Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
4 #include "caffe2/core/context.h"
5 #include "caffe2/core/logging.h"
6 #include "caffe2/core/operator.h"
7 #include "caffe2/operators/reducer_functors.h"
9 namespace caffe2 {
11 template <typename TData>
13  public:
16  bool observeInput(const Tensor& dataInput) {
17  data_ = dataInput.raw_data();
18  return dataInput.template IsType<TData>();
19  }
21  inline const TData*
22  getBlockPtr(int64_t in_block_size, int64_t idx, int64_t /* blocks */ = 1) {
23  return static_cast<const TData*>(data_) + in_block_size * idx;
24  }
26  protected:
27  const void* data_ = nullptr;
28 };
31 // Range reducer ops: leverage that input segment is continuous and allow
32 // reducer functors to do something special
33 // Note: for now there are no real use cases for it yet :)
34 // Also, doesn't support additional arguments for now
43 template <
44  typename T,
45  typename SIndex,
46  class Context,
47  class RangeReducer,
48  class InputAccessor = BaseInputAccessor<T>>
49 class AbstractSortedSegmentRangeOp : public Operator<Context> {
50  public:
52  USE_SIMPLE_CTOR_DTOR(AbstractSortedSegmentRangeOp);
54  bool RunOnDevice() override {
55  auto& dataInput = Input(DATA);
56  auto& segment_ids = Input(SEGMENT_IDS);
58  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, segment_ids.dim(), "SEGMENT_IDS must be a vector");
59  auto N = segment_ids.size(0);
61  N,
62  dataInput.size(0),
63  "SEGMENT_IDS must have the same length as outer dimension of DATA");
66  inputAccessor_.observeInput(dataInput),
67  "Unsupported input type: ",
68  dataInput.dtype().name(),
69  ".");
71  const SIndex* s_ids = segment_ids.template data<SIndex>();
73  const SIndex K = N > 0 ? s_ids[N - 1] + 1 : 0;
74  auto shape = dataInput.sizes().vec();
75  shape[0] = K;
76  auto* output = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
78  T* out = output->template mutable_data<T>();
80  if (N == 0) {
81  return true;
82  }
84  int64_t block_size = dataInput.numel() / N;
86  // Assume the segments are sorted and there are no gaps
87  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(0, s_ids[0], "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
88  for (int64_t i = 0; i < N;) {
89  int64_t start = i;
90  for (++i; i < N && s_ids[start] == s_ids[i]; ++i)
91  ;
93  RangeReducer()(
94  block_size,
95  i - start,
96  inputAccessor_.getBlockPtr(block_size, start, i - start),
97  out + block_size * s_ids[start],
98  &context_);
100  // check correctness of the next segment
101  if (i < N) {
103  s_ids[start] + 1,
104  s_ids[i],
105  "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
106  }
107  }
108  return true;
109  }
111  static constexpr int kNumInputs = 2;
114  private:
115  InputAccessor inputAccessor_;
116 };
118 template <
119  typename T,
120  typename SIndex,
121  class Context,
122  class RangeReducerGradient>
124  public:
126  USE_SIMPLE_CTOR_DTOR(AbstractSortedSegmentRangeGradientOp);
128  bool RunOnDevice() override {
129  // TODO(azzolini): avoid using input/output if not used by a particular op
130  auto& data_in = Input(DATA_IN);
131  auto& data_out = Input(DATA_OUT);
132  auto& segment_grads = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS);
133  auto& segment_ids = Input(SEGMENT_IDS);
135  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, segment_ids.dim(), "SEGMENT_IDS must be a vector");
136  int64_t N = segment_ids.size(0);
138  const SIndex* s_ids = segment_ids.template data<SIndex>();
139  const T* s_grads = segment_grads.template data<T>();
140  const T* d_in = data_in.template data<T>();
141  const T* d_out = data_out.template data<T>();
143  auto shape = segment_grads.sizes().vec();
144  shape[0] = N;
145  auto* data_grads = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
147  const SIndex K = segment_grads.size(0);
148  T* out = data_grads->template mutable_data<T>();
150  if (N == 0) {
151  return true;
152  }
154  int64_t block_size = segment_grads.size_from_dim(1);
156  // Assume the segments are sorted and there are no gaps
157  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(0, s_ids[0], "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
158  // repeat the check from forward op
160  K - 1, s_ids[N - 1], "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
161  for (int64_t i = 0; i < N;) {
162  int64_t start = i;
163  for (++i; i < N && s_ids[start] == s_ids[i]; ++i)
164  ;
166  auto expanded_idx = block_size * start;
167  auto reduced_idx = block_size * s_ids[start];
168  RangeReducerGradient()(
169  block_size,
170  i - start,
171  s_grads + reduced_idx,
172  out + expanded_idx,
173  d_in + expanded_idx,
174  d_out + reduced_idx,
175  &context_);
177  // check correctness of the next segment
178  if (i < N) {
180  s_ids[start] + 1,
181  s_ids[i],
182  "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
183  }
184  }
185  return true;
186  }
188  static constexpr int kNumInputs = 4;
190 };
192 template <typename T, typename SIndex, typename Context, typename ReducerDef>
194  using OpDef = ReducerDef;
195  static constexpr const char* basename = "SortedSegmentRange";
196  static constexpr const char* doc = R"DOC(
197 Applies '{op}' to each segment of input tensor. In order to allow for more
198 efficient implementation of '{op}', the input segments have to be contiguous
199 and non-empty.
201 SEGMENT_IDS is a vector that maps each of the first dimension slices of the
202 DATA to a particular group (segment). Values belonging to the same segment are
203 aggregated together.
205 The first dimension of the output is equal to the number of input segments,
206 i.e. `SEGMENT_IDS[-1]+1`. Other dimensions are inherited from the input tensor.
208 {op_doc}
209  )DOC";
210  static void PopulateSchema(OpSchema& schema) {
211  schema.Input(0, "DATA", "Input tensor to be aggregated");
212  schema.Input(
213  1,
215  "Vector with the same length as the first dimension of DATA "
216  "and values in the range 0..K-1 and in increasing order that "
217  "maps each slice of DATA to one of the segments");
218  schema.Output(
219  0,
220  "OUTPUT",
221  "Aggregated tensor with the first dimension of K and the "
222  "other dimentsions inherited from DATA");
223  }
225  T,
226  SIndex,
227  Context,
228  typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>>;
230  T,
231  SIndex,
232  Context,
233  typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient<T, Context>>;
234  struct GetGradient : public GradientMakerBase {
235  using GradientMakerBase::GradientMakerBase;
236  vector<OperatorDef> GetGradientDefs() override {
237  return SingleGradientDef(
238  string(basename) + ReducerDef::name + "Gradient",
239  "",
240  vector<string>{I(0), O(0), GO(0), I(1)},
241  // no gradient on segment_ids!
242  vector<string>{GI(0)});
243  }
244  };
245 };
248 // Incremental reducer ops: assume that reducer consumes pieces of data one by
249 // one. Also, supports additional arguments passed to reducer, e.g. scalers for
250 // weighted sum.
251 //
252 // Note: in current implementation additional inputs are considered auxiliary
253 // constants and have limitations:
254 // - there is no gradient computation for auxiliary inputs
255 // - auxiliary inputs aren't affected by fused embedding lookup in operations
256 // like sparse_sorted_segment
275 template <
276  typename T,
277  class Context,
278  class Reducer,
279  bool FirstDim,
280  class InputAccessor = BaseInputAccessor<T>>
281 class AbstractReduceFrontOrBackOp : public Operator<Context> {
282  public:
285  template <class... Args>
286  explicit AbstractReduceFrontOrBackOp(Args&&... args)
287  : Operator<Context>(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
288  OP_SINGLE_ARG(int, "num_reduce_dim", num_reduce_dims_, 1) {}
290  bool RunOnDevice() override {
291  auto& data = Input(0);
292  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
293  // to the reducer class
294  int64_t in_block_size = FirstDim
295  ? data.size_from_dim(num_reduce_dims_)
296  : data.size_to_dim(data.dim() - num_reduce_dims_);
298  this, in_block_size);
299  }
301  template <int FixedSize>
302  bool DoRunWithValue() {
303  auto& data = Input(0);
305  CAFFE_ENFORCE_LE(num_reduce_dims_, data.dim());
307  typename Reducer::Meta ctx(FirstDim);
308  ctx.observeInput(0, data, num_reduce_dims_);
309  for (int i = 1; i < Reducer::kInputCount; ++i) {
310  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
311  ctx.observeInput(i, aux_in, num_reduce_dims_);
312  }
315  inputAccessor_.observeInput(data),
316  "Unsupported input type: ",
317  data.dtype().name(),
318  ".");
320  vector<int64_t> shape;
321  ctx.appendOutputShape(&shape);
322  auto* output = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
324  T* out = output->template mutable_data<T>();
326  const int block_size = FirstDim
327  ? data.size_from_dim(num_reduce_dims_)
328  : data.size_from_dim(data.dim() - num_reduce_dims_);
330  const int num_blocks = block_size > 0 ? data.numel() / block_size : 0;
332  Reducer r(ctx, out, &context_);
333  for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i) {
334  r.template process<FixedSize>(
335  ctx, inputAccessor_.getBlockPtr(block_size, i), i, &context_);
336  }
337  r.template finish<FixedSize>(ctx, &context_);
338  return true;
339  }
341  static constexpr int kNumInputs = Reducer::kInputCount;
343  private:
344  int num_reduce_dims_;
345  InputAccessor inputAccessor_;
346 };
348 template <
349  typename T,
350  class Context,
351  class ReducerGradient,
352  bool FirstDim = true>
354  public:
357  template <class... Args>
358  explicit AbstractReduceFrontOrBackGradientOp(Args&&... args)
359  : Operator<Context>(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
360  OP_SINGLE_ARG(int, "num_reduce_dim", num_reduce_dims_, 1) {}
362  bool RunOnDevice() override {
363  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
364  // to the reducer class
365  int64_t grad_block_size = Input(REDUCTION_GRAD).numel();
367  this, grad_block_size);
368  }
370  template <int FixedSize>
371  bool DoRunWithValue() {
372  auto& reduction_grad = Input(REDUCTION_GRAD);
373  auto& source_shape = this->template Input<Tensor>(SOURCE_SHAPE, CPU);
375  typename ReducerGradient::Meta ctx(reduction_grad, 0, FirstDim);
376  for (int i = 0; i < ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(); ++i) {
377  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
378  ctx.observeOriginalInput(
379  ReducerGradient::originalInputs()[i],
380  aux_in,
381  nullptr, /*no grad*/
382  num_reduce_dims_);
383  }
385  const T* r_grad = reduction_grad.template data<T>();
387  CAFFE_ENFORCE_LE(num_reduce_dims_, source_shape.numel());
389  vector<int64_t> shape(
390  source_shape.template data<int64_t>(),
391  source_shape.template data<int64_t>() + source_shape.numel());
393  auto* data_grads = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
395  int64_t block_size = FirstDim
396  ? data_grads->size_from_dim(num_reduce_dims_)
397  : data_grads->size_from_dim(data_grads->dim() - num_reduce_dims_);
398  int64_t block_num = block_size > 0 ? data_grads->numel() / block_size : 0;
400  T* out = data_grads->template mutable_data<T>();
402  ReducerGradient r(ctx, r_grad, &context_);
403  for (int64_t i = 0; i < block_num; ++i) {
404  r.template fillGrad<FixedSize>(
405  ctx,
406  out + block_size * i,
407  i,
408  &context_,
409  FirstDim ? block_num : block_size);
410  }
411  return true;
412  }
414  static constexpr int kNumInputs =
415  ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size() + 2;
416  enum _InputTags {
417  REDUCTION_GRAD = ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(),
419  };
421  private:
422  int num_reduce_dims_;
423 };
425 template <typename T, typename Context, typename ReducerDef>
427  using OpDef = ReducerDef;
428  static constexpr const char* basename = "ReduceFront";
429  static constexpr const char* doc = R"DOC(
430 Reduces the input tensor along the first dimension of the input tensor by
431 applying '{op}'. This op acts in a similar way to SortedSegment{op} and
432 UnsortedSegment{op} but as if all input slices belong to a single segment.
434 {op_doc}
435  )DOC";
436  static void PopulateSchema(OpSchema& schema) {
437  schema.Input(
438  0, "DATA", "Input tensor to be reduced on the first dimension");
439  schema.TensorInferenceFunction([](const OperatorDef& def,
440  const vector<TensorShape>& in) {
441  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, in.size());
442  ArgumentHelper helper(def);
443  int num_reduce_dims = helper.GetSingleArgument<int>("num_reduce_dim", 1);
444  typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>::Meta ctx(true);
445  vector<int64_t> out_dims = ctx.getOutputShape(in[0], num_reduce_dims);
446  return vector<TensorShape>{
447  CreateTensorShape(out_dims, in[0].data_type())};
448  });
449  ReducerDef::PopulateSchema(schema);
450  }
451  using ReducerGradient =
452  typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient<T, Context>;
454  T,
455  Context,
456  typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>,
457  true>;
458  using BackwardOp =
460  struct GetGradient : public GradientMakerBase {
461  using GradientMakerBase::GradientMakerBase;
462  vector<OperatorDef> GetGradientDefs() override {
463  // Have utility function generating these names?
464  string tmp_dims = "_" + O(0) + "_dims";
466  vector<string> grad_ins;
467  for (const int i : ReducerGradient::originalInputs()) {
468  grad_ins.push_back(I(i));
469  }
470  grad_ins.push_back(GO(0));
471  grad_ins.push_back(tmp_dims);
473  vector<Argument> args;
474  if (ArgumentHelper::HasArgument(def_, "num_reduce_dim")) {
475  args.push_back(GetArgument(def_, "num_reduce_dim"));
476  }
477  // FIXME: pass in num_reduce_dims?!
478  return vector<OperatorDef>{
479  CreateOperatorDef(
480  "Shape", "", vector<string>{I(0)}, vector<string>{tmp_dims}),
481  CreateOperatorDef(
482  string(basename) + ReducerDef::name + "Gradient",
483  "",
484  grad_ins,
485  // no gradient on auxiliary inputs for now
486  vector<string>{GI(0)}),
487  };
488  }
489  };
490 };
492 template <typename T, typename Context, typename ReducerDef>
494  using OpDef = ReducerDef;
495  static constexpr const char* basename = "ReduceBack";
496  static constexpr const char* doc = R"DOC(
497 Reduces the input tensor along the last dimension of the input tensor by
498 applying '{op}'. This op acts in a similar way to SortedSegment{op} and
499 UnsortedSegment{op} but as if all input slices belong to a single segment.
501 {op_doc}
502  )DOC";
503  static void PopulateSchema(OpSchema& schema) {
504  schema.Input(
505  0, "DATA", "Input tensor to be reduced on the first dimension");
506  schema.TensorInferenceFunction([](const OperatorDef& def,
507  const vector<TensorShape>& in) {
508  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, in.size());
509  ArgumentHelper helper(def);
510  int num_reduce_dims = helper.GetSingleArgument<int>("num_reduce_dim", 1);
511  typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>::Meta ctx(false);
512  vector<int64_t> out_dims = ctx.getOutputShape(in[0], num_reduce_dims);
513  return vector<TensorShape>{
514  CreateTensorShape(out_dims, in[0].data_type())};
515  });
516  ReducerDef::PopulateSchema(schema);
517  }
518  using ReducerGradient =
519  typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient<T, Context>;
521  T,
522  Context,
523  typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>,
524  false>;
525  using BackwardOp =
527  struct GetGradient : public GradientMakerBase {
528  using GradientMakerBase::GradientMakerBase;
529  vector<OperatorDef> GetGradientDefs() override {
530  // Have utility function generating these names?
531  string tmp_dims = "_" + O(0) + "_dims";
533  vector<string> grad_ins;
534  for (const int i : ReducerGradient::originalInputs()) {
535  grad_ins.push_back(I(i));
536  }
537  grad_ins.push_back(GO(0));
538  grad_ins.push_back(tmp_dims);
540  vector<Argument> args;
541  if (ArgumentHelper::HasArgument(def_, "num_reduce_dim")) {
542  args.push_back(GetArgument(def_, "num_reduce_dim"));
543  }
544  // FIXME: pass in num_reduce_dims?!
545  return vector<OperatorDef>{
546  CreateOperatorDef(
547  "Shape", "", vector<string>{I(0)}, vector<string>{tmp_dims}),
548  CreateOperatorDef(
549  string(basename) + ReducerDef::name + "Gradient",
550  "",
551  grad_ins,
552  // no gradient on auxiliary inputs for now
553  vector<string>{GI(0)}),
554  };
555  }
556  };
557 };
581 template <
582  typename T,
583  typename SIndex,
584  class Context,
585  class Reducer,
586  bool SparseFused = true,
587  class InputAccessor = BaseInputAccessor<T>>
588 class AbstractSortedSegmentOp : public Operator<Context> {
589  public:
591  USE_SIMPLE_CTOR_DTOR(AbstractSortedSegmentOp);
593  bool RunOnDevice() override {
594  if (SparseFused) {
596  this, Input(INDICES));
597  } else {
598  // type doesn't matter
599  return DoRunWithType<int64_t>();
600  }
601  }
603  template <typename IndexType>
604  bool DoRunWithType() {
605  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
606  // to the reducer class
607  int64_t in_block_size = Input(0).size_from_dim(1);
609  this, in_block_size);
610  }
612  template <typename IndexType, int FixedSize>
613  bool DoRunWithValue() {
614  auto& dataInput = Input(0);
615  auto& segment_ids = Input(SEGMENT_IDS);
617  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, segment_ids.dim(), "SEGMENT_IDS must be a vector");
618  int64_t N = segment_ids.size(0);
619  const int64_t M = dataInput.size(0);
621  const IndexType* idxs;
622  if (SparseFused) { // static if
623  auto& indices = Input(INDICES);
624  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, indices.dim(), "INDICES must be a vector");
626  N,
627  indices.size(0),
628  "SEGMENT_IDS must have the same length as INDICES");
629  idxs = indices.template data<IndexType>();
630  } else {
632  N, M, "DATA must have the same first dimension as SEGMENT_IDS");
633  }
635  // It would probably look nicer with varargs templates but it's too much
636  // metaprogramming
637  typename Reducer::Meta ctx;
638  ctx.observeInput(0, dataInput, 1);
639  for (int i = 1; i < Reducer::kInputCount; ++i) {
640  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
642  N,
643  aux_in.size(0),
644  "Input ",
645  i,
646  " must have the same first dim as SEGMENT_IDS");
647  ctx.observeInput(i, aux_in, 1);
648  }
651  inputAccessor_.observeInput(dataInput),
652  "Unsupported input type: ",
653  dataInput.dtype().name(),
654  ".");
656  const SIndex* s_ids = segment_ids.template data<SIndex>();
658  const SIndex K = N > 0 ? s_ids[N - 1] + 1 : 0;
659  vector<int64_t> shape;
660  shape.push_back(K);
661  ctx.appendOutputShape(&shape);
662  auto* output = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
664  T* out = output->template mutable_data<T>();
665  if (N == 0) {
666  return true;
667  }
668  int64_t in_block_size = dataInput.size_from_dim(1);
669  int64_t out_block_size = output->size_from_dim(1);
671  // Assume the segments are sorted and there are no gaps
672  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(0, s_ids[0], "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
673  for (int64_t i = 0; i < N;) {
674  int64_t start = i;
676  Reducer r(ctx, out + out_block_size * s_ids[start], &context_);
677  for (; i < N && s_ids[start] == s_ids[i]; ++i) {
678  IndexType idx;
679  if (SparseFused) { // static if
681  0 <= idxs[i] && idxs[i] < M,
682  "Index out of bounds: ",
683  idxs[i],
684  ", range 0 to ",
685  M);
686  idx = idxs[i];
687  } else {
688  idx = i;
689  }
690  r.template process<FixedSize>(
691  ctx, inputAccessor_.getBlockPtr(in_block_size, idx), i, &context_);
692  }
694  r.template finish<FixedSize>(ctx, &context_);
695  // check correctness of the next segment
696  if (i < N) {
698  s_ids[start] + 1,
699  s_ids[i],
700  "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
701  }
702  }
703  return true;
704  }
706  enum {
707  INDICES = Reducer::kInputCount,
708  SEGMENT_IDS = Reducer::kInputCount + (SparseFused ? 1 : 0)
709  };
710  static constexpr int kSelfInputs = SparseFused ? 2 : 1;
711  static constexpr int kNumInputs = Reducer::kInputCount + kSelfInputs;
713  private:
714  InputAccessor inputAccessor_;
715 };
717 // Gradient actually doesn't depend on whether sparse lookup is fused or not
718 template <typename T, typename SIndex, class Context, class ReducerGradient>
719 class AbstractSortedSegmentGradientOp : public Operator<Context> {
720  public:
722  USE_SIMPLE_CTOR_DTOR(AbstractSortedSegmentGradientOp);
724  bool RunOnDevice() override {
725  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
726  // to the reducer class
727  int64_t grad_block_size = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS).size_from_dim(1);
729  this, grad_block_size);
730  }
732  template <int FixedSize>
733  bool DoRunWithValue() {
734  auto& segment_grads = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS);
735  auto& segment_ids = Input(SEGMENT_IDS);
737  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, segment_ids.dim(), "SEGMENT_IDS must be a vector");
738  int64_t N = segment_ids.size(0);
740  typename ReducerGradient::Meta ctx(segment_grads, 1);
741  for (int i = 0; i < ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(); ++i) {
742  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
744  N,
745  aux_in.size(0),
746  "Input ",
747  i,
748  " must have the same first dim as SEGMENT_IDS");
749  ctx.observeOriginalInput(
750  ReducerGradient::originalInputs()[i], aux_in, nullptr /*no grad*/, 1);
751  }
753  const SIndex* s_ids = segment_ids.template data<SIndex>();
754  const T* s_grads = segment_grads.template data<T>();
756  vector<int64_t> shape;
757  shape.push_back(N);
758  ctx.appendGradShape(&shape);
759  auto* data_grads = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
761  int64_t d_block_size = data_grads->size_from_dim(1);
762  const SIndex K = segment_grads.size(0);
763  int64_t s_block_size = segment_grads.size_from_dim(1);
764  T* out = data_grads->template mutable_data<T>();
766  if (N == 0) {
767  return true;
768  }
770  // Assume the segments are sorted and there are no gaps
771  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(0, s_ids[0], "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
772  // repeat the check from forward op
774  K - 1, s_ids[N - 1], "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
775  for (int64_t i = 0; i < N;) {
776  int64_t start = i;
777  int64_t end = start;
779  if (ReducerGradient::computeLength()) {
780  for (; end < N && s_ids[start] == s_ids[end]; ++end) {
781  }
782  }
784  ReducerGradient r(ctx, s_grads + s_block_size * s_ids[start], &context_);
785  for (; i < N && s_ids[start] == s_ids[i]; ++i) {
786  r.template fillGrad<FixedSize>(
787  ctx, out + d_block_size * i, i, &context_, end - start);
788  }
790  // check correctness of the next segment
791  if (i < N) {
793  s_ids[start] + 1,
794  s_ids[i],
795  "Indices must be sorted and not have gaps");
796  }
797  }
798  return true;
799  }
801  // Input layout:
802  // orig_arg1, orig_arg2, ..., orig_argN, SEGMENT_GRADS, SEGMENT_IDS
803  // orig_argXs represent original op's inputs and will be passed to the reducer
804  // directly
805  static constexpr int kNumInputs =
806  ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size() + 2;
807  enum _InputTags {
808  SEGMENT_GRADS = ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(),
810  };
811 };
813 // base implementation of sorted/unsorted sparse/non-sparse gradient computation
814 template <
815  typename ForwardOp,
816  typename ReducerDef,
817  typename ReducerGradient,
818  bool Sorted,
819  bool SparseFused>
821  using GradientMakerBase::GradientMakerBase;
822  vector<OperatorDef> GetGradientDefs() override {
824  !ReducerGradient::requiresDataInput(Def()),
825  "grads on aux inputs are not yet implemented for Segment operators.");
826  vector<string> grad_ins;
827  for (const int i : ReducerGradient::originalInputs()) {
828  grad_ins.push_back(I(i));
829  }
830  grad_ins.push_back(GO(0));
831  grad_ins.push_back(I(ForwardOp::SEGMENT_IDS));
832  vector<OperatorDef> r{CreateOperatorDef(
833  string(Sorted ? "SortedSegment" : "UnsortedSegment") +
834  ReducerDef::name + "Gradient",
835  "",
836  grad_ins,
837  // no gradient on segment_ids or auxiliary inputs for now
838  vector<string>{SparseFused ? GI_V(0) : GI(0)})};
839  if (SparseFused) {
840  SetSparse(0, I(ForwardOp::INDICES), GI_V(0));
841  }
842  return r;
843  }
844 };
846 template <typename T, typename SIndex, typename Context, typename ReducerDef>
848  using OpDef = ReducerDef;
849  static constexpr const char* basename = "SortedSegment";
850  static constexpr const char* doc = R"DOC(
851 Applies '{op}' to each segment of input tensor. Segments need to be sorted and
852 contiguous. See also UnsortedSegment{op} that doesn't have this requirement.
854 SEGMENT_IDS is a vector that maps each of the first dimension slices of the
855 DATA to a particular group (segment). Values belonging to the same segment are
856 aggregated together.
858 The first dimension of the output is equal to the number of input segments,
859 i.e. `SEGMENT_IDS[-1]+1`. Other dimensions are inherited from the input tensor.
861 {op_doc}
862  )DOC";
863  static void PopulateSchema(OpSchema& schema) {
864  schema.Input(0, "DATA", "Input tensor, slices of which are aggregated.");
865  schema.Input(
866  Reducer::kInputCount,
868  "Vector with the same length as the first dimension of DATA "
869  "and values in the range 0..K-1 and in increasing order that "
870  "maps each slice of DATA to one of the segments");
871  schema.Output(
872  0,
873  "OUTPUT",
874  "Aggregated output tensor. Has the first dimension of K "
875  "(the number of segments).");
876  ReducerDef::PopulateSchema(schema);
877  }
878  using Reducer = typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>;
879  using ReducerGradient =
880  typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient<T, Context>;
882  using BackwardOp =
885  ForwardOp,
886  ReducerDef,
887  ReducerGradient,
888  true /*Sorted*/,
889  false /*SparseFused*/>;
890 };
892 template <typename T, typename SIndex, typename Context, typename ReducerDef>
894  using OpDef = ReducerDef;
895  static constexpr const char* basename = "SparseSortedSegment";
896  static constexpr const char* doc = R"DOC(
897 Pulls in slices of the input tensor, groups them into segments and applies
898 '{op}' to each segment. Segments need to be sorted and contiguous. See also
899 SparseUnsortedSegment{op} that doesn't have this requirement.
901 This op is basically Gather and SortedSegment{op} fused together.
903 INDICES should contain integers in range 0..N-1 where N is the first dimension
904 of DATA. INDICES represent which slices of DATA need to be pulled in.
906 SEGMENT_IDS is a vector that maps each referenced slice of the DATA to a
907 particular group (segment). Values belonging to the same segment are aggregated
908 together. SEGMENT_IDS should have the same dimension as INDICES.
910 The first dimension of the output is equal to the number of input segments,
911 i.e. `SEGMENT_IDS[-1]+1`. Other dimensions are inherited from the input tensor.
913 {op_doc}
914  )DOC";
915  static void PopulateSchema(OpSchema& schema) {
916  schema.Input(0, "DATA", "Input tensor, slices of which are aggregated.");
917  schema.Input(
918  Reducer::kInputCount,
919  "INDICES",
920  "Integer vector containing indices of the first dimension of DATA for "
921  "the slices that are being aggregated");
922  schema.Input(
923  Reducer::kInputCount + 1,
925  "Vector with the same length as INDICES and values in the range "
926  "0..K-1 and in increasing order that maps each slice of DATA referenced"
927  " by INDICES to one of the segments");
928  schema.Output(
929  0,
930  "OUTPUT",
931  "Aggregated output tensor. Has the first dimension of K "
932  "(the number of segments).");
933  ReducerDef::PopulateSchema(schema);
934  }
935  using Reducer = typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>;
936  using ReducerGradient =
937  typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient<T, Context>;
939  // TODO(dzhulgakov): we're registering the same class twice here,
940  // consider avoiding op duplication here
941  using BackwardOp =
944  ForwardOp,
945  ReducerDef,
946  ReducerGradient,
947  true /*Sorted*/,
948  true /*SparseFused*/>;
949 };
980 template <
981  typename T,
982  typename SIndex,
983  class Context,
984  class Reducer,
985  bool SparseFused = true,
986  class InputAccessor = BaseInputAccessor<T>>
987 class AbstractUnsortedSegmentOp : public Operator<Context> {
988  public:
991  template <class... Args>
992  explicit AbstractUnsortedSegmentOp(Args&&... args)
993  : Operator<Context>(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
994  OP_SINGLE_ARG(int, "num_segments", num_segments_, -1) {}
996  bool RunOnDevice() override {
997  if (SparseFused) {
999  this, Input(INDICES));
1000  } else {
1001  // type doesn't matter
1002  return DoRunWithType<int64_t>();
1003  }
1004  }
1006  template <typename IndexType>
1007  bool DoRunWithType() {
1008  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
1009  // to the reducer class
1010  int64_t in_block_size = Input(0).size_from_dim(1);
1012  this, in_block_size);
1013  }
1015  template <typename IndexType, int FixedSize>
1016  bool DoRunWithValue() {
1017  auto& data = Input(0);
1018  auto& segment_ids = Input(SEGMENT_IDS);
1020  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, segment_ids.dim(), "SEGMENT_IDS must be a vector");
1021  int64_t N = segment_ids.size(0);
1022  const int64_t M = data.size(0);
1024  const IndexType* idxs;
1025  if (SparseFused) { // static if
1026  auto& indices = Input(INDICES);
1027  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, indices.dim(), "INDICES must be a vector");
1029  N,
1030  indices.size(0),
1031  "SEGMENT_IDS must have the same length as INDICES");
1032  idxs = indices.template data<IndexType>();
1033  } else {
1035  N, M, "DATA must have the same first dimension as SEGMENT_IDS");
1036  }
1038  // It would probably look nicer with varargs templates but it's too much
1039  // metaprogramming
1040  typename Reducer::Meta ctx;
1041  ctx.observeInput(0, data, 1);
1042  for (int i = 1; i < Reducer::kInputCount; ++i) {
1043  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
1045  N,
1046  aux_in.size(0),
1047  "Input ",
1048  i,
1049  " must have the same first dim as SEGMENT_IDS");
1050  ctx.observeInput(i, aux_in, 1);
1051  }
1053  const SIndex* s_ids = segment_ids.template data<SIndex>();
1055  inputAccessor_.observeInput(data),
1056  "Unsupported input type: ",
1057  data.dtype().name(),
1058  ".");
1060  // determine the number of segments
1061  SIndex K;
1062  if (num_segments_ != -1) {
1063  K = num_segments_;
1064  } else {
1065  K = 0;
1066  for (int64_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
1067  K = std::max(K, s_ids[i] + 1);
1068  }
1069  }
1071  vector<int64_t> shape;
1072  shape.push_back(K);
1073  ctx.appendOutputShape(&shape);
1074  auto* output = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
1076  int64_t in_block_size = data.size_from_dim(1);
1077  int64_t out_block_size = output->size_from_dim(1);
1078  T* out = output->template mutable_data<T>();
1080  reducers_.clear();
1081  reducers_.reserve(K);
1082  for (int64_t i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
1083  reducers_.emplace_back(ctx, out + out_block_size * i, &context_);
1084  }
1086  for (int64_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
1087  auto s_id = s_ids[i];
1089  0 <= s_id && s_id < K,
1090  "Segment id out of range: ",
1091  s_id,
1092  ", range 0 to ",
1093  K);
1094  IndexType idx;
1095  if (SparseFused) { // static if
1097  0 <= idxs[i] && idxs[i] < M,
1098  "Index out of bounds: ",
1099  idxs[i],
1100  ", range 0 to ",
1101  M);
1102  idx = idxs[i];
1103  } else {
1104  idx = i;
1105  }
1106  reducers_[s_id].template process<FixedSize>(
1107  ctx, inputAccessor_.getBlockPtr(in_block_size, idx), i, &context_);
1108  }
1110  for (int64_t i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
1111  reducers_[i].template finish<FixedSize>(ctx, &context_);
1112  }
1113  // call reducers destructors (if there is any)
1114  reducers_.clear();
1115  return true;
1116  }
1118  enum {
1119  INDICES = Reducer::kInputCount,
1120  SEGMENT_IDS = Reducer::kInputCount + (SparseFused ? 1 : 0)
1121  };
1122  static constexpr int kSelfInputs = SparseFused ? 2 : 1;
1123  static constexpr int kNumInputs = Reducer::kInputCount + kSelfInputs;
1125  private:
1126  int64_t num_segments_;
1127  // member field to reuse memory
1128  vector<Reducer> reducers_;
1129  InputAccessor inputAccessor_;
1130 };
1132 // Gradient actually doesn't depend on whether sparse lookup is fused or not
1133 template <typename T, typename SIndex, class Context, class ReducerGradient>
1135  public:
1137  USE_SIMPLE_CTOR_DTOR(AbstractUnsortedSegmentGradientOp);
1139  bool RunOnDevice() override {
1140  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
1141  // to the reducer class
1142  int64_t grad_block_size = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS).size_from_dim(1);
1144  this, grad_block_size);
1145  }
1147  template <int FixedSize>
1148  bool DoRunWithValue() {
1149  auto& segment_grads = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS);
1150  auto& segment_ids = Input(SEGMENT_IDS);
1152  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, segment_ids.dim(), "SEGMENT_IDS must be a vector");
1153  int64_t N = segment_ids.size(0);
1155  typename ReducerGradient::Meta ctx(segment_grads, 1);
1156  for (int i = 0; i < ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(); ++i) {
1157  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
1159  N,
1160  aux_in.size(0),
1161  "Input ",
1162  i,
1163  " must have the same first dim as SEGMENT_IDS");
1164  ctx.observeOriginalInput(
1165  ReducerGradient::originalInputs()[i], aux_in, nullptr /*no grad*/, 1);
1166  }
1168  const SIndex* s_ids = segment_ids.template data<SIndex>();
1169  const T* s_grads = segment_grads.template data<T>();
1171  vector<int64_t> shape;
1172  shape.push_back(N);
1173  ctx.appendGradShape(&shape);
1174  auto* data_grads = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
1176  int64_t d_block_size = data_grads->size_from_dim(1);
1177  const SIndex K = segment_grads.size(0);
1178  int64_t s_block_size = segment_grads.size_from_dim(1);
1179  T* out = data_grads->template mutable_data<T>();
1181  if (ReducerGradient::computeLength()) {
1182  segment_length_.resize(K, 0);
1183  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
1184  auto s_id = s_ids[i];
1186  0 <= s_id && s_id < K,
1187  "Segment id out of range: ",
1188  s_id,
1189  ", range 0 to ",
1190  K);
1191  segment_length_[s_ids[i]]++;
1192  }
1193  }
1195  reducers_.clear();
1196  reducers_.reserve(K);
1197  for (SIndex i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
1198  reducers_.emplace_back(ctx, s_grads + s_block_size * i, &context_);
1199  }
1201  for (int64_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
1202  auto s_id = s_ids[i];
1203  if (ReducerGradient::computeLength()) {
1204  reducers_[s_id].template fillGrad<FixedSize>(
1205  ctx, out + d_block_size * i, i, &context_, segment_length_[s_id]);
1206  } else {
1207  reducers_[s_id].template fillGrad<FixedSize>(
1208  ctx, out + d_block_size * i, i, &context_, 0);
1209  }
1210  }
1211  // call reducers destructors (if there is any)
1212  reducers_.clear();
1213  return true;
1214  }
1216  // Input layout:
1217  // orig_arg1, orig_arg2, ..., orig_argN, SEGMENT_GRADS, SEGMENT_IDS
1218  // orig_argXs represent original op's inputs and will be passed to the reducer
1219  // directly
1220  static constexpr int kNumInputs =
1221  ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size() + 2;
1222  enum _InputTags {
1223  SEGMENT_GRADS = ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(),
1225  };
1227  private:
1228  // member field to reuse memory
1229  vector<ReducerGradient> reducers_;
1230  vector<int> segment_length_;
1231 };
1233 template <typename T, typename SIndex, typename Context, typename ReducerDef>
1235  using OpDef = ReducerDef;
1236  static constexpr const char* basename = "UnsortedSegment";
1237  static constexpr const char* doc = R"DOC(
1238 Applies '{op}' to each segment of input tensor. Segments ids can appear in
1239 arbitrary order (unlike in SortedSegment{op}).
1241 SEGMENT_IDS is a vector that maps each of the first dimension slices of the
1242 DATA to a particular group (segment). Values belonging to the same segment are
1243 aggregated together.
1245 If `num_segments` argument is passed it would be used as a first dimension for
1246 the output. Otherwise, it'd be dynamically calculated from as the max value of
1247 SEGMENT_IDS plus one. Other output dimensions are inherited from the input
1248 tensor.
1250 {op_doc}
1251  )DOC";
1252  static void PopulateSchema(OpSchema& schema) {
1253  schema.Arg(
1254  "num_segments",
1255  "Optional int argument specifying the number of output segments and "
1256  "thus the first dimension of the output");
1257  schema.Input(0, "DATA", "Input tensor, slices of which are aggregated.");
1258  schema.Input(
1259  Reducer::kInputCount,
1260  "SEGMENT_IDS",
1261  "Integer vector with the same length as the first dimension of DATA "
1262  "that maps each slice of DATA to one of the segments");
1263  schema.Output(
1264  0,
1265  "OUTPUT",
1266  "Aggregated output tensor. Has the first dimension of equal to the "
1267  "number of segments.");
1268  ReducerDef::PopulateSchema(schema);
1269  }
1270  using Reducer = typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>;
1271  using ReducerGradient =
1272  typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient<T, Context>;
1274  T,
1275  SIndex,
1276  Context,
1277  typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>,
1278  false>;
1279  using BackwardOp =
1282  ForwardOp,
1283  ReducerDef,
1284  ReducerGradient,
1285  false /*Sorted*/,
1286  false /*SparseFused*/>;
1287 };
1289 template <typename T, typename SIndex, typename Context, typename ReducerDef>
1291  using OpDef = ReducerDef;
1292  static constexpr const char* basename = "SparseUnsortedSegment";
1293  static constexpr const char* doc = R"DOC(
1294 Pulls in slices of the input tensor, groups them into segments and applies
1295 '{op}' to each segment. Segments ids can appear in arbitrary order (unlike in
1296 SparseSortedSegment{op}).
1298 This op is basically Gather and UnsortedSegment{op} fused together.
1300 INDICES should contain integers in range 0..N-1 where N is the first dimension
1301 of DATA. INDICES represent which slices of DATA need to be pulled in.
1303 SEGMENT_IDS is a vector that maps each referenced slice of the DATA to a
1304 particular group (segment). Values belonging to the same segment are aggregated
1305 together. SEGMENT_IDS should have the same dimension as INDICES.
1307 If `num_segments` argument is passed it would be used as a first dimension for
1308 the output. Otherwise, it'd be dynamically calculated from as the max value of
1309 SEGMENT_IDS plus one. Other output dimensions are inherited from the input
1310 tensor.
1312 {op_doc}
1313  )DOC";
1314  static void PopulateSchema(OpSchema& schema) {
1315  schema.Input(0, "DATA", "Input tensor, slices of which are aggregated.");
1316  schema.Input(
1317  Reducer::kInputCount,
1318  "INDICES",
1319  "Integer vector containing indices of the first dimension of DATA for "
1320  "the slices that are being aggregated");
1321  schema.Input(
1322  Reducer::kInputCount + 1,
1323  "SEGMENT_IDS",
1324  "Integer vector with the same length as INDICES that maps each slice "
1325  "of DATA referenced by INDICES to one of the segments");
1326  schema.Output(
1327  0,
1328  "OUTPUT",
1329  "Aggregated output tensor. Has the first dimension of equal to the "
1330  "number of segments.");
1331  ReducerDef::PopulateSchema(schema);
1332  }
1333  using Reducer = typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>;
1334  using ReducerGradient =
1335  typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient<T, Context>;
1337  // TODO(dzhulgakov): we're registering the same class twice here,
1338  // consider avoiding op duplication here
1339  using BackwardOp =
1342  ForwardOp,
1343  ReducerDef,
1344  ReducerGradient,
1345  false /*Sorted*/,
1346  true /*SparseFused*/>;
1347 };
1371 // TODO(dzhulgakov): for now it's implemented with incremental reducers because
1372 // of fused sparse support. But using "lengths" representation actually implies
1373 // continuous segments and thus range reducers can be used for non-sparse
1374 // version.
1376 template <
1377  typename TData,
1378  typename TLengths,
1379  class Context,
1380  class Reducer,
1381  bool SparseFused = true,
1382  class InputAccessor = BaseInputAccessor<TData>>
1383 class AbstractLengthsOp : public Operator<Context> {
1384  public:
1386  USE_SIMPLE_CTOR_DTOR(AbstractLengthsOp);
1388  bool RunOnDevice() override {
1389  if (SparseFused) {
1391  this, Input(INDICES));
1392  } else {
1393  // type doesn't matter
1394  return DoRunWithType<int64_t>();
1395  }
1396  }
1398  template <typename IndexType>
1399  bool DoRunWithType() {
1400  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
1401  // to the reducer class
1402  int64_t in_block_size = Input(0).size_from_dim(1);
1404  this, in_block_size);
1405  }
1407  template <typename IndexType, int FixedSize>
1408  bool DoRunWithValue() {
1409  auto& dataInput = Input(0);
1410  auto& lengthsInput = Input(LENGTHS);
1412  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, lengthsInput.dim(), "LENGTHS must be a vector");
1413  const int64_t dataSize = dataInput.size(0);
1414  // Either first dim the data or how much we pull in indexies from it
1415  int64_t dataToReduceSize;
1416  const int64_t outputSize = lengthsInput.size(0);
1418  const IndexType* indices;
1419  if (SparseFused) { // static if
1420  auto& indicesInput = Input(INDICES);
1421  CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(1, indicesInput.dim(), "INDICES must be a vector");
1422  indices = indicesInput.template data<IndexType>();
1423  dataToReduceSize = indicesInput.size(0);
1424  } else {
1425  dataToReduceSize = dataSize;
1426  }
1428  typename Reducer::Meta ctx;
1429  ctx.observeInput(0, dataInput, 1);
1430  for (int i = 1; i < Reducer::kInputCount; ++i) {
1431  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
1433  dataToReduceSize == aux_in.size(0),
1434  "Input ",
1435  i,
1436  " must have the same first dim as SEGMENT_IDS");
1437  ctx.observeInput(i, aux_in, 1);
1438  }
1440  const TLengths* lengths = lengthsInput.template data<TLengths>();
1443  inputAccessor_.observeInput(dataInput),
1444  "Unsupported input type: ",
1445  dataInput.dtype().name(),
1446  ".");
1448  vector<int64_t> shape{outputSize};
1449  ctx.appendOutputShape(&shape);
1450  auto* output = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<TData>());
1452  int64_t in_block_size = dataInput.size_from_dim(1);
1453  int64_t out_block_size = output->size_from_dim(1);
1454  TData* out = output->template mutable_data<TData>();
1456  int64_t dataIndex = 0;
1457  for (int64_t rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < outputSize; ++rangeIndex) {
1458  Reducer reducer(ctx, out + out_block_size * rangeIndex, &context_);
1459  for (int64_t start = dataIndex; dataIndex < start + lengths[rangeIndex];
1460  ++dataIndex) {
1461  IndexType idx;
1462  if (SparseFused) { // static if
1463  idx = indices[dataIndex];
1465  0 <= idx && idx < dataSize,
1466  "The ",
1467  dataIndex,
1468  "th index from the input indices is out of bounds: ",
1469  idx,
1470  " vs. valid range 0 to ",
1471  dataSize);
1472  } else {
1473  idx = dataIndex;
1475  0 <= idx && idx < dataSize,
1476  "When calculating the ",
1477  rangeIndex,
1478  "th output with length=",
1479  lengths[rangeIndex],
1480  ", the index is out of bounds: ",
1481  idx,
1482  " vs. valid range 0 to ",
1483  dataSize);
1484  }
1486  const TData* input = inputAccessor_.getBlockPtr(in_block_size, idx);
1487  reducer.template process<FixedSize>(ctx, input, dataIndex, &context_);
1488  }
1489  reducer.template finish<FixedSize>(ctx, &context_);
1490  }
1492  dataIndex == dataToReduceSize, dataIndex, " != ", dataToReduceSize);
1494  return true;
1495  }
1497  enum {
1498  INDICES = Reducer::kInputCount,
1499  LENGTHS = Reducer::kInputCount + (SparseFused ? 1 : 0)
1500  };
1501  static constexpr int kSelfInputs = SparseFused ? 2 : 1;
1502  static constexpr int kNumInputs = Reducer::kInputCount + kSelfInputs;
1504  private:
1505  InputAccessor inputAccessor_;
1506 };
1508 /*
1509  * Some notice:
1510  * 1. Gradient actually doesn't depend on whether sparse lookup is fused or not
1511  * 2. INDICES are not used in CPU version, but they are needed in async CUDA
1512  * version. So we register 3 input version for CPU as gradient op for
1513  * GPU/CPU convert. We then register 2 input version for CPU for backward
1514  * compatibility with older nets.
1515  */
1516 template <
1517  typename T,
1518  typename TLengths,
1519  class Context,
1520  class ReducerGradient,
1521  bool GradientNeedIndices = false>
1522 class AbstractLengthsGradientOp : public Operator<Context> {
1523  public:
1525  USE_SIMPLE_CTOR_DTOR(AbstractLengthsGradientOp);
1527  bool RunOnDevice() override {
1528  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
1529  // to the reducer class
1530  int64_t gradBlockSize = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS).size_from_dim(1);
1532  this, gradBlockSize);
1533  }
1535  template <int FixedSize>
1536  bool DoRunWithValue() {
1537  auto& segmentGradsInput = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS);
1538  auto& lengthsInput = Input(LENGTHS);
1540  CAFFE_ENFORCE(lengthsInput.dim() == 1, "LENGTHS must be a vector");
1541  int64_t reducedDataSize = 0;
1542  int64_t numSegments = lengthsInput.size(0);
1543  CAFFE_ENFORCE(segmentGradsInput.dim() > 0);
1544  CAFFE_ENFORCE(numSegments == segmentGradsInput.size(0));
1545  const TLengths* lengths = lengthsInput.template data<TLengths>();
1546  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numSegments; ++i) {
1547  reducedDataSize += lengths[i];
1548  }
1550  typename ReducerGradient::Meta ctx(segmentGradsInput, 1);
1551  for (int i = 0; i < ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(); ++i) {
1552  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
1554  reducedDataSize,
1555  aux_in.size(0),
1556  "Input ",
1557  i,
1558  " must have the same first dim as SEGMENT_IDS");
1559  ctx.observeOriginalInput(
1560  ReducerGradient::originalInputs()[i], aux_in, nullptr /*no grad*/, 1);
1561  }
1563  const T* segmentGrads = segmentGradsInput.template data<T>();
1565  vector<int64_t> shape;
1566  shape.push_back(reducedDataSize);
1567  ctx.appendGradShape(&shape);
1568  auto* dataGradsOutput = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
1570  int64_t dataGradsBlockSize = dataGradsOutput->size_from_dim(1);
1571  int64_t segmentBlockSize = segmentGradsInput.size_from_dim(1);
1572  T* dataGrads = dataGradsOutput->template mutable_data<T>();
1574  int64_t dataIndex = 0;
1575  for (int64_t rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < numSegments; ++rangeIndex) {
1576  ReducerGradient reducer(
1577  ctx, segmentGrads + segmentBlockSize * rangeIndex, &context_);
1578  for (int64_t start = dataIndex; dataIndex < start + lengths[rangeIndex];
1579  ++dataIndex) {
1580  reducer.template fillGrad<FixedSize>(
1581  ctx,
1582  dataGrads + dataGradsBlockSize * dataIndex,
1583  dataIndex,
1584  &context_,
1585  lengths[rangeIndex]);
1586  }
1587  }
1589  dataIndex == reducedDataSize, dataIndex, " != ", reducedDataSize);
1590  return true;
1591  }
1593  // Input layout:
1594  // orig_arg1, orig_arg2, ..., orig_argN, SEGMENT_GRADS, LENGTHS, INDICES
1595  // orig_argXs represent original op's inputs and will be passed to the reducer
1596  // directly
1597  static constexpr int kNumInputs = ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size() +
1598  2 + (GradientNeedIndices ? 1 : 0);
1599  enum _InputTags {
1600  SEGMENT_GRADS = ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(),
1601  LENGTHS,
1603  };
1604 };
1606 // Version of gradient that requires the main input and thus needs to receive
1607 // length, indices and other stuff
1608 template <
1609  typename Tembedding,
1610  typename T,
1611  typename TLengths,
1612  class Context,
1613  class ReducerGradient,
1614  bool SparseFused = true,
1615  bool GradientNeedIndices = false>
1617  public:
1619  USE_SIMPLE_CTOR_DTOR(AbstractLengthsWithMainInputGradientOp);
1621  bool RunOnDevice() override {
1622  if (SparseFused) {
1624  this, Input(INDICES));
1625  } else {
1626  // type doesn't matter
1627  return DoRunWithType<int64_t>();
1628  }
1629  }
1631  template <typename IndexType>
1632  bool DoRunWithType() {
1633  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
1634  // to the reducer class
1635  int64_t in_block_size = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS).size_from_dim(1);
1637  call(this, in_block_size);
1638  }
1640  template <typename IndexType, int FixedSize>
1641  bool DoRunWithValue() {
1642  auto& dataInput = Input(DATA_INPUT);
1643  auto& segmentGradsInput = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS);
1644  auto& lengthsInput = Input(LENGTHS);
1646  CAFFE_ENFORCE(lengthsInput.dim() == 1, "LENGTHS must be a vector");
1647  int64_t numSegments = lengthsInput.size(0);
1648  CAFFE_ENFORCE(segmentGradsInput.dim() > 0);
1649  CAFFE_ENFORCE(numSegments == segmentGradsInput.size(0));
1650  const TLengths* lengths = lengthsInput.template data<TLengths>();
1652  typename ReducerGradient::Meta ctx(segmentGradsInput, 1);
1653  for (int i = 0; i < ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(); ++i) {
1654  int aux_num = ReducerGradient::originalInputs()[i];
1655  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
1656  auto* aux_grad = aux_num < OutputSize() ? Output(aux_num) : nullptr;
1657  ctx.observeOriginalInput(aux_num, aux_in, aux_grad, 1);
1658  }
1660  // Either first dim the data or how much we pull in indexies from it
1661  int64_t dataToReduceSize;
1662  const IndexType* indices = nullptr;
1663  if (SparseFused) { // static if
1664  auto& indicesInput = Input(INDICES);
1665  indices = indicesInput.template data<IndexType>();
1666  dataToReduceSize = indicesInput.size(0);
1667  } else {
1668  dataToReduceSize = dataInput.size(0);
1669  }
1671  const T* segmentGrads = segmentGradsInput.template data<T>();
1673  vector<int64_t> shape;
1674  shape.push_back(dataToReduceSize);
1675  ctx.appendGradShape(&shape);
1676  auto* dataGradsOutput = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
1678  int64_t dataGradsBlockSize = dataGradsOutput->size_from_dim(1);
1679  int64_t segmentBlockSize = segmentGradsInput.size_from_dim(1);
1680  T* dataGrads = dataGradsOutput->template mutable_data<T>();
1682  const Tembedding* data = dataInput.template data<Tembedding>();
1683  int64_t dataIndex = 0;
1684  for (int64_t rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < numSegments; ++rangeIndex) {
1685  ReducerGradient reducer(
1686  ctx, segmentGrads + segmentBlockSize * rangeIndex, &context_);
1687  for (int64_t start = dataIndex; dataIndex < start + lengths[rangeIndex];
1688  ++dataIndex) {
1689  IndexType data_pos;
1690  // No range checking, should've been verified in forward pass
1691  if (SparseFused) { // static if
1692  data_pos = indices[dataIndex];
1693  } else {
1694  data_pos = dataIndex;
1695  }
1696  reducer.template fillGradWithMainInput<FixedSize>(
1697  ctx,
1698  data + dataGradsBlockSize * data_pos,
1699  dataGrads + dataGradsBlockSize * dataIndex,
1700  dataIndex,
1701  &context_,
1702  lengths[rangeIndex]);
1703  }
1704  }
1705  return true;
1706  }
1708  // Input layout:
1709  // orig_arg1, orig_arg2, ..., orig_argN, SEGMENT_GRADS, LENGTHS,
1711  // orig_argXs represent original op's inputs and will be passed to the reducer
1712  // directly
1713  static constexpr int kNumInputs = ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size() +
1714  3 + (SparseFused ? 1 : 0) + (GradientNeedIndices ? 1 : 0);
1715  enum _InputTags {
1716  SEGMENT_GRADS = ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(),
1717  LENGTHS,
1719  INDICES,
1720  };
1721 };
1723 // Version of gradient that requires the main input as well as the output of the
1724 // forward op.
1725 template <typename T, typename TLengths, class Context, class ReducerGradient>
1727  : public Operator<Context> {
1728  public:
1732  bool RunOnDevice() override {
1733  // If more complicated fixed size logic becomes necessary, it can be moved
1734  // to the reducer class.
1735  int64_t in_block_size = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS).size_from_dim(1);
1737  this, in_block_size);
1738  }
1740  template <int FixedSize>
1741  bool DoRunWithValue() {
1742  auto& dataInput = Input(DATA_INPUT);
1743  auto& segmentGradsInput = Input(SEGMENT_GRADS);
1744  auto& lengthsInput = Input(LENGTHS);
1745  auto& forwardOutputInput = Input(FORWARD_OUTPUT);
1747  CAFFE_ENFORCE(lengthsInput.dim() == 1, "LENGTHS must be a vector");
1748  int64_t numSegments = lengthsInput.size(0);
1749  CAFFE_ENFORCE(segmentGradsInput.dim() > 0);
1750  CAFFE_ENFORCE(numSegments == segmentGradsInput.size(0));
1751  const TLengths* lengths = lengthsInput.template data<TLengths>();
1753  typename ReducerGradient::Meta ctx(segmentGradsInput, 1);
1754  for (int i = 0; i < ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(); ++i) {
1755  int aux_num = ReducerGradient::originalInputs()[i];
1756  auto& aux_in = Input(i);
1757  auto* aux_grad = aux_num < OutputSize() ? Output(aux_num) : nullptr;
1758  ctx.observeOriginalInput(aux_num, aux_in, aux_grad, 1);
1759  }
1761  CAFFE_ENFORCE(forwardOutputInput.dim() > 0);
1762  CAFFE_ENFORCE(numSegments == forwardOutputInput.size(0));
1763  const T* forwardOutput = forwardOutputInput.template data<T>();
1765  int64_t dataToReduceSize = dataInput.size(0);
1767  const T* segmentGrads = segmentGradsInput.template data<T>();
1769  vector<int64_t> shape;
1770  shape.push_back(dataToReduceSize);
1771  ctx.appendGradShape(&shape);
1772  auto* dataGradsOutput = Output(0, shape, at::dtype<T>());
1774  int64_t dataGradsBlockSize = dataGradsOutput->size_from_dim(1);
1775  int64_t segmentBlockSize = segmentGradsInput.size_from_dim(1);
1776  T* dataGrads = dataGradsOutput->template mutable_data<T>();
1778  const T* data = dataInput.template data<T>();
1780  int64_t dataIndex = 0;
1781  for (int64_t rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < numSegments; ++rangeIndex) {
1782  ReducerGradient reducer(
1783  ctx, segmentGrads + segmentBlockSize * rangeIndex, &context_);
1784  for (int64_t start = dataIndex; dataIndex < start + lengths[rangeIndex];
1785  ++dataIndex) {
1786  // No range checking, should've been verified in forward pass
1787  reducer.template fillGradWithMainInputAndForwardOutput<FixedSize>(
1788  ctx,
1789  data + dataGradsBlockSize * dataIndex,
1790  dataGrads + dataGradsBlockSize * dataIndex,
1791  forwardOutput + segmentBlockSize * rangeIndex,
1792  dataIndex,
1793  &context_,
1794  lengths[rangeIndex]);
1795  }
1796  }
1797  return true;
1798  }
1800  // Input layout:
1801  // orig_arg1, orig_arg2, ..., orig_argN, FORWARD_OUTPUT, SEGMENT_GRADS,
1803  // orig_argXs represent original op's inputs and will be passed to the reducer
1804  // directly
1805  static constexpr int kNumInputs =
1806  ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size() + 4;
1807  enum _InputTags {
1808  FORWARD_OUTPUT = ReducerGradient::originalInputs().size(),
1810  LENGTHS,
1812  };
1813 };
1815 // base implementation of sparse/non-sparse gradient computation
1816 template <
1817  typename ForwardOp,
1818  typename ReducerDef,
1819  typename ReducerGradient,
1820  bool SparseFused,
1821  bool GradientNeedIndices = false>
1823  using GradientMakerBase::GradientMakerBase;
1824  vector<OperatorDef> GetGradientDefs() override {
1825  vector<string> grad_ins;
1826  string suffix = "Gradient";
1827  for (const int i : ReducerGradient::originalInputs()) {
1828  grad_ins.push_back(I(i));
1829  }
1830  if (ReducerGradient::requiresForwardOutput()) {
1831  grad_ins.push_back(O(0));
1833  !SparseFused,
1834  "Forward pass output not yet supported as input for backward pass "
1835  "for SparseLengthsXXX operators");
1836  suffix = "AndForwardOutput" + suffix;
1837  }
1838  grad_ins.push_back(GO(0));
1839  grad_ins.push_back(I(ForwardOp::LENGTHS));
1840  bool indices_pushed = false;
1841  if (ReducerGradient::requiresDataInput(Def())) {
1842  grad_ins.push_back(I(0));
1843  if (SparseFused) {
1844  grad_ins.push_back(I(ForwardOp::INDICES));
1845  indices_pushed = true;
1846  }
1847  suffix = "WithMainInput" + suffix;
1848  }
1849  if (GradientNeedIndices && !indices_pushed) {
1850  if (SparseFused) {
1851  grad_ins.push_back(I(ForwardOp::INDICES));
1852  } else {
1853  // Hacky: using Input as Indices, remove this after we have specialized
1854  // cuda LengthsIndicesInGradientSumGradient
1855  grad_ins.push_back(I(0));
1856  }
1857  }
1858  vector<string> grad_outs;
1859  grad_outs.push_back({SparseFused ? GI_V(0) : GI(0)});
1860  int aux_grads = ReducerGradient::numAuxInputsWithGrads(Def());
1861  for (int i = 1; i <= aux_grads; ++i) {
1862  grad_outs.push_back(GI(i));
1863  }
1864  vector<OperatorDef> r{CreateOperatorDef(
1865  string(SparseFused ? "SparseLengths" : "Lengths") +
1866  string(GradientNeedIndices ? "IndicesInGradient" : "") +
1867  ReducerDef::name + suffix,
1868  "",
1869  grad_ins,
1870  grad_outs)};
1871  if (SparseFused) {
1872  SetSparse(0, I(ForwardOp::INDICES), GI_V(0));
1873  }
1874  return r;
1875  }
1876 };
1878 template <
1879  typename T,
1880  typename SIndex,
1881  typename Context,
1882  typename ReducerDef,
1883  bool GradientNeedIndices = false>
1885  using OpDef = ReducerDef;
1886  static constexpr const char* basename = "Lengths";
1887  static constexpr const char* doc = R"DOC(
1888 Applies '{op}' to each segment of the input tensor. Segments are defined
1889 by their *LENGTHS*. *LENGTHS* is a vector that maps each of the slices of
1890 *DATA* to a particular segment. Values belonging to the same segment are
1891 aggregated together and considered for the '{op}' operation.
1893 For example *LENGTHS = [2, 1]* stands for segments *DATA[0..1]* and *DATA[2]*
1895 The sum of elements in *LENGTHS* must equal the number of elements in the first
1896 dimension of *DATA*. The length of *OUTPUT* is equal to the number of input
1897 segments, i.e. len(*LENGTHS*).
1899 {op_doc}
1901 {extra}
1902  )DOC";
1903  static void PopulateSchema(OpSchema& schema) {
1904  schema.Input(0, "DATA", "Input tensor, slices of which are aggregated.");
1905  schema.Input(
1906  Reducer::kInputCount,
1907  "LENGTHS",
1908  "Vector with the same sum of elements as the first dimension of DATA");
1909  schema.Output(
1910  0,
1911  "OUTPUT",
1912  "Aggregated output tensor. Has the first dimension of len(LENGTHS) ");
1913  schema.TensorInferenceFunction(
1914  [](const OperatorDef& def, const vector<TensorShape>& in) {
1915  vector<TensorShape> out(0);
1916  TensorShape output;
1917  for (int d : in[Reducer::kInputCount].dims()) {
1918  output.add_dims(d);
1919  }
1920  for (int j = 1; j < in[0].dims_size(); j++) {
1921  output.add_dims(in[0].dims(j));
1922  }
1923  output.set_data_type(in[0].data_type());
1924  out.push_back(output);
1925  return out;
1926  });
1927  ReducerDef::PopulateSchema(schema);
1928  }
1929  using Reducer = typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>;
1930  using ReducerGradient =
1931  typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient<T, Context>;
1933  using BackwardOp =
1936  T,
1937  T,
1938  SIndex,
1939  Context,
1940  ReducerGradient,
1941  false>;
1944  T,
1945  SIndex,
1946  Context,
1947  ReducerGradient>;
1949  ForwardOp,
1950  ReducerDef,
1951  ReducerGradient,
1952  false /*SparseFused*/,
1953  GradientNeedIndices>;
1954 };
1956 OpSchema::Cost CostInferenceForSparseLengths(
1957  const OperatorDef& def,
1958  const vector<TensorShape>& inputs,
1959  bool use_weight);
1961 template <
1962  typename T,
1963  typename SIndex,
1964  typename Context,
1965  typename ReducerDef,
1966  bool GradientNeedIndices = false>
1968  using OpDef = ReducerDef;
1969  static constexpr const char* basename = "SparseLengths";
1970  static constexpr const char* doc = R"DOC(
1971 Pulls in slices of the input tensor, groups them into segments and applies
1972 '{op}' to each segment. Segments are defined by their LENGTHS.
1974 This op is basically Gather and Lengths{op} fused together.
1976 INDICES should contain integers in range 0..N-1 where N is the first dimension
1977 of DATA. INDICES represent which slices of DATA need to be pulled in.
1979 LENGTHS is a vector that defines slice sizes by first dimention of DATA. Values
1980 belonging to the same segment are aggregated together. sum(LENGTHS) has
1981 to match INDICES size.
1983 The first dimension of the output is equal to the number of input segment,
1984 i.e. `len(LENGTHS)`. Other dimensions are inherited from the input tensor.
1986 {op_doc}
1987  )DOC";
1988  static void PopulateSchema(OpSchema& schema) {
1989  schema.Input(0, "DATA", "Input tensor, slices of which are aggregated.");
1990  schema.Input(
1991  Reducer::kInputCount,
1992  "INDICES",
1993  "Integer vector containing indices of the first dimension of DATA for "
1994  "the slices that are being aggregated");
1995  schema.Input(
1996  Reducer::kInputCount + 1,
1997  "LENGTHS",
1998  "Non negative vector with sum of elements equal to INDICES length");
1999  schema.Output(
2000  0,
2001  "OUTPUT",
2002  "Aggregated output tensor. Has the first dimension of K "
2003  "(the number of segments).");
2004  schema.TensorInferenceFunction(
2005  [](const OperatorDef&, const std::vector<TensorShape>& input_types) {
2006  std::vector<TensorShape> out(1);
2007  out[0] = input_types[0];
2008  out[0].set_dims(0, input_types[Reducer::kInputCount + 1].dims(0));
2009  return out;
2010  });
2011  ReducerDef::PopulateSchema(schema);
2013  schema.CostInferenceFunction(
2014  [](const OperatorDef& def,
2015  const vector<TensorShape>& inputs) -> OpSchema::Cost {
2016  return CostInferenceForSparseLengths(
2017  def, inputs, strcmp(OpDef::name, "WeightedSum") == 0);
2018  });
2019  }
2020  using Reducer = typename ReducerDef::template Reducer<T, Context>;
2021  using ReducerGradient =
2022  typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient<T, Context>;
2024  // TODO(dzhulgakov): we're registering the same class twice here,
2025  // consider avoiding op duplication here
2026  // Note: registering 2 input version for now because of naming in the macro,
2027  // will register 3 input version alone
2028  /* INDICES are not used in CPU version, but they are needed in async CUDA
2029  * version. So we register 3 input version for CPU as gradient op for
2030  * GPU/CPU convert. We then register 2 input version for CPU for backward
2031  * compatibility with older nets.
2032  */
2034  T,
2035  SIndex,
2036  Context,
2037  ReducerGradient,
2038  false /*GradientNeedIndices*/>;
2040  T,
2041  T,
2042  SIndex,
2043  Context,
2044  ReducerGradient>;
2045  // Will return 3 input version. This is aliging new CPU/GPU nets.
2047  ForwardOp,
2048  ReducerDef,
2049  ReducerGradient,
2050  true /*SparseFused*/,
2051  GradientNeedIndices>;
2052 };
2053 } // namespace caffe2
A class to record the schema of an op.
Definition: any.cpp:108
Segment reduction op with optional fused embedding lookup.
A helper class to index into arguments.
Definition: proto_utils.h:200
Segment reduction op with optional fused embedding lookup.
Base implementation for segment reduction op that leverages continuity of the data.
A global dictionary that holds information about what Caffe2 modules have been loaded in the current ...
Definition: blob.h:13
OpSchema & CostInferenceFunction(CostInferenceFunctionType function)
Register the Cost inference function.
Simple non-segmented reduction over the first few dimensions of the tensor.
OpSchema & TensorInferenceFunction(TensorInferenceFunctionType function)
Sets the tensor inference function, which is a std::function object defined in operator_schema.h.
Unsorted segment reduction op with optional fused embedding lookup.