11 #include "python_torch_functions_dispatch.h" 13 #include "torch/csrc/autograd/python_variable.h" 14 #include "torch/csrc/autograd/utils/wrap_outputs.h" 15 #include "torch/csrc/Dtype.h" 16 #include "torch/csrc/DynamicTypes.h" 17 #include "torch/csrc/Exceptions.h" 18 #include "torch/csrc/utils/python_arg_parser.h" 19 #include "torch/csrc/utils/tensor_layouts.h" 20 #include "torch/csrc/utils/tensor_new.h" 21 #include "torch/csrc/utils/tensor_numpy.h" 22 #include "torch/csrc/jit/tracer.h" 23 #include "torch/csrc/autograd/generated/variable_factories.h" 24 #include "torch/csrc/utils/structseq.h" 26 #include <ATen/ATen.h> 29 #include <initializer_list> 44 namespace torch {
namespace autograd {
46 static void check_out_type_matches(
Tensor result,
47 ScalarType scalarType,
bool scalarType_is_none,
48 const THPLayout& layout,
bool layout_is_none,
49 const Device& device,
bool device_is_none) {
50 if (scalarType_is_none && layout_is_none && device_is_none) {
53 auto scalarType_arg = scalarType_is_none ? result.scalar_type() : scalarType;
54 auto layout_arg = layout_is_none ? *torch::getLayout(result.type().backend()) : layout;
55 auto device_type_arg = device_is_none ? torch::getDeviceType(result.type()) : device.type();
56 const auto& type = torch::getVariableType(scalarType_arg, layout_arg, device_type_arg);
57 if (result.type() != type) {
59 "type corresponding to ", type.toString(),
60 " does not match type of out parameter (", result.type().toString(),
64 inline Tensor dispatch_arange(Scalar end,
Tensor result) {
66 return at::arange_out(result, end);
69 inline Tensor dispatch_arange(Scalar end,
const TensorOptions& options) {
70 maybe_initialize_cuda(options);
72 return torch::arange(end, options);
75 inline Tensor dispatch_arange(Scalar start, Scalar end, Scalar step,
Tensor result) {
77 return at::arange_out(result, start, end, step);
80 inline Tensor dispatch_arange(Scalar start, Scalar end, Scalar step,
const TensorOptions& options) {
81 maybe_initialize_cuda(options);
83 return torch::arange(start, end, step, options);
86 static inline bool allIntegral(std::initializer_list<std::reference_wrapper<Scalar>> l) {
88 if (!s.isIntegral()) {
95 static PyObject * THPVariable_arange(PyObject*
self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
98 static PythonArgParser parser({
99 "arange(Scalar end, *, Tensor out=None, ScalarType dtype=None, Layout layout=torch.strided, Device device=None, bool requires_grad=False)",
100 "arange(Scalar start, Scalar end, Scalar step=1, *, Tensor out=None, ScalarType dtype=None, Layout layout=torch.strided, Device device=None, bool requires_grad=False)",
103 ParsedArgs<8> parsed_args;
104 auto r = parser.parse(args, kwargs, parsed_args);
108 auto end = r.scalar(0);
110 auto scalarType = r.isNone(2) && allIntegral({end}) ? at::ScalarType::Long : r.scalartype(2);
114 .layout(r.layout(3).layout)
116 return wrap(dispatch_arange(end, options));
118 check_out_type_matches(r.tensor(1), r.scalartype(2), r.isNone(2), r.layout(3), r.isNone(3),
119 r.device(4), r.isNone(4));
120 return wrap(dispatch_arange(r.scalar(0), r.tensor(1)).set_requires_grad(r.toBool(5)));
122 }
else if (r.idx == 1) {
124 auto start = r.scalar(0);
125 auto end = r.scalar(1);
126 auto step = r.scalar(2);
128 auto scalarType = r.isNone(4) && allIntegral({start, end, step}) ? at::ScalarType::Long : r.scalartype(4);
132 .layout(r.layout(5).layout)
134 return wrap(dispatch_arange(start, end, step, options));
136 check_out_type_matches(r.tensor(3), r.scalartype(4), r.isNone(4), r.layout(5), r.isNone(5),
137 r.device(6), r.isNone(6));
138 return wrap(dispatch_arange(r.scalar(0), r.scalar(1), r.scalar(2), r.tensor(3)).set_requires_grad(r.toBool(7)));
145 inline Tensor dispatch_range(Scalar start, Scalar end, Scalar step,
Tensor result) {
147 OptionalDeviceGuard device_guard(
148 return at::range_out(result, start, end, step);
151 inline Tensor dispatch_range(Scalar start, Scalar end, Scalar step,
const TensorOptions& options) {
152 maybe_initialize_cuda(options);
154 DeviceGuard device_guard(options.device());
155 return torch::range(start, end, step, options);
158 static PyObject * THPVariable_range(PyObject*
self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
161 static PythonArgParser parser({
162 "range(Scalar start, Scalar end, Scalar step=1, *, Tensor out=None, ScalarType dtype=None, Layout layout=torch.strided, Device device=None, bool requires_grad=False)",
165 ParsedArgs<8> parsed_args;
166 auto r = parser.parse(args, kwargs, parsed_args);
168 PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_UserWarning,
"torch.range is deprecated in favor of torch.arange " 169 "and will be removed in 0.5. Note that arange generates values in [start; end), " 170 "not [start; end].", 1);
173 .dtype(r.scalartype(4))
175 .layout(r.layout(5).layout)
177 return wrap(dispatch_range(r.scalar(0), r.scalar(1), r.scalar(2), options));
179 check_out_type_matches(r.tensor(3), r.scalartype(4), r.isNone(4),
180 r.layout(5), r.isNone(5),
181 r.device(6), r.isNone(6));
182 return wrap(dispatch_range(r.scalar(0), r.scalar(1), r.scalar(2), r.tensor(3)).set_requires_grad(r.toBool(7)));
189 inline Tensor dispatch_randint(int64_t high, IntArrayRef size, Generator * generator,
Tensor result) {
191 return at::randint_out(result, high, size, generator);
193 inline Tensor dispatch_randint(int64_t high, IntArrayRef size, Generator * generator,
const TensorOptions & options) {
194 maybe_initialize_cuda(options);
196 return torch::randint(high, size, generator, options);
198 inline Tensor dispatch_randint(int64_t high, IntArrayRef size,
Tensor result) {
200 return at::randint_out(result, high, size);
202 inline Tensor dispatch_randint(int64_t high, IntArrayRef size,
const TensorOptions & options) {
203 maybe_initialize_cuda(options);
205 return torch::randint(high, size, options);
207 inline Tensor dispatch_randint(int64_t low, int64_t high, IntArrayRef size, Generator * generator,
Tensor result) {
209 return at::randint_out(result, low, high, size, generator);
211 inline Tensor dispatch_randint(int64_t low, int64_t high, IntArrayRef size, Generator * generator,
const TensorOptions & options) {
212 maybe_initialize_cuda(options);
214 return torch::randint(low, high, size, generator, options);
216 inline Tensor dispatch_randint(int64_t low, int64_t high, IntArrayRef size,
Tensor result) {
218 return at::randint_out(result, low, high, size);
220 inline Tensor dispatch_randint(int64_t low, int64_t high, IntArrayRef size,
const TensorOptions & options) {
221 maybe_initialize_cuda(options);
223 return torch::randint(low, high, size, options);
226 static PyObject * THPVariable_randint(PyObject* self_, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
229 static PythonArgParser parser({
230 "randint(int64_t high, IntArrayRef size, *, Generator generator, Tensor out=None, ScalarType dtype=None, Layout layout=torch.strided, Device device=None, bool requires_grad=False)",
231 "randint(int64_t high, IntArrayRef size, *, Tensor out=None, ScalarType dtype=None, Layout layout=torch.strided, Device device=None, bool requires_grad=False)",
232 "randint(int64_t low, int64_t high, IntArrayRef size, *, Generator generator, Tensor out=None, ScalarType dtype=None, Layout layout=torch.strided, Device device=None, bool requires_grad=False)",
233 "randint(int64_t low, int64_t high, IntArrayRef size, *, Tensor out=None, ScalarType dtype=None, Layout layout=torch.strided, Device device=None, bool requires_grad=False)",
236 ParsedArgs<9> parsed_args;
237 auto r = parser.parse(args, kwargs, parsed_args);
240 auto high = r.toInt64(0);
241 auto size = r.intlist(1);
242 auto generator = r.generator(2);
244 auto dtype = r.scalartypeWithDefault(4, at::ScalarType::Long);
245 auto device = r.device(6);
249 .layout(r.layout(5).layout)
251 return wrap(dispatch_randint(high, size, generator, options));
253 check_out_type_matches(r.tensor(3), r.scalartype(4), r.isNone(4),
254 r.layout(5), r.isNone(5),
255 r.device(6), r.isNone(6));
256 return wrap(dispatch_randint(r.toInt64(0), r.intlist(1), r.generator(2), r.tensor(3)).set_requires_grad(r.toBool(7)));
258 }
else if (r.idx == 1) {
260 auto high = r.toInt64(0);
261 auto size = r.intlist(1);
263 auto dtype = r.scalartypeWithDefault(3, at::ScalarType::Long);
264 auto device = r.device(5);
268 .layout(r.layout(4).layout)
270 return wrap(dispatch_randint(high, size, options));
272 check_out_type_matches(r.tensor(2), r.scalartype(3), r.isNone(3),
273 r.layout(4), r.isNone(4),
274 r.device(5), r.isNone(5));
275 return wrap(dispatch_randint(r.toInt64(0), r.intlist(1), r.tensor(2)).set_requires_grad(r.toBool(6)));
277 }
else if (r.idx == 2) {
279 auto low = r.toInt64(0);
280 auto high = r.toInt64(1);
281 auto size = r.intlist(2);
282 auto generator = r.generator(3);
284 auto dtype = r.scalartypeWithDefault(5, at::ScalarType::Long);
285 auto device = r.device(7);
289 .layout(r.layout(6).layout)
291 return wrap(dispatch_randint(low, high, size, generator, options));
293 check_out_type_matches(r.tensor(4), r.scalartype(5), r.isNone(5),
294 r.layout(6), r.isNone(6),
295 r.device(7), r.isNone(7));
296 return wrap(dispatch_randint(r.toInt64(0), r.toInt64(1), r.intlist(2), r.generator(3), r.tensor(4)).set_requires_grad(r.toBool(8)));
298 }
else if (r.idx == 3) {
300 auto low = r.toInt64(0);
301 auto high = r.toInt64(1);
302 auto size = r.intlist(2);
304 auto dtype = r.scalartypeWithDefault(4, at::ScalarType::Long);
305 auto device = r.device(6);
309 .layout(r.layout(5).layout)
311 return wrap(dispatch_randint(low, high, size, options));
313 check_out_type_matches(r.tensor(3), r.scalartype(4), r.isNone(4),
314 r.layout(5), r.isNone(5),
315 r.device(6), r.isNone(6));
316 return wrap(dispatch_randint(r.toInt64(0), r.toInt64(1), r.intlist(2), r.tensor(3)).set_requires_grad(r.toBool(7)));
323 static PyObject * THPVariable_as_tensor(PyObject*
self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
326 jit::tracer::warn(
"torch.as_tensor", jit::tracer::WARN_CONSTRUCTOR);
327 return THPVariable_Wrap(torch::utils::as_tensor(default_type(), args, kwargs));
331 static PyObject * THPVariable_from_numpy(PyObject* module, PyObject* arg)
334 jit::tracer::warn(
"torch.from_numpy", jit::tracer::WARN_CONSTRUCTOR);
335 auto data = torch::utils::tensor_from_numpy(arg);
336 return THPVariable_Wrap(make_variable(std::move(data),
340 static PyObject * THPVariable__promote_types(PyObject*
self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
343 static PythonArgParser parser({
344 "_promote_types(ScalarType type1, ScalarType type2)",
346 ParsedArgs<2> parsed_args;
347 auto r = parser.parse(args, kwargs, parsed_args);
349 ScalarType promoted = at::promoteTypes(r.scalartype(0), r.scalartype(1));
350 return torch::autograd::utils::wrap(torch::getDtype(promoted));
356 static PyObject * THPVariable_sparse_coo_tensor(PyObject*
self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
359 jit::tracer::warn(
"torch.sparse_coo_tensor", jit::tracer::WARN_CONSTRUCTOR);
360 return THPVariable_Wrap(torch::utils::sparse_coo_tensor_ctor(default_type(), args, kwargs));
364 static PyObject * THPVariable_tensor(PyObject*
self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
367 jit::tracer::warn(
"torch.tensor", jit::tracer::WARN_CONSTRUCTOR);
368 return THPVariable_Wrap(torch::utils::tensor_ctor(default_type(), args, kwargs));
372 static PyObject * THPVariable_get_device(PyObject* self_, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
375 static PythonArgParser parser({
376 "get_device(Tensor input)",
379 ParsedArgs<1> parsed_args;
380 auto r = parser.parse(args, kwargs, parsed_args);
382 return wrap(r.tensor(0).get_device());
392 static PyMethodDef torch_functions[] = {
393 {
"arange", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_arange, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
394 {
"as_tensor", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_as_tensor, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
395 {
396 {
"from_numpy", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_from_numpy, METH_STATIC | METH_O, NULL},
397 {
"hsmm", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_hspmm, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
398 {
"_promote_types", (PyCFunction)THPVariable__promote_types, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
399 {
"randint", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_randint, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
400 {
"range", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_range, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
401 {
"saddmm", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_sspaddmm, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
402 {
"sparse_coo_tensor", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_sparse_coo_tensor, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
403 {
404 {
"tensor", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_tensor, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
405 {
"get_device", (PyCFunction)THPVariable_get_device, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, NULL},
410 static PyTypeObject THPVariableFunctions = {
411 PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
412 "torch._C._VariableFunctions",
451 void initTorchFunctions(PyObject* module) {
452 if (PyType_Ready(&THPVariableFunctions) < 0) {
455 Py_INCREF(&THPVariableFunctions);
456 if (PyModule_AddObject(module,
"_VariableFunctions", (PyObject*)&THPVariableFunctions) < 0) {
optional< Device > device_of(Tensor t)
Return the Device of a Tensor, if the Tensor is defined.
Scalar represents a 0-dimensional tensor which contains a single element.
Represents a a compute device on which a tensor is located.
This legacy enum class defines the set of backends supported by old school, code generated Type-based...
A OptionalDeviceGuard is an RAII class that sets a device to some value on initialization, and resets the device to its original value on destruction.
TensorOptions(T &&device)
A class to encapsulate construction axes of an Tensor.
RAII guard that sets a certain default device in its constructor, and changes it back to the device t...
TensorOptions requires_grad(bool requires_grad=true)
Convenience function that returns a TensorOptions object with the requires_grad set to the given one...