054  x_clone = x.clone()
10055  x_clone |= y
10056  self.assertEqual(x_clone, or_result)
10058  x_clone = x.clone()
10059  x_clone ^= y
10060  self.assertEqual(x_clone, xor_result)
10062  def test_invert(self):
10063  x = torch.ByteTensor([0, 1, 1])
10064  self.assertEqual((~x).tolist(), [1, 0, 0])
10066  def test_apply(self):
10067  x = torch.arange(1, 6)
10068  res = x.clone().apply_(lambda k: k + k)
10069  self.assertEqual(res, x * 2)
10070  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x.apply_(lambda k: "str"))
10072  def test_map(self):
10073  x = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(3, 3))
10074  y = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(3))
10075  res = x.clone()
10076  res.map_(y, lambda a, b: a + b)
10077  self.assertEqual(res, x + y)
10078  self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "not callable", lambda: res.map_(y, "str"))
10080  def test_map2(self):
10081  x = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(3, 3))
10082  y = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(3))
10083  z = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(1, 3))
10084  res = x.clone()
10085  res.map2_(y, z, lambda a, b, c: a + b * c)
10086  self.assertEqual(res, x + y * z)
10087  z.requires_grad = True
10088  self.assertRaisesRegex(
10089  RuntimeError, "requires grad",
10090  lambda: res.map2_(y, z, lambda a, b, c: a + b * c))
10092  def test_Size(self):
10093  x = torch.Size([1, 2, 3])
10094  self.assertIsInstance(x, tuple)
10095  self.assertEqual(x[0], 1)
10096  self.assertEqual(x[1], 2)
10097  self.assertEqual(x[2], 3)
10098  self.assertEqual(len(x), 3)
10099  self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: torch.Size(torch.ones(3)))
10101  self.assertIsInstance(x * 2, torch.Size)
10102  self.assertIsInstance(x[:-1], torch.Size)
10103  self.assertIsInstance(x + x, torch.Size)
10105  def test_Size_scalar(self):
10106  three = torch.tensor(3)
10107  two = torch.tensor(2)
10108  x = torch.Size([0, 1, two, three, 4])
10109  for i in range(1, 5):
10110  self.assertEqual(x[i], i)
10112  def test_Size_iter(self):
10113  for sizes in [iter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), range(1, 6)]:
10114  x = torch.Size(sizes)
10115  for i in range(0, 5):
10116  self.assertEqual(x[i], i + 1)
10118  def test_t_not_2d_error(self):
10119  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.randn(2, 3, 4).t())
10120  self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.randn(2, 3, 4).t_())
10122  # unit test for special case transposed copy (see ATen/native/Copy.cpp for details)
10123  @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_NUMPY, "Numpy not found")
10124  def test_big_transpose(self):
10125  t = torch.rand(456, 789)
10126  t1 = t.t().contiguous()
10127  t2 = torch.from_numpy(t.numpy().transpose())
10128  self.assertEqual(t1, t2)
10130  def test_inplace_division(self):
10131  t = torch.rand(5, 5)
10132  id_before = id(t)
10133  t /= 2
10134  id_after = id(t)
10135  self.assertEqual(id_before, id_after)
10137  def test_simple_scalar_cast(self):
10138  ok = [torch.Tensor([1.5]), torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1)]
10139  ok_values = [1.5, 0]
10141  not_ok = map(torch.Tensor, [[], [1, 2], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]])
10143  for tensor, value in zip(ok, ok_values):
10144  self.assertEqual(int(tensor), int(value))
10145  self.assertEqual(float(tensor), float(value))
10146  if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
10147  self.assertEqual(long(tensor), long(value))
10149  for tensor in not_ok:
10150  self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: int(tensor))
10151  self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: float(tensor))
10152  if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
10153  self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: long(tensor))
10155  def test_offset_scalar_cast(self):
10156  x = torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3])
10157  y = x[2:]
10158  self.assertEqual(int(y), 3)
10160  # skip this test for now as it affects all tests
10161  @unittest.skipIf(True, "flush_denormal not supported")
10162  def test_set_flush_denormal(self):
10163  tiny_float = 1e-42
10164  tiny_double = 1e-320
10165  float_tensor = torch.FloatTensor([1.0, tiny_float])
10166  double_tensor = torch.DoubleTensor([1.0, tiny_float, tiny_double])
10168  self.assertEqual(float_tensor[0], 1.0, prec=0.0)
10169  self.assertEqual(float_tensor[1], tiny_float, prec=tiny_float / 16)
10170  self.assertEqual(double_tensor[0], 1.0, prec=0.0)
10171  self.assertEqual(double_tensor[1], tiny_float, prec=0.0)
10172  self.assertEqual(double_tensor[2], tiny_double, prec=0.0)
10174  torch.set_flush_denormal(True)
10175  self.assertEqual(float_tensor[0], 1.0, prec=0.0)
10176  self.assertEqual(float_tensor[1], 0.0, prec=0.0) # tiny_float to zero
10177  self.assertEqual(double_tensor[0], 1.0, prec=0.0)
10178  # tiny_float is not converted to zero in double type
10179  self.assertEqual(double_tensor[1], tiny_float, prec=0.0)
10180  self.assertEqual(double_tensor[2], 0.0, prec=0.0) # tiny_double to zero
10181  torch.set_flush_denormal(False)
10183  def test_unique(self):
10184  x = torch.LongTensor([1, 2, 3, 2, 8, 5, 2, 3])
10185  expected_unique = torch.LongTensor([1, 2, 3, 5, 8])
10186  expected_inverse = torch.LongTensor([0, 1, 2, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2])
10188  x_unique = torch.unique(x)
10189  self.assertEqual(
10190  expected_unique.tolist(), sorted(x_unique.tolist()))
10192  x_unique, x_inverse = x.unique(return_inverse=True)
10193  self.assertEqual(
10194  expected_unique.tolist(), sorted(x_unique.tolist()))
10195  self.assertEqual(expected_inverse.numel(), x_inverse.numel())
10197  x_unique = x.unique(sorted=True)
10198  self.assertEqual(expected_unique, x_unique)
10200  x_unique, x_inverse = torch.unique(
10201  x, sorted=True, return_inverse=True)
10202  self.assertEqual(expected_unique, x_unique)
10203  self.assertEqual(expected_inverse, x_inverse)
10205  # Tests per-element unique on a higher rank tensor.
10206  y = x.view(2, 2, 2)
10207  y_unique, y_inverse = y.unique(sorted=True, return_inverse=True)
10208  self.assertEqual(expected_unique, y_unique)
10209  self.assertEqual(expected_inverse.view(y.size()), y_inverse)
10211  # Tests unique on other types.
10212  int_unique, int_inverse = torch.unique(
10213  torch.IntTensor([2, 1, 2]), sorted=True, return_inverse=True)
10214  self.assertEqual(torch.IntTensor([1, 2]), int_unique)
10215  self.assertEqual(torch.LongTensor([1, 0, 1]), int_inverse)
10217  double_unique, double_inverse = torch.unique(
10218  torch.DoubleTensor([2., 1.5, 2.1, 2.]),
10219  sorted=True,
10220  return_inverse=True,
10221  )
10222  self.assertEqual(torch.DoubleTensor([1.5, 2., 2.1]), double_unique)
10223  self.assertEqual(torch.LongTensor([1, 0, 2, 1]), double_inverse)
10225  byte_unique, byte_inverse = torch.unique(
10226  torch.ByteTensor([133, 7, 7, 7, 42, 128]),
10227  sorted=True,
10228  return_inverse=True,
10229  )
10230  self.assertEqual(torch.ByteTensor([7, 42, 128, 133]), byte_unique)
10231  self.assertEqual(torch.LongTensor([3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2]), byte_inverse)
10233  def test_unique_dim(self):
10234  def run_test(dtype=torch.float):
10235  x = torch.tensor([[[1., 1.],
10236  [0., 1.],
10237  [2., 1.],
10238  [0., 1.]],
10239  [[1., 1.],
10240  [0., 1.],
10241  [2., 1.],
10242  [0., 1.]]], dtype=dtype)
10243  expected_unique_dim0 = torch.tensor([[[1., 1.],
10244  [0., 1.],
10245  [2., 1.],
10246  [0., 1.]]], dtype=dtype)
10247  expected_inverse_dim0 = torch.tensor([0, 0])
10248  expected_unique_dim1 = torch.tensor([[[0., 1.],
10249  [1., 1.],
10250  [2., 1.]],
10251  [[0., 1.],
10252  [1., 1.],
10253  [2., 1.]]], dtype=dtype)
10254  expected_inverse_dim1 = torch.tensor([1, 0, 2, 0])
10255  expected_unique_dim2 = torch.tensor([[[1., 1.],
10256  [0., 1.],
10257  [2., 1.],
10258  [0., 1.]],
10259  [[1., 1.],
10260  [0., 1.],
10261  [2., 1.],
10262  [0., 1.]]], dtype=dtype)
10263  expected_inverse_dim2 = torch.tensor([0, 1])
10265  # dim0
10266  x_unique = torch.unique(x, dim=0)
10267  self.assertEqual(expected_unique_dim0, x_unique)
10269  x_unique, x_inverse = torch.unique(x, return_inverse=True, dim=0)
10270  self.assertEqual(expected_unique_dim0, x_unique)
10271  self.assertEqual(expected_inverse_dim0, x_inverse)
10273  # dim1
10274  x_unique = torch.unique(x, dim=1)
10275  self.assertEqual(expected_unique_dim1, x_unique)
10277  x_unique, x_inverse = torch.unique(x, return_inverse=True, dim=1)
10278  self.assertEqual(expected_unique_dim1, x_unique)
10279  self.assertEqual(expected_inverse_dim1, x_inverse)
10281  # dim2
10282  x_unique = torch.unique(x, dim=2)
10283  self.assertEqual(expected_unique_dim2, x_unique)
10285  x_unique, x_inverse = torch.unique(x, return_inverse=True, dim=2)
10286  self.assertEqual(expected_unique_dim2, x_unique)
10287  self.assertEqual(expected_inverse_dim2, x_inverse)
10289  run_test(torch.float)
10290  run_test(torch.double)
10291  run_test(torch.long)
10292  run_test(torch.uint8)
10294  @staticmethod
10295  def _test_bincount(self, device):
10296  # negative input throws
10297  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, '1-d non-negative integral'):
10298  torch.bincount(torch.tensor([1, -1], device=device))
10299  # n-d input, with n > 1 throws
10300  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, '1-d non-negative integral'):
10301  torch.bincount(torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]], device=device))
10302  # floating input type throws
10303  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'not implemented'):
10304  torch.bincount(torch.tensor([1., 0.3], device=device))
10305  # minlength < 0 throws
10306  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'minlength should be >= 0'):
10307  torch.bincount(torch.tensor([1, 3], device=device),
10308  torch.tensor([.2, .2], device=device),
10309  minlength=-1)
10310  # input and weights dim mismatch
10311  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'same length'):
10312  torch.bincount(torch.tensor([1, 0], device=device),
10313  torch.tensor([1., 0.3, 0.5], device=device))
10314  # 1-d input with no elements and default minlength
10315  self.assertEqual(torch.bincount(torch.tensor([], device=device, dtype=torch.long)),
10316  torch.zeros(0, dtype=torch.long, device=device))
10317  # 1-d input with no elements and specified minlength
10318  self.assertEqual(torch.bincount(torch.tensor([], device=device, dtype=torch.long), minlength=10),
10319  torch.zeros(10, dtype=torch.long, device=device))
10321  # test tensor method without weights
10322  long_counts = torch.tensor(
10323  [0, 3, 2, 1, 3], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device).bincount()
10324  self.assertEqual(
10325  torch.tensor([1, 1, 1, 2], dtype=torch.int64, device=device),
10326  long_counts)
10327  # test minlength functionality
10328  int_counts = torch.bincount(
10329  torch.tensor([1, 1, 1, 1], device=device), minlength=5)
10330  self.assertEqual(
10331  torch.tensor([0, 4, 0, 0, 0], dtype=torch.int64, device=device),
10332  int_counts)
10333  # test weights
10334  byte_counts = torch.bincount(
10335  torch.tensor([0, 1, 1, 1, 4], device=device),
10336  torch.tensor([.1, .2, .3, .4, .5], device=device))
10337  self.assertEqual(
10338  torch.tensor([0.1, 0.9, 0, 0, 0.5], device=device), byte_counts)
10339  byte_counts = torch.bincount(
10340  torch.tensor([0, 1, 1, 1, 4], device=device),
10341  torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=torch.int8, device=device))
10342  self.assertEqual(
10343  torch.tensor([1, 9, 0, 0, 5], device=device), byte_counts)
10344  # test non-contiguous inputs and weights
10345  inputs = torch.tensor([[0, 0], [3, 1], [2, 1], [1, 1], [3, 4]], device=device)
10346  weights = torch.tensor([[.1, 1], [.2, 2], [.3, 3], [.4, 4], [.5, 5]], device=device)
10347  for i in [0, 1]:
10348  assert not inputs[:, i].is_contiguous(), "Inputs are supposed to be non-contiguous"
10349  assert not weights[:, i].is_contiguous(), "Weights are supposed to be non-contiguous"
10350  # inputs are non-contiguous but weights are contiguous
10351  self.assertEqual(inputs[:, 0].bincount(), torch.tensor([1, 1, 1, 2]))
10352  # inputs and weights are non-contiguous
10353  self.assertEqual(inputs[:, 1].bincount(weights[:, 1]), torch.tensor([1, 9, 0, 0, 5]))
10354  # weights are non-contiguous but inputs are contiguous
10355  self.assertEqual(inputs[:, 1].contiguous().bincount(weights[:, 1]),
10356  torch.tensor([1, 9, 0, 0, 5]))
10358  # test bincount on non-contiguous slices
10359  all0s = torch.zeros((32, 2), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
10360  self.assertEqual(all0s[:, 0].bincount(), torch.tensor([32]))
10362  all1s = torch.ones((32, 2), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
10363  self.assertEqual(all1s[:, 0].bincount(), torch.tensor([0, 32]))
10365  # test large number of bins - global memory use
10366  big_exp = torch.zeros(10000000, device=device)
10367  big_exp[-1] = 50.0
10368  big_w = torch.tensor([.5] * 100, device=device)
10369  big_out = torch.tensor([9999999] * 100, device=device).bincount(big_w)
10370  self.assertEqual(big_exp, big_out)
10371  # test large input size
10372  big_exp = torch.zeros(2, device=device)
10373  big_exp[1] = 1000000
10374  big_out = torch.ones(1000000, dtype=torch.int8, device=device).bincount()
10375  self.assertEqual(big_exp, big_out)
10377  def test_bincount_cpu(self):
10378  self._test_bincount(self, device='cpu')
10380  def test_is_nonzero(self):
10381  self.assertExpectedRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.tensor([]).is_nonzero(), subname="empty")
10382  self.assertExpectedRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.tensor([0, 0]).is_nonzero(), subname="multiple")
10383  self.assertFalse(torch.tensor(0).is_nonzero())
10384  self.assertTrue(torch.tensor(1).is_nonzero())
10385  self.assertFalse(torch.tensor([0]).is_nonzero())
10386  self.assertTrue(torch.tensor([1]).is_nonzero())
10387  self.assertFalse(torch.tensor([[0]]).is_nonzero())
10388  self.assertTrue(torch.tensor([[1]]).is_nonzero())
10390  def test_meshgrid(self):
10391  a = torch.tensor(1)
10392  b = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])
10393  c = torch.tensor([1, 2])
10394  grid_a, grid_b, grid_c = torch.meshgrid([a, b, c])
10395  self.assertEqual(grid_a.shape, torch.Size([1, 3, 2]))
10396  self.assertEqual(grid_b.shape, torch.Size([1, 3, 2]))
10397  self.assertEqual(grid_c.shape, torch.Size([1, 3, 2]))
10398  grid_a2, grid_b2, grid_c2 = torch.meshgrid(a, b, c)
10399  self.assertEqual(grid_a2.shape, torch.Size([1, 3, 2]))
10400  self.assertEqual(grid_b2.shape, torch.Size([1, 3, 2]))
10401  self.assertEqual(grid_c2.shape, torch.Size([1, 3, 2]))
10402  expected_grid_a = torch.ones(1, 3, 2, dtype=torch.int64)
10403  expected_grid_b = torch.tensor([[[1, 1],
10404  [2, 2],
10405  [3, 3]]])
10406  expected_grid_c = torch.tensor([[[1, 2],
10407  [1, 2],
10408  [1, 2]]])
10409  self.assertTrue(grid_a.equal(expected_grid_a))
10410  self.assertTrue(grid_b.equal(expected_grid_b))
10411  self.assertTrue(grid_c.equal(expected_grid_c))
10412  self.assertTrue(grid_a2.equal(expected_grid_a))
10413  self.assertTrue(grid_b2.equal(expected_grid_b))
10414  self.assertTrue(grid_c2.equal(expected_grid_c))
10416  @unittest.skipIf(torch.cuda.is_available() or IS_SANDCASTLE, "CUDA is available, can't test CUDA not built error")
10417  def test_cuda_not_built(self):
10418  msg = "Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled"
10419  self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg, lambda: torch.cuda.current_device())
10420  self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg, lambda: torch.tensor([1], device="cuda"))
10421  self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg, lambda: torch.tensor([1]).cuda())
10422  self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg, lambda: torch.cuda.FloatTensor())
10423  self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg, lambda: torch.tensor([1]).to(device="cuda"))
10425  def test_cast_binary_op(self):
10426  # Scalar
10427  a = torch.tensor(2)
10428  b = torch.tensor(3)
10429  a_copy = a.clone()
10430  b_copy = b.clone()
10432  self.assertEqual(torch.tensor(6), a.float() * b)
10434  self.assertEqual(a.type(), a_copy.type())
10435  self.assertEqual(,
10436  self.assertEqual(b.type(), b_copy.type())
10437  self.assertEqual(, b_copy.type())
10439  def test_cartesian_prod(self):
10440  a = torch.tensor([1])
10441  b = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])
10442  c = torch.tensor([1, 2])
10443  prod = torch.cartesian_prod(a, b, c)
10444  expected = torch.tensor(list(product([a], b, c)))
10445  self.assertEqual(expected, prod)
10447  # test 0 size input
10448  d = torch.empty(0, dtype=b.dtype)
10449  prod = torch.cartesian_prod(a, b, c, d)
10450  expected = torch.empty(0, 4, dtype=b.dtype)
10451  self.assertEqual(expected, prod)
10453  # test single input
10454  prod = torch.cartesian_prod(b)
10455  self.assertEqual(b, prod)
10457  def test_combinations(self):
10458  a = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])
10460  c = torch.combinations(a, r=1)
10461  expected = torch.tensor(list(combinations(a, r=1)))
10462  self.assertEqual(c, expected)
10464  c = torch.combinations(a, r=1, with_replacement=True)
10465  expected = torch.tensor(list(combinations_with_replacement(a, r=1)))
10466  self.assertEqual(c, expected)
10468  c = torch.combinations(a)
10469  expected = torch.tensor(list(combinations(a, r=2)))
10470  self.assertEqual(c, expected)
10472  c = torch.combinations(a, with_replacement=True)
10473  expected = torch.tensor(list(combinations_with_replacement(a, r=2)))
10474  self.assertEqual(c, expected)
10476  c = torch.combinations(a, r=3)
10477  expected = torch.tensor(list(combinations(a, r=3)))
10478  self.assertEqual(c, expected)
10480  c = torch.combinations(a, r=4)
10481  expected = torch.empty(0, 4, dtype=a.dtype)
10482  self.assertEqual(c, expected)
10484  c = torch.combinations(a, r=5)
10485  expected = torch.empty(0, 5, dtype=a.dtype)
10486  self.assertEqual(c, expected)
10488  # test empty imput
10489  a = torch.empty(0)
10490  c1 = torch.combinations(a)
10491  c2 = torch.combinations(a, with_replacement=True)
10492  expected = torch.empty(0, 2, dtype=a.dtype)
10493  self.assertEqual(c1, expected)
10494  self.assertEqual(c2, expected)
10496  def test_has_internal_overlap(self):
10497  OVERLAP_NO = 0
10498  OVERLAP_YES = 1
10501  # Check for contiguous tensors
10502  a = torch.randn(3, 3)
10503  self.assertEqual(torch._debug_has_internal_overlap(a), OVERLAP_NO)
10505  # Checks for zero strides
10506  b = torch.randn(1, 3)
10507  b_expanded = b.expand(4, 3)
10508  self.assertEqual(torch._debug_has_internal_overlap(b_expanded), OVERLAP_YES)
10510  @staticmethod
10511  def unary_check_mem_overlap(self, inplace_op, value=-0.5, device='cpu'):
10512  tensor = torch.tensor(value, device=device).expand(3, 3)
10513  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'single memory location'):
10514  inplace_op(tensor)
10516  @staticmethod
10517  def _test_inplace_unary_mem_overlap(self, device='cpu'):
10518  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.acos_(), device=device)
10519  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.asin_(), device=device)
10520  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.atan_(), device=device)
10521  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.ceil_(), device=device)
10522  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.cos_(), device=device)
10523  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.erf_(), device=device)
10524  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.erfc_(), device=device)
10525  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.exp_(), device=device)
10526  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.expm1_(), device=device)
10527  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.floor_(), device=device)
10528  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.log_(), device=device)
10529  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.log10_(), device=device)
10530  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.log1p_(), device=device)
10531  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.log2_(), device=device)
10532  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.round_(), device=device)
10533  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.rsqrt_(), device=device)
10534  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.sin_(), device=device)
10535  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.sqrt_(), device=device)
10536  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.tan_(), device=device)
10537  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.tanh_(), device=device)
10538  TestTorch.unary_check_mem_overlap(self, lambda t: t.trunc_(), device=device)
10540  def test_inplace_unary_mem_overlap(self):
10541  return self._test_inplace_unary_mem_overlap(self)
10543  @unittest.expectedFailure
10544  def test_abs_unary_mem_overlap(self):
10545  self.unary_check_mem_overlap(lambda t: t.abs_())
10547  @unittest.expectedFailure
10548  def test_sinh_unary_mem_overlap(self):
10549  self.unary_check_mem_overlap(lambda t: t.sinh_())
10551  @unittest.expectedFailure
10552  def test_cosh_unary_mem_overlap(self):
10553  self.unary_check_mem_overlap(lambda t: t.cosh_())
10555  @unittest.skipIf(torch.cuda.device_count() < 2, 'only one GPU detected')
10556  def test_reverse_binary_ops_multiple_device(self):
10557  self.assertEqual(2 + torch.tensor(3), 2 + torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:1")) # __radd__
10558  self.assertEqual(2 - torch.tensor(3), 2 - torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:1")) # __rsub__
10559  self.assertEqual(2 * torch.tensor(3), 2 * torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:1")) # __rmul__
10560  self.assertEqual(2 / torch.tensor(3), 2 / torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:1")) # __rtruediv__
10561  self.assertEqual(2 // torch.tensor(3), 2 // torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:1")) # __rfloordiv__
10563  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "expected both inputs to be on same device"):
10564  torch.tensor(2).to("cuda:1") + torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:0")
10565  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "expected both inputs to be on same device"):
10566  torch.tensor(2).to("cuda:1") - torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:0")
10567  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "expected both inputs to be on same device"):
10568  torch.tensor(2).to("cuda:1") * torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:0")
10569  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "expected both inputs to be on same device"):
10570  torch.tensor(2).to("cuda:1") / torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:0")
10571  with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "expected both inputs to be on same device"):
10572  torch.tensor(2).to("cuda:1") // torch.tensor(3).to("cuda:0")
10574  def test_allow_tensor_metadata_change(self):
10575  def do_test(t):
10576  with self.assertRaisesRegex(
10577  RuntimeError,
10578  "set_sizes_contiguous is not allowed on Tensor created from .data or .detach()"):
10579  t.resize_((2, 1))
10580  with self.assertRaisesRegex(
10581  RuntimeError,
10582  "set_storage is not allowed on Tensor created from .data or .detach()"):
10583  t.set_()
10584  with self.assertRaisesRegex(
10585  RuntimeError,
10586  "set_storage_offset is not allowed on Tensor created from .data or .detach()"):
10587  t.set_(, 0, t.size(), list(t.stride()))
10589  do_test(torch.tensor([[1, 2]]).data)
10590  do_test(torch.tensor([[1, 2]]).detach())
10592  def test_c10_layer_norm(self):
10593  # test that we can call c10 ops and they return a reasonable result
10594  X = torch.rand(5, 5, dtype=torch.float)
10595  epsilon = 1e-4
10597  expected_norm = torch.nn.functional.layer_norm(X, X.size()[1:], eps=epsilon)
10598  actual_norm, actual_mean, actual_stdev = \
10599  torch.ops._caffe2.LayerNorm(torch.tensor(X), 1, epsilon)
10600  torch.testing.assert_allclose(expected_norm, actual_norm)
10602 # Functions to test negative dimension wrapping
10603 METHOD = 1
10605 FUNCTIONAL = 4
10606 DIM_ARG = None
10609 def make_neg_dim_test(name, tensor_arg, arg_constr, types, extra_dim=0):
10610  def neg_dim_test(self):
10611  if isinstance(tensor_arg, list):
10612  assert METHOD not in types and INPLACE_METHOD not in types
10613  x = [torch.randn(arg) for arg in tensor_arg]
10614  ndim = len(tensor_arg[-1])
10615  else:
10616  x = torch.randn(*tensor_arg)
10617  ndim = len(tensor_arg)
10618  ndim += extra_dim
10620  n_dim_to_test = sum(map(lambda e: e is DIM_ARG, arg_constr()))
10622  for dims_val in combinations(range(ndim), n_dim_to_test):
10623  arg = arg_constr()
10624  arg_neg = copy.deepcopy(arg)
10625  idx = 0
10626  for i, v in enumerate(arg):
10627  if v is DIM_ARG:
10628  arg[i] = dims_val[idx]
10629  arg_neg[i] = dims_val[idx] - ndim
10630  idx += 1
10632  if METHOD in types:
10633  a = getattr(x, name)(*arg)
10634  b = getattr(x, name)(*arg_neg)
10635  self.assertEqual(a, b)
10637  if INPLACE_METHOD in types:
10638  a = x.clone()
10639  getattr(a, name + '_')(*arg)
10640  b = x.clone()
10641  getattr(b, name + '_')(*arg_neg)
10642  self.assertEqual(a, b)
10644  if FUNCTIONAL in types:
10645  a = getattr(torch, name)(x, *arg)
10646  b = getattr(torch, name)(x, *arg_neg)
10647  self.assertEqual(a, b)
10649  return neg_dim_test
10652 def idx_tensor(size, max_val):
10653  return torch.LongTensor(*size).random_(0, max_val - 1)
10656 def add_neg_dim_tests():
10657  neg_dim_tests = [
10658  ('narrow', (10, 20, 30), lambda: [DIM_ARG, 0, 5], [METHOD]),
10659  ('transpose', (10, 20, 30), lambda: [DIM_ARG, DIM_ARG], [METHOD, INPLACE_METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10660  ('size', (10, 20, 30), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD]),
10661  ('cat', [(2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4)], lambda: [DIM_ARG], [FUNCTIONAL]),
10662  ('chunk', (10, 20, 30), lambda: [5, DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10663  ('gather', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG, idx_tensor((10, 20), 10)], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10664  ('index_select', (10, 10), lambda: [DIM_ARG, idx_tensor((10,), 10)], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10665  ('split', (10, 20), lambda: [5, DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10666  ('squeeze', (10, 1, 20, 1), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, INPLACE_METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10667  ('unbind', (2, 3, 4), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [FUNCTIONAL]),
10668  ('unsqueeze', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, INPLACE_METHOD, FUNCTIONAL], 1),
10669  ('cumprod', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10670  ('cumsum', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10671  ('mean', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10672  ('median', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10673  ('mode', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10674  ('norm', (10, 20), lambda: [2, DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10675  ('prod', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10676  ('std', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10677  ('sum', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10678  ('var', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10679  ('kthvalue', (10, 20), lambda: [3, DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10680  ('max', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10681  ('min', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10682  ('sort', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10683  ('topk', (10, 20), lambda: [5, DIM_ARG], [METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10684  ('renorm', (10, 20), lambda: [2, DIM_ARG, 1], [METHOD, INPLACE_METHOD, FUNCTIONAL]),
10685  ('index_add', (10, 10), lambda: [DIM_ARG, idx_tensor((10,), 10), torch.randn(10, 10)], [INPLACE_METHOD]),
10686  ('index_copy', (10, 10), lambda: [DIM_ARG, idx_tensor((10,), 10), torch.randn(10, 10)], [INPLACE_METHOD]),
10687  ('index_fill', (10, 10), lambda: [DIM_ARG, idx_tensor((10,), 10), 12], [INPLACE_METHOD]),
10688  ('scatter', (10, 10), lambda: [DIM_ARG, idx_tensor((10, 10), 10), torch.randn(10, 10)], [INPLACE_METHOD]),
10689  ('select', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG, 3], [METHOD]),
10690  ('unfold', (10, 20), lambda: [DIM_ARG, 5, 2], [METHOD]),
10691  ]
10693  for decl in neg_dim_tests:
10694  if len(decl) == 4:
10695  name, tensor_arg, arg_constr, types = decl
10696  extra_dim = 0
10697  elif len(decl) == 5:
10698  name, tensor_arg, arg_constr, types, extra_dim = decl
10700  test_name = 'test_' + name + '_neg_dim'
10702  assert not hasattr(_TestTorchMixin, test_name), "Duplicated test name: " + test_name
10703  setattr(_TestTorchMixin, test_name, make_neg_dim_test(name, tensor_arg, arg_constr, types, extra_dim))
10705 add_neg_dim_tests()
10709  pass
10711 if __name__ == '__main__':
10712  run_tests()
def assert_allclose(actual, expected, rtol=None, atol=None, equal_nan=True)
def set_device(device)
def is_available()
def softmax(input, dim=None, _stacklevel=3, dtype=None)
def device_count()
def manual_seed(seed)
def get_all_dtypes()
def set_default_dtype(d)
def log_softmax(input, dim=None, _stacklevel=3, dtype=None)
def layer_norm(input, normalized_shape, weight=None, bias=None, eps=1e-5)
def glu(input, dim=-1)
def get_summarized_data(self)
Module caffe2.python.helpers.conv.
def current_device()
def set_default_tensor_type(t)
def readinto_opt(self, view)