Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
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torch::autograd::Variable Struct Reference

A Variable augments a Tensor with the ability to interact in our autograd machinery. More...

#include <variable.h>

Inheritance diagram for torch::autograd::Variable:

Public Member Functions

 Variable ()=default
 Default constructor.
 Variable (at::Tensor const &rhs)
 Variable (at::Tensor &&rhs)
const at::Tensordata () const noexcept
at::Tensordata () noexcept
const std::shared_ptr< Function > & grad_fn () const
 Gets the gradient function of the Variable. More...
Function * grad_fn_unsafe () const
 Gets the raw gradient function pointer, whatever it currently is.
void set_grad_accumulator (std::weak_ptr< Function > grad_accumulator)
 Set the gradient accumulator of the Variable. More...
std::shared_ptr< Function > try_get_grad_accumulator () const
 Attempts to get a pointer to the gradient accumulator of the Variable, if it still exists. More...
std::shared_ptr< Function > grad_accumulator () const
 Gets the gradient accumulator of the Variable if it has one, or else create one on the fly and return it. More...
Edge gradient_edge () const
 Returns the "canonical" gradient edge of this Variable, i.e. More...
Variable detach () const
 Returns a copy of this Variable that is detached from its autograd graph and has a blank version. More...
void detach_ ()
 Like detach(), but removes this Variable in-place. More...
void backward (c10::optional< Tensor > gradient, bool keep_graph, bool create_graph) const
 Computes the gradient of current tensor w.r.t. graph leaves.
void set_data (const at::Tensor &new_data)
 Sets the Tensor held by this Variable to the one supplied. More...
void set_gradient_edge (Edge edge) noexcept
 Set the gradient edge – i.e. More...
uint32_t output_nr () const noexcept
 Returns the input index of the gradient Function to which this Variable is connected. More...
bool is_leaf () const noexcept
 True if this Variable is a leaf and thus does not have a grad_fn.
void bump_version () noexcept
 Increments the version count of this Variable.
void set_version_counter (const VariableVersion &version_counter) noexcept
const VariableVersionversion_counter () const noexcept
 Retrieves this Variables version counter.
uint32_t current_version () const noexcept
 Retrieves the current value of the Variable's version counter. More...
void rebase_history (Edge gradient_edge)
 Update the grad_fn of an existing Variable. More...
void add_hook (std::shared_ptr< FunctionPreHook > hook)
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< FunctionPreHook > > & hooks () const noexcept
void clear_hooks ()
bool is_view () const noexcept
 Returns true if this Variable is a view of another Variable.
const Variablebase () const
 Returns the Variable that this Variable is a view of. More...
void set_name (const std::string &name)
const std::string & name () const noexcept
PyObject * pyobj () const noexcept
void set_pyobj (PyObject *pyobj) noexcept
Variable::AutogradMeta * get_autograd_meta () const noexcept
void set_requires_grad (bool requires_grad, at::TensorImpl *self_impl) override
 Sets the requires_grad property of Variable. More...
bool requires_grad () const override
Variablegrad () override
 Accesses the gradient Variable of this Variable.
const Variablegrad () const override
bool requires_grad () const override
 Impl (at::Tensor data, std::unique_ptr< Variable::AutogradMeta > autograd_meta, bool requires_grad=false, Edge gradient_edge=Edge())
int64_t numel () const override
at::IntArrayRef sizes () const override
at::IntArrayRef strides () const override
bool is_contiguous () const override
int64_t size (int64_t d) const override
int64_t stride (int64_t d) const override
void resize_dim (int64_t ndim) override
void set_size (int64_t dim, int64_t new_size) override
void set_stride (int64_t dim, int64_t new_stride) override
void set_storage_offset (int64_t storage_offset) override
int64_t dim () const override
bool has_storage () const override
const at::Storagestorage () const override
void * slow_data () const override
void set_data (const at::Tensor &new_data)
void release_resources () override
 Reset all expensive fields to free up resources.
Variable::AutogradMeta * get_autograd_meta () const
int64_t storage_offset () const override
 DifferentiableViewImpl (Variable base, at::Tensor data, Edge gradient_edge, std::unique_ptr< Variable::DifferentiableViewMeta > autograd_meta)
void release_resources () override
 Reset all expensive fields to free up resources.
- Public Member Functions inherited from at::Tensor
 Tensor (c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > tensor_impl)
 Tensor (const Tensor &)=default
 Tensor (Tensor &&)=default
 Tensor (C10Tensor tensor)
 operator C10Tensor () const &
 operator C10Tensor ()&&
int64_t dim () const
int64_t storage_offset () const
TensorImplunsafeGetTensorImpl () const
TensorImplunsafeReleaseTensorImpl ()
const c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > & getIntrusivePtr () const
bool defined () const
void reset ()
Tensoroperator= (const Tensor &x)&
Tensoroperator= (Tensor &&x)&
Tensoroperator= (Scalar v)&&
Tensoroperator= (const Tensor &)&&
Tensoroperator= (Tensor &&)&&
bool is_same (const Tensor &other) const noexcept
size_t use_count () const noexcept
size_t weak_use_count () const noexcept
const char * toString () const
IntArrayRef sizes () const
IntArrayRef strides () const
int64_t ndimension () const
bool is_contiguous () const
size_t nbytes () const
size_t itemsize () const
size_t element_size () const
Typetype () const
TensorTypeId type_id () const
ScalarType scalar_type () const
bool has_storage () const
const Storagestorage () const
bool is_alias_of (const at::Tensor &other) const
Tensor toType (const Type &t, bool non_blocking=false) const
Tensorcopy_ (const Tensor &src, bool non_blocking=false)
Tensor toType (ScalarType t) const
Tensor toBackend (Backend b) const
bool is_variable () const noexcept
 Returns true if the Tensor is actually a torch::autograd::Variable. More...
Layout layout () const noexcept
 Returns a Tensor's layout. Defined in Type.h.
caffe2::TypeMeta dtype () const noexcept
 Returns a Tensor's dtype (TypeMeta). Defined in TensorMethods.h.
Device device () const
 Returns a Tensor's device.
int64_t get_device () const
 Returns a Tensor's device index.
bool is_cuda () const
 Returns if a Tensor has CUDA backend.
bool is_hip () const
 Returns if a Tensor has HIP backend.
bool is_sparse () const
 Returns if a Tensor has sparse backend.
TensorOptions options () const
 Returns the TensorOptions corresponding to this Tensor. More...
template<typename T >
Tdata () const
template<typename T >
T item () const
void print () const
template<typename T , size_t N>
TensorAccessor< T, N > accessor () const &
template<typename T , size_t N>
TensorAccessor< T, N > accessor ()&&=delete
template<typename T , size_t N, template< typename U > class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t>
PackedTensorAccessor< T, N, PtrTraits, index_t > packed_accessor () const &
template<typename T , size_t N, template< typename U > class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t>
PackedTensorAccessor< T, N > packed_accessor ()&&=delete
Tensor operator- () const
Tensoroperator+= (const Tensor &other)
Tensoroperator+= (Scalar other)
Tensoroperator-= (const Tensor &other)
Tensoroperator-= (Scalar other)
Tensoroperator*= (const Tensor &other)
Tensoroperator*= (Scalar other)
Tensoroperator/= (const Tensor &other)
Tensoroperator/= (Scalar other)
Tensor operator[] (Scalar index) const
Tensor operator[] (Tensor index) const
Tensor operator[] (int64_t index) const
Tensor cpu () const
Tensor cuda () const
Tensor hip () const
Tensorset_requires_grad (bool requires_grad)
bool requires_grad () const
Tensorgrad ()
const Tensorgrad () const
void set_data (Tensor new_data)
void backward (c10::optional< Tensor > gradient=c10::nullopt, bool keep_graph=false, bool create_graph=false)
 Computes the gradient of current tensor w.r.t. graph leaves.
Tensor abs () const
Tensorabs_ ()
Tensor acos () const
Tensoracos_ ()
Tensor add (const Tensor &other, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensoradd_ (const Tensor &other, Scalar alpha=1)
Tensor add (Scalar other, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensoradd_ (Scalar other, Scalar alpha=1)
Tensor addmv (const Tensor &mat, const Tensor &vec, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensoraddmv_ (const Tensor &mat, const Tensor &vec, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1)
Tensor addr (const Tensor &vec1, const Tensor &vec2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensoraddr_ (const Tensor &vec1, const Tensor &vec2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1)
Tensor all (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const
bool allclose (const Tensor &other, double rtol=1e-05, double atol=1e-08, bool equal_nan=false) const
Tensor any (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor argmax (c10::optional< int64_t > dim=c10::nullopt, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor argmin (c10::optional< int64_t > dim=c10::nullopt, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor as_strided (IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, c10::optional< int64_t > storage_offset=c10::nullopt) const
Tensoras_strided_ (IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride, c10::optional< int64_t > storage_offset=c10::nullopt)
Tensor asin () const
Tensorasin_ ()
Tensor atan () const
Tensoratan_ ()
Tensor baddbmm (const Tensor &batch1, const Tensor &batch2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensorbaddbmm_ (const Tensor &batch1, const Tensor &batch2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1)
Tensor bernoulli (Generator *generator=nullptr) const
Tensorbernoulli_ (const Tensor &p, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensorbernoulli_ (double p=0.5, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensor bernoulli (double p, Generator *generator=nullptr) const
Tensor bincount (const Tensor &weights={}, int64_t minlength=0) const
Tensor bmm (const Tensor &mat2) const
Tensor ceil () const
Tensorceil_ ()
std::vector< Tensorchunk (int64_t chunks, int64_t dim=0) const
Tensor clamp (c10::optional< Scalar > min=c10::nullopt, c10::optional< Scalar > max=c10::nullopt) const
Tensorclamp_ (c10::optional< Scalar > min=c10::nullopt, c10::optional< Scalar > max=c10::nullopt)
Tensor clamp_max (Scalar max) const
Tensorclamp_max_ (Scalar max)
Tensor clamp_min (Scalar min) const
Tensorclamp_min_ (Scalar min)
Tensor contiguous () const
Tensor cos () const
Tensorcos_ ()
Tensor cosh () const
Tensorcosh_ ()
Tensor cumsum (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor cumsum (int64_t dim) const
Tensor cumprod (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor cumprod (int64_t dim) const
Tensor det () const
Tensor diag_embed (int64_t offset=0, int64_t dim1=-2, int64_t dim2=-1) const
Tensor diagflat (int64_t offset=0) const
Tensor diagonal (int64_t offset=0, int64_t dim1=0, int64_t dim2=1) const
Tensor div (const Tensor &other) const
Tensordiv_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensor div (Scalar other) const
Tensordiv_ (Scalar other)
Tensor dot (const Tensor &tensor) const
Tensorresize_ (IntArrayRef size)
Tensor erf () const
Tensorerf_ ()
Tensor erfc () const
Tensorerfc_ ()
Tensor exp () const
Tensorexp_ ()
Tensor expm1 () const
Tensorexpm1_ ()
Tensor expand (IntArrayRef size, bool implicit=false) const
Tensor expand_as (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor flatten (int64_t start_dim=0, int64_t end_dim=-1) const
Tensorfill_ (Scalar value)
Tensorfill_ (const Tensor &value)
Tensor floor () const
Tensorfloor_ ()
Tensor ger (const Tensor &vec2) const
Tensor fft (int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false) const
Tensor ifft (int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false) const
Tensor rfft (int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false, bool onesided=true) const
Tensor irfft (int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false, bool onesided=true, IntArrayRef signal_sizes={}) const
Tensor index (TensorList indices) const
Tensorindex_copy_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source)
Tensor index_copy (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source) const
Tensorindex_put_ (TensorList indices, const Tensor &values, bool accumulate=false)
Tensor index_put (TensorList indices, const Tensor &values, bool accumulate=false) const
Tensor inverse () const
Tensor isclose (const Tensor &other, double rtol=1e-05, double atol=1e-08, bool equal_nan=false) const
bool is_distributed () const
bool is_floating_point () const
bool is_complex () const
bool is_nonzero () const
bool is_same_size (const Tensor &other) const
bool is_signed () const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorkthvalue (int64_t k, int64_t dim=-1, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor log () const
Tensorlog_ ()
Tensor log10 () const
Tensorlog10_ ()
Tensor log1p () const
Tensorlog1p_ ()
Tensor log2 () const
Tensorlog2_ ()
Tensor logdet () const
Tensor log_softmax (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor log_softmax (int64_t dim) const
Tensor logsumexp (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor matmul (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor matrix_power (int64_t n) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensormax (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor max_values (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor mean (ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor mean () const
Tensor mean (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor mean (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor mean (IntArrayRef dim, ScalarType dtype) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensormedian (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensormin (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor min_values (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor mm (const Tensor &mat2) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensormode (int64_t dim=-1, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor mul (const Tensor &other) const
Tensormul_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensor mul (Scalar other) const
Tensormul_ (Scalar other)
Tensor mv (const Tensor &vec) const
Tensor mvlgamma (int64_t p) const
Tensormvlgamma_ (int64_t p)
Tensor narrow_copy (int64_t dim, int64_t start, int64_t length) const
Tensor narrow (int64_t dim, int64_t start, int64_t length) const
Tensor permute (IntArrayRef dims) const
Tensor pin_memory () const
Tensor pinverse (double rcond=1e-15) const
Tensor repeat (IntArrayRef repeats) const
Tensor reshape (IntArrayRef shape) const
Tensor reshape_as (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor round () const
Tensorround_ ()
Tensor relu () const
Tensorrelu_ ()
Tensor prelu (const Tensor &weight) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorprelu_backward (const Tensor &grad_output, const Tensor &weight) const
Tensor hardshrink (Scalar lambd=0.5) const
Tensor hardshrink_backward (const Tensor &grad_out, Scalar lambd) const
Tensor rsqrt () const
Tensorrsqrt_ ()
Tensor select (int64_t dim, int64_t index) const
Tensor sigmoid () const
Tensorsigmoid_ ()
Tensor sin () const
Tensorsin_ ()
Tensor sinh () const
Tensorsinh_ ()
Tensor detach () const
Tensordetach_ ()
int64_t size (int64_t dim) const
Tensor slice (int64_t dim=0, int64_t start=0, int64_t end=9223372036854775807, int64_t step=1) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorslogdet () const
Tensor smm (const Tensor &mat2) const
Tensor softmax (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor softmax (int64_t dim) const
std::vector< Tensorsplit (int64_t split_size, int64_t dim=0) const
std::vector< Tensorsplit_with_sizes (IntArrayRef split_sizes, int64_t dim=0) const
Tensor squeeze () const
Tensor squeeze (int64_t dim) const
Tensorsqueeze_ ()
Tensorsqueeze_ (int64_t dim)
Tensor sspaddmm (const Tensor &mat1, const Tensor &mat2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensor stft (int64_t n_fft, c10::optional< int64_t > hop_length=c10::nullopt, c10::optional< int64_t > win_length=c10::nullopt, const Tensor &window={}, bool normalized=false, bool onesided=true) const
int64_t stride (int64_t dim) const
Tensor sum (ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor sum () const
Tensor sum (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor sum (IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor sum (IntArrayRef dim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor sum_to_size (IntArrayRef size) const
Tensor sqrt () const
Tensorsqrt_ ()
Tensor std (bool unbiased=true) const
Tensor std (IntArrayRef dim, bool unbiased=true, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor prod (ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor prod () const
Tensor prod (int64_t dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor prod (int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor prod (int64_t dim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor t () const
Tensort_ ()
Tensor tan () const
Tensortan_ ()
Tensor tanh () const
Tensortanh_ ()
Tensor transpose (int64_t dim0, int64_t dim1) const
Tensortranspose_ (int64_t dim0, int64_t dim1)
Tensor flip (IntArrayRef dims) const
Tensor roll (IntArrayRef shifts, IntArrayRef dims={}) const
Tensor rot90 (int64_t k=1, IntArrayRef dims={0, 1}) const
Tensor trunc () const
Tensortrunc_ ()
Tensor type_as (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor unsqueeze (int64_t dim) const
Tensorunsqueeze_ (int64_t dim)
Tensor var (bool unbiased=true) const
Tensor var (IntArrayRef dim, bool unbiased=true, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor view_as (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor where (const Tensor &condition, const Tensor &other) const
Tensor norm (c10::optional< Scalar > p, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor norm (Scalar p=2) const
Tensor norm (c10::optional< Scalar > p, IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype) const
Tensor norm (c10::optional< Scalar > p, IntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim=false) const
Tensor clone () const
Tensorresize_as_ (const Tensor &the_template)
Tensor pow (Scalar exponent) const
Tensorzero_ ()
Tensor sub (const Tensor &other, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensorsub_ (const Tensor &other, Scalar alpha=1)
Tensor sub (Scalar other, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensorsub_ (Scalar other, Scalar alpha=1)
Tensor addmm (const Tensor &mat1, const Tensor &mat2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensoraddmm_ (const Tensor &mat1, const Tensor &mat2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1)
Tensorsparse_resize_ (IntArrayRef size, int64_t sparse_dim, int64_t dense_dim)
Tensorsparse_resize_and_clear_ (IntArrayRef size, int64_t sparse_dim, int64_t dense_dim)
Tensor sparse_mask (SparseTensorRef mask) const
Tensor to_dense () const
int64_t sparse_dim () const
int64_t _dimI () const
int64_t dense_dim () const
int64_t _dimV () const
int64_t _nnz () const
Tensor coalesce () const
bool is_coalesced () const
Tensor _indices () const
Tensor _values () const
Tensor_coalesced_ (bool coalesced)
Tensor indices () const
Tensor values () const
int64_t numel () const
std::vector< Tensorunbind (int64_t dim=0) const
Tensor to_sparse (int64_t sparse_dim) const
Tensor to_sparse () const
Tensor to (const TensorOptions &options, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const
Tensor to (Device device, ScalarType dtype, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const
Tensor to (ScalarType dtype, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const
Tensor to (const Tensor &other, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const
Scalar item () const
void * data_ptr () const
Tensorset_ (Storage source)
Tensorset_ (Storage source, int64_t storage_offset, IntArrayRef size, IntArrayRef stride={})
Tensorset_ (const Tensor &source)
Tensorset_ ()
bool is_set_to (const Tensor &tensor) const
Tensormasked_fill_ (const Tensor &mask, Scalar value)
Tensor masked_fill (const Tensor &mask, Scalar value) const
Tensormasked_fill_ (const Tensor &mask, const Tensor &value)
Tensor masked_fill (const Tensor &mask, const Tensor &value) const
Tensormasked_scatter_ (const Tensor &mask, const Tensor &source)
Tensor masked_scatter (const Tensor &mask, const Tensor &source) const
Tensor view (IntArrayRef size) const
Tensorput_ (const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source, bool accumulate=false)
Tensorindex_add_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source)
Tensor index_add (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &source) const
Tensorindex_fill_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, Scalar value)
Tensor index_fill (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, Scalar value) const
Tensorindex_fill_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &value)
Tensor index_fill (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &value) const
Tensorscatter_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &src)
Tensor scatter (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &src) const
Tensorscatter_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, Scalar value)
Tensor scatter (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, Scalar value) const
Tensorscatter_add_ (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &src)
Tensor scatter_add (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, const Tensor &src) const
Tensorlt_ (Scalar other)
Tensorlt_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensorgt_ (Scalar other)
Tensorgt_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensorle_ (Scalar other)
Tensorle_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensorge_ (Scalar other)
Tensorge_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensoreq_ (Scalar other)
Tensoreq_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensorne_ (Scalar other)
Tensorne_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensor __and__ (Scalar other) const
Tensor __and__ (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor__iand__ (Scalar other)
Tensor__iand__ (const Tensor &other)
Tensor __or__ (Scalar other) const
Tensor __or__ (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor__ior__ (Scalar other)
Tensor__ior__ (const Tensor &other)
Tensor __xor__ (Scalar other) const
Tensor __xor__ (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor__ixor__ (Scalar other)
Tensor__ixor__ (const Tensor &other)
Tensor __lshift__ (Scalar other) const
Tensor __lshift__ (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor__ilshift__ (Scalar other)
Tensor__ilshift__ (const Tensor &other)
Tensor __rshift__ (Scalar other) const
Tensor __rshift__ (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor__irshift__ (Scalar other)
Tensor__irshift__ (const Tensor &other)
Tensorlgamma_ ()
Tensoratan2_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensortril_ (int64_t diagonal=0)
Tensortriu_ (int64_t diagonal=0)
Tensordigamma_ ()
Tensorpolygamma_ (int64_t n)
Tensorerfinv_ ()
Tensorfrac_ ()
Tensorrenorm_ (Scalar p, int64_t dim, Scalar maxnorm)
Tensorreciprocal_ ()
Tensorneg_ ()
Tensorpow_ (Scalar exponent)
Tensorpow_ (const Tensor &exponent)
Tensorlerp_ (const Tensor &end, Scalar weight)
Tensorlerp_ (const Tensor &end, const Tensor &weight)
Tensorsign_ ()
Tensorfmod_ (Scalar other)
Tensorfmod_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensorremainder_ (Scalar other)
Tensorremainder_ (const Tensor &other)
Tensoraddbmm_ (const Tensor &batch1, const Tensor &batch2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1)
Tensor addbmm (const Tensor &batch1, const Tensor &batch2, Scalar beta=1, Scalar alpha=1) const
Tensoraddcmul_ (const Tensor &tensor1, const Tensor &tensor2, Scalar value=1)
Tensoraddcdiv_ (const Tensor &tensor1, const Tensor &tensor2, Scalar value=1)
Tensorrandom_ (int64_t from, int64_t to, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensorrandom_ (int64_t to, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensorrandom_ (Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensoruniform_ (double from=0, double to=1, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensornormal_ (double mean=0, double std=1, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensorcauchy_ (double median=0, double sigma=1, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensorlog_normal_ (double mean=1, double std=2, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensorexponential_ (double lambd=1, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensorgeometric_ (double p, Generator *generator=nullptr)
Tensor diag (int64_t diagonal=0) const
Tensor cross (const Tensor &other, int64_t dim=-1) const
Tensor triu (int64_t diagonal=0) const
Tensor tril (int64_t diagonal=0) const
Tensor trace () const
Tensor ne (Scalar other) const
Tensor ne (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor eq (Scalar other) const
Tensor eq (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor ge (Scalar other) const
Tensor ge (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor le (Scalar other) const
Tensor le (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor gt (Scalar other) const
Tensor gt (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor lt (Scalar other) const
Tensor lt (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor take (const Tensor &index) const
Tensor index_select (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index) const
Tensor masked_select (const Tensor &mask) const
Tensor nonzero () const
Tensor gather (int64_t dim, const Tensor &index, bool sparse_grad=false) const
Tensor addcmul (const Tensor &tensor1, const Tensor &tensor2, Scalar value=1) const
Tensor addcdiv (const Tensor &tensor1, const Tensor &tensor2, Scalar value=1) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorgels (const Tensor &A) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensortrtrs (const Tensor &A, bool upper=true, bool transpose=false, bool unitriangular=false) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorsymeig (bool eigenvectors=false, bool upper=true) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensoreig (bool eigenvectors=false) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor, Tensorsvd (bool some=true, bool compute_uv=true) const
Tensor cholesky (bool upper=false) const
Tensor cholesky_solve (const Tensor &input2, bool upper=false) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorsolve (const Tensor &A) const
Tensor potri (bool upper=true) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorpstrf (bool upper=true, Scalar tol=-1) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorqr () const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorgeqrf () const
Tensor orgqr (const Tensor &input2) const
Tensor ormqr (const Tensor &input2, const Tensor &input3, bool left=true, bool transpose=false) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorbtrifact (bool pivot=true) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensor, Tensorbtrifact_with_info (bool pivot=true) const
Tensor btrisolve (const Tensor &LU_data, const Tensor &LU_pivots) const
Tensor multinomial (int64_t num_samples, bool replacement=false, Generator *generator=nullptr) const
Tensor lgamma () const
Tensor digamma () const
Tensor polygamma (int64_t n) const
Tensor erfinv () const
Tensor frac () const
Tensor dist (const Tensor &other, Scalar p=2) const
Tensor reciprocal () const
Tensor neg () const
Tensor atan2 (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor lerp (const Tensor &end, Scalar weight) const
Tensor lerp (const Tensor &end, const Tensor &weight) const
Tensor histc (int64_t bins=100, Scalar min=0, Scalar max=0) const
Tensor sign () const
Tensor fmod (Scalar other) const
Tensor fmod (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor remainder (Scalar other) const
Tensor remainder (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor min (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor min () const
Tensor max (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor max () const
Tensor median () const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensorsort (int64_t dim=-1, bool descending=false) const
Tensor argsort (int64_t dim=-1, bool descending=false) const
std::tuple< Tensor, Tensortopk (int64_t k, int64_t dim=-1, bool largest=true, bool sorted=true) const
Tensor all () const
Tensor any () const
Tensor renorm (Scalar p, int64_t dim, Scalar maxnorm) const
Tensor unfold (int64_t dimension, int64_t size, int64_t step) const
bool equal (const Tensor &other) const
Tensor pow (const Tensor &exponent) const
Tensor alias () const
Tensor to (caffe2::TypeMeta type_meta, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const
Tensor to (Device device, caffe2::TypeMeta type_meta, bool non_blocking=false, bool copy=false) const
template<typename F , typename... Args>
auto m (F func, Args &&...params) const -> decltype(func(*this, std::forward< Args >(params)...))
 Tensor (c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > tensor_impl)
 Tensor (const Tensor &)=default
 Tensor (Tensor &&)=default
 Tensor (C10Tensor tensor)
 operator C10Tensor () const &
 operator C10Tensor ()&&
int64_t dim () const
int64_t storage_offset () const
TensorImplunsafeGetTensorImpl () const
TensorImplunsafeReleaseTensorImpl ()
const c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > & getIntrusivePtr () const
bool defined () const
void reset ()
Tensoroperator= (const Tensor &x)&
Tensoroperator= (Tensor &&x)&
Tensoroperator= (Scalar v)&&
Tensoroperator= (const Tensor &)&&
Tensoroperator= (Tensor &&)&&
bool is_same (const Tensor &other) const noexcept
size_t use_count () const noexcept
size_t weak_use_count () const noexcept
const char * toString () const
IntArrayRef sizes () const
IntArrayRef strides () const
int64_t ndimension () const
bool is_contiguous () const
size_t nbytes () const
size_t itemsize () const
size_t element_size () const
Typetype () const
TensorTypeId type_id () const
ScalarType scalar_type () const
bool has_storage () const
const Storagestorage () const
bool is_alias_of (const at::Tensor &other) const
Tensor toType (const Type &t, bool non_blocking=false) const
Tensorcopy_ (const Tensor &src, bool non_blocking=false)
Tensor toType (ScalarType t) const
Tensor toBackend (Backend b) const
bool is_variable () const noexcept
 Returns true if the Tensor is actually a torch::autograd::Variable. More...
Layout layout () const noexcept
 Returns a Tensor's layout. Defined in Type.h.
caffe2::TypeMeta dtype () const noexcept
 Returns a Tensor's dtype (TypeMeta). Defined in TensorMethods.h.
Device device () const
 Returns a Tensor's device.
int64_t get_device () const
 Returns a Tensor's device index.
bool is_cuda () const
 Returns if a Tensor has CUDA backend.
bool is_hip () const
 Returns if a Tensor has HIP backend.
bool is_sparse () const
 Returns if a Tensor has sparse backend.
TensorOptions options () const
 Returns the TensorOptions corresponding to this Tensor. More...
template<typename T >
Tdata () const
template<typename T >
T item () const
void print () const
template<typename T , size_t N>
TensorAccessor< T, N > accessor () const &
template<typename T , size_t N>
TensorAccessor< T, N > accessor ()&&=delete
template<typename T , size_t N, template< typename U > class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t>
PackedTensorAccessor< T, N, PtrTraits, index_t > packed_accessor () const &
template<typename T , size_t N, template< typename U > class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t>
PackedTensorAccessor< T, N > packed_accessor ()&&=delete
Tensor operator- () const
Tensoroperator+= (const Tensor &other)
Tensoroperator+= (Scalar other)
Tensoroperator-= (const Tensor &other)
Tensoroperator-= (Scalar other)
Tensoroperator*= (const Tensor &other)
Tensoroperator*= (Scalar other)
Tensoroperator/= (const Tensor &other)
Tensoroperator/= (Scalar other)
Tensor operator[] (Scalar index) const
Tensor operator[] (Tensor index) const
Tensor operator[] (int64_t index) const
Tensor cpu () const
Tensor cuda () const
Tensor hip () const
Tensorset_requires_grad (bool requires_grad)
bool requires_grad () const
Tensorgrad ()
const Tensorgrad () const
void set_data (Tensor new_data)
void backward (c10::optional< Tensor > gradient=c10::nullopt, bool keep_graph=false, bool create_graph=false)
 Computes the gradient of current tensor w.r.t. graph leaves.

Data Fields

std::string name
Variable grad_
std::shared_ptr< Function > grad_fn_
std::weak_ptr< Function > grad_accumulator_
VariableVersion version_counter_
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< FunctionPreHook > > hooks_
bool requires_grad_
bool is_view_
uint32_t output_nr_
PyObject * pyobj_ = nullptr
std::mutex mutex_
Variable base_
 The base Variable (never a view).
uint32_t attr_version
 The value of the version_counter at the time grad_fn was created. More...
at::Tensor data_
 The underlying data tensor for this Variable. More...


Variable make_variable_view (Variable base, at::Tensor data, bool is_differentiable, bool allow_tensor_metadata_change, Edge gradient_edge)
 Creates a Variable that is a view of another (base) variable. More...
Variable make_variable (at::Tensor data, bool requires_grad, bool allow_tensor_metadata_change)
 Creates a Variable from the given Tensor, copying its underlying TensorImpl. More...
Variable make_variable_consuming (at::Tensor data, bool requires_grad, bool allow_tensor_metadata_change)
 Creates a Variable from the given Tensor, consuming its underlying TensorImpl. More...
Variable make_variable (at::Tensor data, Edge gradient_edge, bool allow_tensor_metadata_change)
 Creates a Variable from the given Tensor and specify a gradient_edge, i.e. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from at::Tensor
static Tensor wrap_tensor_impl (c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > tensor_impl)
static Tensor wrap_tensor_impl (c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl > tensor_impl)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from at::Tensor
void enforce_invariants ()
void enforce_invariants ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from at::Tensor
c10::intrusive_ptr< TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImplimpl_

Detailed Description

A Variable augments a Tensor with the ability to interact in our autograd machinery.

NOTE [ Autograd View Variables ].

Each Variable has one unique AutogradMeta struct, which stores autograd metadata fields that are necessary for tracking the Variable's autograd history.

Conceptually, Variables travel along Edges between Functions in the autograd graph. A Variable can either be a leaf, like a weight in a neural network, or an interior variable, when it is the result of an operation between variables. Every Variable also stores another Variable called its grad (gradient). If the variable is a leaf, its gradient will be accumulated into this variable.

                         Gradient Edges
Furthermore, `Variable`s have the notion of a `gradient_edge`, which is the
edge in the autograd graph that connects the variable to a particular input
of the gradient function that will be invoked with the variable during the
backward pass. More precisely, this gradient function can be one of two
1. A `grad_fn`, if the variable is in the interior of the graph. This is the
gradient of the function that produced the variable.
2. A `grad_accumulator`, if the variable is a leaf, which accumulates a
scalar gradient value into its `grad` variable.

Another major feature of Variables are versions. Versions are incremented when an in-place mutation of a variable occurs. Versions are useful when constructing SavedVariables, which take a snapshot of a Variable at a certain version. You can retrieve a Variable's version through its current_version() method.

It is possible for a `Variable` to be a *view* of another `Variable`, in
which case it tracks that `Variable`'s data and autograd history. Beyond
construction, the interface of a view is identical to that of a regular
`Variable`. You can determine whether `Variable` is in fact a view by
probing its `is_view()` method. Note that the *view* semantics are only
meaningful for `Variable` relations that are relevant to autograd. For
example, if you hide your code from autograd using `.no_grad()`, the
`Variable`s will not be registered as having view relations, even if they
share storage.
See NOTE [ Autograd View Variables ] for more details.

Variable inherits from Tensor and thus its API is a superset of that of Tensor. This means you can perform all the usual mathematical and other operations you can perform on Tensors also on Variables. Furthermore, Variable and Tensor actually convert implicitly between each other. You can thus call functions defined on Tensors also with Variables. For this, the Variable class allows implicit construction from Tensor. It is the responsibility of calling code to ensure that this constructor is invoked only when the Tensor's dynamic type is actually Variable. Most notably, it is not correct to construct a brand new Variable from a Tensor using this constructor. To do so, you must use the make_variable free function instead. To create a view variable, use make_variable_view. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Many operations return Variable that shares storage with an input Variable. The returned Variable is called a view Variable on the input base Variable.

In PyTorch, we have two types of views: differentiable views, and non-differentiable views. In either type, to support proper version checking, the base and view Variables must always share the same version_counter.

Differentiable Views

Differentiable views are the view variables where you want gradients to flow
back to the base variables. Out-of-place operations on views are quite
straightforward, but in-place ones are very tricky. Even if the base
variable may not require grad when we create the view, we still need to
track the view relation because future in-place ops may require back-proping
through it. For example, we need to support
(1) in-place operation on view, e.g.,
# Have:
# base.requires_grad = False
# var.requires_grad = True
base[1] = var # i.e., base[1].copy_(var)
torch.autograd.grad(base.sum(), var) <- should return an all ones tensor
(2) in-place operation on base after view is created, e.g.,
# Have:
# base.requires_grad = False
# var.requires_grad = True
view = base[1]
torch.autograd.grad(view.sum(), var) <- should return a tensor with
var[1] filled with all ones and
zeros everywhere else
Variable::DifferentiableViewImpl is created to support gradient tracking of
such **in-place** operations. In particular,
+ if an in-place op is done on base, the grad_fn field of the view may
become stale. So accesses should always go through grad_fn(), which
reconstructs an updated grad_fn if the version_counter has incremented.
All other fields are always valid.
+ if an in-place op is done on view, in rebase_history() of view, which is
called after every in-place op in VariableType.cpp, the grad_fn of base
is updated.
Non-Differentiable Views

In certain cases, although function outputs share storage with inputs, they will never require gradient history tracking. Instead of registering the view relation via DifferentiableViewImpl in autograd, the views will be using usual Variable::Impl and just share the version counters with the base Variables. Such views include:

  1. Views created from .detach()
  2. Views that are non-differentiable by its nature. E.g., sparse_tensor.indices() is a integral view on a (possibly) floating point tensor. See top of derivatives.yaml on how to specify that outputs of a function are non-differentiable. These are called non-differentiable views as the gradients do not flow through the view relation. Relevant logic for non-differentiable views is implemented in make_variable_view below, and wrap_output of

Definition at line 85 of file variable.h.

Member Function Documentation

const Variable & torch::autograd::Variable::base ( ) const

Returns the Variable that this Variable is a view of.

If this Variable is not a view, throw a std::runtime_error.

Definition at line 738 of file variable.h.

uint32_t torch::autograd::Variable::current_version ( ) const

Retrieves the current value of the Variable's version counter.

Equivalent to calling version_counter().current_version().

Definition at line 707 of file variable.h.

Variable torch::autograd::Variable::detach ( ) const

Returns a copy of this Variable that is detached from its autograd graph and has a blank version.

This method is OK to call if the Variable is a view. NOTE: Previously, if we change the tensor metadata (e.g. sizes / strides / storage / storage_offset) of a tensor created from detach(), those metadata in the original tensor will also be updated. However, the new behavior is that those metadata changes to the detached tensor will not update the original tensor anymore, and in the detach() function we need to set allow_tensor_metadata_change_ to false to make such changes explicitly illegal, in order to prevent users from changing metadata of the detached tensor and expecting the original tensor to also be updated.

Definition at line 673 of file variable.h.

void torch::autograd::Variable::detach_ ( )

Like detach(), but removes this Variable in-place.

This method may only be called on non-view Variables. You can use is_view() to check this. If this Variable is a view, throws an std::runtime_error().

Definition at line 134 of file variable.cpp.

std::shared_ptr< Function > torch::autograd::Variable::grad_accumulator ( ) const

Gets the gradient accumulator of the Variable if it has one, or else create one on the fly and return it.

Definition at line 111 of file variable.cpp.

const std::shared_ptr< Function > & torch::autograd::Variable::grad_fn ( ) const

Gets the gradient function of the Variable.

If this is a leaf variable, the pointer returned will be null.

For View Variables: Gets the up-to-date grad_fn. If the shared data or base was modified, we re-create the grad_fn to express the up-to-date view relationship between this and the base Variable.

Definition at line 201 of file variable.cpp.

Edge torch::autograd::Variable::gradient_edge ( ) const

Returns the "canonical" gradient edge of this Variable, i.e.

either the gradient function if this is an interior Variable, or the gradient accumulator otherwise. If the Variable is interior, the returned Edge will store the input index of the Function to which this variable is connected in its input_nr field. For leaves, the input_nr is always zero. Note that set_gradient_edge and gradient_edge are not symmetric. You must use set_gradient_edge to set the grad_fn and set_grad_accumulator to set the accumulator.

Definition at line 195 of file variable.h.

uint32_t torch::autograd::Variable::output_nr ( ) const

Returns the input index of the gradient Function to which this Variable is connected.

Note: input indexes of the gradient Function correspond to output indexes of the corresponding forward Function.

Definition at line 687 of file variable.h.

void torch::autograd::Variable::rebase_history ( Edge  gradient_edge)

Update the grad_fn of an existing Variable.

Called after in-place modifications.

For View Variables: Called after in-place modifications. Modifies the grad_fn of the base Variable.

Definition at line 236 of file variable.cpp.

void torch::autograd::Variable::set_data ( const at::Tensor new_data)

Sets the Tensor held by this Variable to the one supplied.

It is rarely necessary to call this; it's used, for example, when a non-sparse gradient gets added to a sparse gradient, requiring the type of the gradient Variable to become non-sparse.

Definition at line 678 of file variable.h.

void torch::autograd::Variable::set_grad_accumulator ( std::weak_ptr< Function >  grad_accumulator)

Set the gradient accumulator of the Variable.

This is only applicable to leaf variables. Interior variables should call set_gradient_edge().

Definition at line 664 of file variable.h.

void torch::autograd::Variable::set_gradient_edge ( Edge  edge)

Set the gradient edge – i.e.

grad_fn and input_nr – of the Variable. NOTE: This will always set the grad_fn, even if this is a leaf variable, and never the grad_accumulator. For the latter, use set_grad_accumulator. This allows late construction of an interior Variable.

Definition at line 682 of file variable.h.

void torch::autograd::Variable::set_requires_grad ( bool  requires_grad,
at::TensorImpl self_impl 

Sets the requires_grad property of Variable.

This should be true for leaf variables that want to accumulate gradients, and false for all other variables.

Definition at line 361 of file variable.h.

std::shared_ptr< Function > torch::autograd::Variable::try_get_grad_accumulator ( ) const

Attempts to get a pointer to the gradient accumulator of the Variable, if it still exists.

If the gradient accumulator function has been destroyed, returns a nullptr.

Definition at line 669 of file variable.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

Variable make_variable ( at::Tensor  data,
bool  requires_grad = false,
bool  allow_tensor_metadata_change = true 

Creates a Variable from the given Tensor, copying its underlying TensorImpl.

requires_grad should be set only for leaves, and determines whether the Variable will accumulate gradients. NOTE: data must not be a Variable already. Its dynamic type must be Tensor.

Definition at line 577 of file variable.h.

Variable make_variable ( at::Tensor  data,
Edge  gradient_edge,
bool  allow_tensor_metadata_change = true 

Creates a Variable from the given Tensor and specify a gradient_edge, i.e.

a (function, input_nr) pair specifying the function in the autograd graph, and what particular input of that function, this variable is connected to.

Definition at line 610 of file variable.h.

Variable make_variable_consuming ( at::Tensor  data,
bool  requires_grad = false,
bool  allow_tensor_metadata_change = true 

Creates a Variable from the given Tensor, consuming its underlying TensorImpl.

This is intended to be used from functions that immediately create a Tensor, convert it to a Variable, and then free it; it has been found to decrease the overhead of those operations, in some situations. The comments about requires_grad and data on the above version also apply to this one.

Definition at line 594 of file variable.h.

Variable make_variable_view ( Variable  base,
at::Tensor  data,
bool  is_differentiable = true,
bool  allow_tensor_metadata_change = true,
Edge  gradient_edge = Edge() 

Creates a Variable that is a view of another (base) variable.

The gradient_edge is an optional (gradient_function, input_number) pair. is_differentiable is a bool that specifies whether this view is differentiable, i.e., whether the relation should be tracked by autograd. See NOTE [ Autograd View Variables ] for details.

Setting allow_tensor_metadata_change_ to false by default would unnecessarily prevent those changes from happening and is undesirable.

Differentiable view. Track history with DifferentiableViewImpl.

Non-differentiable view. Just share version counter.

Definition at line 547 of file variable.h.

Field Documentation

uint32_t torch::autograd::Variable::attr_version

The value of the version_counter at the time grad_fn was created.

The grad_fn field is stale if attr_version != version_counter.current_version().

Definition at line 393 of file variable.h.

at::Tensor torch::autograd::Variable::data_

The underlying data tensor for this Variable.

This field will be removed once VariableImpl and TensorImpl are merged.

Definition at line 442 of file variable.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: