Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 #pragma once
3 #include "test/cpp/jit/test_base.h"
4 #include "test/cpp/jit/test_utils.h"
5 #include "torch/csrc/jit/argument_spec.h"
6 #include "torch/csrc/jit/autodiff.h"
7 #include "torch/csrc/jit/passes/common_subexpression_elimination.h"
8 #include "torch/csrc/jit/passes/constant_propagation.h"
9 #include "torch/csrc/jit/passes/create_autodiff_subgraphs.h"
10 #include "torch/csrc/jit/passes/dead_code_elimination.h"
11 #include "torch/csrc/jit/passes/graph_fuser.h"
12 #include "torch/csrc/jit/passes/lower_grad_of.h"
13 #include "torch/csrc/jit/passes/requires_grad_analysis.h"
14 #include "torch/csrc/jit/passes/shape_analysis.h"
15 #include "torch/csrc/jit/passes/utils/subgraph_utils.h"
16 #include "torch/csrc/jit/tracer.h"
18 #include <ATen/ATen.h>
19 #include "torch/csrc/autograd/engine.h"
20 #include "torch/csrc/autograd/generated/variable_factories.h"
21 #include "torch/csrc/autograd/variable.h"
23 namespace torch {
24 namespace jit {
25 namespace test {
27 using namespace torch::autograd;
29 using var_meta_type = std::vector<int64_t>;
30 using var_meta_list = std::vector<var_meta_type>;
31 using test_fn_type = std::function<variable_list(const variable_list&)>;
33 struct ADTestSpec {
34  ADTestSpec(const char* name, var_meta_list input_meta, test_fn_type test_fn)
35  : name(name), input_meta(input_meta), test_fn(test_fn) {}
37  variable_list operator()(const variable_list& inputs) const {
38  return test_fn(inputs);
39  };
41  std::vector<Variable> make_vars() const {
42  std::vector<Variable> out;
43  for (const auto& m : input_meta) {
44  out.push_back(torch::randn(m, at::requires_grad(true)));
45  }
46  return out;
47  }
49  const char* name;
50  var_meta_list input_meta;
51  test_fn_type test_fn;
52 };
54 variable_list get_grad_outputs(const variable_list& vars) {
55  return fmap(vars, [](const Variable& v) -> Variable {
56  return at::randn(v.sizes(), v.options());
57  });
58 }
60 std::shared_ptr<Graph> trace(
61  const ADTestSpec& test,
62  const variable_list& vars_in) {
63  std::shared_ptr<tracer::TracingState> state;
64  Stack trace_stack_in;
65  std::tie(state, trace_stack_in) = tracer::enter(fmap<IValue>(vars_in));
66  variable_list trace_vars_in = fmap(
67  trace_stack_in, [](const IValue& v) { return Variable(v.toTensor()); });
68  auto trace_vars_out = test(trace_vars_in);
69  tracer::exit(fmap<IValue>(trace_vars_out));
70  return state->graph;
71 }
73 variable_list grad(
74  const variable_list& outputs,
75  const variable_list& inputs,
76  const variable_list& grad_outputs) {
77  const auto get_edge = [](const Variable& v) { return v.gradient_edge(); };
79  return engine.execute(
80  fmap(outputs, get_edge),
81  grad_outputs,
82  true,
83  false,
84  fmap(inputs, get_edge));
85 }
87 void testADFormulas() {
88  const auto unwrap = [](const Variable& v) { return; };
90  using VL = variable_list;
91  const var_meta_list binary_pointwise = {{2, 3, 4, 5}, {2, 3, 4, 5}};
92  const var_meta_list unary_pointwise = {{2, 3, 4, 5}};
93  const var_meta_list unary_pointwise_2d = {{2, 3}};
94  const std::vector<ADTestSpec> ad_tests = {
95  {"add",
96  binary_pointwise,
97  [](const VL& v) -> VL { return {v[0] + v[1]}; }},
98  {"sub",
99  binary_pointwise,
100  [](const VL& v) -> VL { return {v[0] - v[1]}; }},
101  {"mul",
102  binary_pointwise,
103  [](const VL& v) -> VL { return {v[0] * v[1]}; }},
104  {"sigmoid",
105  unary_pointwise,
106  [](const VL& v) -> VL { return {v[0].sigmoid()}; }},
107  {"tanh",
108  unary_pointwise,
109  [](const VL& v) -> VL { return {v[0].tanh()}; }},
110  {"t", unary_pointwise_2d, [](const VL& v) -> VL { return {v[0].t()}; }},
111  {"view",
112  unary_pointwise_2d,
113  [](const VL& v) -> VL {
114  return {v[0].view({3, 2})};
115  }},
116  {"expand",
117  {{2, 1}},
118  [](const VL& v) -> VL {
119  return {v[0].expand({2, 3})};
120  }},
121  {"mm",
122  {{10, 12}, {12, 15}},
123  [](const VL& v) -> VL { return {v[0].mm(v[1])}; }},
124  // TODO: enable once we'll be able to capture lists across
125  // forward-backward
126  //{"chunk", {{10, 12, 15}}, [](const VL& v) -> VL { return
127  // fmap<Variable>(v[0].chunk(4, 1)); }},
128  //{"chunk", {{10, 12, 15}}, [](const VL& v) -> VL { return
129  // fmap<Variable>(v[0].chunk(3, 2)); }},
130  //{"split", {{10, 12, 15}}, [](const VL& v) -> VL { return
131  // fmap<Variable>(v[0].split(4, 1)); }},
132  //{"split", {{10, 12, 15}}, [](const VL& v) -> VL { return
133  // fmap<Variable>(v[0].split(3, 2)); }},
134  };
136  for (const auto& test : ad_tests) {
137  // Get reference values form autograd
138  auto vars_in = test.make_vars();
139  auto vars_out = test(vars_in);
140  auto var_grads_in = get_grad_outputs(vars_out);
141  auto var_grads_out = grad(vars_out, vars_in, var_grads_in);
143  // Trace and differentiate the op
144  auto graph = trace(test, vars_in);
145  EliminateDeadCode(graph); // Tracing of some ops depends on the DCE trick
146  ConstantPropagation(graph);
147  auto grad_spec = differentiate(graph);
148  LowerGradOf(*grad_spec.df);
149  // Get outputs from the interpreter
150  auto tensors_in = fmap(vars_in, unwrap);
151  auto tensor_grads_in = fmap(var_grads_in, unwrap);
152  tensor_list tensors_out, tensor_grads_out;
153  std::tie(tensors_out, tensor_grads_out) =
154  runGradient(grad_spec, tensors_in, tensor_grads_in);
156  // Compare results
157  auto expected_tensors_out = fmap(vars_out, unwrap);
158  auto expected_tensor_grads_out = fmap(var_grads_out, unwrap);
159  assertAllClose(tensors_out, expected_tensors_out);
160  assertAllClose(tensor_grads_out, expected_tensor_grads_out);
161  }
162 }
164 void testDifferentiate() {
165  auto graph = std::make_shared<Graph>();
166  at::ScalarType s = at::ScalarType::Float;
167  auto type = CompleteTensorType::create(s, at::kCPU, {2, 3, 4}, {12, 4, 1});
169  // Build up a fake graph
170  auto a = SymbolicVariable::asNewInput(*graph, type);
171  auto b = SymbolicVariable::asNewInput(*graph, type);
172  auto c = a * b * a + b;
173  graph->registerOutput(c.value());
175  auto grad_spec = differentiate(graph);
176  std::vector<size_t> expected_captured_inputs = {0, 1};
177  std::vector<size_t> expected_captured_outputs = {1, 2};
178  std::vector<size_t> expected_input_vjps = {0, 1};
179  std::vector<size_t> expected_output_vjps = {0, 1};
180  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.f_real_outputs, 1);
181  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.df_input_captured_inputs, expected_captured_inputs);
182  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.df_input_captured_outputs, expected_captured_outputs);
183  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.df_input_vjps, expected_input_vjps);
184  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.df_output_vjps, expected_output_vjps);
186  .check_count("aten::mul", 2)
187  ->check("aten::size")
188  ->check("aten::add")
189  ->run(*grad_spec.f);
191  .check("prim::GradOf[name=\"aten::add\"]")
192  ->check_count("prim::GradOf[name=\"aten::mul\"]", 2)
193  ->check_count("AutogradAdd", 2)
194  ->run(*grad_spec.df);
195 }
197 void testDifferentiateWithRequiresGrad() {
198  // Build up a fake graph
199  auto graph = std::make_shared<Graph>();
200  auto a = SymbolicVariable::asNewInput(*graph);
201  auto b = SymbolicVariable::asNewInput(*graph);
202  auto d = b * b + b;
203  auto e = (d + a) * a + b;
204  graph->registerOutput(d.value());
205  graph->registerOutput(e.value());
207  auto a_var = autograd::make_variable(
208  at::empty_strided(2, 2, at::CPU(at::kFloat).options()), true);
209  auto b_var = autograd::make_variable(
210  at::empty_strided(2, 2, at::CPU(at::kFloat).options()), false);
211  setInputTypes(*graph, ArgumentSpec(true, {a_var, b_var}, 2));
212  PropagateInputShapes(graph);
213  PropagateRequiresGrad(graph);
215  auto grad_spec = differentiate(graph);
216  std::vector<size_t> expected_input_vjps = {1, 2}; // for e and %4 = (d + a)
217  std::vector<size_t> expected_output_vjps = {0}; // only a requires grad
218  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.f_real_outputs, 2);
219  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.df_input_captured_inputs, std::vector<size_t>({0}));
220  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.df_input_captured_outputs, std::vector<size_t>({2, 3}));
221  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.df_input_vjps, expected_input_vjps);
222  ASSERT_EQ(grad_spec.df_output_vjps, expected_output_vjps);
224  .check("aten::mul")
225  ->check_count("aten::add", 2)
226  ->check("aten::mul")
227  ->check("aten::size")
228  ->check("aten::add")
229  ->run(*grad_spec.f);
232  .check_count("prim::GradOf[name=\"aten::mul\"]", 1, /*exactly*/ true)
233  ->run(*grad_spec.df);
234 }
236 } // namespace test
237 } // namespace jit
238 } // namespace torch
TensorOptions options() const
Returns the TensorOptions corresponding to this Tensor.
Definition: TensorMethods.h:42
Definition: module.cpp:17
static Engine & get_default_engine()
Returns a reference to a static Engine instance.
Definition: engine.cpp:642
Variable A Variable augments a Tensor with the ability to interact in our autograd machinery...
Definition: variable.h:85
Definition: jit_type.h:17