Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 #include "caffe2/core/memonger.h"
3 #include <set>
4 #include <unordered_set>
6 #include "caffe2/utils/proto_utils.h"
8 namespace caffe2 {
9 namespace memonger {
11 NetDef optimize_inference_net(
12  const NetDef& net,
13  const std::set<string>& static_blobs) {
14  if (net.type() != "" && net.type() != "simple") {
15  LOG(INFO) << "Cannot optimize memory for nets of type: " << net.type();
16  return net;
17  }
19  std::vector<OperatorDef> ops;
20  for (auto& op : net.op()) {
21  if (op.type() == "RecurrentNetwork") {
22  // NOTE: for subtleties of RNN op memonger, see on how
23  // to deal with the forward/backward links etc.
24  LOG(INFO) << "Memonger does not support RecurrentNetwork yet";
25  return net;
26  }
27  ops.push_back(op);
28  }
30  // Step 1: count first and last operator for each blob
31  std::unordered_set<std::string> all_blobs;
32  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<int, int>> ranges;
33  for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) {
34  for (auto& inp : ops[i].input()) {
35  if (ranges.find(inp) != ranges.end()) {
36  ranges[inp].second = i;
37  }
38  all_blobs.insert(inp);
39  }
40  for (auto& outp : ops[i].output()) {
41  all_blobs.insert(outp);
42  if (static_blobs.find(outp) != static_blobs.end()) {
43  continue;
44  }
45  if (ranges.find(outp) == ranges.end()) {
46  ranges[outp] = std::make_pair(i, i);
47  }
48  }
49  }
51  // Step 2: pass over ops and recycle
52  std::vector<std::string> free_blobs;
53  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> renaming;
54  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> mapping;
56  for (int i = 0; i < (int)ops.size(); i++) {
57  auto& op = ops[i];
58  std::unordered_set<std::string> new_free_blobs;
60  // Check if some input is used the last time, and release it
61  for (auto& inp : op.input()) {
62  auto rit = ranges.find(inp);
63  if (rit != ranges.end() && rit->second.second == i) {
64  if (mapping.find(inp) == mapping.end()) {
65  new_free_blobs.insert(inp);
66  mapping[inp] = inp;
68  // Safety check to prevent double-memongering nets.
69  string shared_blob =
70  "__m" + c10::to_string(renaming.size()) + "_shared";
71  if (all_blobs.find(shared_blob) != all_blobs.end()) {
72  LOG(INFO) << "Net was already memongered!";
73  return net;
74  }
75  renaming[inp] = shared_blob;
76  } else {
77  new_free_blobs.insert(mapping[inp]);
78  }
79  }
80  }
82  // Check if some output appears the first time, and see if we can replace it
83  // with a recycled blob.
84  for (auto& outp : op.output()) {
85  if (!free_blobs.empty()) {
86  // first use?
87  auto rit = ranges.find(outp);
88  if (rit != ranges.end() && rit->second.first == i) {
89  std::string recycled = free_blobs.back();
90  free_blobs.pop_back();
91  mapping[outp] = recycled;
92  }
93  }
94  }
96  // Add blobs released from this op to the pool.
97  for (auto& b : new_free_blobs) {
98  free_blobs.push_back(b);
99  }
100  }
102  // Step 3: rename inputs and outputs and create new net
103  NetDef optim_net = net;
104  optim_net.mutable_op()->Clear();
105  for (auto op : ops) {
106  for (int i = 0; i < op.input_size(); i++) {
107  auto& inp = op.input(i);
108  if (mapping.find(inp) != mapping.end()) {
109  op.set_input(i, renaming[mapping[inp]]);
110  }
111  }
112  for (int i = 0; i < op.output_size(); i++) {
113  auto& outp = op.output(i);
114  if (mapping.find(outp) != mapping.end()) {
115  op.set_output(i, renaming[mapping[outp]]);
116  }
117  }
118  auto* ao = optim_net.add_op();
119  ao->CopyFrom(op);
120  }
122  VLOG(1) << "optimized net using " << renaming.size() << " shared blobs";
123  return optim_net;
124 }
127  public:
128  explicit ComputeBlobRecyclingForDag(const int size)
129  : op_inputs_(size),
130  op_visited_count_(size),
131  op_token_deposit_(size),
132  op_visited_(size, false) {}
133  NetDef OptimizeNet(
134  const NetDef& net,
135  const std::vector<string>& heads,
136  const std::vector<int>& op_indices,
137  const std::unordered_set<string>& shareable_blob_names,
138  const string& namescope,
139  const std::unordered_set<string>& dont_share_blob_names,
140  const std::unordered_map<string, vector<int>>& blob_shapes) {
141  // Construct the set of input blobs.
142  std::unordered_set<string> heads_blobs_set(heads.begin(), heads.end());
144  // Construct the set of output blobs we want to optimize.
145  for (const int op_index : op_indices) {
146  for (const auto& output : net.op(op_index).output()) {
147  optim_op_outputs_.insert(output);
148  }
149  }
151  // Compute operators in degree (op_inputs_) and initialize how many ops are
152  // sharing input blobs (share_counts_).
153  // Note: We have to handle the cases where output blobs are shared.
154  std::unordered_map<string, int> blob_seen;
155  for (const int op_index : op_indices) {
156  for (const auto& input : net.op(op_index).input()) {
157  if (has_key(shareable_blob_names, input) ||
158  has_key(heads_blobs_set, input)) {
159  if (has_key(optim_op_outputs_, input)) {
161  blob_seen.find(input) != blob_seen.end(),
162  "Input ",
163  input,
164  " was not output by an op before");
165  op_inputs_[op_index] += blob_seen[input];
166  } else {
167  share_counts_[input] = 1;
168  }
169  blob_to_ops_[input].push_back(op_index);
170  }
171  }
172  for (const auto& output : net.op(op_index).output()) {
173  blob_seen[output] += 1;
174  blob_device_[output] = net.op(op_index).device_option();
175  // Exception for CopyGPUToCPU that has
176  // cuda device option but whose inputs/outputs are on CPU
177  if (net.op(op_index).type() == "CopyGPUToCPU") {
178  blob_device_[output].set_device_type(0);
179  blob_device_[output].set_device_id(0);
180  }
181  }
182  }
184  // The main recursive call. Here we do start DFS in the operator graph
185  // from the input blobs.
186  for (const auto& input_blob : heads) {
187  for (const int op_index : blob_to_ops_[input_blob]) {
188  if (!op_visited_[op_index]) {
189  vector<std::pair<int, string>> free_blobs;
190  std::unordered_set<int> tokens{tokens_counter_++};
191  process_op(
192  net,
193  shareable_blob_names,
194  namescope,
195  dont_share_blob_names,
196  blob_shapes,
197  op_index,
198  &free_blobs,
199  &tokens);
200  }
201  }
202  }
204  // Rename mapped blobs.
205  std::unordered_map<string, string> renamed;
206  int name_idx = 0;
207  std::unordered_set<string> mapped_blobs_set;
208  for (const auto& mapped_blob : mapping_) {
209  mapped_blobs_set.insert(mapped_blob.second);
210  if (has_key(optim_op_outputs_, mapped_blob.second)) {
211  if (renamed.find(mapped_blob.second) == renamed.end()) {
212  renamed.insert(
213  {mapped_blob.second,
214  namescope + "__m" + c10::to_string(name_idx++) + "_shared"});
215  }
216  } else {
217  renamed.insert({mapped_blob.second, mapped_blob.second});
218  }
219  }
221  // Recursively rename mapped_blobs.
222  mapping_.insert(renamed.begin(), renamed.end());
223  bool had_changes = true;
224  while (had_changes) {
225  had_changes = false;
226  for (const auto mapped_blob : mapping_) {
227  if (has_key(renamed, mapped_blob.second) &&
228  renamed[mapped_blob.second] != mapped_blob.second) {
229  renamed[mapped_blob.first] = renamed[mapped_blob.second];
230  mapping_[mapped_blob.first] = renamed[mapped_blob.first];
231  }
232  }
233  }
235  NetDef optimized_net = apply_assignments(net);
236  LOG(INFO) << "Remapping " << mapping_.size() << " using "
237  << mapped_blobs_set.size() << " shared blobs.";
238  if (floats_saved_ > 0) {
239  LOG(INFO) << "Memonger saved approximately : "
240  << (floats_saved_ * 4.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0) << " MB.";
241  }
243  return optimized_net;
244  }
246  private:
247  NetDef apply_assignments(const NetDef& net) {
248  NetDef optimized_net = net;
249  // Rename optimized_net blobs.
250  for (int i = 0; i < optimized_net.op_size(); ++i) {
251  // Special handling for RNNs, which have internal nets that
252  // can refer to memongered blobs
253  if (optimized_net.op(i).type().find("RecurrentNetwork") == 0) {
254  apply_recurrent_blob_assignments(optimized_net.mutable_op(i));
255  }
257  for (int j = 0; j < optimized_net.op(i).input_size(); ++j) {
258  const string& input_name =
259  get_blob_or_mapped_blob(optimized_net.op(i).input(j));
260  optimized_net.mutable_op(i)->set_input(j, input_name);
261  }
263  for (int j = 0; j < optimized_net.op(i).output_size(); ++j) {
264  auto output_name =
265  get_blob_or_mapped_blob(optimized_net.op(i).output(j));
266  optimized_net.mutable_op(i)->set_output(j, output_name);
267  }
268  }
269  return optimized_net;
270  }
272  void apply_recurrent_blob_assignments(OperatorDef* op) {
273  // Recursively map stepnets in RecurrentNetworks, and
274  // attach a mapping table
275  for (int i = 0; i < op->arg_size(); i++) {
276  Argument* arg = op->mutable_arg(i);
277  const string& name = arg->name();
278  if (name == "step_net" || name == "backward_step_net") {
279  if (arg->has_n()) {
280  NetDef* step_net_ref = arg->mutable_n();
282  !arg->has_s(),
283  "Invalid definition for ",
284  name,
285  ". Only one of NetDef and string should be present");
286  NetDef optimized_net = apply_assignments(*step_net_ref);
287  step_net_ref->CopyFrom(optimized_net);
288  } else {
289  NetDef step_net;
291  TextFormat::ParseFromString(
292  arg->s(), &step_net),
293  "Could not parse step net:",
294  name);
295  step_net = apply_assignments(step_net);
296  arg->set_s(ProtoDebugString(step_net));
297  }
298  }
299  }
301  // Store renamings
302  vector<string> inputs_outputs(op->input().begin(), op->input().end());
303  inputs_outputs.insert(
304  inputs_outputs.end(), op->output().begin(), op->output().end());
306  for (auto& b : inputs_outputs) {
307  string mapped = get_blob_or_mapped_blob(b);
308  if (b != mapped) {
309  Argument* map_arg = op->add_arg();
310  map_arg->set_name(b + ".rename");
311  map_arg->set_s(mapped);
312  }
313  }
314  }
316  template <typename K, typename V>
317  inline bool has_key(const std::unordered_map<K, V>& in_map, const K& key) {
318  return in_map.find(key) != in_map.end();
319  }
321  template <typename K>
322  inline bool has_key(const std::unordered_set<K>& in_set, const K& key) {
323  return in_set.find(key) != in_set.end();
324  }
326  void process_op(
327  const NetDef& net,
328  const std::unordered_set<string>& shareable_blob_names,
329  const string& namescope,
330  const std::unordered_set<string>& dont_share_blob_names,
331  const std::unordered_map<string, vector<int>>& blob_shapes,
332  int op_index,
333  std::vector<std::pair<int, string>>* free_blobs,
334  std::unordered_set<int>* tokens) {
335  // The tokens we have now is the union of current tokens operator is holding
336  // and tokens pushed from parents.
337  tokens->insert(
338  op_token_deposit_[op_index].begin(), op_token_deposit_[op_index].end());
339  op_token_deposit_[op_index].clear();
340  CAFFE_ENFORCE(!op_visited_[op_index]);
341  op_visited_[op_index] = true;
343  const OperatorDef& current_op = net.op(op_index);
345  // The set of freed input blobs by processing current op.
346  std::vector<std::pair<int, string>> new_free_blobs;
347  std::unordered_set<string> new_free_blobs_set;
349  // Now update blob tokens.
350  for (const auto& input : current_op.input()) {
351  const auto& actual_blob = get_blob_or_mapped_blob(input);
352  req_tokens_[actual_blob].insert(tokens->begin(), tokens->end());
353  if (actual_blob != input) {
354  req_tokens_[input].insert(tokens->begin(), tokens->end());
355  }
356  }
357  for (const auto& output : current_op.output()) {
358  const auto& actual_blob = get_blob_or_mapped_blob(output);
359  req_tokens_[actual_blob].insert(tokens->begin(), tokens->end());
360  if (actual_blob != output) {
361  req_tokens_[output].insert(tokens->begin(), tokens->end());
362  }
363  }
365  // Increment blob count and check if we can free input blobs.
366  for (const auto& input : current_op.input()) {
367  if (has_key(shareable_blob_names, input)) {
368  blob_input_count_[input]++;
369  if (blob_input_count_[input] == (int)blob_to_ops_[input].size()) {
370  const string& actual_blob = get_blob_or_mapped_blob(input);
371  if (!has_key(dont_share_blob_names, actual_blob)) {
372  new_free_blobs.emplace_back(
373  -share_counts_[actual_blob], actual_blob);
374  new_free_blobs_set.insert(actual_blob);
375  }
376  }
377  }
378  }
380  // Check if we can recycle free blobs and use it as output blob.
381  for (const auto& output : current_op.output()) {
382  if (has_key(shareable_blob_names, output) &&
383  !has_key(processed_output_blobs_, output) &&
384  !has_key(new_free_blobs_set, output)) {
385  const string freed_blob = get_free_blob(
386  output, blob_shapes, tokens, free_blobs, blob_device_[output]);
387  if (freed_blob != "") {
388  req_tokens_[freed_blob].insert(tokens->begin(), tokens->end());
389  share_counts_[freed_blob]++;
390  mapping_[output] = freed_blob;
391  }
392  processed_output_blobs_.insert(output);
393  }
394  }
396  // Insert new freed blobs.
397  std::unordered_set<string> free_blob_set;
398  for (const auto& free_blob : *free_blobs) {
399  free_blob_set.insert(free_blob.second);
400  }
401  for (const auto& new_free_blob : new_free_blobs) {
402  if (!has_key(free_blob_set, new_free_blob.second)) {
403  free_blobs->push_back(new_free_blob);
404  if (blob_shapes.size() > 0) {
405  if (!has_key(blob_sizes_, new_free_blob.second)) {
406  blob_sizes_.insert(
407  {new_free_blob.second,
408  infer_blob_size(new_free_blob.second, blob_shapes)});
409  }
410  }
411  std::push_heap(
412  free_blobs->begin(),
413  free_blobs->end(),
414  std::greater<std::pair<int, string>>());
415  }
416  }
418  int num_branches = 0;
419  for (const auto& output : current_op.output()) {
420  num_branches += blob_to_ops_[output].size();
421  }
423  for (const auto& output : current_op.output()) {
424  for (const auto& input_op_index : blob_to_ops_[output]) {
425  op_visited_count_[input_op_index]++;
426  if (op_visited_count_[input_op_index] == op_inputs_[input_op_index]) {
427  std::unordered_set<int> new_tokens;
428  new_tokens.insert(tokens->begin(), tokens->end());
429  if (num_branches > 1) {
430  new_tokens.insert(tokens_counter_++);
431  }
432  process_op(
433  net,
434  shareable_blob_names,
435  namescope,
436  dont_share_blob_names,
437  blob_shapes,
438  input_op_index,
439  free_blobs,
440  &new_tokens);
441  } else {
442  if (!op_visited_[input_op_index]) {
443  op_token_deposit_[input_op_index].insert(
444  tokens->begin(), tokens->end());
445  }
446  }
447  }
448  }
449  }
451  inline int infer_blob_size(
452  const string& blob_name,
453  const std::unordered_map<string, vector<int>>& blob_shapes) {
454  const auto& blob_shapes_iter = blob_shapes.find(blob_name);
455  if (blob_shapes_iter == blob_shapes.end()) {
456  return 0;
457  }
458  int size = 1;
459  for (size_t i = 0; i < blob_shapes_iter->second.size(); ++i) {
460  size *= blob_shapes_iter->second[i];
461  }
462  return size;
463  }
465  inline string get_blob_or_mapped_blob(const string& blob_name) {
466  auto mapped_blob = mapping_.find(blob_name);
467  if (mapped_blob == mapping_.end()) {
468  return blob_name;
469  } else {
470  return mapped_blob->second;
471  }
472  }
474  // Rturns true if the op that generates that blob acquires all tokens.
475  inline bool can_use_blob(
476  const string& blob_name,
477  std::unordered_set<int>* tokens,
478  const DeviceOption& device_option) {
479  const DeviceOption& blob_device = blob_device_[blob_name];
480  if (device_option.device_type() != blob_device.device_type() ||
481  device_option.device_id() != blob_device.device_id()) {
482  return false;
483  }
484  for (const int token : req_tokens_[blob_name]) {
485  if (tokens->find(token) == tokens->end()) {
486  return false;
487  }
488  }
489  return true;
490  };
492  // Returns the name of the blob that we are going to map blob_name into.
493  inline string get_free_blob(
494  const string& blob_name,
495  const std::unordered_map<string, vector<int>>& blob_shapes,
496  std::unordered_set<int>* tokens,
497  std::vector<std::pair<int, string>>* free_blobs,
498  const DeviceOption& device) {
499  string freed_blob = "";
500  if (blob_shapes.size() == 0) {
501  std::vector<std::pair<int, string>> cant_use_blobs;
502  while (free_blobs->size() > 0) {
503  std::pop_heap(
504  free_blobs->begin(),
505  free_blobs->end(),
506  std::greater<std::pair<int, string>>());
507  const auto cand_free_blob = free_blobs->back();
508  free_blobs->pop_back();
509  if (can_use_blob(cand_free_blob.second, tokens, device)) {
510  freed_blob = cand_free_blob.second;
511  break;
512  } else {
513  cant_use_blobs.push_back(cand_free_blob);
514  }
515  }
516  for (const auto& cant_use_blob : cant_use_blobs) {
517  free_blobs->push_back(cant_use_blob);
518  std::push_heap(
519  free_blobs->begin(),
520  free_blobs->end(),
521  std::greater<std::pair<int, string>>());
522  }
523  } else {
524  // Heuristic to choose the largest blob to fit output thats
525  // slightly less than blob_size.
526  const int blob_size = infer_blob_size(blob_name, blob_shapes);
527  int best_size = -1;
528  int free_blob_index = -1;
529  for (size_t i = 0; i < free_blobs->size(); ++i) {
530  const string& cb_name = (*free_blobs)[i].second;
531  if (can_use_blob(cb_name, tokens, device)) {
532  const int cand_bz = blob_sizes_[cb_name];
533  CAFFE_ENFORCE(blob_sizes_.find(cb_name) != blob_sizes_.end());
534  if (cand_bz >= best_size) {
535  if (best_size < blob_size || best_size >= cand_bz) {
536  best_size = cand_bz;
537  free_blob_index = i;
538  }
539  }
540  }
541  }
542  if (free_blob_index != -1) {
543  floats_saved_ += best_size;
544  freed_blob = (*free_blobs)[free_blob_index].second;
545  free_blobs->erase(free_blobs->begin() + free_blob_index);
546  }
547  }
548  return freed_blob;
549  };
551  int tokens_counter_ = 1;
552  int floats_saved_ = 0;
553  // blob_name -> Op edges.
554  std::unordered_map<string, std::vector<int>> blob_to_ops_;
555  // Current Op in degree.
556  std::unordered_map<string, int> blob_input_count_;
557  // Op in degree.
558  std::vector<int> op_inputs_;
559  // Current Op visit counts.
560  std::vector<int> op_visited_count_;
561  std::unordered_map<string, int> share_counts_;
562  std::unordered_map<string, int> blob_sizes_;
563  std::unordered_map<string, std::unordered_set<int>> req_tokens_;
564  std::vector<std::unordered_set<int>> op_token_deposit_;
565  std::unordered_set<string> optim_op_outputs_;
566  std::unordered_map<string, string> mapping_;
567  std::unordered_map<string, DeviceOption> blob_device_;
568  // The set of output blobs we already processed.
569  std::unordered_set<string> processed_output_blobs_;
570  std::vector<bool> op_visited_;
571 };
573 NetDef compute_blob_recycling_for_dag(
574  const NetDef& net,
575  const std::vector<string>& heads,
576  const std::vector<int>& op_indices,
577  const std::unordered_set<string>& shareable_blob_names,
578  const string& namescope,
579  const std::unordered_set<string>& dont_share_blob_names,
580  const std::unordered_map<string, vector<int>>& blob_shapes) {
581  ComputeBlobRecyclingForDag memonger(net.op_size());
582  return memonger.OptimizeNet(
583  net,
584  heads,
585  op_indices,
586  shareable_blob_names,
587  namescope,
588  dont_share_blob_names,
589  blob_shapes);
590 }
592 } // memonger
593 } // caffe2
A global dictionary that holds information about what Caffe2 modules have been loaded in the current ...
Definition: blob.h:13