= R"DOC(
Pulls in slices of the input tensor, groups them into segments and applies
'{op}' to each segment. Segments ids can appear in arbitrary order (unlike in
This op is basically Gather and UnsortedSegment{op} fused together.
INDICES should contain integers in range 0..N-1 where N is the first dimension
of DATA. INDICES represent which slices of DATA need to be pulled in.
SEGMENT_IDS is a vector that maps each referenced slice of the DATA to a
particular group (segment). Values belonging to the same segment are aggregated
together. SEGMENT_IDS should have the same dimension as INDICES.
If `num_segments` argument is passed it would be used as a first dimension for
the output. Otherwise, it'd be dynamically calculated from as the max value of
SEGMENT_IDS plus one. Other output dimensions are inherited from the input